Beispiel #1
def isin(element, test_elements, assume_unique=False, invert=False):

    if isinstance(element, BlockVector) and isinstance(test_elements, BlockVector):
        assert not element.has_none, 'Operation not allowed with None blocks. Specify all blocks in BlockVector'
        assert not test_elements.has_none, 'Operation not allowed with None blocks. Specify all blocks in BlockVector'
        assert element.nblocks == test_elements.nblocks, 'Operation on BlockVectors need the same number of blocks on each operand'
        res = BlockVector(element.nblocks)
        for i in range(element.nblocks):
            res[i] = isin(element[i],
        return res

    elif isinstance(element, BlockVector) and isinstance(test_elements, np.ndarray):

        assert not element.has_none, 'Operation not allowed with None blocks. Specify all blocks in BlockVector'
        res = BlockVector(element.nblocks)
        for i in range(element.nblocks):
            res[i] = isin(element[i],
        return res

    elif isinstance(element, np.ndarray) and isinstance(test_elements, np.ndarray):

        return np.isin(element,

        raise NotImplementedError()
Beispiel #2
    def test_compress(self):
        v = self.ones
        with self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError) as ctx:
            vv = v.compress(1, out=1)

        v = BlockVector(2)
        a = np.ones(5)
        b = np.zeros(9)
        v[0] = a
        v[1] = b

        c = v.compress(v < 1)

        v2 = BlockVector(2)
        b = np.zeros(9)
        v2[0] = np.ones(0)
        v2[1] = b

        self.assertEqual(c.nblocks, v.nblocks)
        for bid, blk in enumerate(c):
            self.assertTrue(np.allclose(blk, v2[bid]))

        flags = v < 1
        c = v.compress(flags.flatten())
        self.assertEqual(c.nblocks, v.nblocks)
        for bid, blk in enumerate(c):
            self.assertTrue(np.allclose(blk, v2[bid]))

        with self.assertRaises(Exception) as context:
Beispiel #3
    def test_compress(self):
        v = self.ones

        v = BlockVector(2)
        a = np.ones(5)
        b = np.zeros(9)
        v.set_block(0, a)
        v.set_block(1, b)

        c = v.compress(v < 1)

        v2 = BlockVector(2)
        b = np.zeros(9)
        v2.set_block(0, np.ones(0))
        v2.set_block(1, b)

        self.assertEqual(c.nblocks, v.nblocks)
        for bid, blk in enumerate(c):
            self.assertTrue(np.allclose(blk, v2.get_block(bid)))

        flags = v < 1
        c = v.compress(flags.flatten())
        self.assertEqual(c.nblocks, v.nblocks)
        for bid, blk in enumerate(c):
            self.assertTrue(np.allclose(blk, v2.get_block(bid)))

        with self.assertRaises(Exception) as context:
Beispiel #4
    def test_binary_ufuncs(self):

        v = BlockVector(2)
        a = np.ones(3) * 0.5
        b = np.ones(2) * 0.8
        v[0] = a
        v[1] = b

        v2 = BlockVector(2)
        a2 = np.ones(3) * 3.0
        b2 = np.ones(2) * 2.8
        v2[0] = a2
        v2[1] = b2

        binary_ufuncs = [np.add, np.multiply, np.divide, np.subtract,
                         np.greater, np.greater_equal, np.less,
                         np.less_equal, np.not_equal,
                         np.maximum, np.minimum,
                         np.fmax, np.fmin, np.equal,
                         np.logaddexp, np.logaddexp2, np.remainder,
                         np.heaviside, np.hypot]

        for fun in binary_ufuncs:
            flat_res = fun(v.flatten(), v2.flatten())
            res = fun(v, v2)
            self.assertTrue(np.allclose(flat_res, res.flatten()))

            res = fun(v, v2.flatten())
            self.assertTrue(np.allclose(flat_res, res.flatten()))

            res = fun(v.flatten(), v2)
            self.assertTrue(np.allclose(flat_res, res.flatten()))

            flat_res = fun(v.flatten(), 5)
            res = fun(v, 5)
            self.assertTrue(np.allclose(flat_res, res.flatten()))

            flat_res = fun(3.0, v2.flatten())
            res = fun(3.0, v2)
            self.assertTrue(np.allclose(flat_res, res.flatten()))

        v = BlockVector(2)
        a = np.ones(3, dtype=bool)
        b = np.ones(2, dtype=bool)
        v[0] = a
        v[1] = b

        v2 = BlockVector(2)
        a2 = np.zeros(3, dtype=bool)
        b2 = np.zeros(2, dtype=bool)
        v2[0] = a2
        v2[1] = b2

        binary_ufuncs = [np.logical_and, np.logical_or, np.logical_xor]
        for fun in binary_ufuncs:
            flat_res = fun(v.flatten(), v2.flatten())
            res = fun(v, v2)
            self.assertTrue(np.allclose(flat_res, res.flatten()))
Beispiel #5
    def __mul__(self, other):
        When doing A*B with numpy arrays, element-by-element multiplication is done. However, when doing
        A*B with scipy sparse matrices, a matrix-matrix dot product is performed. We are following the
        scipy sparse matrix API.

        bm, bn = self.bshape
        if np.isscalar(other):
            return self._binary_operation_helper(other, operator.mul)
        elif isinstance(other, BlockVector):
            assert bn == other.bshape[0], 'Dimension mismatch'
            assert self.shape[1] == other.shape[0], 'Dimension mismatch'
            assert not other.has_none, 'Block vector must not have none entries'

            nblocks = self.bshape[0]
            result = BlockVector(nblocks)
            for i in range(bm):
                result.set_block(i, np.zeros(self._brow_lengths[i]))
            for i, j in zip(*np.nonzero(self._block_mask)):
                x = other.get_block(j)
                A = self._blocks[i, j]
                blk = result.get_block(i)
                _tmp = A * x
                _tmp += blk
                result.set_block(i, _tmp)
            return result
        elif isinstance(other, np.ndarray):

            if other.ndim != 1:
                raise NotImplementedError(
                    'Operation not supported by BlockMatrix')

            assert self.shape[1] == other.shape[0], \
                'Dimension mismatch {}!={}'.format(self.shape[1],

            nblocks = self.bshape[0]
            result = BlockVector(nblocks)
            for i in range(bm):
                result.set_block(i, np.zeros(self._brow_lengths[i]))
                counter = 0
                for j in range(bn):
                    if not self.is_empty_block(i, j):
                        A = self._blocks[i, j]
                        x = other[counter:counter + A.shape[1]]
                        blk = result.get_block(i)
                        blk += A * x
                    counter += self.get_col_size(j)
            return result
        elif isinstance(other, BlockMatrix) or isspmatrix(other):
            return self._mul_sparse_matrix(other)
            return NotImplemented
Beispiel #6
    def test_any(self):

        v = BlockVector(2)
        a = np.zeros(5)
        b = np.ones(3)
        v[0] = a
        v[1] = b

        v = BlockVector(2)
        a = np.zeros(5)
        b = np.zeros(3)
        v[0] = a
        v[1] = b
Beispiel #7
    def test_any(self):

        v = BlockVector(2)
        a = np.zeros(5)
        b = np.ones(3)
        v.set_block(0, a)
        v.set_block(1, b)

        v = BlockVector(2)
        a = np.zeros(5)
        b = np.zeros(3)
        v.set_block(0, a)
        v.set_block(1, b)
Beispiel #8
    def __mul__(self, other):
        bm = self.bshape[0]
        if np.isscalar(other):
            result = BlockSymMatrix(bm)
            ii, jj = np.nonzero(self._block_mask)
            for i, j in zip(ii, jj):
                if not self.is_empty_block(i, j):
                    scaled = self._blocks[i, j] * other
                    result[i, j] = scaled
            return result

        elif isinstance(other, BlockVector):
            assert bm == other.bshape[0], 'Dimension missmatch'
            assert self.shape[1] == other.shape[0], 'Dimension missmatch'
            nblocks = self.bshape[0]
            result = BlockVector(nblocks)

            # initialize in zeros the result
            for i in range(bm):
                result[i] = np.zeros(self._brow_lengths[i])
            # populate result
            for i in range(bm):
                for j in range(bm):
                    x = other[
                        j]  # this flattens block vectors that are within block vectors
                    if not self.is_empty_block(i, j):
                        A = self._blocks[i, j]
                        result[i] += A * x
                    if i != j:
                        if not self.is_empty_block(i, j):
                            x = other[i]
                            A = self._blocks[i, j].transpose()
                            result[j] += A * x
            return result

        elif isinstance(other, np.ndarray):
            assert self.shape[1] == other.shape[0], 'Dimension missmatch'
            nblocks = self.bshape[0]

            block_x = BlockVector(nblocks)
            for i in range(bm):
                block_x[i] = np.zeros(self._bcol_lengths[i])
            return self.__mul__(block_x)
            raise NotImplementedError('not implemented')
Beispiel #9
 def test_mean(self):
     flat_v = np.ones(self.ones.size)
     v = self.ones
     self.assertEqual(v.mean(), flat_v.mean())
     v = BlockVector(2)
     with self.assertRaises(NotFullyDefinedBlockVectorError):
         v_mean = v.mean()
Beispiel #10
    def test_lt(self):

        v = BlockVector(2)
        a = np.ones(5)
        b = np.zeros(9)
        v[0] = a
        v[1] = b

        flags = v < 1
        v[0] = a-1
        v[1] = b+1
        self.assertEqual(v.nblocks, flags.nblocks)
        for bid, blk in enumerate(flags):
            self.assertTrue(np.allclose(blk, v[bid]))
        v[0] = a + 1
        v[1] = b - 1
        flags = v < np.ones(v.size)
        v[0] = a - 1
        v[1] = b + 1
        self.assertEqual(v.nblocks, flags.nblocks)
        for bid, blk in enumerate(flags):
            self.assertTrue(np.allclose(blk, v[bid]))

        v[0] = a + 1
        v[1] = b - 1
        vv = v.copy()
        flags = v < vv
        v[0] = a - 1
        v[1] = b + 1
        self.assertEqual(v.nblocks, flags.nblocks)
        for bid, blk in enumerate(flags):
            self.assertTrue(np.allclose(blk, v[bid]))
Beispiel #11
    def test_nonzero(self):

        v = BlockVector(2)
        a = np.ones(5)
        b = np.zeros(9)
        v[0] = a
        v[1] = b

        n = v.nonzero()

        v2 = BlockVector(2)
        v2[0] = np.arange(5)
        v2[1] = np.zeros(0)
        self.assertEqual(n[0].nblocks, v.nblocks)
        for bid, blk in enumerate(n[0]):
            self.assertTrue(np.allclose(blk, v2[bid]))
Beispiel #12
    def test_le(self):

        v = BlockVector(2)
        a = np.ones(5)
        b = np.zeros(9)
        v[0] = a
        v[1] = b

        flags = v <= 1
        v[1] = b + 1
        self.assertEqual(v.nblocks, flags.nblocks)
        for bid, blk in enumerate(flags):
            self.assertTrue(np.allclose(blk, v[bid]))

        flags = v <= v
        vv = v.copy()
        self.assertEqual(v.nblocks, flags.nblocks)
        for bid, blk in enumerate(flags):
            self.assertTrue(np.allclose(blk, vv[bid]))

        flags = v <= v.flatten()
        vv = v.copy()
        self.assertEqual(v.nblocks, flags.nblocks)
        for bid, blk in enumerate(flags):
            self.assertTrue(np.allclose(blk, vv[bid]))
Beispiel #13
    def test_le(self):

        v = BlockVector(2)
        a = np.ones(5)
        b = np.zeros(9)
        v.set_block(0, a)
        v.set_block(1, b)

        flags = v <= 1
        v.set_block(1, b + 1)
        self.assertEqual(v.nblocks, flags.nblocks)
        for bid, blk in enumerate(flags):
            self.assertTrue(np.allclose(blk, v.get_block(bid)))

        flags = v <= v
        vv = v.copy()
        self.assertEqual(v.nblocks, flags.nblocks)
        for bid, blk in enumerate(flags):
            self.assertTrue(np.allclose(blk, vv.get_block(bid)))

        flags = v <= v.flatten()
        vv = v.copy()
        self.assertEqual(v.nblocks, flags.nblocks)
        for bid, blk in enumerate(flags):
            self.assertTrue(np.allclose(blk, vv.get_block(bid)))
Beispiel #14
    def test_nonzero(self):

        v = BlockVector(2)
        a = np.ones(5)
        b = np.zeros(9)
        v.set_block(0, a)
        v.set_block(1, b)

        n = v.nonzero()

        v2 = BlockVector(2)
        v2.set_block(0, np.arange(5))
        v2.set_block(1, np.zeros(0))
        self.assertEqual(n[0].nblocks, v.nblocks)
        for bid, blk in enumerate(n[0]):
            self.assertTrue(np.allclose(blk, v2.get_block(bid)))
Beispiel #15
    def test_ge(self):

        v = BlockVector(2)
        a = np.ones(5)
        b = np.zeros(9)
        v.set_block(0, a)
        v.set_block(1, b)

        flags = v >= 0
        v.set_block(1, b + 1)
        self.assertEqual(v.nblocks, flags.nblocks)
        for bid, blk in enumerate(flags):
            self.assertTrue(np.allclose(blk, v.get_block(bid)))
        v.set_block(1, b - 1)
        flags = v >= np.zeros(v.size)
        v.set_block(1, b)
        self.assertEqual(v.nblocks, flags.nblocks)
        for bid, blk in enumerate(flags):
            self.assertTrue(np.allclose(blk, v.get_block(bid)))

        v.set_block(1, b - 1)
        vv = v.copy()
        flags = v >= vv
        v.set_block(1, b)
        self.assertEqual(v.nblocks, flags.nblocks)
        for bid, blk in enumerate(flags):
            self.assertTrue(np.allclose(blk, v.get_block(bid)))
Beispiel #16
    def __mul__(self, other):
        bm, bn = self.bshape
        if np.isscalar(other):
            result = BlockMatrix(bm, bn)
            ii, jj = np.nonzero(self._block_mask)
            for i, j in zip(ii, jj):
                scaled = self._blocks[i, j] * other
                result[i, j] = scaled
            return result
        elif isinstance(other, BlockVector):
            assert bn == other.bshape[0], 'Dimension mismatch'
            assert self.shape[1] == other.shape[0], 'Dimension mismatch'
            nblocks = self.bshape[0]
            result = BlockVector(nblocks)
            for i in range(bm):
                result[i] = np.zeros(self._brow_lengths[i])
                for j in range(bn):
                    x = other[
                        j]  # this flattens block vectors that are within block vectors
                    if not self.is_empty_block(i, j):
                        A = self._blocks[i, j]
                        result[i] += A * x
            return result
        elif isinstance(other, np.ndarray):

            assert self.shape[1] == other.shape[
                0], 'Dimension mismatch {}!={}'.format(self.shape[1],
            nblocks = self.bshape[0]
            result = BlockVector(nblocks)
            for i in range(bm):
                result[i] = np.zeros(self._brow_lengths[i])
                counter = 0
                for j in range(bn):
                    if not self.is_empty_block(i, j):
                        A = self._blocks[i, j]
                        x = other[counter:counter + A.shape[1]]
                        result[i] += A * x
                        counter += A.shape[0]
            return result
        elif isinstance(other, BlockMatrix) or isspmatrix(other):
            return self._mul_sparse_matrix(other)
            raise NotImplementedError(
                'input not recognized for multiplication')
Beispiel #17
 def test_flatten(self):
     v = BlockVector(2)
     a = np.arange(5)
     b = np.arange(9)
     c = np.concatenate([a, b])
     v.set_block(0, a)
     v.set_block(1, b)
     self.assertListEqual(v.flatten().tolist(), c.tolist())
Beispiel #18
    def test_constructor(self):

        v = BlockVector(2)
        self.assertEqual(v.nblocks, 2)
        self.assertEqual(v.bshape, (2, ))
        with self.assertRaises(NotFullyDefinedBlockVectorError):
            v_size = v.size

        v.set_block(0, np.ones(2))
        v.set_block(1, np.ones(4))
        self.assertEqual(v.size, 6)
        self.assertEqual(v.shape, (6, ))
        with self.assertRaises(AssertionError):
            v.set_block(0, None)

        with self.assertRaises(Exception) as context:
Beispiel #19
 def test_flatten(self):
     v = BlockVector(2)
     a = np.arange(5)
     b = np.arange(9)
     c = np.concatenate([a, b])
     v[0] = a
     v[1] = b
     self.assertListEqual(v.flatten().tolist(), c.tolist())
Beispiel #20
 def test_copy(self):
     v = BlockVector(2)
     a = np.ones(5)
     b = np.zeros(9)
     v.set_block(0, a)
     v.set_block(1, b)
     v2 = v.copy()
     self.assertTrue(np.allclose(v.flatten(), v2.flatten()))
Beispiel #21
 def test_copy(self):
     v = BlockVector(2)
     a = np.ones(5)
     b = np.zeros(9)
     v[0] = a
     v[1] = b
     v2 = v.copy()
     self.assertTrue(np.allclose(v.flatten(), v2.flatten()))
Beispiel #22
def intersect1d(ar1, ar2, assume_unique=False, return_indices=False):

    if return_indices:
        raise NotImplementedError()

    if isinstance(ar1, tuple) and len(ar1) == 1:
        x = ar1[0]
    elif isinstance(ar1, np.ndarray) or isinstance(ar1, BlockVector):
        x = ar1
        raise RuntimeError('ar1 type not recognized. Needs to be np.ndarray or BlockVector')

    if isinstance(ar2, tuple) and len(ar2) == 1:
        y = ar2[0]
    elif isinstance(ar2, np.ndarray) or isinstance(ar1, BlockVector):
        y = ar2
        raise RuntimeError('ar2 type not recognized. Needs to be np.ndarray or BlockVector')

    if isinstance(x, BlockVector) and isinstance(y, BlockVector):

        assert x.nblocks == y.nblocks, "Number of blocks does not match"
        assert not x.has_none, 'Operation not allowed with None blocks. Specify all blocks in BlockVector'
        assert not y.has_none, 'Operation not allowed with None blocks. Specify all blocks in BlockVector'

        res = BlockVector(x.nblocks)
        for i in range(x.nblocks):
            res.set_block(i, intersect1d(x.get_block(i), y.get_block(i), assume_unique=assume_unique))
        return res
    elif isinstance(x, BlockVector) and isinstance(y, np.ndarray):
        assert not x.has_none, 'Operation not allowed with None blocks. Specify all blocks in BlockVector'

        res = BlockVector(x.nblocks)
        for i in range(x.nblocks):
            res.set_block(i, np.intersect1d(x.get_block(i), y, assume_unique=assume_unique))
        return res
    elif isinstance(x, np.ndarray) and isinstance(y, BlockVector):

        assert not y.has_none, 'Operation not allowed with None blocks. Specify all blocks in BlockVector'

        res = BlockVector(y.nblocks)
        for i in range(y.nblocks):
            res.set_block(i, np.intersect1d(x, y.get_block(i), assume_unique=assume_unique))
        return res
        return np.intersect1d(x, y, assume_unique=assume_unique)
Beispiel #23
    def test_iadd(self):
        v = self.ones
        v += 3
        self.assertListEqual(v.tolist(), [4] * v.size)
        v += v
        self.assertListEqual(v.tolist(), [2] * v.size)
        v += np.ones(v.size) * 3
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(v.flatten(), np.ones(v.size) * 4))

        v = BlockVector(2)
        a = np.ones(5)
        b = np.zeros(9)
        a_copy = a.copy()
        b_copy = b.copy()

        v.set_block(0, a)
        v.set_block(1, b)
        v += 1.0

        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(v.get_block(0), a_copy + 1))
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(v.get_block(1), b_copy + 1))

        v = BlockVector(2)
        a = np.ones(5)
        b = np.zeros(9)
        a_copy = a.copy()
        b_copy = b.copy()

        v.set_block(0, a)
        v.set_block(1, b)

        v2 = BlockVector(2)
        v2.set_block(0, np.ones(5))
        v2.set_block(1, np.ones(9))

        v += v2
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(v.get_block(0), a_copy + 1))
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(v.get_block(1), b_copy + 1))

        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(v2.get_block(0), np.ones(5)))
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(v2.get_block(1), np.ones(9)))

        with self.assertRaises(Exception) as context:
            v += 'hola'
Beispiel #24
 def test_copy_structure(self):
     v = BlockVector(2)
     a = np.ones(5)
     b = np.zeros(9)
     v.set_block(0, a)
     v.set_block(1, b)
     v2 = v.copy_structure()
     self.assertEqual(v.get_block(0).size, v2.get_block(0).size)
     self.assertEqual(v.get_block(1).size, v2.get_block(1).size)
Beispiel #25
    def test_copyfrom(self):
        v = self.ones
        v1 = np.zeros(v.size)
        self.assertListEqual(v.tolist(), v1.tolist())

        v2 = BlockVector(len(self.list_sizes_ones))
        for i, s in enumerate(self.list_sizes_ones):
            v2[i] = np.ones(s)*i
        for idx, blk in enumerate(v2):
            self.assertListEqual(blk.tolist(), v2[idx].tolist())

        v3 = BlockVector(2)
        v4 = v.clone(2)
        v3[0] = v4
        v3[1] = np.zeros(3)
        self.assertListEqual(v3.tolist(), v4.tolist() + [0]*3)
Beispiel #26
 def test_min(self):
     self.assertEqual(self.ones.min(), 1)
     v = BlockVector(2)
     a = np.arange(5)
     b = np.arange(9)
     c = np.concatenate([a, b])
     v.set_block(0, a)
     v.set_block(1, b)
     self.assertEqual(v.min(), c.min())
Beispiel #27
    def test_copyfrom(self):
        v = self.ones
        v1 = np.zeros(v.size)
        self.assertListEqual(v.tolist(), v1.tolist())

        v2 = BlockVector(len(self.list_sizes_ones))
        for i, s in enumerate(self.list_sizes_ones):
            v2.set_block(i, np.ones(s) * i)
        for idx, blk in enumerate(v2):
            self.assertListEqual(blk.tolist(), v2.get_block(idx).tolist())

        v3 = BlockVector(2)
        v4 = v.clone(2)
        v3.set_block(0, v4)
        v3.set_block(1, np.zeros(3))
        self.assertListEqual(v3.tolist(), v4.tolist() + [0] * 3)
Beispiel #28
 def test_has_none(self):
     v = self.ones
     v = BlockVector(3)
     v.set_block(0, np.ones(2))
     v.set_block(2, np.ones(3))
     v.set_block(1, np.ones(2))
Beispiel #29
 def test_fill(self):
     v = BlockVector(2)
     a = np.arange(5)
     b = np.arange(9)
     v.set_block(0, a)
     v.set_block(1, b)
     c = np.ones(v.size)
     self.assertListEqual(v.tolist(), c.tolist())
Beispiel #30
 def test_argmin(self):
     v = BlockVector(3)
     a = np.array([3, 2, 1])
     v.set_block(0, a.copy())
     v.set_block(1, a.copy())
     v.set_block(2, a.copy())
     v.get_block(1)[1] = -5
     argmin = v.argmin()
     self.assertEqual(argmin, 4)