Beispiel #1
def mieMonteCarlo(wavelength=450 * 10**-9,
                  r=300 * 10**-9,
    Calculate the scattering parameters relevant for monte carlo simulation.

    Needs pymiecoated:
    These are calculate scattering coefficient [1/cm] and anisotropy factor for given:

        wavelength of the incident light [m]
        radius of the particle [m]
        volume fraction of scattering particles
        refractive index of the particle that the light wave is scattered on
        (default value is the refractive index of collagen)
        refractive index of the surronding medium (default is that of colonic
        mucosal tissue)

    {'us', 'g'}:
        scattering coefficient us [1/m] and anisotropy factor g

        Additional input parameter specifying a FWHM for the wavelength to simulate the
        scattering for a broad filter

    # create derived parameters
    sizeParamter = 2 * math.pi * r / wavelength
    nRelative = nParticle / nMedium

    #%% execute mie and create derived parameters

    mie = Mie(x=sizeParamter, m=complex(nRelative,
                                        0.0))  # 0.0 complex for no attenuation

    A = math.pi * r**2  # geometrical cross sectional area
    cs = mie.qsca() * A  # scattering cross section

    us = Vs / (4 / 3 * r**3 * math.pi) * cs  # scattering coefficient [m⁻1]

    return {'us': us, 'g': mie.asy()}
Beispiel #2
def mieMonteCarlo(wavelength = 450*10**-9, r = 300*10**-9, Vs = 0.1, nParticle = 1.46, nMedium = 1.36):
    Calculate the scattering parameters relevant for monte carlo simulation.

    Needs pymiecoated:
    These are calculate scattering coefficient [1/cm] and anisotropy factor for given:

        wavelength of the incident light [m]
        radius of the particle [m]
        volume fraction of scattering particles
        refractive index of the particle that the light wave is scattered on
        (default value is the refractive index of collagen)
        refractive index of the surronding medium (default is that of colonic
        mucosal tissue)

    {'us', 'g'}:
        scattering coefficient us [1/m] and anisotropy factor g

        Additional input parameter specifying a FWHM for the wavelength to simulate the
        scattering for a broad filter

    # create derived parameters
    sizeParamter = 2 * math.pi * r / wavelength
    nRelative    = nParticle / nMedium

    #%% execute mie and create derived parameters

    mie = Mie(x=sizeParamter, m=complex(nRelative,0.0))  # 0.0 complex for no attenuation

    A  = math.pi * r**2 # geometrical cross sectional area
    cs = mie.qsca() * A # scattering cross section

    us = Vs / (4/3 * r**3 * math.pi) * cs # scattering coefficient [m⁻1]

    return {'us': us, 'g': mie.asy()}
Beispiel #3
    for nband in range(len(wavmin)):
        specbin = np.linspace(wavmin[nband], wavmax[nband], 50)
        for db in range(len(Deff)):
            qext = 0.
            ssa = 0.
            asy = 0.

            for wl in range(len(specbin)):
                sp = np.pi * Deff[db] / specbin[wl]
                k = kint(specbin[wl])
                nd = ndint(specbin[wl])
                mie = Mie(x=sp, m=complex(nd, k))
                qext = qext + mie.qsca() + mie.qabs()
                qabs = mie.qabs()
                ssa = ssa + mie.qsca() / (mie.qsca() + mie.qabs())
                asy = asy + mie.asy()
            extb[db, nband] = extb[db, nband] + (qext / len(specbin)) / (
                2. / 3. * rhop * Deff[db] * 1E-6)
            #cross section in m2/g
            ssab[db, nband] = ssab[db, nband] + (ssa / len(specbin))
            asyb[db, nband] = asyb[db, nband] + (asy / len(specbin))

if (1 == 2):
    #method 2(slower) double integration  /more precise prblem mie return nan for extrem coarse particles
    # calculate the mie parameter for every diameter of the range, averaged on spectral band

    extb = np.zeros((len(sbin) - 1, len(wavmin)))
    ssab = np.zeros((len(sbin) - 1, len(wavmin)))
    asyb = np.zeros((len(sbin) - 1, len(wavmin)))

    for nband in range(len(wavmin)):
Beispiel #4
def get_optical_properties(rhop, filename):

    # user defined parameter
    #define the number (or mass) distribution (e.g from Kok et al).
    #diameter micron
    D = np.arange(0.001, 20, 0.005)

    if (1 == 2):
        D = np.arange(0.01, 65, 0.05)
    if (1 == 1):
        cN = 0.9539
        Ds = 3.4
        sigs = 3.0
        lamb = 12
        A = np.log(D / Ds) / (np.sqrt(2) * np.log(sigs))
        #care dND/dD or dND/d(lnD) !!
        dND = (1 / D) * (1 /
                         (cN * D * D)) * (1 + erf(A)) * np.exp(-1. *
                                                               (D / lamb)**3)
        #dND = (D/12.62) * (1 + erf(A)) * np.exp(-1.*(D/lamb)**3)

    # here use a 3 log distribution
    # e.g. alfaro Gomez
    if (1 == 2):
        sig = [1.75, 1.75, 1.75]
        Dm = [0.64, 3.45, 8.67]
        Nf = [0.74, 0.20, 0.06]
        dND = ddlogn(D, Dm, sig, Nf)

    if (1 == 1):
        #define 2 size bins for each SOA category
        sbin = np.array([0.001, 0.03, 0.70])

    if (1 == 2):
        #define the 12 new size bin cut of diam from LISA optimised distribution
        #you can take also one big bin encompassing the whole distrib (that 's what
        #we do for BC/OC, in this case it is equivalent to integrate over the full
        #distrib mode).

        #here is LISA optimal distrib for dust
        sbin =  np.array([0.09,0.18, 0.6, 1.55, 2.50, 3.75, 4.70, 5.70, 7.50,\
                           14.50, 26.0, 41.0, 63.0])
        #sbin = [0.01 ,1.,2.5,5.,20. ]
        #sbin =[0.98,1.2,2.5,5.,20.]

    ## Uncomment the following line for testing
    # rhop, ndbib, wbib, kbib = return_test_variables()

    wbib, ndbib, kbib = np.loadtxt(soa_ri_path + filename,

    #kbib = [0.04, 0.027866667,     0.020111111,    0.014933333,    0.001,    0.001,    0.001,    0.001,    0.003177778,    0.003033333,    0.003011111,    0.002911111,    0.003111111,    0.003111111,    0.003066667 , 0.0028,0.0025,0.002, 0.00195, 0.0019]

    #with this function we can simply interpolate kbib for every value of wavelenght !
    kint = interp1d(wbib, kbib, kind='linear')
    ndint = interp1d(wbib, ndbib, kind='linear')

    # define the spectral band ( wavmin and wavemax) of the radiation model
    # here from radiation RegCM standard regcm code

    wavmin = [
        0.2000, 0.2450, 0.2650, 0.2750, 0.2850, 0.2950, 0.3050, 0.3500, 0.6400,
        0.7000, 0.7010, 0.7010, 0.7010, 0.7010, 0.7020, 0.7020, 2.6300, 4.1600,

    wavmax = [
        0.2450, 0.2650, 0.2750, 0.2850, 0.2950, 0.3050, 0.3500, 0.6400, 0.7000,
        5.0000, 5.0000, 5.0000, 5.0000, 5.0000, 5.0000, 5.0000, 2.8600, 4.5500,
    #num = 7 for visible band standard scheme
    num = 7
    ## si RRTM set 1 == 1 to overwrite
    #    # RRTM Shortwave spectral band limits (wavenumbers)
    #    #wavenum are in cm-1 / take the inverse for wavelenght
    #    wavenum1 =  np.array([2600., 3250., 4000., 4650., 5150., 6150., 7700., \
    #                          8050.,12850.,16000.,22650.,29000.,38000.,  820.])
    #    wavenum2 =  np.array([3250., 4000., 4650., 5150., 6150., 7700., 8050., \
    #                         12850.,16000.,22650.,29000.,38000.,50000., 2600.])
    ## Longwave spectral band limits (wavenumbers)
    #    if(1==2):
    #       wavenum1 =  np.array([ 10., 350., 500., 630., 700., 820., \
    #                      980. ,1080. ,1180. ,1390. ,1480. ,1800. , \
    #                     2080. ,2250. ,2380. ,2600. ])
    #       wavenum2 =  np.array([350. , 500. , 630. , 700. , 820. , 980. , \
    #                     1080. ,1180. ,1390. ,1480. ,1800. ,2080. , \
    #                     2250. ,2380. ,2600. ,3250. ])
    ## determined from indica marc for the longwave
    #       wbib=  [3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14, 16, 20, 30, 1100]
    #       kbib = [7.54E-2, 5.14E-2, 5.94E-2, 1.41E-1, 1.46E-1, 2.18E-1, \
    #                    5.35E-1, 3.70E-1, 1.18E-1,  2.28E-1, 2.79E-1, 6.12E-1,\
    #                    4.95E-1, 6.50E-1 ]
    #       nbib =   [1.49,  1.51,  1.58, 1.45,  1.46, 1.19,  1.86, 1.84, 1.78, \
    #                    1.65,  1.55,  2.25, 2.40, 2. ]
    #       kint = interp1d(wbib,kbib,kind='linear')
    #       ndint = interp1d(wbib,nbib,kind='linear')
    #    #convert to wavelenght in micron
    #    # visible is index
    #    wavmin  = np.power(wavenum2*1.E-4,-1.)
    #    wavmax  = np.power(wavenum1*1.E-4,-1.)
    #    if (1==1):
    #       num = 7 # for visible band standard scheme
    #    if (1==2):
    #       num = 9 # for vis RRTM

    #print num

    #print wavmin
    #print wavmax

    # end of user deined parameter

    # 1) calculate the effective radius of each bin (used in regcm )
    Sv = np.zeros(len(sbin) - 1)
    Ss = np.zeros(len(sbin) - 1)
    normb = np.zeros(len(sbin) - 1)

    for b in range(len(sbin) - 1):
        for dd in range(len(D)):
            if (D[dd] >= sbin[b] and D[dd] < sbin[b + 1]):
                Sv[b] = Sv[b] + D[dd]**3 * dND[dd]
                Ss[b] = Ss[b] + D[dd]**2 * dND[dd]
                normb[b] = normb[b] + dND[dd]
    Deff = Sv / Ss
    print Deff

    ## visu
    #fig = plt.figure()
    #ax = fig.add_subplot(1,3,1)
    ##here plot dN/d(logD) !!
    #ax.plot(D,dND *D , color='blue')
    #ax.set_xlim([0.08, 65])
    #ax.set_ylim([1.E-4, 1])
    #ax.set_title("distribution and bins, dot= Deff")
    #ax.set_xlabel('D in micrometer')
    #plot also bin end effrad
    #for x in sbin:
    # ax.plot([x, x],[1.E-4, 1], color='black')
    #for x in Deff:
    # ax.scatter(x,2E-4, color='green')
    ##visu also the ref index spectral variation interp + values
    #ax2 = fig.add_subplot(1,3,2)
    ##xx = np.linspace(0.2,13,500)
    #xx = np.linspace(3,40,500)
    #ax2.plot(xx, ndint(xx), color='green')
    #ax2.set_title(" im ref index, dot = data, line = interp used for oppt calc. ")
    #ax2.set_xlabel('wavelenght in micrometer')

    #2  mie calculation
    #calculate optical properties per bin
    # methode 1 considering only bin effective diam calculated before
    if (1 == 1):
        extb = np.zeros((len(sbin) - 1, len(wavmin)))
        ssab = np.zeros((len(sbin) - 1, len(wavmin)))
        asyb = np.zeros((len(sbin) - 1, len(wavmin)))
        for nband in range(len(wavmin)):
            specbin = np.linspace(wavmin[nband], wavmax[nband], 50)
            for db in range(len(Deff)):
                qext = 0.
                ssa = 0.
                asy = 0.

                for wl in range(len(specbin)):
                    sp = np.pi * Deff[db] / specbin[wl]
                    k = kint(specbin[wl])
                    nd = ndint(specbin[wl])
                    mie = Mie(x=sp, m=complex(nd, k))
                    qext = qext + mie.qsca() + mie.qabs()
                    qabs = mie.qabs()
                    ssa = ssa + mie.qsca() / (mie.qsca() + mie.qabs())
                    asy = asy + mie.asy()
                extb[db, nband] = extb[db, nband] + (qext / len(specbin)) / (
                    2. / 3. * rhop * Deff[db] * 1E-6)
                #cross section in m2/g
                ssab[db, nband] = ssab[db, nband] + (ssa / len(specbin))
                asyb[db, nband] = asyb[db, nband] + (asy / len(specbin))

    if (1 == 2):
        #method 2(slower) double integration  /more precise prblem mie return nan for extrem coarse particles
        # calculate the mie parameter for every diameter of the range, averaged on spectral band

        extb = np.zeros((len(sbin) - 1, len(wavmin)))
        ssab = np.zeros((len(sbin) - 1, len(wavmin)))
        asyb = np.zeros((len(sbin) - 1, len(wavmin)))

        for nband in range(len(wavmin)):
            specbin = np.linspace(wavmin[nband], wavmax[nband], 10)
            extd = np.zeros(len(D))
            ssad = np.zeros(len(D))
            asyd = np.zeros(len(D))
            for db in range(len(D)):
                qext = 0.
                ssa = 0.
                asy = 0.
                for wl in range(len(specbin)):
                    sp = np.pi * D[db] / specbin[wl]
                    k = kint(specbin[wl])
                    nd = ndint(specbin[wl])
                    mie = Mie(x=sp, m=complex(nd, k))
                    qext = qext + mie.qsca() + mie.qabs()
                    ssa = ssa + mie.qsca() / (mie.qsca() + mie.qabs())
                    asy = asy + mie.asy()
                extd[db] = qext / len(specbin) / (2. / 3. * rhop * D[db] *
                ssad[db] = ssa / len(specbin)
                asyd[db] = asy / len(specbin)
            # perform the bin wighting av according to distibution
            for b in range(len(sbin) - 1):
                if (D[db] >= sbin[b] and D[db] < sbin[b + 1]):
                         nband] = extb[b,
                                       nband] + extd[db] * dND[db] / normb[b]
                         nband] = ssab[b,
                                       nband] + ssad[db] * dND[db] / normb[b]
                         nband] = asyb[b,
                                       nband] + asyd[db] * dND[db] / normb[b]

    # 3  nan out for the big bin which can have nan values ....
    # the kext is set  very low which means that the bin won't matter much in the rad
    extb[np.isnan(extb)] = 1.E-20
    asyb[np.isnan(asyb)] = 0.99
    ssab[np.isnan(ssab)] = 0.5

    print "extb vis", extb[:, num]
    print "ssab vis", ssab[:, num]
    print "asyb vis", asyb[:, num]
    #print "absb vis", extb[:,num] * ssab[:,num]

    ##4 visu  oppt / bin
    #ax3 = fig.add_subplot(1,3,3)
    #xx = np.linspace(0.2,4,500)
    #ax3.set_xlim([0.08,65 ])
    #ax3.set_ylim([0, 5])
    #for n in range(len(sbin)-1):
    # ax3.plot([sbin[n], sbin[n+1]],[extb[n,num],extb[n,num]], color='black')
    # ax3.plot([sbin[n], sbin[n+1]],[ssab[n,num],ssab[n,num]], color='blue')
    # ax3.plot([sbin[n], sbin[n+1]],[asyb[n,num],asyb[n,num]], color='red')
    #ax3.set_title(" bin oppt vis: blk:kext, blue:ssa, red:asy ")
    #ax3.set_xlabel('D in micrometer')

    # finally  save in afile in a format close to mod_rad_aerosol block data
    # will just need copy paste + a few edit for fortan
    # file = open("aeroppt_blocl.txt", "w")
    compound = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filename))[0]
    np.savetxt(compound + '_Deff.txt', Deff, fmt='%7.5E', delimiter=', ')
    np.savetxt(compound + '_extb.txt', extb, fmt='%7.5E', delimiter=', ')
    np.savetxt(compound + '_ssab.txt', ssab, fmt='%7.5E', delimiter=', ')
    np.savetxt(compound + '_asyb.txt', asyb, fmt='%7.5E', delimiter=', ')