def get_SASA(pdbfile, pdb1='pdb1'): ## set cmd.load(pdbfile, pdb1) oldDS = cmd.get("dot_solvent") cmd.h_add() cmd.flag("ignore", "none") cmd.set("dot_solvent", 1) cmd.set("dot_density", 2) cmd.set("solvent_radius", 3) ## calculate area = cmd.get_area(pdb1, load_b=1) stored.r = [] cmd.iterate(pdb1, 'stored.r.append((model,chain,resi,resn,name,b))') areas = {} for model, chain, idx, char, name, sasa in stored.r: if idx == '653': print chain, idx, char, name, sasa base = areas.get((chain, idx, char), 0) if (char == 'A' and name == 'N1') or (char == 'C' and name == 'N3'): base += float(sasa) areas[(chain, idx, char)] = base ## reset cmd.set("dot_solvent", oldDS) cmd.delete(pdb1) print pdbfile, area, sum(areas.values()) return areas
def test(self): cmd.fab('AG') cmd.remove('hydro') cmd.h_add('resn ALA') # with this bug: count = 6 self.assertEqual(11, cmd.count_atoms('byres (last hydro)'))
def load(): cmd.set("valence") r = 0 list = glob("pdb/*/*") # list = ["pdb/06/pdb406d"] # while list[0]!="pdb/f8/pdb1f8u": # list.pop(0) for file in list: cmd.delete('pdb') cmd.load(file,'pdb') cmd.remove("not alt ''+A") cmd.fix_chemistry("all","all") cmd.h_add() sys.__stderr__.write(file) sys.__stderr__.flush() ch = Champ() model = cmd.get_model('pdb') idx = ch.insert_model(model) ch.pattern_orient_bonds(idx) print " %5d"%cmd.count_atoms(),"%5d"%len(ch.pattern_get_string(idx)), ch.pattern_detect_chirality(idx) pat = ch.pattern_get_string(idx) print "%5d"%len(pat),pat[0:22]+"..."+pat[-10:]
def fSumWMCresidue(molecule, SGNameAngle, chain, residue, MCNeighbour, DieElecMC, MCchargeC, MCchargeO, MCchargeN, MCchargeH, AmideName, printMC): # print "residue", MCNeighbour SumWMCresidue = 0.0 SGnameselect = "/" + SGNameAngle + "//" + "/" + "/SG" NBnameselect = "/" + molecule + "//" + chain + "/" + str(MCNeighbour)"MC", NBnameselect) MCpdbstr = cmd.get_pdbstr("MC") MCsplit = MCpdbstr.split() residueName = MCsplit[3] # print NBnameselect, residueName AmideProt = "/" + molecule + "//" + chain + "/" + str(MCNeighbour) + "/H01" Hnameselect = "/" + AmideName + "//" + chain + "/" + str( MCNeighbour) + "/H01" if cmd.count_atoms(AmideProt) == 0 and cmd.count_atoms(Hnameselect) == 0: HbuildSelect = "/" + molecule + "//" + chain + "/" + str( MCNeighbour) + "/N" cmd.h_add(HbuildSelect) cmd.create(AmideName, AmideName + " + " + AmideProt) cmd.remove(AmideProt) # Mainchain AmideH ResDist = cmd.dist(residue + 'distResH', SGnameselect, Hnameselect) WMC = fWMC(MCchargeH, DieElecMC, ResDist) SumWMCresidue = SumWMCresidue + WMC if printMC == 'yes': print("MC H ", MCNeighbour, " ", MCchargeH, " ", DieElecMC, " ", ResDist, " ", WMC) # Mainchain C Cnameselect = "/" + molecule + "//" + chain + "/" + str(MCNeighbour) + "/C" ResDist = cmd.dist(residue + 'distResC', SGnameselect, Cnameselect) WMC = fWMC(MCchargeC, DieElecMC, ResDist) SumWMCresidue = SumWMCresidue + WMC if printMC == 'yes': print("MC C ", MCNeighbour, " ", MCchargeC, " ", DieElecMC, " ", ResDist, " ", WMC) # Mainchain O Onameselect = "/" + molecule + "//" + chain + "/" + str(MCNeighbour) + "/O" ResDist = cmd.dist(residue + 'distResO', SGnameselect, Onameselect) WMC = fWMC(MCchargeO, DieElecMC, ResDist) SumWMCresidue = SumWMCresidue + WMC if printMC == 'yes': print("MC O ", MCNeighbour, " ", MCchargeO, " ", DieElecMC, " ", ResDist, " ", WMC) # Mainchain N Nnameselect = "/" + molecule + "//" + chain + "/" + str(MCNeighbour) + "/N" ResDist = cmd.dist(residue + 'distResN', SGnameselect, Nnameselect) WMC = fWMC(MCchargeN, DieElecMC, ResDist) SumWMCresidue = SumWMCresidue + WMC if printMC == 'yes': print("MC N ", MCNeighbour, " ", MCchargeN, " ", DieElecMC, " ", ResDist, " ", WMC) cmd.delete(residue + 'distResH') cmd.delete(residue + 'distResC') cmd.delete(residue + 'distResO') cmd.delete(residue + 'distResN')"nb_spheres", AmideName) cmd.delete("MC") return SumWMCresidue
def addHydrogens(model): objname = '__tmp{}'.format(random.randint(0, 100000)) cmd.delete(objname) cmd.load_model(model, objname) cmd.h_add('model {}'.format(objname)) model = cmd.get_model(objname) cmd.delete(objname) return model
def fSumWMCLast(molecule, SGNameAngle, chain, residue, MCNeighbour, DieElecMC, MCchargeN, MCchargeH, MCchargeProCA, MCchargeProCD, MCchargeProN, AmideName, printMC): #print "Last", MCNeighbour SumWMCLast = 0.0 SGnameselect = "/"+SGNameAngle+"//"+"/"+"/SG" NBnameselect = "/"+molecule+"//"+chain+"/"+str(MCNeighbour)"MC", NBnameselect) MCpdbstr = cmd.get_pdbstr("MC") MCsplit = MCpdbstr.split() residueName = MCsplit[3] #print NBnameselect, residueName if residueName == "PRO": ### Proline CA CAnameselect = "/"+molecule+"//"+chain+"/"+str(MCNeighbour)+"/CA" ResDist = cmd.dist(residue+'distLastProCA', SGnameselect,CAnameselect) WMC = fWMC(MCchargeProCA, DieElecMC, ResDist) SumWMCLast = SumWMCLast + WMC if printMC == 'yes': print "MC ProCA ", MCNeighbour, " ", MCchargeProCA, " ", DieElecMC, " ", ResDist, " ", WMC ### Proline CD CDnameselect = "/"+molecule+"//"+chain+"/"+str(MCNeighbour)+"/CD" ResDist = cmd.dist(residue+'distLastProCD', SGnameselect,CDnameselect) WMC = fWMC(MCchargeProCD, DieElecMC, ResDist) SumWMCLast = SumWMCLast + WMC if printMC == 'yes': print "MC ProCD ", MCNeighbour, " ", MCchargeProCD, " ", DieElecMC, " ", ResDist, " ", WMC ### Proline N Nnameselect = "/"+molecule+"//"+chain+"/"+str(MCNeighbour)+"/N" ResDist = cmd.dist(residue+'distLastProN', SGnameselect,Nnameselect) WMC = fWMC(MCchargeProN, DieElecMC, ResDist) SumWMCLast = SumWMCLast + WMC if printMC == 'yes': print "MC ProN ", MCNeighbour, " ", MCchargeProN, " ", DieElecMC, " ", ResDist, " ", WMC else: AmideProt = "/"+molecule+"//"+chain+"/"+str(MCNeighbour)+"/H01" Hnameselect = "/"+AmideName+"//"+chain+"/"+str(MCNeighbour)+"/H01" if cmd.count_atoms(AmideProt) == 0 and cmd.count_atoms(Hnameselect) == 0: HbuildSelect = "/"+molecule+"//"+chain+"/"+str(MCNeighbour)+"/N" cmd.h_add(HbuildSelect) cmd.create(AmideName, AmideName+" + "+AmideProt) cmd.remove(AmideProt) ### Mainchain AmideH ResDist = cmd.dist(residue+'distLastH', SGnameselect,Hnameselect) WMC = fWMC(MCchargeH, DieElecMC, ResDist) SumWMCLast = SumWMCLast + WMC if printMC == 'yes': print "MC H ", MCNeighbour, " ", MCchargeH, " ", DieElecMC, " ", ResDist, " ", WMC ### Mainchain N Nnameselect = "/"+molecule+"//"+chain+"/"+str(MCNeighbour)+"/N" ResDist = cmd.dist(residue+'distLastN', SGnameselect,Nnameselect) WMC = fWMC(MCchargeN, DieElecMC, ResDist) SumWMCLast = SumWMCLast + WMC if printMC == 'yes': print "MC N ", MCNeighbour, " ", MCchargeN, " ", DieElecMC, " ", ResDist, " ", WMC cmd.delete(residue+'distLastProCA') cmd.delete(residue+'distLastProCD') cmd.delete(residue+'distLastProN') cmd.delete(residue+'distLastH') cmd.delete(residue+'distLastN')"nb_spheres", AmideName) cmd.delete("MC") return SumWMCLast
def fSumWMCresidue(molecule, SGNameAngle, chain, residue, MCNeighbour, DieElecMC, MCchargeC, MCchargeO, MCchargeN, MCchargeH, AmideName, printMC): # print "residue", MCNeighbour SumWMCresidue = 0.0 SGnameselect = "/" + SGNameAngle + "//" + "/" + "/SG" NBnameselect = "/" + molecule + "//" + chain + "/" + str(MCNeighbour)"MC", NBnameselect) MCpdbstr = cmd.get_pdbstr("MC") MCsplit = MCpdbstr.split() residueName = MCsplit[3] # print NBnameselect, residueName AmideProt = "/" + molecule + "//" + chain + "/" + str(MCNeighbour) + "/H01" Hnameselect = "/" + AmideName + "//" + chain + "/" + str(MCNeighbour) + "/H01" if cmd.count_atoms(AmideProt) == 0 and cmd.count_atoms(Hnameselect) == 0: HbuildSelect = "/" + molecule + "//" + chain + "/" + str(MCNeighbour) + "/N" cmd.h_add(HbuildSelect) cmd.create(AmideName, AmideName + " + " + AmideProt) cmd.remove(AmideProt) # Mainchain AmideH ResDist = cmd.dist(residue + 'distResH', SGnameselect, Hnameselect) WMC = fWMC(MCchargeH, DieElecMC, ResDist) SumWMCresidue = SumWMCresidue + WMC if printMC == 'yes': print("MC H ", MCNeighbour, " ", MCchargeH, " ", DieElecMC, " ", ResDist, " ", WMC) # Mainchain C Cnameselect = "/" + molecule + "//" + chain + "/" + str(MCNeighbour) + "/C" ResDist = cmd.dist(residue + 'distResC', SGnameselect, Cnameselect) WMC = fWMC(MCchargeC, DieElecMC, ResDist) SumWMCresidue = SumWMCresidue + WMC if printMC == 'yes': print("MC C ", MCNeighbour, " ", MCchargeC, " ", DieElecMC, " ", ResDist, " ", WMC) # Mainchain O Onameselect = "/" + molecule + "//" + chain + "/" + str(MCNeighbour) + "/O" ResDist = cmd.dist(residue + 'distResO', SGnameselect, Onameselect) WMC = fWMC(MCchargeO, DieElecMC, ResDist) SumWMCresidue = SumWMCresidue + WMC if printMC == 'yes': print("MC O ", MCNeighbour, " ", MCchargeO, " ", DieElecMC, " ", ResDist, " ", WMC) # Mainchain N Nnameselect = "/" + molecule + "//" + chain + "/" + str(MCNeighbour) + "/N" ResDist = cmd.dist(residue + 'distResN', SGnameselect, Nnameselect) WMC = fWMC(MCchargeN, DieElecMC, ResDist) SumWMCresidue = SumWMCresidue + WMC if printMC == 'yes': print("MC N ", MCNeighbour, " ", MCchargeN, " ", DieElecMC, " ", ResDist, " ", WMC) cmd.delete(residue + 'distResH') cmd.delete(residue + 'distResC') cmd.delete(residue + 'distResO') cmd.delete(residue + 'distResN')"nb_spheres", AmideName) cmd.delete("MC") return SumWMCresidue
def test_h_add_state(self): nheavy = 4 nhydro = 5 nfull = nheavy + nhydro cmd.fragment('gly', 'm1') cmd.remove('hydro') self.assertEqual(nheavy, cmd.count_atoms()) cmd.h_add() self.assertEqual(nfull, cmd.count_atoms()) # multi-state cmd.remove('hydro') cmd.create('m1', 'm1', 1, 2) cmd.create('m1', 'm1', 1, 3) cmd.h_add(state=2) self.assertEqual(nfull, cmd.count_atoms()) self.assertEqual(nheavy, cmd.count_atoms('state 1')) self.assertEqual(nfull, cmd.count_atoms('state 2')) self.assertEqual(nheavy, cmd.count_atoms('state 3')) # discrete multi-state cmd.remove('hydro') cmd.create('m2', 'm1', 1, 1, discrete=1) cmd.create('m2', 'm2', 1, 2, discrete=1) cmd.create('m2', 'm2', 1, 3, discrete=1) self.assertEqual(nheavy * 3, cmd.count_atoms('m2')) cmd.h_add('m2 & state 2') # TODO , state=2) self.assertEqual(nfull + nheavy * 2, cmd.count_atoms('m2')) self.assertEqual(nheavy, cmd.count_atoms('m2 & state 1')) self.assertEqual(nfull, cmd.count_atoms('m2 & state 2')) self.assertEqual(nheavy, cmd.count_atoms('m2 & state 3')) cmd.h_add('m2') self.assertEqual(nfull * 3, cmd.count_atoms('m2'))
def disp_ball_stick(selection='all', hydrogens=0, only=False): ''' DESCRIPTION Formats the passed object into ball and stick USEAGE disp_ball_stick [ selection [, hydrogens [, only ]]] EXAMPLE fetch 1hpv, async=0 disp_ball_stick util.cbaw PARAMETERS NAME=DEFAULT TYPE FUNCTION selection='all' <str> input selection hydrogens <int> -1: remove; 1: add; else: as is only=False <bool> if True will use show_as; else show ''' try: selection = '(' + selection + ')' hydrogens = int(hydrogens) only = bool(str(only) != 'False') except: print("Input error") return False if hydrogens == 1: cmd.h_add('%s' % selection) if hydrogens == -1: cmd.remove('%s and elem H' % selection) for p in cmd.get_object_list(selection): cmd.set('valence', 'on', p) cmd.set('stick_ball', 'on', p) cmd.set('stick_ball_ratio', 3, p) cmd.set('stick_radius', 0.12, p) if only: cmd.show_as('sticks', '%s' % (selection)) else:'sticks', '%s' % (selection))
def disp_ball_stick( selection='all' , hydrogens=0, only=False): ''' DESCRIPTION Formats the passed object into ball and stick USEAGE disp_ball_stick [ selection [, hydrogens [, only ]]] EXAMPLE fetch 1hpv, async=0 disp_ball_stick util.cbaw PARAMETERS NAME=DEFAULT TYPE FUNCTION selection='all' <str> input selection hydrogens <int> -1: remove; 1: add; else: as is only=False <bool> if True will use show_as; else show ''' try: selection='('+selection+')' hydrogens=int(hydrogens) only=bool(str(only)!='False') except: print "Input error" return False if hydrogens==1: cmd.h_add('%s' %selection) if hydrogens==-1: cmd.remove('%s and elem H' %selection) for p in cmd.get_object_list(selection): cmd.set('valence', 'on', p) cmd.set('stick_ball', 'on', p) cmd.set('stick_ball_ratio', 3, p) cmd.set('stick_radius', 0.12, p) if only: cmd.show_as('sticks', '%s' %(selection)) else:'sticks', '%s' %(selection))
def buildGraph(atomlist: List[Atom]) -> nx.Graph: """ turns the given molecule (list of atoms) into a network graph Args: atomlist (list of Atoms): all Atoms belonging to a molecule Returns: networkx.Graph """ visitedAtoms = [] queue = atomlist graph = nx.Graph() cmd.h_add() while len(queue) != 0: stored.currNeighbor = [] currentNode = queue.pop(-1)"neighborSelection", f"neighbor {currentNode.identifierString}") stored.currentResn = currentNode.resn cmd.iterate_state(-1, "neighborSelection", """\ if resn == stored.currentResn: stored.currNeighbor.append(Atom(x, y, z, model, chain, resn, resi, name, elem)) """) graph.add_node(currentNode.identifierString, element=currentNode.element, charge=0) for atom in stored.currNeighbor: graph.add_edge(currentNode.identifierString, atom.identifierString) if atom.identifierString not in visitedAtoms: visitedAtoms.append(atom.identifierString) queue.append(atom) ps.fill_valence(graph, respect_hcount=True, respect_bond_order=False) cmd.remove("hydro") return graph
def save_image(spath, name_maxlength, prefix = ''): fname = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(spath))[0] image_name = prefix + image_filename(fname, name_maxlength) if exists(image_name): print 'Skip: ' + fname else: print 'Process: ' + fname cmd.load(spath, fname) cmd.disable('all') cmd.enable(fname) cmd.color('green', fname) cmd.h_add('(all)')'surface') cmd.rotate([-1, 0.5, 0.5], 60) cmd.zoom(fname, -7.0, 0, 1) cmd.png(image_name) time.sleep(3) # wtf?! cmd.delete('all')
def save_image(spath, name_maxlength, prefix=''): fname = spath.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0] image_name = prefix + image_filename(fname, name_maxlength) if exists(image_name): print 'Skip: ' + fname else: print 'Process: ' + fname cmd.load(spath, fname) cmd.disable('all') cmd.enable(fname) cmd.color('green', fname) cmd.h_add('(all)')'surface') cmd.rotate([-1, 0.5, 0.5], 60) cmd.zoom(fname, -7.0, 0, 1) cmd.png(image_name) time.sleep(3) # wtf?! cmd.delete('all')
def convert(self): if hasattr(self, 'path_pdbqt'): return self.path_pdbqt else: self.path_pdbqt = Protein(self.with_suffix('.pdbqt')) setattr(self.path_pdbqt, 'path_pdbqt', self.path_pdbqt) cmd.load(self.__str__()) cmd.remove('resn HOH') cmd.h_add(selection='acceptors or donors') mols = list(pybel.readfile('pdb', self.path_clean.__str__())) writer = pybel.Outputfile( 'pdbqt', self.path_pdbqt.__str__(), opt={'pdbqt': '-xh'} ) for molecule in mols: writer.write(molecule) writer.close() cmd.reinitialize() os.remove(self) return self.path_pdbqt
# sort the list for easier reading hb.sort(lambda x, y: (cmp(x[0][1], y[0][1]))) for pairs in hb: cmd.iterate("%s and index %s" % (pairs[0][0], pairs[0][1]), 'print "%1s/%3s`%s/%-4s " % (chain,resn,resi,name),') cmd.iterate("%s and index %s" % (pairs[1][0], pairs[1][1]), 'print "%1s/%3s`%s/%-4s " % (chain,resn,resi,name),') print "%.2f" % cmd.distance( hb_list_name, "%s and index %s" % (pairs[0][0], pairs[0][1]), "%s and index %s" % (pairs[1][0], pairs[1][1])) #cmd.extend("list_hb",list_hb) #if __name__ == "__main__": cmd.load("E:/yunpan/docking/1hsg_prot.pdb", "1hsg") cmd.h_add("(1hsg)") cmd.load("E:/yunpan/docking/indinavir.pdbqt", "indinavir") cmd.h_add("(indinavir)") h_donator = "elem n,o & (neighbor hydro)" h_acceptor = "elem o | (elem n & !(neighbor hydro))" lacc = "indinavir & (elem o | (elem n & !(neighbor hydro)))" ldon = "indinavir & (elem n,o & (neighbor hydro))" pacc = "1hsg & (elem o | (elem n & !(neighbor hydro)))" pdon = "1hsg & (elem n,o & (neighbor hydro))" list_hb(ldon, pacc, hb_list_name="l2p_hbonds", mode=0) list_hb(lacc, pdon, hb_list_name="p2l_hbonds", mode=0)
def disp_mesh(selection='all', color_m='default', hydrogens=0, only=False, limits=5): ''' DESCRIPTION Adds a mesh to the object Has advanced coloring options and automatically accounts for the hydrogens USEAGE disp_mesh [ selection [, color_m [, hydrogens [, only [, limits]]]]] disp_mesh selection=all, color_m=default disp_mesh selection=all, color_m=white disp_mesh selection=all, color_m=putty PARAMETERS NAME=DEFAULT TYPE FUNCTION selection='all' <str> input selection color_m='default' <str> 'default': as current 'name': colors by color or ramp called name 'putty': b-factor on surface hydrogens=0 <int> -1: remove; 1: add; else: as is only=False <bool> if True will use show_as; else show limits=5 <list or flaot> applies only if color_m=='putty' sets the b-factor range limits <list> [min,max] # absolute values <float> percentile cutoff (both sides) # relative for each protein ''' try: selection = '(' + selection + ')' color_m = str(color_m) hydrogens = int(hydrogens) only = bool(str(only) != 'False') except: print("Input error") return False if hydrogens == 1: cmd.h_add('%s' % selection) if hydrogens == -1: cmd.remove('%s and elem H' % selection) for p in cmd.get_object_list(selection): cmd.set('mesh_width', 0.25, p) if (color_m == 'putty'): limits = get_b_limits(limits, p) if not limits: print("Input error (limits must be <list> or <float (<=50)>)!") return False cmd.set('mesh_color', 'default', p) cmd.spectrum('b', 'rainbow', '(not hetatm) and %s' % p, minimum='%f' % limits[0], maximum='%f' % limits[1], byres=0) print( "disp_ss:", p, "displayed in putty mode - mesh as putty - limits=[%.4f,%.4f]" % (limits[0], limits[1])) else: cmd.set('mesh_color', color_m, p) print("regular mode - mesh - " + p) if only: cmd.show_as('mesh', '%s and %s' % (selection, p)) else:'mesh', '%s and %s' % (selection, p)) cmd.rebuild()
def disp_surf(selection='all', color_s='default', transparency=0, hydrogens=0, solvent=0, ramp_above=1, only=False, limits=5): ''' DESCRIPTION Advanced surface representation (cf. examples) USAGE disp_surf [ selection [, color_s [, transparency [, hydrogens [, solvent [, ramp_above [, only [, limits]]]]]]]] EXAMPLES disp_surf # opaque surface with default colors disp_surf all, white, 0.5 # half-transparent white surface disp_surf all, putty # b-factor on surface PARAMETERS NAME=DEFAULT TYPE FUNCTION selection='all' <str> input selection color_s='default' <str> 'default': as current 'name': colors by color or ramp called name 'putty': b-factor on surface (by resi) transparency=0 <float> set surface transparency hydrogens=0 <int> -1: remove; 1: add; else: as is solvent=0 <int> defines 'surface_solvent' ramp_above=1 <int> defines 'surface_ramp_above_mode' only=False <bool> if True will use show_as; else show limits=5 <list or flaot> applies only if color_s=='putty' sets the b-factor range limits <list> [min,max] # absolute values <float> percentile cutoff (both sides) # relative for each protein ''' try: selection = '(' + selection + ')' color_s = str(color_s) transparency = float(transparency) hydrogens = int(hydrogens) solvent = int(solvent) ramp_above = int(ramp_above) only = bool(str(only) != 'False') except: print("Input error") return False for p in cmd.get_object_list(selection): if hydrogens == -1: cmd.remove('%s and elem H' % p) if hydrogens == 1: cmd.h_add(p) # if hydrogens==0: as is # some defaults (settings can be changed later, too) cmd.set('surface_carve_cutoff', '4.5', p) cmd.set('surface_quality', '2', p) cmd.set('solvent_radius', '1.5', p) cmd.set('cavity_cull', '2', p) cmd.set('surface_carve_selection', p) # defined cmd.set('surface_solvent', solvent, p) cmd.set('surface_ramp_above_mode', ramp_above, p) cmd.set('transparency', transparency, p) if (color_s == 'putty'): limits = get_b_limits(limits, p) if not limits: print("Input error (limits must be <list> or <float (<=50)>)!") return False cmd.set('surface_color', 'default', p) cmd.spectrum('b', 'rainbow', '(not hetatm) and %s' % p, minimum='%f' % limits[0], maximum='%f' % limits[1], byres=0) print( "disp_ss:", p, "displayed in putty mode - surface as putty - limits=[%.4f,%.4f]" % (limits[0], limits[1])) else: cmd.set('surface_color', color_s, selection) print("disp_ss:", p, "displayed as regular surface") if only: cmd.show_as('surface', '(%s and %s)' % (selection, p)) else:'surface', '(%s and %s)' % (selection, p))
def bbPlane(objSel='(all)', color='white', transp=0.0): """ DESCRIPTION Draws a plane across the backbone for a selection ARGUMENTS objSel = string: protein object or selection {default: (all)} color = string: color name or number {default: white} transp = float: transparency component (0.0--1.0) {default: 0.0} NOTES You need to pass in an object or selection with at least two amino acids. The plane spans CA_i, O_i, N-H_(i+1), and CA_(i+1) """ # format input transp = float(transp) stored.AAs = [] coords = dict() # need hydrogens on peptide nitrogen cmd.h_add('(%s) and n. N' % objSel) # get the list of residue ids for obj in cmd.get_object_list(objSel): sel = obj + " and (" + objSel + ")" for a in cmd.get_model(sel + " and n. CA").atom: key = '/%s/%s/%s/%s' % (obj,a.segi,a.chain,a.resi) stored.AAs.append(key) coords[key] = [a.coord,None,None] for a in cmd.get_model(sel + " and n. O").atom: key = '/%s/%s/%s/%s' % (obj,a.segi,a.chain,a.resi) if key in coords: coords[key][1] = a.coord for a in cmd.get_model("(hydro or n. CD) and nbr. (" + sel + " and n. N)").atom: key = '/%s/%s/%s/%s' % (obj,a.segi,a.chain,a.resi) if key in coords: coords[key][2] = a.coord # need at least two amino acids if len(stored.AAs) <= 1: print "ERROR: Please provide at least two amino acids, the alpha-carbon on the 2nd is needed." return # prepare the cgo obj = [ BEGIN, TRIANGLES, COLOR, ] obj.extend(cmd.get_color_tuple(color)) for res in range(0, len(stored.AAs)-1): curIdx, nextIdx = str(stored.AAs[res]), str(stored.AAs[res+1]) # populate the position array pos = [coords[curIdx][0], coords[curIdx][1], coords[nextIdx][2], coords[nextIdx][0]] # if the data are incomplete for any residues, ignore if None in pos: print 'peptide bond %s -> %s incomplete' % (curIdx, nextIdx) continue if cpv.distance(pos[0], pos[3]) > 4.0: print '%s and %s not adjacent' % (curIdx, nextIdx) continue # fill in the vertex data for the triangles; for i in [0,1,2,3,2,1]: obj.append(VERTEX) obj.extend(pos[i]) # finish the CGO obj.append(END) # update the UI newName = cmd.get_unused_name("backbonePlane") cmd.load_cgo(obj, newName) cmd.set("cgo_transparency", transp, newName)
def pdb_to_mol(pdb_file): cmd.load(pdb_file) cmd.h_add()"1gsu_ligand.mol")
def pdb_to_mol(pdb_file): cmd.load(pdb_file) cmd.h_add()"%s_ligand.mol" % (pdb_file[0:4]))
def displayInPyMOL(outdir, selectedPDBChain, atomNumbersProbDic): pdbCWMs = os.path.join(outdir, '%s_withConservedWaters.pdb' % selectedPDBChain) pdb = os.path.join(outdir, '%s.pdb' % selectedPDBChain) h_bond_dist = 4.0 queryProteinCWMs = '%s_withConservedWaters' % selectedPDBChain cmd.load(pdbCWMs) cmd.orient(queryProteinCWMs) cmd.h_add(queryProteinCWMs)'cwm_protein','polymer and %s' % queryProteinCWMs)'cwm_waters','resn hoh and %s' % queryProteinCWMs)'cwm_ligand','organic and %s' % queryProteinCWMs)'don', '(elem n,o and (neighbor hydro)) and %s' % queryProteinCWMs)'acc', '(elem o or (elem n and not (neighbor hydro))) and %s' % queryProteinCWMs) # h bonds between protein and conserved waters cmd.distance ('PW_HBA', '(cwm_protein and acc)','(cwm_waters and don)', h_bond_dist) cmd.distance ('PW_HBD', '(cwm_protein and don)','(cwm_waters and acc)', h_bond_dist) # h bonds between ligands and conserved waters cmd.distance ('LW_HBA', '(cwm_ligand and acc)','(cwm_waters and don)', h_bond_dist) cmd.distance ('LW_HBD', '(cwm_ligand and don)','(cwm_waters and acc)', h_bond_dist) # h bonds in between conserved waters cmd.distance ('HW_HBA', '(cwm_waters and acc)','(cwm_waters and don)', h_bond_dist) cmd.distance ('HW_HBD', '(cwm_waters and don)','(cwm_waters and acc)', h_bond_dist) cmd.delete('don') cmd.delete('acc') cmd.set('dash_color','yellow') cmd.set('dash_gap',0.3) cmd.set('dash_length',0.2) cmd.set('dash_round_ends','on') cmd.set('dash_width',3) # color and display cmd.util.cbam('cwm_ligand') cmd.show_as('sticks','cwm_ligand') MinDoc = min(atomNumbersProbDic.values()) MaxDoc = max(atomNumbersProbDic.values()) cmd.create ('conserved_waters','cwm_waters') for key, value in atomNumbersProbDic.items(): cmd.alter('/conserved_waters//A/HOH`%s/O' % key, 'b=%s' % value) cmd.spectrum('b', 'red_blue', 'conserved_waters',minimum=MinDoc, maximum=MaxDoc) cmd.ramp_new('DOC', 'conserved_waters', range = [MinDoc,MaxDoc], color = '[red,blue]') cmd.set('sphere_scale',0.40,'conserved_waters') cmd.show_as('spheres','conserved_waters') cmd.hide('labels','*_HB*') cmd.remove('(hydro) and conserved_waters') cmd.remove('(hydro) and %s' % queryProteinCWMs) cmd.util.cbac('cwm_protein') cmd.set('transparency', 0.2)'surface', 'cwm_protein') cmd.set('surface_color', 'gray', 'cwm_protein') cmd.load(pdb) cmd.create('all waters', 'resn hoh and %s' % selectedPDBChain) cmd.color('red','ss h and %s' % selectedPDBChain) cmd.color('yellow','ss s and %s' % selectedPDBChain) cmd.color('green','ss l+ and %s' % selectedPDBChain) cmd.show_as('cartoon', selectedPDBChain) cmd.set('ray_shadows', 0)
'--format', help='output molecular file format. Default: same as the input format') parser.add_argument( '--hetatm', help= 'force all the atom to be defined as HETATM type. The HETATM atom have CONECT defined by default.', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('--addh', help='Add hydrogens', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('--select', help='Keep only the selected atoms', default='all') args = parser.parse_args() cmd.load(args.inp, 'inmol') if args.addh: cmd.h_add('all') if args.hetatm: cmd.alter('all', 'type="HETATM"') cmd.split_states('inmol') cmd.remove('inmol') basename = os.path.basename(os.path.splitext(args.inp)[0]) if args.format is None: outfmt = os.path.splitext(args.inp)[1][1:] else: outfmt = args.format all_objects = cmd.get_object_list() try: os.mkdir(args.outdir) except FileExistsError: pass for i, obj in enumerate(all_objects):
def bbPlane(selection='(all)', color='gray', transp=0.3, state=-1, name=None, quiet=1): """ DESCRIPTION Draws a plane across the backbone for a selection ARGUMENTS selection = string: protein object or selection {default: (all)} color = string: color name or number {default: white} transp = float: transparency component (0.0--1.0) {default: 0.0} state = integer: object state, 0 for all states {default: 1} NOTES You need to pass in an object or selection with at least two amino acids. The plane spans CA_i, O_i, N-H_(i+1), and CA_(i+1) """ from pymol.cgo import BEGIN, TRIANGLES, COLOR, VERTEX, END from pymol import cgo from chempy import cpv # format input transp = float(transp) state, quiet = int(state), int(quiet) if name is None: name = cmd.get_unused_name("backbonePlane") if state < 0: state = cmd.get_state() elif state == 0: for state in range(1, cmd.count_states(selection) + 1): bbPlane(selection, color, transp, state, name, quiet) return AAs = [] coords = dict() # need hydrogens on peptide nitrogen cmd.h_add('(%s) and n. N' % selection) # get the list of residue ids for obj in cmd.get_object_list(selection): sel = obj + " and (" + selection + ")" for a in cmd.get_model(sel + " and n. CA", state).atom: key = '/%s/%s/%s/%s' % (obj, a.segi, a.chain, a.resi) AAs.append(key) coords[key] = [a.coord, None, None] for a in cmd.get_model(sel + " and n. O", state).atom: key = '/%s/%s/%s/%s' % (obj, a.segi, a.chain, a.resi) if key in coords: coords[key][1] = a.coord for a in cmd.get_model(sel + " and ((n. N extend 1 and e. H) or (r. PRO and n. CD))", state).atom: key = '/%s/%s/%s/%s' % (obj, a.segi, a.chain, a.resi) if key in coords: coords[key][2] = a.coord # need at least two amino acids if len(AAs) <= 1: print("ERROR: Please provide at least two amino acids, the alpha-carbon on the 2nd is needed.") return # prepare the cgo obj = [ BEGIN, TRIANGLES, COLOR, ] obj.extend(cmd.get_color_tuple(color)) for res in range(0, len(AAs) - 1): curIdx, nextIdx = str(AAs[res]), str(AAs[res + 1]) # populate the position array pos = [coords[curIdx][0], coords[curIdx][1], coords[nextIdx][2], coords[nextIdx][0]] # if the data are incomplete for any residues, ignore if None in pos: if not quiet: print(' bbPlane: peptide bond %s -> %s incomplete' % (curIdx, nextIdx)) continue if cpv.distance(pos[0], pos[3]) > 4.0: if not quiet: print(' bbPlane: %s and %s not adjacent' % (curIdx, nextIdx)) continue normal = cpv.normalize(cpv.cross_product( cpv.sub(pos[1], pos[0]), cpv.sub(pos[2], pos[0]))) obj.append(cgo.NORMAL) obj.extend(normal) # need to order vertices to generate correct triangles for plane if cpv.dot_product(cpv.sub(pos[0], pos[1]), cpv.sub(pos[2], pos[3])) < 0: vorder = [0, 1, 2, 2, 3, 0] else: vorder = [0, 1, 2, 3, 2, 1] # fill in the vertex data for the triangles; for i in vorder: obj.append(VERTEX) obj.extend(pos[i]) # finish the CGO obj.append(END) # update the UI cmd.load_cgo(obj, name, state, zoom=0) cmd.set("cgo_transparency", transp, name)
def test_h_add(self): cmd.fragment('gly') cmd.h_add() self.assertEqual(5, cmd.count_atoms('hydro'))
def addHGuest(self): cmd.h_add("guest")
def addHHost(self): cmd.h_add("host")
def fSumWMC(molecule, SGNameAngle, chain, residue, MCNeighbour, DieElecMC, MCchargeC, MCchargeO, MCchargeN, MCchargeH, MCchargeProCA, MCchargeProCD, MCchargeProN, AmideName, printMC): # print "chain", MCNeighbour SumWMC = 0.0 SGnameselect = "/" + SGNameAngle + "//" + "/" + "/SG" NBnameselect = "/" + molecule + "//" + chain + "/" + str(MCNeighbour)"MC", NBnameselect) MCpdbstr = cmd.get_pdbstr("MC") MCsplit = MCpdbstr.split() residueName = MCsplit[3] # print NBnameselect, residueName if residueName == "PRO": # Proline CA CAnameselect = "/" + molecule + "//" + chain + "/" + str( MCNeighbour) + "/CA" ResDist = cmd.dist(residue + 'distProCA', SGnameselect, CAnameselect) WMC = fWMC(MCchargeProCA, DieElecMC, ResDist) SumWMC = SumWMC + WMC if printMC == 'yes': print("MC ProCA ", MCNeighbour, " ", MCchargeProCA, " ", DieElecMC, " ", ResDist, " ", WMC) # Proline CD CDnameselect = "/" + molecule + "//" + chain + "/" + str( MCNeighbour) + "/CD" ResDist = cmd.dist(residue + 'distProCD', SGnameselect, CDnameselect) WMC = fWMC(MCchargeProCD, DieElecMC, ResDist) SumWMC = SumWMC + WMC if printMC == 'yes': print("MC ProCD ", MCNeighbour, " ", MCchargeProCD, " ", DieElecMC, " ", ResDist, " ", WMC) # Proline N Nnameselect = "/" + molecule + "//" + chain + "/" + str( MCNeighbour) + "/N" ResDist = cmd.dist(residue + 'distProN', SGnameselect, Nnameselect) WMC = fWMC(MCchargeProN, DieElecMC, ResDist) SumWMC = SumWMC + WMC if printMC == 'yes': print("MC ProN ", MCNeighbour, " ", MCchargeProN, " ", DieElecMC, " ", ResDist, " ", WMC) # Proline C Cnameselect = "/" + molecule + "//" + chain + "/" + str( MCNeighbour) + "/C" ResDist = cmd.dist(residue + 'distProC', SGnameselect, Cnameselect) WMC = fWMC(MCchargeC, DieElecMC, ResDist) SumWMC = SumWMC + WMC if printMC == 'yes': print("MC ProC ", MCNeighbour, " ", MCchargeC, " ", DieElecMC, " ", ResDist, " ", WMC) # Proline O Onameselect = "/" + molecule + "//" + chain + "/" + str( MCNeighbour) + "/O" ResDist = cmd.dist(residue + 'distProO', SGnameselect, Onameselect) WMC = fWMC(MCchargeO, DieElecMC, ResDist) SumWMC = SumWMC + WMC if printMC == 'yes': print("MC ProO ", MCNeighbour, " ", MCchargeO, " ", DieElecMC, " ", ResDist, " ", WMC) else: AmideProt = "/" + molecule + "//" + chain + "/" + str( MCNeighbour) + "/H01" Hnameselect = "/" + AmideName + "//" + chain + "/" + str( MCNeighbour) + "/H01" if cmd.count_atoms(AmideProt) == 0 and cmd.count_atoms( Hnameselect) == 0: HbuildSelect = "/" + molecule + "//" + chain + "/" + str( MCNeighbour) + "/N" cmd.h_add(HbuildSelect) cmd.create(AmideName, AmideName + " + " + AmideProt) cmd.remove(AmideProt) # Mainchain AmideH ResDist = cmd.dist(residue + 'distH', SGnameselect, Hnameselect) WMC = fWMC(MCchargeH, DieElecMC, ResDist) SumWMC = SumWMC + WMC if printMC == 'yes': print("MC H ", MCNeighbour, " ", MCchargeH, " ", DieElecMC, " ", ResDist, " ", WMC) # Mainchain C Cnameselect = "/" + molecule + "//" + chain + "/" + str( MCNeighbour) + "/C" ResDist = cmd.dist(residue + 'distC', SGnameselect, Cnameselect) WMC = fWMC(MCchargeC, DieElecMC, ResDist) SumWMC = SumWMC + WMC if printMC == 'yes': print("MC C ", MCNeighbour, " ", MCchargeC, " ", DieElecMC, " ", ResDist, " ", WMC) # Mainchain O Onameselect = "/" + molecule + "//" + chain + "/" + str( MCNeighbour) + "/O" ResDist = cmd.dist(residue + 'distO', SGnameselect, Onameselect) WMC = fWMC(MCchargeO, DieElecMC, ResDist) SumWMC = SumWMC + WMC if printMC == 'yes': print("MC O ", MCNeighbour, " ", MCchargeO, " ", DieElecMC, " ", ResDist, " ", WMC) # Mainchain N Nnameselect = "/" + molecule + "//" + chain + "/" + str( MCNeighbour) + "/N" ResDist = cmd.dist(residue + 'distN', SGnameselect, Nnameselect) WMC = fWMC(MCchargeN, DieElecMC, ResDist) SumWMC = SumWMC + WMC if printMC == 'yes': print("MC N ", MCNeighbour, " ", MCchargeN, " ", DieElecMC, " ", ResDist, " ", WMC) cmd.delete(residue + 'distProCA') cmd.delete(residue + 'distProCD') cmd.delete(residue + 'distProN') cmd.delete(residue + 'distProC') cmd.delete(residue + 'distProO') cmd.delete(residue + 'distH') cmd.delete(residue + 'distC') cmd.delete(residue + 'distO') cmd.delete(residue + 'distN')"nb_spheres", AmideName) cmd.delete("MC") return SumWMC
def disp_surf( selection='all', color_s='default', transparency=0, hydrogens=0, solvent=0, ramp_above=1, only=False, limits=5): ''' DESCRIPTION Advanced surface representation (cf. examples) USAGE disp_surf [ selection [, color_s [, transparency [, hydrogens [, solvent [, ramp_above [, only [, limits]]]]]]]] EXAMPLES disp_surf # opaque surface with default colors disp_surf all, white, 0.5 # half-transparent white surface disp_surf all, putty # b-factor on surface PARAMETERS NAME=DEFAULT TYPE FUNCTION selection='all' <str> input selection color_s='default' <str> 'default': as current 'name': colors by color or ramp called name 'putty': b-factor on surface (by resi) transparency=0 <float> set surface transparency hydrogens=0 <int> -1: remove; 1: add; else: as is solvent=0 <int> defines 'surface_solvent' ramp_above=1 <int> defines 'surface_ramp_above_mode' only=False <bool> if True will use show_as; else show limits=5 <list or flaot> applies only if color_s=='putty' sets the b-factor range limits <list> [min,max] # absolute values <float> percentile cutoff (both sides) # relative for each protein ''' try: selection='('+selection+')' color_s=str(color_s) transparency=float(transparency) hydrogens=int(hydrogens) solvent=int(solvent) ramp_above=int(ramp_above) only=bool(str(only)!='False') except: print "Input error" return False for p in cmd.get_object_list(selection): if hydrogens==-1: cmd.remove('%s and elem H' %p) if hydrogens==1: cmd.h_add(p) # if hydrogens==0: as is # some defaults (settings can be changed later, too) cmd.set('surface_carve_cutoff', '4.5', p) cmd.set('surface_quality', '2', p) cmd.set('solvent_radius', '1.5', p) cmd.set('cavity_cull', '2', p) cmd.set('surface_carve_selection', p) # defined cmd.set('surface_solvent', solvent, p) cmd.set('surface_ramp_above_mode', ramp_above, p) cmd.set('transparency', transparency, p) if (color_s == 'putty'): limits=get_b_limits(limits,p) if not limits: print "Input error (limits must be <list> or <float (<=50)>)!" return False cmd.set('surface_color', 'default', p) cmd.spectrum('b', 'rainbow', '(not hetatm) and %s'%p, minimum='%f'%limits[0], maximum='%f'%limits[1], byres=0) print "disp_ss:",p,"displayed in putty mode - surface as putty - limits=[%.4f,%.4f]"%(limits[0],limits[1]) else: cmd.set('surface_color', color_s, selection) print "disp_ss:",p,"displayed as regular surface" if only: cmd.show_as('surface', '(%s and %s)' %(selection, p)) else:'surface', '(%s and %s)' %(selection, p))
def disp_mesh( selection='all', color_m='default', hydrogens=0, only=False, limits=5): ''' DESCRIPTION Adds a mesh to the object Has advanced coloring options and automatically accounts for the hydrogens USEAGE disp_mesh [ selection [, color_m [, hydrogens [, only [, limits]]]]] disp_mesh selection=all, color_m=default disp_mesh selection=all, color_m=white disp_mesh selection=all, color_m=putty PARAMETERS NAME=DEFAULT TYPE FUNCTION selection='all' <str> input selection color_m='default' <str> 'default': as current 'name': colors by color or ramp called name 'putty': b-factor on surface hydrogens=0 <int> -1: remove; 1: add; else: as is only=False <bool> if True will use show_as; else show limits=5 <list or flaot> applies only if color_m=='putty' sets the b-factor range limits <list> [min,max] # absolute values <float> percentile cutoff (both sides) # relative for each protein ''' try: selection='('+selection+')' color_m=str(color_m) hydrogens=int(hydrogens) only=bool(str(only)!='False') except: print "Input error" return False if hydrogens==1: cmd.h_add('%s' %selection) if hydrogens==-1: cmd.remove('%s and elem H' %selection) for p in cmd.get_object_list(selection): cmd.set('mesh_width', 0.25, p) if (color_m == 'putty'): limits=get_b_limits(limits,p) if not limits: print "Input error (limits must be <list> or <float (<=50)>)!" return False cmd.set('mesh_color', 'default', p) cmd.spectrum('b', 'rainbow', '(not hetatm) and %s'%p, minimum='%f'%limits[0], maximum='%f'%limits[1], byres=0) print "disp_ss:",p,"displayed in putty mode - mesh as putty - limits=[%.4f,%.4f]"%(limits[0],limits[1]) else: cmd.set('mesh_color', color_m, p) print"regular mode - mesh - "+p if only: cmd.show_as('mesh', '%s and %s'%(selection, p)) else:'mesh', '%s and %s'%(selection, p)) cmd.rebuild()
def _create_model_from_template_pymol(self, savepath, mhcseq, pepseq, pdb, add_polar_h=False): """ This doesn't work properly """ raise NotImplementedError() table = self.pdb_table row = table[table.pdb == pdb].iloc[0, :] resi_list = row['resi_orig'].split(',') tplseq = row['seq_orig'] pepseq_orig = row['peptide'] aln = Bio.pairwise2.align.globalds(mhcseq, tplseq, matlist.blosum62, -14.0, -4.0)[0] aln1 = aln[0] aln2 = aln[1]'Alignment:')'new sequence: ' + aln1)'old sequence: ' + aln2)'')'new peptide: ' + pepseq)'old peptide: ' + pepseq_orig) mhc_mutations = [] for anew, aold, resi in zip(list(aln1), list(aln2), resi_list): if anew != aold: if anew != '-' and anew != 'X' and aold != '-' and aold != 'X': mhc_mutations.append((seq3(anew), seq3(aold), resi))'Found %i mutations in MHC' % len(mhc_mutations)) pep_mutations = [] pep_resi = map(str, range(1, len(pepseq_orig) + 1)) for anew, aold, resi in zip(list(pepseq), list(pepseq_orig), pep_resi): if anew != aold: if anew != '-' and anew != 'X' and aold != '-' and aold != 'X': pep_mutations.append((anew, aold, resi))'Found %i mutations in peptide' % len(pep_mutations)) cmd.delete('all') cmd.load(self._get_mhc_path(pdb), 'mhc') cmd.load(self._get_pep_path(pdb), 'pep') cmd.wizard('mutagenesis') cmd.refresh_wizard() cmd.remove("not alt ''+A") cmd.alter('all', "alt=''") for new, old, resi in mhc_mutations:, old, new) cmd.get_wizard().do_select("A/" + resi + "/") cmd.get_wizard().set_mode(seq3(new).upper()) cmd.get_wizard().apply() for new, old, resi in pep_mutations:, old, new) cmd.get_wizard().do_select("B/" + resi + "/") cmd.get_wizard().set_mode(seq3(new).upper()) cmd.get_wizard().apply() cmd.set_wizard() if add_polar_h: cmd.h_add('donors or acceptors'), "all") cmd.delete("all")
'(%s) and model %s and chain %s' % (selection, model, chain)) cmd.disable(model) cmd.extend('split_chains', split_chains) i = 0 f = open(PDB_TO_LIGAND_MAP_PATH, 'r') for line in f: # if(i>10): break linfo = line.strip().split("\t") uniprot, protein_class, pdb, ligand = linfo[0], linfo[1], linfo[2], linfo[ 3] print(pdb, ligand) ### Retrieve PDB and add hydrogens cmd.fetch(pdb) cmd.h_add("all") ### Split across chains split_chains() chains = cmd.get_object_list()[1:] ### Write out pdb parts for pdb_c in chains: "/Users/anthony/Desktop/dror/temp3/DynamicNetworks/data/crystal-analysis/ligand-wetness/watermarks/classA-gpcr-pdbs/" + pdb_c + "_pymol_Hadded.pdb", pdb_c) cmd.reinitialize() i += 1