Beispiel #1
class User:
    Represent an OKCupid user. Username and password are only optional
    if you have already filled in your username and password in
    username : str, optional
        The username for your OKCupid account.
    password : str, optional
        The password for your OKCupid account.
        If you are unable to login with the username and password
    def __init__(self, username=USERNAME, password=PASSWORD):
        self.username = username
        self.inbox = []
        self.outbox = []
        self.drafts = []
        self.questions = []
        self.visitors = []
        self._session = Session()
        headers = {
            'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/29.0.1547.62 Safari/537.36'
        credentials = {'username': username, 'password': password}
        helpers.login(self._session, credentials, headers)
        profile_response = self._session.get('')
        profile_tree = html.fromstring(profile_response.content.decode('utf8'))
        self.age, self.gender, self.orientation, self.status = helpers.get_additional_info(profile_tree)

    def update_mailbox(self, box='inbox', pages=10):
        Update either `self.inbox`, `self.outbox`, or `self.drafts` with
        MessageThread objects that represent a conversation with another
        box : str, optional
            Specifies which box to update. Valid choices are inbox, outbox,
            drafts and all. Update the inbox by default.
        for i in ('inbox', 'outbox', 'drafts'):
            if box.lower() != 'all':
                i = box.lower()
            if i.lower() == 'inbox':
                folder_number = 1
                update_box = self.inbox
                direction = 'from'
            elif i.lower() == 'outbox':
                folder_number = 2
                update_box = self.outbox
                direction = 'to'
            elif i.lower() == 'drafts':
                # What happened to folder 3? Who knows.
                folder_number = 4
                update_box = self.drafts
                direction = 'to'
            for page in range(pages):
                inbox_data = {
                    'low': 30*page + 1,
                    'folder': folder_number,
                get_messages ='', data=inbox_data)
                inbox_tree = html.fromstring(get_messages.content.decode('utf8'))
                messages_container = inbox_tree.xpath("//ul[@id = 'messages']")[0]
                for li in messages_container.iterchildren('li'):
                    threadid = li.attrib['data-threadid'] + str(page)
                    if threadid not in [thread.threadid for thread in update_box]:
                        sender = li.xpath(".//span[@class = 'subject']")[0].text_content()
                        if len(sender) > 3 and sender[:3] == 'To ':
                            sender = sender[3:]
                        if 'unreadMessage' in li.attrib['class']:
                            unread = True
                            unread = False
                        update_box.append(MessageThread(sender, threadid, unread, self._session, direction))
                next_disabled = inbox_tree.xpath("//li[@class = 'next disabled']")
                if len(next_disabled):
            if box.lower() != 'all':

    def message(self, username, message_text):
        Send a message to the username specified.
        username : str or Profile
            Username of the profile that is being messaged.
        message_text : str
            Text body of the message.
        threadid = ''
        if isinstance(username, Profile):
            username ==
        for thread in self.inbox[::-1]: # reverse, find most recent messages first
            if thread.sender.lower() == username.lower():
                threadid = thread.threadid
        get_messages = self._session.get('')
        inbox_tree = html.fromstring(get_messages.content.decode('utf8'))
        authcode = helpers.get_authcode(inbox_tree)
        msg_data = {
            'ajax': '1',
            'sendmsg': '1',
            'r1': username,
            'body': message_text,
            'threadid': threadid,
            'authcode': authcode,
            'reply': '1',
        send_msg ='', data=msg_data)

    def search(self, location='', radius=25, number=18, age_min=18, age_max=99,
        order_by='match', last_online='week', status='single',
        height_min=None, height_max=None, looking_for='', **kwargs):
        Search OKCupid profiles, return a list of matching profiles.
        See the search page on OKCupid for a better idea of the
        arguments expected.
        location : string, optional
            Location of profiles returned. Accept ZIP codes, city
            names, city & state combinations, and city & country
            combinations. Default to user location if unable to
            understand the string or if no value is given.
        radius : int, optional
            Radius in miles searched, centered on the location.
        number : int, optional
            Number of profiles returned. Default to 18, which is the
            same number that OKCupid returns by default.
        age_min : int, optional
            Minimum age of profiles returned. Cannot be lower than 18.
        age_max : int, optional
            Maximum age of profiles returned. Cannot by higher than 99.
        order_by : str, optional
            Order in which profiles are returned.
        last_online : str, optional
            How recently online the profiles returned are. Can also be
            an int that represents seconds.
        status : str, optional
            Dating status of profiles returned. Default to 'single'
            unless the argument is either 'not single', 'married', or
        height_min : int, optional
            Minimum height in inches of profiles returned.
        height_max : int, optional
            Maximum height in inches of profiles returned.
        looking_for : str, optional
            Describe the gender and orientation of profiles returned.
            If left blank, return some variation of "guys/girls who
            like guys/girls" or "both who like bi girls/guys, depending
            on the user's gender and orientation.
        smokes : str or list of str, optional
            Smoking habits of profiles returned.
        drinks : str or list of str, optional
            Drinking habits of profiles returned.
        drugs : str or list of str, optional
            Drug habits of profiles returned.
        education : str or list of str, optional
            Highest level of education attained by profiles returned.
        job : str or list of str, optional
            Industry in which the profile users work.
        income : str or list of str, optional
            Income range of profiles returned.
        religion : str or list of str, optional
            Religion of profiles returned.
        monogamy : str or list of str, optional
            Whether the profiles returned are monogamous or non-monogamous.
        offspring : str or list of str, optional
            Whether the profiles returned have or want children.
        pets : str or list of str, optional
            Dog/cat ownership of profiles returned.
        languages : str or list of str, optional
            Languages spoken for profiles returned.
        diet : str or list of str, optional
            Dietary restrictions of profiles returned.
        sign : str or list of str, optional
            Astrological sign of profiles returned.
        ethnicity : str or list of str, optional
            Ethnicity of profiles returned.
        join_date : int or str, optional
            Either a string describing the profile join dates ('last
            week', 'last year' etc.) or an int indicating the number
            of maximum seconds from the moment of joining OKCupid.
        keywords : str, optional
            Keywords that the profiles returned must contain. Note that
            spaces separate keywords, ie. `keywords="love cats"` will
            return profiles that contain both "love" and "cats" rather
            than the exact string "love cats".
        if not len(looking_for):
            looking_for = helpers.get_looking_for(self.gender, self.orientation)
        looking_for_number = magicnumbers.seeking[looking_for.lower()]
        if age_min < 18:
            age_min = 18
        if age_max > 99:
            age_max = 99
        if age_min > age_max:
            age_min, age_max = age_max, age_min
        locid = helpers.get_locid(self._session, location)
        last_online_int = helpers.format_last_online(last_online)
        status_parameter = helpers.format_status(status)
        search_parameters = {
            'filter1': '0,{0}'.format(looking_for_number),
            'filter2': '2,{0},{1}'.format(age_min, age_max),
            'filter3': '5,{0}'.format(last_online_int),
            'filter4': '35,{0}'.format(status_parameter),
            'locid': locid,
            'lquery': location,
            'timekey': 1,
            'matchOrderBy': order_by.upper(),
            'custom_search': 0,
            'fromWhoOnline': 0,
            'mygender': self.gender[0],
            'update_prefs': 1,
            'sort_type': 0,
            'sa': 1,
            'using_saved_search': '',
            'count': number,
        filter_no = '5'
        if location.lower() != 'anywhere':
            search_parameters['filter5'] = '3,{0}'.format(radius)
            filter_no = str(int(filter_no) + 1)
        if height_min is not None or height_max is not None:
            height_query = magicnumbers.get_height_query(height_min, height_max)
            search_parameters['filter{0}'.format(filter_no)] = height_query
            filter_no = str(int(filter_no) + 1)
        for key, value in kwargs.items():
            if isinstance (value, str) and key.lower() not in ('join_date', 'keywords'):
                value = [value]
            if key in ['smokes', 'drinks', 'drugs', 'education', 'job',
                       'income', 'religion', 'monogamy', 'diet', 'sign',
                       'ethnicity'] and len(value):
                search_parameters['filter{0}'.format(filter_no)] = magicnumbers.get_options_query(key, value)
                filter_no = str(int(filter_no) + 1)
            elif key == 'pets':
                dog_query, cat_query = magicnumbers.get_pet_queries(value)
                search_parameters['filter{0}'.format(filter_no)] = dog_query
                filter_no = str(int(filter_no) + 1)
                search_parameters['filter{0}'.format(filter_no)] = cat_query
                filter_no = str(int(filter_no) + 1)
            elif key == 'offspring':
                kids_query = magicnumbers.get_kids_query(value)
                search_parameters['filter{0}'.format(filter_no)] = kids_query
                filter_no = str(int(filter_no) + 1)
            elif key == 'languages':
                language_query = magicnumbers.language_map[value.title()]
                search_parameters['filter{0}'.format(filter_no)] = '22,{0}'.format(language_query)
                filter_no = str(int(filter_no) + 1)
            elif key == 'join_date':
                join_date_query = magicnumbers.get_join_date_query(value)
                search_parameters['filter{0}'.format(filter_no)] = join_date_query
                filter_no = str(int(filter_no) + 1)
            elif key == 'keywords':
                search_parameters['keywords'] = value
        profiles_request ='', data=search_parameters)
        profiles_tree = html.fromstring(profiles_request.content.decode('utf8'))
        profiles = []
        for div in profiles_tree.iter('div'):
            info = helpers.get_profile_basics(div, profiles)
            if len(info):
                profiles.append(Profile(self._session, info['name'], info['age'],
                                     info['location'], info['match'], enemy=info['enemy'],
                                     id=info['id'], rating=info['rating'], contacted=info['contacted']))
        return profiles

    def visit(self, username, update_pics=False):
        """Visit another user's profile. Automatically update the
        `essays`, `details`, and `looking_for` attributes of the
        visited profile. Accept either a string or a Profile object as
        an argument. Note that unless your profile is set to browse
        anonymously on OKCupid, you are likely to show up on this
        user's visitors list.
        username : str, Profile
            Username of the profile to visit. Can be either a string or a
            Profile object.
        update_pics : Bool
            Determines whether or not update_pics() is automatically
            called for this profile.
            An instance of Profile containing the visited user's
        if isinstance(username, Profile):
            prfl = username
        else: # string
            prfl = Profile(self._session, username)
        params = {
            'cf': 'leftbar_match',
            'leftbar_match': 1,
        profile_request ='{0}'.format(, data=params)
        profile_tree = html.fromstring(profile_request.content.decode('utf8'))
        prfl.match, prfl.enemy = helpers.get_percentages(profile_tree)
        prfl.age, prfl.gender, prfl.orientation, prfl.status = helpers.get_additional_info(profile_tree)
        if len(profile_tree.xpath("//div[@id = 'rating']")):
            prfl.rating = helpers.get_rating(profile_tree.xpath("//div[@id = 'rating']")[0])
        elif len(profile_tree.xpath("//button[@class = 'flatbutton white binary_rating_button like liked']")):
           prfl.rating = 5
        helpers.update_essays(profile_tree, prfl.essays)
        helpers.update_looking_for(profile_tree, prfl.looking_for)
        helpers.update_details(profile_tree, prfl.details)
        # If update_pics is False, you will need to call Profile.update_pics()
        # manually if you wish to access urls in this profile's pics attribute,
        # however this method will be approximately 3 seconds quicker because
        # it makes only 1 request instead of 2.
        if update_pics:
        if prfl._id is None:
            prfl._id = helpers.get_profile_id(profile_tree)
        return prfl

    def update_questions(self):
        Update `self.questions` with a sequence of question objects,
        whose properties can be found in Note that this
        can take a while due to OKCupid displaying only ten questions
        on each page, potentially requiring a large number of requests.
        keep_going = True
        question_number = 0
        while keep_going:
            questions_data = {
                'low': 1 + question_number,
            get_questions =
            tree = html.fromstring(get_questions.content.decode('utf8'))
            next_wrapper = tree.xpath("//li[@class = 'next']")
            # Get a list of each question div wrapper, ignore the first because it's an unanswered question
            question_wrappers = tree.xpath("//div[contains(@id, 'question_')]")[1:]
            for div in question_wrappers:
                if not div.attrib['id'][9:].isdigit():
            for div in question_wrappers:
                question_number += 1
                explanation = ''
                text = helpers.replace_chars(div.xpath(".//div[@class = 'qtext']/p/text()")[0])
                user_answer = div.xpath(".//li[contains(@class, 'mine')]/text()")[0]
                explanation_p = div.xpath(".//p[@class = 'value']")
                if explanation_p[0].text is not None:
                    explanation = explanation_p[0].text
                self.questions.append(Question(text, user_answer, explanation))
            if not len(next_wrapper):
                keep_going = False

    def read(self, thread):
        Update messages attribute of a thread object with a list of
        messages to and from the main User and another profile.
        thread : MessageThread
            Instance of MessageThread whose `messages` attribute you
            wish to update.
        thread_data = {'readmsg': 'true', 'threadid': thread.threadid[:-1], 'folder': 1}
        get_thread = self._session.get('', params=thread_data)
        thread_tree = html.fromstring(get_thread.content.decode('utf8'))
        for li in thread_tree.iter('li'):
            if 'class' in li.attrib and li.attrib['class'] in ('to_me', 'from_me', 'from_me preview'):
                message_string = helpers.get_message_string(li, thread.sender)

    def update_visitors(self):
        Update self.visitors with a Profile instance for each
        visitor on your visitors list.
        get_visitors = self._session.get('')
        tree = html.fromstring(get_visitors.content.decode('utf8'))
        divs = tree.xpath("//div[@class = 'user_row_item clearfix  ']")
        for div in divs:
            name = div.xpath(".//a[@class = 'name']/text()")[0]
            age = int(div.xpath(".//div[@class = 'userinfo']/span[@class = 'age']/text()")[0])
            location = div.xpath(".//div[@class = 'userinfo']/span[@class = 'location']/text()")[0]
            match = int(div.xpath(".//p[@class = 'match_percentages']/span[@class = 'match']/text()")[0].replace('%', ''))
            enemy = int(div.xpath(".//p[@class = 'match_percentages']/span[@class = 'enemy']/text()")[0].replace('%', ''))
            self.visitors.append(Profile(self._session, name, age, location, match, enemy))

    def rate(self, profile, rating):
        Rate a profile 1 through 5 stars. Profile argument may be
        either a Profile object or a string. However, if it is a
        string we must first visit the profile to get its id number.
        profile : str or Profile
            The profile that you wish to rate.
        rating : str or int
            1 through 5 star rating that you wish to bestow.
        if isinstance(profile, str):
            profile = self.visit(profile)
        parameters = {
            'target_userid': profile._id,
            'type': 'vote',
            'target_objectid': '0',
            'vote_type': 'personality',
            'score': rating,

    def quickmatch(self):
        Return an instance of a Profile representing the profile on
        your Quickmatch page.
        get_quickmatch = self._session.get('')
        tree = html.fromstring(get_quickmatch.content.decode('utf8'))
        # all of the profile information on the quickmatch page is hidden in
        # a <script> element, meaning that regex is unfortunately necessary
        for script in tree.iter('script'):
            if script.text is not None:
                search_result ='[^{]"tuid" : "(\d+)', script.text)
                if search_result is not None:
                    id =
                # I'm sorry.
                broad_result ='''"location"\s:\s"(.+?)".+
                                             script.text, re.VERBOSE)
                if broad_result is not None:
                    location =
                    enemy = int(
                    friend = int(
                    age = int(
                    username =
                    match = int(
        return Profile(self._session, username, age=age, location=location,
                       match=match, enemy=enemy, id=id)

    def __str__(self):
        return '<User {0}>'.format(self.username)
Beispiel #2
class User:
    Represent an OKCupid user.
    username : str
        The username for your OKCupid account.
    password : str
        The password for your OKCupid account.
        If you are unable to login with the username and password
    def __init__(self, username, password):
        self.username = username
        self.inbox = []
        self.outbox = []
        self.drafts = []
        self.questions = []
        self.visitors = []
        self._session = Session()
        credentials = {'username': username, 'password': password, 'dest': '/home'}
        helpers.login(self._session, credentials)
        self.age, self.orientation, self.status, self.gender = helpers.get_additional_info(self._session)
    def update_mailbox(self, box='inbox', pages=10):
        Update either `self.inbox`, `self.outbox`, or `self.drafts` with
        MessageThread objects that represent a conversation with another
        box : str, optional
            Specifies which box to update. Valid choices are inbox, outbox,
            drafts and all. Update the inbox by default.
        for i in ('inbox', 'outbox', 'drafts'):
            if box.lower() != 'all':
                i = box.lower()
            if i.lower() == 'inbox':
                folder_number = 1
                update_box = self.inbox
                direction = 'from'
            elif i.lower() == 'outbox':
                folder_number = 2
                update_box = self.outbox
                direction = 'to'
            elif i.lower() == 'drafts':
                # What happened to folder 3? Who knows.
                folder_number = 4 
                update_box = self.drafts
                direction = 'to'
            for page in range(pages):
                inbox_data = {
                    'low': 30*page + 1, 
                    'folder': folder_number,
                get_messages ='', data=inbox_data)
                inbox_tree = html.fromstring(get_messages.content.decode('utf8'))
                messages_container = inbox_tree.xpath("//ul[@id = 'messages']")[0]
                for li in messages_container.iterchildren('li'):
                    threadid = li.attrib['data-threadid'] + str(page)
                    if threadid not in [thread.threadid for thread in update_box]:
                        sender = li.xpath(".//span[@class = 'subject']")[0].text_content()
                        if len(sender) > 3 and sender[:3] == 'To ':
                            sender = sender[3:]
                        if 'unreadMessage' in li.attrib['class']:
                            unread = True
                            unread = False
                        update_box.append(MessageThread(sender, threadid, unread, self._session, direction))
                next_disabled = inbox_tree.xpath("//li[@class = 'next disabled']")
                if len(next_disabled):
            if box.lower() != 'all':
    def message(self, username, message_text):
        Send a message to the username specified.
        username : str or Profile
            Username of the profile that is being messaged.
        message_text : str
            Text body of the message.
        threadid = ''
        if isinstance(username, Profile):
            username ==
        for thread in self.inbox[::-1]: # reverse, find most recent messages first
            if thread.sender.lower() == username.lower():
                threadid = thread.threadid
        get_messages = self._session.get('')
        time_start = time.clock()
        inbox_tree = html.fromstring(get_messages.content.decode('utf8'))
        authcode = helpers.get_authcode(inbox_tree)
        msg_data = {
            'ajax': '1', 
            'sendmsg': '1',
            'r1': username,
            'body': message_text,
            'threadid': threadid,
            'authcode': authcode,
            'reply': '1',
        send_msg ='', data=msg_data)

    def search(self, location='', radius=25, number=18, age_min=18, age_max=99,
        order_by='match', last_online='week', status='single',
        height_min=None, height_max=None, looking_for='', **kwargs):
        Search OKCupid profiles, return a list of matching profiles.
        See the search page on OKCupid for a better idea of the
        arguments expected.
        location : string, optional
            Location of profiles returned. Accept ZIP codes, city
            names, city & state combinations, and city & country
            combinations. Default to user location if unable to
            understand the string or if no value is given.
        radius : int, optional
            Radius in miles searched, centered on the location.
        number : int, optional
            Number of profiles returned. Default to 18, which is the
            same number that OKCupid returns by default.
        age_min : int, optional
            Minimum age of profiles returned. Cannot be lower than 18.
        age_max : int, optional
            Maximum age of profiles returned. Cannot by higher than 99.
        order_by : str, optional
            Order in which profiles are returned.
        last_online : str, optional
            How recently online the profiles returned are. Can also be
            an int that represents seconds.
        status : str, optional
            Dating status of profiles returned. Default to 'single'
            unless the argument is either 'not single', 'married', or
        height_min : int, optional
            Minimum height in inches of profiles returned.
        height_max : int, optional
            Maximum height in inches of profiles returned.
        looking_for : str, optional
            Describe the gender and orientation of profiles returned.
            If left blank, return some variation of "guys/girls who
            like guys/girls" or "both who like bi girls/guys, depending
            on the user's gender and orientation.
        smokes : list of str, optional
            Smoking habits of profiles returned.
        drinks : list of str, optional
            Drinking habits of profiles returned.
        drugs : list of str, optional
            Drug habits of profiles returned.
        education : list of str, optional
            Highest level of education attained by profiles returned.
        job : list of str, optional
            Industry in which the profile users work.
        income : list of str, optional
            Income range of profiles returned.
        religion : list of str, optional
            Religion of profiles returned.
        offspring : list of str, optional
            Whether the profiles returned have or want children.
        pets : list of str, optional
            Dog/cat ownership of profiles returned.
        diet : list of str, optional
            Dietary restrictions of profiles returned.
        sign : list of str, optional
            Astrological sign of profiles returned.       
        ethnicity : list of str, optional
            Ethnicity of profiles returned.
        join_date : int or str, optional
            Either a string describing the profile join dates ('last
            week', 'last year' etc.) or an int indicating the number
            of maximum seconds from the moment of joining OKCupid.
        keywords : str, optional
            Keywords that the profiles returned must contain. Note that
            spaces separate keywords, ie. `keywords="love cats"` will
            return profiles that contain both "love" and "cats" rather
            than the exact string "love cats".
        if not len(looking_for):
            looking_for = helpers.get_looking_for(self.gender, self.orientation)
        looking_for_number = magicnumbers.seeking[looking_for.lower()]
        if age_min < 18:
            age_min = 18
        if age_max > 99:
            age_max = 99
        if age_min > age_max:
            age_min, age_max = age_max, age_min
        locid = helpers.get_locid(self._session, location)
        last_online_int = helpers.format_last_online(last_online)
        status_parameter = helpers.format_status(status)
        search_parameters = {
            'filter1': '0,{0}'.format(looking_for_number),
            'filter2': '2,{0},{1}'.format(age_min, age_max),
            'filter3': '5,{0}'.format(last_online_int),
            'filter4': '35,{0}'.format(status_parameter),
            'locid': locid, 
            'timekey': 1,
            'matchOrderBy': order_by.upper(),
            'custom_search': 0,
            'fromWhoOnline': 0,
            'mygender': self.gender[0],
            'update_prefs': 1,
            'sort_type': 0,
            'sa': 1,
            'using_saved_search': '',
            'count': number,
        filter_no = '5'
        if location.lower() != 'anywhere':
            search_parameters['filter5'] = '3,{0}'.format(radius)
            filter_no = str(int(filter_no) + 1)
        if height_min is not None or height_max is not None:
            height_query = magicnumbers.get_height_query(height_min, height_max)
            search_parameters['filter{0}'.format(filter_no)] = height_query
            filter_no = str(int(filter_no) + 1)
        for key, value in kwargs.items():
            if key in ['smokes', 'drinks', 'drugs', 'education', 'job',
            'income', 'religion', 'diet', 'sign', 'ethnicity'] and len(value):
                search_parameters['filter{0}'.format(filter_no)] = magicnumbers.get_options_query(key, value)
                filter_no = str(int(filter_no) + 1)
            elif key == 'pets':
                dog_query, cat_query = magicnumbers.get_pet_queries(value)
                search_parameters['filter{0}'.format(filter_no)] = dog_query
                filter_no = str(int(filter_no) + 1)
                search_parameters['filter{0}'.format(filter_no)] = cat_query
                filter_no = str(int(filter_no) + 1)
            elif key == 'offspring':
                kids_query = magicnumbers.get_kids_query(value)
                search_parameters['filter{0}'.format(filter_no)] = kids_query
                filter_no = str(int(filter_no) + 1)
            elif key == 'languages':
                language_query = magicnumbers.language_map[value.title()]
                search_parameters['filter{0}'.format(filter_no)] = '22,{0}'.format(language_query)
                filter_no = str(int(filter_no) + 1)
            elif key == 'join_date':
                join_date_query = magicnumbers.get_join_date_query(value)
                search_parameters['filter{0}'.format(filter_no)] = join_date_query
                filter_no = str(int(filter_no) + 1)
            elif key == 'keywords':
                search_parameters['keywords'] = value
        profiles_request ='', data=search_parameters)
        profiles_tree = html.fromstring(profiles_request.content.decode('utf8'))
        profiles = []
        for div in profiles_tree.iter('div'):
            info = helpers.get_profile_basics(div, profiles)
            if len(info):
                profiles.append(Profile(self._session, info['name'], info['age'],
                                     info['location'], info['match']))
        return profiles
    def visit(self, username):
        """Visit another user's profile. Automatically update the
        `essays`, `details`, and `looking_for` attributes of the
        visited profile. Accept either a string or a Profile object as
        an argument. Note that unless your profile is set to browse
        anonymously on OKCupid, you are likely to show up on this
        user's visitors list.
        username : str, Profile
            Username of the profile to visit. Can be either a string or a
            Profile object.
            An instance of Profile containing the visited user's
        if isinstance(username, Profile):
            prfl = username
        else: # string
            prfl = Profile(self._session, username)
        params = {
            'cf': 'leftbar_match',
            'leftbar_match': 1,
        profile_request ='{0}'.format(, data=params)
        profile_tree = html.fromstring(profile_request.content.decode('utf8'))
        prfl.match, prfl.friend, prfl.enemy = helpers.get_percentages(profile_tree)
        prfl.age, prfl.gender, prfl.orientation, prfl.status = helpers.get_profile_gentation(profile_tree)
        helpers.update_essays(profile_tree, prfl.essays)
        helpers.update_looking_for(profile_tree, prfl.looking_for)
        helpers.update_details(profile_tree, prfl.details)
        return prfl
    def update_questions(self):
        Update `self.questions` with a sequence of question objects,
        whose properties can be found in Note that this
        can take a while due to OKCupid displaying only ten questions
        on each page, potentially requiring a large number of requests.
        count = 0
        question_number = 0
        keep_going = True
        while keep_going:
            questions_data = {
                'low': 1 + 10*count,
            get_questions ='{0}/questions'.format(self.username), data=questions_data)
            time_start = time.clock()
            tree = html.fromstring(get_questions.content.decode('utf8'))
            for div in tree.iter('div'):
                if 'id' in div.attrib and re.match(r'question_(\d+)', div.attrib['id']):
                    question_number += 1
                    explanation = ''
                    number = re.match(r'question_(\d+)', div.attrib['id']).group(1)
                    text = helpers.replace_chars(div.xpath(".//p[@class = 'qtext']")[0].text)
                    answer_eles = div.xpath(".//li")
                    answers = {}
                    # Use a dictionary/regex for the answer values
                    # because occasionally the numbers are not sequential
                    for ele in answer_eles:
                        value = re.match(r'self_answers_\d+_(\d+)', ele.attrib['id']).group(1)
                        answers[value] = ele.text
                    acceptable_answers = [ele.text for ele in answer_eles if ele.attrib['class'] in (' match', 'mine match')]
                    importance_no = div.xpath(".//input[@id = 'question_{0}_importance']/@value".format(number))[0]
                    if importance_no == '5':
                        importance = 'Irrelevant'
                    elif importance_no == '4':
                        importance = 'A little important'
                    elif importance_no == '3':
                        importance = 'Somewhat important'
                    elif importance_no == '2':
                        importance = 'Very important'
                    elif importance_no == '1':
                        importance = 'Mandatory'
                    explanation_p = div.xpath(".//p[@class = 'explanation']")
                    if explanation_p[0].text is not None:
                        explanation = explanation_p[0].text
                    answer_int = int(div.xpath(".//input[@id = 'question_{0}_answer']/@value".format(number))[0])
                    if question_number > 1 and text not in [q.text for q in self.questions]:
                        user_answer = answers[str(answer_int)]
                        self.questions.append(UserQuestion(text, answers, user_answer, explanation, self, acceptable_answers, importance))
            next = tree.xpath("//a[text() = 'Next']")
            if not len(next) or 'href' not in next[0].attrib:
                keep_going = False
                count += 1
    def read(self, thread):
        Update messages attribute of a thread object with a list of
        messages to and from the main User and another profile.
        thread : MessageThread
            Instance of MessageThread whose `messages` attribute you
            wish to update.
        thread_data = {'readmsg': 'true', 'threadid': thread.threadid[:-1], 'folder': 1}
        get_thread = self._session.get('', params=thread_data)
        thread_tree = html.fromstring(get_thread.content.decode('utf8'))
        for li in thread_tree.iter('li'):
            if 'class' in li.attrib and li.attrib['class'] in ('to_me', 'from_me', 'from_me preview'):
                message_string = helpers.get_message_string(li, thread.sender)
    def update_visitors(self):
        Update self.visitors with a Profile instance for each
        visitor on your visitors list.
        get_visitors = self._session.get('')
        tree = html.fromstring(get_visitors.content.decode('utf8'))
        divs = tree.xpath("//div[@class = 'user_row_item clearfix  ']")
        for div in divs:
            name = div.xpath(".//a[@class = 'name']/text()")[0]
            age = int(div.xpath(".//div[@class = 'userinfo']/span[@class = 'age']/text()")[0])
            location = div.xpath(".//div[@class = 'userinfo']/span[@class = 'location']/text()")[0]
            match = int(div.xpath(".//p[@class = 'match_percentages']/span[@class = 'match']/text()")[0].replace('%', ''))
            friend = int(div.xpath(".//p[@class = 'match_percentages']/span[@class = 'friend']/text()")[0].replace('%', ''))
            enemy = int(div.xpath(".//p[@class = 'match_percentages']/span[@class = 'enemy']/text()")[0].replace('%', ''))
            self.visitors.append(Profile(self._session, name, age, location, match, friend, enemy))
    def __str__(self):
        return '<User {0}>'.format(self.username)
Beispiel #3
class User:
    Represent an OKCupid user.
    username : str
        The username for your OKCupid account.
    password : str
        The password for your OKCupid account.
        If you are unable to login with the username and password
    def __init__(self, username, password):
        self.username = username
        self.inbox = []
        self.outbox = []
        self.drafts = []
        self.questions = []
        self.visitors = []
        self._session = Session()
        credentials = {
            'username': username,
            'password': password,
            'dest': '/home'
        helpers.login(self._session, credentials)
        self.age, self.orientation, self.status, self.gender = helpers.get_additional_info(

    def update_mailbox(self, box='inbox', pages=10):
        Update either `self.inbox`, `self.outbox`, or `self.drafts` with
        MessageThread objects that represent a conversation with another
        box : str, optional
            Specifies which box to update. Valid choices are inbox, outbox,
            drafts and all. Update the inbox by default.
        for i in ('inbox', 'outbox', 'drafts'):
            if box.lower() != 'all':
                i = box.lower()
            if i.lower() == 'inbox':
                folder_number = 1
                update_box = self.inbox
                direction = 'from'
            elif i.lower() == 'outbox':
                folder_number = 2
                update_box = self.outbox
                direction = 'to'
            elif i.lower() == 'drafts':
                # What happened to folder 3? Who knows.
                folder_number = 4
                update_box = self.drafts
                direction = 'to'
            for page in range(pages):
                inbox_data = {
                    'low': 30 * page + 1,
                    'folder': folder_number,
                get_messages =
                    '', data=inbox_data)
                inbox_tree = html.fromstring(
                messages_container = inbox_tree.xpath(
                    "//ul[@id = 'messages']")[0]
                for li in messages_container.iterchildren('li'):
                    threadid = li.attrib['data-threadid'] + str(page)
                    if threadid not in [
                            thread.threadid for thread in update_box
                        sender = li.xpath(
                            ".//span[@class = 'subject']")[0].text_content()
                        if len(sender) > 3 and sender[:3] == 'To ':
                            sender = sender[3:]
                        if 'unreadMessage' in li.attrib['class']:
                            unread = True
                            unread = False
                            MessageThread(sender, threadid, unread,
                                          self._session, direction))
                next_disabled = inbox_tree.xpath(
                    "//li[@class = 'next disabled']")
                if len(next_disabled):
            if box.lower() != 'all':

    def message(self, username, message_text):
        Send a message to the username specified.
        username : str or Profile
            Username of the profile that is being messaged.
        message_text : str
            Text body of the message.
        threadid = ''
        if isinstance(username, Profile):
            username ==
        for thread in self.inbox[::
                                 -1]:  # reverse, find most recent messages first
            if thread.sender.lower() == username.lower():
                threadid = thread.threadid
        get_messages = self._session.get('')
        time_start = time.clock()
        inbox_tree = html.fromstring(get_messages.content.decode('utf8'))
        authcode = helpers.get_authcode(inbox_tree)
        msg_data = {
            'ajax': '1',
            'sendmsg': '1',
            'r1': username,
            'body': message_text,
            'threadid': threadid,
            'authcode': authcode,
            'reply': '1',
        send_msg ='',

    def search(self,
        Search OKCupid profiles, return a list of matching profiles.
        See the search page on OKCupid for a better idea of the
        arguments expected.
        location : string, optional
            Location of profiles returned. Accept ZIP codes, city
            names, city & state combinations, and city & country
            combinations. Default to user location if unable to
            understand the string or if no value is given.
        radius : int, optional
            Radius in miles searched, centered on the location.
        number : int, optional
            Number of profiles returned. Default to 18, which is the
            same number that OKCupid returns by default.
        age_min : int, optional
            Minimum age of profiles returned. Cannot be lower than 18.
        age_max : int, optional
            Maximum age of profiles returned. Cannot by higher than 99.
        order_by : str, optional
            Order in which profiles are returned.
        last_online : str, optional
            How recently online the profiles returned are. Can also be
            an int that represents seconds.
        status : str, optional
            Dating status of profiles returned. Default to 'single'
            unless the argument is either 'not single', 'married', or
        height_min : int, optional
            Minimum height in inches of profiles returned.
        height_max : int, optional
            Maximum height in inches of profiles returned.
        looking_for : str, optional
            Describe the gender and orientation of profiles returned.
            If left blank, return some variation of "guys/girls who
            like guys/girls" or "both who like bi girls/guys, depending
            on the user's gender and orientation.
        smokes : list of str, optional
            Smoking habits of profiles returned.
        drinks : list of str, optional
            Drinking habits of profiles returned.
        drugs : list of str, optional
            Drug habits of profiles returned.
        education : list of str, optional
            Highest level of education attained by profiles returned.
        job : list of str, optional
            Industry in which the profile users work.
        income : list of str, optional
            Income range of profiles returned.
        religion : list of str, optional
            Religion of profiles returned.
        offspring : list of str, optional
            Whether the profiles returned have or want children.
        pets : list of str, optional
            Dog/cat ownership of profiles returned.
        diet : list of str, optional
            Dietary restrictions of profiles returned.
        sign : list of str, optional
            Astrological sign of profiles returned.       
        ethnicity : list of str, optional
            Ethnicity of profiles returned.
        join_date : int or str, optional
            Either a string describing the profile join dates ('last
            week', 'last year' etc.) or an int indicating the number
            of maximum seconds from the moment of joining OKCupid.
        keywords : str, optional
            Keywords that the profiles returned must contain. Note that
            spaces separate keywords, ie. `keywords="love cats"` will
            return profiles that contain both "love" and "cats" rather
            than the exact string "love cats".
        if not len(looking_for):
            looking_for = helpers.get_looking_for(self.gender,
        looking_for_number = magicnumbers.seeking[looking_for.lower()]
        if age_min < 18:
            age_min = 18
        if age_max > 99:
            age_max = 99
        if age_min > age_max:
            age_min, age_max = age_max, age_min
        locid = helpers.get_locid(self._session, location)
        last_online_int = helpers.format_last_online(last_online)
        status_parameter = helpers.format_status(status)
        search_parameters = {
            'filter1': '0,{0}'.format(looking_for_number),
            'filter2': '2,{0},{1}'.format(age_min, age_max),
            'filter3': '5,{0}'.format(last_online_int),
            'filter4': '35,{0}'.format(status_parameter),
            'locid': locid,
            'timekey': 1,
            'matchOrderBy': order_by.upper(),
            'custom_search': 0,
            'fromWhoOnline': 0,
            'mygender': self.gender[0],
            'update_prefs': 1,
            'sort_type': 0,
            'sa': 1,
            'using_saved_search': '',
            'count': number,
        filter_no = '5'
        if location.lower() != 'anywhere':
            search_parameters['filter5'] = '3,{0}'.format(radius)
            filter_no = str(int(filter_no) + 1)
        if height_min is not None or height_max is not None:
            height_query = magicnumbers.get_height_query(
                height_min, height_max)
            search_parameters['filter{0}'.format(filter_no)] = height_query
            filter_no = str(int(filter_no) + 1)
        for key, value in kwargs.items():
            if key in [
                    'smokes', 'drinks', 'drugs', 'education', 'job', 'income',
                    'religion', 'diet', 'sign', 'ethnicity'
            ] and len(value):
                    filter_no)] = magicnumbers.get_options_query(key, value)
                filter_no = str(int(filter_no) + 1)
            elif key == 'pets':
                dog_query, cat_query = magicnumbers.get_pet_queries(value)
                search_parameters['filter{0}'.format(filter_no)] = dog_query
                filter_no = str(int(filter_no) + 1)
                search_parameters['filter{0}'.format(filter_no)] = cat_query
                filter_no = str(int(filter_no) + 1)
            elif key == 'offspring':
                kids_query = magicnumbers.get_kids_query(value)
                search_parameters['filter{0}'.format(filter_no)] = kids_query
                filter_no = str(int(filter_no) + 1)
            elif key == 'languages':
                language_query = magicnumbers.language_map[value.title()]
                    filter_no)] = '22,{0}'.format(language_query)
                filter_no = str(int(filter_no) + 1)
            elif key == 'join_date':
                join_date_query = magicnumbers.get_join_date_query(value)
                    filter_no)] = join_date_query
                filter_no = str(int(filter_no) + 1)
            elif key == 'keywords':
                search_parameters['keywords'] = value
        profiles_request ='',
        profiles_tree = html.fromstring(
        profiles = []
        for div in profiles_tree.iter('div'):
            info = helpers.get_profile_basics(div, profiles)
            if len(info):
                    Profile(self._session, info['name'], info['age'],
                            info['location'], info['match']))
        return profiles

    def visit(self, username):
        """Visit another user's profile. Automatically update the
        `essays`, `details`, and `looking_for` attributes of the
        visited profile. Accept either a string or a Profile object as
        an argument. Note that unless your profile is set to browse
        anonymously on OKCupid, you are likely to show up on this
        user's visitors list.
        username : str, Profile
            Username of the profile to visit. Can be either a string or a
            Profile object.
            An instance of Profile containing the visited user's
        if isinstance(username, Profile):
            prfl = username
        else:  # string
            prfl = Profile(self._session, username)
        params = {
            'cf': 'leftbar_match',
            'leftbar_match': 1,
        profile_request =
        profile_tree = html.fromstring(profile_request.content.decode('utf8'))
        prfl.match, prfl.friend, prfl.enemy = helpers.get_percentages(
        prfl.age, prfl.gender, prfl.orientation, prfl.status = helpers.get_profile_gentation(
        helpers.update_essays(profile_tree, prfl.essays)
        helpers.update_looking_for(profile_tree, prfl.looking_for)
        helpers.update_details(profile_tree, prfl.details)
        return prfl

    def update_questions(self):
        Update `self.questions` with a sequence of question objects,
        whose properties can be found in Note that this
        can take a while due to OKCupid displaying only ten questions
        on each page, potentially requiring a large number of requests.
        count = 0
        question_number = 0
        keep_going = True
        while keep_going:
            questions_data = {
                'low': 1 + 10 * count,
            get_questions =
            time_start = time.clock()
            tree = html.fromstring(get_questions.content.decode('utf8'))
            for div in tree.iter('div'):
                if 'id' in div.attrib and re.match(r'question_(\d+)',
                    question_number += 1
                    explanation = ''
                    number = re.match(r'question_(\d+)',
                    text = helpers.replace_chars(
                        div.xpath(".//p[@class = 'qtext']")[0].text)
                    answer_eles = div.xpath(".//li")
                    answers = {}
                    # Use a dictionary/regex for the answer values
                    # because occasionally the numbers are not sequential
                    for ele in answer_eles:
                        value = re.match(r'self_answers_\d+_(\d+)',
                        answers[value] = ele.text
                    acceptable_answers = [
                        ele.text for ele in answer_eles
                        if ele.attrib['class'] in (' match', 'mine match')
                    importance_no = div.xpath(
                        ".//input[@id = 'question_{0}_importance']/@value".
                    if importance_no == '5':
                        importance = 'Irrelevant'
                    elif importance_no == '4':
                        importance = 'A little important'
                    elif importance_no == '3':
                        importance = 'Somewhat important'
                    elif importance_no == '2':
                        importance = 'Very important'
                    elif importance_no == '1':
                        importance = 'Mandatory'
                    explanation_p = div.xpath(".//p[@class = 'explanation']")
                    if explanation_p[0].text is not None:
                        explanation = explanation_p[0].text
                    answer_int = int(
                            ".//input[@id = 'question_{0}_answer']/@value".
                    if question_number > 1 and text not in [
                            q.text for q in self.questions
                        user_answer = answers[str(answer_int)]
                            UserQuestion(text, answers, user_answer,
                                         explanation, self, acceptable_answers,
            next = tree.xpath("//a[text() = 'Next']")
            if not len(next) or 'href' not in next[0].attrib:
                keep_going = False
                count += 1

    def read(self, thread):
        Update messages attribute of a thread object with a list of
        messages to and from the main User and another profile.
        thread : MessageThread
            Instance of MessageThread whose `messages` attribute you
            wish to update.
        thread_data = {
            'readmsg': 'true',
            'threadid': thread.threadid[:-1],
            'folder': 1
        get_thread = self._session.get('',
        thread_tree = html.fromstring(get_thread.content.decode('utf8'))
        for li in thread_tree.iter('li'):
            if 'class' in li.attrib and li.attrib['class'] in (
                    'to_me', 'from_me', 'from_me preview'):
                message_string = helpers.get_message_string(li, thread.sender)

    def update_visitors(self):
        Update self.visitors with a Profile instance for each
        visitor on your visitors list.
        get_visitors = self._session.get('')
        tree = html.fromstring(get_visitors.content.decode('utf8'))
        divs = tree.xpath("//div[@class = 'user_row_item clearfix  ']")
        for div in divs:
            name = div.xpath(".//a[@class = 'name']/text()")[0]
            age = int(
                    ".//div[@class = 'userinfo']/span[@class = 'age']/text()")
            location = div.xpath(
                ".//div[@class = 'userinfo']/span[@class = 'location']/text()"
            match = int(
                    ".//p[@class = 'match_percentages']/span[@class = 'match']/text()"
                )[0].replace('%', ''))
            friend = int(
                    ".//p[@class = 'match_percentages']/span[@class = 'friend']/text()"
                )[0].replace('%', ''))
            enemy = int(
                    ".//p[@class = 'match_percentages']/span[@class = 'enemy']/text()"
                )[0].replace('%', ''))
                Profile(self._session, name, age, location, match, friend,

    def __str__(self):
        return '<User {0}>'.format(self.username)