class job(model.RootObjectModel): #@doc name of the object name = model.String(thrift_id=1) #@doc description of the object description = model.String(thrift_id=2) #@doc actionname e.g. machine.start, can be "" if job not result of an action actionName = model.String(thrift_id=3) #@doc error message which is userfriendly for user to see userErrormsg = model.String(thrift_id=4) #@doc error message only for internal usage internalErrormsg = model.String(thrift_id=5) #@doc max duration in seconds maxduration = model.Integer(thrift_id=6) #@doc guid of the parent job parentjobguid = model.GUID(thrift_id=7) #@doc status of the job jobstatus = model.Enumeration(jobstatus,thrift_id=8) #@doc the date and time when the job is started starttime = model.DateTime(thrift_id=9) #@doc the date and time when the job has finished endtime = model.DateTime(thrift_id=10) #@doc guid of the cloud user who has initiated the job clouduserguid = model.GUID(thrift_id=11) #@doc Guid of the agent that executed this job agentguid = model.String(thrift_id=12) #@doc incremental nr for this job inside the parent job order = model.Integer(thrift_id=13) #@doc log text, is the complete log of a jobstep, logs are also on logserver opgeslaan, is in format $epoch|$loglevelIsInt|$source|$the logtext, can become quite big log = model.String(thrift_id=14) #@doc type of the rootobject that started the job rootobjecttype = model.String(thrift_id=15) #@doc Guid of the rootobject that started the job rootobjectguid = model.GUID(thrift_id=16) #@doc params sent to job params = model.String(thrift_id=17) #@doc system system = model.Boolean(thrift_id=18) #@doc series of tags format tags = model.String(thrift_id=19)
class distributionscheme(model.RootObjectModel): #@doc percentage of racks used for collocation collocation = model.Integer(thrift_id=1) #@doc percentage of racks used for storage nodes storage = model.Integer(thrift_id=2) #@doc percentage of racks used for cpu nodes cpu = model.Integer(thrift_id=3)
class sizingscheme(model.RootObjectModel): #@doc datacenter size in square meters size = model.Integer(thrift_id = 1) #@doc required square meters per rack racksurface = model.Integer(thrift_id = 2) #@doc cost per kW/h kwhourcost = model.Float(thrift_id = 3) #@doc power usage effectiveness, ratio effective power needed per theoretical required power pue = model.Float(thrift_id = 4)
class bookmark(model.RootObjectModel): #@doc name of the bookmark name = model.String(thrift_id=1) #@doc url the bookmark points to url = model.String(thrift_id=2) #@doc the order of the bookmark order = model.Integer(thrift_id=3)
class lead(model.RootObjectModel): #@doc name of the lead name = model.String(thrift_id=1) #@doc code of the lead code = model.String(thrift_id=2) #@doc guid of the customer in case the lead is related to an existing customer customerguid = model.GUID(thrift_id=3) #@doc source of the lead source = model.Enumeration(leadsource, thrift_id=4) #@doc type of the lead type = model.Enumeration(leadtype, thrift_id=5) #@doc status of the lead status = model.Enumeration(leadstatus, thrift_id=6) #@doc amount of the lead amount = model.Float(thrift_id=7) #@doc probability in % of the lead probability = model.Integer(thrift_id=8)
class eventqueue(model.RootObjectModel): #@doc name of the event queue name = model.String(thrift_id=1) #@doc number of events on the queue numberofevents = model.Integer(thrift_id=2)
class investmentscheme(model.RootObjectModel): #@doc Percentage of the datacenter building in leasing leasebuilding = model.Integer(thrift_id = 1) #@doc Percentage of datacenter infrastructure in leasing (airco, power, ...) leaseinfrastructure = model.Integer(thrift_id = 2) #@doc Percentage of hardware in leasing (servers, storage, ...) leasehw = model.Integer(thrift_id = 3) #@doc Interest rate when leasing the datacenter building interestbuilding = model.Float(thrift_id = 4) #@doc Interest rate when leasing the datacenter equipment (infrastructure, servers...) interestdatacenter = model.Float(thrift_id = 5) #@doc Leasing period for the datacenter building leaseperiodbuilding = model.Integer(thrift_id = 6) #@doc Leasing period for the datacenter equipment (infrastructure, servers...) leaseperioddatacenter = model.Integer(thrift_id = 7) #@doc Percentage of technology installed before datacenter becomes active technology = model.Integer(thrift_id = 8) #@doc Number of months before datacenter is operational installperiod = model.Integer(thrift_id = 9)
class space(model.RootObjectModel): #@doc name of the space name = model.String(thrift_id=1) #@doc tags related to the space tags = model.String(thrift_id=2) #@doc repository related to the space repository = model.Object(repository, thrift_id=3) #@doc order of the space order = model.Integer(thrift_id=4)
class page(model.RootObjectModel): #@doc name of the page name = model.String(thrift_id=1) #@doc space of the page space = model.GUID(thrift_id=2) #@doc category of the page category = model.String(thrift_id=3) #@doc GUID of the parent page parent = model.GUID(thrift_id=4) #@doc tags related to the page tags = model.String(thrift_id=5) #@doc actual page content content = model.String(thrift_id=6) #@doc order of the page order = model.Integer(thrift_id=7) #@doc title of the page title = model.String(thrift_id=8) #@doc file type (python, javascript, markup, etc...) pagetype = model.String(thrift_id=10) #@doc description for the page description = model.String(thrift_id=11)
class businessparams(model.RootObjectModel): #@doc Name of the datacenter name = model.String(thrift_id=1) #@doc Total surface of datacenter size = model.Integer(thrift_id=2) #@doc Total surface that one rack takes racksurface = model.Integer(thrift_id=3) #@doc Cost per used kWh kwhourcost = model.Float(thrift_id=4) #@doc power usage effectiveness, ratio effective power needed per theoretical required power pue = model.Float(thrift_id=5) #@doc rental per rack in kEur/month salescollocation = model.Float(thrift_id=6) #@doc sales of cpu rack in kEur/month salescpu = model.Float(thrift_id=7) #@doc sales of storage rack in kEur/month salesstorage = model.Float(thrift_id=8) #@doc sales of bandwidth in Eur per Mbps per month salesbandwidth = model.Float(thrift_id=9) #@doc Percentage of the datacenter building in leasing leasebuilding = model.Integer(thrift_id=10) #@doc Percentage of datacenter infrastructure in leasing (airco, power, ...) leaseinfrastructure = model.Integer(thrift_id=11) #@doc Percentage of hardware in leasing (servers, storage, ...) leasehw = model.Integer(thrift_id=12) #@doc Interest rate when leasing the datacenter building interestbuilding = model.Float(thrift_id=13) #@doc Interest rate when leasing the datacenter equipment (infrastructure, servers...) interestdatacenter = model.Float(thrift_id=14) #@doc Leasing period for the datacenter building leaseperiodbuilding = model.Integer(thrift_id=15) #@doc Leasing period for the datacenter equipment (infrastructure, servers...) leaseperioddatacenter = model.Integer(thrift_id=16) #@doc Percentage of technology installed before datacenter becomes active technology = model.Integer(thrift_id=17) #@doc Number of months before datacenter is operational installperiod = model.Integer(thrift_id=18) #@doc percentage of racks used for collocation collocation = model.Integer(thrift_id=19) #@doc percentage of racks used for storage nodes storage = model.Integer(thrift_id=20) #@doc percentage of racks used for cpu nodes cpu = model.Integer(thrift_id=21)