w1 = N.get_w_to(C)

IC = Dyadic.build(C,Ixx,Iyy,Izz)

BodyC = Body('BodyC',C,pCcm,mC,IC)


# system.addforce(1*C.x+2*C.y+3*C.z,w1)

points = [1*C.x,0*C.x,1*C.y,0*C.y,1*C.z]

f,ma = system.getdynamics()

# func1 = system.state_space_pre_invert(f,ma)
func1 = system.state_space_post_invert(f,ma)

ini = [initialvalues[item] for item in system.get_state_variables()]

states=pynamics.integration.integrate_odeint(func1,ini,t,rtol = tol, atol=tol,args=({'constants':system.constant_values},))

po = PointsOutput(points,system)
po.animate(fps = 30,lw=2)

so = Output([qA,qB,qC])
stretch = q - q0
system.add_spring_force1(k, (stretch) * N.z, wNA)
system.addforce(-b * v2, v2)
system.addforcegravity(-g * N.y)

pos = sympy.cos(system.t * 2 * pi / 2)
eq = pos * N.x - p1
eq_d = eq.time_derivative()
eq_dd = eq_d.time_derivative()
eq_dd_scalar = []


f, ma = system.getdynamics()
func1, lambda1 = system.state_space_post_invert(
    f, ma, constants=system.constant_values, return_lambda=True)
states = pynamics.integration.integrate_odeint(func1,
                                                   'constants': {},
                                                   'alpha': 1e2,
                                                   'beta': 1e1
                                               }, ))

lambda1_n = numpy.array([lambda1(tt, ss) for tt, ss in zip(t, states)])
plt.plot(t, lambda1_n)
Beispiel #3
ParticleA = Particle(pAB, mA, 'ParticleA', system)
ParticleB = Particle(pAB2, mA, 'ParticleB', system)

system.addforce(-b * vAB, vAB)
system.addforce(-b * vAB2, vAB2)
system.addforcegravity(-g * N.y)

v = pAB2 - pNA2
u = (v.dot(v))**.5

eq1 = [(v.dot(v)) - lA**2]
eq1_dd = system.derivative(system.derivative(eq1[0]))
eq = [eq1_dd]

f, ma = system.getdynamics()
func = system.state_space_post_invert(f,
states = pynamics.integration.integrate(func,

points = [pNA, pAB, pNA, pNA2, pAB2]
points_output = PointsOutput(points, system)
points_output.animate(fps=30, lw=2)

# In[24]:


# ## Solve for Acceleration
# The next line of code solves the system of equations F=ma plus any constraint equations that have been added above.  It returns one or two variables.  func1 is the function that computes the velocity and acceleration given a certain state, and lambda1(optional) supplies the function that computes the constraint forces as a function of the resulting states
# There are a few ways of solveing for a.  The below function inverts the mass matrix numerically every time step.  This can be slower because the matrix solution has to be solved for, but is sometimes more tractable than solving the highly nonlinear symbolic expressions that can be generated from the previous step.  The other options would be to use ```state_space_pre_invert```, which pre-inverts the equations symbolically before generating a numerical function, or ```state_space_post_invert2```, which adds Baumgarte's method for intermittent constraints.

# In[25]:

func1, lambda1 = system.state_space_post_invert(
    f, ma, eq_dd, return_lambda=True, variable_functions={force_var: f_force})

# ## Integrate
# The next line of code integrates the function calculated

# In[26]:

states = pynamics.integration.integrate_odeint(func1,
Beispiel #5
f_aero_C2 = rho * vAcm.length() * (vAcm.dot(A.y)) * Area * A.y
system.addforce(-f_aero_C2, vAcm)
system.add_spring_force1(k, qA * N.z, wNA)

tin = torque * sympy.sin(2 * sympy.pi * freq * system.t)
system.addforce(tin * N.z, wNA)

f, ma = system.getdynamics()

changing_constants = [freq]
static_constants = system.constant_values.copy()
for key in changing_constants:
    del static_constants[key]

func = system.state_space_post_invert(f, ma, constants=static_constants)

statevariables = system.get_state_variables()
ini = [initialvalues[item] for item in statevariables]

points = [pNA, pAcm, pAtip]
points_output = PointsOutput(points, system)
out1 = Output([tin, qA])

my_constants = {}
freq_sweep = numpy.r_[-1.5:1:20j]
freq_sweep = 1 * 10**freq_sweep
amps = []

for ff in freq_sweep:
    tol = 1e-4
Beispiel #6
torque = my_signal * stall_torque
system.addforce(torque * O.z, wOA)
system.addforce(-torque * O.z, wOC)

eq = []
eq.append((pBtip - pDtip).dot(N.x))
eq.append((pBtip - pDtip).dot(N.y))
eq_d = [system.derivative(item) for item in eq]
eq_dd = [system.derivative(item) for item in eq_d]
f, ma = system.getdynamics()
func1 = system.state_space_post_invert(f,
                                       variable_functions={my_signal: ft2})
states = pynamics.integration.integrate_odeint(func1,

KE = system.get_KE()
PE = system.getPEGravity(0 * N.x) - system.getPESprings()
energy = Output([KE - PE, toeforce, heelforce])

#torque_plot = Output([torque])
# ParticleB = Particle(pAB2,mA,'ParticleB',system)

# system.addforce(t*vAB,vAB)

system.addforce(torque * N.z, wNA)
# system.addforce(-b*vAB2,vAB2)
system.addforcegravity(-g * N.y)

# v = pAB2-pNA2
# u = (v.dot(v))**.5

# eq1 = [(v.dot(v)) - lA**2]
eq = []

f, ma = system.getdynamics()
func = system.state_space_post_invert(f, ma, eq)
states = pynamics.integration.integrate_odeint(func,
                                               }, ))

points = [pNA, pAB]
points_output = PointsOutput(points, system)
points_output.animate(fps=30, lw=2)
def init_system(v, drag_direction, time_step):
    import pynamics
    from pynamics.frame import Frame
    from pynamics.variable_types import Differentiable, Constant
    from pynamics.system import System
    from pynamics.body import Body
    from pynamics.dyadic import Dyadic
    from pynamics.output import Output, PointsOutput
    from pynamics.particle import Particle
    import pynamics.integration
    import logging
    import sympy
    import numpy
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    from math import pi
    from scipy import optimize
    from sympy import sin
    import pynamics.tanh as tanh

    from fit_qs import exp_fit
    import fit_qs

    # time_step = tstep
    x = numpy.zeros((7, 1))
    friction_perp = x[0]
    friction_par = x[1]
    given_b = x[2]
    given_k = x[3]
    given_k1 = x[4]
    given_b1 = x[4]
    system = System()
    pynamics.set_system(__name__, system)
    global_q = True

    lO = Constant(7 / 1000, 'lO', system)
    lA = Constant(33 / 1000, 'lA', system)
    lB = Constant(33 / 1000, 'lB', system)
    lC = Constant(33 / 1000, 'lC', system)

    mO = Constant(10 / 1000, 'mA', system)
    mA = Constant(2.89 / 1000, 'mA', system)
    mB = Constant(2.89 / 1000, 'mB', system)
    mC = Constant(2.89 / 1000, 'mC', system)
    k = Constant(0.209, 'k', system)
    k1 = Constant(0.209, 'k1', system)

    friction_perp = Constant(1.2, 'f_perp', system)
    friction_par = Constant(-0.2, 'f_par', system)
    b_damping = Constant(given_b, 'b_damping', system)

    # time_step = 1/00

    if v == 0:
            t, tinitial, tfinal, tstep, qAa1, qAb1, qAc1, qAa2, qAb2, qAc2,
            qAa3, qAb3, qAc3, qBa1, qBb1, qBc1, qBa2, qBb2, qBc2, qBa3, qBb3,
            qBc3, qCa1, qCb1, qCc1, qCa2, qCb2, qCc2, qCa3, qCb3, qCc3
        ] = fit_qs.fit_0_amount(time_step)
    elif v == 10:
            t, tinitial, tfinal, tstep, qAa1, qAb1, qAc1, qAa2, qAb2, qAc2,
            qAa3, qAb3, qAc3, qBa1, qBb1, qBc1, qBa2, qBb2, qBc2, qBa3, qBb3,
            qBc3, qCa1, qCb1, qCc1, qCa2, qCb2, qCc2, qCa3, qCb3, qCc3
        ] = fit_qs.fit_10_amount(time_step)
    elif v == 20:
            t, tinitial, tfinal, tstep, qAa1, qAb1, qAc1, qAa2, qAb2, qAc2,
            qAa3, qAb3, qAc3, qBa1, qBb1, qBc1, qBa2, qBb2, qBc2, qBa3, qBb3,
            qBc3, qCa1, qCb1, qCc1, qCa2, qCb2, qCc2, qCa3, qCb3, qCc3
        ] = fit_qs.fit_20_amount(time_step)
    elif v == 30:
            t, tinitial, tfinal, tstep, qAa1, qAb1, qAc1, qAa2, qAb2, qAc2,
            qAa3, qAb3, qAc3, qBa1, qBb1, qBc1, qBa2, qBb2, qBc2, qBa3, qBb3,
            qBc3, qCa1, qCb1, qCc1, qCa2, qCb2, qCc2, qCa3, qCb3, qCc3
        ] = fit_qs.fit_30_amount(time_step)
    elif v == 40:
            t, tinitial, tfinal, tstep, qAa1, qAb1, qAc1, qAa2, qAb2, qAc2,
            qAa3, qAb3, qAc3, qBa1, qBb1, qBc1, qBa2, qBb2, qBc2, qBa3, qBb3,
            qBc3, qCa1, qCb1, qCc1, qCa2, qCb2, qCc2, qCa3, qCb3, qCc3
        ] = fit_qs.fit_40_amount(time_step)
    elif v == 50:
            t, tinitial, tfinal, tstep, qAa1, qAb1, qAc1, qAa2, qAb2, qAc2,
            qAa3, qAb3, qAc3, qBa1, qBb1, qBc1, qBa2, qBb2, qBc2, qBa3, qBb3,
            qBc3, qCa1, qCb1, qCc1, qCa2, qCb2, qCc2, qCa3, qCb3, qCc3
        ] = fit_qs.fit_50_amount(time_step)

    distance = 200 / 1000

    nums = int(tfinal / tstep)
    array_num = numpy.arange(0, nums)
    array_num1 = numpy.repeat(array_num, nums, axis=0)
    array_num1.shape = (nums, nums)
    error_k = array_num1 / 8000 + numpy.ones((nums, nums))

    fit_t = t
    fit_qA = exp_fit(fit_t, qAa1, qAb1, qAc1, qAa2, qAb2, qAc2, qAa3, qAb3,
    fit_qB = exp_fit(fit_t, qBa1, qBb1, qBc1, qBa2, qBb2, qBc2, qBa3, qBb3,
    fit_qC = exp_fit(fit_t, qCa1, qCb1, qCc1, qCa2, qCb2, qCc2, qCa3, qCb3,
    fit_qAd1 = numpy.diff(fit_qA) / numpy.diff(fit_t)
    fit_qAd = numpy.append(fit_qAd1[0], fit_qAd1)
    fit_qBd1 = numpy.diff(fit_qB) / numpy.diff(fit_t)
    fit_qBd = numpy.append(fit_qBd1[0], fit_qBd1)
    fit_qCd1 = numpy.diff(fit_qC) / numpy.diff(fit_t)
    fit_qCd = numpy.append(fit_qCd1[0], fit_qCd1)

    fit_states1 = numpy.stack(
        (fit_qA, fit_qB, fit_qC, fit_qAd, fit_qBd, fit_qCd), axis=1)
    fit_states1[:, 0:3] = fit_states1[:, 0:3] - fit_states1[0, 0:3]
    fit_states = -drag_direction * numpy.deg2rad(fit_states1)

    # plt.plot(t,fit_states)

    if drag_direction == -1:
        zero_shape = fit_states.shape
        fit_states = numpy.zeros(zero_shape)

    fit_vel = drag_direction * distance / (tfinal)

    if qAa1 == 0:
        fit_vel = 0
    fit_v = numpy.ones(t.shape) * fit_vel

    if qAa1 == 0:
        fit_d = numpy.ones(t.shape) * fit_vel
        fit_d = drag_direction * numpy.r_[tinitial:distance:tstep *

    preload0 = Constant(0 * pi / 180, 'preload0', system)
    preload1 = Constant(0 * pi / 180, 'preload1', system)
    preload2 = Constant(0 * pi / 180, 'preload2', system)
    preload3 = Constant(0 * pi / 180, 'preload3', system)

    Ixx_O = Constant(1, 'Ixx_O', system)
    Iyy_O = Constant(1, 'Iyy_O', system)
    Izz_O = Constant(1, 'Izz_O', system)
    Ixx_A = Constant(1, 'Ixx_A', system)
    Iyy_A = Constant(1, 'Iyy_A', system)
    Izz_A = Constant(1, 'Izz_A', system)
    Ixx_B = Constant(1, 'Ixx_B', system)
    Iyy_B = Constant(1, 'Iyy_B', system)
    Izz_B = Constant(1, 'Izz_B', system)
    Ixx_C = Constant(1, 'Ixx_C', system)
    Iyy_C = Constant(1, 'Iyy_C', system)
    Izz_C = Constant(1, 'Izz_C', system)

    y, y_d, y_dd = Differentiable('y', system)
    qO, qO_d, qO_dd = Differentiable('qO', system)
    qA, qA_d, qA_dd = Differentiable('qA', system)
    qB, qB_d, qB_dd = Differentiable('qB', system)
    qC, qC_d, qC_dd = Differentiable('qC', system)

    initialvalues = {}
    initialvalues[y] = 0 + 1e-14
    initialvalues[y_d] = fit_vel + 1e-14
    initialvalues[qO] = 0 + 1e-14
    initialvalues[qO_d] = 0 + 1e-14
    initialvalues[qA] = fit_states[0, 0] + 1e-14
    initialvalues[qA_d] = fit_states[0, 3] + 1e-14
    initialvalues[qB] = fit_states[0, 1] + 1e-14
    initialvalues[qB_d] = fit_states[0, 4] + 1e-14
    initialvalues[qC] = fit_states[0, 2] + 1e-14
    initialvalues[qC_d] = fit_states[0, 5] + 1e-14

    statevariables = system.get_state_variables()
    ini = [initialvalues[item] for item in statevariables]

    N = Frame('N')
    O = Frame('O')
    A = Frame('A')
    B = Frame('B')
    C = Frame('C')

    drag_direction = drag_direction
    velocity = 200 / tfinal / 1000
    vSoil = drag_direction * velocity * N.y
    nSoil = 1 / vSoil.length() * vSoil

    if not global_q:
        O.rotate_fixed_axis_directed(N, [0, 0, 1], qO, system)
        A.rotate_fixed_axis_directed(O, [0, 0, 1], qA, system)
        B.rotate_fixed_axis_directed(A, [0, 0, 1], qB, system)
        C.rotate_fixed_axis_directed(B, [0, 0, 1], qC, system)
        O.rotate_fixed_axis_directed(N, [0, 0, 1], qO, system)
        A.rotate_fixed_axis_directed(N, [0, 0, 1], qA, system)
        B.rotate_fixed_axis_directed(N, [0, 0, 1], qB, system)
        C.rotate_fixed_axis_directed(N, [0, 0, 1], qC, system)

    pNO = 0 * N.x + y * N.y
    pOA = lO * N.x + y * N.y
    pAB = pOA + lA * A.x
    pBC = pAB + lB * B.x
    pCtip = pBC + lC * C.x

    pOcm = pNO + lO / 2 * N.x
    pAcm = pOA + lA / 2 * A.x
    pBcm = pAB + lB / 2 * B.x
    pCcm = pBC + lC / 2 * C.x

    wNO = N.getw_(O)
    wOA = N.getw_(A)
    wAB = A.getw_(B)
    wBC = B.getw_(C)

    IO = Dyadic.build(O, Ixx_O, Iyy_O, Izz_O)
    IA = Dyadic.build(A, Ixx_A, Iyy_A, Izz_A)
    IB = Dyadic.build(B, Ixx_B, Iyy_B, Izz_B)
    IC = Dyadic.build(C, Ixx_C, Iyy_C, Izz_C)

    BodyO = Body('BodyO', O, pOcm, mO, IO, system)
    BodyA = Body('BodyA', A, pAcm, mA, IA, system)
    BodyB = Body('BodyB', B, pBcm, mB, IB, system)
    BodyC = Body('BodyC', C, pCcm, mC, IC, system)
    # BodyC = Particle(pCcm,mC,'ParticleC',system)

    vOcm = pOcm.time_derivative()
    vAcm = pAcm.time_derivative()
    vBcm = pBcm.time_derivative()
    vCcm = pCcm.time_derivative()

    system.add_spring_force1(k1 + 10000 * (qA + abs(qA)),
                             (qA - qO - preload1) * N.z, wOA)
    system.add_spring_force1(k + 10000 * (qB + abs(qB)),
                             (qB - qA - preload2) * N.z, wAB)
    system.add_spring_force1(k + 10000 * (qC + abs(qC)),
                             (qC - qB - preload3) * N.z, wBC)

    #new Method use nJoint
    nvAcm = 1 / vAcm.length() * vAcm
    nvBcm = 1 / vBcm.length() * vBcm
    nvCcm = 1 / vCcm.length() * vCcm

    faperp = friction_perp * nvAcm.dot(A.y) * A.y
    fapar = friction_par * nvAcm.dot(A.x) * A.x
    system.addforce(-(faperp + fapar), vAcm)

    fbperp = friction_perp * nvBcm.dot(B.y) * B.y
    fbpar = friction_par * nvBcm.dot(B.x) * B.x
    system.addforce(-(fbperp + fbpar), vBcm)

    fcperp = friction_perp * nvCcm.dot(C.y) * C.y
    fcpar = friction_par * nvCcm.dot(C.x) * C.x
    system.addforce(-(fcperp + fcpar), vCcm)

    system.addforce(-b_damping * wOA, wOA)
    system.addforce(-b_damping * wAB, wAB)
    system.addforce(-b_damping * wBC, wBC)
    eq = []
    eq_d = [(system.derivative(item)) for item in eq]

    eq_d.append(y_d - fit_vel)
    eq_dd = [(system.derivative(item)) for item in eq_d]

    f, ma = system.getdynamics()
    func1 = system.state_space_post_invert(f, ma, eq_dd)
    points = [pNO, pOA, pAB, pBC, pCtip]
    constants = system.constant_values

    return system, f, ma, func1, points, t, ini, constants, b_damping, k, k1, tstep, fit_states
Beispiel #9
def Cal_system(initial_states, drag_direction, tinitial, tstep, tfinal,
               fit_vel, f1, f2):

    g_k, g_b_damping, g_b_damping1 = [0.30867935, 1.42946955, 1.08464536]
    system = System()
    pynamics.set_system(__name__, system)

    global_q = True

    lO = Constant(7 / 1000, 'lO', system)
    lA = Constant(33 / 1000, 'lA', system)
    lB = Constant(33 / 1000, 'lB', system)
    lC = Constant(33 / 1000, 'lC', system)

    mO = Constant(10 / 1000, 'mA', system)
    mA = Constant(2.89 / 1000, 'mA', system)
    mB = Constant(2.89 / 1000, 'mB', system)
    mC = Constant(2.89 / 1000, 'mC', system)
    k = Constant(g_k, 'k', system)
    k1 = Constant(0.4, 'k1', system)

    friction_perp = Constant(f1, 'f_perp', system)
    friction_par = Constant(f2, 'f_par', system)
    b_damping = Constant(g_b_damping, 'b_damping', system)
    b_damping1 = Constant(g_b_damping1, 'b_damping1', system)

    preload0 = Constant(0 * pi / 180, 'preload0', system)
    preload1 = Constant(0 * pi / 180, 'preload1', system)
    preload2 = Constant(0 * pi / 180, 'preload2', system)
    preload3 = Constant(0 * pi / 180, 'preload3', system)

    Ixx_O = Constant(1, 'Ixx_O', system)
    Iyy_O = Constant(1, 'Iyy_O', system)
    Izz_O = Constant(1, 'Izz_O', system)
    Ixx_A = Constant(1, 'Ixx_A', system)
    Iyy_A = Constant(1, 'Iyy_A', system)
    Izz_A = Constant(1, 'Izz_A', system)
    Ixx_B = Constant(1, 'Ixx_B', system)
    Iyy_B = Constant(1, 'Iyy_B', system)
    Izz_B = Constant(1, 'Izz_B', system)
    Ixx_C = Constant(1, 'Ixx_C', system)
    Iyy_C = Constant(1, 'Iyy_C', system)
    Izz_C = Constant(1, 'Izz_C', system)

    y, y_d, y_dd = Differentiable('y', system)
    qO, qO_d, qO_dd = Differentiable('qO', system)
    qA, qA_d, qA_dd = Differentiable('qA', system)
    qB, qB_d, qB_dd = Differentiable('qB', system)
    qC, qC_d, qC_dd = Differentiable('qC', system)

    fit_states = initial_states

    initialvalues = {}
    initialvalues[y] = fit_states[0]
    initialvalues[y_d] = fit_states[5]
    initialvalues[qO] = 0
    initialvalues[qO_d] = 0
    initialvalues[qA] = fit_states[2]
    initialvalues[qA_d] = fit_states[7]
    initialvalues[qB] = fit_states[3]
    initialvalues[qB_d] = fit_states[8]
    initialvalues[qC] = fit_states[4]
    initialvalues[qC_d] = fit_states[9]

    statevariables = system.get_state_variables()
    ini = [initialvalues[item] for item in statevariables]

    N = Frame('N')
    O = Frame('O')
    A = Frame('A')
    B = Frame('B')
    C = Frame('C')

    if not global_q:
        O.rotate_fixed_axis_directed(N, [0, 0, 1], qO, system)
        A.rotate_fixed_axis_directed(O, [0, 0, 1], qA, system)
        B.rotate_fixed_axis_directed(A, [0, 0, 1], qB, system)
        C.rotate_fixed_axis_directed(B, [0, 0, 1], qC, system)
        O.rotate_fixed_axis_directed(N, [0, 0, 1], qO, system)
        A.rotate_fixed_axis_directed(N, [0, 0, 1], qA, system)
        B.rotate_fixed_axis_directed(N, [0, 0, 1], qB, system)
        C.rotate_fixed_axis_directed(N, [0, 0, 1], qC, system)

    pNO = 0 * N.x + y * N.y
    pOA = lO * N.x + y * N.y
    pAB = pOA + lA * A.x
    pBC = pAB + lB * B.x
    pCtip = pBC + lC * C.x

    pOcm = pNO + lO / 2 * N.x
    pAcm = pOA + lA / 2 * A.x
    pBcm = pAB + lB / 2 * B.x
    pCcm = pBC + lC / 2 * C.x

    wNO = N.getw_(O)
    wOA = N.getw_(A)
    wAB = A.getw_(B)
    wBC = B.getw_(C)

    IO = Dyadic.build(O, Ixx_O, Iyy_O, Izz_O)
    IA = Dyadic.build(A, Ixx_A, Iyy_A, Izz_A)
    IB = Dyadic.build(B, Ixx_B, Iyy_B, Izz_B)
    IC = Dyadic.build(C, Ixx_C, Iyy_C, Izz_C)

    BodyO = Body('BodyO', O, pOcm, mO, IO, system)
    BodyA = Body('BodyA', A, pAcm, mA, IA, system)
    BodyB = Body('BodyB', B, pBcm, mB, IB, system)
    BodyC = Body('BodyC', C, pCcm, mC, IC, system)

    # vOcm = pOcm.time_derivative()
    vAcm = pAcm.time_derivative()
    vBcm = pBcm.time_derivative()
    vCcm = pCcm.time_derivative()

    # system.add_spring_force1(k1+10000*(qA+abs(qA)),(qA-qO-preload1)*N.z,wOA)
    # system.add_spring_force1(k+10000*(qB+abs(qB)),(qB-qA-preload2)*N.z,wAB)
    # system.add_spring_force1(k+10000*(qC+abs(qC)),(qC-qB-preload3)*N.z,wBC)

    system.add_spring_force1(k1, (qA - qO - preload1) * N.z, wOA)
    system.add_spring_force1(k, (qB - qA - preload2) * N.z, wAB)
    system.add_spring_force1(k, (qC - qB - preload3) * N.z, wBC)

    #new Method use nJoint
    nvAcm = 1 / vAcm.length() * vAcm
    nvBcm = 1 / vBcm.length() * vBcm
    nvCcm = 1 / vCcm.length() * vCcm

    vSoil = drag_direction * 1 * N.y
    nSoil = 1 / vSoil.length() * vSoil

    if fit_vel == 0:
        vSoil = 1 * 1 * N.y
        nSoil = 1 / vSoil.length() * vSoil

        faperp = friction_perp * nSoil.dot(A.y) * A.y
        fapar = friction_par * nSoil.dot(A.x) * A.x
        system.addforce(-(faperp + fapar), vAcm)

        fbperp = friction_perp * nSoil.dot(B.y) * B.y
        fbpar = friction_par * nSoil.dot(B.x) * B.x
        system.addforce(-(fbperp + fbpar), vBcm)

        fcperp = friction_perp * nSoil.dot(C.y) * C.y
        fcpar = friction_par * nSoil.dot(C.x) * C.x
        system.addforce(-(fcperp + fcpar), vCcm)
        faperp = friction_perp * nvAcm.dot(A.y) * A.y
        fapar = friction_par * nvAcm.dot(A.x) * A.x
        system.addforce(-(faperp + fapar), vAcm)

        fbperp = friction_perp * nvBcm.dot(B.y) * B.y
        fbpar = friction_par * nvBcm.dot(B.x) * B.x
        system.addforce(-(fbperp + fbpar), vBcm)

        fcperp = friction_perp * nvCcm.dot(C.y) * C.y
        fcpar = friction_par * nvCcm.dot(C.x) * C.x
        system.addforce(-(fcperp + fcpar), vCcm)

    system.addforce(-b_damping1 * wOA, wOA)
    system.addforce(-b_damping * wAB, wAB)
    system.addforce(-b_damping * wBC, wBC)

    eq = []
    eq_d = [(system.derivative(item)) for item in eq]

    eq_d.append(y_d - fit_vel)
    eq_dd = [(system.derivative(item)) for item in eq_d]

    f, ma = system.getdynamics()
    func1 = system.state_space_post_invert(f, ma, eq_dd)

    points = [pNO, pOA, pAB, pBC, pCtip]

    constants = system.constant_values
    states = pynamics.integration.integrate_odeint(func1,
                                                       'constants': constants
                                                   }, ))

    points_output = PointsOutput(points, system, constant_values=constants)
    y = points_output.calc(states)
    final = numpy.asarray(states[-1, :])
    time1 = time.time()
                          movie_name=str(time1) + 'video_1.mp4',
                          color=(1, 0, 0, 1),
    return final, states, y, system
Beispiel #10
eq1_d = [system.derivative(item) for item in eq1]
eq1_dd = [system.derivative(item) for item in eq1_d]

points = [particle1.pCM]

points_x = [item.dot(f1.x) for item in points]
points_y = [item.dot(f1.y) for item in points]
points_z = [item.dot(f1.z) for item in points]

output_x = Output(points_x)
output_y = Output(points_y)
output_z = Output(points_z)

f, ma = system.getdynamics()
func = system.state_space_post_invert(f, ma, eq_dd=eq1_dd)
t = numpy.r_[0:5:.001]
states = pynamics.integration.integrate_odeint(func,
                                               }, ))

KE = system.get_KE()
PE = system.getPEGravity(0 * f1.x) - system.getPESprings()

output = Output([KE - PE])
Beispiel #11
The last tip of the four bar mechanism (pCD) is fixed to the ground.

# Define constraints

eq = []
eq_d=[(system.derivative(item)) for item in eq]
eq_dd=[(system.derivative(item)) for item in eq_d]

"""# 5. Solution: Add the code from the bottom of the pendulum example for solving for f=ma, integrating, plotting, and animating. Run the code to see your results. It should look similar to the pendulum example with constraints added, as in like a rag-doll or floppy"""

f,ma = system.getdynamics()

func1,lambda1 = system.state_space_post_invert(f,ma,eq_dd,return_lambda = True)

states=pynamics.integration.integrate(func1,ini,t,rtol=tol,atol=tol, args=({'constants':system.constant_values},))

# Plot --- output
artists = plt.plot(t,states[:,:3])

# Plot --- energy

KE = system.get_KE()
PE = system.getPEGravity(pNA) - system.getPESprings()
energy_output = Output([KE-PE],system)
Beispiel #12
eq_d = [item.time_derivative() for item in eq]
eq_dd = [item.time_derivative() for item in eq_d]

eq_dd_scalar = []

c = AccelerationConstraint(eq_dd_scalar)
# c.linearize(0)

f, ma = system.getdynamics()
func1 = system.state_space_post_invert(f,
                                       variable_functions={my_signal: ft2})
states = pynamics.integration.integrate(func1, ini, t, rtol=tol, atol=tol)

KE = system.get_KE()
PE = system.getPEGravity(0 * N.x) - system.getPESprings()
energy = Output([KE - PE], constant_values=constants)
energy.calc(states, t)

#torque_plot = Output([torque])

points = [pDtip, pCD, pOC, pOA, pAB, pBtip]
points = PointsOutput(points, constant_values=constants)
Beispiel #13
f, ma = system.getdynamics()

# # ## Solve for Acceleration
# #
# # The next line of code solves the system of equations F=ma plus any constraint equations that have been added above.  It returns one or two variables.  func1 is the function that computes the velocity and acceleration given a certain state, and lambda1(optional) supplies the function that computes the constraint forces as a function of the resulting states
# #
# # There are a few ways of solveing for a.  The below function inverts the mass matrix numerically every time step.  This can be slower because the matrix solution has to be solved for, but is sometimes more tractable than solving the highly nonlinear symbolic expressions that can be generated from the previous step.  The other options would be to use ```state_space_pre_invert```, which pre-inverts the equations symbolically before generating a numerical function, or ```state_space_post_invert2```, which adds Baumgarte's method for intermittent constraints.

static_constants = [
    rho, lA, lB, lC, lS, mA, mB, mC, mS, r2, Ixx_A, Iyy_A, Izz_A, Ixx_B, Iyy_B,
    Izz_B, Ixx_A, Iyy_B, Izz_B, Ixx_C, Iyy_C, Izz_C, Ixx_S, Iyy_S, Izz_S
static_constants = dict([(key, system.constant_values[key])
                         for key in static_constants])
func1 = system.state_space_post_invert(f,

# %%
statevariables = system.get_state_variables()
ini = [initialvalues[item] for item in statevariables]

# %%
# # ## Integrate
# #
# # The next line of code integrates the function calculated

tol = 1e-7
tinitial = 0
tfinal = 3
fps = 30
Beispiel #14
def Cal_robot(direction, given_l, given_arm_l, omega1, t1, t2, ini_states,
              name1, video_on, x1, x2):
    system1 = System()
    time_a = time.time()
    pynamics.set_system(__name__, system1)
    given_k, given_b = x1
    f1, f2, f3 = x2
    global_q = True

    damping_r = 0
    tinitial = 0
    tfinal = (t1 - t2) / omega1
    tstep = 1 / 50
    t = numpy.r_[tinitial:tfinal:tstep]

    tol_1 = 1e-6
    tol_2 = 1e-6
    lO = Constant(27.5 / 1000, 'lO', system1)
    # given_arm_l = 65
    lR = Constant(given_arm_l / 1000, 'lR', system1)
    # lR = Constant(40.5/1000,'lR',system11)
    lA = Constant(given_l / 1000, 'lA', system1)
    lB = Constant(given_l / 1000, 'lB', system1)
    lC = Constant(given_l / 1000, 'lC', system1)

    mO = Constant(1e0 * 154.5 / 1000, 'mO', system1)
    # mR = Constant(9.282/1000   ,'mR',system1)
    mR = Constant((1.158 + 0.1445 * given_arm_l) / 1000, 'mR', system1)
    mA = Constant(given_l * 2.75 * 0.14450000000000002 / 1000, 'mA', system1)
    mB = Constant(given_l * 2.75 * 0.14450000000000002 / 1000, 'mB', system1)
    mC = Constant(given_l * 2.75 * 0.14450000000000002 / 1000, 'mC', system1)
    k = Constant(given_k, 'k', system1)

    friction_perp = Constant(f1, 'f_perp', system1)
    friction_par = Constant(-1, 'f_par', system1)
    friction_arm_perp = Constant(2 + given_arm_l * f3, 'fr_perp', system1)
    friction_arm_par = Constant(-0.3, 'fr_par', system1)
    b_damping = Constant(given_b, 'b_damping', system1)

    preload0 = Constant(0 * pi / 180, 'preload0', system1)
    preload1 = Constant(0 * pi / 180, 'preload1', system1)
    preload2 = Constant(0 * pi / 180, 'preload2', system1)
    preload3 = Constant(0 * pi / 180, 'preload3', system1)

    Ixx_O = Constant(1, 'Ixx_O', system1)
    Iyy_O = Constant(1, 'Iyy_O', system1)
    Izz_O = Constant(1, 'Izz_O', system1)
    Ixx_R = Constant(1, 'Ixx_R', system1)
    Iyy_R = Constant(1, 'Iyy_R', system1)
    Izz_R = Constant(1, 'Izz_R', system1)
    Ixx_A = Constant(1, 'Ixx_A', system1)
    Iyy_A = Constant(1, 'Iyy_A', system1)
    Izz_A = Constant(1, 'Izz_A', system1)
    Ixx_B = Constant(1, 'Ixx_B', system1)
    Iyy_B = Constant(1, 'Iyy_B', system1)
    Izz_B = Constant(1, 'Izz_B', system1)
    Ixx_C = Constant(1, 'Ixx_C', system1)
    Iyy_C = Constant(1, 'Iyy_C', system1)
    Izz_C = Constant(1, 'Izz_C', system1)

    y, y_d, y_dd = Differentiable('y', system1)
    qO, qO_d, qO_dd = Differentiable('qO', system1)
    qR, qR_d, qR_dd = Differentiable('qR', system1)
    qA, qA_d, qA_dd = Differentiable('qA', system1)
    qB, qB_d, qB_dd = Differentiable('qB', system1)
    qC, qC_d, qC_dd = Differentiable('qC', system1)

    initialvalues = {}
    initialvalues[y] = ini_states[0] + tol_1
    initialvalues[qO] = ini_states[1] + tol_1
    initialvalues[qR] = ini_states[2] + tol_1
    initialvalues[qA] = ini_states[3] + tol_1
    initialvalues[qB] = ini_states[4] + tol_1
    initialvalues[qC] = ini_states[5] + tol_1

    initialvalues[y_d] = ini_states[6] + tol_1
    initialvalues[qO_d] = ini_states[7] + tol_1
    initialvalues[qR_d] = ini_states[8] + tol_1
    initialvalues[qA_d] = ini_states[9] + tol_1
    initialvalues[qB_d] = ini_states[10] + tol_1
    initialvalues[qC_d] = ini_states[11] + tol_1

    statevariables = system1.get_state_variables()
    ini = [initialvalues[item] for item in statevariables]
    N = Frame('N')
    O = Frame('O')
    R = Frame('R')
    A = Frame('A')
    B = Frame('B')
    C = Frame('C')

    if not global_q:
        O.rotate_fixed_axis_directed(N, [0, 0, 1], qO, system1)
        R.rotate_fixed_axis_directed(O, [0, 0, 1], qR, system1)
        A.rotate_fixed_axis_directed(O, [0, 0, 1], qA, system1)
        B.rotate_fixed_axis_directed(A, [0, 0, 1], qB, system1)
        C.rotate_fixed_axis_directed(B, [0, 0, 1], qC, system1)
        O.rotate_fixed_axis_directed(N, [0, 0, 1], qO, system1)
        R.rotate_fixed_axis_directed(N, [0, 0, 1], qR, system1)
        A.rotate_fixed_axis_directed(N, [0, 0, 1], qA, system1)
        B.rotate_fixed_axis_directed(N, [0, 0, 1], qB, system1)
        C.rotate_fixed_axis_directed(N, [0, 0, 1], qC, system1)

    pNO = 0 * N.x + y * N.y
    pOR = pNO + lO * N.x
    # pOR=    pNO   +lO*N.x
    pRA = pOR + lR * R.x
    pAB = pRA + lA * A.x
    pBC = pAB + lB * B.x
    pCtip = pBC + lC * C.x

    # pOcm=pNO +lO/2*N.x
    pOcm = pNO
    pRcm = pOR + lR / 2 * R.x
    pAcm = pRA + lA / 2 * A.x
    pBcm = pAB + lB / 2 * B.x
    pCcm = pBC + lC / 2 * C.x

    wNO = N.getw_(O)
    wOR = N.getw_(R)
    wRA = R.getw_(A)
    wAB = A.getw_(B)
    wBC = B.getw_(C)

    IO = Dyadic.build(O, Ixx_O, Iyy_O, Izz_O)
    IR = Dyadic.build(R, Ixx_R, Iyy_R, Izz_R)
    IA = Dyadic.build(A, Ixx_A, Iyy_A, Izz_A)
    IB = Dyadic.build(B, Ixx_B, Iyy_B, Izz_B)
    IC = Dyadic.build(C, Ixx_C, Iyy_C, Izz_C)

    BodyO = Body('BodyO', O, pOcm, mO, IO, system1)
    BodyR = Body('BodyR', R, pRcm, mR, IR, system1)
    BodyA = Body('BodyA', A, pAcm, mA, IA, system1)
    BodyB = Body('BodyB', B, pBcm, mB, IB, system1)
    BodyC = Body('BodyC', C, pCcm, mC, IC, system1)

    j_tol = 0 * pi / 180
    inv_k = 1e2
    alw = 1
        k + inv_k * (qA - qR + alw * abs(qA - qR - j_tol)),
        (qA - qR - preload1) * N.z, wRA)
        k + inv_k * (qB - qA + alw * abs(qB - qA - j_tol)),
        (qB - qA - preload2) * N.z, wAB)
        k + inv_k * (qC - qB + alw * abs(qC - qB - j_tol)),
        (qC - qB - preload3) * N.z, wBC)
    # system1.add_spring_force1(k,(qA-qR-preload1)*N.z,wRA)
    # system1.add_spring_force1(k,(qB-qA-preload2)*N.z,wAB)
    # system1.add_spring_force1(k,(qC-qB-preload3)*N.z,wBC)

    vOcm = y_d * N.y
    # vOcm = pOcm.time_derivative()
    vRcm = pRcm.time_derivative()
    vAcm = pAcm.time_derivative()
    vBcm = pBcm.time_derivative()
    vCcm = pCcm.time_derivative()

    nvRcm = 1 / (vRcm.length() + tol_1) * vRcm
    nvAcm = 1 / (vAcm.length() + tol_1) * vAcm
    nvBcm = 1 / (vBcm.length() + tol_1) * vBcm
    nvCcm = 1 / (vCcm.length() + tol_1) * vCcm

    vSoil = -direction * 1 * N.y
    nSoil = 1 / vSoil.length() * vSoil
    # reff = abs( abs(y_d+0.01)-abs(y_d-0.01))*1/0.02*9.75
    # foperp = reff*nSoil
    foperp = f2 * nSoil
    system1.addforce(foperp, vOcm)
    # system1.addforce(9.75*1*nSoil,vOcm)
    # system1.addforce(9.75*1*nSoil*y_d,vOcm)
    # system1.addforce(-100*N.x, y_d*N.x)

    frperp = friction_arm_perp * nvRcm.dot(R.y) * R.y
    frpar = friction_arm_par * nvRcm.dot(R.x) * R.x
    system1.addforce(-(frperp + frpar), vRcm)

    faperp = friction_perp * nvAcm.dot(A.y) * A.y
    fapar = friction_par * nvAcm.dot(A.x) * A.x
    system1.addforce(-(faperp + fapar), vAcm)

    fbperp = friction_perp * nvBcm.dot(B.y) * B.y
    fbpar = friction_par * nvBcm.dot(B.x) * B.x
    system1.addforce(-(fbperp + fbpar), vBcm)

    fcperp = friction_perp * nvCcm.dot(C.y) * C.y
    fcpar = friction_par * nvCcm.dot(C.x) * C.x
    system1.addforce(-(fcperp + fcpar), vCcm)

    system1.addforce(-b_damping * 1 * wRA, wRA)
    system1.addforce(-b_damping * 1 * wAB, wAB)
    system1.addforce(-b_damping * 1 * wBC, wBC)

    eq = []
    eq_d = [(system1.derivative(item)) for item in eq]
    eq_d.append(qR_d - omega1)
    # eq_dd= [(system1.derivative(item)) for item in eq_d]
    eq_dd = [system1.derivative(eq_d[0])]

    f, ma = system1.getdynamics()
    func1 = system1.state_space_post_invert(f, ma, eq_dd)
    points = [pNO, pOR, pRA, pAB, pBC, pCtip]

    constants = system1.constant_values
    states = pynamics.integration.integrate_odeint(func1,
                                                       'constants': constants
                                                   }, ))
    final = numpy.asarray(states[-1, :])

    logger1 = logging.getLogger('pynamics.system1')
    logger2 = logging.getLogger('pynamics.integration')
    logger3 = logging.getLogger('pynamics.output')
    logger1.disabled = True
    logger2.disabled = True
    logger3.disabled = True
    points_output = PointsOutput(points, system1, constant_values=constants)

    y1 = points_output.calc(states)
    if video_on == 1:
        plt.plot(*(y1[::int(len(y1) / 20)].T) * 1000)
        plt.title("Plate Configuration vs Distance")
        plt.ylabel("Distance (mm)")

        plt.plot(t, numpy.rad2deg(states[:, 2]))
        plt.plot(t, numpy.rad2deg(states[:, 8]))
        plt.legend(["qR", "qR_d"])
        plt.hlines(numpy.rad2deg(t1), tinitial, tfinal)
        plt.hlines(numpy.rad2deg(t2), tinitial, tfinal)
        plt.title("Robot Arm angle and velocitues (qR and qR_d) over Time")
        plt.xlabel("Time (s)")
        plt.ylabel("Angles,Velocities (deg, deg/s)")

        q_states = numpy.c_[(states[:, 2], states[:, 3], states[:,
                                                                4], states[:,
        plt.plot(t, numpy.rad2deg(q_states))
        plt.title("Joint Angule over Time")
        plt.xlabel("Time (s)")
        plt.ylabel("Joint Angles (deg)")
        plt.legend(["Arm", "Joint 1", "Joint 2", "Joint 3"])

        qd_states = numpy.c_[(states[:, 8], states[:,
                                                   9], states[:,
                                                              10], states[:,
        plt.plot(t, numpy.rad2deg(qd_states))
        plt.legend(["qR_d", "qA_d", "qB_d", "qC_d"])
        plt.title("Joint Angular Velocities over Time")
        plt.xlabel("Time (s)")
        plt.ylabel("Joint Angular Velocities (deg/s)")
        plt.legend(["Arm", "Joint 1", "Joint 2", "Joint 3"])

        plt.plot(t, states[:, 0], '--')
        plt.plot(t, states[:, 6])
        y_d1 = states[:, 6]
        # force1 = abs( abs(y_d1+0.1)-abs(y_d1-0.1))*40
        # plt.plot(t,force1)
        plt.title("Robot Distance and Velocity over time")
        plt.xlabel("Time (s)")
        plt.ylabel("Distance (mm)")
        plt.legend(["Distance", "Velocity of the robot"])

        points_output.animate(fps=1 / tstep,
                              color=(1, 0, 0, 1),
    return final, states, y1
Beispiel #15
sol = sympy.solve(zero,torques)
sol2 = [sol[item] for item in torques]
# sol2 = sympy.Matrix([sol[item] for item in torques])
f_torques = sympy.lambdify(system.get_q(0)+system.get_q(1)+system.get_q(2),sol2)
res = numpy.array(f_torques(*(states_exp.T))).T

ft1 = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(t,res[:,0],fill_value = 'extrapolate', kind='quadratic')
ft2 = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(t,res[:,1],fill_value = 'extrapolate', kind='quadratic')
ft3 = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(t,res[:,2],fill_value = 'extrapolate', kind='quadratic')


variable_functions = {t1:ft1,t2:ft2,t3:ft3}

func1 = system.state_space_post_invert(f,ma,variable_functions=variable_functions)
# # func1,lambda1 = system.state_space_post_invert(f,ma,eq_dd,return_lambda = True)
states=pynamics.integration.integrate_odeint(func1,ini,t,rtol=tol,atol=tol,args=({'constants':system.constant_values},) )

# lambda2 = numpy.array([lambda1(item1,item2,system.constant_values) for item1,item2 in zip(t,states)])

KE = system.get_KE()
PE = system.getPEGravity(pNA) - system.getPESprings()

points = [pNA,pAB,pBC,pCtip]
#points = [item for item2 in points for item in [item2.dot(system.newtonian.x),item2.dot(system.newtonian.y)]]
points_output = PointsOutput(points,system)
y = points_output.calc(states)
