def delete_character_btn_cmd(self, *args): """ Delete selected character folder from the text scroll list :return: None """ # When it is pressed this condition checks the character is selected or not. if self.selectedCharacter is None or len(self.selectedCharacter) < 1: pm.confirmDialog(t='Error', b=['OK'], m='Please select the folder to be deleted.') return None else: # if it is selected a confirm dialog appears and give the user a choice for deletion. answer = pm.confirmDialog(t='Confirmation', b=['Yes', 'No'], m="'Do you want to delete " + self.selectedCharacter+" character folder?'", defaultButton='Yes', cancelButton='No', dismissString='No') if answer == 'Yes': # if the answer is yes, it also checks the folder is empty or not and gives another confirm dialog if # the folder is not empty comp_files = os.listdir(self.characterList) if comp_files is None or len(comp_files) < 1: pm.confirmDialog(t='Error', b=['OK'], m='this folder is empty.') os.rmdir(self.characterList) else: ans = pm.confirmDialog(t='Confirmation', b=['Yes', 'No'], m="'This " + self.selectedCharacter + " has files. Do you still want to delete folder and its files?'", defaultButton='Yes', cancelButton='No', dismissString='No') if ans == 'Yes': for compFile in comp_files: pm.sysFile(str(self.characterList + compFile), delete=True) os.rmdir(self.characterList) else: None else: None
def removeIconButton(gName, *Args): global globalEyeIndex global globalEyeKey #global eye key is the saved vertex positions localNameKey = [] if globalEyeIndex == 0: print('Cant delete the default state') else: savedNamesRead = open( 'EqualRealityData\EyeShapes%s.txt' % (globalGender[0]), 'r+') for item in savedNamesRead: localNameKey.append(item) pm.sysFile('icons\EqualReality\%s_%s.iff' % (localNameKey[globalEyeIndex], globalGender[0]), delete=True) del localNameKey[globalEyeIndex] #created a local list of the eye names sans deleted one, and deleted the associated image lastNameOnList = len(localNameKey) tempVal = re.sub('\r\n', '', localNameKey[lastNameOnList - 1]) localNameKey[lastNameOnList - 1] = tempVal savedNamesRead.close() #removed spaces from last line of global name key del globalEyeKey[globalEyeIndex] globalEyeIndex = globalEyeIndex - 1 savedNames = open( 'EqualRealityData\%sShapes%s.txt' % (gName, globalGender[0]), 'w+') savedPositions = open( 'EqualRealityData\SavedVertexPositions%s%s.txt' % (globalGender[0], gName), 'w+') lastItemInVtxKey = len(globalEyeKey) - 1 index = 0 for item in globalEyeKey: if index != lastItemInVtxKey: savedPositions.write('%s\r\n\r\n' % (item)) else: savedPositions.write('%s' % (item)) index = index + 1 for item in localNameKey: savedNames.write('%s' % (item)) savedNames.close() savedPositions.close() setVertexPositions(gName) rolloutParameters(names=['modellingToolkit', 'EyeShapes'], edit=True) createUI('Poly Morph')
def delete_set_btn_cmd(self, *args): """ This function checks if the file is selected from the list and asks the user to delete that item yes or no :return: None """ if self.selectedFile is None or len(self.selectedFile) < 1: pm.confirmDialog(t='Error', b=['OK'], m='Please select the file to be deleted.') return None else: answer = pm.confirmDialog(t='Confirmation', b=['Yes', 'No'], m='Do you want to delete this selected set?', defaultButton='Yes', cancelButton='No', dismissString='No') if answer == 'Yes': pm.sysFile(self.checkList, delete=True) else: None populate_characters(self.dirName, self.selectedCharacter, self.characterList, self.selectedFile)
def exportCFX(items): for tran in items(): # begin = pm.playbackOptions(q=True, ast=True) end = pm.playbackOptions(q=True, aet=True) cmd = '-frameRange {} {} -stripNamespaces -uvWrite -root {} -file {}'.format(950, end, pm.PyNode(tran).name(long=True), os.path.normpath( os.path.join(cfx, '{}.abc'.format( tran.split( ':')[ 0] )))) print cmd pm.sysFile(cfx, md=True) pm.AbcExport(j=cmd)
def modpushButton_genRenderJob(self): self.getFileForder() pm.sysFile(self.cmdFileLocation, makeDir=True) # create folder ribGenFIleName = self.lineEdit_MayaFile.text().split("/")[-1].split( ".")[0] print ribGenFIleName self.createRibGenCmdJson() print self.ribGenCmdList for jobNum in range(1, (len(self.ribGenCmdList) + 1)): print jobNum fileName = self.cmdFileLocation + "/" + ribGenFIleName + "." + "%04d" % ( jobNum) + ".bat" renderBatchFile = open(fileName, 'w') renderBatchFile.write(self.ribGenCmdList[(jobNum - 1)]) renderBatchFile.close
BACKUP_FILE = os.path.join(BACKUP_PATH, '/'.join(spath[num_C:])) #'C:/Users/{}/Documents/BackupSH/{}'.format(username, '/'.join(spath[num_C:])) DIR = 'C:/Users/{}/Projects/{}'.format(username, '/'.join(spath[num_C:])) print('FROM J:') print('\tFile Dir C: {}\n\tFile Backup: {}'.format(DIR, BACKUP_FILE)) item, ok = QtGui.QInputDialog.getItem(self, 'Select Action', 'Action File:', item_cb, 0) try: if ok and item: fil_nam = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(BACKUP_FILE), datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(os.stat(DIR).st_mtime).strftime("{} (%m_%d_%Y)".format(get_owner(DIR)))) #datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(os.stat(file_).st_mtime).strftime("%d_%m_%Y") nam = os.path.join(fil_nam, os.path.basename(BACKUP_FILE)) if item == 'Replace (Save)': if os.path.isfile(DIR): cmds.file( save=1) pm.sysFile(SC_PATH, cp=DIR) print(item, DIR) elif item == 'Backup (Save)': if not os.path.exists(fil_nam): pm.sysFile(fil_nam, md=1) if os.path.isfile(DIR): pm.sysFile(DIR, cp=nam) cmds.file( save=1) pm.sysFile(SC_PATH, cp=DIR) print(item, DIR) elif item == 'Backup (No Save)': if not os.path.exists(fil_nam): pm.sysFile(fil_nam, md=1) if os.path.isfile(DIR):
def send_current_file(scene=True, suffix='_vn', lastest=True, render=False, tex=True, extras=['psd', 'uv', 'zbr', 'pattern'], version=1, verbose=True): src = pm.sceneName() scene_src = src.dirname() path_root = '' status = [] todayFolder ='YYMMDD') if version > 1: todayFolder = "{}_{:02d}".format(todayFolder, int(version)) status.append('Send File to {}'.format(todayFolder)) scene_dest = pm.util.path( scene_src.replace('Works', 'to/{}/Works'.format(todayFolder))).truepath() files = scene_src.files('*.mb') files.extend(scene_src.files('*.ma')) #print files files.sort(key=lambda f: f.getmtime()) lastestfile = files[-1] try: status.append('Scene Sending status:') if lastest: src = lastestfile status.append('send latest file') dest = scene_dest.__div__(src.basename().replace( src.ext, '{}{}'.format(suffix, src.ext))) if scene: check_dir(dest) pm.sysFile(src, copy=dest) status.append("%s copy to %s" % (src, dest)) if render: render_str = ['rend', 'Render', 'render', 'Rend'] rend_src = [] print src.dirname().dirs() for test_str in render_str: for dir in src.dirname().dirs(): if test_str in dir.basename(): print dir.basename() rend_src = dir break break if rend_src: rend_dest = dest.dirname().__div__(test_str) status.append(sys_cop(rend_src, rend_dest)) except (IOError, OSError, shutil.Error) as why: msg = "Scene Copy Error\n{}".format(','.join(why)) status.append(msg) if tex or extras: if all([src.dirname().dirname().dirname().basename() != d for d in ['CH','BG','CP']]) and \ src.dirname().dirname().basename()!='CP': scene_src = scene_src.dirname() scene_dest = scene_dest.dirname() print scene_src tex_src = pm.util.path(scene_src.replace('scenes', 'sourceimages')).truepath() tex_files = tex_src.files('*.jpg') tex_extra = {} for extra in extras: tex_extra[extra] = tex_src.__div__(extra) tex_dest = pm.util.path(scene_dest.replace('scenes', 'sourceimages')) status.append('Texture Sending status:') try: if tex: for tex_file in tex_files: src = tex_file dest = tex_dest.__div__(tex_file.basename()) check_dir(dest) pm.sysFile(src, copy=dest) status.append("%s copy to %s" % (src, dest)) if extras: for name, path in tex_extra.items(): status.append('%s Sending status:' % name) dest = tex_dest.__div__(name) status.append(sys_cop(path, dest)) except (IOError, OSError, shutil.Error) as why: msg = "Tex Copy Error:\n{}".format(','.join(why)) status.append(msg) pm.informBox(title='Send File Status', message='\n'.join(status))
def createRenderCmdJson(self): self.getFileForder() pm.sysFile(self.cmdFileLocation, makeDir=True) # create folder # fileName = cmdFileLocation +"/"+ self.lineEdit_filePath_renderCmd.text() jsonFileName = self.cmdFileLocation + "/" + self.lineEdit_filePath_renderCmd.text( )[0:-3] + "json" #renderBatchFile = open(fileName,'w') renderJsonFile = open(jsonFileName, 'w') parList = self.fileNamePath.split("/") print parList count = 0 self.cmdRes = "-res" + " " + self.resX + " " + self.resY self.cmdMaxSample = "-maxsamples" + " " + self.maxSample self.batchRenderCmdLis = [] for par in parList: #print count print parList[count] if par == "renderman" and parList[count + 2] == "rib": print "go" try: #count =8 for frameNum in range(int(self.frameStart), int(self.frameEnd) + 1): print frameNum # renderBatchFile = open(fileName,'a') digiNum = len(parList[count + 3]) cmd02 = str(frameNum).zfill(digiNum) cmd01 = parList[count] + "/" + parList[ count + 1] + "/" + parList[count + 2] fileNameSplit = parList[-1].split(".") cmd03 = fileNameSplit[0] + "." + cmd02 + "." + "rib" #cmd = self.prmanCMD + self.projectPath+" "+self.cmdLog +" "+ self.cmdRes +" "+self.cmdMaxSample +" " + cmd01 +"/"+ cmd02+"/" +cmd03+"\n" # cmd = self.prmanCMD + self.projectPath +" "+ cmd01 +"/"+ cmd02+"/" + cmd03 +"\n" cmd = "%s" % self.prmanCMD + " " + "%s" % self.projectPath + " " + "%s" % self.cmdLog + " " + "%s" % self.cmdRes + " " + "%s" % self.cmdMaxSample + " " + cmd01 + "/" + cmd02 + "/" + cmd03 + "\n" # print self.cmdLog # print self.cmdRes # print self.cmdMaxSample #print cmd self.batchRenderCmdLis.append(cmd) #renderBatchFile.write(str(cmd)) except: print "error path with frame and job number" # print count else: #pass print "unCorrect Command" # print count count = count + 1 #renderBatchFile.close # print self.batchRenderCmdLis json.dumps(self.batchRenderCmdLis, sort_keys=True, indent=4) #編譯成json 且賦予格式 控四格 renderJsonFile.write( json.dumps(self.batchRenderCmdLis, sort_keys=True, indent=4)) renderJsonFile.close
def icon_batchRender(): # 초기 세팅 if not 'icon_batchRender_ing' in # 작업중인 데이터가 있으면, 사용자에게 컨펌 받음. _result = pm.confirmDialog( title=u'아이콘 렌더링 화면을 준비합니다', message=u'주의 : 작업중인 데이터가 쑝 날아갑니다. 그래도, 계속 할거에요?', button=['Yes','No'], defaultButton='Yes', cancelButton='No', dismissString='No' ) # 아니면 중단. if _result != "Yes": return False # 새 파일을 만들고 pm.newFile(f=True) pm.setAttr('defaultRenderGlobals.currentRenderer', 'mayaHardware2', type='string') pm.setAttr('defaultRenderGlobals.imageFormat', 32) # png pm.setAttr('defaultRenderGlobals.enableDefaultLight', 0) pm.setAttr('defaultResolution.width', iconsize) pm.setAttr('defaultResolution.height', iconsize) pm.setAttr('defaultResolution.deviceAspectRatio', 1) pm.setAttr('hardwareRenderingGlobals.multiSampleEnable', 1) pm.setAttr('hardwareRenderingGlobals.multiSampleCount', 1 ) #pm.setAttr('hardwareRenderingGlobals.multiSampleCount', 16 ) hw = pm.PyNode('hardwareRenderingGlobals') #hw.objectTypeFilterNameArray.get() #hw.objectTypeFilterValueArray.get() hw.objectTypeFilterValueArray.set([1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]) persp = pm.PyNode('persp') persp.translateX.set(1.381) persp.translateY.set(7.395) persp.translateZ.set(5.797) persp.rotateX.set(-45) persp.rotateX.set(-60) persp.rotateY.set(45) persp.rotateZ.set(0) crv = curveShape.create( 'cube' ) pm.viewFit('perspShape', all=True, f=.8 ) pm.delete(crv) #perspShape pm.setAttr('perspShape.filmFit', 1) # 0:fill, 1:Horizontal, 2:Vertical 3:Overscan pm.setAttr('perspShape.displayResolution', 1) pm.setAttr('perspShape.displayGateMask', 1) pm.setAttr('perspShape.overscan', 1.6) pm.setAttr('perspShape.focalLength', 200) pm.setAttr('perspShape.horizontalFilmAperture', 1) pm.setAttr('perspShape.verticalFilmAperture', 1) viewFitVal = 0.8 result = pm.promptDialog(m='viewFit factor : ', text=viewFitVal) if result: text = pm.promptDialog(q=True, text=True) viewFitVal = float(text) for name in curveShape.CURVESHAPE.keys(): crv = curveShape.create( name ) colIndex = 16 # white colIndex = 18 # skyBlue colIndex = 3 # lightGray #curveShape.setColor(col=18) #curveShape.setColor(col='gray') crv.overrideColor.set( colIndex ) crv.overrideEnabled.set( True ) # pm.viewFit(all=True ) #pm.viewFit('perspShape', all=True,) pm.viewFit('perspShape', f=viewFitVal ) if pm.objExists('grid'):'grid') pm.setAttr('grid.v', 1) pm.viewFit(f=.7) pm.setAttr('grid.v', 0) # 필요 변수 설정 renderIconFile = iconPath + 'ui_thumbnail__%s'%name # 아이콘 렌더링 경로 # 렌더글로벌 조정 : 파일 이름 pm.setAttr('defaultRenderGlobals.imageFilePrefix',renderIconFile, type='string') # 아이콘 렌더 : 렌더~ #pm.Mayatomr( preview=True, camera='perspShape', xResolution=self._iconRenderRes, yResolution=self._iconRenderRes ) # 멘탈레이 pm.ogsRender( w=iconsize, h=iconsize, enableMultisample=True, camera='persp' ) pm.sysFile( renderIconFile+'_tmp.png', rename = renderIconFile+'.png') pm.refresh() pm.delete(crv) # UI 갱신 ui() if pm.objExists('grid'): pm.setAttr('grid.v', 1) # 샘플 오브젝트 생성 if not pm.objExists('icon_batchRender_ing'):'icon_batchRender_ing',em=True)
def BakeGeometry( self, deleteAnimatedGeos=True, *args ): # disable timewarps before caching self.getTimeWarpStates() objs = sl=True ) bakedGeos = [] blendNodes = [] fileName = pm.sceneName() if not fileName: pm.error('Please save the file before baking.') cacheFolderPath = fileName.replace('.mb', '_cache' ) cacheFolderPath = cacheFolderPath.replace('.ma', '_cache' ) pm.sysFile( cacheFolderPath , makeDir=True ) for obj in objs: if not obj.getShape().type()=='mesh': continue # create a duplicate for each object objName= pm.rename( obj, '%s_NotBaked'%objName ) dup = pm.duplicate( obj )[0] pm.rename( dup, objName ) UnlockUnhideAttrs( dup ) # hide animted geometry self.removeConnections( objs = obj ) obj.visibility.set(0) try: pm.parent( dup, world=True ) except: pass blendNode = pm.blendShape( obj, dup, origin='world')[0] pm.blendShape( blendNode, edit=True, w=[(0, 1)] ) blendNodes.append( blendNode ) bakedGeos.append( dup ) # hide objects before point cache IsolateSelected( state=True, showSelected=False ) # create cache bakedGeos ) mel.eval( 'doCreateGeometryCache 6 { "2", "1", "10", "OneFile", "1", "%s","1","","0", "add", "1", "1", "1","0","1","mcc","0" } ;' %cacheFolderPath ) #cacheFiles = pm.cacheFile( fileName='%s_cache'%obj, st=getTimeRange()[0], et=getTimeRange()[1], points=obj.getShape() , directory=cacheFolderPath ) # delete main geometries and blendNode pm.delete( blendNodes ) if deleteAnimatedGeos: pm.delete( objs ) # group cached geometires bakedGeos, name='bakedGeos_grp' ) # set scene timewarp state to their previous state self.restoreTimeWarpStates() # show all objects IsolateSelected( state=False )
def setcopy(self, filenode, yetitex, path, tarpaths, filetexname, setv, copyv, whole, absolute): #(节点名,yeti贴图节点,原始路径,目标路径,属性名,是否设置贴图,是否拷贝贴图,是否启动全局模式) if whole == 0: tarpath = tarpaths else: if path.find("sourceimages") != -1: tarpath = os.path.dirname( tarpaths) + "/" + path[path.find("sourceimages"):] else: tarpath = tarpaths if pm.nodeType(filenode) == "file": if path != tarpath: fileudimadj = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(path))[0][-6:] orginalmode = filenode.getAttr("uvTilingMode") if fileudimadj.upper() != "<UDIM>": if orginalmode == 0: if os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(path)): if copyv == 1: if os.path.exists(tarpath): os.remove(tarpath) if os.path.exists( os.path.dirname(tarpath)) != True: os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(tarpath), mode=0777) if os.path.exists( os.path.dirname(tarpath)) != True: os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(tarpath), mode=0777) pm.sysFile(path, copy=tarpath) else: if setv == 1: if absolute == 0: pm.setAttr(filenode + "." + filetexname, tarpath, type="string") else: if path.find("sourceimages") != -1: pm.setAttr( filenode + "." + filetexname, path[path.find("sourceimages"):], type="string") else: "no sourceimages!!", else: if os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(path)) == True: filelists = os.listdir(os.path.dirname(path)) for filelist in filelists: if os.path.splitext( filelist)[0][:-4] == os.path.splitext( os.path.basename(path))[0][:-4]: if os.path.exists( os.path.dirname(tarpath) + "/" + filelist): os.remove( os.path.dirname(tarpath) + "/" + filelist) if os.path.exists( os.path.dirname( tarpath)) != True: os.makedirs( os.path.dirname(tarpath), mode=0777) pm.sysFile( os.path.dirname(path) + "/" + filelist, copy=os.path.dirname(tarpath) + "/" + filelist) else: if os.path.exists( os.path.dirname( tarpath)) != True: os.makedirs( os.path.dirname(tarpath), mode=0777) pm.sysFile( os.path.dirname(path) + "/" + filelist, copy=os.path.dirname(tarpath) + "/" + filelist) else: if setv == 1: filenode.setAttr("uvTilingMode", 0) if absolute == 0: pm.setAttr(filenode + "." + filetexname, tarpath, type="string") else: if path.find("sourceimages") != -1: pm.setAttr( filenode + "." + filetexname, path[path.find( "sourceimages"):], type="string") else: "no sourceimages!!", filenode.setAttr( "uvTilingMode", int(orginalmode)) else: if setv == 1: filenode.setAttr("uvTilingMode", 0) if absolute == 0: pm.setAttr(filenode + "." + filetexname, tarpath, type="string") else: if path.find("sourceimages") != -1: pm.setAttr( filenode + "." + filetexname, path[path.find("sourceimages"):], type="string") else: "no sourceimages!!", filenode.setAttr("uvTilingMode", int(orginalmode)) if setv == 1: if orginalmode == 0: if absolute == 0: pm.setAttr(filenode + "." + filetexname, tarpath, type="string") else: if path.find("sourceimages") != -1: pm.setAttr( filenode + "." + filetexname, path[path.find("sourceimages"):], type="string") else: "no sourceimages!!", else: filenode.setAttr("uvTilingMode", 0) if absolute == 0: pm.setAttr(filenode + "." + filetexname, tarpath, type="string") else: if path.find("sourceimages") != -1: pm.setAttr( filenode + "." + filetexname, path[path.find("sourceimages"):], type="string") else: "no sourceimages!!", filenode.setAttr("uvTilingMode", int(orginalmode)) else: if os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(path)): filelists = os.listdir(os.path.dirname(path)) elif os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(tarpaths)): filelists = os.listdir(os.path.dirname(tarpaths)) else: filelists = [] if filelists != []: for filelist in filelists: print filelist if os.path.splitext( filelist)[0][:-4] == os.path.splitext( os.path.basename(path))[0][:-6]: if copyv == 1: if os.path.exists( os.path.dirname(tarpath) + "/" + filelist): os.remove( os.path.dirname(tarpath) + "/" + filelist) else: pass if os.path.exists( os.path.dirname(tarpath)) != True: os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(tarpath), mode=0777) else: pass pm.sysFile( os.path.dirname(path) + "/" + filelist, copy=os.path.dirname(tarpath) + "/" + filelist) else: pass else: if setv == 1: filenode.setAttr("uvTilingMode", 0) if absolute == 0: pm.setAttr(filenode + "." + filetexname, tarpath, type="string") else: if path.find("sourceimages") != -1: pm.setAttr( filenode + "." + filetexname, path[path.find("sourceimages" ):], type="string") else: "no sourceimages!!", filenode.setAttr("uvTilingMode", int(orginalmode)) if setv == 1: if orginalmode == 0: if absolute == 0: pm.setAttr(filenode + "." + filetexname, tarpath, type="string") else: if path.find("sourceimages") != -1: pm.setAttr( filenode + "." + filetexname, path[path.find("sourceimages"):], type="string") else: "no sourceimages!!", else: filenode.setAttr("uvTilingMode", 0) if absolute == 0: pm.setAttr(filenode + "." + filetexname, tarpath, type="string") else: if path.find("sourceimages") != -1: pm.setAttr( filenode + "." + filetexname, path[path.find("sourceimages"):], type="string") else: "no sourceimages!!", filenode.setAttr("uvTilingMode", int(orginalmode)) elif pm.nodeType(filenode) == "pgYetiMaya": if path != tarpath: yetiudimadj = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(path))[0][-6:] if yetiudimadj.upper() != "<UDIM>": if os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(path)): if copyv == 1: if os.path.exists(tarpath): os.remove(tarpath) else: pass if os.path.exists( os.path.dirname(tarpath)) != True: os.mkdir(os.path.dirname(tarpath)) else: pass pm.sysFile(path, copy=tarpath) if setv == 1: pm.pgYetiGraph(filenode, node=yetitex, param="file_name", setParamValueString=str(tarpath)) else: if setv == 1: pm.pgYetiGraph(filenode, node=yetitex, param="file_name", setParamValueString=str(tarpath)) else: if os.path.exists(path) == True: filelists = os.listdir(os.path.dirname(path)) else: filelists = os.listdir(os.path.dirname(tarpath)) for filelist in filelists: if os.path.splitext( filelist)[0][:-4] == os.path.splitext( os.path.basename(path))[0][:-6]: if copyv == 1: if os.path.exists( os.path.dirname(tarpath) + "/" + filelist): os.remove( os.path.dirname(tarpath) + "/" + filelist) else: pass if os.path.exists( os.path.dirname(tarpath)) != True: os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(tarpath), mode=0777) else: pass pm.sysFile( os.path.dirname(path) + "/" + filelist, copy=os.path.dirname(tarpath) + "/" + filelist) else: pass else: if setv == 1: pm.pgYetiGraph( filenode, node=yetitex, param="file_name", setParamValueString=str(tarpath)) if setv == 1: pm.pgYetiGraph(filenode, node=yetitex, param="file_name", setParamValueString=str(tarpath)) else: pass else: pass return tarpath