Beispiel #1
def cg2_demo(nrhs, n, plot):
    rhs0 = GenericFunction(lambda X: np.ones(X.shape[:-1]) * 10, dim_domain=2)        # NOQA
    rhs1 = GenericFunction(lambda X: (X[..., 0] - 0.5) ** 2 * 1000, dim_domain=2)     # NOQA

    assert 0 <= nrhs <= 1, ValueError('Invalid rhs number.')
    rhs = eval('rhs{}'.format(nrhs))

    d0 = GenericFunction(lambda X: 1 - X[..., 0], dim_domain=2)
    d1 = GenericFunction(lambda X: X[..., 0], dim_domain=2)

    parameter_space = CubicParameterSpace({'diffusionl': 0}, 0.1, 1)
    f0 = ProjectionParameterFunctional('diffusionl', 0)
    f1 = GenericParameterFunctional(lambda mu: 1, {})

    print('Solving on TriaGrid(({0},{0}))'.format(n))

    print('Setup Problem ...')
    problem = EllipticProblem(domain=RectDomain(), rhs=rhs, diffusion_functions=(d0, d1),
                              diffusion_functionals=(f0, f1), name='2DProblem')

    print('Discretize ...')
    discretization, _ = discretize_elliptic_cg(problem, diameter=m.sqrt(2) / n)

    print('The parameter type is {}'.format(discretization.parameter_type))

    U = discretization.type_solution.empty(discretization.dim_solution)
    for mu in parameter_space.sample_uniformly(10):

    if plot:
        print('Plot ...')
        discretization.visualize(U, title='Solution for diffusionl in [0.1, 1]')
 def __init__(self, args):
     self.args = args
     self.first = True
     self.problem = ThermalBlockProblem(num_blocks=(args['XBLOCKS'], args['YBLOCKS']),
                                        parameter_range=(PARAM_MIN, PARAM_MAX))
     self.discretization, pack = discretize_elliptic_cg(self.problem, diameter=m.sqrt(2) / args['--grid'])
     self.grid = pack['grid']
Beispiel #3
def cg_oned_demo(nrhs, n, plot):
    rhs0 = GenericFunction(lambda X: np.ones(X.shape) * 10, dim_domain=1)
    rhs1 = GenericFunction(lambda X: (X[..., 0] - 0.5) ** 2 * 1000, dim_domain=1)

    assert 0 <= nrhs <= 1, ValueError('Invalid rhs number.')
    rhs = eval('rhs{}'.format(nrhs))

    d0 = GenericFunction(lambda X: 1 - X[..., 0], dim_domain=1)
    d1 = GenericFunction(lambda X: X[..., 0], dim_domain=1)

    parameter_space = CubicParameterSpace({'diffusionl': 1}, 0.1, 1)
    f0 = ProjectionParameterFunctional(parameter_space, 'diffusionl')
    f1 = GenericParameterFunctional(parameter_space, lambda mu: 1)

    print('Solving on OnedGrid(({0},{0}))'.format(n))

    print('Setup Problem ...')
    problem = EllipticProblem(domain=LineDomain(), rhs=rhs, diffusion_functions=(d0, d1), diffusion_functionals=(f0, f1),
                              dirichlet_data=ConstantFunction(value=0, dim_domain=1))

    print('Discretize ...')
    discretization, _ = discretize_elliptic_cg(problem, diameter=1 / n)


    for mu in parameter_space.sample_uniformly(4):
        print('Solving for mu = {} ...'.format(mu))
        U = discretization.solve(mu)

        if plot:
            print('Plot ...')

Beispiel #4
def parabolic_demo():
    p = ThermalBlockProblem(parameter_range=(0.01, 1))
    d, d_data = discretize_elliptic_cg(p, diameter=1./100)

    mu = next(d.parameter_space.sample_randomly(1))
    U0 = NumpyVectorArray(np.zeros(d.operator.dim_source))
    R = implicit_euler(d.operator, d.rhs, d.l2_product, U0, 0, 1, 10, mu)

    visualize_glumpy_patch(d.rhs.grid, R)
Beispiel #5
def parabolic_demo():
    p = ThermalBlockProblem(parameter_range=(0.01, 1))
    d_stat, d_data = discretize_elliptic_cg(p, diameter=1./100)
    U0 = NumpyVectorArray(np.zeros(d_stat.operator.source.dim))
    time_stepper = ImplicitEulerTimeStepper(50)

    d = InstationaryDiscretization(operator=d_stat.operator, rhs=d_stat.rhs, mass=d_stat.l2_product,
                                   initial_data=U0, T=1, products=d_stat.products, time_stepper=time_stepper,
                                   parameter_space=d_stat.parameter_space, visualizer=d_stat.visualizer)

    mu = next(d.parameter_space.sample_randomly(1))
    R = d.solve(mu)
Beispiel #6
def test_visualize_patch(backend_gridtype):
    backend, gridtype = backend_gridtype
    domain = LineDomain() if gridtype is OnedGrid else RectDomain()
    dim = 1 if gridtype is OnedGrid else 2
    rhs = GenericFunction(lambda X: np.ones(X.shape[:-1]) * 10, dim)  # NOQA
    dirichlet = GenericFunction(lambda X: np.zeros(X.shape[:-1]), dim)  # NOQA
    diffusion = GenericFunction(lambda X: np.ones(X.shape[:-1]), dim)  # NOQA
    problem = EllipticProblem(domain=domain, rhs=rhs, dirichlet_data=dirichlet, diffusion_functions=(diffusion,))
    grid, bi = discretize_domain_default(problem.domain, grid_type=gridtype)
    discretization, data = discretize_elliptic_cg(analytical_problem=problem, grid=grid, boundary_info=bi)
    U = discretization.solve()
    visualize_patch(data['grid'], U=U, backend=backend)
    sleep(2)  # so gui has a chance to popup
    for child in multiprocessing.active_children():
Beispiel #7
def cg_demo(nrhs, ndirichlet, nneumann, rect_grid=False):
    rhs0 = GenericFunction(lambda X: np.ones(X.shape[:-1]) * 10, 2)                      # NOQA
    rhs1 = GenericFunction(lambda X: (X[..., 0] - 0.5) ** 2 * 1000, 2)                   # NOQA
    dirichlet0 = GenericFunction(lambda X: np.zeros(X.shape[:-1]), 2)                    # NOQA
    dirichlet1 = GenericFunction(lambda X: np.ones(X.shape[:-1]), 2)                     # NOQA
    dirichlet2 = GenericFunction(lambda X: X[..., 0], 2)                                 # NOQA
    domain0 = RectDomain()                                                               # NOQA
    domain1 = RectDomain(right=BoundaryType('neumann'))                                  # NOQA
    domain2 = RectDomain(right=BoundaryType('neumann'), top=BoundaryType('neumann'))     # NOQA
    domain3 = RectDomain(right=BoundaryType('neumann'), top=BoundaryType('neumann'), bottom=BoundaryType('neumann'))  # NOQA

    assert 0 <= nrhs <= 1, ValueError('Invalid rhs number.')
    rhs = eval('rhs{}'.format(nrhs))

    assert 0 <= ndirichlet <= 2, ValueError('Invalid boundary number.')
    dirichlet = eval('dirichlet{}'.format(ndirichlet))

    assert 0 <= nneumann <= 3, ValueError('Invalid neumann boundary count.')
    domain = eval('domain{}'.format(nneumann))

    for n in [32, 128]:
        grid_name = '{1}(({0},{0}))'.format(n, 'RectGrid' if rect_grid else 'TriaGrid' )
        print('Solving on {0}'.format(grid_name))

        print('Setup problem ...')
        problem = EllipticProblem(domain=domain, rhs=rhs, dirichlet_data=dirichlet)

        print('Discretize ...')
        grid, bi = discretize_domain_default(problem.domain, diameter=m.sqrt(2) / n, grid_type=RectGrid if rect_grid else TriaGrid)
        discretization, _ = discretize_elliptic_cg(analytical_problem=problem, grid=grid, boundary_info=bi)

        print('Solve ...')
        U = discretization.solve()

        print('Plot ...')
        discretization.visualize(U, title=grid_name)

Beispiel #8
def cg_demo(nrhs, ndirichlet, nneumann):
    rhs0 = GenericFunction(lambda X: np.ones(X.shape[:-1]) * 10, 2)                      # NOQA
    rhs1 = GenericFunction(lambda X: (X[..., 0] - 0.5) ** 2 * 1000, 2)                   # NOQA
    dirichlet0 = GenericFunction(lambda X: np.zeros(X.shape[:-1]), 2)                    # NOQA
    dirichlet1 = GenericFunction(lambda X: np.ones(X.shape[:-1]), 2)                     # NOQA
    dirichlet2 = GenericFunction(lambda X: X[..., 0], 2)                                 # NOQA
    domain0 = RectDomain()                                                               # NOQA
    domain1 = RectDomain(right=BoundaryType('neumann'))                                  # NOQA
    domain2 = RectDomain(right=BoundaryType('neumann'), top=BoundaryType('neumann'))     # NOQA
    domain3 = RectDomain(right=BoundaryType('neumann'), top=BoundaryType('neumann'), bottom=BoundaryType('neumann'))  # NOQA

    assert 0 <= nrhs <= 1, ValueError('Invalid rhs number.')
    rhs = eval('rhs{}'.format(nrhs))

    assert 0 <= ndirichlet <= 2, ValueError('Invalid boundary number.')
    dirichlet = eval('dirichlet{}'.format(ndirichlet))

    assert 0 <= nneumann <= 3, ValueError('Invalid neumann boundary count.')
    domain = eval('domain{}'.format(nneumann))

    for n in [32, 128]:
        print('Solving on TriaGrid(({0},{0}))'.format(n))

        print('Setup problem ...')
        problem = EllipticProblem(domain=domain, rhs=rhs, dirichlet_data=dirichlet)

        print('Discretize ...')
        discretization, _ = discretize_elliptic_cg(problem, diameter=m.sqrt(2) / n)

        print('Solve ...')
        U = discretization.solve()

        print('Plot ...')
        discretization.visualize(U, title='Triagrid(({0},{0}))'.format(n))

Beispiel #9
def thermalblock_demo(args):
    args['XBLOCKS'] = int(args['XBLOCKS'])
    args['YBLOCKS'] = int(args['YBLOCKS'])
    args['--grid'] = int(args['--grid'])
    args['SNAPSHOTS'] = int(args['SNAPSHOTS'])
    args['RBSIZE'] = int(args['RBSIZE'])
    args['--test'] = int(args['--test'])
    args['--pod-norm'] = args['--pod-norm'].lower()
    assert args['--pod-norm'] in {'trivial', 'h1'}

    print('Solving on TriaGrid(({0},{0}))'.format(args['--grid']))

    print('Setup Problem ...')
    problem = ThermalBlockProblem(num_blocks=(args['XBLOCKS'], args['YBLOCKS']))

    print('Discretize ...')
    discretization, _ = discretize_elliptic_cg(problem, diameter=m.sqrt(2) / args['--grid'])

    print('The parameter type is {}'.format(discretization.parameter_type))

    if args['--plot-solutions']:
        print('Showing some solutions')
        Us = tuple()
        legend = tuple()
        for mu in discretization.parameter_space.sample_randomly(2):
            print('Solving for diffusion = \n{} ... '.format(mu['diffusion']))
            Us = Us + (discretization.solve(mu),)
            legend = legend + (str(mu['diffusion']),)
        discretization.visualize(Us, legend=legend, title='Detailed Solutions for different parameters', block=True)

    print('RB generation ...')

    tic = time.time()

    print('Solving on training set ...')
    S_train = list(discretization.parameter_space.sample_uniformly(args['SNAPSHOTS']))
    snapshots = discretization.operator.type_source.empty(discretization.operator.dim_source, reserve=len(S_train))
    for mu in S_train:

    print('Performing POD ...')
    pod_product = discretization.h1_product if args['--pod-norm'] == 'h1' else None
    rb = pod(snapshots, modes=args['RBSIZE'], product=pod_product)[0]

    print('Reducing ...')
    reductor = reduce_generic_rb
    rb_discretization, reconstructor, _ = reductor(discretization, rb)

    toc = time.time()
    t_offline = toc - tic

    print('\nSearching for maximum error on random snapshots ...')

    tic = time.time()
    h1_err_max = -1
    cond_max = -1
    for mu in discretization.parameter_space.sample_randomly(args['--test']):
        print('Solving RB-Scheme for mu = {} ... '.format(mu), end='')
        URB = reconstructor.reconstruct(rb_discretization.solve(mu))
        U = discretization.solve(mu)
        h1_err = discretization.h1_norm(U - URB)[0]
        cond = np.linalg.cond(rb_discretization.operator.assemble(mu)._matrix)
        if h1_err > h1_err_max:
            h1_err_max = h1_err
            Umax = U
            URBmax = URB
            mumax = mu
        if cond > cond_max:
            cond_max = cond
            cond_max_mu = mu
        print('H1-error = {}, condition = {}'.format(h1_err, cond))
    toc = time.time()
    t_est = toc - tic
    real_rb_size = len(rb)

    *** RESULTS ***

       number of blocks:                   {args[XBLOCKS]}x{args[YBLOCKS]}
       h:                                  sqrt(2)/{args[--grid]}

    POD basis generation:
       number of snapshots:                {args[SNAPSHOTS]}^({args[XBLOCKS]}x{args[YBLOCKS]})
       pod norm:                           {args[--pod-norm]}
       prescribed basis size:              {args[RBSIZE]}
       actual basis size:                  {real_rb_size}
       elapsed time:                       {t_offline}

    Stochastic error estimation:
       number of samples:                  {args[--test]}
       maximal H1-error:                   {h1_err_max}  (mu = {mumax})
       maximal condition of system matrix: {cond_max}  (mu = {cond_max_mu})
       elapsed time:                       {t_est}

    if args['--plot-err']:
        discretization.visualize((U, URB, U - URB), legend=('Detailed Solution', 'Reduced Solution', 'Error'),
                                 title='Maximum Error Solution', separate_colorbars=True, block=True)
Beispiel #10
def thermalblock_demo(args):
    args['XBLOCKS'] = int(args['XBLOCKS'])
    args['YBLOCKS'] = int(args['YBLOCKS'])
    args['--grid'] = int(args['--grid'])
    args['SNAPSHOTS'] = int(args['SNAPSHOTS'])
    args['RBSIZE'] = int(args['RBSIZE'])
    args['--test'] = int(args['--test'])
    args['--estimator-norm'] = args['--estimator-norm'].lower()
    assert args['--estimator-norm'] in {'trivial', 'h1'}
    args['--extension-alg'] = args['--extension-alg'].lower()
    assert args['--extension-alg'] in {'trivial', 'gram_schmidt', 'h1_gram_schmidt'}

    print('Solving on TriaGrid(({0},{0}))'.format(args['--grid']))

    print('Setup Problem ...')
    problem = ThermalBlockProblem(num_blocks=(args['XBLOCKS'], args['YBLOCKS']))

    print('Discretize ...')
    discretization, _ = discretize_elliptic_cg(problem, diameter=m.sqrt(2) / args['--grid'])

    print('The parameter type is {}'.format(discretization.parameter_type))

    if args['--plot-solutions']:
        print('Showing some solutions')
        Us = tuple()
        legend = tuple()
        for mu in discretization.parameter_space.sample_randomly(2):
            print('Solving for diffusion = \n{} ... '.format(mu['diffusion']))
            Us = Us + (discretization.solve(mu),)
            legend = legend + (str(mu['diffusion']),)
        discretization.visualize(Us, legend=legend, title='Detailed Solutions for different parameters', block=True)

    print('RB generation ...')

    error_product = discretization.h1_product if args['--estimator-norm'] == 'h1' else None
    reductor = partial(reduce_stationary_affine_linear, error_product=error_product)
    extension_algorithms = {'trivial': trivial_basis_extension,
                            'gram_schmidt': gram_schmidt_basis_extension,
                            'h1_gram_schmidt': partial(gram_schmidt_basis_extension, product=discretization.h1_product)}
    extension_algorithm = extension_algorithms[args['--extension-alg']]
    greedy_data = greedy(discretization, reductor, discretization.parameter_space.sample_uniformly(args['SNAPSHOTS']),
                         use_estimator=args['--with-estimator'], error_norm=discretization.h1_norm,
                         extension_algorithm=extension_algorithm, max_extensions=args['RBSIZE'])
    rb_discretization, reconstructor = greedy_data['reduced_discretization'], greedy_data['reconstructor']

    print('\nSearching for maximum error on random snapshots ...')

    def error_analysis(d, rd, rc, mus):
        print('N = {}: '.format(rd.operator.dim_source), end='')
        h1_err_max = -1
        h1_est_max = -1
        cond_max = -1
        for mu in mus:
            print('.', end='')
            u = rd.solve(mu)
            URB = rc.reconstruct(u)
            U = d.solve(mu)
            h1_err = d.h1_norm(U - URB)[0]
            h1_est = rd.estimate(u, mu=mu)
            cond = np.linalg.cond(rd.operator.assemble(mu)._matrix)
            if h1_err > h1_err_max:
                h1_err_max = h1_err
                mumax = mu
            if h1_est > h1_est_max:
                h1_est_max = h1_est
                mu_est_max = mu
            if cond > cond_max:
                cond_max = cond
                cond_max_mu = mu
        return h1_err_max, mumax, h1_est_max, mu_est_max, cond_max, cond_max_mu

    tic = time.time()

    real_rb_size = len(greedy_data['basis'])
    if args['--plot-error-sequence']:
        N_count = min(real_rb_size - 1, 25)
        Ns = np.linspace(1, real_rb_size, N_count).astype(
        Ns = np.array([real_rb_size])
    rd_rcs = [reduce_to_subbasis(rb_discretization, N, reconstructor)[:2] for N in Ns]
    mus = list(discretization.parameter_space.sample_randomly(args['--test']))

    errs, err_mus, ests, est_mus, conds, cond_mus = zip(*(error_analysis(discretization, rd, rc, mus)
                                                        for rd, rc in rd_rcs))
    h1_err_max = errs[-1]
    mumax = err_mus[-1]
    cond_max = conds[-1]
    cond_max_mu = cond_mus[-1]
    toc = time.time()
    t_est = toc - tic

    *** RESULTS ***

       number of blocks:                   {args[XBLOCKS]}x{args[YBLOCKS]}
       h:                                  sqrt(2)/{args[--grid]}

    Greedy basis generation:
       number of snapshots:                {args[SNAPSHOTS]}^({args[XBLOCKS]}x{args[YBLOCKS]})
       used estimator:                     {args[--with-estimator]}
       estimator norm:                     {args[--estimator-norm]}
       extension method:                   {args[--extension-alg]}
       prescribed basis size:              {args[RBSIZE]}
       actual basis size:                  {real_rb_size}
       elapsed time:                       {greedy_data[time]}

    Stochastic error estimation:
       number of samples:                  {args[--test]}
       maximal H1-error:                   {h1_err_max}  (mu = {mumax})
       maximal condition of system matrix: {cond_max}  (mu = {cond_max_mu})
       elapsed time:                       {t_est}


    if args['--plot-error-sequence']:
        plt.semilogy(Ns, errs, Ns, ests)
        plt.legend(('error', 'estimator'))
    if args['--plot-err']:
        U = discretization.solve(mumax)
        URB = reconstructor.reconstruct(rb_discretization.solve(mumax))
        discretization.visualize((U, URB, U - URB), legend=('Detailed Solution', 'Reduced Solution', 'Error'),
                                 title='Maximum Error Solution', separate_colorbars=True, block=True)
Beispiel #11
def thermalblock_demo(args):
    args['XBLOCKS'] = int(args['XBLOCKS'])
    args['YBLOCKS'] = int(args['YBLOCKS'])
    args['--grid'] = int(args['--grid'])
    args['SNAPSHOTS'] = int(args['SNAPSHOTS'])
    args['RBSIZE'] = int(args['RBSIZE'])
    args['--test'] = int(args['--test'])
    args['--estimator-norm'] = args['--estimator-norm'].lower()
    assert args['--estimator-norm'] in {'trivial', 'h1'}
    args['--extension-alg'] = args['--extension-alg'].lower()
    assert args['--extension-alg'] in {'trivial', 'gram_schmidt', 'h1_gram_schmidt', 'numpy_trivial',
    args['--reductor'] = args['--reductor'].lower()
    assert args['--reductor'] in {'default', 'numpy_default'}

    print('Solving on TriaGrid(({0},{0}))'.format(args['--grid']))

    print('Setup Problem ...')
    problem = ThermalBlockProblem(num_blocks=(args['XBLOCKS'], args['YBLOCKS']))

    print('Discretize ...')
    discretization, _ = discretize_elliptic_cg(problem, diameter=m.sqrt(2) / args['--grid'])


    if args['--plot-solutions']:
        print('Showing some solutions')
        for mu in discretization.parameter_space.sample_randomly(2):
            print('Solving for diffusion = \n{} ... '.format(mu['diffusion']))
            U = discretization.solve(mu)

    print('RB generation ...')

    error_product = discretization.h1_product if args['--estimator-norm'] == 'h1' else None
    reductors = {'default': partial(reduce_stationary_affine_linear, error_product=error_product),
                 'numpy_default': partial(numpy_reduce_stationary_affine_linear, error_product=error_product)}
    reductor = reductors[args['--reductor']]
    extension_algorithms = {'trivial': trivial_basis_extension,
                            'gram_schmidt': gram_schmidt_basis_extension,
                            'h1_gram_schmidt': partial(gram_schmidt_basis_extension, product=discretization.h1_product),
                            'numpy_trivial': numpy_trivial_basis_extension,
                            'numpy_gram_schmidt': numpy_gram_schmidt_basis_extension}
    extension_algorithm = extension_algorithms[args['--extension-alg']]
    greedy_data = greedy(discretization, reductor, discretization.parameter_space.sample_uniformly(args['SNAPSHOTS']),
                         use_estimator=args['--with-estimator'], error_norm=discretization.h1_norm,
                         extension_algorithm=extension_algorithm, max_extensions=args['RBSIZE'])
    rb_discretization, reconstructor = greedy_data['reduced_discretization'], greedy_data['reconstructor']

    print('\nSearching for maximum error on random snapshots ...')

    tic = time.time()
    h1_err_max = -1
    cond_max = -1
    for mu in discretization.parameter_space.sample_randomly(args['--test']):
        print('Solving RB-Scheme for mu = {} ... '.format(mu), end='')
        URB = reconstructor.reconstruct(rb_discretization.solve(mu))
        U = discretization.solve(mu)
        h1_err = discretization.h1_norm(U - URB)[0]
        cond = np.linalg.cond(rb_discretization.operator.assemble(mu)._matrix)
        if h1_err > h1_err_max:
            h1_err_max = h1_err
            Umax = U
            URBmax = URB
            mumax = mu
        if cond > cond_max:
            cond_max = cond
            cond_max_mu = mu
        print('H1-error = {}, condition = {}'.format(h1_err, cond))
    toc = time.time()
    t_est = toc - tic
    real_rb_size = len(greedy_data['data'])

    *** RESULTS ***

       number of blocks:                   {args[XBLOCKS]}x{args[YBLOCKS]}
       h:                                  sqrt(2)/{args[--grid]}

    Greedy basis generation:
       number of snapshots:                {args[SNAPSHOTS]}^({args[XBLOCKS]}x{args[YBLOCKS]})
       used estimator:                     {args[--with-estimator]}
       estimator norm:                     {args[--estimator-norm]}
       extension method:                   {args[--extension-alg]}
       prescribed basis size:              {args[RBSIZE]}
       actual basis size:                  {real_rb_size}
       elapsed time:                       {greedy_data[time]}

    Stochastic error estimation:
       number of samples:                  {args[--test]}
       maximal H1-error:                   {h1_err_max}  (mu = {mumax})
       maximal condition of system matrix: {cond_max}  (mu = {cond_max_mu})
       elapsed time:                       {t_est}

    if args['--plot-err']:
        discretization.visualize(U - URB)