def testWithMySQLPassword(self):
            # Set a password for the unittest user:
            if self.mysql_ge_7:
                self.mysqldb.execute("SET PASSWORD FOR unittest@localhost = 'foobar'")
                self.mysqldb.execute("SET PASSWORD FOR unittest@localhost = PASSWORD('foobar')")

            # We should be unable to log in without a pwd:
            with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
                self.mysqldb = MySQLDB(host='localhost', user='******', db='unittest')
            # Open new pymysql_db.MySQLDb instance, supplying pwd: 
            self.mysqldb = MySQLDB(host='localhost', user='******', passwd='foobar', db='unittest')
            # Do a test query:
            res = self.mysqldb.query("SELECT col2 FROM unittest WHERE col1 = 10;").next()
            self.assertEqual(res, 'col1')
            # Bulk insert is also different for pwd vs. none:
            # Make sure the remove the pwd from user unittest,
            # so that other tests will run successfully:
            if self.mysql_ge_7:
                self.mysqldb.execute("SET PASSWORD FOR unittest@localhost = ''")
                self.mysqldb.execute("SET PASSWORD FOR unittest@localhost = PASSWORD('')")
    def testQueryIterator(self):

        for rowNum, result in enumerate(self.mysqldb.query('SELECT col1,col2 FROM unittest')):
            if rowNum == 0:
                self.assertEqual((10, 'col1'), result)
            elif rowNum == 1:
                self.assertEqual((20, 'col2'), result)
            elif rowNum == 2:
                self.assertEqual((30, 'col3'), result)

        # Test the dict cursor
        self.mysqldb = MySQLDB(host='localhost',
        for result in self.mysqldb.query('SELECT col1,col2 FROM unittest'):
            self.assertIsInstance(result, dict)
            if result['col1'] == 10:
                self.assertEqual(result['col2'], 'col1')
            elif result['col1'] == 20:
                self.assertEqual(result['col2'], 'col2')
            elif result['col1'] == 30:
                self.assertEqual(result['col2'], 'col3')
 def setUp(self):
     if not TestPymysqlUtils.env_ok:
         raise RuntimeError(TestPymysqlUtils.err_msg)
         self.mysqldb = MySQLDB(host='localhost', port=3306, user='******', db='unittest')
     except ValueError as e: + " (For unit testing, localhost MySQL server must have user 'unittest' without password, and a database called 'unittest')")
     # Make MySQL version more convenient to check:
     if TestPymysqlUtils.minor >= 7:
         self.mysql_ge_7 = True
         self.mysql_ge_7 = False
    def testCreateTempTable(self):
        mySchema = {
          'col1' : 'INT',
          'col2' : 'varchar(255)',
          'col3' : 'FLOAT',
          'col4' : 'TEXT',
          #'col5' : 'JSON'  # Only works MySQL 5.7 and up.
        self.mysqldb.createTable('myTbl', mySchema, temporary=True)
        # Check that tbl exists.
        # NOTE: can't use query to mysql.informationschema,
        # b/c temp tables aren't listed there.
            # Will return some tuple; we don't
            # care what exaclty, as long as the
            # cmd doesn't fail:
            self.mysqldb.query('DESC myTbl').next()
        except Exception:
  'Temporary table not found after creation.')
        # Start new session, which should remove the table.
        # Query mysql information schema to check for table
        # present. Use raw cursor to test independently from
        # the pymysql_utils query() method:

            self.mysqldb = MySQLDB(host='localhost', port=3306, user='******', db='unittest')
        except ValueError as e:
   + "Could not re-establish MySQL connection.")

        # NOTE: can't use query to mysql.informationschema,
        # b/c temp tables aren't listed there.
            self.mysqldb.query('DESC myTbl').next()
  "Temporary table did not disappear with session exit.")
        except ValueError:
Beispiel #5
 def setUp(self):
     #self.mysqldb = MySQLDB(host='', port=3306, user='******', passwd='', db='unittest')
         self.mysqldb = MySQLDB(host='localhost', port=3306, user='******', db='unittest')
     except ValueError as e: + " (For unit testing, localhost MySQL server must have user 'unittest' without password, and a database called 'unittest')")
Beispiel #6
class TestMySQL(unittest.TestCase):
    To make these unittests work, prepare the local MySQL db as follows:
        o CREATE USER unittest;
        o CREATE DATABASE unittest;
		o GRANT SELECT ON unittest.* TO 'unittest'@'localhost';
		o GRANT INSERT ON unittest.* TO 'unittest'@'localhost';
	    o GRANT DROP ON unittest.* TO 'unittest'@'localhost';
	    o GRANT CREATE ON unittest.* TO 'unittest'@'localhost';


    def setUp(self):
        #self.mysqldb = MySQLDB(host='', port=3306, user='******', passwd='', db='unittest')
            self.mysqldb = MySQLDB(host='localhost', port=3306, user='******', db='unittest')
        except ValueError as e:
   + " (For unit testing, localhost MySQL server must have user 'unittest' without password, and a database called 'unittest')")

    def tearDown(self):

    @unittest.skipIf(not TEST_ALL, "Temporarily disabled")    
    def testInsert(self):
        schema = OrderedDict([('col1','INT'), ('col2','TEXT')])
        self.mysqldb.createTable('unittest', schema)
        colnameValueDict = OrderedDict([('col1',10)])
        self.mysqldb.insert('unittest', colnameValueDict)
        self.assertEqual((10,None), self.mysqldb.query("SELECT * FROM unittest").next())
        #for value in self.mysqldb.query("SELECT * FROM unittest"):
        #    print value
    @unittest.skipIf(not TEST_ALL, "Temporarily disabled")    
    def testInsertSeveralColums(self):
        schema = OrderedDict([('col1','INT'), ('col2','TEXT')])
        self.mysqldb.createTable('unittest', schema)
        colnameValueDict = OrderedDict([('col1',10), ('col2','My Poem')])
        self.mysqldb.insert('unittest', colnameValueDict)
        res = self.mysqldb.query("SELECT * FROM unittest").next()
        self.assertEqual((10,'My Poem'), res)
    @unittest.skipIf(not TEST_ALL, "Temporarily disabled")    
    def testQueryIterator(self):
        for rowNum, result in enumerate(self.mysqldb.query('SELECT col1,col2 FROM unittest')):
            if rowNum == 0:
                self.assertEqual((10,'col1'), result)
            elif rowNum == 1:
                self.assertEqual((20,'col2'), result)
            elif rowNum == 2:
                self.assertEqual((30,'col3'), result)
    @unittest.skipIf(not TEST_ALL, "Temporarily disabled")    
    def testTruncate(self):
            self.mysqldb.query("SELECT * FROM unittest").next()
        except StopIteration:
    @unittest.skipIf(not TEST_ALL, "Temporarily disabled")    
    def testExecuteArbitraryQuery(self):
        self.mysqldb.execute("UPDATE unittest SET col1=120")
        for result in self.mysqldb.query('SELECT col1 FROM unittest'):
            self.assertEqual((120,), result)
    @unittest.skipIf(not TEST_ALL, "Temporarily disabled")    
    def testExecuteArbitraryQueryParameterized(self):
        myVal = 130
        self.mysqldb.executeParameterized("UPDATE unittest SET col1=%s", (myVal,))
        for result in self.mysqldb.query('SELECT col1 FROM unittest'):
            self.assertEqual((130,), result)
    @unittest.skipIf(not TEST_ALL, "Temporarily disabled")    
    def testBulkInsert(self):
        self.mysqldb.execute('ALTER TABLE unittest ADD PRIMARY KEY(col1)')
        colNames = ['col1','col2']
        colValues = [(10, 'newCol1')]

        self.mysqldb.bulkInsert('unittest', colNames, colValues)
        self.assertTupleEqual(('col1',), self.mysqldb.query('SELECT col2 FROM unittest WHERE col1 = 10').next())
        self.mysqldb.bulkInsert('unittest', colNames, colValues, onDupKey=DupKeyAction.REPLACE)
        self.assertTupleEqual(('newCol1',), self.mysqldb.query('SELECT col2 FROM unittest WHERE col1 = 10').next())

    def buildSmallDb(self):
        schema = OrderedDict([('col1','INT'),('col2','TEXT')])
        self.mysqldb.createTable('unittest', schema)
        colNames = ['col1','col2']
        colValues = [(10, 'col1'),(20,'col2'),(30,'col3')]
        self.mysqldb.bulkInsert('unittest', colNames, colValues)
    def testBadParameters(self):

        # Test setting parameters illegally to None: 
            with self.assertRaises(Exception) as context:
                MySQLDB(host=None, port=3306, user='******', db='unittest')
            self.assertTrue("None value(s) for ['host']; none of host,port,user,passwd or db must be None" 
                            in context.exception)
            with self.assertRaises(Exception) as context:
                MySQLDB(host='localhost', port=None, user='******', db='unittest')
            self.assertTrue("None value(s) for ['port']; none of host,port,user,passwd or db must be None" 
                            in context.exception)
            with self.assertRaises(Exception) as context:
                MySQLDB(host='localhost', port=3306, user=None, db='unittest')
            self.assertTrue("None value(s) for ['user']; none of host,port,user,passwd or db must be None" 
                            in context.exception)
            with self.assertRaises(Exception) as context:
                MySQLDB(host='localhost', port=3306, user='******', db=None)
            self.assertTrue("None value(s) for ['db']; none of host,port,user,passwd or db must be None" 
                            in context.exception)
            with self.assertRaises(Exception) as context:
                MySQLDB(host='localhost', port=3306, user='******', passwd=None, db='unittest')
            self.assertTrue("None value(s) for ['passwd']; none of host,port,user,passwd or db must be None" in context.exception)
            with self.assertRaises(Exception) as context:
                MySQLDB(host=None, port=3306, user=None, db=None)
            self.assertTrue("None value(s) for ['host', 'db', 'user']; none of host,port,user,passwd or db must be None" 
                            in context.exception)
        except AssertionError:
            # Create a better message than 'False is not True'.
            # That useless msg is generated if an expected exception
            # above is NOT raised:
            raise AssertionError('Expected ValueError exception "%s" was not raised.' % context.exception.message)
        # Check data types of parameters:
            # One illegal type: host==10:
            with self.assertRaises(Exception) as context:
                # Integer instead of string for host:
                MySQLDB(host=10, port=3306, user='******', db='myDb')
            self.assertTrue("Value(s) ['host'] have bad type;host,user,passwd, and db must be strings; port must be int."
                            in context.exception)
            # Two illegal types: host and user:
            with self.assertRaises(Exception) as context:
                # Integer instead of string for host:
                MySQLDB(host=10, port=3306, user=30, db='myDb')
            self.assertTrue("Value(s) ['host', 'user'] have bad type;host,user,passwd, and db must be strings; port must be int."
                            in context.exception)
            # Port being string instead of required int:
            with self.assertRaises(Exception) as context:
                # Integer instead of string for host:
                MySQLDB(host='myHost', port='3306', user='******', db='myDb')
            self.assertTrue("Port must be an integer; was <type 'str'>." in context.exception)
        except AssertionError:
            # Create a better message than 'False is not True'.
            # That useless msg is generated if an expected exception
            # above is NOT raised:
            raise AssertionError('Expected ValueError exception "%s" was not raised.' % context.exception.message)
    def setUpClass(cls):
        # Ensure that a user unittest with the proper
        # permissions exists in the db:
        TestPymysqlUtils.env_ok = True
        TestPymysqlUtils.err_msg = ''
            needed_grants = ['SELECT', 'INSERT', 'UPDATE', 
                             'DELETE', 'CREATE', 'CREATE TEMPORARY TABLES', 
                             'DROP', 'ALTER']
            mysqldb = MySQLDB(host='localhost', port=3306, user='******', db='unittest')
            grant_query = 'SHOW GRANTS FOR unittest@localhost'
            query_it = mysqldb.query(grant_query)
            # First row of the SHOW GRANTS response should be:
            first_grant = "GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO 'unittest'@'localhost'"
            # Second row depends on the order in which the 
            # grants were provided. The row will look something
            # like:
            #   GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, ..., CREATE, DROP, ALTER ON `unittest`.* TO 'unittest'@'localhost'
            # Verify:
            if != first_grant:
                TestPymysqlUtils.err_msg = '''
                    User 'unittest' is missing USAGE grant needed to run the tests.
                    Also need this in your MySQL: 
                    ''' % 'GRANT %s ON unittest.* TO unittest@localhost' % ','.join(needed_grants)
                TestPymysqlUtils.env_ok = False
            grants_str =
            for needed_grant in needed_grants:
                if grants_str.find(needed_grant) == -1:
                    TestPymysqlUtils.err_msg = '''
                    User 'unittest' does not have the '%s' permission needed to run the tests.
                    Need this in your MySQL:
                    ''' % (needed_grant, 'GRANT %s ON unittest.* TO unittest@localhost;' % ','.join(needed_grants))
                    TestPymysqlUtils.env_ok = False
        except ValueError:
            TestPymysqlUtils.err_msg = '''
               For unit testing, localhost MySQL server must have 
               user 'unittest' without password, and a database 
               called 'unittest'. To create these prerequisites 
               in MySQL:
                    CREATE USER unittest@localhost;
                    CREATE DATABASE unittest; 
               This user needs permissions:
               ''' % 'GRANT %s ON unittest.* TO unittest@localhost;' % ','.join(needed_grants)
            TestPymysqlUtils.env_ok = False

        # Check MySQL version:
            (major, minor) = TestPymysqlUtils.get_mysql_version()
        except Exception as e:
            raise OSError('Could not get mysql version number: %s' % str(e))
        if major is None:
            print('Warning: MySQL version number not found; testing as if V5.7')
            TestPymysqlUtils.major = 5
            TestPymysqlUtils.minor = 7
            TestPymysqlUtils.major = major
            TestPymysqlUtils.minor = minor
            if major != 5 or (minor != 6 and minor != 7):
                print('Warning: MySQL version is %s.%s; but testing as if V5.7')
class TestPymysqlUtils(unittest.TestCase):
    Tests pymysql_utils.    
    def setUpClass(cls):
        # Ensure that a user unittest with the proper
        # permissions exists in the db:
        TestPymysqlUtils.env_ok = True
        TestPymysqlUtils.err_msg = ''
            needed_grants = ['SELECT', 'INSERT', 'UPDATE', 
                             'DELETE', 'CREATE', 'CREATE TEMPORARY TABLES', 
                             'DROP', 'ALTER']
            mysqldb = MySQLDB(host='localhost', port=3306, user='******', db='unittest')
            grant_query = 'SHOW GRANTS FOR unittest@localhost'
            query_it = mysqldb.query(grant_query)
            # First row of the SHOW GRANTS response should be:
            first_grant = "GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO 'unittest'@'localhost'"
            # Second row depends on the order in which the 
            # grants were provided. The row will look something
            # like:
            #   GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, ..., CREATE, DROP, ALTER ON `unittest`.* TO 'unittest'@'localhost'
            # Verify:
            if != first_grant:
                TestPymysqlUtils.err_msg = '''
                    User 'unittest' is missing USAGE grant needed to run the tests.
                    Also need this in your MySQL: 
                    ''' % 'GRANT %s ON unittest.* TO unittest@localhost' % ','.join(needed_grants)
                TestPymysqlUtils.env_ok = False
            grants_str =
            for needed_grant in needed_grants:
                if grants_str.find(needed_grant) == -1:
                    TestPymysqlUtils.err_msg = '''
                    User 'unittest' does not have the '%s' permission needed to run the tests.
                    Need this in your MySQL:
                    ''' % (needed_grant, 'GRANT %s ON unittest.* TO unittest@localhost;' % ','.join(needed_grants))
                    TestPymysqlUtils.env_ok = False
        except ValueError:
            TestPymysqlUtils.err_msg = '''
               For unit testing, localhost MySQL server must have 
               user 'unittest' without password, and a database 
               called 'unittest'. To create these prerequisites 
               in MySQL:
                    CREATE USER unittest@localhost;
                    CREATE DATABASE unittest; 
               This user needs permissions:
               ''' % 'GRANT %s ON unittest.* TO unittest@localhost;' % ','.join(needed_grants)
            TestPymysqlUtils.env_ok = False

        # Check MySQL version:
            (major, minor) = TestPymysqlUtils.get_mysql_version()
        except Exception as e:
            raise OSError('Could not get mysql version number: %s' % str(e))
        if major is None:
            print('Warning: MySQL version number not found; testing as if V5.7')
            TestPymysqlUtils.major = 5
            TestPymysqlUtils.minor = 7
            TestPymysqlUtils.major = major
            TestPymysqlUtils.minor = minor
            if major != 5 or (minor != 6 and minor != 7):
                print('Warning: MySQL version is %s.%s; but testing as if V5.7')

    def setUp(self):
        if not TestPymysqlUtils.env_ok:
            raise RuntimeError(TestPymysqlUtils.err_msg)
            self.mysqldb = MySQLDB(host='localhost', port=3306, user='******', db='unittest')
        except ValueError as e:
   + " (For unit testing, localhost MySQL server must have user 'unittest' without password, and a database called 'unittest')")
        # Make MySQL version more convenient to check:
        if TestPymysqlUtils.minor >= 7:
            self.mysql_ge_7 = True
            self.mysql_ge_7 = False

    def tearDown(self):
        if self.mysqldb.isOpen():
            # Make sure the test didn't set a password
            # for user unittest in the db:
            self.mysqldb.execute("SET PASSWORD FOR unittest@localhost = '';")

    # ----------------------- Table Manilupation -------------------------

    # Creating and Dropping Tables 
    @unittest.skipIf(not TEST_ALL, "Temporarily disabled")    
    def testCreateAndDropTable(self):
        mySchema = {
          'col1' : 'INT',
          'col2' : 'varchar(255)',
          'col3' : 'FLOAT',
          'col4' : 'TEXT',
          #'col5' : 'JSON'  # Only works MySQL 5.7 and up.
        self.mysqldb.createTable('myTbl', mySchema, temporary=False)
        tbl_desc = subprocess.check_output([self.mysqldb.mysql_loc,
                                           'DESC myTbl;'])
        expected = 'Field\tType\tNull\tKey\tDefault\tExtra\n' + \
                   'col4\ttext\tYES\t\tNULL\t\n' + \
                   'col2\tvarchar(255)\tYES\t\tNULL\t\n' + \
                   'col3\tfloat\tYES\t\tNULL\t\n' + \
        self.assertEqual(tbl_desc, expected)
        # Query mysql information schema to check for table
        # present. Use raw cursor to test independently from
        # the pymysql_utils query() method:
        cursor = self.mysqldb.connection.cursor()
        tbl_exists_query = '''
                  SELECT table_name 
                    FROM information_schema.tables 
                   WHERE table_schema = 'unittest' 
                     AND table_name = 'myTbl';
        self.assertEqual(cursor.rowcount, 0)

    # Creating Temporary Tables 
    @unittest.skipIf(not TEST_ALL, "Temporarily disabled")    
    def testCreateTempTable(self):
        mySchema = {
          'col1' : 'INT',
          'col2' : 'varchar(255)',
          'col3' : 'FLOAT',
          'col4' : 'TEXT',
          #'col5' : 'JSON'  # Only works MySQL 5.7 and up.
        self.mysqldb.createTable('myTbl', mySchema, temporary=True)
        # Check that tbl exists.
        # NOTE: can't use query to mysql.informationschema,
        # b/c temp tables aren't listed there.
            # Will return some tuple; we don't
            # care what exaclty, as long as the
            # cmd doesn't fail:
            self.mysqldb.query('DESC myTbl').next()
        except Exception:
  'Temporary table not found after creation.')
        # Start new session, which should remove the table.
        # Query mysql information schema to check for table
        # present. Use raw cursor to test independently from
        # the pymysql_utils query() method:

            self.mysqldb = MySQLDB(host='localhost', port=3306, user='******', db='unittest')
        except ValueError as e:
   + "Could not re-establish MySQL connection.")

        # NOTE: can't use query to mysql.informationschema,
        # b/c temp tables aren't listed there.
            self.mysqldb.query('DESC myTbl').next()
  "Temporary table did not disappear with session exit.")
        except ValueError:

    # Table Truncation 
    @unittest.skipIf(not TEST_ALL, "Temporarily disabled")    
    def testTruncate(self):
        # Initial test db with known num of rows:
        rows_in_test_db = self.buildSmallDb()
        cursor = self.mysqldb.connection.cursor()
        cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM unittest;')
        self.assertEqual(cursor.rowcount, rows_in_test_db)
        cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM unittest;')
        self.assertEqual(cursor.rowcount, 0)

    # ----------------------- Insertion and Update -------------------------
    # Insert One Row 
    @unittest.skipIf(not TEST_ALL, "Temporarily disabled")    
    def testInsert(self):
        schema = OrderedDict([('col1', 'INT'), ('col2', 'TEXT')])
        self.mysqldb.createTable('unittest', schema)
        colnameValueDict = OrderedDict([('col1', 10)])
        self.mysqldb.insert('unittest', colnameValueDict)
        self.assertEqual((10, None), self.mysqldb.query("SELECT * FROM unittest").next())
        # for value in self.mysqldb.query("SELECT * FROM unittest"):
        #    print value
        # Insert row with an explicit None:
        colnameValueDict = OrderedDict([('col1', None)])
        self.mysqldb.insert('unittest', colnameValueDict)
        cursor = self.mysqldb.connection.cursor()
        cursor.execute('SELECT col1 FROM unittest')
        # Swallow the first row: 10, Null:
        # Get col1 of the row we added (the 2nd row):
        val = cursor.fetchone()
        self.assertEqual(val, (None,))
    # Insert One Row With Error 
    @unittest.skipIf(not TEST_ALL, "Temporarily disabled")    
    def testInsertWithError(self):
        schema = OrderedDict([('col1', 'INT'), ('col2', 'TEXT')])
        self.mysqldb.createTable('unittest', schema)
        colnameValueDict = OrderedDict([('col1', 10)])
        (errors,warnings) = self.mysqldb.insert('unittest', colnameValueDict)
        self.assertEqual((10, None), self.mysqldb.query("SELECT * FROM unittest").next())
        # for value in self.mysqldb.query("SELECT * FROM unittest"):
        #    print value

    # Insert Several Columns 

    @unittest.skipIf(not TEST_ALL, "Temporarily disabled")    
    def testInsertSeveralColumns(self):
        schema = OrderedDict([('col1', 'INT'), ('col2', 'TEXT')])
        self.mysqldb.createTable('unittest', schema)
        colnameValueDict = OrderedDict([('col1', 10), ('col2', 'My Poem')])
        self.mysqldb.insert('unittest', colnameValueDict)
        res = self.mysqldb.query("SELECT * FROM unittest").next()
        self.assertEqual((10, 'My Poem'), res)

    # Bulk Insertion 
    @unittest.skipIf(not TEST_ALL, "Temporarily disabled")    
    def testBulkInsert(self):
        # Called twice: once by the unittest engine,
        # and again by testWithMySQLPassword() to 
        # exercise the pwd-bound branch in bulkInsert().
        # Build test db (this already tests basic bulkinsert):
        #                  col1   col2
        #                   10,  'col1'
        #                   20,  'col2'
        #                   30,  'col3'
        self.mysqldb.execute('ALTER TABLE unittest ADD PRIMARY KEY(col1)')
        # Provoke a MySQL error: duplicate primary key (i.e. 10): 
        # Add another row:  10,  'newCol1':
        colNames = ['col1', 'col2']
        colValues = [(10, 'newCol1')]
        (errors, warnings) = self.mysqldb.bulkInsert('unittest', colNames, colValues) #@UnusedVariable
        # For MySQL 5.7, expect something like:
        #    ((u'Warning', 1062L, u"Duplicate entry '10' for key 'PRIMARY'"),)
        # MySQL 5.6 just skips: 
        if self.mysql_ge_7:
            self.assertEqual(len(warnings), 1)
        # First tuple should still be (10, 'col1'):
        self.assertEqual('col1', self.mysqldb.query('SELECT col2 FROM unittest WHERE col1 = 10').next())
        # Try update again, but with replacement:
        (errors, warnings) = self.mysqldb.bulkInsert('unittest', colNames, colValues, onDupKey=DupKeyAction.REPLACE) #@UnusedVariable
        # Now row should have changed:
        self.assertEqual('newCol1', self.mysqldb.query('SELECT col2 FROM unittest WHERE col1 = 10').next())
        # Insert a row with duplicate key, specifying IGNORE:
        colNames = ['col1', 'col2']
        colValues = [(10, 'newCol2')]
        (errors, warnings) = self.mysqldb.bulkInsert('unittest', colNames, colValues, onDupKey=DupKeyAction.IGNORE) #@UnusedVariable
        # Even when ignoring dup keys, MySQL 5.7 issues a warning
        # for each dup key:
        if self.mysql_ge_7:
            self.assertEqual(len(warnings), 1)
        self.assertEqual('newCol1', self.mysqldb.query('SELECT col2 FROM unittest WHERE col1 = 10').next())
        # Insertions that include NULL values:
        colValues = [(40, None), (50, None)]
        (errors, warnings) = self.mysqldb.bulkInsert('unittest', colNames, colValues) #@UnusedVariable
        self.assertEqual(None, self.mysqldb.query('SELECT col2 FROM UNITTEST WHERE col1 = 40').next())
        self.assertEqual(None, self.mysqldb.query('SELECT col2 FROM UNITTEST WHERE col1 = 50').next())
        # Provoke an error:
        colNames = ['col1', 'col2', 'col3']
        colValues = [(10, 'newCol2')]
        (errors, warnings) = self.mysqldb.bulkInsert('unittest', colNames, colValues, onDupKey=DupKeyAction.IGNORE) #@UnusedVariable
        self.assertEqual(len(errors), 1)
    # Updates 

    @unittest.skipIf(not TEST_ALL, "Temporarily disabled")    
    def testUpdate(self):
        num_rows = self.buildSmallDb()
        cursor = self.mysqldb.connection.cursor()
        # Initially, col2 of row0 must be 'col1':
        cursor.execute('SELECT col2 FROM unittest WHERE col1 = 10')
        col2_row_zero = cursor.fetchone()
        self.assertTupleEqual(col2_row_zero, ('col1',))
        self.mysqldb.update('unittest', 'col1', 40, fromCondition='col1 = 10')
        # Now no col1 with value 10 should exist:
        cursor.execute('SELECT col2 FROM unittest WHERE col1 = 10')
        self.assertEqual(cursor.rowcount, 0)
        # But a row with col1 == 40 should have col2 == 'col1':
        cursor.execute('SELECT col2 FROM unittest WHERE col1 = 40')
        col2_res = cursor.fetchone()
        self.assertTupleEqual(col2_res, ('col1',))
        # Update *all* rows in one column:
        self.mysqldb.update('unittest', 'col1', 0)
        cursor.execute('SELECT count(*) FROM unittest WHERE col1 = 0')
        res_count = cursor.fetchone()
        self.assertTupleEqual(res_count, (num_rows,))
        # Update with a MySQL NULL value by using Python None
        # for input and output:
        self.mysqldb.update('unittest', 'col1', None)
        cursor.execute('SELECT count(*) FROM unittest WHERE col1 is %s', (None,))
        res_count = cursor.fetchone()
        self.assertTupleEqual(res_count, (num_rows,))
        # Update with a MySQL NULL value by using Python None
        # with WHERE clause: only set col1 to NULL where col2 = 'col2',
        # i.e. in the 2nd row:
        num_rows = self.buildSmallDb()

        self.mysqldb.update('unittest', 'col1', None, "col2 = 'col2'")
        cursor.execute('SELECT count(*) FROM unittest WHERE col1 is %s', (None,))
        res_count = cursor.fetchone()
        self.assertTupleEqual(res_count, (1,))
        # Provoke an error:
        (errors,warnings) = self.mysqldb.update('unittest', 'col6', 40, fromCondition='col1 = 10') #@UnusedVariable
        self.assertEqual(len(errors), 1)
    # ----------------------- Queries -------------------------         

    # Query With Result Iteration 
    @unittest.skipIf(not TEST_ALL, "Temporarily disabled")    
    def testQueryIterator(self):

        for rowNum, result in enumerate(self.mysqldb.query('SELECT col1,col2 FROM unittest')):
            if rowNum == 0:
                self.assertEqual((10, 'col1'), result)
            elif rowNum == 1:
                self.assertEqual((20, 'col2'), result)
            elif rowNum == 2:
                self.assertEqual((30, 'col3'), result)

        # Test the dict cursor
        self.mysqldb = MySQLDB(host='localhost',
        for result in self.mysqldb.query('SELECT col1,col2 FROM unittest'):
            self.assertIsInstance(result, dict)
            if result['col1'] == 10:
                self.assertEqual(result['col2'], 'col1')
            elif result['col1'] == 20:
                self.assertEqual(result['col2'], 'col2')
            elif result['col1'] == 30:
                self.assertEqual(result['col2'], 'col3')

    # Query Unparameterized 
    @unittest.skipIf(not TEST_ALL, "Temporarily disabled")    
    def testExecuteArbitraryQuery(self):
        self.mysqldb.execute("UPDATE unittest SET col1=120")
        for result in self.mysqldb.query('SELECT col1 FROM unittest'):
            self.assertEqual(120, result)
    # Query Parameterized 
    @unittest.skipIf(not TEST_ALL, "Temporarily disabled")    
    def testExecuteArbitraryQueryParameterized(self):
        myVal = 130
        self.mysqldb.executeParameterized("UPDATE unittest SET col1=%s", (myVal,))
        for result in self.mysqldb.query('SELECT col1 FROM unittest'):
            self.assertEqual(130, result)
        # Provoke an error:
        (errors,warnings) = self.mysqldb.executeParameterized("UPDATE unittest SET col10=%s", (myVal,)) #@UnusedVariable
        self.assertEqual(len(errors), 1)
    # Reading System Variables 

    @unittest.skipIf(not TEST_ALL, "Temporarily disabled")    
    def testReadSysVariable(self):
        this_host = socket.gethostname()
        mysql_hostname = self.mysqldb.query('SELECT @@hostname').next()
        self.assertEqual(mysql_hostname, this_host)

    # User-Level Variables 
    @unittest.skipIf(not TEST_ALL, "Temporarily disabled")    
    def testUserVariables(self):

        pre_foo = self.mysqldb.query("SELECT @foo").next()
        self.assertEqual(pre_foo, None)
        self.mysqldb.execute("SET @foo = 'new value';")
        post_foo = self.mysqldb.query("SELECT @foo").next()
        self.assertEqual(post_foo, 'new value')
        self.mysqldb.execute("SET @foo = 'NULL';")

    # testDbName 

    @unittest.skipIf(not TEST_ALL, "Temporarily disabled")    
    def testDbName(self):
        self.assertEqual(self.mysqldb.dbName(), 'unittest')
    @unittest.skipIf(not TEST_ALL, "Temporarily disabled")    
    def testWithMySQLPassword(self):
            # Set a password for the unittest user:
            if self.mysql_ge_7:
                self.mysqldb.execute("SET PASSWORD FOR unittest@localhost = 'foobar'")
                self.mysqldb.execute("SET PASSWORD FOR unittest@localhost = PASSWORD('foobar')")

            # We should be unable to log in without a pwd:
            with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
                self.mysqldb = MySQLDB(host='localhost', user='******', db='unittest')
            # Open new pymysql_db.MySQLDb instance, supplying pwd: 
            self.mysqldb = MySQLDB(host='localhost', user='******', passwd='foobar', db='unittest')
            # Do a test query:
            res = self.mysqldb.query("SELECT col2 FROM unittest WHERE col1 = 10;").next()
            self.assertEqual(res, 'col1')
            # Bulk insert is also different for pwd vs. none:
            # Make sure the remove the pwd from user unittest,
            # so that other tests will run successfully:
            if self.mysql_ge_7:
                self.mysqldb.execute("SET PASSWORD FOR unittest@localhost = ''")
                self.mysqldb.execute("SET PASSWORD FOR unittest@localhost = PASSWORD('')")
    # testResultCount 
    @unittest.skipIf(not TEST_ALL, "Temporarily disabled")    
    def testResultCount(self):
        query_str = 'SELECT * FROM unittest'
        self.assertEqual(self.mysqldb.result_count(query_str), 3)
    # testInterleavedQueries
    @unittest.skipIf(not TEST_ALL, "Temporarily disabled")    
    def testInterleavedQueries(self):
        query_str1 = 'SELECT col2 FROM unittest ORDER BY col1'
        query_str2 = 'SELECT col2 FROM unittest WHERE col1 = 20 or col1 = 30 ORDER BY col1' 
        res_it1 = self.mysqldb.query(query_str1)
        res_it2 = self.mysqldb.query(query_str2)
        self.assertEqual(res_it1.result_count(), 3)
        self.assertEqual(res_it2.result_count(), 2)
        self.assertEqual(self.mysqldb.result_count(query_str1), 3)
        self.assertEqual(self.mysqldb.result_count(query_str2), 2)
        self.assertEqual(, 'col1')
        self.assertEqual(, 'col2')
        self.assertEqual(res_it1.result_count(), 3)
        self.assertEqual(res_it2.result_count(), 2)
        self.assertEqual(self.mysqldb.result_count(query_str1), 3)
        self.assertEqual(self.mysqldb.result_count(query_str2), 2)
        self.assertEqual(, 'col2')
        self.assertEqual(, 'col3')
        self.assertEqual(, 'col3')
        with self.assertRaises(StopIteration): 
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError): 
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError): 
    # testBadParameters
    @unittest.skipIf(not TEST_ALL, "Temporarily disabled")    
    def testBadParameters(self):

        # Test setting parameters illegally to None: 
            with self.assertRaises(Exception) as context:
                MySQLDB(host=None, port=3306, user='******', db='unittest')
            self.assertTrue("None value(s) for ['host']; none of host,port,user,passwd or db must be None" 
                            in context.exception)
            with self.assertRaises(Exception) as context:
                MySQLDB(host='localhost', port=None, user='******', db='unittest')
            self.assertTrue("None value(s) for ['port']; none of host,port,user,passwd or db must be None" 
                            in context.exception)
            with self.assertRaises(Exception) as context:
                MySQLDB(host='localhost', port=3306, user=None, db='unittest')
            self.assertTrue("None value(s) for ['user']; none of host,port,user,passwd or db must be None" 
                            in context.exception)
            with self.assertRaises(Exception) as context:
                MySQLDB(host='localhost', port=3306, user='******', db=None)
            self.assertTrue("None value(s) for ['db']; none of host,port,user,passwd or db must be None" 
                            in context.exception)
            with self.assertRaises(Exception) as context:
                MySQLDB(host='localhost', port=3306, user='******', passwd=None, db='unittest')
            self.assertTrue("None value(s) for ['passwd']; none of host,port,user,passwd or db must be None" in context.exception)
            with self.assertRaises(Exception) as context:
                MySQLDB(host=None, port=3306, user=None, db=None)
            self.assertTrue("None value(s) for ['host', 'db', 'user']; none of host,port,user,passwd or db must be None" 
                            in context.exception)
        except AssertionError:
            # Create a better message than 'False is not True'.
            # That useless msg is generated if an expected exception
            # above is NOT raised:
            raise AssertionError('Expected ValueError exception "%s" was not raised.' % context.exception.message)
        # Check data types of parameters:
            # One illegal type: host==10:
            with self.assertRaises(Exception) as context:
                # Integer instead of string for host:
                MySQLDB(host=10, port=3306, user='******', db='myDb')
            self.assertTrue("Value(s) ['host'] have bad type;host,user,passwd, and db must be strings; port must be int."
                            in context.exception)
            # Two illegal types: host and user:
            with self.assertRaises(Exception) as context:
                # Integer instead of string for host:
                MySQLDB(host=10, port=3306, user=30, db='myDb')
            self.assertTrue("Value(s) ['host', 'user'] have bad type;host,user,passwd, and db must be strings; port must be int."
                            in context.exception)
            # Port being string instead of required int:
            with self.assertRaises(Exception) as context:
                # Integer instead of string for host:
                MySQLDB(host='myHost', port='3306', user='******', db='myDb')
            self.assertTrue("Port must be an integer; was <type 'str'>." in context.exception)
        except AssertionError:
            # Create a better message than 'False is not True'.
            # That useless msg is generated if an expected exception
            # above is NOT raised:
            raise AssertionError('Expected ValueError exception "%s" was not raised.' % context.exception.message)

    # testIsOpen
    @unittest.skipIf(not TEST_ALL, "Temporarily disabled")    
    def testIsOpen(self):

    # ----------------------- UTILITIES -------------------------
    def buildSmallDb(self):
        Creates a two-col, three-row table in database
        unittest. The table is called 'unittest'.
        Returns number of rows created.
        ====      ======
        col1       col2
        ====      ======
         10       'col1'
         20       'col2'
         30       'col3'
        ====      ======
        cur = self.mysqldb.connection.cursor()
        with no_warn_no_table():
            cur.execute('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS unittest')
        cur.execute('CREATE TABLE unittest (col1 INT, col2 TEXT)')
        cur.execute("INSERT INTO unittest VALUES (10, 'col1')")
        cur.execute("INSERT INTO unittest VALUES (20, 'col2')")
        cur.execute("INSERT INTO unittest VALUES (30, 'col3')")
        return 3
    def get_mysql_version(cls):
        Return a tuple: (major, minor). 
        Example, for MySQL 5.7.15, return (5,7).
        Return (None,None) if version number not found.

        # Where is mysql client program?
        mysql_path = which('mysql')
        # Get version string, which looks like this:
        #   'Distrib 5.7.15, for osx10.11 (x86_64) using  EditLine wrapper\n'
        version_str = subprocess.check_output([mysql_path, '--version'])
        # Isolate the major and minor version numbers (e.g. '5', and '7')
        pat = re.compile(r'Distrib ([0-9]*)[.]([0-9]*)[.]')
        match_obj =
        if match_obj is None:
            return (None,None)
        (major, minor) = match_obj.groups()
        return (int(major), int(minor))