Beispiel #1
    def __init__(self, mass_list, intensity_list):

        @summary: Initialise the MassSpectrum

        @param mass_list: List of binned masses
        @type mass_list: ListType
        @param intensity_list: List of binned intensities
        @type intensity_list: ListType

        @author: Andrew Isaac
        @author: Qiao Wang
        @author: Vladimir Likic

        if not is_list(mass_list) or not is_number(mass_list[0]):
            error("'mass_list' must be a list of numbers")
        if not is_list(intensity_list) or \
           not is_number(intensity_list[0]):
            error("'intensity_list' must be a list of numbers")
        if not len(mass_list) == len(intensity_list):
            error("'mass_list' is not the same size as 'intensity_list'")

        #TODO: should these be public, or accessed through methods???
        self.mass_list = mass_list
        self.mass_spec = intensity_list
Beispiel #2
    def __init__(self, mass_list, intensity_list):

        @summary: Initialise the MassSpectrum

        @param mass_list: List of binned masses
        @type mass_list: ListType
        @param intensity_list: List of binned intensities
        @type intensity_list: ListType

        @author: Andrew Isaac
        @author: Qiao Wang
        @author: Vladimir Likic

        if not is_list(mass_list) or not is_number(mass_list[0]):
            error("'mass_list' must be a list of numbers")
        if not is_list(intensity_list) or \
           not is_number(intensity_list[0]):
            error("'intensity_list' must be a list of numbers")
        if not len(mass_list) == len(intensity_list):
            error("'mass_list' is not the same size as 'intensity_list'")

        #TODO: should these be public, or accessed through methods???
        self.mass_list = mass_list
        self.mass_spec = intensity_list
Beispiel #3
    def __init__(self, mass_list, intensity_list):

        @summary: Initialize the Scan data

        @param mass_list: mass values
        @type mass_list: ListType

        @param intensity_list: intensity values
        @type intensity_list: ListType

        @author: Qiao Wang
        @author: Andrew Isaac
        @author: Vladimir Likic

        if not is_list(mass_list) or not is_number(mass_list[0]):
            error("'mass_list' must be a list of numbers")
        if not is_list(intensity_list) or \
           not is_number(intensity_list[0]):
            error("'intensity_list' must be a list of numbers")

        self.__mass_list = mass_list
        self.__intensity_list = intensity_list
        self.__min_mass = min(mass_list)
        self.__max_mass = max(mass_list)
Beispiel #4
    def __init__(self, mass_list, intensity_list):

        @summary: Initialize the Scan data

        @param mass_list: mass values
        @type mass_list: ListType

        @param intensity_list: intensity values
        @type intensity_list: ListType

        @author: Qiao Wang
        @author: Andrew Isaac
        @author: Vladimir Likic

        if not is_list(mass_list) or not is_number(mass_list[0]):
            error("'mass_list' must be a list of numbers")
        if not is_list(intensity_list) or \
           not is_number(intensity_list[0]):
            error("'intensity_list' must be a list of numbers")

        self.__mass_list = mass_list
        self.__intensity_list = intensity_list
        self.__min_mass = min(mass_list)
        self.__max_mass = max(mass_list)
Beispiel #5
def vector_by_step(vstart,vstop,vstep):

    @summary: generates a list by using start, stop, and step values

    @param vstart: Initial value 
    @type vstart: A number
    @param vstop: Max value
    @type vstop: A number
    @param vstep: Step
    @type vstep: A number
    @return: A list generated
    @rtype: ListType

    @author: Vladimir Likic

    if not is_number(vstart) or not is_number(vstop) or not is_number(vstep):
        error("parameters start, stop, step must be numbers")

    v = []

    p = vstart 
    while p < vstop:
        p = p + vstep

    return v
Beispiel #6
    def __init__(self, rt=0.0, ms=None, minutes=False):

        @param rt: Retention time
        @type rt: FloatType
        @param ms: A ion mass, or spectra of maximising ions
        @type ms: FloatType, pyms.GCSM.Class.MassSpectrum
        @param minutes: Retention time units flag. If True, retention time
            is in minutes; if False retention time is in seconds
        @type minutes: BooleanType

        if not is_number(rt):
            error("'rt' must be a number")

        if not ms == None and \
            not isinstance(ms, MassSpectrum) and \
            not is_number(ms):
            error("'ms' must be a Float or a MassSpectrum object")

        if minutes:
            rt = rt*60.0

        self.__minutes = minutes

        # basic peak attributes
        self.__rt = float(rt)
        # these two attributes are required for
        # setting the peak mass spectrum
        if not ms == None:
            if isinstance(ms, MassSpectrum):
                # mass spectrum
                self.__mass_spectrum = ms
                self.__ic_mass = None

                # TEST: to test if this speeds things up
                self.mass_spec = ms.mass_spec
       = ms

                # single ion chromatogram properties
                self.__ic_mass = ms
                self.__mass_spectrum = None

                # TEST: to test if this speeds things up
                self.mass_spec = None

        self.__pt_bounds = None
        self.__area = None
        self.__ion_areas = {}

        # TEST: to test if this speeds things up
        self.rt = self.__rt
Beispiel #7
    def crop_mass(self, mass_min, mass_max):

        @summary: Crops mass spectrum

        @param mass_min: Minimum mass value
        @type mass_min: IntType or FloatType
        @param mass_max: Maximum mass value
        @type mass_max: IntType or FloatType

        @return: none
        @rtype: NoneType

        @author: Andrew Isaac

        if not is_number(mass_min) or not is_number(mass_max):
            error("'mass_min' and 'mass_max' must be numbers")
        if mass_min >= mass_max:
            error("'mass_min' must be less than 'mass_max'")

        mass_list = self.__mass_spectrum.mass_list

        if mass_min < min(mass_list):
            error("'mass_min' is less than the smallest mass: %d" \
              % min(mass_list))
        if mass_max > max(mass_list):
            error("'mass_max' is greater than the largest mass: %d" \
              % max(mass_list))

        # pre build mass_list and list of indecies
        new_mass_list = []
        new_mass_spec = []
        mass_spec = self.__mass_spectrum.mass_spec
        for ii in range(len(mass_list)):
             mass = mass_list[ii]
             if mass >= mass_min and mass <= mass_max:

        self.__mass_spectrum.mass_list = new_mass_list
        self.__mass_spectrum.mass_spec = new_mass_spec

        if len(new_mass_list) == 0:
            error("mass spectrum is now empty")
        elif len(new_mass_list) < 10:
            print " WARNING: peak mass spectrum contains < 10 points"

        # update UID

        # TEST: to test if this speeds things up
        self.mass_spec = self.__mass_spectrum.mass_spec
Beispiel #8
    def export_leco_csv(self, file_name):

        @summary: Exports data in LECO CSV format

        @param file_name: File name
        @type file_name: StringType

        @return: none
        @rtype: NoneType

        @author: Andrew Isaac
        @author: Vladimir Likic

        if not is_str(file_name):
            error("'file_name' is not a string")

        mass_list = self.__mass_list
        time_list = self.__time_list
        vals = self.__intensity_matrix

        fp = open_for_writing(file_name)

        # Format is text header with:
        # "Scan","Time",...
        # and the rest is "TIC" or m/z as text, i.e. "50","51"...
        # The following lines are:
        # scan_number,time,value,value,...
        # scan_number is an int, rest seem to be fixed format floats.
        # The format is 0.000000e+000

        # write header
        for ii in mass_list:
            if is_number(ii):
                fp.write(",\"%d\"" % int(ii))
                error("mass list datum not a number")
        fp.write("\r\n")  # windows CR/LF

        # write lines
        for ii in range(len(time_list)):
            fp.write("%s,%#.6e" % (ii, time_list[ii]))
            for jj in range(len(vals[ii])):
                if is_number(vals[ii][jj]):
                    fp.write(",%#.6e" % (vals[ii][jj]))
                    error("datum not a number")

Beispiel #9
def build_intensity_matrix(
		data: GCMS_data,
		bin_interval: float = 1,
		bin_left: float = 0.5,
		bin_right: float = 0.5,
		min_mass: Optional[float] = None,
		) -> IntensityMatrix:
	Sets the full intensity matrix with flexible bins.

	The first bin is centered around ``min_mass``,
	and subsequent bins are offset by ``bin_interval``.

	:param data: Raw GCMS data
	:param bin_interval: interval between bin centres.
	:param bin_left: left bin boundary offset.
	:param bin_right: right bin boundary offset.
	:param min_mass: Minimum mass to bin (default minimum mass from data)

	:return: Binned IntensityMatrix object

	:authors: Qiao Wang, Andrew Isaac, Vladimir Likic

	# this package
	from pyms.GCMS.Class import GCMS_data

	if not isinstance(data, GCMS_data):
		raise TypeError("'data' must be a GCMS_data object")

	if bin_interval <= 0:
		raise ValueError("The bin interval must be larger than zero.")

	if not is_number(bin_left):
		raise TypeError("'bin_left' must be a number.")

	if not is_number(bin_right):
		raise TypeError("'bin_right' must be a number.")

	if min_mass is None:
		min_mass = data.min_mass
	elif not is_number(min_mass):
		raise TypeError("'min_mass' must be a number.")

	max_mass = data.max_mass

	if max_mass is None:
		raise ValueError("'max_mass' cannot be None")
	if min_mass is None:
		raise ValueError("'min_mass' cannot be None")

	return _fill_bins(data, min_mass, max_mass, bin_interval, bin_left, bin_right)
Beispiel #10
    def export_leco_csv(self, file_name):

        @summary: Exports data in LECO CSV format

        @param file_name: File name
        @type file_name: StringType

        @return: none
        @rtype: NoneType

        @author: Andrew Isaac
        @author: Vladimir Likic

        if not is_str(file_name):
            error("'file_name' is not a string")

        mass_list = self.__mass_list
        time_list = self.__time_list
        vals = self.__intensity_matrix

        fp = open_for_writing(file_name)

        # Format is text header with:
        # "Scan","Time",...
        # and the rest is "TIC" or m/z as text, i.e. "50","51"...
        # The following lines are:
        # scan_number,time,value,value,...
        # scan_number is an int, rest seem to be fixed format floats.
        # The format is 0.000000e+000

        # write header
        for ii in mass_list:
            if is_number(ii):
                fp.write(",\"%d\"" % int(ii))
                error("mass list datum not a number")
        fp.write("\r\n")  # windows CR/LF

        # write lines
        for ii in range(len(time_list)):
            fp.write("%s,%#.6e" % (ii, time_list[ii]))
            for jj in range(len(vals[ii])):
                if is_number(vals[ii][jj]):
                    fp.write(",%#.6e" % (vals[ii][jj]))
                    error("datum not a number")

Beispiel #11
	def export_leco_csv(self, file_name: PathLike):
		Exports data in LECO CSV format.

		:param file_name: The name of the output file.

		:authors: Andrew Isaac, Vladimir Likic, Dominic Davis-Foster (pathlib support)

		if not is_path(file_name):
			raise TypeError("'file_name' must be a string or a PathLike object")

		file_name = prepare_filepath(file_name, mkdirs=False)

		if not file_name.parent.is_dir():

		mass_list = self._mass_list
		time_list = self._time_list
		vals = self._intensity_array

		fp ='w', encoding="UTF-8")

		# Format is text header with:
		# "Scan","Time",...
		# and the rest is "TIC" or m/z as text, i.e. "50","51"...
		# The following lines are:
		# scan_number,time,value,value,...
		# scan_number is an int, rest seem to be fixed format floats.
		# The format is 0.000000e+000

		# write header
		for ii in mass_list:
			if is_number(ii):
				raise TypeError("mass list datum not a number")
		fp.write("\r\n")  # windows CR/LF

		# write lines
		for ii, time_ in enumerate(time_list):
			for jj in range(len(vals[ii])):
				if is_number(vals[ii][jj]):
					raise TypeError("datum not a number")

Beispiel #12
    def crop_mass(self, mass_min: float, mass_max: float):
		Crops mass spectrum.

		:param mass_min: Minimum mass value.
		:param mass_max: Maximum mass value.

		:author: Andrew Isaac

        if not self._mass_spectrum:
            raise ValueError("Mass spectrum is unset.")

        if not is_number(mass_min) or not is_number(mass_max):
            raise TypeError("'mass_min' and 'mass_max' must be numbers")

        if mass_min >= mass_max:
            raise ValueError("'mass_min' must be less than 'mass_max'")

        mass_list = self._mass_spectrum.mass_list

        if mass_min < min(mass_list):
            raise ValueError(
                f"'mass_min' is less than the smallest mass: {min(mass_list)}")

        if mass_max > max(mass_list):
            raise ValueError(
                f"'mass_max' is greater than the largest mass: {max(mass_list)}"

        # pre build mass_list and list of indices
        new_mass_list = []
        new_mass_spec = []
        mass_spec = self._mass_spectrum.mass_spec
        for ii in range(len(mass_list)):
            mass = mass_list[ii]
            if mass_min <= mass <= mass_max:

        self._mass_spectrum.mass_list = new_mass_list
        self._mass_spectrum.mass_spec = new_mass_spec

        if len(new_mass_list) == 0:
            raise ValueError("mass spectrum is now empty")
        elif len(new_mass_list) < 10:
            warn("peak mass spectrum contains < 10 points", Warning)

        # update UID
Beispiel #13
    def crop_mass(self, mass_min, mass_max):

        @summary: Crops mass spectrum

        @param mass_min: Minimum mass value
        @type mass_min: IntType or FloatType
        @param mass_max: Maximum mass value
        @type mass_max: IntType or FloatType

        @return: none
        @rtype: NoneType

        @author: Andrew Isaac

        if not is_number(mass_min) or not is_number(mass_max):
            error("'mass_min' and 'mass_max' must be numbers")
        if mass_min >= mass_max:
            error("'mass_min' must be less than 'mass_max'")
        if mass_min < self.__min_mass:
            error("'mass_min' is less than the smallest mass: %.3f" %
        if mass_max > self.__max_mass:
            error("'mass_max' is greater than the largest mass: %.3f" %

        # pre build mass_list and list of indecies
        mass_list = self.__mass_list
        new_mass_list = []
        ii_list = []
        for ii in range(len(mass_list)):
             mass = mass_list[ii]
             if mass >= mass_min and mass <= mass_max:

        # update intensity matrix
        im = self.__intensity_matrix
        for spec_jj in range(len(im)):
            new_spec = []
            for ii in ii_list:
            im[spec_jj] = new_spec

        self.__mass_list = new_mass_list
        self.__min_mass = min(new_mass_list)
        self.__max_mass = max(new_mass_list)
Beispiel #14
    def crop_mass(self, mass_min, mass_max):

        @summary: Crops mass spectrum

        @param mass_min: Minimum mass value
        @type mass_min: IntType or FloatType
        @param mass_max: Maximum mass value
        @type mass_max: IntType or FloatType

        @return: none
        @rtype: NoneType

        @author: Andrew Isaac

        if not is_number(mass_min) or not is_number(mass_max):
            error("'mass_min' and 'mass_max' must be numbers")
        if mass_min >= mass_max:
            error("'mass_min' must be less than 'mass_max'")
        if mass_min < self.__min_mass:
            error("'mass_min' is less than the smallest mass: %.3f" %
        if mass_max > self.__max_mass:
            error("'mass_max' is greater than the largest mass: %.3f" %

        # pre build mass_list and list of indecies
        mass_list = self.__mass_list
        new_mass_list = []
        ii_list = []
        for ii in range(len(mass_list)):
             mass = mass_list[ii]
             if mass >= mass_min and mass <= mass_max:

        # update intensity matrix
        im = self.__intensity_matrix
        for spec_jj in range(len(im)):
            new_spec = []
            for ii in ii_list:
            im[spec_jj] = new_spec

        self.__mass_list = new_mass_list
        self.__min_mass = min(new_mass_list)
        self.__max_mass = max(new_mass_list)
Beispiel #15
def test_mass(tic, im):
    with pytest.warns(Warning):

    ic = im.get_ic_at_index(0)
    assert is_number(ic.mass)
    assert ic.mass == 50.2516
Beispiel #16
    def null_mass(self, mass: float):
		Ignore given mass in spectra.

		:param mass: Mass value to remove

		:author: Andrew Isaac

        if not self._mass_spectrum:
            raise ValueError("Mass spectrum is unset.")

        if not is_number(mass):
            raise TypeError("'mass' must be a number")

        mass_list = self._mass_spectrum.mass_list

        if mass < min(mass_list) or mass > max(mass_list):
            raise IndexError("'mass' not in mass range:", min(mass_list), "to",

        best = max(mass_list)
        ix = 0
        for ii in range(len(mass_list)):
            tmp = abs(mass_list[ii] - mass)
            if tmp < best:
                best = tmp
                ix = ii

        self._mass_spectrum.mass_spec[ix] = 0

        # update UID
Beispiel #17
def rel_threshold(pl, percent=2):
    @summary: Remove ions with relative intensities less than the given
        relative percentage of the maximum intensity.

    @param pl: A list of Peak objects
    @type pl: ListType
    @param percent: Threshold for relative percentage of intensity (Default 2%)
    @type percent: FloatType

    @return: A new list of Peak objects with threshold ions
    @rtype: ListType

    @author: Andrew Isaac

    if not is_number(percent) or percent <= 0:
        error("'percent' must be a number > 0")

    pl_copy = copy.deepcopy(pl)
    new_pl = []
    for p in pl_copy:
        ms = p.get_mass_spectrum()
        ia = ms.mass_spec
        # assume max(ia) big so /100 1st
        cutoff = (max(ia) / 100.0) * float(percent)
        for i in range(len(ia)):
            if ia[i] < cutoff:
                ia[i] = 0
        ms.mass_spec = ia
    return new_pl
Beispiel #18
    def __init__(self,
                 intensity_list: Union[Sequence[float], numpy.ndarray],
                 time_list: Sequence[float],
                 mass: Optional[float] = None):
        if not is_sequence_of(intensity_list, _number_types):
            raise TypeError("'intensity_list' must be a Sequence of numbers")

        if not is_sequence_of(time_list, _number_types):
            raise TypeError("'time_list' must be a Sequence of numbers")

        if len(intensity_list) != len(time_list):
            raise ValueError(
                "'intensity_list' and 'time_list' differ in length")

        if mass is not None and not is_number(mass):
            raise TypeError("'mass' must be a number or None")

        if not isinstance(intensity_list, numpy.ndarray):
            intensity_list = numpy.array(intensity_list)

        self._intensity_array = intensity_list
        self._time_list = list(time_list)
        self._mass: Optional[float] = mass
        self._time_step = self._calc_time_step()
        self._min_rt = min(time_list)
        self._max_rt = max(time_list)
Beispiel #19
    def get_index_at_time(self, time):
        @summary: Returns the nearest index corresponding to the given time

        @param time: Time in seconds
        @type time: FloatType

        @return: Nearest index corresponding to given time
        @rtype: IntType

        @author: Lewis Lee
        @author: Tim Erwin
        @author: Vladimir Likic

        if not is_number(time):
            error("'time' must be a number")

        if time < min(self.__time_list) or time > max(self.__time_list):
            error("time %.2f is out of bounds (min: %.2f, max: %.2f)" %
                  (time, self.__min_rt, self.__max_rt))

        time_list = self.__time_list
        time_diff_min = max(self.__time_list)
        ix_match = None

        for ix in range(len(time_list)):

            time_diff = math.fabs(time - time_list[ix])

            if time_diff < time_diff_min:
                ix_match = ix
                time_diff_min = time_diff

        return ix_match
Beispiel #20
    def __init__(self, ia, time_list, mass=None):

        @param ia: Ion chromatogram intensity values
        @type ia: numpy.array
        @param time_list: A list of ion chromatogram retention times
        @type time_list: ListType
        @param mass: Mass of ion chromatogram (Null if TIC)
        @type mass: IntType

        @author: Lewis Lee
        @author: Vladimir Likic
        @author: Vladimir Likic

        if not isinstance(ia, numpy.ndarray):
            error("'ia' must be a numpy array")

        if not is_list(time_list) or not is_number(time_list[0]):
            error("'time_list' must be a list of numbers")

        if len(ia) != len(time_list):
            error("Intensity array and time list differ in length")

        self.__ia = ia
        self.__time_list = time_list
        self.__mass = mass
        self.__time_step = self.__calc_time_step(time_list)
        self.__min_rt = min(time_list)
        self.__max_rt = max(time_list)
Beispiel #21
	def reduce_mass_spectra(self, n_intensities: int = 5):
		Reduces the mass spectra by retaining the top `n_intensities`,
		discarding all other intensities.

		:param n_intensities: The number of top intensities to keep

		:author: Vladimir Likic
		"""  # noqa: D400

		if not is_number(n_intensities):
			raise TypeError("'n_intensities' must be a number")

		# loop over all mass spectral scans
		for ii, intensity_list in enumerate(self._intensity_array):

			# get the next mass spectrum as list of intensities
			# intensity_list = self._intensity_array[ii]
			n = len(intensity_list)

			# get the indices of top N intensities
			top_indices = list(range(n))
			top_indices.sort(key=lambda i: intensity_list[i], reverse=True)
			top_indices = top_indices[:n_intensities]

			# initiate new mass spectrum, and retain only top N intensities
			intensity_list_new = []

			for jj in range(n):
				if jj in top_indices:
					intensity_list_new[jj] = intensity_list[jj]

			self._intensity_array[ii] = intensity_list_new
Beispiel #22
	def get_ic_at_mass(self, mass: Optional[float] = None) -> IonChromatogram:
		Returns the ion chromatogram for the nearest binned mass to the specified mass.

		If no mass value is given, the function returns the total ion chromatogram.

		:param mass: Mass value of an ion chromatogram

		:return: Ion chromatogram for given mass

		:authors: Andrew Isaac, Vladimir Likic

		if mass is None:
			return self.tic
		elif not is_number(mass):
			raise TypeError("'mass' must be a number")

		if mass < self._min_mass or mass > self._max_mass:
			print("min mass: ", self._min_mass, "max mass:", self._max_mass)
			raise IndexError("mass is out of range")

		ix = self.get_index_of_mass(mass)

		return self.get_ic_at_index(ix)
Beispiel #23
    def __init__(self, time_list, scan_list):

        @summary: Initialize the GC-MS data

        @param time_list: List of scan retention times
        @type time_list: ListType
        @param scan_list: List of Scan objects
        @type scan_list: ListType

        @author: Qiao Wang
        @author: Andrew Isaac
        @author: Vladimir Likic

        if not is_list(time_list) or not is_number(time_list[0]):
            error("'time_list' must be a list of numbers")

        if not is_list(scan_list) or not isinstance(scan_list[0], Scan):
            error("'scan_list' must be a list of Scan objects")

        self.__scan_list = scan_list
Beispiel #24
    def __init__(self, time_list, scan_list):

        @summary: Initialize the GC-MS data

        @param time_list: List of scan retention times
        @type time_list: ListType
        @param scan_list: List of Scan objects
        @type scan_list: ListType

        @author: Qiao Wang
        @author: Andrew Isaac
        @author: Vladimir Likic

        if not is_list(time_list) or not is_number(time_list[0]):
            error("'time_list' must be a list of numbers")

        if not is_list(scan_list) or not isinstance(scan_list[0], Scan):
            error("'scan_list' must be a list of Scan objects")

        self.__scan_list = scan_list
Beispiel #25
def rel_threshold(pl, percent=2):

    @summary: Remove ions with relative intensities less than the given
        relative percentage of the maximum intensity.

    @param pl: A list of Peak objects
    @type pl: ListType
    @param percent: Threshold for relative percentage of intensity (Default 2%)
    @type percent: FloatType

    @return: A new list of Peak objects with threshold ions
    @rtype: ListType

    @author: Andrew Isaac

    if not is_number(percent) or percent <= 0:
        error("'percent' must be a number > 0")

    pl_copy = copy.deepcopy(pl)
    new_pl = []
    for p in pl_copy:
        ms = p.get_mass_spectrum()
        ia = ms.mass_spec
        # assume max(ia) big so /100 1st
        cutoff = (max(ia)/100.0)*float(percent)
        for i in range(len(ia)):
            if ia[i] < cutoff:
                ia[i] = 0
        ms.mass_spec = ia
    return new_pl
Beispiel #26
    def __init__(self, ia, time_list, mass=None):

        @param ia: Ion chromatogram intensity values
        @type ia: numpy.array
        @param time_list: A list of ion chromatogram retention times
        @type time_list: ListType
        @param mass: Mass of ion chromatogram (Null if TIC)
        @type mass: IntType

        @author: Lewis Lee
        @author: Vladimir Likic
        @author: Vladimir Likic

        if not isinstance(ia, numpy.ndarray):
            error("'ia' must be a numpy array")

        if not is_list(time_list) or not is_number(time_list[0]):
            error("'time_list' must be a list of numbers")

        if len(ia) != len(time_list):
            error("Intensity array and time list differ in length")

        self.__ia = ia
        self.__time_list = time_list
        self.__mass = mass
        self.__time_step = self.__calc_time_step(time_list)
        self.__min_rt = min(time_list)
        self.__max_rt = max(time_list)
Beispiel #27
def test_get_int_of_ion(peak):
    assert peak.get_int_of_ion(100) == 3888.0
    assert peak.get_int_of_ion(200) == 0.0
    assert is_number(peak.get_int_of_ion(100))

    with pytest.raises(IndexError):
    with pytest.raises(IndexError):
Beispiel #28
def half_area(
    ia: List,
    max_bound: int = 0,
    tol: float = 0.5,
) -> Tuple[float, float, float]:
	Find bound of peak by summing intensities until change in sum is less than
	``tol`` percent of the current area.

	:param ia: List of intensities from Peak apex for a given mass.
	:param max_bound: Optional value to limit size of detected bound.
	:param tol: Percentage tolerance of added area to current area.

	:return: Half peak area, boundary offset, shared (True if shared ion).

	:authors: Andrew Isaac, Dominic Davis-Foster (type assertions)
	"""  # noqa: D400

    if not isinstance(ia, list) or not is_number(ia[0]):
        raise TypeError("'ia' must be a list of numbers")
    if not isinstance(max_bound, int):
        raise TypeError("'max_bound' must be an integer")
    if not isinstance(tol, float):
        raise TypeError("'tol' must be a float")

    tol = tol / 200.0  # halve and convert from percent

    # Default number of points to sum new area across, for smoothing
    wide = 3

    # start at 0, compare average value of 'wide' points to the right,
    # centre 'wide' points on edge point, and keep moving right until:
    # i) tolerance reached
    # ii) edge area starts increasing
    # iii) bound reached

    # initialise areas and bounds
    shared = False
    area = ia[0]
    edge = float(sum(ia[0:wide])) / wide
    old_edge = 2 * edge  # bigger than expected edge
    index = 1
    if max_bound < 1:
        limit = len(ia)
        limit = min(max_bound + 1, len(ia))
    # while edge > area * tol and edge < old_edge and index < limit:
    while area * tol < edge < old_edge and index < limit:
        old_edge = edge
        area += ia[index]
        edge = float(sum(ia[index:index + wide])) / wide  # bounds safe
        index += 1
    if edge >= old_edge:
        shared = True
    index -= 1

    return area, index, shared
Beispiel #29
def test_ion_area(peak):
    peak = copy.deepcopy(peak)

    assert peak.get_ion_area(1) is None

    peak.set_ion_area(1, 1234)
    peak.set_ion_area(2, 1234.56)

    assert is_number(peak.get_ion_area(1))
    assert is_number(peak.get_ion_area(2))
    assert peak.get_ion_area(1) == 1234

    # Errors
    for obj in [test_dict, *test_sequences, test_float, test_string]:
        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
            peak.set_ion_area(obj, test_int)
    for obj in [test_dict, *test_sequences, test_string]:
        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
            peak.set_ion_area(1, obj)
Beispiel #30
def build_intensity_matrix_i(
		data: GCMS_data,
		bin_left: float = 0.3,
		bin_right: float = 0.7,
		) -> IntensityMatrix:
	Sets the full intensity matrix with integer bins.

	:param data: Raw GCMS data
	:param bin_left: left bin boundary offset.
	:param bin_right: right bin boundary offset.

	:return: Binned IntensityMatrix object

	:authors: Qiao Wang, Andrew Isaac, Vladimir Likic

	# this package
	from pyms.GCMS.Class import GCMS_data

	if not isinstance(data, GCMS_data):
		raise TypeError("'data' must be a GCMS_data object")

	if not is_number(bin_left):
		raise TypeError("'bin_left' must be a number.")

	if not is_number(bin_right):
		raise TypeError("'bin_right' must be a number.")

	min_mass = data.min_mass
	max_mass = data.max_mass

	if max_mass is None:
		raise ValueError("'max_mass' cannot be None")
	if min_mass is None:
		raise ValueError("'min_mass' cannot be None")

	# Calculate integer min mass based on right boundary
	bin_right = abs(bin_right)
	min_mass = int(min_mass + 1 - bin_right)

	return _fill_bins(data, min_mass, max_mass, 1, bin_left, bin_right)
Beispiel #31
    def ic_mass(self, value: float):
		Sets the mass for a single ion chromatogram peak and clears the mass spectrum.

		:param value: The mass of the ion chromatogram that the peak is from

        if not is_number(value):
            raise TypeError("'Peak.ic_mass' must be a number")

        self._ic_mass = value
Beispiel #32
    def ion_areas(self, value: Dict):
		Sets the ``ion: ion area`` pairs dictionary.

		:param value: The dictionary of ion:ion_area pairs

        if not isinstance(value, dict) or not is_number(list(value.keys())[0]):
            raise TypeError(
                "'Peak.ion_areas' must be a dictionary of ion:ion_area pairs")

        self._ion_areas = value
Beispiel #33
	def crop_mass(self, mass_min: float, mass_max: float):
		Crops mass spectrum.

		:param mass_min: Minimum mass value
		:param mass_max: Maximum mass value

		:author: Andrew Isaac

		if not is_number(mass_min) or not is_number(mass_max):
			raise TypeError("'mass_min' and 'mass_max' must be numbers")
		if mass_min >= mass_max:
			raise ValueError("'mass_min' must be less than 'mass_max'")
		if mass_min < self._min_mass:
			raise ValueError(f"'mass_min' is less than the smallest mass: {self._min_mass:.3f}")
		if mass_max > self._max_mass:
			raise ValueError(f"'mass_max' is greater than the largest mass: {self._max_mass:.3f}")

		# pre build mass_list and list of indecies
		mass_list = self._mass_list
		new_mass_list = []
		ii_list = []
		for ii, mass in enumerate(mass_list):
			if mass_min <= mass <= mass_max:

		# update intensity matrix
		im: List[List[float]] = self._intensity_array.tolist()
		for spec_jj in range(len(im)):
			new_spec = []
			for ii in ii_list:
			im[spec_jj] = new_spec
		self._intensity_array = numpy.array(im)

		self._mass_list = new_mass_list
		self._min_mass = min(new_mass_list)
		self._max_mass = max(new_mass_list)
Beispiel #34
def build_intensity_matrix(data, bin_interval=1, bin_left=0.5, bin_right=0.5):
    @summary: Sets the full intensity matrix with flexible bins

    @param data: Raw GCMS data
    @type data: pyms.GCMS.Class.GCMS_data

    @param bin_interval: interval between bin centres (default 1)
    @type bin_interval: IntType or FloatType

    @param bin_left: left bin boundary offset (default 0.5)
    @type bin_left: FloatType

    @param bin_right: right bin boundary offset (default 0.5)
    @type bin_right: FloatType

    @return: Binned IntensityMatrix object
    @rtype: pyms.GCMS.Class.IntensityMatrix

    @author: Qiao Wang
    @author: Andrew Isaac
    @author: Vladimir Likic

    if not isinstance(data, GCMS_data):
        error("data must be an GCMS_data object")
    if bin_interval <= 0:
        error("The bin interval must be larger than zero.")
    if not is_number(bin_left):
        error("'bin_left' must be a number.")
    if not is_number(bin_right):
        error("'bin_right' must be a number.")

    min_mass = data.get_min_mass()
    max_mass = data.get_max_mass()

    return __fill_bins(data, min_mass, max_mass, bin_interval, bin_left,
Beispiel #35
def build_intensity_matrix(data, bin_interval=1, bin_left=0.5, bin_right=0.5):

    @summary: Sets the full intensity matrix with flexible bins

    @param data: Raw GCMS data
    @type data: pyms.GCMS.Class.GCMS_data

    @param bin_interval: interval between bin centres (default 1)
    @type bin_interval: IntType or FloatType

    @param bin_left: left bin boundary offset (default 0.5)
    @type bin_left: FloatType

    @param bin_right: right bin boundary offset (default 0.5)
    @type bin_right: FloatType

    @return: Binned IntensityMatrix object
    @rtype: pyms.GCMS.Class.IntensityMatrix

    @author: Qiao Wang
    @author: Andrew Isaac
    @author: Vladimir Likic

    if not isinstance(data, GCMS_data):
        error("data must be an GCMS_data object")
    if bin_interval <= 0:
        error("The bin interval must be larger than zero.")
    if not is_number(bin_left):
        error("'bin_left' must be a number.")
    if not is_number(bin_right):
        error("'bin_right' must be a number.")

    min_mass = data.get_min_mass()
    max_mass = data.get_max_mass()

    return __fill_bins(data, min_mass, max_mass, bin_interval, bin_left, bin_right)
Beispiel #36
def vector_by_step(start: float, stop: float, step: float) -> List[float]:
	Generates a list by using start, stop, and step values.

	:param start: Initial value
	:param stop: Max value
	:param step: Step

	:author: Vladimir Likic
	"""  # noqa: D400

    if not is_number(start) or not is_number(stop) or not is_number(step):
        raise TypeError(
            "parameters 'start', 'stop', and 'step' must be numbers")

    v = []

    p = start
    while p < stop:
        p = p + step

    return v
Beispiel #37
    def set_area(self, area):
        @summary: Sets the area under the peak

        @param area: The peak area
        @type area: FloatType

        @author: Andrew Isaac

        if not is_number(area) or area <= 0:
            error("'area' must be a positive number")

        self.__area = area
Beispiel #38
    def __init__(
        rt: Union[int, float] = 0.0,
        mass: Optional[float] = None,
        minutes: bool = False,
        outlier: bool = False,

        if mass and not is_number(mass):
            raise TypeError("'ms' must be a number")

        self._ic_mass = mass

        super().__init__(rt, minutes, outlier)
Beispiel #39
def build_intensity_matrix_i(data, bin_left=0.3, bin_right=0.7):

    @summary: Sets the full intensity matrix with integer bins

    @param data: Raw GCMS data
    @type data: pyms.GCMS.Class.GCMS_data

    @param bin_left: left bin boundary offset (default 0.3)
    @type bin_left: FloatType

    @param bin_right: right bin boundary offset (default 0.7)
    @type bin_right: FloatType

    @return: Binned IntensityMatrix object
    @rtype: pyms.GCMS.Class.IntensityMatrix

    @author: Qiao Wang
    @author: Andrew Isaac
    @author: Vladimir Likic

    if not isinstance(data, GCMS_data):
        error("data must be an GCMS_data object")
    if not is_number(bin_left):
        error("'bin_left' must be a number.")
    if not is_number(bin_right):
        error("'bin_right' must be a number.")

    min_mass = data.get_min_mass()
    max_mass = data.get_max_mass()

    # Calculate integer min mass based on right boundary
    bin_right = abs(bin_right)
    min_mass = int(min_mass+1-bin_right)

    return __fill_bins(data, min_mass, max_mass, 1, bin_left, bin_right)
Beispiel #40
    def set_area(self, area):

        @summary: Sets the area under the peak

        @param area: The peak area
        @type area: FloatType

        @author: Andrew Isaac

        if not is_number(area) or area <= 0:
            error("'area' must be a positive number")

        self.__area = area
Beispiel #41
def get_maxima_indices(ion_intensities, points=3):

    @summary: Find local maxima.

    @param ion_intensities: A list of intensities for a single ion
    @type ion_intensities: ListType
    @param points: Peak if maxima over 'points' number of scans
    @type points: IntType

    @return: A list of scan indices
    @rtype: ListType

    @author: Andrew Isaac

    if not is_list(ion_intensities) or not is_number(ion_intensities[0]):
        error("'ion_intensities' must be a List of numbers")

    # find peak inflection points
    # use a 'points' point window
    # for a plateau after a rise, need to check if it is the left edge of
    # a peak
    peak_point = []
    edge = -1
    points = int(points)
    half = int(points/2)
    points = 2*half+1  # ensure odd number of points
    for index in range(len(ion_intensities)-points+1):
        left = ion_intensities[index:index+half]
        mid = ion_intensities[index+half]
        right = ion_intensities[index+half+1:index+points]
        # max in middle
        if mid > max(left) and mid > max(right):
            edge = -1  # ignore previous rising edge
        # flat from rise (left of peak?)
        if mid > max(left) and mid == max(right):
            edge = index+half  # ignore previous rising edge, update latest
        # fall from flat
        if mid == max(left) and mid > max(right):
            if edge > -1:
                centre = int((edge+index+half)/2)  # mid point
            edge = -1

    return peak_point
Beispiel #42
    def null_mass(self, mass):

        @summary: Ignore given (closest) mass in spectra

        @param mass: Mass value to remove
        @type mass: IntType or FloatType

        @author: Andrew Isaac

        if not is_number(mass):
            error("'mass' must be numbers")
        if mass < self.__min_mass or mass > self.__max_mass:
            error("'mass' not in mass range: %.3f to %.3f" % (self.__min_mass, \

        ii = self.get_index_of_mass(mass)

        im = self.__intensity_matrix
        for spec_jj in range(len(im)):
            im[spec_jj][ii] = 0
Beispiel #43
    def set_ic_mass(self, mz):

        @summary: Sets the mass for a single ion chromatogram peak
            Clears the mass spectrum

        @param mz: The mass of the ion chromatogram that the peak is from
        @type mz: FloatType

        @return: none
        @rtype: NoneType

        if not is_number(mz):
            error("'mz' must be a number")
        self.__ic_mass = mz
        # clear mass spectrum
        self.__mass_spectrum = None

        # TEST: to test if this speeds things up
        self.mass_spec = None
Beispiel #44
    def null_mass(self, mass):

        @summary: Ignore given mass in spectra

        @param mass: Mass value to remove
        @type mass: IntType or FloatType

        @author: Andrew Isaac

        if self.__mass_spectrum == None:
            error("mass spectrum not set for this peak")

        if not is_number(mass):
            error("'mass' must be numbers")

        mass_list = self.__mass_spectrum.mass_list

        if mass < min(mass_list) or mass > max(mass_list):
            error("'mass' not in mass range:", min(mass_list), "to", \

        best = max(mass_list)
        ix = 0
        for ii in range(len(mass_list)):
            tmp = abs(mass_list[ii] - mass)
            if tmp < best:
                best = tmp
                ix = ii

        self.__mass_spectrum.mass_spec[ix] = 0

        # update UID

        # TEST: to test if this speeds things up
        self.mass_spec = self.__mass_spectrum.mass_spec
Beispiel #45
    def get_index_at_time(self, time):

        @summary: Returns the nearest index corresponding to the given time

        @param time: Time in seconds
        @type time: FloatType

        @return: Nearest index corresponding to given time
        @rtype: IntType

        @author: Lewis Lee
        @author: Tim Erwin
        @author: Milica Ng
        @author: Vladimir Likic

        if not is_number(time):
            error("'time' must be a number")

        if time < self.__min_rt or time > self.__max_rt:
            error("time %.2f is out of bounds (min: %.2f, max: %.2f)" %
                  (time, self.__min_rt, self.__max_rt))

        time_list = self.__time_list
        time_diff_min = self.__max_rt
        ix_match = None

        for ix in range(len(time_list)):

            time_diff = math.fabs(time-time_list[ix])

            if time_diff < time_diff_min:
                ix_match = ix
                time_diff_min = time_diff

        return ix_match
Beispiel #46
def __fill_bins(data, min_mass, max_mass, bin_interval, bin_left, bin_right):

    @summary: Fills the intensity values for all bins

    @param data: Raw GCMS data
    @type data: pyms.GCMS.Class.GCMS_data
    @param min_mass: minimum mass value
    @type min_mass: IntType or FloatType
    @param max_mass: maximum mass value
    @type max_mass: IntType or FloatType
    @param bin_interval: interval between bin centres
    @type bin_interval: IntType or FloatType
    @param bin_left: left bin boundary offset
    @type bin_left: FloatType
    @param bin_right: right bin boundary offset
    @type bin_right: FloatType

    @return: Binned IntensityMatrix object
    @rtype: pyms.GCMS.Class.IntensityMatrix

    @author: Qiao Wang
    @author: Andrew Isaac
    @author: Moshe Olshansky
    @author: Vladimir Likic

    if not isinstance(data, GCMS_data):
        error("data must be an GCMS_data object")
    if not is_number(min_mass):
        error("'min_mass' must be a number")
    if not is_number(max_mass):
        error("'max_mass' must be a number")
    if not is_number(bin_interval):
        error("'bin_interval' must be a number")
    if not is_number(bin_left):
        error("'bin_left' must be a number.")
    if not is_number(bin_right):
        error("'bin_right' must be a number.")
    if not (abs(bin_left+bin_right-bin_interval) < 1.0e-6*bin_interval):
        error("there should be no gaps or overlap.")

    bin_left = abs(bin_left)
    bin_right = abs(bin_right)

    # To convert to int range, ensure bounds are < 1
    bl = bin_left - int(bin_left)

    # Number of bins
    num_bins = int(float(max_mass+bl-min_mass)/bin_interval)+1

    # initialise masses to bin centres
    mass_list = [i * bin_interval + min_mass for i in xrange(num_bins)]

    # Modified binning loops. I've replaced the deepcopy getting routines with
    # the alias properties. This way we can avoid performing the copies when
    # it is clear that we do not intend on modifying the contents of the arrays
    # here.
    #           - Luke Hodkinson, 18/05/2010

    # fill the bins
    intensity_matrix = []
    for scan in data.scan_list: # use the alias, not the copy (Luke)
        intensity_list = [0.0] * num_bins
        masses = scan.mass_list # use the alias, not the copy (Luke)
        intensities = scan.intensity_list # use the alias, not the copy (Luke)
        for ii in xrange(len(masses)):
            mm = int((masses[ii] + bl - min_mass)/bin_interval)
            intensity_list[mm] += intensities[ii]

    return IntensityMatrix(data.get_time_list(), mass_list, intensity_matrix)
Beispiel #47
def __fill_bins_old(data, min_mass, max_mass, bin_interval, bin_left, bin_right):

    @summary: Fills the intensity values for all bins

    @param data: Raw GCMS data
    @type data: pyms.GCMS.Class.GCMS_data
    @param min_mass: minimum mass value
    @type min_mass: IntType or FloatType
    @param max_mass: maximum mass value
    @type max_mass: IntType or FloatType
    @param bin_interval: interval between bin centres
    @type bin_interval: IntType or FloatType
    @param bin_left: left bin boundary offset
    @type bin_left: FloatType
    @param bin_right: right bin boundary offset
    @type bin_right: FloatType

    @return: Binned IntensityMatrix object
    @rtype: pyms.GCMS.Class.IntensityMatrix

    @author: Qiao Wang
    @author: Andrew Isaac
    @author: Vladimir Likic

    if not isinstance(data, GCMS_data):
        error("data must be an GCMS_data object")
    if not is_number(min_mass):
        error("'min_mass' must be a number")
    if not is_number(max_mass):
        error("'max_mass' must be a number")
    if not is_number(bin_interval):
        error("'bin_interval' must be a number")
    if not is_number(bin_left):
        error("'bin_left' must be a number.")
    if not is_number(bin_right):
        error("'bin_right' must be a number.")

    bin_left = abs(bin_left)
    bin_right = abs(bin_right)

    # To convert to int range, ensure bounds are < 1
    bl = bin_left - int(bin_left)

    # Number of bins
    num_bins = int(float(max_mass+bl-min_mass)/bin_interval)+1

    # initialise masses to bin centres
    mass_list = [i * bin_interval + min_mass for i in xrange(num_bins)]

    # fill the bins
    intensity_matrix = []
    for scan in data.get_scan_list():
        intensity_list = [0.0] * num_bins
        masses = scan.get_mass_list()
        intensities = scan.get_intensity_list()
        for mm in xrange(num_bins):
            for ii in xrange(len(scan)):
                if masses[ii] >= mass_list[mm]-bin_left and \
                masses[ii] < mass_list[mm]+bin_right:
                    intensity_list[mm] += intensities[ii]

    return IntensityMatrix(data.get_time_list(), mass_list, intensity_matrix)
Beispiel #48
def save_data(file_name, data, format_str="%.6f", prepend="", sep=" ",

    @summary: Saves a list of numbers or a list of lists of numbers
    to a file with specific formatting

    @param file_name: Name of a file
    @type: StringType
    @param data: A list of numbers, or a list of lists
    @type: ListType
    @param format_str: A format string for individual entries
    @type: StringType
    @param prepend: A string, printed before each row
    @type: StringType
    @param sep: A string, printed after each number
    @type: StringType
    @param compressed: A boolean. If True, the output will be gzipped
    @type: BooleanType

    @return: none
    @rtype: NoneType

    @author: Vladimir Likic

    if not is_str(file_name):
        error("'file_name' is not a string")

    if not is_list(data):
        error("'data' is not a list")

    if not is_str(prepend):
        error("'prepend' is not a string")

    if not is_str(sep):
        error("'sep' is not a string")

    fp = open_for_writing(file_name)

    # decide whether data is a vector or matrix
    if is_number(data[0]):
        for item in data:
            if not is_number(item):
                error("not all elements of the list are numbers")
        data_is_matrix = 0
        for item in data:
            if not is_list(item):
                error("not all elements of the list are lists")
        data_is_matrix = 1

    if data_is_matrix:
        for ii in range(len(data)):
            for jj in range(len(data[ii])):
                if is_number(data[ii][jj]):
                    fp.write(format_str % (data[ii][jj]))
                    if (jj<(len(data[ii])-1)): fp.write(sep)
                    error("datum not a number")
        for ii in range(len(data)):
            fp.write(format_str % (data[ii]))


    if compressed:
        status = os.system('gzip %s' % (file_name))
        if status != 0:
            error("gzip compress failed")
Beispiel #49
    def __init__(self, time_list, mass_list, intensity_matrix):

        @summary: Initialize the IntensityMatrix data

        @param time_list: Retention time values
        @type time_list: ListType

        @param mass_list: Binned mass values
        @type mass_list: ListType

        @param intensity_matrix: Binned intensity values per scan
        @type intensity_matrix: ListType

        @author: Andrew Isaac

        # sanity check
        if not is_list(time_list) or not is_number(time_list[0]):
            error("'time_list' must be a list of numbers")
        if not is_list(mass_list) or not is_number(mass_list[0]):
            error("'mass_list' must be a list of numbers")
        if not is_list(intensity_matrix) or \
           not is_list(intensity_matrix[0]) or \
           not is_number(intensity_matrix[0][0]):
            error("'intensity_matrix' must be a list, of a list, of numbers")
        if not len(time_list) == len(intensity_matrix):
            error("'time_list' is not the same length as 'intensity_matrix'")
        if not len(mass_list) == len(intensity_matrix[0]):
            error("'mass_list' is not the same size as 'intensity_matrix'"
                " width")

        self.__time_list = time_list
        self.__mass_list = mass_list
        self.__intensity_matrix = intensity_matrix

        self.__min_mass = min(mass_list)
        self.__max_mass = max(mass_list)

        # Direct access for speed (DANGEROUS)
        self.intensity_matrix = self.__intensity_matrix

        # Try to include parallelism.
            from mpi4py import MPI
            comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD
            num_ranks = comm.Get_size()
            rank = comm.Get_rank()
            M, N = len(intensity_matrix), len(intensity_matrix[0])
            lrr = (rank*M/num_ranks, (rank + 1)*M/num_ranks)
            lcr = (rank*N/num_ranks, (rank + 1)*N/num_ranks)
            m, n = (lrr[1] - lrr[0], lcr[1] - lcr[0])
            self.comm = comm
            self.num_ranks = num_ranks
            self.rank = rank
            self.M = M
            self.N = N
            self.local_row_range = lrr
            self.local_col_range = lcr
            self.m = m
            self.n = n

        # If we can't import mpi4py then continue in serial.