def add_source(sourceDesc, adi): existing = sourceDesc.getDocument().getElementById(adi[3]) if not existing: source = MeiElement('source') = adi[3] source.addAttribute('type', adi[1]) sourceDesc.addChild(source)
def test_getattributeval(self): measure = MeiElement("measure") staff = MeiElement("staff") measure.addAttribute("n", "2") self.assertEqual(utilities.get_attribute_val(measure, "n"), "2") self.assertEqual(utilities.get_attribute_val(staff, "n", "1"), "1")
def make_invisible_space(MEI_tree, handle_mRest=False): """Turns all invisible notes, rests and mRests into <space> elements. """ all_note_rest = MEI_tree.getDescendantsByName('note rest') all_mRest = MEI_tree.getDescendantsByName('mRest') # Replace notes and rests with spaces for item in all_note_rest: try: if item.getAttribute('visible').getValue() == 'false': space = MeiElement('space') attributes = item.getAttributes() for attr in attributes: # Don't add octave or pitch attributes to space if attr.getName() not in ['oct', 'pname']: space.addAttribute(attr) # If mRest, calculate duration here? parent = item.getParent() parent.addChildBefore(item, space) parent.removeChild(item) except: # doesn't have attribute `visible` pass # Replace mRests with nothing -- just remove them # Not currently supported by MEItoVexFlow if handle_mRest: for item in all_mRest: try: if item.getAttribute('visible').getValue() == 'false': item.getParent().removeChild(item) except: # doesn't have attribute `visible` pass
def _create_graphic_element(self, imgfile): graphic = MeiElement("graphic") # xlink = MeiNamespace("xlink", "") # ns_attr = MeiAttribute("xlink") graphic.addAttribute("xmlns:xlink", "") graphic.addAttribute("xlink:href", imgfile) return graphic
def _create_staff_group(self, sg_list, staff_grp, n): ''' Recursively create the staff group element from the parsed user input of the staff groupings ''' if not sg_list: return staff_grp, n else: if type(sg_list[0]) is list: new_staff_grp, n = self._create_staff_group(sg_list[0], MeiElement('staffGrp'), n) staff_grp.addChild(new_staff_grp) else: # check for barthrough character if sg_list[0][-1] == '|': # the barlines go through all the staves in the staff group staff_grp.addAttribute('barthru', 'true') # remove the barthrough character, should now only be an integer sg_list[0] = sg_list[0][:-1] n_staff_defs = int(sg_list[0]) # get current staffDef number for i in range(n_staff_defs): staff_def = MeiElement('staffDef') staff_def.addAttribute('n', str(n + i + 1)) staff_grp.addChild(staff_def) n += n_staff_defs return self._create_staff_group(sg_list[1:], staff_grp, n)
def test_object_equality(self): el1 = MeiElement("note") el2 = MeiElement("accid") el1.addChild(el2) self.assertEqual(el1, el2.parent)
def post(self, file): ''' Add a dot ornament to a given element. ''' neumeid = str(self.get_argument("id", "")) dot_form = str(self.get_argument("dotform", "")) # Bounding box ulx = str(self.get_argument("ulx", None)) uly = str(self.get_argument("uly", None)) lrx = str(self.get_argument("lrx", None)) lry = str(self.get_argument("lry", None)) mei_directory = os.path.abspath(conf.MEI_DIRECTORY) fname = os.path.join(mei_directory, file) self.mei = punctum = self.mei.getElementById(neumeid) # check that a punctum element was provided if punctum.getName() == "neume" and punctum.getAttribute("name").getValue() == "punctum": note = punctum.getDescendantsByName("note") if len(note): # if a dot does not already exist on the note if len(note[0].getChildrenByName("dot")) == 0: dot = MeiElement("dot") dot.addAttribute("form", dot_form) note[0].addChild(dot) self.update_or_add_zone(punctum, ulx, uly, lrx, lry) XmlExport.write(self.mei, fname) self.set_status(200)
def parse_token(token): def parse_attrs(token): def parse_attrs_str(attrs_str): res = [] attr_pairs = attrs_str.split(",") for attr_pair in attr_pairs: if attr_pair == '': continue name_val = attr_pair.split("=") if len(name_val) > 1: attr = MeiAttribute(name_val[0], name_val[1]) res.append(attr) else: logging.warning("get_descendants(): invalid attribute specifier in expression: " + expr) return res m ="\[(.*)\]", token) attrs_str = "" if m is not None: attrs_str = return parse_attrs_str(attrs_str) m ="^([^\[]+)", token) elem = MeiElement( attrs = parse_attrs(token) for attr in attrs: elem.addAttribute(attr) return elem
def test_getattributeval(self): measure = MeiElement('measure') staff = MeiElement('staff') measure.addAttribute('n', '2') self.assertEqual(utilities.get_attribute_val(measure, 'n'), '2') self.assertEqual(utilities.get_attribute_val(staff, 'n', '1'), '1')
def add_editor(titleStmt, ali): existing = titleStmt.getDocument().getElementById(adi[3]) if not existing: editor = MeiElement('editor') = ali[3] # Using 'replace' simply to have more natural name for a person editor.addAttribute('type', adi[1].replace('ction', 'ctor')) titleStmt.addChild(editor)
def get_new_zone(self, ulx, uly, lrx, lry): zone = MeiElement("zone") zone.addAttribute("ulx", str(ulx)) zone.addAttribute("uly", str(uly)) zone.addAttribute("lrx", str(lrx)) zone.addAttribute("lry", str(lry)) return zone
def create_zone(self, ulx, uly, lrx, lry): zone = MeiElement("zone") zone.addAttribute("ulx", ulx) zone.addAttribute("uly", uly) zone.addAttribute("lrx", lrx) zone.addAttribute("lry", lry) return zone
def test_documentwritefailure(self): doc = MeiDocument() root = MeiElement("mei") = "myid" doc.root = root with self.assertRaises(FileWriteFailureException) as cm: ret = XmlExport.meiDocumentToFile(doc, "C:/StupidPath") self.assertTrue(isinstance(cm.exception, FileWriteFailureException))
def test_exporttostring(self): doc = MeiDocument() root = MeiElement("mei") = "myid" doc.root = root expected = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n<mei xml:id=\"myid\" xmlns=\"\" meiversion=\"2013\" />\n" ret = documentToText(doc) self.assertEqual(expected, ret)
def _create_staff(self, n, zone): ''' Create a staff element, and attach a zone reference to it ''' staff = MeiElement('staff') staff.addAttribute('n', str(n)) staff.addAttribute('facs', '#'+zone.getId()) return staff
def test_setdocument(self): m = MeiElement("mei") doc = MeiDocument() with self.assertRaises(DocumentRootNotSetException) as cm: m.setDocument(doc) self.assertTrue(isinstance(cm.exception, DocumentRootNotSetException)) doc.setRootElement(m) self.assertEqual(doc.root, m)
def create_new_division(self, type): ''' Make a new division and return the MEI element. Attach the facs data to the division element ''' division = MeiElement("division") division.addAttribute("form", type) return division
def test_parent(self): el1 = MeiElement("mei") el2 = MeiElement("meiHead") el3 = MeiElement("music") el2.parent = el1 el3.parent = el1 self.assertEqual("mei", self.assertEqual("mei",
def wrap_whole_measure(staff, ALT_TYPE): """Enclose the entire contents of a staff in a measure inside the <app> element. Will be done if variants overlap in illegal ways. """ rich_wrapper_name = 'app' rich_default_name = 'lem' if ALT_TYPE == EMENDATION: rich_wrapper_name = 'choice' rich_default_name = 'sic' old_layers = staff.getChildrenByName('layer') notelist = [] if len(old_layers) > 0: old_layer = staff.getChildrenByName('layer')[0] notelist.extend(get_descendants(old_layer, 'note rest space mRest')) staff.removeChild(old_layer) new_layer = MeiElement('layer') rich_wrapper = MeiElement(rich_wrapper_name) rich_default_elem = MeiElement(rich_default_name) for note in notelist: rich_default_elem.addChild(note) rich_wrapper.addChild(rich_default_elem) new_layer.addChild(rich_wrapper) staff.addChild(new_layer) return rich_wrapper
def test_documentpointers(self): mei = MeiElement("mei") mus = MeiElement("music") body = MeiElement("body") staff = MeiElement("staff") staff2 = MeiElement("staff") n1 = MeiElement("note") n2 = MeiElement("note") n3 = MeiElement("note") self.assertEqual(None, mei.document) mei.addChild(mus) self.assertEqual(None, mus.document) doc = MeiDocument() mus.addChild(body) doc.root = mei self.assertEqual(doc, mei.document) self.assertEqual(doc, mus.document) self.assertEqual(doc, body.document) self.assertEqual(None, staff.document) body.addChild(staff) self.assertEqual(doc, staff.document)
def insert_puncta(self, nid, bboxes): ''' Insert a punctum for each note in the reference neume before the reference neume in the MEI document. ''' ref_neume = self.mei.getElementById(nid) parent = ref_neume.getParent() # get underlying notes notes = ref_neume.getDescendantsByName("note") nids = [] for n, bb in zip(notes, bboxes): punctum = MeiElement("neume") punctum.addAttribute("name", "punctum") nc = MeiElement("nc") nc.addChild(n) punctum.addChild(nc) # add generated punctum id to return to client nids.append(punctum.getId()) # add facs data for the punctum zone = self.get_new_zone(bb["ulx"], bb["uly"], bb["lrx"], bb["lry"]) self.add_zone(punctum, zone) # insert the punctum before the reference neume parent.addChildBefore(ref_neume, punctum) return nids
def test_removechild(self): p = MeiElement("layer") el1 = MeiElement("note") el2 = MeiElement("note") p.addChild(el1) p.addChild(el2) self.assertEqual(2, len(p.children)) p.removeChild(el1) self.assertEqual(1, len(p.children))
def create_note(dur, pname, octave, color=None): n = MeiElement('note') n.addAttribute('dur', dur) n.addAttribute('pname', pname) n.addAttribute('oct', octave) if color: n.addAttribute('color', color) return n
def test_getnextmeasure(self): section = MeiElement('section') m1 = MeiElement('measure') sb = MeiElement('sb') m2 = MeiElement('measure') section.addChild(m1) section.addChild(sb) section.addChild(m2) self.assertEqual(utilities.get_next_measure(m1), m2) self.assertEqual(utilities.get_next_measure(m2), None)
def _create_zone(self, ulx, uly, lrx, lry): ''' Create a zone element ''' zone = MeiElement('zone') zone.addAttribute('ulx', str(ulx)) zone.addAttribute('uly', str(uly)) zone.addAttribute('lrx', str(lrx)) zone.addAttribute('lry', str(lry)) return zone
def test_children(self): el1 = MeiElement("mei") el2 = MeiElement("meiHead") el3 = MeiElement("music") self.assertEqual(0, len(el1.children)) el1.addChild(el2) el1.addChild(el3) self.assertEqual("mei", self.assertTrue(el1.hasChildren("music"))
def change_arranger_element(MEI_tree): """Changes all occurrence of the <arranger> tag to <editor>""" all_arranger = MEI_tree.getDescendantsByName('arranger') for arranger in all_arranger: parent = arranger.getParent() editor = MeiElement('editor') arranger_children = arranger.getChildren() arranger_value = arranger.getValue() for child in arranger_children: editor.addChild(child) editor.setValue(arranger_value) parent.addChild(editor) parent.removeChild(arranger)
def _create_zone_element(self): zone = MeiElement("zone") # zone = mod.zone_() # = self._idgen() # zone.attributes = {'ulx': self.glyph['coord'][0], 'uly': self.glyph['coord'][1], \ # 'lrx': self.glyph['coord'][2], 'lry': self.glyph['coord'][3]} zone.addAttribute("ulx", str(self.glyph['coord'][0])) zone.addAttribute("uly", str(self.glyph['coord'][1])) zone.addAttribute("lrx", str(self.glyph['coord'][2])) zone.addAttribute("lry", str(self.glyph['coord'][3])) self.surface.addChild(zone) return zone
def update_or_add_zone(self, punctum, ulx, uly, lrx, lry): facsid = punctum.getAttribute("facs").getValue() if facsid: # the zone exists already zone = self.mei.getElementById(facsid) else: # create a new zone zone = MeiElement("zone") # update bounding box data zone.addAttribute("ulx", ulx) zone.addAttribute("uly", uly) zone.addAttribute("lrx", lrx) zone.addAttribute("lry", lry)
def _create_division_element(self): division = MeiElement("division") # division = mod.division_() # = self._idgen() zone = self._create_zone_element() division.addAttribute("facs", str( if self.glyph['form']: div = str(self.glyph['form'][0]) else: div = "minor" division.addAttribute("form", div) return division
def __init__(self): MeiElement.__init__(self, "instrGrp")
def __init__(self): MeiElement.__init__(self, "label")
def __init__(self): MeiElement.__init__(self, "dot")
def __init__(self): MeiElement.__init__(self, "group")
def __init__(self): MeiElement.__init__(self, "layerDef")
def __init__(self): MeiElement.__init__(self, "abbr")
def __init__(self): MeiElement.__init__(self, "castList")
def __init__(self): MeiElement.__init__(self, "lb")
def __init__(self): MeiElement.__init__(self, "castItem")
def __init__(self): MeiElement.__init__(self, "fw")
def __init__(self): MeiElement.__init__(self, "expansion")
def __init__(self): MeiElement.__init__(self, "num")
def __init__(self): MeiElement.__init__(self, "note")
def __init__(self): MeiElement.__init__(self, "music")
def __init__(self): MeiElement.__init__(self, "custos")
def __init__(self): MeiElement.__init__(self, "hairpin")
def __init__(self): MeiElement.__init__(self, "clefGrp")
def __init__(self): MeiElement.__init__(self, "keySig")
def __init__(self): MeiElement.__init__(self, "chord")
def __init__(self): MeiElement.__init__(self, "dynam")
def __init__(self): MeiElement.__init__(self, "instrDef")
def __init__(self): MeiElement.__init__(self, "grpSym")
def __init__(self): MeiElement.__init__(self, "castGrp")
def __init__(self): MeiElement.__init__(self, "incip")
def __init__(self): MeiElement.__init__(self, "edition")
def __init__(self): MeiElement.__init__(self, "keyAccid")
def __init__(self): MeiElement.__init__(self, "ending")
def __init__(self): MeiElement.__init__(self, "identifier")
def __init__(self): MeiElement.__init__(self, "mdiv")
def __init__(self): MeiElement.__init__(self, "mei")