Beispiel #1
    def test_rsa_signing(self):
        for tpm in self.backEndList:
            # Create an RSA key.
            identityName = Name("/Test/KeyName")

            key = tpm.createKey(identityName, RsaKeyParams())
            keyName = key.getKeyName()

            content = Blob([0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04])
            signature = key.sign(DigestAlgorithm.SHA256, content.toBytes())

            publicKey = key.derivePublicKey()

            # TODO: Move verify to PublicKey?
            result = PolicyManager._verifySha256WithRsaSignature(
                signature, SignedBlob(content, 0, content.size()), publicKey)
            self.assertEquals(True, result)

            self.assertEquals(False, tpm.hasKey(keyName))
Beispiel #2
    class Component(object):
        Create a new Name.Component.
        :param value: (optional) If value is already a Blob or Name.Component,
          then take another pointer to the value.  Otherwise, create a new
          Blob with a copy of the value.  If omitted, create an empty component.
        :type value: Blob or Name.Component or value for Blob constructor
        def __init__(self, value = None):
            if type(value) is Name.Component:
                # Use the existing Blob in the other Component.
                self._value = value._value
            elif value == None:
                self._value = Blob([])
                # Blob will make a copy.
                self._value = value if isinstance(value, Blob) else Blob(value)
        def getValue(self):
            Get the value of the component.

            :return: The component value.
            :rtype: Blob
            return self._value
        def toEscapedString(self, result = None):
            Convert this component to a string, escaping characters according
            to the NDN URI Scheme. This also adds "..." to a value with zero or
            more ".".

            :param BytesIO result: (optional) The BytesIO stream to write to.  
              If omitted, return a str with the result.
            :return: The result as a string (only if result is omitted).
            :rtype: str
            if result == None:
                return Name.toEscapedString(self._value.buf())
                Name.toEscapedString(self._value.buf(), result)

        def toNumber(self):
            Interpret this name component as a network-ordered number and return 
            an integer.
            :return: The integer number.
            :rtype: int
            result = 0
            for i in range(self._value.size()):
                result *= 256
                result += self._value.buf()[i]
            return result
        def toNumberWithMarker(self, marker):
            Interpret this name component as a network-ordered number with a 
            marker and return an integer.
            :param int marker: The required first byte of the component.
            :return: The integer number.
            :rtype: int
            :raises RuntimeError: If the first byte of the component does not 
              equal the marker.
            if self._value.size() <= 0 or self._value.buf()[0] != marker:
                raise RuntimeError(
                       "Name component does not begin with the expected marker")

            result = 0
            for i in range(1, self._value.size()):
                result *= 256
                result += self._value.buf()[i]
            return result
        def toSegment(self):
            Interpret this name component as a segment number according to NDN
            naming conventions for "Segment number" (marker 0x00).
            :return: The integer segment number.
            :rtype: int
            :raises RuntimeError: If the first byte of the component is not the 
              expected marker.
            return self.toNumberWithMarker(0x00)

        def toSegmentOffset(self):
            Interpret this name component as a segment byte offset according to
            NDN naming conventions for segment "Byte offset" (marker 0xFB).

            :return: The integer segment byte offset.
            :rtype: int
            :raises RuntimeError: If the first byte of the component is not the
              expected marker.
            return self.toNumberWithMarker(0xFB)
        def toVersion(self):
            Interpret this name component as a version number  according to NDN
            naming conventions for "Versioning" (marker 0xFD). Note that this
            returns the exact number from the component without converting it to
            a time representation.
            :return: The integer version number.
            :rtype: int
            :raises RuntimeError: If the first byte of the component is not the 
              expected marker.
            return self.toNumberWithMarker(0xFD)

        def toTimestamp(self):
            Interpret this name component as a timestamp  according to NDN naming
            conventions for "Timestamp" (marker 0xFC).

            :return: The number of microseconds since the UNIX epoch (Thursday,
              1 January 1970) not counting leap seconds.
            :rtype: int
            :raises RuntimeError: If the first byte of the component is not the
              expected marker.
            return self.toNumberWithMarker(0xFC)

        def toSequenceNumber(self):
            Interpret this name component as a sequence number according to NDN
            naming conventions for "Sequencing" (marker 0xFE).

            :return: The integer sequence number.
            :rtype: int
            :raises RuntimeError: If the first byte of the component is not the
              expected marker.
            return self.toNumberWithMarker(0xFE)
        def equals(self, other):
            Check if this is the same component as other.
            :param Name.Component other: The other Component to compare with.
            :return: True if the components are equal, otherwise False.
            :rtype: bool
            return self._value.equals(other._value)
        def compare(self, other):
            Compare this to the other Component using NDN canonical ordering.
            :param Name.Component other: The other Component to compare with.
            :return: 0 If they compare equal, -1 if self comes before other in 
              the canonical ordering, or 1 if self comes after other in the 
              canonical ordering.
            :rtype: int
            if self._value.size() < other._value.size():
                return -1
            if self._value.size() > other._value.size():
                return 1

            # The components are equal length. Just do a byte compare.
        def fromNumber(number):
            Create a component whose value is the nonNegativeInteger encoding of
            the number.
            :param int number: The number to be encoded.
            :return: The component value.
            :rtype: Name.Component
            encoder = TlvEncoder(8)
            return Name.Component(Blob(encoder.getOutput(), False))
        def fromNumberWithMarker(number, marker):
            Create a component whose value is the marker appended with the 
            nonNegativeInteger encoding of the number.

            :param int number: The number to be encoded.
            :param int marker: The marker to use as the first byte of the 
            :return: The component value.
            :rtype: Name.Component
            encoder = TlvEncoder(9)
            # Encode backwards.
            return Name.Component(Blob(encoder.getOutput(), False))

        # Python operators
        def __eq__(self, other):
            return type(other) is Name.Component and self.equals(other)
        def __ne__(self, other):
            return not self == other

        def __le__(self, other):
            return <= 0

        def __lt__(self, other):
            return < 0

        def __ge__(self, other):
            return >= 0

        def __gt__(self, other):
            return > 0

        def __len__(self):
            return self._value.size()
Beispiel #3
class ContentMetaInfo(object):
    Create a new ContentMetaInfo object, possibly copying values from another

    :param ContentMetaInfo value: (optional) If value is a ContentMetaInfo, copy
      its values. If value is omitted, set all the fields to their default
      unspecified values.
    def __init__(self, value=None):
        if value == None:
        elif isinstance(value, ContentMetaInfo):
            # Copy its values.
            self._contentType = value._contentType
            self._timestamp = value._timestamp
            self._hasSegments = value._hasSegments
            self._other = value._other
            raise RuntimeError(
                "Unrecognized type for ContentMetaInfo constructor: " +

    def getContentType(self):
        Get the content type.

        :return: The content type. If not specified, return an empty string.
        :rtype: str
        return self._contentType

    def getTimestamp(self):
        Get the time stamp.

        :return: The time stamp as milliseconds since Jan 1, 1970 UTC. If not
          specified, return None.
        :rtype: float
        return self._timestamp

    def getHasSegments(self):
        Get the hasSegments flag.

        :return: The hasSegments flag.
        :rtype: bool
        return self._hasSegments

    def getOther(self):
        Get the Blob containing the optional other info.

        :return: The other info. If not specified, return an isNull Blob.
        :rtype: Blob
        return self._other

    def setContentType(self, contentType):
        Set the content type.

        :param str contentType: The content type.
        :return: This ContentMetaInfo so that you can chain calls to update
        :rtype: ContentMetaInfo
        self._contentType = contentType
        return self

    def setTimestamp(self, timestamp):
        Set the time stamp.

        :param float timestamp: The time stamp.
        :return: This ContentMetaInfo so that you can chain calls to update
        :rtype: ContentMetaInfo
        self._timestamp = Common.nonNegativeFloatOrNone(timestamp)
        return self

    def setHasSegments(self, hasSegments):
        Set the hasSegments flag.

        :param bool hasSegments: The hasSegments flag.
        :return: This ContentMetaInfo so that you can chain calls to update
        :rtype: ContentMetaInfo
        self._hasSegments = hasSegments
        return self

    def setOther(self, other):
        Set the Blob containing the optional other info.

        :param Blob other: The other info, or a default null Blob() if not
        :return: This ContentMetaInfo so that you can chain calls to update
        :rtype: ContentMetaInfo
        self._other = other if isinstance(other, Blob) else Blob(other)
        return self

    def clear(self):
        Set all the fields to their default unspecified values.
        self._contentType = ""
        self._timestamp = None
        self._hasSegments = False
        self._other = Blob()

    def wireEncode(self):
        Encode this ContentMetaInfo.

        :return: The encoding Blob.
        :rtype: Blob
        if self._timestamp == None:
            raise RuntimeError(
                "The ContentMetaInfo timestamp is not specified")

        meta = ContentMetaInfoMessage()
        meta.content_meta_info.content_type = self._contentType
        meta.content_meta_info.timestamp = int(round(self._timestamp))
        meta.content_meta_info.has_segments = self._hasSegments
        if not self._other.isNull() and self._other.size() > 0:
            meta.content_meta_info.other = self._other.toBytes()

        return ProtobufTlv.encode(meta)

    def wireDecode(self, input):
        Decode the input and update this ContentMetaInfo.

        :param input: The array with the bytes to decode.
        :type input: An array type with int elements
        meta = ContentMetaInfoMessage()
        ProtobufTlv.decode(meta, input)

        self._contentType = meta.content_meta_info.content_type
        self._timestamp = float(meta.content_meta_info.timestamp)
        self._hasSegments = meta.content_meta_info.has_segments
        if len(meta.content_meta_info.other) > 0:
            self._other = Blob(bytearray(meta.content_meta_info.other), False)

    # Create managed properties for read/write properties of the class for more pythonic syntax.
    contentType = property(getContentType, setContentType)
    timestamp = property(getTimestamp, setTimestamp)
    hasSegments = property(getHasSegments, setHasSegments)
    other = property(getOther, setOther)
Beispiel #4
    class Component(object):
        Create a new Name.Component.
        :param value: (optional) If value is already a Blob or Name.Component,
          then take another pointer to the value.  Otherwise, create a new
          Blob with a copy of the value.  If omitted, create an empty component.
        :type value: Blob or Name.Component or value for Blob constructor
        def __init__(self, value = None):
            if type(value) is Name.Component:
                # Use the existing Blob in the other Component.
                self._value = value._value
            elif value == None:
                self._value = Blob([])
                # Blob will make a copy.
                self._value = value if isinstance(value, Blob) else Blob(value)
        def getValue(self):
            Get the value of the component.

            :return: The component value.
            :rtype: Blob
            return self._value
        def toEscapedString(self, result = None):
            Convert this component to a string, escaping characters according
            to the NDN URI Scheme. This also adds "..." to a value with zero or
            more ".".

            :param BytesIO result: (optional) The BytesIO stream to write to.  
              If omitted, return a str with the result.
            :return: The result as a string (only if result is omitted).
            :rtype: str
            if result == None:
                return Name.toEscapedString(self._value.buf())
                Name.toEscapedString(self._value.buf(), result)

        def toNumber(self):
            Interpret this name component as a network-ordered number and return 
            an integer.
            :return: The integer number.
            :rtype: int
            result = 0
            for i in range(self._value.size()):
                result *= 256
                result += self._value.buf()[i]
            return result
        def toNumberWithMarker(self, marker):
            Interpret this name component as a network-ordered number with a 
            marker and return an integer.
            :param int marker: The required first byte of the component.
            :return: The integer number.
            :rtype: int
            :raises RuntimeError: If the first byte of the component does not 
              equal the marker.
            if self._value.size() <= 0 or self._value.buf()[0] != marker:
                raise RuntimeError(
                       "Name component does not begin with the expected marker")

            result = 0
            for i in range(1, self._value.size()):
                result *= 256
                result += self._value.buf()[i]
            return result
        def toSegment(self):
            Interpret this name component as a segment number according to NDN 
            name conventions (a network-ordered number where the first byte is 
            the marker 0x00).
            :return: The integer segment number.
            :rtype: int
            :raises RuntimeError: If the first byte of the component is not the 
              expected marker.
            return self.toNumberWithMarker(0x00)
        def toVersion(self):
            Interpret this name component as a version number according to NDN 
            name conventions (a network-ordered number where the first byte is 
            the marker 0xFD).  Note that this returns the exact number from the 
            component without converting it to a time representation.
            :return: The integer version number.
            :rtype: int
            :raises RuntimeError: If the first byte of the component is not the 
              expected marker.
            return self.toNumberWithMarker(0xFD)
        def equals(self, other):
            Check if this is the same component as other.
            :param Name.Component other: The other Component to compare with.
            :return: True if the components are equal, otherwise False.
            :rtype: bool
            return self._value.equals(other._value)
        def compare(self, other):
            Compare this to the other Component using NDN canonical ordering.
            :param Name.Component other: The other Component to compare with.
            :return: 0 If they compare equal, -1 if self comes before other in 
              the canonical ordering, or 1 if self comes after other in the 
              canonical ordering.
            :rtype: int
            if self._value.size() < other._value.size():
                return -1
            if self._value.size() > other._value.size():
                return 1

            # The components are equal length. Just do a byte compare.
        def fromNumber(number):
            Create a component whose value is the network-ordered encoding of 
            the number. Note: if the number is zero, the result is empty.
            :param int number: The number to be encoded.
            :return: The component value.
            :rtype: Name.Component
            value = []

            # First encode in little endian.
            while number != 0:
                value.append(number & 0xff)
                number >>= 8
            # Make it big endian.
            return Name.Component(Blob(value, False))
        def fromNumberWithMarker(number, marker):
            Create a component whose value is the marker appended with the 
            network-ordered encoding of the number. Note: if the number is zero, 
            no bytes are used for the number - the result will have only the 

            :param int number: The number to be encoded.
            :param int marker: The marker to use as the first byte of the 
            :return: The component value.
            :rtype: Name.Component
            value = []

            # First encode in little endian.
            while number != 0:
                value.append(number & 0xff)
                number >>= 8
            # Make it big endian.
            # Prepend the leading marker.
            value.insert(0, marker)
            return Name.Component(Blob(value, False))

        # Python operators
        def __eq__(self, other):
            return type(other) is Name.Component and self.equals(other)
        def __ne__(self, other):
            return not self == other

        def __le__(self, other):
            return <= 0

        def __lt__(self, other):
            return < 0

        def __ge__(self, other):
            return >= 0

        def __gt__(self, other):
            return > 0