Beispiel #1
    def send_accept(self):
        """Send an A-ASSOCIATE (accept) to the peer."""
        # The following parameters must be set for an A-ASSOCIATE (accept)
        # primitive (* sent in A-ASSOCIATE-AC PDU):
        #   Application Context Name*
        #   Calling AE Title* (but not to be tested)
        #   Called AE Title* (but not to be tested)
        #   User Information
        #       Maximum PDV Length*
        #       Implementation Class UID*
        #   Result
        #   Result Source
        #   Presentation Context Definition List Result*
        primitive = A_ASSOCIATE()
        primitive.application_context_name = APPLICATION_CONTEXT_NAME
        primitive.calling_ae_title = self.requestor.primitive.calling_ae_title
        primitive.called_ae_title = self.requestor.primitive.called_ae_title
        primitive.result = 0x00
        primitive.result_source = 0x01

        primitive.presentation_context_definition_results_list = (
            self.assoc.accepted_contexts + self.assoc.rejected_contexts)

        ## User Information - PS3.7 Annex D.3.3
        primitive.user_information = self.acceptor.user_information

        self.acceptor.primitive = primitive
Beispiel #2
    def send_request(assoc):
        """Send an A-ASSOCIATE (request) to the peer.

        assoc : pynetdicom.association.Association
            The association that is sending the A-ASSOCIATE (request).
        # The following parameters must be set for a request primitive
        # (* sent in A-ASSOCIATE-RQ PDU)
        #   Application Context Name*
        #   Calling AE Title*
        #   Called AE Title*
        #   UserInformation*
        #       Maximum PDV Length*
        #       Implementation Class UID*
        #   Calling Presentation Address
        #   Called Presentation Address
        #   Presentation Context Definition List*
        primitive = A_ASSOCIATE()
        # DICOM Application Context Name, see PS3.7 Annex A.2.1
        primitive.application_context_name = APPLICATION_CONTEXT_NAME
        # Calling AE Title is the source DICOM AE title
        primitive.calling_ae_title = assoc.requestor.ae_title
        # Called AE Title is the destination DICOM AE title
        primitive.called_ae_title = assoc.acceptor.ae_title
        # The TCP/IP address of the source, pynetdicom includes port too
        primitive.calling_presentation_address = (
            assoc.requestor.address, assoc.requestor.port
        # The TCP/IP address of the destination, pynetdicom includes port too
        primitive.called_presentation_address = (
            assoc.acceptor.address, assoc.acceptor.port
        # Proposed presentation contexts
        primitive.presentation_context_definition_list = (

        ## User Information - PS3.7 Annex D.3.3
        # Mandatory items:
        #   Maximum Length Notification (1)
        #   Implementation Class UID Notification (1)
        # Optional notification items:
        #   Implementation Version Name Notification (0 or 1)
        # Optional negotiation items:
        #   SCP/SCU Role Selection Negotiation (0 or N)
        #   Asynchronous Operations Window Negotiation (0 or 1)
        #   SOP Class Extended Negotiation (0 or N)
        #   SOP Class Common Extended Negotiation (0 or N)
        #   User Identity Negotiation (0 or 1)
        primitive.user_information = assoc.requestor.user_information

        # Save the request primitive
        assoc.requestor.primitive = primitive

        # Send the A-ASSOCIATE request primitive to the peer
    def test_conversion(self):
        """ Check conversion to a PDU produces the correct output """
        assoc = A_ASSOCIATE()
        assoc.application_context_name = "1.2.840.10008."
        assoc.calling_ae_title = 'ECHOSCU'
        assoc.called_ae_title = 'ANY-SCP'
        assoc.maximum_length_received = 16382
        assoc.implementation_class_uid = '1.2.826.0.1.3680043.9.3811.0.9.0'

        imp_ver_name = ImplementationVersionNameNotification()
        imp_ver_name.implementation_version_name = 'PYNETDICOM_090'

        pc = PresentationContext()
        pc.context_id = 1
        pc.abstract_syntax = '1.2.840.10008.1.1'
        pc.transfer_syntax = ['1.2.840.10008.1.2']
        assoc.presentation_context_definition_list = [pc]

        pdu = A_ASSOCIATE_RQ()
        data = pdu.encode()

        assert data == (
Beispiel #4
    def test_exceptions(self):
        """ Check incorrect types/values for properties raise exceptions """
        assoc = A_ASSOCIATE()

        # application_context_name
        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
            assoc.application_context_name = 10

        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
            assoc.application_context_name = 45.2

        # calling_ae_title
        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
            assoc.calling_ae_title = 45.2

        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
            assoc.calling_ae_title = 100

        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
            assoc.calling_ae_title = ''

        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
            assoc.calling_ae_title = '    '

        # called_ae_title
        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
            assoc.called_ae_title = 45.2

        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
            assoc.called_ae_title = 100

        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
            assoc.called_ae_title = ''

        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
            assoc.called_ae_title = '    '

        # user_information
        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
            assoc.user_information = 45.2

        # result
        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
            assoc.result = -1

        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
            assoc.result = 3

        # result_source
        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
            assoc.result_source = 0

        # result_source
        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
            assoc.result_source = 4

        # diagnostic
        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
            assoc.diagnostic = 0

        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
            assoc.diagnostic = 4

        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
            assoc.diagnostic = 5

        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
            assoc.diagnostic = 6

        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
            assoc.diagnostic = 8

        # calling_presentation_addresss
        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
            assoc.calling_presentation_address = ['', 105]

        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
            assoc.calling_presentation_address = (105, '')

        # called_presentation_addresss
        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
            assoc.called_presentation_address = ['', 105]

        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
            assoc.called_presentation_address = (105, '')

        # presentation_context_definition_list
        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
            assoc.presentation_context_definition_list = 45.2

        # presentation_context_definition_results_list
        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
            assoc.presentation_context_definition_results_list = 45.2

        # implementation_class_uid
        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
            x = assoc.implementation_class_uid

        imp_uid = ImplementationClassUIDNotification()
        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
            x = assoc.implementation_class_uid
Beispiel #5
    def test_assignment(self):
        """ Check assignment works correctly """
        assoc = A_ASSOCIATE()

        with pytest.raises(AttributeError):
            assoc.mode = "test value"

        with pytest.raises(AttributeError):
            assoc.presentation_requirements = "test value2"

        with pytest.raises(AttributeError):
            assoc.session_requirements = "test value3"

        assoc.application_context_name = "1.2.840.10008."
        assert assoc.application_context_name == UID('1.2.840.10008.')
        assoc.application_context_name = b"1.2.840.10008."
        assert assoc.application_context_name == UID('1.2.840.10008.')
        assoc.application_context_name = UID("1.2.840.10008.")
        assert assoc.application_context_name == UID('1.2.840.10008.')

        assoc.calling_ae_title = 'ABCD1234ABCD12345'
        assert assoc.calling_ae_title == b'ABCD1234ABCD1234'

        assoc.called_ae_title = 'ABCD1234ABCD12345'
        assert assoc.called_ae_title == b'ABCD1234ABCD1234'
        assert assoc.responding_ae_title == b'ABCD1234ABCD1234'

        max_length = MaximumLengthNotification()
        max_length.maximum_length_received = 31222
        assert assoc.user_information[0].maximum_length_received == 31222

        assoc.user_information = ['a', max_length]
        assert assoc.user_information == [max_length]

        assoc.result = 0
        assert assoc.result == 0
        assoc.result = 1
        assert assoc.result == 1
        assoc.result = 2
        assert assoc.result == 2

        assoc.result_source = 1
        assert assoc.result_source == 1
        assoc.result_source = 2
        assert assoc.result_source == 2
        assoc.result_source = 3
        assert assoc.result_source == 3

        assoc.diagnostic = 1
        assert assoc.diagnostic == 1
        assoc.diagnostic = 2
        assert assoc.diagnostic == 2
        assoc.diagnostic = 3
        assert assoc.diagnostic == 3
        assoc.diagnostic = 7
        assert assoc.diagnostic == 7

        assoc.calling_presentation_address = ('', 105)
        assert assoc.calling_presentation_address == ('', 105)

        assoc.called_presentation_address = ('', 106)
        assert assoc.called_presentation_address == ('', 106)

        pc = PresentationContext()
        pc.context_id = 1
        assoc.presentation_context_definition_list = [pc]
        assert assoc.presentation_context_definition_list == [pc]
        assoc.presentation_context_definition_list = ['a', pc]
        assert assoc.presentation_context_definition_list == [pc]

        assoc.presentation_context_definition_results_list = [pc]
        assert assoc.presentation_context_definition_results_list == [pc]
        assoc.presentation_context_definition_results_list = ['a', pc]
        assert assoc.presentation_context_definition_results_list == [pc]

        assoc = A_ASSOCIATE()
        # No maximum_length_received set
        assert assoc.maximum_length_received is None

        # No MaximumLengthNotification present
        assoc.maximum_length_received = 31223
        assert assoc.user_information[0].maximum_length_received == 31223
        assert assoc.maximum_length_received == 31223

        # MaximumLengthNotification already present
        assoc.maximum_length_received = 31224
        assert assoc.maximum_length_received == 31224

        # No ImplementationClassUIDNotification present
        assoc.implementation_class_uid = ''
        assert assoc.user_information[1].implementation_class_uid == UID(
        assert assoc.implementation_class_uid == UID('')

        # ImplementationClassUIDNotification already present
        assoc.implementation_class_uid = ''
        assert assoc.implementation_class_uid == UID('')
Beispiel #6
    def test_assignment(self):
        """Check assignment works correctly"""
        assoc = A_ASSOCIATE()

        with pytest.raises(AttributeError):
            assoc.mode = "test value"

        with pytest.raises(AttributeError):
            assoc.presentation_requirements = "test value2"

        with pytest.raises(AttributeError):
            assoc.session_requirements = "test value3"

        assoc.application_context_name = None
        assert assoc.application_context_name is None
        assoc.application_context_name = "1.2.840.10008."
        assert assoc.application_context_name == UID("1.2.840.10008.")
        assoc.application_context_name = b"1.2.840.10008."
        assert assoc.application_context_name == UID("1.2.840.10008.")
        assoc.application_context_name = UID("1.2.840.10008.")
        assert assoc.application_context_name == UID("1.2.840.10008.")

        msg = "'Calling AE Title' must be str, not 'NoneType'"
        with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=msg):
            assoc.calling_ae_title = None

        assoc.calling_ae_title = "ABCDEF1234567890"
        assert assoc.calling_ae_title == "ABCDEF1234567890"

        msg = "'Called AE Title' must be str, not 'NoneType'"
        with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=msg):
            assoc.called_ae_title = None

        assert assoc.responding_ae_title == assoc.called_ae_title
        assoc.called_ae_title = "1234567890ABCDEF"
        assert assoc.called_ae_title == "1234567890ABCDEF"
        assert assoc.responding_ae_title == assoc.called_ae_title

        max_length = MaximumLengthNotification()
        max_length.maximum_length_received = 31222
        assert assoc.user_information[0].maximum_length_received == 31222

        assoc.user_information = ["a", max_length]
        assert assoc.user_information == [max_length]

        assoc.result = None
        assert assoc.result is None
        assoc.result = 0
        assoc.result = 1
        assert assoc.result == 1
        assoc.result = 2
        assert assoc.result == 2

        assoc.result_source = None
        assert assoc.result_source is None
        assoc.result_source = 1
        assert assoc.result_source == 1
        assoc.result_source = 2
        assert assoc.result_source == 2
        assoc.result_source = 3
        assert assoc.result_source == 3

        assoc.diagnostic = None
        assert assoc.diagnostic is None
        assoc.diagnostic = 1
        assert assoc.diagnostic == 1
        assoc.diagnostic = 2
        assert assoc.diagnostic == 2
        assoc.diagnostic = 3
        assert assoc.diagnostic == 3
        assoc.diagnostic = 7
        assert assoc.diagnostic == 7

        assoc.calling_presentation_address = None
        assert assoc.calling_presentation_address is None
        assoc.calling_presentation_address = ("", 105)
        assert assoc.calling_presentation_address == ("", 105)

        assoc.called_presentation_address = None
        assert assoc.called_presentation_address is None
        assoc.called_presentation_address = ("", 106)
        assert assoc.called_presentation_address == ("", 106)

        pc = PresentationContext()
        pc.context_id = 1
        assoc.presentation_context_definition_list = [pc]
        assert assoc.presentation_context_definition_list == [pc]
        assoc.presentation_context_definition_list = ["a", pc]
        assert assoc.presentation_context_definition_list == [pc]

        assoc.presentation_context_definition_results_list = [pc]
        assert assoc.presentation_context_definition_results_list == [pc]
        assoc.presentation_context_definition_results_list = ["a", pc]
        assert assoc.presentation_context_definition_results_list == [pc]

        assoc = A_ASSOCIATE()
        # No maximum_length_received set
        assert assoc.maximum_length_received is None

        # No MaximumLengthNotification present
        assoc.maximum_length_received = 31223
        assert assoc.user_information[0].maximum_length_received == 31223
        assert assoc.maximum_length_received == 31223

        # MaximumLengthNotification already present
        assoc.maximum_length_received = 31224
        assert assoc.maximum_length_received == 31224

        # No ImplementationClassUIDNotification present
        assoc.implementation_class_uid = ""
        assert assoc.user_information[1].implementation_class_uid == UID("")
        assert assoc.implementation_class_uid == UID("")

        # ImplementationClassUIDNotification already present
        assoc.implementation_class_uid = ""
        assert assoc.implementation_class_uid == UID("")
Beispiel #7
    def setup(self):
        """Setup each test."""
        self.acse = ACSE(5)

        # A-ASSOCIATE (request)
        primitive = A_ASSOCIATE()
        primitive.application_context_name = APPLICATION_CONTEXT_NAME
        # Calling AE Title is the source DICOM AE title
        primitive.calling_ae_title = b'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP'
        # Called AE Title is the destination DICOM AE title
        primitive.called_ae_title = b'1234567890123456'
        # The TCP/IP address of the source, pynetdicom includes port too
        primitive.calling_presentation_address = ('', 111112)
        # The TCP/IP address of the destination, pynetdicom includes port too
        primitive.called_presentation_address = ('', 0)
        # Proposed presentation contexts
        contexts = [
            build_context('', JPEGBaseline),
        for ii, cx in enumerate(contexts):
            cx.context_id = ii * 2 + 1

        primitive.presentation_context_definition_list = contexts

        item = MaximumLengthNotification()
        item.maximum_length_received = 0

        item = ImplementationClassUIDNotification()
        item.implementation_class_uid = generate_uid(entropy_srcs=['lorem'])

        self.associate_rq = primitive

        # A-ASSOCIATE (accept)
        primitive = A_ASSOCIATE()
        primitive.application_context_name = APPLICATION_CONTEXT_NAME
        # Calling AE Title is the source DICOM AE title
        primitive.calling_ae_title = b'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP'
        # Called AE Title is the destination DICOM AE title
        primitive.called_ae_title = b'1234567890123456'
        # The TCP/IP address of the source, pynetdicom includes port too
        primitive.calling_presentation_address = ('', 111112)
        # The TCP/IP address of the destination, pynetdicom includes port too
        primitive.called_presentation_address = ('', 0)
        # Proposed presentation contexts
        contexts = [
            build_context('', JPEGBaseline),
        for ii, cx in enumerate(contexts):
            cx.context_id = ii * 2 + 1
            cx.result = ii

        primitive.presentation_context_definition_results_list = contexts
        primitive.result = 0x00

        item = MaximumLengthNotification()
        item.maximum_length_received = 0

        item = ImplementationClassUIDNotification()
        item.implementation_class_uid = generate_uid(entropy_srcs=['lorem'])

        self.associate_ac = primitive