Beispiel #1
import numpy as np
import pymc as pm
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

N = 20

#create some artificial data.
lifetime = pm.rweibull(2, 5, size=N)
birth = pm.runiform(0, 10, N)

censor = (birth +
          lifetime) > 10  #an individual is right-censored if this is True
lifetime_ =, censor)  #create the censorship event.
lifetime_.set_fill_value(10)  #good for computations later.

#this begins the model
alpha = pm.Uniform("alpha", 0, 20)
#lets just use uninformative priors
beta = pm.Uniform("beta", 0, 20)
obs = pm.Weibull('obs', alpha, beta, value=lifetime_, observed=True)

def censor_factor(obs=obs):
    if np.any((obs + birth < 10)[lifetime_.mask]):
        return -np.inf
        return 0

#perform Markov Chain Monte Carlo - see chapter 3 of BMH
Beispiel #2
The statistical distribution chosen here is the Weibull
distribution, but the same can be done for any other

from pymc import rweibull, Uniform, Weibull
First, we will create a fake data set using some
fixed parameters. In real life, of course, you
already have the data  !
alpha = 3
beta = 5
N = 100
dataset = rweibull(alpha, beta, N)
Now we create a pymc model that defines the likelihood
of the data set and prior assumptions about the value
of the parameters.
a = Uniform('a', lower=0, upper=10, value=5, doc='Weibull alpha parameter')
b = Uniform('b', lower=0, upper=10, value=5, doc='Weibull beta parameter')
like = Weibull('like', alpha=a, beta=b, value=dataset, observed=True)
pred = Weibull('like', alpha=a, beta=b, value=dataset)

if __name__ == '__main__':

    from pymc import MCMC, Matplot

    # Sample the parameters a and b and analyze the results
Beispiel #3
# from pymc.examples import disaster_model

# M = MCMC(disaster_model)
# M.sample(iter=10000, burn=1000, thin=10)
# M.trace('switchpoint')[:]

from pymc import rweibull, Uniform, Weibull

alpha = 3
beta = 5
N = 100
dataset = rweibull(alpha, beta, N)

print dataset

Now we create a pymc model that defines the likelihood
of the data set and prior assumptions about the value
of the parameters.
a = Uniform('a', lower=0, upper=10, value=5, doc='Weibull alpha parameter')
b = Uniform('b', lower=0, upper=10, value=5, doc='Weibull beta parameter')
like = Weibull('like', alpha=a, beta=b, value=dataset, observed=True)

if __name__ == '__main__':

    from pymc import MCMC, Matplot
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pymc as mc
import scipy.stats as stats
import math


# artificial data
N = 20
true_alpha = 2
true_beta = 5
lifetime = mc.rweibull(true_alpha, true_beta, size=N)
birth = mc.runiform(0, 10, N)

# an individual is right censored if this is true
censor = (birth + lifetime) > 10
lifetime_ =, censor)

y = np.arange(0, N)
for b, l, yy in zip(birth, lifetime, y):
    plt.plot([b, b + l], [yy, yy])
plt.plot(birth + lifetime, y, linestyle="", marker="o")

# begin the model
# just use uniform priors
alpha = mc.Uniform("alpha", 0, 20)
Beispiel #5
import pymc

# Some fake data
alpha = 3
beta = 5
N = 100
dataset = pymc.rweibull(alpha, beta, N)

# Model
a = pymc.Uniform('a',
                 doc='Weibull alpha parameter')
b = pymc.Uniform('b', lower=0, upper=10, value=5, doc='Weibull beta parameter')
like = pymc.Weibull('like', alpha=a, beta=b, value=dataset, observed=True)
Beispiel #6
The statistical distribution chosen here is the Weibull
distribution, but the same can be done for any other

import pymc

First, we will create a fake data set using some
fixed parameters. In real life, of course, you
already have the data  !
alpha = 3
beta = 5
N = 100
dataset = pymc.rweibull(alpha,beta, N)

Now we create a pymc model that defines the likelihood
of the data set and prior assumptions about the value
of the parameters.
a = pymc.Uniform('a', lower=0, upper=10, value=5, doc='Weibull alpha parameter')
b = pymc.Uniform('b', lower=0, upper=10, value=5, doc='Weibull beta parameter')
like = pymc.Weibull('like', alpha=a, beta=b, value=dataset, observed=True)

The last step is simply to sample the parameters a and b and analyze the
if __name__=='__main__':
import numpy  as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pymc as mc
import scipy.stats as stats
import math


# artificial data
N = 20
true_alpha = 2
true_beta = 5
lifetime = mc.rweibull( true_alpha, true_beta, size=N )
birth = mc.runiform( 0, 10, N )

# an individual is right censored if this is true
censor = (birth + lifetime) > 10
lifetime_ = lifetime, censor )
lifetime_.set_fill_value( 10 )

y = np.arange( 0, N )
for b,l,yy in zip( birth, lifetime, y ):
    plt.plot( [b,b+l], [yy,yy] )
plt.plot( birth+lifetime, y, linestyle="", marker="o" )
plt.draw() block=False )

# begin the model
# just use uniform priors
alpha = mc.Uniform( "alpha", 0, 20 )