def compute_waic(self): if not isinstance(self.model, list): self.waic = pm.waic(trace=self.trace, model=self.model) else: self.waic = np.array([ pm.waic(trace=trace, model=model) for (trace, model) in zip(self.trace, self.model) ])
def get_metrics(self, kind=['mse', 'mae', 'loo', 'aic'], sample_size=5000): if self.predicted is None: self._predict_in_sample(sample_size=sample_size, use_median=False) records = {} for kind_ in kind: if kind_.lower() == 'mse': records['mse'] = np.mean( np.square(self.response - self.predicted)) elif kind_.lower() == 'mae': records['mae'] = np.mean(np.abs(self.response - self.predicted)) elif kind_.lower() == 'waic': records['waic'] = pm.waic(self.trace, self.model).WAIC elif kind_.lower() == 'loo': records['loo'] = pm.loo(self.trace, self.model).LOO else: raise ValueError(f'{kind_} is not supported.') table_content = [['Metrics', 'Value']] for key, value in records.items(): value = str(round(value, 4)) table_content.append([key, value]) header = 'Model Fitting Metrics Report' BaseModel.pretty_print(header, table, table_len=50)
def compute_waic(self): """ Compute WAIC for all appended PyMC3 models. Returns ------- None Adds WAIC to GLAM model object. """ if not isinstance(self.model, list): self.waic = pm.waic(trace=self.trace, model=self.model) else: self.waic = np.array([ pm.waic(trace=trace, model=model) for (trace, model) in zip(self.trace, self.model) ])
def fit(self, sample_options): '''Note `sample_options` is a dictionary of options''' # sampling with self.model: self.trace = pm.sample(**sample_options) self.waic = pm.waic(self.trace, self.model) print(self.waic) self.metrics = { 'log_loss': self.calc_log_loss(), 'AUC': self.calc_AUC(), 'WAIC': self.waic.WAIC, 'roc_auc': self.calc_roc_auc() }
def posteriorChecks(model, trace): """ Performs various posterior checks Posterior Predictive Checks: - Simulates replicating data under the fitted model and then comparing these to the observed data - This checks for systematic discrepancies between real and simulated data Widely-applicable Information Criterion (WAIC): - Fully Bayesian criterion for estimating out-of-sample expectation, using the computed log pointwise posterior predictive density (LPPD) and correcting for the effective number of parameters to adjust for overfitting. - This is primarilly for the comparison between different models Leave-one-out Cross-validation (LOO): - Estimate of the out-of-sample predictive fit. In cross-validation, the data are repeatedly partitioned into training and holdout sets, iteratively fitting the model with the former and evaluating the fit with the holdout data. PyMC's implementation of LOO is using Pareto-smoothed importance sampling, it provides and estimate of point-wise out-of-sample prediction accuracy Note: out-of-sample is data not used for the fit (ie: making a prediction) """ # Posterior Predictive Checks -- Generates 500 toy samples of size 100 # This is essentially toy MC model_ppc = pm.sample_ppc(trace, samples=500, model=model) # Widely-applicable Information Criterion (WAIC) model_waic = pm.waic(trace[len(trace) - 100:], model, progressbar=True) # Leave-one-out Cross-validation (LOO) model_loo = pm.loo(trace[len(trace) - 100:], model, progressbar=True) # ppc = pm.sample_ppc(trace[nBurn:], samples=500, model=model) # print(np.asarray(ppc['L'].shape), ppc.keys()) # _, axppc = plt.subplots(figsize=(12, 6)) # axppc.hist([n.mean() for n in ppc['L']], bins=19, alpha=0.5) # axppc.set(title='Posterior predictive for L', xlabel='L(x)', ylabel='Frequency'); # # df_comp_WAIC = = [model, modelBasic], traces = [trace[nBurn:], traceBasic[nBurn]]) # df_comp_WAIC.head() # pm.compareplot(df_comp_WAIC) # df_comp_LOO = = [model, modelBasic], traces = [trace[nBurn:], traceBasic[nBurn]], ic='LOO') # df_comp_LOO.head() # pm.compareplot(df_comp_LOO) # LOO results # LOO pLOO dLOO weight SE dSE warning # 0 61479.8 5.68 0 0.94 798.63 0 1 # 1 61502 4.95 22.12 0.06 798.47 10.2 1 return model_ppc, model_waic, model_loo
def test_waic(): """Test widely available information criterion calculation""" x_obs = np.arange(6) with pm.Model() as model: p = pm.Beta('p', 1., 1., transform=None) x = pm.Binomial('x', 5, p, observed=x_obs) step = pm.Metropolis() trace = pm.sample(100, step) calculated = pm.waic(trace) log_py = st.binom.logpmf(np.atleast_2d(x_obs).T, 5, trace['p']).T lppd = np.sum(np.log(np.mean(np.exp(log_py), axis=0))) p_waic = np.sum(np.var(log_py, axis=0)) actual = -2 * lppd + 2 * p_waic assert_almost_equal(calculated, actual, decimal=2)
def test_waic(self): """Test widely available information criterion calculation""" x_obs = np.arange(6) with pm.Model(): p = pm.Beta('p', 1., 1., transform=None) pm.Binomial('x', 5, p, observed=x_obs) step = pm.Metropolis() trace = pm.sample(100, step) calculated_waic = pm.waic(trace) log_py = st.binom.logpmf(np.atleast_2d(x_obs).T, 5, trace['p']).T lppd_i = np.log(np.mean(np.exp(log_py), axis=0)) vars_lpd = np.var(log_py, axis=0) waic_i = - 2 * (lppd_i - vars_lpd) actual_waic_se = np.sqrt(len(waic_i) * np.var(waic_i)) actual_waic = np.sum(waic_i) assert_almost_equal(calculated_waic.WAIC, actual_waic, decimal=2) assert_almost_equal(calculated_waic.WAIC_se, actual_waic_se, decimal=2)
def test_waic(self): """Test widely available information criterion calculation""" x_obs = np.arange(6) with pm.Model(): p = pm.Beta('p', 1., 1., transform=None) pm.Binomial('x', 5, p, observed=x_obs) step = pm.Metropolis() trace = pm.sample(100, step) calculated_waic = pm.waic(trace) log_py = st.binom.logpmf(np.atleast_2d(x_obs).T, 5, trace['p']).T lppd_i = np.log(np.mean(np.exp(log_py), axis=0)) vars_lpd = np.var(log_py, axis=0) waic_i = -2 * (lppd_i - vars_lpd) actual_waic_se = np.sqrt(len(waic_i) * np.var(waic_i)) actual_waic = np.sum(waic_i) assert_almost_equal(calculated_waic.WAIC, actual_waic, decimal=2) assert_almost_equal(calculated_waic.WAIC_se, actual_waic_se, decimal=2)
def stationary_posterior(annual_max): # calibration_data=annual_max[:int(3*len(annual_max)/4)] calibration_data = annual_max # calibration_data = pd.Series(annual_max['58790000'].values, index=annual_max.index) locm = calibration_data.mean() locs = calibration_data.std() / (np.sqrt(len(calibration_data))) scalem = calibration_data.std() scales = calibration_data.std() / (np.sqrt(2 * (len(calibration_data) - 1))) with pm.Model() as model: # Priors for unknown model parameters c = pm.Beta( 'c', alpha=6, beta=9 ) #c=x-0,5: transformation in gev_logp is required due to Beta domain between 0 and 1 loc = pm.Normal('loc', mu=locm, sd=locs) scale = pm.Normal('scale', mu=scalem, sd=scales) # Likelihood (sampling distribution) of observations | Since GEV is not implemented in pymc a custom log likelihood function was created def gev_logp(value): scaled = (value - loc) / scale logp = -(tt.log(scale) + (((c - 0.5) + 1) / (c - 0.5) * tt.log1p( (c - 0.5) * scaled) + (1 + (c - 0.5) * scaled)**(-1 / (c - 0.5)))) bound1 = loc - scale / (c - 0.5) bounds = tt.switch((c - 0.5) > 0, value > bound1, value < bound1) return bound(logp, bounds, c != 0) gev = pm.DensityDist('gev', gev_logp, observed=calibration_data) # step = pm.Metropolis() trace = pm.sample(5000, chains=2, cores=1, progressbar=True) pm.traceplot(trace) # geweke_plot=pm.geweke(trace, 0.05, 0.5, 20) # gelman_and_rubin=pm.diagnostics.gelman_rubin(trace) waic = pm.waic(trace) posterior = pm.trace_to_dataframe(trace) summary = pm.summary(trace) return posterior, summary, waic
data = load_data(disease, prediction_region, county_info) data_train, target_train, data_test, target_test = split_data(data) tspan = (target_train.index[0], target_train.index[-1]) waics = {} for (name, (use_age, use_eastwest)) in age_eastwest_by_name.items(): if disease == "borreliosis": use_eastwest = False # load sample trace trace = load_trace(disease, use_age, use_eastwest) # load model model = load_model(disease, use_age, use_eastwest) with model: waics[name] = pm.waic(trace).WAIC # do model selection best_key = min(waics, key=waics.get) use_age, use_eastwest = age_eastwest_by_name[best_key] if disease == "borreliosis": use_eastwest = False best_model[disease] = { "name": best_key, "use_age": use_age, "use_eastwest": use_eastwest, "comparison": waics } with open('../data/comparison.pkl', "wb") as f:
def runExperimentsBiased(ml = True, size = [100], components = [8], method = [7], classes = ['rrlyr'], fit_iterations = 20000, id_col_= 'ID', name_class_col_= 'Class', biasedSplit = False, ModifiedPrior=False, alpha_ = 0.1, onetoOne = True, DropEasy_ = True, priors_ = 'normal', oneToOne_ = False, PCA_ = True, modeltoFit = 'RL', kernel = False, poli = 3, n_hidden_ = 4, njobs= 16, **kwargs): print('PCA: '+str(PCA_)) marginal_likelihood = 0 res = [] dim = components[0] print(dim) for i in classes: print('Class: ', i) dataTrain = pd.read_csv('data/BIASEDFATS/Train_OGLE_'+i+'.csv') dataTest = pd.read_csv('data/BIASEDFATS/Test_OGLE_'+i+'.csv') time_ml_i = [] dataTrain = ut.down_sampling(dataTrain) samples = dataTrain.shape[0] maxSample = size[0] if samples > maxSample: samples = maxSample dataTrain = dataTrain.sample(samples, random_state =0) print('after down_sampling: ') '''print('train: ') print(data_train.label.value_counts()) print('test: ') print(data_test.label.value_counts()) ''' print('The dataset contains:', samples, 'samples') try: del dataTrain['Unnamed: 0'] del dataTest['Unnamed: 0'] dataTrain = dataTrain.loc[:, ~dataTrain.columns.str.contains('^Unnamed')] dataTest = dataTest.loc[:, ~dataTest.columns.str.contains('^Unnamed')] del dataTrain['ID'] del dataTest['ID'] yTrain = dataTrain['label'] yTest = dataTest['label'] del dataTrain['label'] del dataTest['label'] try: dataTrain = dataTrain.drop(['Pred', 'Pred2', 'h', 'e', 'u'], axis = 1) dataTest = dataTest.drop(['Pred', 'Pred2', 'h', 'e', 'u'], axis = 1) dataTrain = dataTrain.loc[:, dataTrain.var()!=0.0] dataTest = dataTest.loc[:, dataTest.var()!=0.0] except: print('---') except: print('---') mostImportantF = True if PCA_ == False: print('PCA False') if mostImportantF == True: c_comp = 0 RelevantFeatures = ['PeriodLS','CAR_tau','CAR_mean', 'CAR_sigma','Meanvariance', 'Skew', 'PercentDifferenceFluxPercentile','Gskew', 'Class_col', 'Psi_CS', 'Psi_eta','SlottedA_length', 'RCs'] xTrain = ut.most_important_features(dataTrain, RelevantFeatures) xTest = ut.most_important_features(dataTest, RelevantFeatures) else: xTrain = dataTrain xTest = dataTest print('Running without dimentional reduction, forget argument components') print('before: ', xTrain.head()) xTrain=(xTrain-xTrain.mean())/xTrain.std() xTest=(xTest-xTest.mean())/xTest.std() print('after: ') print(xTrain.head()) if kernel == True: xTest = ut.kernelPolinomial(np.asanyarray(xTest),poli) xTrain = ut.kernelPolinomial(np.asanyarray(xTrain),poli) else: c_comp = components[0] print('compnents: ', c_comp) dataTrain=(dataTrain-dataTrain.mean())/dataTrain.std() dataTest=(dataTest-dataTest.mean())/dataTest.std() xTrain, yTrain = ut.dim_reduction(dataTrain, yTrain, c_comp) xTest, yTest = ut.dim_reduction(dataTest, yTest, c_comp) if kernel == True: xTest = ut.kernelPolinomial(xTest,poli) xTrain = ut.kernelPolinomial(xTrain,poli) else: xTest = pd.DataFrame(data = xTest, columns = ['PC'+str(i) for i in range(c_comp)]) xTrain = pd.DataFrame(data = xTrain, columns = ['PC'+str(i) for i in range(c_comp)]) xTrain['Class'] = yTrain.values xTest['Class'] = yTest.values DataTest, DataTrain = xTest, xTrain del xTest del xTrain acc_kfold_Train = [] f1_kfold_Train = [] skf = StratifiedKFold(n_splits=int(5)) skf.get_n_splits(DataTrain, yTrain) start_1 = timeit.default_timer() for train_index, test_index in skf.split(DataTrain, yTrain): X_train, X_test = DataTrain.iloc[train_index,:], DataTrain.iloc[test_index,:] y_train, y_test = yTrain.iloc[train_index], yTrain.iloc[test_index] print('y_train') print((y_train.head())) model = bm.LogisticRegressionBinomialPrior(X_train, var_label1=kwargs['class_1'], var_label2=kwargs['class_2'], biasedSplit = biasedSplit, onetoOne = onetoOne, priors = priors_, className = name_class_col_, PCA =PCA_) trace, model, map = bm.fitbayesianmodel(model, ytrain= y_train, method=method[0], n_=int(fit_iterations/njobs), MAP = False, jobs = njobs, star = i, classifier =modeltoFit, PCA = PCA_) r = ut.get_z(X_train, trace = trace, model=model, burn_in = 500) predictions_1_Train = (ut.logistic_function_(r).mean(axis=1)>0.5).astype(int) y_train = 1*(y_train == 'class_a') accTrain = accuracy_score(y_train, predictions_1_Train, normalize=True) f1Train = f1_score(y_train, predictions_1_Train, pos_label = 1) cm = confusion_matrix(y_train, predictions_1_Train) print('Accuracy train: ', accTrain) print('Accuracy f1 train: ', f1Train) acc_kfold_Train.append(accTrain) f1_kfold_Train.append(f1Train) accTrain = np.mean(acc_kfold_Train) f1Train =np.mean(f1Train) print('Mean Accuracy train: ', accTrain) print('Mean f1 train: ', f1Train) stop_1 = timeit.default_timer() time_CV = stop_1 - start_1 start_post = timeit.default_timer() model = bm.LogisticRegressionBinomialPrior(DataTrain, var_label1=kwargs['class_1'], var_label2=kwargs['class_2'], biasedSplit = biasedSplit, onetoOne = onetoOne, priors = priors_, className = name_class_col_, PCA =PCA) trace, model, map = bm.fitbayesianmodel(model, ytrain= yTrain, method=method[0], n_=int(fit_iterations/njobs), MAP = False, jobs = njobs, star = i, classifier =modeltoFit, PCA = PCA_) stop_post = timeit.default_timer() time_post = stop_post - start_post del DataTest['Class'] r = ut.get_z(DataTest, trace = trace, model=model, burn_in = 500) predictions_1_Test = (ut.logistic_function_(r).mean(axis=1)>0.5).astype(int) yTest = 1*(yTest == 'class_a') accTest = accuracy_score(yTest, predictions_1_Test, normalize=True) f1Test = f1_score(yTest, predictions_1_Test, pos_label = 1) print('Accuracy train: ', accTest) print('Accuracy f1 train: ', f1Test) gelRub = pm.diagnostics.gelman_rubin(trace) print('gelRub: ', gelRub) try: if(ml == True): start_2 = timeit.default_timer() logml_dict = bs.Marginal_llk(trace, model=model, maxiter=100000) print('Estimated Marginal log-Likelihood %.5f'%(logml_dict['logml'])) marginal_likelihood = logml_dict['logml'] stop_2 = timeit.default_timer() time_ml = stop_2 - start_2 try: print('WAIC Estimation') RLB_waic = pm.waic(trace, model) waic = RLB_waic.WAIC print(waic) except: waic = 0 listData = [c_comp, poli, method, time_post, time_ml, marginal_likelihood, waic, gelRub, accTrain, accTest, f1Train, f1Test] time_ml_i.append(listData) else: time_ml_i.append([c_comp, 'null', time_post, 'null', 'null', 'null', 'null', gelRub, accTrain, accTest, f1Train, f1Test]) except: print('marginal likelihood does not estimated') print('exporting model') df = pd.DataFrame(np.asanyarray(time_ml_i)) print(df.head()) df.to_csv('Results/summaryMCMC/0309/'+'dataAnalysis_Features_'+i+'_'+modeltoFit+'_'+str(c_comp)+'_'+str(dim)+'_'+str(kernel)+'_'+'.csv') print("return the last model and trace") res.append([marginal_likelihood, model, trace, map, i, gelRub, accTrain, accTest, f1Train, f1Test, time_CV, time_ml, time_post]) return res
beta_p_post = chain_p['beta'].mean(axis=0) y_p_post = alpha_p_post +, x_1s) plt.plot(x_1s[0][idx], y_p_post[idx], label='Pol order {}'.format(order)) plt.scatter(x_1s[0], y_1s) plt.xlabel('$x$', fontsize=16) plt.ylabel('$y$', fontsize=16, rotation=0) plt.legend() plt.savefig('img605.png') print (pm.dic(trace=trace_l, model=model_l)) print( pm.dic(trace=trace_p, model=model_p)) waic_l = pm.waic(trace=trace_l, model=model_l) waic_p = pm.waic(trace=trace_p, model=model_p) loo_l = pm.loo(trace=trace_l, model=model_l) loo_p = pm.loo(trace=trace_p, model=model_p) plt.figure() plt.subplot(121) for idx, ic in enumerate((waic_l, waic_p)): plt.errorbar(ic[0], idx, xerr=ic[1], fmt='bo') plt.title('WAIC') plt.yticks([0, 1], ['linear', 'quadratic']) plt.ylim(-1, 2) plt.subplot(122) for idx, ic in enumerate((loo_l, loo_p)): plt.errorbar(ic[0], idx, xerr=ic[1], fmt='go')
X_shared = [ shared(np.asarray(X_train[parameters[i]].values)) for i in range(len(parameters)) ] y_shared = shared(np.asarray(y_train)) n_tracts = len(X_train.GIDTR.values) tract_idx = [i for i in range(n_tracts)] idx_shared = shared(np.asarray(tract_idx)) try: model = make_model() trace = train_model(model) except Exception as e: print("An exception was caught: ", e) h_waic = pm.waic(trace, model) f = open("waic.txt", "w+") f.write(str(h_waic)) f.close() ## Predict for train, test predict_and_save(X_train, y_train, "train", trace, model) predict_and_save(X_test, y_test, "test", trace, model) ## Predict for all states for state_name in state_names: state_data = state_to_data[state_name] predict_and_save(state_data, state_data.MRR_2010, state_name, trace, model)
step1 = pm.Slice([tau1, a_0]) trace2 = pm.sample(1000, tune=500, step=step1) chain2 = trace2 varnames1 = [ 'a0', 'δ', 'sigma', 'tau1'] pm.plot_posterior(chain2, varnames1, kde_plot=True) pm.energyplot(chain2) # 能量图对比,重合度越高表示模型越优 # 画出自相关曲线 varnames1 = [ 'a0', 'δ', 'sigma', 'tau1'] pm.autocorrplot(chain2, varnames1) print(pm.df_summary(chain2, varnames1)) print(pm.waic(trace=trace2, model=partial_model)) # ====================================================================== # 后验分析: # 画出后验与原始图形对比图 # # ====================================================================== # Bx_.set_value([7,8] , [5,6]) with partial_model: pp_trace = pm.sample_ppc(trace2, 1000) # pp_trace['Observed'].mean(axis=0) fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8, 6)) # ax.plot(x_plot, spline(x_plot), c='k', label="True function") # 原始图形 # j, k1 = 0, 6
p3 = ax.plot(xx, HER_mean, marker='o', color='r', markerfacecolor='None', markersize=10, linewidth=0, label='Mean') p4 = ax.plot(xx, HER_hi, marker='_', color='k', markersize=10, linewidth=0, label='High') # Vertical lines closing up whiskers for i in range(num_obs): ax.plot(np.array([i,i]), np.array([HER_lo[i], HER_hi[i]]), marker=None, color='k') # Legend handles = [p1[0], p2[0], p3[0], p4[0]] labels = ['Data', 'Low', 'Mean', 'High'] ax.legend(handles, labels) ax.grid() # ************************************************************************************************* # Compute WAIC for both models waic_base = pm.waic(trace_base, model_base) waic_sex = pm.waic(trace_sex, model_sex) # Set model names = 'base' = 'sex' # Comparison of WAIC comp_WAIC_base_v_sex ={model_base: trace_base, model_sex: trace_sex}) display(comp_WAIC_base_v_sex) pm.compareplot(comp_WAIC_base_v_sex) # Generate the posterior predictive in both base and sex models try: post_pred_base = vartbl['post_pred_base'] post_pred_sex = vartbl['post_pred_sex'] print(f'Loaded posterior predictive for base and sex models.') except:
trace_BF_0 = pm.sample(5000) chain_BF_0 = trace_BF_0[500:] pm.traceplot(trace_BF_0) with pm.Model() as model_BF_1: theta = pm.Beta('theta', 8, 4) y = pm.Bernoulli('y', theta, observed=y) trace_BF_1 = pm.sample(5000) chain_BF_1 = trace_BF_1[500:] pm.traceplot(chain_BF_1) # the smaller the better waic_0 = pm.waic(chain_BF_0, model_BF_0) waic_1 = pm.waic(chain_BF_1, model_BF_1) loo_0 = pm.loo(chain_BF_0, model_BF_0) loo_1 = pm.loo(chain_BF_1, model_BF_1) plt.figure(figsize=(8, 4)) plt.subplot(121) for idx, ic in enumerate((waic_0, waic_1)): plt.errorbar(ic[0], idx, xerr=ic[1], fmt='bo') plt.title('WAIC') plt.yticks([0, 1], ['model_0', 'model_1']) plt.ylim(-1, 2) plt.subplot(122) for idx, ic in enumerate((loo_0, loo_1)):
pm.summary(trace) az.summary(trace) #pm.gelman_rubin(trace) with m6_11: az.plot_trace(trace) az.plot_autocorr(trace) az.plot_density(trace) az.plot_forest(trace) # might need to multiply by -2 to compare with McElreath with m6_11: print(pm.waic(trace)) print(pm.loo(trace)) #m6_13 = pm.Model() with pm.Model() as m6_13: alpha = pm.Uniform('alpha', 0, 5) bm = pm.Uniform('bm', -10, 10) log_sigma = pm.Uniform('log_sigma', -10, 10) mu = alpha + bm*d['lmass'] y_obs = pm.Normal('y_obs', mu=mu, sigma=np.exp(log_sigma), observed=d['kcal.per.g']) trace = pm.sample(2000, return_inferencedata=True, chains=2) with m6_13: print(pm.summary(trace)) print(pm.waic(trace))
pm.summary(trace_m4, alpha=0.11) # Making the slope conditional with pm.Model() as m5: α = pm.Normal('α', 0, 0.1, shape=2) β = pm.Normal('β', 0, 0.3, shape=2) σ = pm.Exponential('σ', 1) μ = α[dfinal.cont_africa.values] + β[dfinal.cont_africa.values] * (dfinal.rugged_s.values - rbar) log_gdp_s_i = pm.Normal('log_gdp_s_i', μ, σ, observed=dfinal.log_gdp_s.values) trace_m5 = pm.sample() pm.summary(trace_m5, alpha=0.11).round(decimals=2) = 'm5'{m3: trace_m3, m4: trace_m4, m5: trace_m5}, ic='LOO') waic_list = pm.waic(trace_m5, model=m5, pointwise=True) loo_list = pm.loo(trace_m5, model=m5, pointwise=True) pl.plot(waic_list.WAIC_i, marker='.', ls='', color='k'); pl.plot(loo_list.LOO_i, marker='s', ls='', markeredgecolor='r'); dfinal.head() # Plotting the interaction % matplotlib inline _, axs = pl.subplots(ncols=2, figsize=(8,4)) ttls = ['Non-African', 'African'] df_m5 = pm.trace_to_dataframe(trace_m5) for i, (axi, ttl) in enumerate(zip(axs, ttls)):
label="wiFitting estimate") # ax.plot(x_plot, XZ_meanC, label="true estimate") # ax.plot(elec_year[116:], betaMAPC[:], marker='*', alpha=.8, label="Fitting estimate") # ax.set_xlim(0, 1) ax.legend() # ================================================================================ ax = pm.energyplot(trace_2) bfmi = pm.bfmi(trace_2) ax.set_title(f"BFMI = {bfmi:.2f}") WAIC1 =[trace_1, trace_2], [model_1, model_2]) print('WAIC1: ', WAIC1) WAIC = pm.waic(trace=trace_1, model=model_1) DIC = pm.dic(trace=trace_1, model=model_1) print(WAIC) print('DIC: ', DIC) # ================================================================================ # 计算均方误差 def Rmse(predictions, targets): return np.sqrt(np.mean((predictions - targets)**2)) # 计算均方误差 ALL_faults = (elec_data.Fault.values / elec_data.Nums.values) # 数组形式,计算故障率大小 MAP_tmp = MAP_tmp / 1000 rmse2 = {}
# 两种能量图 energy = trace2['energy'] energy_diff = np.diff(energy) sns.distplot(energy - energy.mean(), label='energy') sns.distplot(energy_diff, label='energy diff') plt.legend() pm.energyplot(trace2) map_estimate = pm.find_MAP(model=unpooled_model) print(map_estimate) # 画出自相关曲线 pm.autocorrplot(chain2, varnames2) print(pm.waic(trace2, unpooled_model)) # with unpooled_model: post_pred = pm.sample_ppc(trace2) plt.figure(figsize=(6, 4.5), facecolor=(1, 1, 1)) plt.figure() # ppc = post_pred['Observed'] # 更改数据排列即可以画出分类图 # ax = sns.violinplot(data=ppc) # ax = sns.distplot(post_pred['Observed'].mean(axis=1)) # ax = sns.distplot(y_shared.mean(axis=1), label='Posterior predictive means') # ax.axvline(post_pred['Observed'].mean(), color='b', ls='--', label='Post mean') ax.axvline(elec_faults.mean(), color='r', ls='--') ax.set_xlabel(u"故障率均值", fontsize=14, fontproperties=font)
alpha_sg, alpha_sl, gamma, amb_gain_est, amb_loss_est) # Make sure we don't have zeros or ones p = beta_response_transform_t(p) # remove zeros and ones # Likelihood likelihood = pm.Bernoulli('likelihood', p=p, observed=choices) # FIT MODEL USING ADVI with model: approx ='advi', n=60000) trace = approx.sample(4000) # Get WAIC waic = pm.waic(trace, model, scale='deviance') # Sample from posterior ppc = pm.sample_posterior_predictive(trace, samples=2000, model=model, var_names=[ for i in model.deterministics if 'estimated' in ]) # Extract parameters etc fitting_results = pm.summary(trace) fitting_results = fitting_results[
def get_weights(self, predictions_aapl, predictions_msft, predictions_bac, observations_aapl): N_SAMPLES = 1000 N_TUNES = 1000 sigma_start = np.std(observations_aapl) aplha_start = 1 beta_start = 0 # predictions_shared = theano.shared(predictions_aapl) predictions = np.stack( [predictions_aapl, predictions_msft, predictions_bac]) with pm.Model() as model: sigma = pm.HalfNormal('sigma', 0.1, testval=aplha_start) alpha = pm.Normal('alpha', mu=1, sd=1, testval=aplha_start, shape=3) beta = pm.Normal('beta', mu=0, sd=1, testval=beta_start, shape=3) mu = alpha * predictions + beta p = pm.Normal('p', mu=mu, sd=sigma, observed=observations_aapl) trace_model = pm.sample(N_SAMPLES, tune=N_TUNES) with pm.Model() as model_aapl: sigma = pm.HalfNormal('sigma', 0.1, testval=aplha_start) alpha = pm.Normal('alpha', mu=1, sd=1, testval=aplha_start) beta = pm.Normal('beta', mu=0, sd=1, testval=beta_start) mu = alpha * predictions_aapl + beta p = pm.Normal('p', mu=mu, sd=sigma, observed=observations_aapl) trace_model_aapl = pm.sample(N_SAMPLES, tune=N_TUNES) with pm.Model() as model_msft: sigma = pm.HalfNormal('sigma', 0.1, testval=aplha_start) alpha = pm.Normal('alpha', mu=1, sd=1, testval=aplha_start) beta = pm.Normal('beta', mu=0, sd=1, testval=beta_start) mu = alpha * predictions_msft + beta p = pm.Normal('p', mu=mu, sd=sigma, observed=observations_aapl) trace_model_msft = pm.sample(N_SAMPLES, tune=N_TUNES) with pm.Model() as model_bac: sigma = pm.HalfNormal('sigma', 0.1, testval=aplha_start) alpha = pm.Normal('alpha', mu=1, sd=1, testval=aplha_start) beta = pm.Normal('beta', mu=0, sd=1, testval=beta_start) mu = alpha * predictions_bac + beta p = pm.Normal('p', mu=mu, sd=sigma, observed=observations_aapl) trace_model_bac = pm.sample(N_SAMPLES, tune=N_TUNES) compare_1 = [trace_model_aapl, trace_model_msft, trace_model_bac], [model_aapl, model_msft, model_bac], method='pseudo-BMA') compare_2 = [trace_model_msft, trace_model_bac, trace_model_aapl], [model_msft, model_bac, model_aapl], method='pseudo-BMA') compare_3 = [trace_model_aapl, trace_model_msft, trace_model_bac], [model_aapl, model_msft, model_bac], method='BB-pseudo-BMA') compare_4 = [trace_model_aapl, trace_model_msft, trace_model_bac], [model_aapl, model_msft, model_bac], method='stacking') compare_5 =[trace_model_msft, trace_model_bac], [model_msft, model_bac], method='pseudo-BMA') compare_6 =[trace_model_aapl, trace_model_msft], [model_aapl, model_msft], method='BB-pseudo-BMA') compare_7 =[trace_model_aapl, trace_model_msft], [model_aapl, model_msft], method='stacking') # pm.traceplot(trace_model) d = pd.read_csv('data/milk.csv', sep=';') d['neocortex'] = d['neocortex.perc'] / 100 d.dropna(inplace=True) d.shape a_start = d['kcal.per.g'].mean() sigma_start = d['kcal.per.g'].std() mass_shared = theano.shared(np.log(d['mass'].values)) neocortex_shared = theano.shared(d['neocortex'].values) with pm.Model() as m6_11: alpha = pm.Normal('alpha', mu=0, sd=10, testval=a_start) mu = alpha + 0 * neocortex_shared sigma = pm.HalfCauchy('sigma', beta=10, testval=sigma_start) kcal = pm.Normal('kcal', mu=mu, sd=sigma, observed=d['kcal.per.g']) trace_m6_11 = pm.sample(1000, tune=1000) pm.traceplot(trace_m6_11) with pm.Model() as m6_12: alpha = pm.Normal('alpha', mu=0, sd=10, testval=a_start) beta = pm.Normal('beta', mu=0, sd=10) sigma = pm.HalfCauchy('sigma', beta=10, testval=sigma_start) mu = alpha + beta * neocortex_shared kcal = pm.Normal('kcal', mu=mu, sd=sigma, observed=d['kcal.per.g']) trace_m6_12 = pm.sample(1000, tune=1000) with pm.Model() as m6_13: alpha = pm.Normal('alpha', mu=0, sd=10, testval=a_start) beta = pm.Normal('beta', mu=0, sd=10) sigma = pm.HalfCauchy('sigma', beta=10, testval=sigma_start) mu = alpha + beta * mass_shared kcal = pm.Normal('kcal', mu=mu, sd=sigma, observed=d['kcal.per.g']) trace_m6_13 = pm.sample(1000, tune=1000) with pm.Model() as m6_14: alpha = pm.Normal('alpha', mu=0, sd=10, testval=a_start) beta = pm.Normal('beta', mu=0, sd=10, shape=2) sigma = pm.HalfCauchy('sigma', beta=10, testval=sigma_start) mu = alpha + beta[0] * mass_shared + beta[1] * neocortex_shared kcal = pm.Normal('kcal', mu=mu, sd=sigma, observed=d['kcal.per.g']) trace_m6_14 = pm.sample(1000, tune=1000) pm.waic(trace_m6_14, m6_14) compare_df = [trace_m6_11, trace_m6_12, trace_m6_13, trace_m6_14], [m6_11, m6_12, m6_13, m6_14], method='pseudo-BMA') compare_df.loc[:, 'model'] = pd.Series( ['m6.11', 'm6.12', 'm6.13', 'm6.14']) compare_df = compare_df.set_index('model') compare_df pm.compareplot(compare_df)
def get_waic(self): return pm.waic(trace=self.trace_, model=self.model)
# # Draw samples # map_estimate = pm.find_MAP() # # map_gen_rec = true_params.append(pd.DataFrame([map_estimate[param_name].flatten() for param_name in param_names], index=param_names)) # map_gen_rec.to_csv(save_dir + save_id + '_map_gen_rec.csv') # if not run_on_cluster: # plot_gen_rec(param_names=param_names, gen_rec=map_gen_rec, save_name=save_dir + save_id + '_map_gen_rec_plot.png') # # with model: MCMC_trace = pm.sample(n_samples, tune=n_tune, chains=n_chains, cores=n_cores) #, start=map_estimate print("WAIC: {0}".format(pm.waic(MCMC_trace, model).WAIC)) MCMC_model_summary = pm.summary(MCMC_trace) pd.DataFrame(MCMC_model_summary).to_csv(save_dir + save_id + '_summary.csv') mcmc_params = np.full((len(param_names), n_subj), np.nan) for i, param_name in enumerate(param_names): idxs = MCMC_model_summary.index.str.contains(param_name + '__') mcmc_params[i] = np.array(MCMC_model_summary.loc[idxs, 'mean']) mcmc_params = pd.DataFrame(mcmc_params, index=param_names) mcmc_gen_rec = true_params.append(mcmc_params) mcmc_gen_rec.to_csv(save_dir + save_id + '_mcmc_gen_rec.csv') if not run_on_cluster: pm.traceplot(MCMC_trace) plt.savefig(save_dir + save_id + '_traceplot.png') plot_gen_rec(param_names=param_names, gen_rec=mcmc_gen_rec,
disease = "covid19" best_model = {} print("Evaluating model for {}...".format(disease)) prediction_region = "germany" #data = load_daily_data(disease, prediction_region, county_info) #data_train, target_train, data_test, target_test = split_data(data) #tspan = (target_train.index[0], target_train.index[-1]) waics = {} # reintroduce combinations as we have the right set of models! // use_eastwest is dummy! # for (name, (use_interaction, use_report_delay)) in ia_delay_by_name.items(): for (i, _) in enumerate(combinations): # load sample trace try: trace = load_trace_by_i(disease, i) except: print("Model nr. {} does not exist, skipping...\n".format(i)) continue # load model model = load_model_by_i(disease, i) with model: waics[str(i)] = pm.waic(trace).WAIC with open('../data/waics.pkl', "wb") as f: pkl.dump(waics, f)
trace_DUAK = vartbl['trace_DUAK'] print(f'Loaded samples for the District-Urban-Age-Kids model in trace_DUAK.') except: print(f'Sampling from District-Urban-Age-Kids model...') with model_DUAK: nuts_kwargs = {'target_accept': 0.90} trace_DUAK = pm.sample(draws=num_samples, tune=num_tune, nuts_kwargs=nuts_kwargs, chains=chains, cores=cores) vartbl['trace_DUAK'] = trace_DUAK save_vartbl(vartbl, fname) # ************************************************************************************************* # B6 Use WAIC to compare your models. What are your conclusions? # ************************************************************************************************* # Compute WAIC for each model under consideration waic_fe = pm.waic(trace_fe, model_fe) waic_ve = pm.waic(trace_ve, model_ve) waic_DUA = pm.waic(trace_DUA, model_DUA) waic_DUAK = pm.waic(trace_DUAK, model_DUAK) # Set the names of these models = 'FixedEffect' = 'VariableEffect' = 'DistrictUrbanAge' = 'DistrictUrbanAgeKids' # Compare the models df_model_comp ={model_fe: trace_fe, model_ve: trace_ve, model_DUA: trace_DUA, model_DUAK: trace_DUAK})