def lavaDispenser(x, y, z):
	trap = TAG_Compound()
	trap["id"] = TAG_String(u'Trap')
	items = TAG_List()
	item = TAG_Compound()
	item["id"] = TAG_Short(327)
	item["Damage"] = TAG_Short(0)
	item["Count"] = TAG_Byte(1)
	item["Slot"] = TAG_Byte(4)
	trap["Items"] = items
	trap["x"] = TAG_Int(x)
	trap["y"] = TAG_Int(y)
	trap["z"] = TAG_Int(z)
	return trap
Beispiel #2
def makeBookNBT(texts):
    book = TAG_Compound()
    book["id"] = TAG_String("minecraft:writable_book")
    book["Count"] = TAG_Byte(1)
    book["Damage"] = TAG_Short(0)

    tag = TAG_Compound()
    pages = TAG_List()
    LIMIT = 150
    discarded = False
    for page in texts:
        if len(pages) < LIMIT:
            discarded = True
    if discarded == True:
        print "WARNING: Book length exceeded " + str(
            LIMIT) + " pages. Truncated!"
    book["tag"] = tag
    tag["pages"] = pages
    return book
Beispiel #3
def placeChestWithItems(level, things, x, y, z):
    CHUNKSIZE = 16
    CHEST = 54

    if level.blockAt(
            x, y, z
    ) != CHEST:  # Don't try to create a duplicate set of NBT - it confuses the game.
        level.setBlockAt(x, y, z, CHEST)
        level.setBlockDataAt(x, y, z, randint(2, 5))

        control = TAG_Compound()
        control["x"] = TAG_Int(x)
        control["y"] = TAG_Int(y)
        control["z"] = TAG_Int(z)
        control["id"] = TAG_String("minecraft:chest")
        control["Lock"] = TAG_String("")
        items = TAG_List()
        control["Items"] = items
        slot = 0
        print things
        for thing in things:
            # if thing["id"].value != "minecraft:Nothing": # Handle empty slots
            if True:
                item = TAG_Compound()
                item["Slot"] = TAG_Byte(slot)
                slot += 1
                for key in thing.keys():
                    item[key] = thing[key]

            chunka = level.getChunk((int)(x / CHUNKSIZE), (int)(z / CHUNKSIZE))
            chunka.dirty = True
        except ChunkNotPresent:
            print "ChunkNotPresent", (int)(x / CHUNKSIZE), (int)(z / CHUNKSIZE)
Beispiel #4
def makeMobSpawnerNBT(type):
    obj = TAG_Compound()
    obj["id"] = TAG_String("minecraft:mob_spawner")
    obj["MaxNearbyEntities"] = TAG_Short(6)
    obj["RequiredPlayerRange"] = TAG_Short(8)
    obj["SpawnCount"] = TAG_Short(1)
    obj["MaxSpawnDelay"] = TAG_Short(800)
    obj["Delay"] = TAG_Short(371)
    obj["SpawnRange"] = TAG_Short(4)
    obj["MinSpawnDelay"] = TAG_Short(200)
    spawnData = TAG_Compound()
    obj["SpawnData"] = spawnData
    spawnData["id"] = TAG_String(type)

    spawnPotentials = TAG_List()
    obj["SpawnPotentials"] = spawnPotentials
    entity = TAG_Compound()

    entity["Entity"] = TAG_Compound()
    entity["Entity"]["id"] = TAG_String(type)
    entity["Weight"] = TAG_Int(1)

    return obj
def createChestBlockData(x, y, z, options, seedtag, ItemsSmokeBox):
	foo = ['nether_bridge', 'village_blacksmith', 'stronghold_crossing', 'spawn_bonus_chest', 'jungle_temple', 'simple_dungeon', 'igloo_chest','end_city_treasure' , 'desert_pyramid', 'abandoned_mineshaft']
	chest = TAG_Compound()
	chest["y"] = TAG_Int(y)
	if options["(1.11+)"]:
		chest["id"] = TAG_String("chest")
		chest["id"] = TAG_String("Chest")
	chest["x"] = TAG_Int(x)
	chest["z"] = TAG_Int(z)
	items = TAG_List()
	minecraftchest = TAG_Compound()
	minecraftchest["id"] = TAG_String(u'minecraft:chest')
	minecraftchest["Damage"] = TAG_Short(0)
	minecraftchest["Count"] = TAG_Byte(64)
	tag = TAG_Compound()
	blockEntityTag = TAG_Compound()
	blockEntityTag["CustomName"] = TAG_String(u'Lucky Crate')
	if options["(Random Loot ID)"]:
		blockEntityTag["LootTable"] = TAG_String("minecraft:chests/"+ random.choice(foo))
		blockEntityTag["LootTable"] = TAG_String("minecraft:chests/"+ str(ItemsSmokeBox))
	blockEntityTag["LootTableSeed"] = TAG_Long(int(seedtag))
	tag["BlockEntityTag"] = blockEntityTag
	display = TAG_Compound()
	display["Name"] = TAG_String(u'Lucky Crate')
	tag["display"] = display
	minecraftchest["tag"] = tag
	minecraftchest["Slot"] = TAG_Byte(0)
	minecraftchest2 = TAG_Compound()
	minecraftchest2["id"] = TAG_String(u'minecraft:chest')
	minecraftchest2["Damage"] = TAG_Short(0)
	minecraftchest2["Count"] = TAG_Byte(64)
	tag2 = TAG_Compound()
	blockEntityTag2 = TAG_Compound()
	blockEntityTag2["CustomName"] = TAG_String(u'Lucky Crate')
	if options["(Random Loot ID)"]:
		blockEntityTag2["LootTable"] = TAG_String("minecraft:chests/"+ random.choice(foo))
		blockEntityTag2["LootTable"] = TAG_String("minecraft:chests/"+ str(ItemsSmokeBox))
	blockEntityTag2["LootTableSeed"] = TAG_Long(int(seedtag))
	tag2["BlockEntityTag"] = blockEntityTag2
	display2 = TAG_Compound()
	display2["Name"] = TAG_String(u'Lucky Crate')
	tag2["display"] = display2
	minecraftchest2["tag"] = tag2
	minecraftchest2["Slot"] = TAG_Byte(1)
	minecraftchest3 = TAG_Compound()
	minecraftchest3["id"] = TAG_String(u'minecraft:chest')
	minecraftchest3["Damage"] = TAG_Short(0)
	minecraftchest3["Count"] = TAG_Byte(64)
	tag3 = TAG_Compound()
	blockEntityTag3 = TAG_Compound()
	blockEntityTag3["CustomName"] = TAG_String(u'Lucky Crate')
	if options["(Random Loot ID)"]:
		blockEntityTag3["LootTable"] = TAG_String("minecraft:chests/"+ random.choice(foo))
		blockEntityTag3["LootTable"] = TAG_String("minecraft:chests/"+ str(ItemsSmokeBox))
	blockEntityTag3["LootTableSeed"] = TAG_Long(int(seedtag))
	tag3["BlockEntityTag"] = blockEntityTag3
	display3 = TAG_Compound()
	display3["Name"] = TAG_String(u'Lucky Crate')
	tag3["display"] = display3
	minecraftchest3["tag"] = tag3
	minecraftchest3["Slot"] = TAG_Byte(2)
	minecraftchest4 = TAG_Compound()
	minecraftchest4["id"] = TAG_String(u'minecraft:chest')
	minecraftchest4["Damage"] = TAG_Short(0)
	minecraftchest4["Count"] = TAG_Byte(64)
	tag4 = TAG_Compound()
	blockEntityTag4 = TAG_Compound()
	blockEntityTag4["CustomName"] = TAG_String(u'Lucky Crate')
	if options["(Random Loot ID)"]:
		blockEntityTag4["LootTable"] = TAG_String("minecraft:chests/"+ random.choice(foo))
		blockEntityTag4["LootTable"] = TAG_String("minecraft:chests/"+ str(ItemsSmokeBox))
	blockEntityTag4["LootTableSeed"] = TAG_Long(int(seedtag))
	tag4["BlockEntityTag"] = blockEntityTag4
	display4 = TAG_Compound()
	display4["Name"] = TAG_String(u'Lucky Crate')
	tag4["display"] = display4
	minecraftchest4["tag"] = tag4
	minecraftchest4["Slot"] = TAG_Byte(3)
	minecraftchest5 = TAG_Compound()
	minecraftchest5["id"] = TAG_String(u'minecraft:chest')
	minecraftchest5["Damage"] = TAG_Short(0)
	minecraftchest5["Count"] = TAG_Byte(64)
	tag5 = TAG_Compound()
	blockEntityTag5 = TAG_Compound()
	blockEntityTag5["CustomName"] = TAG_String(u'Lucky Crate')
	if options["(Random Loot ID)"]:
		blockEntityTag5["LootTable"] = TAG_String("minecraft:chests/"+ random.choice(foo))
		blockEntityTag5["LootTable"] = TAG_String("minecraft:chests/"+ str(ItemsSmokeBox))
	blockEntityTag5["LootTableSeed"] = TAG_Long(int(seedtag))
	tag5["BlockEntityTag"] = blockEntityTag5
	display5 = TAG_Compound()
	display5["Name"] = TAG_String(u'Lucky Crate')
	tag5["display"] = display5
	minecraftchest5["tag"] = tag5
	minecraftchest5["Slot"] = TAG_Byte(4)
	minecraftchest6 = TAG_Compound()
	minecraftchest6["id"] = TAG_String(u'minecraft:chest')
	minecraftchest6["Damage"] = TAG_Short(0)
	minecraftchest6["Count"] = TAG_Byte(64)
	tag6 = TAG_Compound()
	blockEntityTag6 = TAG_Compound()
	blockEntityTag6["CustomName"] = TAG_String(u'Lucky Crate')
	if options["(Random Loot ID)"]:
		blockEntityTag6["LootTable"] = TAG_String("minecraft:chests/"+ random.choice(foo))
		blockEntityTag6["LootTable"] = TAG_String("minecraft:chests/"+ str(ItemsSmokeBox))
	blockEntityTag6["LootTableSeed"] = TAG_Long(int(seedtag))
	tag6["BlockEntityTag"] = blockEntityTag6
	display6 = TAG_Compound()
	display6["Name"] = TAG_String(u'Lucky Crate')
	tag6["display"] = display6
	minecraftchest6["tag"] = tag6
	minecraftchest6["Slot"] = TAG_Byte(5)
	minecraftchest7 = TAG_Compound()
	minecraftchest7["id"] = TAG_String(u'minecraft:chest')
	minecraftchest7["Damage"] = TAG_Short(0)
	minecraftchest7["Count"] = TAG_Byte(64)
	tag7 = TAG_Compound()
	blockEntityTag7 = TAG_Compound()
	blockEntityTag7["CustomName"] = TAG_String(u'Lucky Crate')
	if options["(Random Loot ID)"]:
		blockEntityTag7["LootTable"] = TAG_String("minecraft:chests/"+ random.choice(foo))
		blockEntityTag7["LootTable"] = TAG_String("minecraft:chests/"+ str(ItemsSmokeBox))
	blockEntityTag7["LootTableSeed"] = TAG_Long(int(seedtag))
	tag7["BlockEntityTag"] = blockEntityTag7
	display7 = TAG_Compound()
	display7["Name"] = TAG_String(u'Lucky Crate')
	tag7["display"] = display7
	minecraftchest7["tag"] = tag7
	minecraftchest7["Slot"] = TAG_Byte(6)
	minecraftchest8 = TAG_Compound()
	minecraftchest8["id"] = TAG_String(u'minecraft:chest')
	minecraftchest8["Damage"] = TAG_Short(0)
	minecraftchest8["Count"] = TAG_Byte(64)
	tag8 = TAG_Compound()
	blockEntityTag8 = TAG_Compound()
	blockEntityTag8["CustomName"] = TAG_String(u'Lucky Crate')
	if options["(Random Loot ID)"]:
		blockEntityTag8["LootTable"] = TAG_String("minecraft:chests/"+ random.choice(foo))
		blockEntityTag8["LootTable"] = TAG_String("minecraft:chests/"+ str(ItemsSmokeBox))
	blockEntityTag8["LootTableSeed"] = TAG_Long(int(seedtag))
	tag8["BlockEntityTag"] = blockEntityTag8
	display8 = TAG_Compound()
	display8["Name"] = TAG_String(u'Lucky Crate')
	tag8["display"] = display8
	minecraftchest8["tag"] = tag8
	minecraftchest8["Slot"] = TAG_Byte(7)
	minecraftchest9 = TAG_Compound()
	minecraftchest9["id"] = TAG_String(u'minecraft:chest')
	minecraftchest9["Damage"] = TAG_Short(0)
	minecraftchest9["Count"] = TAG_Byte(64)
	tag9 = TAG_Compound()
	blockEntityTag9 = TAG_Compound()
	blockEntityTag9["CustomName"] = TAG_String(u'Lucky Crate')
	if options["(Random Loot ID)"]:
		blockEntityTag9["LootTable"] = TAG_String("minecraft:chests/"+ random.choice(foo))
		blockEntityTag9["LootTable"] = TAG_String("minecraft:chests/"+ str(ItemsSmokeBox))
	blockEntityTag9["LootTableSeed"] = TAG_Long(int(seedtag))
	tag9["BlockEntityTag"] = blockEntityTag9
	display9 = TAG_Compound()
	display9["Name"] = TAG_String(u'Lucky Crate')
	tag9["display"] = display9
	minecraftchest9["tag"] = tag9
	minecraftchest9["Slot"] = TAG_Byte(8)
	minecraftchest10 = TAG_Compound()
	minecraftchest10["id"] = TAG_String(u'minecraft:chest')
	minecraftchest10["Damage"] = TAG_Short(0)
	minecraftchest10["Count"] = TAG_Byte(64)
	tag10 = TAG_Compound()
	blockEntityTag10 = TAG_Compound()
	blockEntityTag10["CustomName"] = TAG_String(u'Lucky Crate')
	if options["(Random Loot ID)"]:
		blockEntityTag10["LootTable"] = TAG_String("minecraft:chests/"+ random.choice(foo))
		blockEntityTag10["LootTable"] = TAG_String("minecraft:chests/"+ str(ItemsSmokeBox))
	blockEntityTag10["LootTableSeed"] = TAG_Long(int(seedtag))
	tag10["BlockEntityTag"] = blockEntityTag10
	display10 = TAG_Compound()
	display10["Name"] = TAG_String(u'Lucky Crate')
	tag10["display"] = display10
	minecraftchest10["tag"] = tag10
	minecraftchest10["Slot"] = TAG_Byte(9)
	minecraftchest11 = TAG_Compound()
	minecraftchest11["id"] = TAG_String(u'minecraft:chest')
	minecraftchest11["Damage"] = TAG_Short(0)
	minecraftchest11["Count"] = TAG_Byte(64)
	tag11 = TAG_Compound()
	blockEntityTag11 = TAG_Compound()
	blockEntityTag11["CustomName"] = TAG_String(u'Lucky Crate')
	if options["(Random Loot ID)"]:
		blockEntityTag11["LootTable"] = TAG_String("minecraft:chests/"+ random.choice(foo))
		blockEntityTag11["LootTable"] = TAG_String("minecraft:chests/"+ str(ItemsSmokeBox))
	blockEntityTag11["LootTableSeed"] = TAG_Long(int(seedtag))
	tag11["BlockEntityTag"] = blockEntityTag11
	display11 = TAG_Compound()
	display11["Name"] = TAG_String(u'Lucky Crate')
	tag11["display"] = display11
	minecraftchest11["tag"] = tag11
	minecraftchest11["Slot"] = TAG_Byte(10)
	minecraftchest12 = TAG_Compound()
	minecraftchest12["id"] = TAG_String(u'minecraft:chest')
	minecraftchest12["Damage"] = TAG_Short(0)
	minecraftchest12["Count"] = TAG_Byte(64)
	tag12 = TAG_Compound()
	blockEntityTag12 = TAG_Compound()
	blockEntityTag12["CustomName"] = TAG_String(u'Lucky Crate')
	if options["(Random Loot ID)"]:
		blockEntityTag12["LootTable"] = TAG_String("minecraft:chests/"+ random.choice(foo))
		blockEntityTag12["LootTable"] = TAG_String("minecraft:chests/"+ str(ItemsSmokeBox))
	blockEntityTag12["LootTableSeed"] = TAG_Long(int(seedtag))
	tag12["BlockEntityTag"] = blockEntityTag12
	display12 = TAG_Compound()
	display12["Name"] = TAG_String(u'Lucky Crate')
	tag12["display"] = display12
	minecraftchest12["tag"] = tag12
	minecraftchest12["Slot"] = TAG_Byte(10)
	minecraftchest13 = TAG_Compound()
	minecraftchest13["id"] = TAG_String(u'minecraft:chest')
	minecraftchest13["Damage"] = TAG_Short(0)
	minecraftchest13["Count"] = TAG_Byte(64)
	tag13 = TAG_Compound()
	blockEntityTag13 = TAG_Compound()
	blockEntityTag13["CustomName"] = TAG_String(u'Lucky Crate')
	if options["(Random Loot ID)"]:
		blockEntityTag13["LootTable"] = TAG_String("minecraft:chests/"+ random.choice(foo))
		blockEntityTag13["LootTable"] = TAG_String("minecraft:chests/"+ str(ItemsSmokeBox))
	blockEntityTag13["LootTableSeed"] = TAG_Long(int(seedtag))
	tag13["BlockEntityTag"] = blockEntityTag13
	display13 = TAG_Compound()
	display13["Name"] = TAG_String(u'Lucky Crate')
	tag13["display"] = display13
	minecraftchest13["tag"] = tag13
	minecraftchest13["Slot"] = TAG_Byte(11)
	minecraftchest14 = TAG_Compound()
	minecraftchest14["id"] = TAG_String(u'minecraft:chest')
	minecraftchest14["Damage"] = TAG_Short(0)
	minecraftchest14["Count"] = TAG_Byte(64)
	tag14 = TAG_Compound()
	blockEntityTag14 = TAG_Compound()
	blockEntityTag14["CustomName"] = TAG_String(u'Lucky Crate')
	if options["(Random Loot ID)"]:
		blockEntityTag14["LootTable"] = TAG_String("minecraft:chests/"+ random.choice(foo))
		blockEntityTag14["LootTable"] = TAG_String("minecraft:chests/"+ str(ItemsSmokeBox))
	blockEntityTag14["LootTableSeed"] = TAG_Long(int(seedtag))
	tag14["BlockEntityTag"] = blockEntityTag14
	display14 = TAG_Compound()
	display14["Name"] = TAG_String(u'Lucky Crate')
	tag14["display"] = display14
	minecraftchest14["tag"] = tag14
	minecraftchest14["Slot"] = TAG_Byte(12)
	minecraftchest15 = TAG_Compound()
	minecraftchest15["id"] = TAG_String(u'minecraft:chest')
	minecraftchest15["Damage"] = TAG_Short(0)
	minecraftchest15["Count"] = TAG_Byte(64)
	tag15 = TAG_Compound()
	blockEntityTag15 = TAG_Compound()
	blockEntityTag15["CustomName"] = TAG_String(u'Lucky Crate')
	if options["(Random Loot ID)"]:
		blockEntityTag15["LootTable"] = TAG_String("minecraft:chests/"+ random.choice(foo))
		blockEntityTag15["LootTable"] = TAG_String("minecraft:chests/"+ str(ItemsSmokeBox))
	blockEntityTag15["LootTableSeed"] = TAG_Long(int(seedtag))
	tag15["BlockEntityTag"] = blockEntityTag15
	display15 = TAG_Compound()
	display15["Name"] = TAG_String(u'Lucky Crate')
	tag15["display"] = display15
	minecraftchest15["tag"] = tag15
	minecraftchest15["Slot"] = TAG_Byte(13)
	minecraftchest16 = TAG_Compound()
	minecraftchest16["id"] = TAG_String(u'minecraft:chest')
	minecraftchest16["Damage"] = TAG_Short(0)
	minecraftchest16["Count"] = TAG_Byte(64)
	tag16 = TAG_Compound()
	blockEntityTag16 = TAG_Compound()
	blockEntityTag16["CustomName"] = TAG_String(u'Lucky Crate')
	if options["(Random Loot ID)"]:
		blockEntityTag16["LootTable"] = TAG_String("minecraft:chests/"+ random.choice(foo))
		blockEntityTag16["LootTable"] = TAG_String("minecraft:chests/"+ str(ItemsSmokeBox))
	blockEntityTag16["LootTableSeed"] = TAG_Long(int(seedtag))
	tag16["BlockEntityTag"] = blockEntityTag16
	display16 = TAG_Compound()
	display16["Name"] = TAG_String(u'Lucky Crate')
	tag16["display"] = display16
	minecraftchest16["tag"] = tag16
	minecraftchest16["Slot"] = TAG_Byte(14)
	minecraftchest17 = TAG_Compound()
	minecraftchest17["id"] = TAG_String(u'minecraft:chest')
	minecraftchest17["Damage"] = TAG_Short(0)
	minecraftchest17["Count"] = TAG_Byte(64)
	tag17 = TAG_Compound()
	blockEntityTag17 = TAG_Compound()
	blockEntityTag17["CustomName"] = TAG_String(u'Lucky Crate')
	if options["(Random Loot ID)"]:
		blockEntityTag17["LootTable"] = TAG_String("minecraft:chests/"+ random.choice(foo))
		blockEntityTag17["LootTable"] = TAG_String("minecraft:chests/"+ str(ItemsSmokeBox))
	blockEntityTag17["LootTableSeed"] = TAG_Long(int(seedtag))
	tag17["BlockEntityTag"] = blockEntityTag17
	display17 = TAG_Compound()
	display17["Name"] = TAG_String(u'Lucky Crate')
	tag17["display"] = display17
	minecraftchest17["tag"] = tag17
	minecraftchest17["Slot"] = TAG_Byte(15)
	minecraftchest18 = TAG_Compound()
	minecraftchest18["id"] = TAG_String(u'minecraft:chest')
	minecraftchest18["Damage"] = TAG_Short(0)
	minecraftchest18["Count"] = TAG_Byte(64)
	tag18 = TAG_Compound()
	blockEntityTag18 = TAG_Compound()
	blockEntityTag18["CustomName"] = TAG_String(u'Lucky Crate')
	if options["(Random Loot ID)"]:
		blockEntityTag18["LootTable"] = TAG_String("minecraft:chests/"+ random.choice(foo))
		blockEntityTag18["LootTable"] = TAG_String("minecraft:chests/"+ str(ItemsSmokeBox))
	blockEntityTag18["LootTableSeed"] = TAG_Long(int(seedtag))
	tag18["BlockEntityTag"] = blockEntityTag18
	display18 = TAG_Compound()
	display18["Name"] = TAG_String(u'Lucky Crate')
	tag18["display"] = display18
	minecraftchest18["tag"] = tag18
	minecraftchest18["Slot"] = TAG_Byte(16)
	minecraftchest19 = TAG_Compound()
	minecraftchest19["id"] = TAG_String(u'minecraft:chest')
	minecraftchest19["Damage"] = TAG_Short(0)
	minecraftchest19["Count"] = TAG_Byte(64)
	tag19 = TAG_Compound()
	blockEntityTag19 = TAG_Compound()
	blockEntityTag19["CustomName"] = TAG_String(u'Lucky Crate')
	if options["(Random Loot ID)"]:
		blockEntityTag19["LootTable"] = TAG_String("minecraft:chests/"+ random.choice(foo))
		blockEntityTag19["LootTable"] = TAG_String("minecraft:chests/"+ str(ItemsSmokeBox))
	blockEntityTag19["LootTableSeed"] = TAG_Long(int(seedtag))
	tag19["BlockEntityTag"] = blockEntityTag19
	display19 = TAG_Compound()
	display19["Name"] = TAG_String(u'Lucky Crate')
	tag19["display"] = display19
	minecraftchest19["tag"] = tag19
	minecraftchest19["Slot"] = TAG_Byte(17)
	minecraftchest20 = TAG_Compound()
	minecraftchest20["id"] = TAG_String(u'minecraft:chest')
	minecraftchest20["Damage"] = TAG_Short(0)
	minecraftchest20["Count"] = TAG_Byte(64)
	tag20 = TAG_Compound()
	blockEntityTag20 = TAG_Compound()
	blockEntityTag20["CustomName"] = TAG_String(u'Lucky Crate')
	if options["(Random Loot ID)"]:
		blockEntityTag20["LootTable"] = TAG_String("minecraft:chests/"+ random.choice(foo))
		blockEntityTag20["LootTable"] = TAG_String("minecraft:chests/"+ str(ItemsSmokeBox))
	blockEntityTag20["LootTableSeed"] = TAG_Long(int(seedtag))
	tag20["BlockEntityTag"] = blockEntityTag20
	display20 = TAG_Compound()
	display20["Name"] = TAG_String(u'Lucky Crate')
	tag20["display"] = display20
	minecraftchest20["tag"] = tag20
	minecraftchest20["Slot"] = TAG_Byte(18)
	minecraftchest21 = TAG_Compound()
	minecraftchest21["id"] = TAG_String(u'minecraft:chest')
	minecraftchest21["Damage"] = TAG_Short(0)
	minecraftchest21["Count"] = TAG_Byte(64)
	tag21 = TAG_Compound()
	blockEntityTag21 = TAG_Compound()
	blockEntityTag21["CustomName"] = TAG_String(u'Lucky Crate')
	if options["(Random Loot ID)"]:
		blockEntityTag21["LootTable"] = TAG_String("minecraft:chests/"+ random.choice(foo))
		blockEntityTag21["LootTable"] = TAG_String("minecraft:chests/"+ str(ItemsSmokeBox))
	blockEntityTag21["LootTableSeed"] = TAG_Long(int(seedtag))
	tag21["BlockEntityTag"] = blockEntityTag21
	display21 = TAG_Compound()
	display21["Name"] = TAG_String(u'Lucky Crate')
	tag21["display"] = display21
	minecraftchest21["tag"] = tag21
	minecraftchest21["Slot"] = TAG_Byte(19)
	minecraftchest22 = TAG_Compound()
	minecraftchest22["id"] = TAG_String(u'minecraft:chest')
	minecraftchest22["Damage"] = TAG_Short(0)
	minecraftchest22["Count"] = TAG_Byte(64)
	tag22 = TAG_Compound()
	blockEntityTag22 = TAG_Compound()
	blockEntityTag22["CustomName"] = TAG_String(u'Lucky Crate')
	if options["(Random Loot ID)"]:
		blockEntityTag22["LootTable"] = TAG_String("minecraft:chests/"+ random.choice(foo))
		blockEntityTag22["LootTable"] = TAG_String("minecraft:chests/"+ str(ItemsSmokeBox))
	blockEntityTag22["LootTableSeed"] = TAG_Long(int(seedtag))
	tag22["BlockEntityTag"] = blockEntityTag22
	display22 = TAG_Compound()
	display22["Name"] = TAG_String(u'Lucky Crate')
	tag22["display"] = display22
	minecraftchest22["tag"] = tag22
	minecraftchest22["Slot"] = TAG_Byte(20)
	minecraftchest23 = TAG_Compound()
	minecraftchest23["id"] = TAG_String(u'minecraft:chest')
	minecraftchest23["Damage"] = TAG_Short(0)
	minecraftchest23["Count"] = TAG_Byte(64)
	tag23 = TAG_Compound()
	blockEntityTag23 = TAG_Compound()
	blockEntityTag23["CustomName"] = TAG_String(u'Lucky Crate')
	if options["(Random Loot ID)"]:
		blockEntityTag23["LootTable"] = TAG_String("minecraft:chests/"+ random.choice(foo))
		blockEntityTag23["LootTable"] = TAG_String("minecraft:chests/"+ str(ItemsSmokeBox))
	blockEntityTag23["LootTableSeed"] = TAG_Long(int(seedtag))
	tag23["BlockEntityTag"] = blockEntityTag23
	display23 = TAG_Compound()
	display23["Name"] = TAG_String(u'Lucky Crate')
	tag23["display"] = display23
	minecraftchest23["tag"] = tag23
	minecraftchest23["Slot"] = TAG_Byte(21)
	minecraftchest24 = TAG_Compound()
	minecraftchest24["id"] = TAG_String(u'minecraft:chest')
	minecraftchest24["Damage"] = TAG_Short(0)
	minecraftchest24["Count"] = TAG_Byte(64)
	tag24 = TAG_Compound()
	blockEntityTag24 = TAG_Compound()
	blockEntityTag24["CustomName"] = TAG_String(u'Lucky Crate')
	if options["(Random Loot ID)"]:
		blockEntityTag24["LootTable"] = TAG_String("minecraft:chests/"+ random.choice(foo))
		blockEntityTag24["LootTable"] = TAG_String("minecraft:chests/"+ str(ItemsSmokeBox))
	blockEntityTag24["LootTableSeed"] = TAG_Long(int(seedtag))
	tag24["BlockEntityTag"] = blockEntityTag24
	display24 = TAG_Compound()
	display24["Name"] = TAG_String(u'Lucky Crate')
	tag24["display"] = display24
	minecraftchest24["tag"] = tag24
	minecraftchest24["Slot"] = TAG_Byte(22)
	minecraftchest25 = TAG_Compound()
	minecraftchest25["id"] = TAG_String(u'minecraft:chest')
	minecraftchest25["Damage"] = TAG_Short(0)
	minecraftchest25["Count"] = TAG_Byte(64)
	tag25 = TAG_Compound()
	blockEntityTag25 = TAG_Compound()
	blockEntityTag25["CustomName"] = TAG_String(u'Lucky Crate')
	if options["(Random Loot ID)"]:
		blockEntityTag25["LootTable"] = TAG_String("minecraft:chests/"+ random.choice(foo))
		blockEntityTag25["LootTable"] = TAG_String("minecraft:chests/"+ str(ItemsSmokeBox))
	blockEntityTag25["LootTableSeed"] = TAG_Long(int(seedtag))
	tag25["BlockEntityTag"] = blockEntityTag25
	display25 = TAG_Compound()
	display25["Name"] = TAG_String(u'Lucky Crate')
	tag25["display"] = display25
	minecraftchest25["tag"] = tag25
	minecraftchest25["Slot"] = TAG_Byte(23)
	minecraftchest26 = TAG_Compound()
	minecraftchest26["id"] = TAG_String(u'minecraft:chest')
	minecraftchest26["Damage"] = TAG_Short(0)
	minecraftchest26["Count"] = TAG_Byte(64)
	tag26 = TAG_Compound()
	blockEntityTag26 = TAG_Compound()
	blockEntityTag26["CustomName"] = TAG_String(u'Lucky Crate')
	if options["(Random Loot ID)"]:
		blockEntityTag26["LootTable"] = TAG_String("minecraft:chests/"+ random.choice(foo))
		blockEntityTag26["LootTable"] = TAG_String("minecraft:chests/"+ str(ItemsSmokeBox))
	blockEntityTag26["LootTableSeed"] = TAG_Long(int(seedtag))
	tag26["BlockEntityTag"] = blockEntityTag26
	display26 = TAG_Compound()
	display26["Name"] = TAG_String(u'Lucky Crate')
	tag26["display"] = display26
	minecraftchest26["tag"] = tag26
	minecraftchest26["Slot"] = TAG_Byte(25)
	minecraftchest27 = TAG_Compound()
	minecraftchest27["id"] = TAG_String(u'minecraft:chest')
	minecraftchest27["Damage"] = TAG_Short(0)
	minecraftchest27["Count"] = TAG_Byte(64)
	tag27 = TAG_Compound()
	blockEntityTag27 = TAG_Compound()
	blockEntityTag27["CustomName"] = TAG_String(u'Lucky Crate')
	if options["(Random Loot ID)"]:
		blockEntityTag27["LootTable"] = TAG_String("minecraft:chests/"+ random.choice(foo))
		blockEntityTag27["LootTable"] = TAG_String("minecraft:chests/"+ str(ItemsSmokeBox))
	blockEntityTag27["LootTableSeed"] = TAG_Long(int(seedtag))
	tag27["BlockEntityTag"] = blockEntityTag27
	display27 = TAG_Compound()
	display27["Name"] = TAG_String(u'Lucky Crate')
	tag27["display"] = display27
	minecraftchest27["tag"] = tag27
	minecraftchest27["Slot"] = TAG_Byte(27)
	chest["Items"] = items
	return chest
Beispiel #6
def makeItemFrameEntity(x, y, z, facing, itemtag=None, itemRotation=0):
    itemFrame = TAG_Compound()
    itemFrame["id"] = TAG_String(u'ItemFrame')
    pos = TAG_List()
    pos.append(TAG_Double(x + 0.5 + 0.4375*[0, 1, 0, -1][facing]))
    pos.append(TAG_Double(y + 0.5))
    pos.append(TAG_Double(z + 0.5 + 0.4375*[-1, 0, 1, 0][facing]))
    itemFrame["Pos"] = pos
    motion = TAG_List()
    itemFrame["Motion"] = motion
    rotation = TAG_List()
    itemFrame["Rotation"] = rotation
    itemFrame["FallDistance"] = TAG_Float(0.0)
    itemFrame["Fire"] = TAG_Short(0)
    itemFrame["Air"] = TAG_Short(300)
    itemFrame["OnGround"] = TAG_Byte(0)
    itemFrame["Dimension"] = TAG_Int(0)
    itemFrame["Invulnerable"] = TAG_Byte(0)
    itemFrame["PortalCooldown"] = TAG_Int(0)
    itemFrame["UUIDLeast"] = TAG_Long(0)
    itemFrame["UUIDMost"] = TAG_Long(0)
    itemFrame["TileX"] = TAG_Int(x + [0, 1, 0, -1][facing])
    itemFrame["TileY"] = TAG_Int(y)
    itemFrame["TileZ"] = TAG_Int(z + [-1, 0, 1, 0][facing])
    itemFrame["Direction"] = TAG_Byte(facing)
    if itemtag:
        itemFrame["Item"] = itemtag
        itemFrame["ItemDropChance"] = TAG_Float(1)
        itemFrame["ItemRotation"] = TAG_Byte(itemRotation)
    return itemFrame
Beispiel #7
def perform(level, box, options):
    for x in xrange(box.minx, box.maxx):
        for y in xrange(box.miny, box.maxy):
            for z in xrange(box.minz, box.maxz):
                block = level.blockAt(x, y, z)
                data = level.blockDataAt(x, y, z)
                extrab = options["Use Slime Blocks"]
                ItemsSmokeBox2 = Smokeboxs2[options["Minecraft Type"]]

                chunk = level.getChunk(x / 16, z / 16)

                areaEffectCloud = TAG_Compound()
                if options["1.11+ or 1.11.2+"]:
                    areaEffectCloud["id"] = TAG_String(u'area_effect_cloud')
                if options["1.11+ or 1.11.2+"] != True:
                    areaEffectCloud["id"] = TAG_String(u'AreaEffectCloud')
                areaEffectCloud["ownerUUID"] = TAG_String(u'')
                areaEffectCloud["OnGround"] = TAG_Byte(0)
                areaEffectCloud["Dimension"] = TAG_Int(0)
                areaEffectCloud["Air"] = TAG_Short(300)
                areaEffectCloud["ParticleParam2"] = TAG_Int(0)
                areaEffectCloud["ParticleParam1"] = TAG_Int(0)
                if ItemsSmokeBox2 == "PC":
                    areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_String(u"take")
                if ItemsSmokeBox2 != "PC":
                    areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_Int(0)
                areaEffectCloud["ReapplicationDelay"] = TAG_Int(0)
                rotation = TAG_List()
                areaEffectCloud["Rotation"] = rotation
                areaEffectCloud["FallDistance"] = TAG_Float(0.0)
                effects = TAG_List()
                effect = TAG_Compound()
                effect["Amplifier"] = TAG_Byte(15)
                effect["Id"] = TAG_Byte(25)
                effect["Duration"] = TAG_Int(10)
                effect["Ambient"] = TAG_Byte(0)
                effect["ShowParticles"] = TAG_Byte(0)
                effect2 = TAG_Compound()
                effect2["Amplifier"] = TAG_Byte(100)
                effect2["Id"] = TAG_Byte(11)
                effect2["Duration"] = TAG_Int(100)
                effect2["Ambient"] = TAG_Byte(0)
                effect2["ShowParticles"] = TAG_Byte(0)
                effect3 = TAG_Compound()
                effect3["Amplifier"] = TAG_Byte(20)
                effect3["Id"] = TAG_Byte(8)
                effect3["Duration"] = TAG_Int(40)
                effect3["Ambient"] = TAG_Byte(0)
                effect3["ShowParticles"] = TAG_Byte(0)
                areaEffectCloud["Effects"] = effects
                areaEffectCloud["Fire"] = TAG_Short(0)
                areaEffectCloud["Invulnerable"] = TAG_Byte(0)
                areaEffectCloud["PortalCooldown"] = TAG_Int(0)
                areaEffectCloud["CustomName"] = TAG_String(u'')
                areaEffectCloud["createdOnHost"] = TAG_Byte(0)
                areaEffectCloud["Silent"] = TAG_Byte(1)
                areaEffectCloud["NoGravity"] = TAG_Byte(1)
                areaEffectCloud["Glowing"] = TAG_Byte(0)
                areaEffectCloud["Age"] = TAG_Int(1)
                areaEffectCloud["RadiusOnUse"] = TAG_Float(0.0)
                areaEffectCloud["Duration"] = TAG_Int(2147483647)
                areaEffectCloud["DurationOnUse"] = TAG_Int(0)
                areaEffectCloud["WaitTime"] = TAG_Int(0)
                areaEffectCloud["RadiusPerTick"] = TAG_Float(0.0)
                areaEffectCloud["Radius"] = TAG_Float(2.5)
                areaEffectCloud["Color"] = TAG_Int(0)
                areaEffectCloud["Potion"] = TAG_String(u'minecraft:leaping')
                pos = TAG_List()
                pos.append(TAG_Double(x + 0.5))
                pos.append(TAG_Double(y + 5))
                pos.append(TAG_Double(z + 0.5))
                areaEffectCloud["Pos"] = pos
                motion = TAG_List()
                areaEffectCloud["Motion"] = motion

                areaEffectCloud2 = TAG_Compound()
                if options["1.11+ or 1.11.2+"]:
                    areaEffectCloud2["id"] = TAG_String(u'area_effect_cloud')
                if options["1.11+ or 1.11.2+"] != True:
                    areaEffectCloud2["id"] = TAG_String(u'AreaEffectCloud')
                areaEffectCloud2["ownerUUID"] = TAG_String(u'')
                areaEffectCloud2["OnGround"] = TAG_Byte(0)
                areaEffectCloud2["Dimension"] = TAG_Int(0)
                areaEffectCloud2["Air"] = TAG_Short(300)
                areaEffectCloud2["ParticleParam2"] = TAG_Int(0)
                areaEffectCloud2["ParticleParam1"] = TAG_Int(0)
                if ItemsSmokeBox2 == "PC":
                    areaEffectCloud2["Particle"] = TAG_String(u"take")
                if ItemsSmokeBox2 != "PC":
                    areaEffectCloud2["Particle"] = TAG_Int(0)
                areaEffectCloud2["ReapplicationDelay"] = TAG_Int(0)
                rotation2 = TAG_List()
                areaEffectCloud2["Rotation"] = rotation2
                areaEffectCloud2["FallDistance"] = TAG_Float(0.0)
                effects2 = TAG_List()
                effect4 = TAG_Compound()
                effect4["Amplifier"] = TAG_Byte(15)
                effect4["Id"] = TAG_Byte(25)
                effect4["Duration"] = TAG_Int(10)
                effect4["Ambient"] = TAG_Byte(0)
                effect4["ShowParticles"] = TAG_Byte(0)
                effect5 = TAG_Compound()
                effect5["Amplifier"] = TAG_Byte(100)
                effect5["Id"] = TAG_Byte(11)
                effect5["Duration"] = TAG_Int(100)
                effect5["Ambient"] = TAG_Byte(0)
                effect5["ShowParticles"] = TAG_Byte(0)
                effect6 = TAG_Compound()
                effect6["Amplifier"] = TAG_Byte(20)
                effect6["Id"] = TAG_Byte(8)
                effect6["Duration"] = TAG_Int(40)
                effect6["Ambient"] = TAG_Byte(0)
                effect6["ShowParticles"] = TAG_Byte(0)
                areaEffectCloud2["Effects"] = effects2
                areaEffectCloud2["Fire"] = TAG_Short(0)
                areaEffectCloud2["Invulnerable"] = TAG_Byte(0)
                areaEffectCloud2["PortalCooldown"] = TAG_Int(0)
                areaEffectCloud2["CustomName"] = TAG_String(u'')
                areaEffectCloud2["createdOnHost"] = TAG_Byte(0)
                areaEffectCloud2["Silent"] = TAG_Byte(1)
                areaEffectCloud2["NoGravity"] = TAG_Byte(1)
                areaEffectCloud2["Glowing"] = TAG_Byte(0)
                areaEffectCloud2["Age"] = TAG_Int(1)
                areaEffectCloud2["RadiusOnUse"] = TAG_Float(0.0)
                areaEffectCloud2["Duration"] = TAG_Int(2147483647)
                areaEffectCloud2["DurationOnUse"] = TAG_Int(0)
                areaEffectCloud2["WaitTime"] = TAG_Int(0)
                areaEffectCloud2["RadiusPerTick"] = TAG_Float(0.0)
                areaEffectCloud2["Radius"] = TAG_Float(2.5)
                areaEffectCloud2["Color"] = TAG_Int(0)
                areaEffectCloud2["Potion"] = TAG_String(u'minecraft:leaping')
                pos2 = TAG_List()
                pos2.append(TAG_Double(x + 0.5))
                pos2.append(TAG_Double(y + 1.1))
                pos2.append(TAG_Double(z + 0.5))
                areaEffectCloud2["Pos"] = pos2
                motion2 = TAG_List()
                areaEffectCloud2["Motion"] = motion2

                print "Created Trampoline! Successfully"
                chunk.dirty = True

                #Blackwool #3x3

                level.setBlockAt(x, y + 1, z, 171)
                level.setBlockDataAt(x, y + 1, z, 15)

                level.setBlockAt(x + 1, y + 1, z, 171)
                level.setBlockDataAt(x + 1, y + 1, z, 15)

                level.setBlockAt(x, y + 1, z + 1, 171)
                level.setBlockDataAt(x, y + 1, z + 1, 15)

                level.setBlockAt(x + 1, y + 1, z + 1, 171)
                level.setBlockDataAt(x + 1, y + 1, z + 1, 15)

                level.setBlockAt(x, y + 1, z - 1, 171)
                level.setBlockDataAt(x, y + 1, z - 1, 15)

                level.setBlockAt(x - 1, y + 1, z, 171)
                level.setBlockDataAt(x - 1, y + 1, z, 15)

                level.setBlockAt(x - 1, y + 1, z - 1, 171)
                level.setBlockDataAt(x - 1, y + 1, z - 1, 15)

                level.setBlockAt(x + 1, y + 1, z - 1, 171)
                level.setBlockDataAt(x + 1, y + 1, z - 1, 15)

                level.setBlockAt(x - 1, y + 1, z + 1, 171)
                level.setBlockDataAt(x - 1, y + 1, z + 1, 15)

                #Blackwool #2 3x3 Empty Circle

                level.setBlockAt(x + 2, y + 1, z, 171)
                level.setBlockDataAt(x + 2, y + 1, z, 15)

                level.setBlockAt(x - 2, y + 1, z, 171)
                level.setBlockDataAt(x - 2, y + 1, z, 15)

                level.setBlockAt(x, y + 1, z + 2, 171)
                level.setBlockDataAt(x, y + 1, z + 2, 15)

                level.setBlockAt(x, y + 1, z - 2, 171)
                level.setBlockDataAt(x, y + 1, z - 2, 15)

                level.setBlockAt(x + 2, y + 1, z - 1, 171)
                level.setBlockDataAt(x + 2, y + 1, z - 1, 15)

                level.setBlockAt(x - 1, y + 1, z + 2, 171)
                level.setBlockDataAt(x - 1, y + 1, z + 2, 15)

                level.setBlockAt(x + 1, y + 1, z + 2, 171)
                level.setBlockDataAt(x + 1, y + 1, z + 2, 15)

                level.setBlockAt(x + 2, y + 1, z + 1, 171)
                level.setBlockDataAt(x + 2, y + 1, z + 1, 15)

                level.setBlockAt(x + 1, y + 1, z + -2, 171)
                level.setBlockDataAt(x + 1, y + 1, z - 2, 15)

                level.setBlockAt(x - 2, y + 1, z + 1, 171)
                level.setBlockDataAt(x - 2, y + 1, z + 1, 15)

                level.setBlockAt(x - 2, y + 1, z - 1, 171)
                level.setBlockDataAt(x - 2, y + 1, z - 1, 15)

                level.setBlockAt(x - 1, y + 1, z - 2, 171)
                level.setBlockDataAt(x - 1, y + 1, z - 2, 15)

                #Blue Wool 5x5 / 3x3

                level.setBlockAt(x + 3, y + 1, z, 171)
                level.setBlockDataAt(x + 3, y + 1, z, 11)

                level.setBlockAt(x - 3, y + 1, z, 171)
                level.setBlockDataAt(x - 3, y + 1, z, 11)

                level.setBlockAt(x, y + 1, z + 3, 171)
                level.setBlockDataAt(x, y + 1, z + 3, 11)

                level.setBlockAt(x, y + 1, z - 3, 171)
                level.setBlockDataAt(x, y + 1, z - 3, 11)

                level.setBlockAt(x + 1, y + 1, z - 3, 171)
                level.setBlockDataAt(x + 1, y + 1, z - 3, 11)

                level.setBlockAt(x - 1, y + 1, z - 3, 171)
                level.setBlockDataAt(x - 1, y + 1, z - 3, 11)

                level.setBlockAt(x + 3, y + 1, z - 1, 171)
                level.setBlockDataAt(x + 3, y + 1, z - 1, 11)

                level.setBlockAt(x - 3, y + 1, z - 1, 171)
                level.setBlockDataAt(x - 3, y + 1, z - 1, 11)

                level.setBlockAt(x + 3, y + 1, z + 1, 171)
                level.setBlockDataAt(x + 3, y + 1, z + 1, 11)

                level.setBlockAt(x - 3, y + 1, z + 1, 171)
                level.setBlockDataAt(x - 3, y + 1, z + 1, 11)

                level.setBlockAt(x + 1, y + 1, z + 3, 171)
                level.setBlockDataAt(x + 1, y + 1, z + 3, 11)

                level.setBlockAt(x - 1, y + 1, z + 3, 171)
                level.setBlockDataAt(x - 1, y + 1, z + 3, 11)
                level.setBlockAt(x - 2, y + 1, z + 2, 171)
                level.setBlockDataAt(x - 2, y + 1, z + 2, 11)

                level.setBlockAt(x + 2, y + 1, z - 2, 171)
                level.setBlockDataAt(x + 2, y + 1, z - 2, 11)

                level.setBlockAt(x + 2, y + 1, z + 2, 171)
                level.setBlockDataAt(x + 2, y + 1, z + 2, 11)

                level.setBlockAt(x + 2, y + 1, z - 2, 171)
                level.setBlockDataAt(x + 2, y + 1, z - 2, 11)

                level.setBlockAt(x - 2, y + 1, z - 2, 171)
                level.setBlockDataAt(x - 2, y + 1, z - 2, 11)

                if extrab == True:

                    #Slime Block #3x3

                    level.setBlockAt(x, y, z, 165)
                    level.setBlockDataAt(x, y, z, 0)

                    level.setBlockAt(x + 1, y, z, 165)
                    level.setBlockDataAt(x + 1, y, z, 0)

                    level.setBlockAt(x, y, z + 1, 165)
                    level.setBlockDataAt(x, y, z + 1, 0)

                    level.setBlockAt(x + 1, y, z + 1, 165)
                    level.setBlockDataAt(x + 1, y, z + 1, 0)

                    level.setBlockAt(x, y, z - 1, 165)
                    level.setBlockDataAt(x, y, z - 1, 0)

                    level.setBlockAt(x - 1, y, z, 165)
                    level.setBlockDataAt(x - 1, y, z, 0)

                    level.setBlockAt(x - 1, y, z - 1, 165)
                    level.setBlockDataAt(x - 1, y, z - 1, 0)

                    level.setBlockAt(x + 1, y, z - 1, 165)
                    level.setBlockDataAt(x + 1, y, z - 1, 0)

                    level.setBlockAt(x - 1, y, z + 1, 165)
                    level.setBlockDataAt(x - 1, y, z + 1, 0)

                    #Part 2 Slime 3x3 Empty Circle

                    level.setBlockAt(x + 2, y, z, 165)
                    level.setBlockDataAt(x + 2, y, z, 0)

                    level.setBlockAt(x - 2, y, z, 165)
                    level.setBlockDataAt(x - 2, y, z, 0)

                    level.setBlockAt(x, y, z + 2, 165)
                    level.setBlockDataAt(x, y, z + 2, 0)

                    level.setBlockAt(x, y, z - 2, 165)
                    level.setBlockDataAt(x, y, z - 2, 0)

                    level.setBlockAt(x + 2, y, z - 1, 165)
                    level.setBlockDataAt(x + 2, y, z - 1, 0)

                    level.setBlockAt(x - 1, y, z + 2, 165)
                    level.setBlockDataAt(x - 1, y, z + 2, 0)

                    level.setBlockAt(x + 1, y, z + 2, 165)
                    level.setBlockDataAt(x + 1, y, z + 2, 0)

                    level.setBlockAt(x + 2, y, z + 1, 165)
                    level.setBlockDataAt(x + 2, y, z + 1, 0)

                    level.setBlockAt(x + 1, y, z + -2, 165)
                    level.setBlockDataAt(x + 1, y, z - 2, 0)

                    level.setBlockAt(x - 2, y, z + 1, 165)
                    level.setBlockDataAt(x - 2, y, z + 1, 0)

                    level.setBlockAt(x - 2, y, z - 1, 165)
                    level.setBlockDataAt(x - 2, y, z - 1, 0)

                    level.setBlockAt(x - 1, y, z - 2, 165)
                    level.setBlockDataAt(x - 1, y, z - 2, 0)

                    #Part 3 Slime Outer Ring

                    level.setBlockAt(x + 3, y, z, 165)
                    level.setBlockDataAt(x + 3, y, z, 0)

                    level.setBlockAt(x - 3, y, z, 165)
                    level.setBlockDataAt(x - 3, y, z, 0)

                    level.setBlockAt(x, y, z + 3, 165)
                    level.setBlockDataAt(x, y, z + 3, 0)

                    level.setBlockAt(x, y, z - 3, 165)
                    level.setBlockDataAt(x, y, z - 3, 0)

                    level.setBlockAt(x + 1, y, z - 3, 165)
                    level.setBlockDataAt(x + 1, y, z - 3, 0)

                    level.setBlockAt(x - 1, y, z - 3, 165)
                    level.setBlockDataAt(x - 1, y, z - 3, 0)

                    level.setBlockAt(x + 3, y, z - 1, 165)
                    level.setBlockDataAt(x + 3, y, z - 1, 0)

                    level.setBlockAt(x - 3, y, z - 1, 165)
                    level.setBlockDataAt(x - 3, y, z - 1, 0)

                    level.setBlockAt(x + 3, y, z + 1, 165)
                    level.setBlockDataAt(x + 3, y, z + 1, 0)

                    level.setBlockAt(x - 3, y, z + 1, 165)
                    level.setBlockDataAt(x - 3, y, z + 1, 0)

                    level.setBlockAt(x + 1, y, z + 3, 165)
                    level.setBlockDataAt(x + 1, y, z + 3, 0)

                    level.setBlockAt(x - 1, y, z + 3, 165)
                    level.setBlockDataAt(x - 1, y, z + 3, 0)

                    level.setBlockAt(x - 2, y, z + 2, 165)
                    level.setBlockDataAt(x - 2, y, z + 2, 0)

                    level.setBlockAt(x + 2, y, z - 2, 165)
                    level.setBlockDataAt(x + 2, y, z - 2, 0)

                    level.setBlockAt(x + 2, y, z + 2, 165)
                    level.setBlockDataAt(x + 2, y, z + 2, 0)

                    level.setBlockAt(x + 2, y, z - 2, 165)
                    level.setBlockDataAt(x + 2, y, z - 2, 0)

                    level.setBlockAt(x - 2, y, z - 2, 165)
                    level.setBlockDataAt(x - 2, y, z - 2, 0)
                    #String Middle Block #3x3

                    level.setBlockAt(x, y, z, 166)
                    level.setBlockDataAt(x, y, z, 0)

                    level.setBlockAt(x + 1, y, z, 166)
                    level.setBlockDataAt(x + 1, y, z, 0)

                    level.setBlockAt(x, y, z + 1, 166)
                    level.setBlockDataAt(x, y, z + 1, 0)

                    level.setBlockAt(x + 1, y, z + 1, 166)
                    level.setBlockDataAt(x + 1, y, z + 1, 0)

                    level.setBlockAt(x, y, z - 1, 166)
                    level.setBlockDataAt(x, y, z - 1, 0)

                    level.setBlockAt(x - 1, y, z, 166)
                    level.setBlockDataAt(x - 1, y, z, 0)

                    level.setBlockAt(x - 1, y, z - 1, 166)
                    level.setBlockDataAt(x - 1, y, z - 1, 0)

                    level.setBlockAt(x + 1, y, z - 1, 166)
                    level.setBlockDataAt(x + 1, y, z - 1, 0)

                    level.setBlockAt(x - 1, y, z + 1, 166)
                    level.setBlockDataAt(x - 1, y, z + 1, 0)

                    #String Block Inner #3x3

                    level.setBlockAt(x + 2, y, z, 166)
                    level.setBlockDataAt(x + 2, y, z, 0)

                    level.setBlockAt(x - 2, y, z, 166)
                    level.setBlockDataAt(x - 2, y, z, 0)

                    level.setBlockAt(x, y, z + 2, 166)
                    level.setBlockDataAt(x, y, z + 2, 0)

                    level.setBlockAt(x, y, z - 2, 166)
                    level.setBlockDataAt(x, y, z - 2, 0)

                    level.setBlockAt(x + 2, y, z - 1, 166)
                    level.setBlockDataAt(x + 2, y, z - 1, 0)

                    level.setBlockAt(x - 1, y, z + 2, 166)
                    level.setBlockDataAt(x - 1, y, z + 2, 0)

                    level.setBlockAt(x + 1, y, z + 2, 166)
                    level.setBlockDataAt(x + 1, y, z + 2, 0)

                    level.setBlockAt(x + 2, y, z + 1, 166)
                    level.setBlockDataAt(x + 2, y, z + 1, 0)

                    level.setBlockAt(x + 1, y, z + -2, 166)
                    level.setBlockDataAt(x + 1, y, z - 2, 0)

                    level.setBlockAt(x - 2, y, z + 1, 166)
                    level.setBlockDataAt(x - 2, y, z + 1, 0)

                    level.setBlockAt(x - 2, y, z - 1, 166)
                    level.setBlockDataAt(x - 2, y, z - 1, 0)

                    level.setBlockAt(x - 1, y, z - 2, 166)
                    level.setBlockDataAt(x - 1, y, z - 2, 0)

                    #Iron Fence Block #3x3 Outer

                    level.setBlockAt(x + 3, y, z, 101)
                    level.setBlockDataAt(x + 3, y, z, 0)

                    level.setBlockAt(x - 3, y, z, 101)
                    level.setBlockDataAt(x - 3, y, z, 0)

                    level.setBlockAt(x, y, z + 3, 101)
                    level.setBlockDataAt(x, y, z + 3, 0)

                    level.setBlockAt(x, y, z - 3, 101)
                    level.setBlockDataAt(x, y, z - 3, 0)

                    level.setBlockAt(x + 1, y, z - 3, 101)
                    level.setBlockDataAt(x + 1, y, z - 3, 0)

                    level.setBlockAt(x - 1, y, z - 3, 101)
                    level.setBlockDataAt(x - 1, y, z - 3, 0)

                    level.setBlockAt(x + 3, y, z - 1, 101)
                    level.setBlockDataAt(x + 3, y, z - 1, 0)

                    level.setBlockAt(x - 3, y, z - 1, 101)
                    level.setBlockDataAt(x - 3, y, z - 1, 0)

                    level.setBlockAt(x + 3, y, z + 1, 101)
                    level.setBlockDataAt(x + 3, y, z + 1, 0)

                    level.setBlockAt(x - 3, y, z + 1, 101)
                    level.setBlockDataAt(x - 3, y, z + 1, 0)

                    level.setBlockAt(x + 1, y, z + 3, 101)
                    level.setBlockDataAt(x + 1, y, z + 3, 0)

                    level.setBlockAt(x - 1, y, z + 3, 101)
                    level.setBlockDataAt(x - 1, y, z + 3, 0)

                    level.setBlockAt(x - 2, y, z + 2, 101)
                    level.setBlockDataAt(x - 2, y, z + 2, 0)

                    level.setBlockAt(x + 2, y, z - 2, 101)
                    level.setBlockDataAt(x + 2, y, z - 2, 0)

                    level.setBlockAt(x + 2, y, z + 2, 101)
                    level.setBlockDataAt(x + 2, y, z + 2, 0)

                    level.setBlockAt(x + 2, y, z - 2, 101)
                    level.setBlockDataAt(x + 2, y, z - 2, 0)

                    level.setBlockAt(x - 2, y, z - 2, 101)
                    level.setBlockDataAt(x - 2, y, z - 2, 0)
def perform(level, box, options):

	#Define Options#
	ItemsSmokeBox = Smokeboxs[options["Particle"]]
	colorvalue = dict([(trn._(a), b) for a, b in Smokeboxs2.items()])[options["ColorValue"]]

	#Define Selection#
	for x in xrange(box.minx, box.maxx):
		for z in xrange(box.minz, box.maxz):
			for y in xrange(box.miny, box.maxy):

				#Checks If Console Edtion Is True#
				chunk = level.getChunk(x/16, z/16)
				#Define & Create AreaEffectCloud#
				areaEffectCloud = TAG_Compound()
				areaEffectCloud["Radius"] = TAG_Float(options["Radius"])
				areaEffectCloud["DurationOnUse"] = TAG_Int(0)
				areaEffectCloud["Invulnerable"] = TAG_Byte(options["Invulnerable"])
				areaEffectCloud["PortalCooldown"] = TAG_Int(0)
				#Checks If Console Edtion Is True And Converts Particle Ids To Console#
				if options["Console Edtition"] and ItemsSmokeBox == "take":
					areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_Int(0)
				if options["Console Edtition"] != True and ItemsSmokeBox == "take":
					areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_String("take")
				if options["Console Edtition"] and ItemsSmokeBox == "note":
					areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_Int(2)
				if options["Console Edtition"] != True and ItemsSmokeBox == "note":
					areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_String("note")
				if options["Console Edtition"] and ItemsSmokeBox == "portal":
					areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_Int(3)
				if options["Console Edtition"] != True and ItemsSmokeBox == "portal":
					areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_String("portal")
				if options["Console Edtition"] and ItemsSmokeBox == "explode":
					areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_Int(5)
				if options["Console Edtition"] != True and ItemsSmokeBox == "explode":
					areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_String("explode")
				if options["Console Edtition"] and ItemsSmokeBox == "flame":
					areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_Int(6)
				if options["Console Edtition"] != True and ItemsSmokeBox == "flame":
					areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_String("flame")
				if options["Console Edtition"] and ItemsSmokeBox == "lava":
					areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_Int(7)
				if options["Console Edtition"] != True and ItemsSmokeBox == "lava":
					areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_String("lava")
				if options["Console Edtition"] and ItemsSmokeBox == "footstep":
					areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_Int(8)
				if options["Console Edtition"] != True and ItemsSmokeBox == "footstep":
					areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_String("footstep")
				if options["Console Edtition"] and ItemsSmokeBox == "droplet":
					areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_Int(9)
				if options["Console Edtition"] != True and ItemsSmokeBox == "droplet":
					areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_String("droplet")
				if options["Console Edtition"] and ItemsSmokeBox == "largesmoke":
					areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_Int(10)
				if options["Console Edtition"] != True and ItemsSmokeBox == "largesmoke":
					areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_String("largesmoke")
				if options["Console Edtition"] and ItemsSmokeBox == "reddust":
					areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_Int(11)
				if options["Console Edtition"] != True and ItemsSmokeBox == "reddust":
					areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_String("reddust")
				if options["Console Edtition"] and ItemsSmokeBox == "snowballpoof":
					areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_Int(12)
				if options["Console Edtition"] != True and ItemsSmokeBox == "snowballpoof":
					areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_String("snowballpoof")
				if options["Console Edtition"] and ItemsSmokeBox == "snowshovel":
					areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_Int(13)
				if options["Console Edtition"] != True and ItemsSmokeBox == "snowshovel":
					areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_String("snowshovel")
				if options["Console Edtition"] and ItemsSmokeBox == "slime":
					areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_Int(14)
				if options["Console Edtition"] != True and ItemsSmokeBox == "slime":
					areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_String("slime")
				if options["Console Edtition"] and ItemsSmokeBox == "heart":
					areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_Int(15)
				if options["Console Edtition"] != True and ItemsSmokeBox == "heart":
					areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_String("heart")
				if options["Console Edtition"] and ItemsSmokeBox == "depthsuspend":
					areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_Int(17)
				if options["Console Edtition"] != True and ItemsSmokeBox == "depthsuspend":
					areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_String("depthsuspend")
				if options["Console Edtition"] and ItemsSmokeBox == "crit":
					areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_Int(18)
				if options["Console Edtition"] != True and ItemsSmokeBox == "crit":
					areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_String("crit")
				if options["Console Edtition"] and ItemsSmokeBox == "hugeexplosion":
					areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_Int(19)
				if options["Console Edtition"] != True and ItemsSmokeBox == "hugeexplosion":
					areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_String("hugeexplosion")
				if options["Console Edtition"] and ItemsSmokeBox == "largeexplode":
					areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_Int(20)
				if options["Console Edtition"] != True and ItemsSmokeBox == "largeexplode":
					areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_String("largeexplode")
				if options["Console Edtition"] and ItemsSmokeBox == "spell":
					areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_Int(22)
				if options["Console Edtition"] != True and ItemsSmokeBox == "spell":
					areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_String("spell")
				if options["Console Edtition"] and ItemsSmokeBox == "witchMagic":
					areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_Int(23)
				if options["Console Edtition"] != True and ItemsSmokeBox == "witchMagic":
					areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_String("witchMagic")
				if options["Console Edtition"] and ItemsSmokeBox == "mobSpell":
					areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_Int(24)
				if options["Console Edtition"] != True and ItemsSmokeBox == "mobSpell":
					areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_String("mobSpell")
				if options["Console Edtition"] and ItemsSmokeBox == "mobSpellAmbient":
					areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_Int(25)
				if options["Console Edtition"] != True and ItemsSmokeBox == "mobSpellAmbient":
					areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_String("mobSpellAmbient")
				if options["Console Edtition"] and ItemsSmokeBox == "suspended":
					areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_Int(27)
				if options["Console Edtition"] != True and ItemsSmokeBox == "suspended":
					areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_String("suspended")
				if options["Console Edtition"] and ItemsSmokeBox == "fallingdust":
					areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_Int(28)
				if options["Console Edtition"] != True and ItemsSmokeBox == "fallingdust":
					areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_String("fallingdust")
				if options["Console Edtition"] and ItemsSmokeBox == "enchantmenttable":
					areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_Int(29)
				if options["Console Edtition"] != True and ItemsSmokeBox == "enchantmenttable":
					areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_String("enchantmenttable")
				if options["Console Edtition"] and ItemsSmokeBox == "angryVillager":
					areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_Int(31)
				if options["Console Edtition"] != True and ItemsSmokeBox == "angryVillager":
					areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_String("angryVillager")
				if options["Console Edtition"] and ItemsSmokeBox == "happyVillager":
					areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_Int(32)
				if options["Console Edtition"] != True and ItemsSmokeBox == "happyVillager":
					areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_String("happyVillager")
				if options["Console Edtition"] and ItemsSmokeBox == "fireworksSpark":
					areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_Int(33)
				if options["Console Edtition"] != True and ItemsSmokeBox == "fireworksSpark":
					areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_String("fireworksSpark")
				if options["Console Edtition"] and ItemsSmokeBox == "splash":
					areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_Int(34)
				if options["Console Edtition"] != True and ItemsSmokeBox == "splash":
					areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_String("splash")
				if options["Console Edtition"] and ItemsSmokeBox == "magicCrit":
					areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_Int(35)
				if options["Console Edtition"] != True and ItemsSmokeBox == "magicCrit":
					areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_String("magicCrit")
				if options["Console Edtition"] and ItemsSmokeBox == "cloud":
					areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_Int(37)
				if options["Console Edtition"] != True and ItemsSmokeBox == "cloud":
					areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_String("cloud")
				if options["Console Edtition"] and ItemsSmokeBox == "barrier":
					areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_Int(38)
				if options["Console Edtition"] != True and ItemsSmokeBox == "barrier":
					areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_String("barrier")
				if options["Console Edtition"] and ItemsSmokeBox == "iconcrack":
					areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_Int(39)
				if options["Console Edtition"] != True and ItemsSmokeBox == "iconcrack":
					areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_String("iconcrack")
				if options["Console Edtition"] and ItemsSmokeBox == "blockcrack":
					areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_Int(40)
				if options["Console Edtition"] != True and ItemsSmokeBox == "blockcrack":
					areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_String("blockcrack")
				if options["Console Edtition"] and ItemsSmokeBox == "Invisible":
					areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_Int(43)
				if options["Console Edtition"] != True and ItemsSmokeBox == "Invisible":
					areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_String("Invisible")
				if options["Console Edtition"] and ItemsSmokeBox == "dragonbreath":
					areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_Int(44)
				if options["Console Edtition"] != True and ItemsSmokeBox == "dragonbreath":
					areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_String("dragonbreath")
				if options["Console Edtition"] and ItemsSmokeBox == "endRod":
					areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_Int(45)
				if options["Console Edtition"] != True and ItemsSmokeBox == "endRod":
					areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_String("endRod")
				if options["Console Edtition"] and ItemsSmokeBox == "damageIndicator":
					areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_Int(46)
				if options["Console Edtition"] != True and ItemsSmokeBox == "damageIndicator":
					areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_String("damageIndicator")

				customPotionEffects = TAG_List()
				customPotionEffect = TAG_Compound()
				customPotionEffect["ShowParticles"] = TAG_Byte(options["ShowParticles"])
				customPotionEffect["Duration"] = TAG_Int(options["Effect Duration"])
				customPotionEffect["Id"] = TAG_Int(options["Effect ID"])
				customPotionEffect["Amplifier"] = TAG_Int(options["Effect Amplifier"])
				areaEffectCloud["Effects"] = customPotionEffects
				areaEffectCloud["FallDistance"] = TAG_Float(0.0)
				#1.11+ Support Changes ID To New Format#
				if options["1.11-1.12+Plus"]:
					AreaEffectCloud["id"] = TAG_String(u'area_effect_cloud')
					areaEffectCloud["id"] = TAG_String(u'AreaEffectCloud')

				areaEffectCloud["ParticleParam1"] = TAG_Int(options["ParticleParam1"])
				areaEffectCloud["ParticleParam2"] = TAG_Int(options["ParticleParam2"])
				areaEffectCloud["Age"] = TAG_Int(options["Age"])
				#Custom ColorValue Option Aplies To Particles#
				if options["Custom ColorValue"]:
					areaEffectCloud["Color"] = TAG_Int(colorvalue)
					areaEffectCloud["Color"] = TAG_Int(0)
				motion = TAG_List()
				areaEffectCloud["Motion"] = motion
				areaEffectCloud["ReapplicationDelay"] = TAG_Int(options["ReapplicationDelay"])
				areaEffectCloud["Potion"] = TAG_String("minecraft:potion")
				#Changes Durantion To The Max Value When True#
				if options["Last-Forever/No-Despawn"]:
					areaEffectCloud["Duration"] = TAG_Int(2147483647)
					areaEffectCloud["Duration"] = TAG_Int(options["Duration"])
				areaEffectCloud["Air"] = TAG_Short(300)
				areaEffectCloud["OnGround"] = TAG_Byte(0)
				areaEffectCloud["Dimension"] = TAG_Int(0)
				rotation = TAG_List()
				areaEffectCloud["Rotation"] = rotation
				areaEffectCloud["RadiusPerTick"] = TAG_Float(options["RadiusPerTick"])
				pos = TAG_List()
				areaEffectCloud["Pos"] = pos
				areaEffectCloud["Fire"] = TAG_Short(0)
				areaEffectCloud["RadiusOnUse"] = TAG_Float(options["RadiusOnUse"])
				areaEffectCloud["WaitTime"] = TAG_Int(options["WaitTime"])
				#Marks The Chunks As Dirty/ReLights Selection#
				chunk.dirty = True
				#Prints Out Particle ID & Coordinates That Were Generated#
				print "Created AreaEffectCloud " + str(ItemsSmokeBox) + " At X:" + str(x) + " Y:" + str(y) + " Z:" + str(z)

	#Prints Out Completed Generation Message#
	print "Completed Generation" 
def createArmorStand(level, x, y, z, customName, Invisible, CustomNameVisible, Invulnerable, Marker, NoGravity, MotionX, MotionY, MotionZ, RotationX, RotationY, Small,ShowArms,NoBasePlate,HandItem1,HandItem2,ArmorItem1,ArmorItem2,ArmorItem3,ArmorItem4,ArmorItem4Data,PoseBodyX,PoseBodyY,PoseBodyZ,PoseHeadX,PoseHeadY,PoseHeadZ,PoseRightArmX,PoseRightArmY,PoseRightArmZ,PoseLeftArmX,PoseLeftArmY,PoseLeftArmZ,PoseRightLegX,PoseRightLegY,PoseRightLegZ,PoseLeftLegX,PoseLeftLegY,PoseLeftLegZ): # After @Sethbling
	print("New ArmorStand named "+customName+" at "+str(x)+","+str(y)+","+str(z))
	mob = TAG_Compound()
	mob["CustomName"] = TAG_String(customName)
	mob["Invisible"] = TAG_Byte(Invisible)
	mob["Small"] = TAG_Byte(Small)
	mob["ShowArms"] = TAG_Byte(ShowArms)
	mob["NoBasePlate"] = TAG_Byte(NoBasePlate)
	mob["CustomNameVisible"] = TAG_Byte(CustomNameVisible)
	mob["Invulnerable"] = TAG_Byte(Invulnerable)
	mob["Marker"] = TAG_Byte(Marker)
	mob["NoGravity"] = TAG_Byte(NoGravity)
	mob["OnGround"] = TAG_Byte(1)
	mob["Air"] = TAG_Short(300)
	mob["DeathTime"] = TAG_Short(0)
	mob["Fire"] = TAG_Short(-1)
	mob["Health"] = TAG_Short(20)
	mob["HurtTime"] = TAG_Short(0)
	mob["Age"] = TAG_Int(0)
	mob["FallDistance"] = TAG_Float(0)
	mob["Motion"] = TAG_List()
	mob["Pos"] = TAG_List()
	mob["Pos"].append(TAG_Double(x + 0.5))
	mob["Pos"].append(TAG_Double(z + 0.5))
	mob["Rotation"] = TAG_List()

	tl_AI = TAG_List()
	tc_AI1 = TAG_Compound()
	tc_AI1["Count"] = TAG_Byte(1)
	tc_AI1["id"] = TAG_String(HandItem1)
	tc_AI1 = TAG_Compound()
	tc_AI1["Count"] = TAG_Byte(1)
	tc_AI1["id"] = TAG_String(HandItem2)
	mob["HandItems"] = tl_AI
	tl_AI = TAG_List()
	tc_AI1 = TAG_Compound()
	tc_AI1["Count"] = TAG_Byte(1)
	tc_AI1["id"] = TAG_String(ArmorItem1)
	tc_AI1 = TAG_Compound()
	tc_AI1["Count"] = TAG_Byte(1)
	tc_AI1["id"] = TAG_String(ArmorItem2)
	tc_AI1 = TAG_Compound()
	tc_AI1["Count"] = TAG_Byte(1)
	tc_AI1["id"] = TAG_String(ArmorItem3)
	tc_AI1 = TAG_Compound()
	tc_AI1["Count"] = TAG_Byte(1)
	tc_AI1["id"] = TAG_String(ArmorItem4)
	tc_AI1["Damage"] = TAG_Short(ArmorItem4Data)
	mob["ArmorItems"] = tl_AI

	tc_Pose = TAG_Compound()
	tl_Pose = TAG_List()
	tc_Pose["Body"] = tl_Pose
	tl_Pose = TAG_List()
	tc_Pose["Head"] = tl_Pose
	tl_Pose = TAG_List()
	tc_Pose["RightArm"] = tl_Pose
	tl_Pose = TAG_List()
	tc_Pose["LeftArm"] = tl_Pose
	tl_Pose = TAG_List()
	tc_Pose["RightLeg"] = tl_Pose
	tl_Pose = TAG_List()
	tc_Pose["LeftLeg"] = tl_Pose	
	mob["Pose"] = tc_Pose
	mob["id"] = TAG_String("ArmorStand")
	chunk = level.getChunk(int(x) / CHUNKSIZE, int(z) / CHUNKSIZE)
	chunk.dirty = True
	mobSpawner["MaxNearbyEntities"] = TAG_Short(maxEntities)
	mobSpawner["SpawnRange"] = TAG_Short(spawnRange)
	mobSpawner["SpawnData"] = entity
	mobSpawner["EntityId"] = TAG_String(u'MinecartSpawner')
	mobSpawner["x"] = TAG_Int(x)
	mobSpawner["y"] = TAG_Int(y)
	mobSpawner["z"] = TAG_Int(z)
	return mobSpawner
def minecartSpawner((cx, cy, cz), spawn1, spawn2, initialDelay=True):
	spawnerCart = TAG_Compound()
	spawnerCart["id"] = TAG_String(u'MinecartSpawner')
	spawnerCart["Items"] = TAG_List()
	motion = TAG_List()
	spawnerCart["Motion"] = motion
	spawnerCart["OnGround"] = TAG_Byte(0)
	spawnerCart["Type"] = TAG_Int(0)
	if initialDelay:
		# 1 tick delay before first spawn, 1 tick before second
		spawnerCart["MinSpawnDelay"] = TAG_Short(1)
		spawnerCart["MaxSpawnDelay"] = TAG_Short(1)
		spawnerCart["Delay"] = TAG_Short(2)
		# instantaneous first spawn, 2 ticks before second
		spawnerCart["MinSpawnDelay"] = TAG_Short(2)
		spawnerCart["MaxSpawnDelay"] = TAG_Short(2)
def perform(level, box, options):

    #Define Options#
    ItemsSmokeBox = Smokeboxs[options["Particle"]]
    colorvalue = dict([(trn._(a), b)
                       for a, b in Smokeboxs2.items()])[options["ColorValue"]]

    #Define Selection#
    for x in xrange(box.minx, box.maxx):

        for z in xrange(box.minz, box.maxz):

            for y in xrange(box.miny, box.maxy):

                #Checks If Console Edtion Is True#
                chunk = level.getChunk(x / 16, z / 16)

                #Define & Create AreaEffectCloud#
                areaEffectCloud = TAG_Compound()
                areaEffectCloud["Radius"] = TAG_Float(options["Radius"])
                areaEffectCloud["DurationOnUse"] = TAG_Int(0)
                areaEffectCloud["Invulnerable"] = TAG_Byte(
                areaEffectCloud["PortalCooldown"] = TAG_Int(0)

                #Checks If Console Edtion Is True And Converts Particle Ids To Console#
                if options["Console Edtition"] and ItemsSmokeBox == "take":
                    areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_Int(0)

                if options[
                        "Console Edtition"] != True and ItemsSmokeBox == "take":
                    areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_String("take")

                if options["Console Edtition"] and ItemsSmokeBox == "note":
                    areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_Int(2)

                if options[
                        "Console Edtition"] != True and ItemsSmokeBox == "note":
                    areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_String("note")

                if options["Console Edtition"] and ItemsSmokeBox == "portal":
                    areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_Int(3)

                if options[
                        "Console Edtition"] != True and ItemsSmokeBox == "portal":
                    areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_String("portal")

                if options["Console Edtition"] and ItemsSmokeBox == "explode":
                    areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_Int(5)

                if options[
                        "Console Edtition"] != True and ItemsSmokeBox == "explode":
                    areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_String("explode")

                if options["Console Edtition"] and ItemsSmokeBox == "flame":
                    areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_Int(6)

                if options[
                        "Console Edtition"] != True and ItemsSmokeBox == "flame":
                    areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_String("flame")

                if options["Console Edtition"] and ItemsSmokeBox == "lava":
                    areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_Int(7)

                if options[
                        "Console Edtition"] != True and ItemsSmokeBox == "lava":
                    areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_String("lava")

                if options["Console Edtition"] and ItemsSmokeBox == "footstep":
                    areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_Int(8)

                if options[
                        "Console Edtition"] != True and ItemsSmokeBox == "footstep":
                    areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_String("footstep")

                if options["Console Edtition"] and ItemsSmokeBox == "droplet":
                    areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_Int(9)

                if options[
                        "Console Edtition"] != True and ItemsSmokeBox == "droplet":
                    areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_String("droplet")

                if options[
                        "Console Edtition"] and ItemsSmokeBox == "largesmoke":
                    areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_Int(10)

                if options[
                        "Console Edtition"] != True and ItemsSmokeBox == "largesmoke":
                    areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_String("largesmoke")

                if options["Console Edtition"] and ItemsSmokeBox == "reddust":
                    areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_Int(11)

                if options[
                        "Console Edtition"] != True and ItemsSmokeBox == "reddust":
                    areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_String("reddust")

                if options[
                        "Console Edtition"] and ItemsSmokeBox == "snowballpoof":
                    areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_Int(12)

                if options[
                        "Console Edtition"] != True and ItemsSmokeBox == "snowballpoof":
                    areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_String("snowballpoof")

                if options[
                        "Console Edtition"] and ItemsSmokeBox == "snowshovel":
                    areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_Int(13)

                if options[
                        "Console Edtition"] != True and ItemsSmokeBox == "snowshovel":
                    areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_String("snowshovel")

                if options["Console Edtition"] and ItemsSmokeBox == "slime":
                    areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_Int(14)

                if options[
                        "Console Edtition"] != True and ItemsSmokeBox == "slime":
                    areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_String("slime")

                if options["Console Edtition"] and ItemsSmokeBox == "heart":
                    areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_Int(15)

                if options[
                        "Console Edtition"] != True and ItemsSmokeBox == "heart":
                    areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_String("heart")

                if options[
                        "Console Edtition"] and ItemsSmokeBox == "depthsuspend":
                    areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_Int(17)

                if options[
                        "Console Edtition"] != True and ItemsSmokeBox == "depthsuspend":
                    areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_String("depthsuspend")

                if options["Console Edtition"] and ItemsSmokeBox == "crit":
                    areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_Int(18)

                if options[
                        "Console Edtition"] != True and ItemsSmokeBox == "crit":
                    areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_String("crit")

                if options[
                        "Console Edtition"] and ItemsSmokeBox == "hugeexplosion":
                    areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_Int(19)

                if options[
                        "Console Edtition"] != True and ItemsSmokeBox == "hugeexplosion":
                    areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_String("hugeexplosion")

                if options[
                        "Console Edtition"] and ItemsSmokeBox == "largeexplode":
                    areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_Int(20)

                if options[
                        "Console Edtition"] != True and ItemsSmokeBox == "largeexplode":
                    areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_String("largeexplode")

                if options["Console Edtition"] and ItemsSmokeBox == "spell":
                    areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_Int(22)

                if options[
                        "Console Edtition"] != True and ItemsSmokeBox == "spell":
                    areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_String("spell")

                if options[
                        "Console Edtition"] and ItemsSmokeBox == "witchMagic":
                    areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_Int(23)

                if options[
                        "Console Edtition"] != True and ItemsSmokeBox == "witchMagic":
                    areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_String("witchMagic")

                if options["Console Edtition"] and ItemsSmokeBox == "mobSpell":
                    areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_Int(24)

                if options[
                        "Console Edtition"] != True and ItemsSmokeBox == "mobSpell":
                    areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_String("mobSpell")

                if options[
                        "Console Edtition"] and ItemsSmokeBox == "mobSpellAmbient":
                    areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_Int(25)

                if options[
                        "Console Edtition"] != True and ItemsSmokeBox == "mobSpellAmbient":
                    areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_String("mobSpellAmbient")

                if options["Console Edtition"] and ItemsSmokeBox == "suspended":
                    areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_Int(27)

                if options[
                        "Console Edtition"] != True and ItemsSmokeBox == "suspended":
                    areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_String("suspended")

                if options[
                        "Console Edtition"] and ItemsSmokeBox == "fallingdust":
                    areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_Int(28)

                if options[
                        "Console Edtition"] != True and ItemsSmokeBox == "fallingdust":
                    areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_String("fallingdust")

                if options[
                        "Console Edtition"] and ItemsSmokeBox == "enchantmenttable":
                    areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_Int(29)

                if options[
                        "Console Edtition"] != True and ItemsSmokeBox == "enchantmenttable":
                    areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_String(

                if options[
                        "Console Edtition"] and ItemsSmokeBox == "angryVillager":
                    areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_Int(31)

                if options[
                        "Console Edtition"] != True and ItemsSmokeBox == "angryVillager":
                    areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_String("angryVillager")

                if options[
                        "Console Edtition"] and ItemsSmokeBox == "happyVillager":
                    areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_Int(32)

                if options[
                        "Console Edtition"] != True and ItemsSmokeBox == "happyVillager":
                    areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_String("happyVillager")

                if options[
                        "Console Edtition"] and ItemsSmokeBox == "fireworksSpark":
                    areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_Int(33)

                if options[
                        "Console Edtition"] != True and ItemsSmokeBox == "fireworksSpark":
                    areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_String("fireworksSpark")

                if options["Console Edtition"] and ItemsSmokeBox == "splash":
                    areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_Int(34)

                if options[
                        "Console Edtition"] != True and ItemsSmokeBox == "splash":
                    areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_String("splash")

                if options["Console Edtition"] and ItemsSmokeBox == "magicCrit":
                    areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_Int(35)

                if options[
                        "Console Edtition"] != True and ItemsSmokeBox == "magicCrit":
                    areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_String("magicCrit")

                if options["Console Edtition"] and ItemsSmokeBox == "cloud":
                    areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_Int(37)

                if options[
                        "Console Edtition"] != True and ItemsSmokeBox == "cloud":
                    areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_String("cloud")

                if options["Console Edtition"] and ItemsSmokeBox == "barrier":
                    areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_Int(38)

                if options[
                        "Console Edtition"] != True and ItemsSmokeBox == "barrier":
                    areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_String("barrier")

                if options["Console Edtition"] and ItemsSmokeBox == "iconcrack":
                    areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_Int(39)

                if options[
                        "Console Edtition"] != True and ItemsSmokeBox == "iconcrack":
                    areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_String("iconcrack")

                if options[
                        "Console Edtition"] and ItemsSmokeBox == "blockcrack":
                    areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_Int(40)

                if options[
                        "Console Edtition"] != True and ItemsSmokeBox == "blockcrack":
                    areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_String("blockcrack")

                if options["Console Edtition"] and ItemsSmokeBox == "Invisible":
                    areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_Int(43)

                if options[
                        "Console Edtition"] != True and ItemsSmokeBox == "Invisible":
                    areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_String("Invisible")

                if options[
                        "Console Edtition"] and ItemsSmokeBox == "dragonbreath":
                    areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_Int(44)

                if options[
                        "Console Edtition"] != True and ItemsSmokeBox == "dragonbreath":
                    areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_String("dragonbreath")

                if options["Console Edtition"] and ItemsSmokeBox == "endRod":
                    areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_Int(45)

                if options[
                        "Console Edtition"] != True and ItemsSmokeBox == "endRod":
                    areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_String("endRod")

                if options[
                        "Console Edtition"] and ItemsSmokeBox == "damageIndicator":
                    areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_Int(46)

                if options[
                        "Console Edtition"] != True and ItemsSmokeBox == "damageIndicator":
                    areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_String("damageIndicator")

                customPotionEffects = TAG_List()
                customPotionEffect = TAG_Compound()
                customPotionEffect["ShowParticles"] = TAG_Byte(
                customPotionEffect["Duration"] = TAG_Int(
                    options["Effect Duration"])
                customPotionEffect["Id"] = TAG_Int(options["Effect ID"])
                customPotionEffect["Amplifier"] = TAG_Int(
                    options["Effect Amplifier"])
                areaEffectCloud["Effects"] = customPotionEffects

                areaEffectCloud["FallDistance"] = TAG_Float(0.0)

                #1.11+ Support Changes ID To New Format#
                if options["1.11-1.12+Plus"]:
                    AreaEffectCloud["id"] = TAG_String(u'area_effect_cloud')

                    areaEffectCloud["id"] = TAG_String(u'AreaEffectCloud')

                areaEffectCloud["ParticleParam1"] = TAG_Int(
                areaEffectCloud["ParticleParam2"] = TAG_Int(
                areaEffectCloud["Age"] = TAG_Int(options["Age"])

                #Custom ColorValue Option Aplies To Particles#
                if options["Custom ColorValue"]:

                    areaEffectCloud["Color"] = TAG_Int(colorvalue)

                    areaEffectCloud["Color"] = TAG_Int(0)

                motion = TAG_List()
                areaEffectCloud["Motion"] = motion

                areaEffectCloud["ReapplicationDelay"] = TAG_Int(
                areaEffectCloud["Potion"] = TAG_String("minecraft:potion")

                #Changes Durantion To The Max Value When True#
                if options["Last-Forever/No-Despawn"]:
                    areaEffectCloud["Duration"] = TAG_Int(2147483647)

                    areaEffectCloud["Duration"] = TAG_Int(options["Duration"])

                areaEffectCloud["Air"] = TAG_Short(300)
                areaEffectCloud["OnGround"] = TAG_Byte(0)
                areaEffectCloud["Dimension"] = TAG_Int(0)
                rotation = TAG_List()
                areaEffectCloud["Rotation"] = rotation
                areaEffectCloud["RadiusPerTick"] = TAG_Float(
                pos = TAG_List()
                pos.append(TAG_Double(x + 0.5))
                pos.append(TAG_Double(z + 0.5))
                areaEffectCloud["Pos"] = pos
                areaEffectCloud["Fire"] = TAG_Short(0)
                areaEffectCloud["RadiusOnUse"] = TAG_Float(
                areaEffectCloud["WaitTime"] = TAG_Int(options["WaitTime"])

                #Marks The Chunks As Dirty/ReLights Selection#
                chunk.dirty = True

                #Prints Out Particle ID & Coordinates That Were Generated#
                print "Created AreaEffectCloud " + str(
                    ItemsSmokeBox) + " At X:" + str(x) + " Y:" + str(
                        y) + " Z:" + str(z)

    #Prints Out Completed Generation Message#
    print "Completed Generation"
Beispiel #12
	spawner["Delay"] = TAG_Short(delay)
	spawner["MinSpawnDelay"] = TAG_Short(loopTicks)
	spawner["MaxSpawnDelay"] = TAG_Short(loopTicks)
	spawner["SpawnCount"] = TAG_Short(1)
	spawner["MaxNearbyEntities"] = TAG_Short(10000)
	spawner["RequiredPlayerRange"] = TAG_Short(range)
	# Creates a spawner with certain aspects

	return spawner

def createPotion((x, y, z), (vx, vy, vz), effect, duration, amp, potionId):
	thrownPotion = TAG_Compound()
	thrownPotion["yTile"] = TAG_Short(-1)

	motion = TAG_List()
	thrownPotion["Motion"] = motion
	thrownPotion["OnGround"] = TAG_Byte(0)
	thrownPotion["inGround"] = TAG_Byte(0)
	thrownPotion["shake"] = TAG_Byte(0)
	thrownPotion["Dimension"] = TAG_Int(0)
	thrownPotion["inTile"] = TAG_Byte(0)
	thrownPotion["Air"] = TAG_Short(300)
	thrownPotion["id"] = TAG_String(u'ThrownPotion')
	pos = TAG_List()
Beispiel #13
def perform(level, box, options):
	print "Follow Me On Twitter At @RedstonerLabs"
	for x in xrange(box.minx, box.maxx):
		for z in xrange(box.minz, box.maxz):
			for y in xrange(box.miny, box.maxy):
				invun = options["Invuneable"]
				float = options["NoGravity"]

				silent = options["Silent"]
				ROTX = options["Rotation"]
				Text2 = options["CustomName"]
				glowing = options["Glowing"]
				fire = options["Fire"]
				off1 = options["Offset X"]
				off2 = options["Offset Y"]
				off3 = options["Offset Z"]
				vis = options["CustomNameVisible"]
				ItemsSmokeBox = Smokeboxs[options["Boat Type"]]
				ItemsSmokeBox2 = Smokeboxs2[options["Minecraft Type"]]
				chunk = level.getChunk(x/16, z/16)
				Boat = TAG_Compound()
				if options["(1.11)(1.11.2)(1.11.2+)"]:
					Boat["id"] = TAG_String(u'boat')
					Boat["id"] = TAG_String(u'Boat')
				pos = TAG_List()
				Boat["Pos"] = pos
				Boat["OnGround"] = TAG_Byte(0)
				Boat["NoGravity"] = TAG_Byte(float)
				Boat["Silent"] = TAG_Byte(silent)
				motion = TAG_List()
				Boat["Motion"] = motion
				Boat["Dimension"] = TAG_Int(0)
				Boat["Air"] = TAG_Short(300)
				rotation = TAG_List()
				Boat["Rotation"] = rotation
				Boat["FallDistance"] = TAG_Float(0.0)
				Boat["Invulnerable"] = TAG_Byte(invun)
				Boat["PortalCooldown"] = TAG_Int(0)
				Boat["Glowing"] = TAG_Byte(glowing)
				Boat["CustomNameVisible"] = TAG_Byte(vis)
				Boat["CustomName"] = TAG_String(Text2)
				Boat["Fire"] = TAG_Short(fire)
				if ItemsSmokeBox == "oak" and ItemsSmokeBox2 == "CONSOLE":
					Boat["Type"] = TAG_Int(0)
				if ItemsSmokeBox == "birch" and ItemsSmokeBox2 == "CONSOLE":
					Boat["Type"] = TAG_Int(1)
				if ItemsSmokeBox == "spruce" and ItemsSmokeBox2 == "CONSOLE":
					Boat["Type"] = TAG_Int(2)
				if ItemsSmokeBox == "jungle" and ItemsSmokeBox2 == "CONSOLE":
					Boat["Type"] = TAG_Int(3)
				if ItemsSmokeBox == "acaica" and ItemsSmokeBox2 == "CONSOLE":
					Boat["Type"] = TAG_Int(4)
				if ItemsSmokeBox == "dark_oak" and ItemsSmokeBox2 == "CONSOLE":
					Boat["Type"] = TAG_Int(5)
				if ItemsSmokeBox == "glitched" and ItemsSmokeBox2 == "CONSOLE":
					Boat["Type"] = TAG_Int(-1)
				if ItemsSmokeBox2 == "PC":
					Boat["Type"] = TAG_String(ItemsSmokeBox)
	print "Completed Work"
def perform(level, box, options):
	print "Follow Me On Twitter At @RedstonerLabs"
	ShowBottoms = options["ShowBottom"]
	Invun = options["Invulnerable"]
	target1 = options["Y"]
	target2 = options["X"]
	target3 = options["Z"]
	for x in xrange(box.minx, box.maxx):
		for y in xrange(box.miny, box.maxy):
			for z in xrange(box.minz, box.maxz):
				chunk = level.getChunk(x/16, z/16)
				enderCrystal = TAG_Compound()
				pos = TAG_List()
				enderCrystal["Pos"] = pos
				if options["1.11-1.12+Worlds"]:	
					enderCrystal["id"] = TAG_String(u'ender_crystal')
					enderCrystal["id"] = TAG_String(u'EnderCrystal')
				if options["Offset X,Y,Z Coordinates"]:	
					beamTarget = TAG_Compound()
					beamTarget["X"] = TAG_Int(x+target2)
					beamTarget["Y"] = TAG_Int(y+target1)
					beamTarget["Z"] = TAG_Int(z+target3)
					enderCrystal["BeamTarget"] = beamTarget				
					beamTarget = TAG_Compound()
					beamTarget["X"] = TAG_Int(target2)
					beamTarget["Y"] = TAG_Int(target1)
					beamTarget["Z"] = TAG_Int(target3)
					enderCrystal["BeamTarget"] = beamTarget

				enderCrystal["OnGround"] = TAG_Byte(0)
				motion = TAG_List()
				enderCrystal["Motion"] = motion
				enderCrystal["Dimension"] = TAG_Int(0)
				enderCrystal["Air"] = TAG_Short(300)
				rotation = TAG_List()
				enderCrystal["Rotation"] = rotation
				enderCrystal["FallDistance"] = TAG_Float(0.0)
				enderCrystal["Fire"] = TAG_Short(0)
				enderCrystal["Invulnerable"] = TAG_Byte(Invun)
				enderCrystal["PortalCooldown"] = TAG_Int(0)
				enderCrystal["Glowing"] = TAG_Byte(0)
				enderCrystal["ShowBottom"] = TAG_Byte(ShowBottoms)
def perform(level, box, options):
	start = time.time()
	file_name = options["Export File Name:"]

	if file_name == "":
		file_name = "translate-java-2-bedrock.txt"

	if file_name.find(".txt") < 0:
		file_name += ".txt"

	output_text = ''
	contents = ''
	if options["Prepare for Bedrock:"]:
		tileEntitiesToReplace = []
		tileEntitiesToRemove = []
		entitiesToRemove = []
		entitiesToUpdate = []
		tileEntityContainer = []
		entityContainer = []
		for (chunk, slices, point) in level.getChunkSlices(box):
			# get list of all entities in selection
			for t in chunk.TileEntities:				
				x = t["x"].value
				y = t["y"].value
				z = t["z"].value
				coords = str(x) +","+ str(y) +","+str(z)
				id = fixID(t["id"].value)
				if (coords) not in tileEntityContainer:
					if (x,y,z) in box:
						if id in removeTileEntities:
							# tile entities that need to be removed
							tileEntitiesToRemove.append((chunk, t))		
							# tile entities that need to be translated
							tileEntitiesToReplace.append((chunk, t))
			# get all entities in selection
			for e in chunk.Entities:
				x = e["Pos"][0].value
				y = e["Pos"][1].value
				z = e["Pos"][2].value
				id = fixID(e["id"].value)
				coords = str(x) +","+ str(y) +","+str(z)	
				if (coords) not in entityContainer:	
					if (x,y,z) in box:
						# delete tile entity
						entitiesToRemove.append((chunk, e))
						# removed replacement code until entities can be translated
						#if (id in removeEntities):
							#entitiesToRemove.append((chunk, e))	
							#entitiesToUpdate.append((chunk, e))
		if tileEntitiesToReplace:
			for (chunk, t) in tileEntitiesToReplace:
				iIgnore = 0
				x = t["x"].value
				y = t["y"].value
				z = t["z"].value
				id = fixID(t["id"].value)	
				# check to see if the ID needs to be translated
				if id in tileEntityNameReplacements:
					id = tileEntityNameReplacements[id]
				blockid = level.blockAt(x,y,z)
				contents += "----"+id+" "+str(x)+","+str(y)+","+str(z)+"\n"
				contents += str(chunk)+"\n"+ str(t) + "\n\n"
				newte = TileEntity.Create(id)
				TileEntity.setpos(newte, (x, y, z))
				# rewrite spawner data - no features carried over as bedrock doesn't support
				# SpawnData or SpawnPotentials
				# adding MinSpawnDelay, MaxSpawnDelay, MaxNearbyEntities, etc is a good idea
				if ("Banner" in id):
					newte = t
					del newte["Patterns"]
				if ("Skull" in id):
					newte = t
					newte["MouthMoving"] = TAG_Byte(0)
					newte["MouthTickCount"] = TAG_Int(0)
				if ("MobSpawner" in id):
						entityName = t["SpawnData"]["id"].value.replace("minecraft:","")
					except KeyError:
						entityName = t["EntityId"].value
					if not str(entityName).isdigit():
						entityName = fixID(entityName)
					if (entityName in idMappings["entities"]):
						newte = t
						if "SpawnData" in newte:
							del newte["SpawnData"]
						if "SpawnPotentials" in newte:
							del newte["SpawnPotentials"]
						if entityName.isdigit():
							entityId = entityName
							entityId = idMappings["entities"][entityName]
						newte["EntityId"] = TAG_Int(int(entityId))
						print("ENTITY NOT FOUND REPLACED WITH ZOMBIE: "+str(entityName)+" "+str(x)+","+str(y)+","+str(z))
						contents += "ENTITY NOT FOUND REPLACED WITH ZOMBIE: "+str(entityName)+" "+str(x)+","+str(y)+","+str(z)+"\n"
						newte = t
						if "SpawnData" in newte:						
							del newte["SpawnData"]
						if "SpawnPotentials" in newte:							
							del newte["SpawnPotentials"]
						newte["EntityId"] = TAG_Int(32)
				# MCEdit doesn't add all the needed tags when creating a new tile entity
				if ("Items" in t) and (not "Items" in newte):
				# if the tile entity has an inventory, convert the inventory
				if ("Items" in t) and ("Items" in newte):
					for i in t["Items"]:
						if not str(i["id"].value).isdigit():
							itemNew = stripID(i["id"].value)
							if itemNew in idMappings["items"]:
								idItems = idMappings["items"][itemNew]	
							elif itemNew in idMappings:
								idItems = idMappings[itemNew]["id"]
								idItems = 248
								print("ITEM NOT FOUND: "+str(i["id"].value)+" "+str(x)+","+str(y)+","+str(z))
								contents += "ITEM NOT FOUND: "+str(i["id"].value)+" "+str(x)+","+str(y)+","+str(z)+"\n"
							idItems = i["id"].value
						idItems = int(idItems)					
						item = TAG_Compound()
						item["id"] = TAG_Short(idItems)
						if stripID(i["id"].value) == "lava_bucket":
							item["Damage"] = TAG_Short(10)
						elif stripID(i["id"].value) == "water_bucket":
							item["Damage"] = TAG_Short(8)
						elif stripID(i["id"].value) == "milk_bucket":	
							item["Damage"] = TAG_Short(1)
							item["Damage"] = TAG_Short(i["Damage"].value)
						item["Count"] = TAG_Byte(i["Count"].value)
						item["Slot"] = TAG_Byte(i["Slot"].value)
						if "tag" in i:
							item["tag"] = TAG_Compound(i["tag"].value)
							if ("Potion" in item["tag"]) and (not itemNew in idMappings):
								potion = stripID(item["tag"]["Potion"].value)
								if potion in idMappings["potions"]:
									item["Damage"] = TAG_Short(int(idMappings["potions"][potion]))
							elif ("Potion" in item["tag"]) and (itemNew in idMappings):
								potion = stripID(item["tag"]["Potion"].value)
								item["Damage"] = TAG_Short(int(idMappings[itemNew][potion]))
								del item["tag"]["Potion"]
							if ("ench" in i["tag"]):
								enchHolder = TAG_List()
								for e in i["tag"]["ench"]:
									ench = TAG_Compound()
									enchId = e["id"].value
									enchLvl = e["lvl"].value
									if str(enchId) in idMappings["enchantments"]:
										enchId = int(idMappings["enchantments"][str(enchId)])
										ench["lvl"] = TAG_Short(enchLvl)
										ench["id"] = TAG_Short(enchId)	
								item["tag"]["ench"] = enchHolder
							if "StoredEnchantments" in i["tag"]:
								enchHolder = TAG_List()
								for e in i["tag"]["StoredEnchantments"]:
									ench = TAG_Compound()
									enchId = e["id"].value
									enchLvl = e["lvl"].value
									if str(enchId) in idMappings["enchantments"]:
										enchId = int(idMappings["enchantments"][str(enchId)])
										ench["lvl"] = TAG_Short(enchLvl)
										ench["id"] = TAG_Short(enchId)	
								item["tag"]["ench"] = enchHolder
								del item["tag"]["StoredEnchantments"]
							if "CanPlaceOn" in i["tag"]:
								canPlaceOn = TAG_List()
								for p in i["tag"]["CanPlaceOn"]:
								del item["tag"]["CanPlaceOn"]
								item["CanPlaceOn"] = canPlaceOn
							if "CanDestroy" in i["tag"]:
								canDestroy = TAG_List()
								for p in i["tag"]["CanDestroy"]:
								del item["tag"]["CanDestroy"]
								item["CanDestroy"] = canDestroy
				# convert command block data after fixing the ID earlier
				if id == "CommandBlock":
					newte = t
					if "UpdateLastExecution" in newte:
						del newte["UpdateLastExecution"]
					if "auto" not in newte:
						newte["auto"] = TAG_Byte(0)
					if "powered" not in newte:
						newte["powered"] = TAG_Byte(0)				
					if "SuccessCount" not in newte:
						newte["SuccessCount"] = TAG_Int(0)
					if "conditionMet" not in newte:
						newte["conditionMet"] = TAG_Byte(0)		
					if "TrackOutput" not in newte:
						newte["TrackOutput"] = TAG_Byte(0)		
					if ("CustomName" not in newte) or newte["CustomName"] == TAG_String(u'@'):
						newte["CustomName"] = TAG_String('')
				# my attempt at converting signs with or without json data
				# still probably breaks some (most?) signs that are json formatted
				if id == "Sign":
					if "Text1" in t:
						if t["Text1"].value.find('"text":') > 0:
							text1 = t["Text1"].value
							text1 = json.loads(text1)
							text1 = text1["text"]
							newte["Text1"] = TAG_String(text1)
							text1 = t["Text1"].value
							if not text1 == "":
								if (text1[0] == '"' and text1[:1] == '"'):
									text1 = text1[:-1]
									text1 = text1[1:]
							newte["Text1"] = TAG_String(text1)
					if "Text2" in t:
						if t["Text2"].value.find('"text":') > 0:
							text2 = t["Text2"].value
							text2 = json.loads(text2)
							text2 = text2["text"]
							newte["Text2"] = TAG_String(text2)
							text2 = t["Text2"].value
							if not text2 == "":
								if (text2[0] == '"' and text2[:1] == '"'):
									text2 = text2[:-1]
									text2 = text2[1:]
							newte["Text2"] = TAG_String(text2)
					if "Text3" in t:
						if t["Text3"].value.find('"text":') > 0:
							text3 = t["Text3"].value
							text3 = json.loads(text3)
							text3 = text3["text"]
							newte["Text3"] = TAG_String(text3)
							text3 = t["Text3"].value
							if not text3 == "":
								if (text3[0] == '"' and text3[:1] == '"'):
									text3 = text3[:-1]
									text3 = text3[1:]
							newte["Text3"] = TAG_String(text3)
					if "Text4" in t:
						if t["Text4"].value.find('"text":') > 0:
							text4 = t["Text4"].value
							text4 = json.loads(text4)
							text4 = text4["text"]
							newte["Text4"] = TAG_String(text4)
							text4 = t["Text4"].value
							if not text4 == "":
								if (text4[0] == '"' and text4[:1] == '"'):
									text4 = text4[:-1]
									text4 = text4[1:]
							newte["Text4"] = TAG_String(text4)
				# convert new style brewing stands (with blaze powder) to old style
				# will need to be reverted for 1.2 (which uses blaze powder)
				# also translates some tags
				if id == "BrewingStand":
					itemHolder = TAG_List()
					if "BrewTime" in t:
						newte["CookTime"] = t["BrewTime"]
						newte["CookTime"] = t["CookTime"]
					for i in t["Items"]:
						item = TAG_Compound()
						if i["Slot"].value == 3:
							slotID = stripID(i["id"].value)
							slotID = idMappings['items'][slotID]
							item["Slot"] = TAG_Byte(0)
							item["id"] = TAG_Short(int(slotID))
							item["Damage"] = i["Damage"]
							item["Count"] = i["Count"]
						elif i["Slot"].value == 0:
							slotID = stripID(i["id"].value)
							slotID = idMappings['items'][slotID]
							item["Slot"] = TAG_Byte(1)
							item["Count"] = i["Count"]
							item["id"] = TAG_Short(int(slotID))
							if "tag" in i:
								potionType = stripID(i["tag"]["Potion"].value)
								item["Damage"] = TAG_Short(int(idMappings['potions'][potionType]))
								potionType = i["Damage"].value
								item["Damage"] = TAG_Short(int(idMappings['potions'][potionType]))
						elif i["Slot"].value == 1:
							slotID = stripID(i["id"].value)
							slotID = idMappings['items'][slotID]
							item["Slot"] = TAG_Byte(2)	
							item["Count"] = i["Count"]
							item["id"] = TAG_Short(int(slotID))
							if "tag" in i:
								potionType = stripID(i["tag"]["Potion"].value)
								item["Damage"] = TAG_Short(int(idMappings['potions'][potionType]))
								potionType = i["Damage"].value
								item["Damage"] = TAG_Short(int(idMappings['potions'][potionType]))
						elif i["Slot"].value == 2:
							slotID = stripID(i["id"].value)
							slotID = idMappings['items'][slotID]
							item["Slot"] = TAG_Byte(3)
							item["Count"] = i["Count"]
							item["id"] = TAG_Short(int(slotID))
							if "tag" in i:
								potionType = stripID(i["tag"]["Potion"].value)
								item["Damage"] = TAG_Short(int(idMappings['potions'][potionType]))
								potionType = i["Damage"].value
								item["Damage"] = TAG_Short(int(idMappings['potions'][potionType]))
					newte["Items"] = itemHolder
				newte["id"] = TAG_String(str(id))
				# playing around with java mode. If enabled it removes the block be keeps
				# the tile entity data. usecase would be to copy the tile entity data over
				# a world converted with a different tool
				if options["Java Mode:"]:
					level.setBlockAt(x, y, z, 0)
					level.setBlockAt(x, y, z, blockid)
		if tileEntitiesToRemove:
			for (chunk, t) in tileEntitiesToRemove:
				x = t["x"].value
				y = t["y"].value
				z = t["z"].value
				id = fixID(t["id"].value)	
				contents += "----"+id+" "+str(x)+","+str(y)+","+str(z)+"\n"
				contents += str(chunk)+"\n"+ str(t) + "\n\n"
				level.setBlockAt(x, y, z, 0)
		if 	entitiesToRemove:
			for (chunk, e) in entitiesToRemove:
				x = e["Pos"][0].value
				y = e["Pos"][1].value
				z = e["Pos"][2].value
				id = fixID(e["id"].value)
				contents += "----"+id+" "+str(x)+","+str(y)+","+str(z)+"\n"
				contents += str(chunk)+"\n"+ str(e) + "\n\n"

		# beginning of translate entity data
		# not currently used
		if 	entitiesToUpdate:
			for (chunk, e) in entitiesToUpdate:
				x = e["Pos"][0].value
				y = e["Pos"][1].value
				z = e["Pos"][2].value
				id = fixID(e["id"].value)
				newEntity = e
				newEntity["id"] = TAG_String(id)
				contents += "----"+id+" "+str(x)+","+str(y)+","+str(z)+"\n"
				contents += str(chunk)+"\n"+ str(e) + "\n\n"
		output_text += contents
		chunk.dirty = True
	output_text = output_text.encode('utf-8')
	with open(file_name, "w") as text_file:
	end = time.time()
	finalTime = end - start
	print("It took " + str(finalTime) + " seconds to complete the requested operation")	
def perform(level, box, options):
	for x in xrange(box.minx, box.maxx):
		for y in xrange(box.miny, box.maxy):
			for z in xrange(box.minz, box.maxz):
				block =	level.blockAt(x, y, z)
				data =	level.blockDataAt(x, y, z)
				extrab = options["Use Slime Blocks"]
				ItemsSmokeBox2 = Smokeboxs2[options["Minecraft Type"]]
				chunk = level.getChunk(x / 16, z / 16)
				areaEffectCloud = TAG_Compound()
				if options["1.11+ or 1.11.2+"]:
					areaEffectCloud["id"] = TAG_String(u'area_effect_cloud')
				if options["1.11+ or 1.11.2+"] != True:
					areaEffectCloud["id"] = TAG_String(u'AreaEffectCloud')
				areaEffectCloud["ownerUUID"] = TAG_String(u'')
				areaEffectCloud["OnGround"] = TAG_Byte(0)
				areaEffectCloud["Dimension"] = TAG_Int(0)
				areaEffectCloud["Air"] = TAG_Short(300)
				areaEffectCloud["ParticleParam2"] = TAG_Int(0)
				areaEffectCloud["ParticleParam1"] = TAG_Int(0)
				if ItemsSmokeBox2 == "PC":
					areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_String(u"take")
				if ItemsSmokeBox2 != "PC":
					areaEffectCloud["Particle"] = TAG_Int(0)
				areaEffectCloud["ReapplicationDelay"] = TAG_Int(0)
				rotation = TAG_List()
				areaEffectCloud["Rotation"] = rotation
				areaEffectCloud["FallDistance"] = TAG_Float(0.0)
				effects = TAG_List()
				effect = TAG_Compound()
				effect["Amplifier"] = TAG_Byte(15)
				effect["Id"] = TAG_Byte(25)
				effect["Duration"] = TAG_Int(10)
				effect["Ambient"] = TAG_Byte(0)
				effect["ShowParticles"] = TAG_Byte(0)
				effect2 = TAG_Compound()
				effect2["Amplifier"] = TAG_Byte(100)
				effect2["Id"] = TAG_Byte(11)
				effect2["Duration"] = TAG_Int(100)
				effect2["Ambient"] = TAG_Byte(0)
				effect2["ShowParticles"] = TAG_Byte(0)
				effect3 = TAG_Compound()
				effect3["Amplifier"] = TAG_Byte(20)
				effect3["Id"] = TAG_Byte(8)
				effect3["Duration"] = TAG_Int(40)
				effect3["Ambient"] = TAG_Byte(0)
				effect3["ShowParticles"] = TAG_Byte(0)
				areaEffectCloud["Effects"] = effects
				areaEffectCloud["Fire"] = TAG_Short(0)
				areaEffectCloud["Invulnerable"] = TAG_Byte(0)
				areaEffectCloud["PortalCooldown"] = TAG_Int(0)
				areaEffectCloud["CustomName"] = TAG_String(u'')
				areaEffectCloud["createdOnHost"] = TAG_Byte(0)
				areaEffectCloud["Silent"] = TAG_Byte(1)
				areaEffectCloud["NoGravity"] = TAG_Byte(1)
				areaEffectCloud["Glowing"] = TAG_Byte(0)
				areaEffectCloud["Age"] = TAG_Int(1)
				areaEffectCloud["RadiusOnUse"] = TAG_Float(0.0)
				areaEffectCloud["Duration"] = TAG_Int(2147483647)
				areaEffectCloud["DurationOnUse"] = TAG_Int(0)
				areaEffectCloud["WaitTime"] = TAG_Int(0)
				areaEffectCloud["RadiusPerTick"] = TAG_Float(0.0)
				areaEffectCloud["Radius"] = TAG_Float(2.5)
				areaEffectCloud["Color"] = TAG_Int(0)
				areaEffectCloud["Potion"] = TAG_String(u'minecraft:leaping')
				pos = TAG_List()
				areaEffectCloud["Pos"] = pos
				motion = TAG_List()
				areaEffectCloud["Motion"] = motion
				areaEffectCloud2 = TAG_Compound()
				if options["1.11+ or 1.11.2+"]:
					areaEffectCloud2["id"] = TAG_String(u'area_effect_cloud')
				if options["1.11+ or 1.11.2+"] != True:
					areaEffectCloud2["id"] = TAG_String(u'AreaEffectCloud')
				areaEffectCloud2["ownerUUID"] = TAG_String(u'')
				areaEffectCloud2["OnGround"] = TAG_Byte(0)
				areaEffectCloud2["Dimension"] = TAG_Int(0)
				areaEffectCloud2["Air"] = TAG_Short(300)
				areaEffectCloud2["ParticleParam2"] = TAG_Int(0)
				areaEffectCloud2["ParticleParam1"] = TAG_Int(0)
				if ItemsSmokeBox2 == "PC":
					areaEffectCloud2["Particle"] = TAG_String(u"take")
				if ItemsSmokeBox2 != "PC":
					areaEffectCloud2["Particle"] = TAG_Int(0)
				areaEffectCloud2["ReapplicationDelay"] = TAG_Int(0)
				rotation2 = TAG_List()
				areaEffectCloud2["Rotation"] = rotation2
				areaEffectCloud2["FallDistance"] = TAG_Float(0.0)
				effects2 = TAG_List()
				effect4 = TAG_Compound()
				effect4["Amplifier"] = TAG_Byte(15)
				effect4["Id"] = TAG_Byte(25)
				effect4["Duration"] = TAG_Int(10)
				effect4["Ambient"] = TAG_Byte(0)
				effect4["ShowParticles"] = TAG_Byte(0)
				effect5 = TAG_Compound()
				effect5["Amplifier"] = TAG_Byte(100)
				effect5["Id"] = TAG_Byte(11)
				effect5["Duration"] = TAG_Int(100)
				effect5["Ambient"] = TAG_Byte(0)
				effect5["ShowParticles"] = TAG_Byte(0)
				effect6 = TAG_Compound()
				effect6["Amplifier"] = TAG_Byte(20)
				effect6["Id"] = TAG_Byte(8)
				effect6["Duration"] = TAG_Int(40)
				effect6["Ambient"] = TAG_Byte(0)
				effect6["ShowParticles"] = TAG_Byte(0)
				areaEffectCloud2["Effects"] = effects2
				areaEffectCloud2["Fire"] = TAG_Short(0)
				areaEffectCloud2["Invulnerable"] = TAG_Byte(0)
				areaEffectCloud2["PortalCooldown"] = TAG_Int(0)
				areaEffectCloud2["CustomName"] = TAG_String(u'')
				areaEffectCloud2["createdOnHost"] = TAG_Byte(0)
				areaEffectCloud2["Silent"] = TAG_Byte(1)
				areaEffectCloud2["NoGravity"] = TAG_Byte(1)
				areaEffectCloud2["Glowing"] = TAG_Byte(0)
				areaEffectCloud2["Age"] = TAG_Int(1)
				areaEffectCloud2["RadiusOnUse"] = TAG_Float(0.0)
				areaEffectCloud2["Duration"] = TAG_Int(2147483647)
				areaEffectCloud2["DurationOnUse"] = TAG_Int(0)
				areaEffectCloud2["WaitTime"] = TAG_Int(0)
				areaEffectCloud2["RadiusPerTick"] = TAG_Float(0.0)
				areaEffectCloud2["Radius"] = TAG_Float(2.5)
				areaEffectCloud2["Color"] = TAG_Int(0)
				areaEffectCloud2["Potion"] = TAG_String(u'minecraft:leaping')
				pos2 = TAG_List()
				areaEffectCloud2["Pos"] = pos2
				motion2 = TAG_List()
				areaEffectCloud2["Motion"] = motion2
				print "Created Trampoline! Successfully"
				chunk.dirty = True
				#Blackwool #3x3
				level.setBlockAt(x, y+1, z, 171)
				level.setBlockDataAt(x, y+1, z, 15)
				level.setBlockAt(x+1, y+1, z, 171)
				level.setBlockDataAt(x+1, y+1, z, 15)
				level.setBlockAt(x, y+1, z+1, 171)
				level.setBlockDataAt(x, y+1, z+1, 15)
				level.setBlockAt(x+1, y+1, z+1, 171)
				level.setBlockDataAt(x+1, y+1, z+1, 15)
				level.setBlockAt(x, y+1, z-1, 171)
				level.setBlockDataAt(x, y+1, z-1, 15)
				level.setBlockAt(x-1, y+1, z, 171)
				level.setBlockDataAt(x-1, y+1, z, 15)
				level.setBlockAt(x-1, y+1, z-1, 171)
				level.setBlockDataAt(x-1, y+1, z-1, 15)
				level.setBlockAt(x+1, y+1, z-1, 171)
				level.setBlockDataAt(x+1, y+1, z-1, 15)
				level.setBlockAt(x-1, y+1, z+1, 171)
				level.setBlockDataAt(x-1, y+1, z+1, 15)
				#Blackwool #2 3x3 Empty Circle
				level.setBlockAt(x+2, y+1, z, 171)
				level.setBlockDataAt(x+2, y+1, z, 15)
				level.setBlockAt(x-2, y+1, z, 171)
				level.setBlockDataAt(x-2, y+1, z, 15)
				level.setBlockAt(x, y+1, z+2, 171)
				level.setBlockDataAt(x, y+1, z+2, 15)
				level.setBlockAt(x, y+1, z-2, 171)
				level.setBlockDataAt(x, y+1, z-2, 15)
				level.setBlockAt(x+2, y+1, z-1, 171)
				level.setBlockDataAt(x+2, y+1, z-1, 15)
				level.setBlockAt(x-1, y+1, z+2, 171)
				level.setBlockDataAt(x-1, y+1, z+2, 15)
				level.setBlockAt(x+1, y+1, z+2, 171)
				level.setBlockDataAt(x+1, y+1, z+2, 15)
				level.setBlockAt(x+2, y+1, z+1, 171)
				level.setBlockDataAt(x+2, y+1, z+1, 15)
				level.setBlockAt(x+1, y+1, z+-2, 171)
				level.setBlockDataAt(x+1, y+1, z-2, 15)
				level.setBlockAt(x-2, y+1, z+1, 171)
				level.setBlockDataAt(x-2, y+1, z+1, 15)
				level.setBlockAt(x-2, y+1, z-1, 171)
				level.setBlockDataAt(x-2, y+1, z-1, 15)
				level.setBlockAt(x-1, y+1, z-2, 171)
				level.setBlockDataAt(x-1, y+1, z-2, 15)
				#Blue Wool 5x5 / 3x3 
				level.setBlockAt(x+3, y+1, z, 171)
				level.setBlockDataAt(x+3, y+1, z, 11)
				level.setBlockAt(x-3, y+1, z, 171)
				level.setBlockDataAt(x-3, y+1, z, 11)
				level.setBlockAt(x, y+1, z+3, 171)
				level.setBlockDataAt(x, y+1, z+3, 11)
				level.setBlockAt(x, y+1, z-3, 171)
				level.setBlockDataAt(x, y+1, z-3, 11)
				level.setBlockAt(x+1, y+1, z-3, 171)
				level.setBlockDataAt(x+1, y+1, z-3, 11)
				level.setBlockAt(x-1, y+1, z-3, 171)
				level.setBlockDataAt(x-1, y+1, z-3, 11)
				level.setBlockAt(x+3, y+1, z-1, 171)
				level.setBlockDataAt(x+3, y+1, z-1, 11)
				level.setBlockAt(x-3, y+1, z-1, 171)
				level.setBlockDataAt(x-3, y+1, z-1, 11)
				level.setBlockAt(x+3, y+1, z+1, 171)
				level.setBlockDataAt(x+3, y+1, z+1, 11)
				level.setBlockAt(x-3, y+1, z+1, 171)
				level.setBlockDataAt(x-3, y+1, z+1, 11)
				level.setBlockAt(x+1, y+1, z+3, 171)
				level.setBlockDataAt(x+1, y+1, z+3, 11)
				level.setBlockAt(x-1, y+1, z+3, 171)
				level.setBlockDataAt(x-1, y+1, z+3, 11)
				level.setBlockAt(x-2, y+1, z+2, 171)
				level.setBlockDataAt(x-2, y+1, z+2, 11)
				level.setBlockAt(x+2, y+1, z-2, 171)
				level.setBlockDataAt(x+2, y+1, z-2, 11)
				level.setBlockAt(x+2, y+1, z+2, 171)
				level.setBlockDataAt(x+2, y+1, z+2, 11)
				level.setBlockAt(x+2, y+1, z-2, 171)
				level.setBlockDataAt(x+2, y+1, z-2, 11)
				level.setBlockAt(x-2, y+1, z-2, 171)
				level.setBlockDataAt(x-2, y+1, z-2, 11)

				if extrab == True:
					#Slime Block #3x3
					level.setBlockAt(x, y, z, 165)
					level.setBlockDataAt(x, y, z, 0)
					level.setBlockAt(x+1, y, z, 165)
					level.setBlockDataAt(x+1, y, z, 0)
					level.setBlockAt(x, y, z+1, 165)
					level.setBlockDataAt(x, y, z+1, 0)
					level.setBlockAt(x+1, y, z+1, 165)
					level.setBlockDataAt(x+1, y, z+1, 0)
					level.setBlockAt(x, y, z-1, 165)
					level.setBlockDataAt(x, y, z-1, 0)
					level.setBlockAt(x-1, y, z, 165)
					level.setBlockDataAt(x-1, y, z, 0)
					level.setBlockAt(x-1, y, z-1, 165)
					level.setBlockDataAt(x-1, y, z-1, 0)
					level.setBlockAt(x+1, y, z-1, 165)
					level.setBlockDataAt(x+1, y, z-1, 0)
					level.setBlockAt(x-1, y, z+1, 165)
					level.setBlockDataAt(x-1, y, z+1, 0)
					#Part 2 Slime 3x3 Empty Circle
					level.setBlockAt(x+2, y, z, 165)
					level.setBlockDataAt(x+2, y, z, 0)
					level.setBlockAt(x-2, y, z, 165)
					level.setBlockDataAt(x-2, y, z, 0)
					level.setBlockAt(x, y, z+2, 165)
					level.setBlockDataAt(x, y, z+2, 0)
					level.setBlockAt(x, y, z-2, 165)
					level.setBlockDataAt(x, y, z-2, 0)
					level.setBlockAt(x+2, y, z-1, 165)
					level.setBlockDataAt(x+2, y, z-1, 0)
					level.setBlockAt(x-1, y, z+2, 165)
					level.setBlockDataAt(x-1, y, z+2, 0)
					level.setBlockAt(x+1, y, z+2, 165)
					level.setBlockDataAt(x+1, y, z+2, 0)
					level.setBlockAt(x+2, y, z+1, 165)
					level.setBlockDataAt(x+2, y, z+1, 0)
					level.setBlockAt(x+1, y, z+-2, 165)
					level.setBlockDataAt(x+1, y, z-2, 0)
					level.setBlockAt(x-2, y, z+1, 165)
					level.setBlockDataAt(x-2, y, z+1, 0)
					level.setBlockAt(x-2, y, z-1, 165)
					level.setBlockDataAt(x-2, y, z-1, 0)
					level.setBlockAt(x-1, y, z-2, 165)
					level.setBlockDataAt(x-1, y, z-2, 0)
					#Part 3 Slime Outer Ring
					level.setBlockAt(x+3, y, z, 165)
					level.setBlockDataAt(x+3, y, z, 0)
					level.setBlockAt(x-3, y, z, 165)
					level.setBlockDataAt(x-3, y, z, 0)
					level.setBlockAt(x, y, z+3, 165)
					level.setBlockDataAt(x, y, z+3, 0)
					level.setBlockAt(x, y, z-3, 165)
					level.setBlockDataAt(x, y, z-3, 0)
					level.setBlockAt(x+1, y, z-3, 165)
					level.setBlockDataAt(x+1, y, z-3, 0)
					level.setBlockAt(x-1, y, z-3, 165)
					level.setBlockDataAt(x-1, y, z-3, 0)
					level.setBlockAt(x+3, y, z-1, 165)
					level.setBlockDataAt(x+3, y, z-1, 0)
					level.setBlockAt(x-3, y, z-1, 165)
					level.setBlockDataAt(x-3, y, z-1, 0)
					level.setBlockAt(x+3, y, z+1, 165)
					level.setBlockDataAt(x+3, y, z+1, 0)
					level.setBlockAt(x-3, y, z+1, 165)
					level.setBlockDataAt(x-3, y, z+1, 0)
					level.setBlockAt(x+1, y, z+3, 165)
					level.setBlockDataAt(x+1, y, z+3, 0)
					level.setBlockAt(x-1, y, z+3, 165)
					level.setBlockDataAt(x-1, y, z+3, 0)
					level.setBlockAt(x-2, y, z+2, 165)
					level.setBlockDataAt(x-2, y, z+2, 0)
					level.setBlockAt(x+2, y, z-2, 165)
					level.setBlockDataAt(x+2, y, z-2, 0)
					level.setBlockAt(x+2, y, z+2, 165)
					level.setBlockDataAt(x+2, y, z+2, 0)
					level.setBlockAt(x+2, y, z-2, 165)
					level.setBlockDataAt(x+2, y, z-2, 0)
					level.setBlockAt(x-2, y, z-2, 165)
					level.setBlockDataAt(x-2, y, z-2, 0)
					#String Middle Block #3x3
					level.setBlockAt(x, y, z, 166)
					level.setBlockDataAt(x, y, z, 0)
					level.setBlockAt(x+1, y, z, 166)
					level.setBlockDataAt(x+1, y, z, 0)
					level.setBlockAt(x, y, z+1, 166)
					level.setBlockDataAt(x, y, z+1, 0)
					level.setBlockAt(x+1, y, z+1, 166)
					level.setBlockDataAt(x+1, y, z+1, 0)
					level.setBlockAt(x, y, z-1, 166)
					level.setBlockDataAt(x, y, z-1, 0)
					level.setBlockAt(x-1, y, z, 166)
					level.setBlockDataAt(x-1, y, z, 0)
					level.setBlockAt(x-1, y, z-1, 166)
					level.setBlockDataAt(x-1, y, z-1, 0)
					level.setBlockAt(x+1, y, z-1, 166)
					level.setBlockDataAt(x+1, y, z-1, 0)
					level.setBlockAt(x-1, y, z+1, 166)
					level.setBlockDataAt(x-1, y, z+1, 0)
					#String Block Inner #3x3
					level.setBlockAt(x+2, y, z, 166)
					level.setBlockDataAt(x+2, y, z, 0)
					level.setBlockAt(x-2, y, z, 166)
					level.setBlockDataAt(x-2, y, z, 0)
					level.setBlockAt(x, y, z+2, 166)
					level.setBlockDataAt(x, y, z+2, 0)
					level.setBlockAt(x, y, z-2, 166)
					level.setBlockDataAt(x, y, z-2, 0)
					level.setBlockAt(x+2, y, z-1, 166)
					level.setBlockDataAt(x+2, y, z-1, 0)
					level.setBlockAt(x-1, y, z+2, 166)
					level.setBlockDataAt(x-1, y, z+2, 0)
					level.setBlockAt(x+1, y, z+2, 166)
					level.setBlockDataAt(x+1, y, z+2, 0)
					level.setBlockAt(x+2, y, z+1, 166)
					level.setBlockDataAt(x+2, y, z+1, 0)
					level.setBlockAt(x+1, y, z+-2, 166)
					level.setBlockDataAt(x+1, y, z-2, 0)
					level.setBlockAt(x-2, y, z+1, 166)
					level.setBlockDataAt(x-2, y, z+1, 0)
					level.setBlockAt(x-2, y, z-1, 166)
					level.setBlockDataAt(x-2, y, z-1, 0)
					level.setBlockAt(x-1, y, z-2, 166)
					level.setBlockDataAt(x-1, y, z-2, 0)
					#Iron Fence Block #3x3 Outer
					level.setBlockAt(x+3, y, z, 101)
					level.setBlockDataAt(x+3, y, z, 0)
					level.setBlockAt(x-3, y, z, 101)
					level.setBlockDataAt(x-3, y, z, 0)
					level.setBlockAt(x, y, z+3, 101)
					level.setBlockDataAt(x, y, z+3, 0)
					level.setBlockAt(x, y, z-3, 101)
					level.setBlockDataAt(x, y, z-3, 0)
					level.setBlockAt(x+1, y, z-3, 101)
					level.setBlockDataAt(x+1, y, z-3, 0)
					level.setBlockAt(x-1, y, z-3, 101)
					level.setBlockDataAt(x-1, y, z-3, 0)
					level.setBlockAt(x+3, y, z-1, 101)
					level.setBlockDataAt(x+3, y, z-1, 0)
					level.setBlockAt(x-3, y, z-1, 101)
					level.setBlockDataAt(x-3, y, z-1, 0)
					level.setBlockAt(x+3, y, z+1, 101)
					level.setBlockDataAt(x+3, y, z+1, 0)
					level.setBlockAt(x-3, y, z+1, 101)
					level.setBlockDataAt(x-3, y, z+1, 0)
					level.setBlockAt(x+1, y, z+3, 101)
					level.setBlockDataAt(x+1, y, z+3, 0)
					level.setBlockAt(x-1, y, z+3, 101)
					level.setBlockDataAt(x-1, y, z+3, 0)
					level.setBlockAt(x-2, y, z+2, 101)
					level.setBlockDataAt(x-2, y, z+2, 0)
					level.setBlockAt(x+2, y, z-2, 101)
					level.setBlockDataAt(x+2, y, z-2, 0)
					level.setBlockAt(x+2, y, z+2, 101)
					level.setBlockDataAt(x+2, y, z+2, 0)
					level.setBlockAt(x+2, y, z-2, 101)
					level.setBlockDataAt(x+2, y, z-2, 0)
					level.setBlockAt(x-2, y, z-2, 101)
					level.setBlockDataAt(x-2, y, z-2, 0)
def bogusSpawn(cx, cz):
	properties = TAG_Compound()
	properties["id"] = TAG_String(u'Item')
	properties["Age"] = TAG_Short(19)
	motion = TAG_List()
	properties["Motion"] = motion
	properties["OnGround"] = TAG_Byte(1)
	properties["Health"] = TAG_Short(5)
	properties["Dimension"] = TAG_Int(0)
	properties["Air"] = TAG_Short(300)
	pos = TAG_List()
	properties["Pos"] = pos
	properties["PortalCooldown"] = TAG_Int(0)
	item = TAG_Compound()
	item["id"] = TAG_Short(24)
	item["Damage"] = TAG_Short(0)
	item["Count"] = TAG_Byte(1)
	properties["Item"] = item
	properties["Fire"] = TAG_Short(-1)
	properties["FallDistance"] = TAG_Float(0.0)
	rotation = TAG_List()
	properties["Rotation"] = rotation
	properties["Invulnerable"] = TAG_Byte(0)
	return properties
def createXeno(level, x, y, z, customName, Invisible, CustomNameVisible, Invulnerable, Marker, NoGravity, MotionX, MotionY, MotionZ, RotationX, RotationY, Small,ShowArms,NoBasePlate,HandItem1,HandItem2,ArmorItem1,ArmorItem2,ArmorItem3,ArmorItem4,ArmorItem4Data,PoseBodyX,PoseBodyY,PoseBodyZ,PoseHeadX,PoseHeadY,PoseHeadZ,PoseRightArmX,PoseRightArmY,PoseRightArmZ,PoseLeftArmX,PoseLeftArmY,PoseLeftArmZ,PoseRightLegX,PoseRightLegY,PoseRightLegZ,PoseLeftLegX,PoseLeftLegY,PoseLeftLegZ): # After @Sethbling
	print("New Xeno named "+customName+" at "+str(x)+","+str(y)+","+str(z))
	mob = TAG_Compound()
	mob["NoAI"] = TAG_Byte(1)
	mob["LeftHanded"] = TAG_Byte(1)
	mob["PersistenceRequired"] = TAG_Byte(1)
	mob["CustomName"] = TAG_String(customName)
	mob["Invisible"] = TAG_Byte(Invisible)
	mob["Small"] = TAG_Byte(Small)
#	mob["ShowArms"] = TAG_Byte(ShowArms)
#	mob["NoBasePlate"] = TAG_Byte(NoBasePlate)
	mob["CustomNameVisible"] = TAG_Byte(CustomNameVisible)
	mob["Invulnerable"] = TAG_Byte(Invulnerable)
#	mob["Marker"] = TAG_Byte(Marker)
	mob["NoGravity"] = TAG_Byte(NoGravity)
	mob["OnGround"] = TAG_Byte(1)
	mob["Air"] = TAG_Short(300)
	mob["DeathTime"] = TAG_Short(0)
	mob["Fire"] = TAG_Short(-1)
	mob["Health"] = TAG_Short(40)
	mob["HurtTime"] = TAG_Short(0)
	mob["Age"] = TAG_Int(0)
	mob["FallDistance"] = TAG_Float(0)
	mob["Motion"] = TAG_List()
	mob["Pos"] = TAG_List()
	mob["Pos"].append(TAG_Double(x + 0.5))
	mob["Pos"].append(TAG_Double(z + 0.5))
	mob["Rotation"] = TAG_List()

	tl_AI = TAG_List()
	tc_AI1 = TAG_Compound()
	tc_AI1["Count"] = TAG_Byte(1)
	tc_AI1["id"] = TAG_String(HandItem1)
	tc_AI1 = TAG_Compound()
	tc_AI1["Count"] = TAG_Byte(1)
	tc_AI1["id"] = TAG_String(HandItem2)
	mob["HandItems"] = tl_AI

	tl_AI = TAG_List()
	tc_AI1 = TAG_Compound()
	tc_AI1["Count"] = TAG_Byte(1)
	tc_AI1["id"] = TAG_String(ArmorItem1)
	tc_AI1 = TAG_Compound()
	tc_AI1["Count"] = TAG_Byte(1)
	tc_AI1["id"] = TAG_String(ArmorItem2)
	tc_AI1 = TAG_Compound()
	tc_AI1["Count"] = TAG_Byte(1)
	tc_AI1["id"] = TAG_String(ArmorItem3)
	tc_AI1 = TAG_Compound()
	tc_AI1["Count"] = TAG_Byte(1)
	tc_AI1["id"] = TAG_String(ArmorItem4)
	tc_AI1["Damage"] = TAG_Short(ArmorItem4Data)
	mob["ArmorItems"] = tl_AI

	# Cave Spider head
	tl_Pass = TAG_List()
	tc_Pass1 = TAG_Compound()
	tc_Pass1["id"] = TAG_String("CaveSpider")
	tc_Pass1["NoAI"] = TAG_Byte(1)
	tc_Pass1["PersistenceRequired"] = TAG_Byte(1)
	tc_Pass1["CustomName"] = TAG_String(customName)
	tc_Pass1["Invisible"] = TAG_Byte(Invisible)
	tc_Pass1["Small"] = TAG_Byte(Small)
	tc_Pass1["CustomNameVisible"] = TAG_Byte(CustomNameVisible)
	tc_Pass1["Invulnerable"] = TAG_Byte(Invulnerable)
	tc_Pass1["NoGravity"] = TAG_Byte(NoGravity)
	tc_Pass1["OnGround"] = TAG_Byte(1)
	tc_Pass1["Air"] = TAG_Short(300)
	tc_Pass1["DeathTime"] = TAG_Short(0)
	tc_Pass1["Fire"] = TAG_Short(-1)
	tc_Pass1["Health"] = TAG_Short(12)
	tc_Pass1["HurtTime"] = TAG_Short(0)
	tc_Pass1["Age"] = TAG_Int(0)
	tc_Pass1["FallDistance"] = TAG_Float(0)
	tc_Pass1["Motion"] = TAG_List()
	tc_Pass1["Pos"] = TAG_List()
	tc_Pass1["Pos"].append(TAG_Double(x + 0.5))
	tc_Pass1["Pos"].append(TAG_Double(z + 0.5))
	tc_Pass1["Rotation"] = TAG_List()
	mob["Passengers"] = tl_Pass
	# End Cave Spider head
	mob["id"] = TAG_String("Enderman")
	chunk = level.getChunk(int(x) / CHUNKSIZE, int(z) / CHUNKSIZE)
	chunk.dirty = True	
def createChestBlockData(x, y, z, options, seedtag, ItemsSmokeBox):
    foo = [
        'nether_bridge', 'village_blacksmith', 'stronghold_crossing',
        'spawn_bonus_chest', 'jungle_temple', 'simple_dungeon', 'igloo_chest',
        'end_city_treasure', 'desert_pyramid', 'abandoned_mineshaft'
    chest = TAG_Compound()
    chest["y"] = TAG_Int(y)
    if options["(1.11+)"]:
        chest["id"] = TAG_String("chest")
        chest["id"] = TAG_String("Chest")
    chest["x"] = TAG_Int(x)
    chest["z"] = TAG_Int(z)
    items = TAG_List()
    minecraftchest = TAG_Compound()
    minecraftchest["id"] = TAG_String(u'minecraft:chest')
    minecraftchest["Damage"] = TAG_Short(0)
    minecraftchest["Count"] = TAG_Byte(64)
    tag = TAG_Compound()
    blockEntityTag = TAG_Compound()
    blockEntityTag["CustomName"] = TAG_String(u'Lucky Crate')
    if options["(Random Loot ID)"]:
        blockEntityTag["LootTable"] = TAG_String("minecraft:chests/" +
        blockEntityTag["LootTable"] = TAG_String("minecraft:chests/" +
    blockEntityTag["LootTableSeed"] = TAG_Long(int(seedtag))
    tag["BlockEntityTag"] = blockEntityTag
    display = TAG_Compound()
    display["Name"] = TAG_String(u'Lucky Crate')
    tag["display"] = display
    minecraftchest["tag"] = tag
    minecraftchest["Slot"] = TAG_Byte(0)
    minecraftchest2 = TAG_Compound()
    minecraftchest2["id"] = TAG_String(u'minecraft:chest')
    minecraftchest2["Damage"] = TAG_Short(0)
    minecraftchest2["Count"] = TAG_Byte(64)
    tag2 = TAG_Compound()
    blockEntityTag2 = TAG_Compound()
    blockEntityTag2["CustomName"] = TAG_String(u'Lucky Crate')
    if options["(Random Loot ID)"]:
        blockEntityTag2["LootTable"] = TAG_String("minecraft:chests/" +
        blockEntityTag2["LootTable"] = TAG_String("minecraft:chests/" +
    blockEntityTag2["LootTableSeed"] = TAG_Long(int(seedtag))
    tag2["BlockEntityTag"] = blockEntityTag2
    display2 = TAG_Compound()
    display2["Name"] = TAG_String(u'Lucky Crate')
    tag2["display"] = display2
    minecraftchest2["tag"] = tag2
    minecraftchest2["Slot"] = TAG_Byte(1)
    minecraftchest3 = TAG_Compound()
    minecraftchest3["id"] = TAG_String(u'minecraft:chest')
    minecraftchest3["Damage"] = TAG_Short(0)
    minecraftchest3["Count"] = TAG_Byte(64)
    tag3 = TAG_Compound()
    blockEntityTag3 = TAG_Compound()
    blockEntityTag3["CustomName"] = TAG_String(u'Lucky Crate')
    if options["(Random Loot ID)"]:
        blockEntityTag3["LootTable"] = TAG_String("minecraft:chests/" +
        blockEntityTag3["LootTable"] = TAG_String("minecraft:chests/" +
    blockEntityTag3["LootTableSeed"] = TAG_Long(int(seedtag))
    tag3["BlockEntityTag"] = blockEntityTag3
    display3 = TAG_Compound()
    display3["Name"] = TAG_String(u'Lucky Crate')
    tag3["display"] = display3
    minecraftchest3["tag"] = tag3
    minecraftchest3["Slot"] = TAG_Byte(2)
    minecraftchest4 = TAG_Compound()
    minecraftchest4["id"] = TAG_String(u'minecraft:chest')
    minecraftchest4["Damage"] = TAG_Short(0)
    minecraftchest4["Count"] = TAG_Byte(64)
    tag4 = TAG_Compound()
    blockEntityTag4 = TAG_Compound()
    blockEntityTag4["CustomName"] = TAG_String(u'Lucky Crate')
    if options["(Random Loot ID)"]:
        blockEntityTag4["LootTable"] = TAG_String("minecraft:chests/" +
        blockEntityTag4["LootTable"] = TAG_String("minecraft:chests/" +
    blockEntityTag4["LootTableSeed"] = TAG_Long(int(seedtag))
    tag4["BlockEntityTag"] = blockEntityTag4
    display4 = TAG_Compound()
    display4["Name"] = TAG_String(u'Lucky Crate')
    tag4["display"] = display4
    minecraftchest4["tag"] = tag4
    minecraftchest4["Slot"] = TAG_Byte(3)
    minecraftchest5 = TAG_Compound()
    minecraftchest5["id"] = TAG_String(u'minecraft:chest')
    minecraftchest5["Damage"] = TAG_Short(0)
    minecraftchest5["Count"] = TAG_Byte(64)
    tag5 = TAG_Compound()
    blockEntityTag5 = TAG_Compound()
    blockEntityTag5["CustomName"] = TAG_String(u'Lucky Crate')
    if options["(Random Loot ID)"]:
        blockEntityTag5["LootTable"] = TAG_String("minecraft:chests/" +
        blockEntityTag5["LootTable"] = TAG_String("minecraft:chests/" +
    blockEntityTag5["LootTableSeed"] = TAG_Long(int(seedtag))
    tag5["BlockEntityTag"] = blockEntityTag5
    display5 = TAG_Compound()
    display5["Name"] = TAG_String(u'Lucky Crate')
    tag5["display"] = display5
    minecraftchest5["tag"] = tag5
    minecraftchest5["Slot"] = TAG_Byte(4)
    minecraftchest6 = TAG_Compound()
    minecraftchest6["id"] = TAG_String(u'minecraft:chest')
    minecraftchest6["Damage"] = TAG_Short(0)
    minecraftchest6["Count"] = TAG_Byte(64)
    tag6 = TAG_Compound()
    blockEntityTag6 = TAG_Compound()
    blockEntityTag6["CustomName"] = TAG_String(u'Lucky Crate')
    if options["(Random Loot ID)"]:
        blockEntityTag6["LootTable"] = TAG_String("minecraft:chests/" +
        blockEntityTag6["LootTable"] = TAG_String("minecraft:chests/" +
    blockEntityTag6["LootTableSeed"] = TAG_Long(int(seedtag))
    tag6["BlockEntityTag"] = blockEntityTag6
    display6 = TAG_Compound()
    display6["Name"] = TAG_String(u'Lucky Crate')
    tag6["display"] = display6
    minecraftchest6["tag"] = tag6
    minecraftchest6["Slot"] = TAG_Byte(5)
    minecraftchest7 = TAG_Compound()
    minecraftchest7["id"] = TAG_String(u'minecraft:chest')
    minecraftchest7["Damage"] = TAG_Short(0)
    minecraftchest7["Count"] = TAG_Byte(64)
    tag7 = TAG_Compound()
    blockEntityTag7 = TAG_Compound()
    blockEntityTag7["CustomName"] = TAG_String(u'Lucky Crate')
    if options["(Random Loot ID)"]:
        blockEntityTag7["LootTable"] = TAG_String("minecraft:chests/" +
        blockEntityTag7["LootTable"] = TAG_String("minecraft:chests/" +
    blockEntityTag7["LootTableSeed"] = TAG_Long(int(seedtag))
    tag7["BlockEntityTag"] = blockEntityTag7
    display7 = TAG_Compound()
    display7["Name"] = TAG_String(u'Lucky Crate')
    tag7["display"] = display7
    minecraftchest7["tag"] = tag7
    minecraftchest7["Slot"] = TAG_Byte(6)
    minecraftchest8 = TAG_Compound()
    minecraftchest8["id"] = TAG_String(u'minecraft:chest')
    minecraftchest8["Damage"] = TAG_Short(0)
    minecraftchest8["Count"] = TAG_Byte(64)
    tag8 = TAG_Compound()
    blockEntityTag8 = TAG_Compound()
    blockEntityTag8["CustomName"] = TAG_String(u'Lucky Crate')
    if options["(Random Loot ID)"]:
        blockEntityTag8["LootTable"] = TAG_String("minecraft:chests/" +
        blockEntityTag8["LootTable"] = TAG_String("minecraft:chests/" +
    blockEntityTag8["LootTableSeed"] = TAG_Long(int(seedtag))
    tag8["BlockEntityTag"] = blockEntityTag8
    display8 = TAG_Compound()
    display8["Name"] = TAG_String(u'Lucky Crate')
    tag8["display"] = display8
    minecraftchest8["tag"] = tag8
    minecraftchest8["Slot"] = TAG_Byte(7)
    minecraftchest9 = TAG_Compound()
    minecraftchest9["id"] = TAG_String(u'minecraft:chest')
    minecraftchest9["Damage"] = TAG_Short(0)
    minecraftchest9["Count"] = TAG_Byte(64)
    tag9 = TAG_Compound()
    blockEntityTag9 = TAG_Compound()
    blockEntityTag9["CustomName"] = TAG_String(u'Lucky Crate')
    if options["(Random Loot ID)"]:
        blockEntityTag9["LootTable"] = TAG_String("minecraft:chests/" +
        blockEntityTag9["LootTable"] = TAG_String("minecraft:chests/" +
    blockEntityTag9["LootTableSeed"] = TAG_Long(int(seedtag))
    tag9["BlockEntityTag"] = blockEntityTag9
    display9 = TAG_Compound()
    display9["Name"] = TAG_String(u'Lucky Crate')
    tag9["display"] = display9
    minecraftchest9["tag"] = tag9
    minecraftchest9["Slot"] = TAG_Byte(8)
    minecraftchest10 = TAG_Compound()
    minecraftchest10["id"] = TAG_String(u'minecraft:chest')
    minecraftchest10["Damage"] = TAG_Short(0)
    minecraftchest10["Count"] = TAG_Byte(64)
    tag10 = TAG_Compound()
    blockEntityTag10 = TAG_Compound()
    blockEntityTag10["CustomName"] = TAG_String(u'Lucky Crate')
    if options["(Random Loot ID)"]:
        blockEntityTag10["LootTable"] = TAG_String("minecraft:chests/" +
        blockEntityTag10["LootTable"] = TAG_String("minecraft:chests/" +
    blockEntityTag10["LootTableSeed"] = TAG_Long(int(seedtag))
    tag10["BlockEntityTag"] = blockEntityTag10
    display10 = TAG_Compound()
    display10["Name"] = TAG_String(u'Lucky Crate')
    tag10["display"] = display10
    minecraftchest10["tag"] = tag10
    minecraftchest10["Slot"] = TAG_Byte(9)
    minecraftchest11 = TAG_Compound()
    minecraftchest11["id"] = TAG_String(u'minecraft:chest')
    minecraftchest11["Damage"] = TAG_Short(0)
    minecraftchest11["Count"] = TAG_Byte(64)
    tag11 = TAG_Compound()
    blockEntityTag11 = TAG_Compound()
    blockEntityTag11["CustomName"] = TAG_String(u'Lucky Crate')
    if options["(Random Loot ID)"]:
        blockEntityTag11["LootTable"] = TAG_String("minecraft:chests/" +
        blockEntityTag11["LootTable"] = TAG_String("minecraft:chests/" +
    blockEntityTag11["LootTableSeed"] = TAG_Long(int(seedtag))
    tag11["BlockEntityTag"] = blockEntityTag11
    display11 = TAG_Compound()
    display11["Name"] = TAG_String(u'Lucky Crate')
    tag11["display"] = display11
    minecraftchest11["tag"] = tag11
    minecraftchest11["Slot"] = TAG_Byte(10)
    minecraftchest12 = TAG_Compound()
    minecraftchest12["id"] = TAG_String(u'minecraft:chest')
    minecraftchest12["Damage"] = TAG_Short(0)
    minecraftchest12["Count"] = TAG_Byte(64)
    tag12 = TAG_Compound()
    blockEntityTag12 = TAG_Compound()
    blockEntityTag12["CustomName"] = TAG_String(u'Lucky Crate')
    if options["(Random Loot ID)"]:
        blockEntityTag12["LootTable"] = TAG_String("minecraft:chests/" +
        blockEntityTag12["LootTable"] = TAG_String("minecraft:chests/" +
    blockEntityTag12["LootTableSeed"] = TAG_Long(int(seedtag))
    tag12["BlockEntityTag"] = blockEntityTag12
    display12 = TAG_Compound()
    display12["Name"] = TAG_String(u'Lucky Crate')
    tag12["display"] = display12
    minecraftchest12["tag"] = tag12
    minecraftchest12["Slot"] = TAG_Byte(10)
    minecraftchest13 = TAG_Compound()
    minecraftchest13["id"] = TAG_String(u'minecraft:chest')
    minecraftchest13["Damage"] = TAG_Short(0)
    minecraftchest13["Count"] = TAG_Byte(64)
    tag13 = TAG_Compound()
    blockEntityTag13 = TAG_Compound()
    blockEntityTag13["CustomName"] = TAG_String(u'Lucky Crate')
    if options["(Random Loot ID)"]:
        blockEntityTag13["LootTable"] = TAG_String("minecraft:chests/" +
        blockEntityTag13["LootTable"] = TAG_String("minecraft:chests/" +
    blockEntityTag13["LootTableSeed"] = TAG_Long(int(seedtag))
    tag13["BlockEntityTag"] = blockEntityTag13
    display13 = TAG_Compound()
    display13["Name"] = TAG_String(u'Lucky Crate')
    tag13["display"] = display13
    minecraftchest13["tag"] = tag13
    minecraftchest13["Slot"] = TAG_Byte(11)
    minecraftchest14 = TAG_Compound()
    minecraftchest14["id"] = TAG_String(u'minecraft:chest')
    minecraftchest14["Damage"] = TAG_Short(0)
    minecraftchest14["Count"] = TAG_Byte(64)
    tag14 = TAG_Compound()
    blockEntityTag14 = TAG_Compound()
    blockEntityTag14["CustomName"] = TAG_String(u'Lucky Crate')
    if options["(Random Loot ID)"]:
        blockEntityTag14["LootTable"] = TAG_String("minecraft:chests/" +
        blockEntityTag14["LootTable"] = TAG_String("minecraft:chests/" +
    blockEntityTag14["LootTableSeed"] = TAG_Long(int(seedtag))
    tag14["BlockEntityTag"] = blockEntityTag14
    display14 = TAG_Compound()
    display14["Name"] = TAG_String(u'Lucky Crate')
    tag14["display"] = display14
    minecraftchest14["tag"] = tag14
    minecraftchest14["Slot"] = TAG_Byte(12)
    minecraftchest15 = TAG_Compound()
    minecraftchest15["id"] = TAG_String(u'minecraft:chest')
    minecraftchest15["Damage"] = TAG_Short(0)
    minecraftchest15["Count"] = TAG_Byte(64)
    tag15 = TAG_Compound()
    blockEntityTag15 = TAG_Compound()
    blockEntityTag15["CustomName"] = TAG_String(u'Lucky Crate')
    if options["(Random Loot ID)"]:
        blockEntityTag15["LootTable"] = TAG_String("minecraft:chests/" +
        blockEntityTag15["LootTable"] = TAG_String("minecraft:chests/" +
    blockEntityTag15["LootTableSeed"] = TAG_Long(int(seedtag))
    tag15["BlockEntityTag"] = blockEntityTag15
    display15 = TAG_Compound()
    display15["Name"] = TAG_String(u'Lucky Crate')
    tag15["display"] = display15
    minecraftchest15["tag"] = tag15
    minecraftchest15["Slot"] = TAG_Byte(13)
    minecraftchest16 = TAG_Compound()
    minecraftchest16["id"] = TAG_String(u'minecraft:chest')
    minecraftchest16["Damage"] = TAG_Short(0)
    minecraftchest16["Count"] = TAG_Byte(64)
    tag16 = TAG_Compound()
    blockEntityTag16 = TAG_Compound()
    blockEntityTag16["CustomName"] = TAG_String(u'Lucky Crate')
    if options["(Random Loot ID)"]:
        blockEntityTag16["LootTable"] = TAG_String("minecraft:chests/" +
        blockEntityTag16["LootTable"] = TAG_String("minecraft:chests/" +
    blockEntityTag16["LootTableSeed"] = TAG_Long(int(seedtag))
    tag16["BlockEntityTag"] = blockEntityTag16
    display16 = TAG_Compound()
    display16["Name"] = TAG_String(u'Lucky Crate')
    tag16["display"] = display16
    minecraftchest16["tag"] = tag16
    minecraftchest16["Slot"] = TAG_Byte(14)
    minecraftchest17 = TAG_Compound()
    minecraftchest17["id"] = TAG_String(u'minecraft:chest')
    minecraftchest17["Damage"] = TAG_Short(0)
    minecraftchest17["Count"] = TAG_Byte(64)
    tag17 = TAG_Compound()
    blockEntityTag17 = TAG_Compound()
    blockEntityTag17["CustomName"] = TAG_String(u'Lucky Crate')
    if options["(Random Loot ID)"]:
        blockEntityTag17["LootTable"] = TAG_String("minecraft:chests/" +
        blockEntityTag17["LootTable"] = TAG_String("minecraft:chests/" +
    blockEntityTag17["LootTableSeed"] = TAG_Long(int(seedtag))
    tag17["BlockEntityTag"] = blockEntityTag17
    display17 = TAG_Compound()
    display17["Name"] = TAG_String(u'Lucky Crate')
    tag17["display"] = display17
    minecraftchest17["tag"] = tag17
    minecraftchest17["Slot"] = TAG_Byte(15)
    minecraftchest18 = TAG_Compound()
    minecraftchest18["id"] = TAG_String(u'minecraft:chest')
    minecraftchest18["Damage"] = TAG_Short(0)
    minecraftchest18["Count"] = TAG_Byte(64)
    tag18 = TAG_Compound()
    blockEntityTag18 = TAG_Compound()
    blockEntityTag18["CustomName"] = TAG_String(u'Lucky Crate')
    if options["(Random Loot ID)"]:
        blockEntityTag18["LootTable"] = TAG_String("minecraft:chests/" +
        blockEntityTag18["LootTable"] = TAG_String("minecraft:chests/" +
    blockEntityTag18["LootTableSeed"] = TAG_Long(int(seedtag))
    tag18["BlockEntityTag"] = blockEntityTag18
    display18 = TAG_Compound()
    display18["Name"] = TAG_String(u'Lucky Crate')
    tag18["display"] = display18
    minecraftchest18["tag"] = tag18
    minecraftchest18["Slot"] = TAG_Byte(16)
    minecraftchest19 = TAG_Compound()
    minecraftchest19["id"] = TAG_String(u'minecraft:chest')
    minecraftchest19["Damage"] = TAG_Short(0)
    minecraftchest19["Count"] = TAG_Byte(64)
    tag19 = TAG_Compound()
    blockEntityTag19 = TAG_Compound()
    blockEntityTag19["CustomName"] = TAG_String(u'Lucky Crate')
    if options["(Random Loot ID)"]:
        blockEntityTag19["LootTable"] = TAG_String("minecraft:chests/" +
        blockEntityTag19["LootTable"] = TAG_String("minecraft:chests/" +
    blockEntityTag19["LootTableSeed"] = TAG_Long(int(seedtag))
    tag19["BlockEntityTag"] = blockEntityTag19
    display19 = TAG_Compound()
    display19["Name"] = TAG_String(u'Lucky Crate')
    tag19["display"] = display19
    minecraftchest19["tag"] = tag19
    minecraftchest19["Slot"] = TAG_Byte(17)
    minecraftchest20 = TAG_Compound()
    minecraftchest20["id"] = TAG_String(u'minecraft:chest')
    minecraftchest20["Damage"] = TAG_Short(0)
    minecraftchest20["Count"] = TAG_Byte(64)
    tag20 = TAG_Compound()
    blockEntityTag20 = TAG_Compound()
    blockEntityTag20["CustomName"] = TAG_String(u'Lucky Crate')
    if options["(Random Loot ID)"]:
        blockEntityTag20["LootTable"] = TAG_String("minecraft:chests/" +
        blockEntityTag20["LootTable"] = TAG_String("minecraft:chests/" +
    blockEntityTag20["LootTableSeed"] = TAG_Long(int(seedtag))
    tag20["BlockEntityTag"] = blockEntityTag20
    display20 = TAG_Compound()
    display20["Name"] = TAG_String(u'Lucky Crate')
    tag20["display"] = display20
    minecraftchest20["tag"] = tag20
    minecraftchest20["Slot"] = TAG_Byte(18)
    minecraftchest21 = TAG_Compound()
    minecraftchest21["id"] = TAG_String(u'minecraft:chest')
    minecraftchest21["Damage"] = TAG_Short(0)
    minecraftchest21["Count"] = TAG_Byte(64)
    tag21 = TAG_Compound()
    blockEntityTag21 = TAG_Compound()
    blockEntityTag21["CustomName"] = TAG_String(u'Lucky Crate')
    if options["(Random Loot ID)"]:
        blockEntityTag21["LootTable"] = TAG_String("minecraft:chests/" +
        blockEntityTag21["LootTable"] = TAG_String("minecraft:chests/" +
    blockEntityTag21["LootTableSeed"] = TAG_Long(int(seedtag))
    tag21["BlockEntityTag"] = blockEntityTag21
    display21 = TAG_Compound()
    display21["Name"] = TAG_String(u'Lucky Crate')
    tag21["display"] = display21
    minecraftchest21["tag"] = tag21
    minecraftchest21["Slot"] = TAG_Byte(19)
    minecraftchest22 = TAG_Compound()
    minecraftchest22["id"] = TAG_String(u'minecraft:chest')
    minecraftchest22["Damage"] = TAG_Short(0)
    minecraftchest22["Count"] = TAG_Byte(64)
    tag22 = TAG_Compound()
    blockEntityTag22 = TAG_Compound()
    blockEntityTag22["CustomName"] = TAG_String(u'Lucky Crate')
    if options["(Random Loot ID)"]:
        blockEntityTag22["LootTable"] = TAG_String("minecraft:chests/" +
        blockEntityTag22["LootTable"] = TAG_String("minecraft:chests/" +
    blockEntityTag22["LootTableSeed"] = TAG_Long(int(seedtag))
    tag22["BlockEntityTag"] = blockEntityTag22
    display22 = TAG_Compound()
    display22["Name"] = TAG_String(u'Lucky Crate')
    tag22["display"] = display22
    minecraftchest22["tag"] = tag22
    minecraftchest22["Slot"] = TAG_Byte(20)
    minecraftchest23 = TAG_Compound()
    minecraftchest23["id"] = TAG_String(u'minecraft:chest')
    minecraftchest23["Damage"] = TAG_Short(0)
    minecraftchest23["Count"] = TAG_Byte(64)
    tag23 = TAG_Compound()
    blockEntityTag23 = TAG_Compound()
    blockEntityTag23["CustomName"] = TAG_String(u'Lucky Crate')
    if options["(Random Loot ID)"]:
        blockEntityTag23["LootTable"] = TAG_String("minecraft:chests/" +
        blockEntityTag23["LootTable"] = TAG_String("minecraft:chests/" +
    blockEntityTag23["LootTableSeed"] = TAG_Long(int(seedtag))
    tag23["BlockEntityTag"] = blockEntityTag23
    display23 = TAG_Compound()
    display23["Name"] = TAG_String(u'Lucky Crate')
    tag23["display"] = display23
    minecraftchest23["tag"] = tag23
    minecraftchest23["Slot"] = TAG_Byte(21)
    minecraftchest24 = TAG_Compound()
    minecraftchest24["id"] = TAG_String(u'minecraft:chest')
    minecraftchest24["Damage"] = TAG_Short(0)
    minecraftchest24["Count"] = TAG_Byte(64)
    tag24 = TAG_Compound()
    blockEntityTag24 = TAG_Compound()
    blockEntityTag24["CustomName"] = TAG_String(u'Lucky Crate')
    if options["(Random Loot ID)"]:
        blockEntityTag24["LootTable"] = TAG_String("minecraft:chests/" +
        blockEntityTag24["LootTable"] = TAG_String("minecraft:chests/" +
    blockEntityTag24["LootTableSeed"] = TAG_Long(int(seedtag))
    tag24["BlockEntityTag"] = blockEntityTag24
    display24 = TAG_Compound()
    display24["Name"] = TAG_String(u'Lucky Crate')
    tag24["display"] = display24
    minecraftchest24["tag"] = tag24
    minecraftchest24["Slot"] = TAG_Byte(22)
    minecraftchest25 = TAG_Compound()
    minecraftchest25["id"] = TAG_String(u'minecraft:chest')
    minecraftchest25["Damage"] = TAG_Short(0)
    minecraftchest25["Count"] = TAG_Byte(64)
    tag25 = TAG_Compound()
    blockEntityTag25 = TAG_Compound()
    blockEntityTag25["CustomName"] = TAG_String(u'Lucky Crate')
    if options["(Random Loot ID)"]:
        blockEntityTag25["LootTable"] = TAG_String("minecraft:chests/" +
        blockEntityTag25["LootTable"] = TAG_String("minecraft:chests/" +
    blockEntityTag25["LootTableSeed"] = TAG_Long(int(seedtag))
    tag25["BlockEntityTag"] = blockEntityTag25
    display25 = TAG_Compound()
    display25["Name"] = TAG_String(u'Lucky Crate')
    tag25["display"] = display25
    minecraftchest25["tag"] = tag25
    minecraftchest25["Slot"] = TAG_Byte(23)
    minecraftchest26 = TAG_Compound()
    minecraftchest26["id"] = TAG_String(u'minecraft:chest')
    minecraftchest26["Damage"] = TAG_Short(0)
    minecraftchest26["Count"] = TAG_Byte(64)
    tag26 = TAG_Compound()
    blockEntityTag26 = TAG_Compound()
    blockEntityTag26["CustomName"] = TAG_String(u'Lucky Crate')
    if options["(Random Loot ID)"]:
        blockEntityTag26["LootTable"] = TAG_String("minecraft:chests/" +
        blockEntityTag26["LootTable"] = TAG_String("minecraft:chests/" +
    blockEntityTag26["LootTableSeed"] = TAG_Long(int(seedtag))
    tag26["BlockEntityTag"] = blockEntityTag26
    display26 = TAG_Compound()
    display26["Name"] = TAG_String(u'Lucky Crate')
    tag26["display"] = display26
    minecraftchest26["tag"] = tag26
    minecraftchest26["Slot"] = TAG_Byte(25)
    minecraftchest27 = TAG_Compound()
    minecraftchest27["id"] = TAG_String(u'minecraft:chest')
    minecraftchest27["Damage"] = TAG_Short(0)
    minecraftchest27["Count"] = TAG_Byte(64)
    tag27 = TAG_Compound()
    blockEntityTag27 = TAG_Compound()
    blockEntityTag27["CustomName"] = TAG_String(u'Lucky Crate')
    if options["(Random Loot ID)"]:
        blockEntityTag27["LootTable"] = TAG_String("minecraft:chests/" +
        blockEntityTag27["LootTable"] = TAG_String("minecraft:chests/" +
    blockEntityTag27["LootTableSeed"] = TAG_Long(int(seedtag))
    tag27["BlockEntityTag"] = blockEntityTag27
    display27 = TAG_Compound()
    display27["Name"] = TAG_String(u'Lucky Crate')
    tag27["display"] = display27
    minecraftchest27["tag"] = tag27
    minecraftchest27["Slot"] = TAG_Byte(27)
    chest["Items"] = items
    return chest
Beispiel #20
def perform(level, box, options):
    print "Follow Me On Twitter At @RedstonerLabs"
    ShowBottoms = options["ShowBottom"]
    Invun = options["Invulnerable"]
    target1 = options["Y"]
    target2 = options["X"]
    target3 = options["Z"]
    for x in xrange(box.minx, box.maxx):
        for y in xrange(box.miny, box.maxy):
            for z in xrange(box.minz, box.maxz):
                chunk = level.getChunk(x / 16, z / 16)
                enderCrystal = TAG_Compound()
                pos = TAG_List()
                pos.append(TAG_Double(x + 0.5))
                pos.append(TAG_Double(z + 0.5))
                enderCrystal["Pos"] = pos
                if options["1.11-1.12+Worlds"]:
                    enderCrystal["id"] = TAG_String(u'ender_crystal')
                    enderCrystal["id"] = TAG_String(u'EnderCrystal')

                if options["Offset X,Y,Z Coordinates"]:
                    beamTarget = TAG_Compound()
                    beamTarget["X"] = TAG_Int(x + target2)
                    beamTarget["Y"] = TAG_Int(y + target1)
                    beamTarget["Z"] = TAG_Int(z + target3)
                    enderCrystal["BeamTarget"] = beamTarget
                    beamTarget = TAG_Compound()
                    beamTarget["X"] = TAG_Int(target2)
                    beamTarget["Y"] = TAG_Int(target1)
                    beamTarget["Z"] = TAG_Int(target3)
                    enderCrystal["BeamTarget"] = beamTarget

                enderCrystal["OnGround"] = TAG_Byte(0)
                motion = TAG_List()
                enderCrystal["Motion"] = motion
                enderCrystal["Dimension"] = TAG_Int(0)
                enderCrystal["Air"] = TAG_Short(300)
                rotation = TAG_List()
                enderCrystal["Rotation"] = rotation
                enderCrystal["FallDistance"] = TAG_Float(0.0)
                enderCrystal["Fire"] = TAG_Short(0)
                enderCrystal["Invulnerable"] = TAG_Byte(Invun)
                enderCrystal["PortalCooldown"] = TAG_Int(0)
                enderCrystal["Glowing"] = TAG_Byte(0)
                enderCrystal["ShowBottom"] = TAG_Byte(ShowBottoms)
Beispiel #21
    spawner["MinSpawnDelay"] = TAG_Short(loopTicks)
    spawner["MaxSpawnDelay"] = TAG_Short(loopTicks)
    spawner["SpawnCount"] = TAG_Short(1)
    spawner["MaxNearbyEntities"] = TAG_Short(10000)
    spawner["RequiredPlayerRange"] = TAG_Short(range)
    # Creates a spawner with certain aspects

    return spawner

def createPotion((x, y, z), (vx, vy, vz), effect, duration, amp, potionId):
    thrownPotion = TAG_Compound()
    thrownPotion["yTile"] = TAG_Short(-1)

    motion = TAG_List()
    thrownPotion["Motion"] = motion

    thrownPotion["OnGround"] = TAG_Byte(0)
    thrownPotion["inGround"] = TAG_Byte(0)
    thrownPotion["shake"] = TAG_Byte(0)
    thrownPotion["Dimension"] = TAG_Int(0)
    thrownPotion["inTile"] = TAG_Byte(0)
    thrownPotion["Air"] = TAG_Short(300)
    thrownPotion["id"] = TAG_String(u'ThrownPotion')

    pos = TAG_List()