Beispiel #1
    def __init__(self, blocks):
        blocks = np.array(blocks)
        assert 1 <= blocks.ndim <= 2
        if self.blocked_source and self.blocked_range:
            assert blocks.ndim == 2
        elif self.blocked_source:
            if blocks.ndim == 1:
                blocks.shape = (1, len(blocks))
            if blocks.ndim == 1:
                blocks.shape = (len(blocks), 1)
        self.blocks = blocks
        assert all(
            isinstance(op, OperatorInterface) or op is None
            for op in self._operators())

        # check if every row/column contains at least one operator
        assert all(
            any(blocks[i, j] is not None for j in range(blocks.shape[1]))
            for i in range(blocks.shape[0]))
        assert all(
            any(blocks[i, j] is not None for i in range(blocks.shape[0]))
            for j in range(blocks.shape[1]))

        # find source/range spaces for every column/row
        source_spaces = [None for j in range(blocks.shape[1])]
        range_spaces = [None for i in range(blocks.shape[0])]
        for (i, j), op in np.ndenumerate(blocks):
            if op is not None:
                assert source_spaces[j] is None or op.source == source_spaces[j]
                source_spaces[j] = op.source
                assert range_spaces[i] is None or op.range == range_spaces[i]
                range_spaces[i] = op.range

        # turn Nones to ZeroOperators
        for (i, j) in np.ndindex(blocks.shape):
            if blocks[i, j] is None:
                self.blocks[i, j] = ZeroOperator(range_spaces[i],

        self.source = BlockVectorSpace(
            source_spaces) if self.blocked_source else source_spaces[0]
        self.range = BlockVectorSpace(
            range_spaces) if self.blocked_range else range_spaces[0]
        self.num_source_blocks = len(source_spaces)
        self.num_range_blocks = len(range_spaces)
        self.linear = all(op.linear for op in self._operators())
 def __init__(self, subdomain, solution_space, grid, block_space):
     self.subdomain, self.grid, self.block_space = subdomain, grid, block_space
     self.neighborhood = grid.neighborhood_of(subdomain)
     self.source = solution_space.subspaces[subdomain]
     self.range = BlockVectorSpace(
         [solution_space.subspaces[ii] for ii in self.neighborhood],
Beispiel #3
def test_blockspace():
    from pymor.vectorarrays.block import BlockVectorSpace, BlockVectorArray
    from pymor.core.pickle import dump, load

    b = BlockVectorSpace([])
    with tempfile.TemporaryFile('wb') as dp_file:
        dump(b, file=dp_file)
 def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
     super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
     self.range = BlockVectorSpace([self.global_space.subspaces[ii] for ii in self.grid.neighborhood_of(self.jj)],
     self.source = BlockVectorSpace([self.global_space.subspaces[ii] for ii in self.grid.neighborhood_of(self.kk)],
     if self.subdomain not in self._matrices:
         matrix = make_local_elliptic_matrix_operator(self.grid, self.subdomain,
                                                      self.lambda_bar, self.kappa)
         matrix = matrix.matrix()
         self._matrices[self.subdomain] = DuneXTMatrixOperator(matrix,
     self.matrix = self._matrices[self.subdomain]
     self.range_index = self.grid.neighborhood_of(self.jj).index(self.subdomain)
     self.source_index = self.grid.neighborhood_of(self.kk).index(self.subdomain)
Beispiel #5
def test_block_identity_lincomb():
    space = NumpyVectorSpace(10)
    space2 = BlockVectorSpace([space, space])
    identity = BlockDiagonalOperator([IdentityOperator(space), IdentityOperator(space)])
    identity2 = IdentityOperator(space2)
    ones = space.ones()
    ones2 = space2.make_array([ones, ones])
    idid = identity + identity2
    assert almost_equal(ones2 * 2, idid.apply(ones2))
    assert almost_equal(ones2 * 2, idid.apply_adjoint(ones2))
    assert almost_equal(ones2 * 0.5, idid.apply_inverse(ones2))
    assert almost_equal(ones2 * 0.5, idid.apply_inverse_adjoint(ones2))
    def __init__(self, subdomain, solution_space, grid, block_space,
                 global_rt_space, subdomain_rt_spaces, lambda_xi, kappa):
        self.grid = grid
        self.block_space = block_space
        self.global_rt_space = global_rt_space
        self.subdomain_rt_spaces = subdomain_rt_spaces
        self.subdomain = subdomain
        self.neighborhood = grid.neighborhood_of(subdomain)
        self.lambda_xi = lambda_xi
        self.kappa = kappa

        self.source = solution_space.subspaces[subdomain]
        vector_type = solution_space.subspaces[0].vector_type
        self.range = BlockVectorSpace([
            DuneXTVectorSpace(vector_type, subdomain_rt_spaces[ii].size(),
                              'LOCALRT_' + str(ii))
            for ii in self.grid.neighborhood_of(subdomain)
        ], 'RT_{}'.format(subdomain))
Beispiel #7
def _block_vector_spaces(draw, np_data_list, compatible, count, dims):
    ret = []
    rr = draw(hyst.randoms())

    def _block_dims(d):
        bd = []
        while d > 1:
            block_size = rr.randint(1, d)
            d -= block_size
        if d > 0:
        return bd

    for c, (d, ar) in enumerate(zip(dims, np_data_list)):
        # only redraw after initial for (potentially) incompatible arrays
        if c == 0 or (not compatible and c > 0):
            block_dims = _block_dims(d)
        constituent_spaces = [NumpyVectorSpace(dim) for dim in block_dims]
        # TODO this needs to be relaxed again
        ret.append((BlockVectorSpace(constituent_spaces), ar))
    return ret
Beispiel #8
def block_vector_array_factory(length, dims, seed):
    return BlockVectorSpace(
        [NumpyVectorSpace(dim) for dim in dims]).from_numpy(
            numpy_vector_array_factory(length, sum(dims), seed).to_numpy())
 def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
     super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
     assert self.subdomain == self.kk == self.jj
     self.range = BlockVectorSpace([self.global_space.subspaces[ii] for ii in self.neighborhood],