Beispiel #1
def generate_time_only_slices(obj, time):
    o_sets = identify_member_sets(obj.index_set())
    # Given a potentially complex set, determine the index of the TIME
    # set, as well as all other "fixed" indices.  We will even support a
    # single Set with dimen==None (using ellipsis in the slice).
    ellipsis_idx = None
    time_idx = None
    regular_idx = []
    idx = 0
    for s in o_sets:
        if s is time:
            time_idx = idx
            idx += 1
        elif s.dimen is not None:
            for sub_idx in range(s.dimen):
            idx += s.dimen
        elif ellipsis_idx is None:
            ellipsis_idx = idx
            idx += 1
            raise RuntimeError(
                "We can only handle a single Set with dimen=None")
    # To support Sets with dimen==None (using ellipsis), we need to have
    # all fixed/time indices be positive if they appear before the
    # ellipsis and negative (counting from the end of the list) if they
    # are after the ellipsis.
    if ellipsis_idx:
        if time_idx > ellipsis_idx:
            time_idx = time_idx - idx
        regular_idx = [i - idx if i > ellipsis_idx else i
                       for i in fixed_idx]  #: fixme
    # We now form a temporary slice that slices over all the regular
    # indices for a fixed value of the time index.
    tmp_sliced = {i: slice(None) for i in regular_idx}
    tmp_fixed = {time_idx: time.first()}
    tmp_ellipsis = ellipsis_idx
    _slice = _IndexedComponent_slice(obj, tmp_fixed, tmp_sliced, tmp_ellipsis)
    # For each combination of regular indices, we can generate a single
    # slice over the time index
    time_sliced = {time_idx: time.first()}
    for key in _slice.wildcard_keys():
        if type(key) is not tuple:
            key = (key, )
        time_fixed = dict((i, val) if i < time_idx else (i + 1, val)
                          for i, val in enumerate(key))
        yield _IndexedComponent_slice(obj, time_fixed, time_sliced, None)
Beispiel #2
    def _processUnhashableIndex(self, idx):
        """Process a call to __getitem__ with unhashable elements

        There are three basic ways to get here:
          1) the index contains one or more slices or ellipsis
          2) the index contains an unhashable type (e.g., a Pyomo
          3) the index contains an IndexTemplate
        from pyomo.core.expr import current as EXPR
        # Iterate through the index and look for slices and constant
        # components
        fixed = {}
        sliced = {}
        ellipsis = None
        _found_numeric = False
        # Setup the slice template (in fixed)
        if type(idx) is tuple:
            # We would normally do "flatten()" here, but the current
            # (10/2016) implementation of flatten() is too aggressive:
            # it will attempt to expand *any* iterable, including
            # SimpleParam.
            idx = pyutilib.misc.flatten_tuple(idx)
        elif type(idx) is list:
            idx = pyutilib.misc.flatten_tuple(tuple(idx))
            idx = (idx,)

        for i,val in enumerate(idx):
            if type(val) is slice:
                if val.start is not None or val.stop is not None:
                    raise IndexError(
                        "Indexed components can only be indexed with simple "
                        "slices: start and stop values are not allowed.")
                if val.step is not None:
                        "DEPRECATION WARNING: The special wildcard slice "
                        "(::0) is deprecated.  Please use an ellipsis (...) "
                        "to indicate '0 or more' indices")
                    val = Ellipsis
                    if ellipsis is None:
                        sliced[i] = val
                        sliced[i-len(idx)] = val

            if val is Ellipsis:
                if ellipsis is not None:
                    raise IndexError(
                        "Indexed components can only be indexed with simple "
                        "slices: the Pyomo wildcard slice (Ellipsis; "
                        "e.g., '...') can only appear once")
                ellipsis = i

            if hasattr(val, 'is_expression_type'):
                _num_val = val
                # Attempt to retrieve the numeric value .. if this
                # is a template expression generation, then it
                # should raise a TemplateExpressionError
                    val = EXPR.evaluate_expression(val, constant=True)
                    _found_numeric = True

                except TemplateExpressionError:
                    # The index is a template expression, so return the
                    # templatized expression.
                    from pyomo.core.expr import current as EXPR
                    return EXPR.GetItemExpression(tuple(idx), self)

                except EXPR.NonConstantExpressionError:
                    # The expression contains an unfixed variable
                    raise RuntimeError(
"""Error retrieving the value of an indexed item %s:
index %s is not a constant value.  This is likely not what you meant to
do, as if you later change the fixed value of the object this lookup
will not change.  If you understand the implications of using
non-constant values, you can get the current value of the object using
the value() function.""" % (, i ))

                except EXPR.FixedExpressionError:
                    # The expression contains a fixed variable
                    raise RuntimeError(
"""Error retrieving the value of an indexed item %s:
index %s is a fixed but not constant value.  This is likely not what you
meant to do, as if you later change the fixed value of the object this
lookup will not change.  If you understand the implications of using
fixed but not constant values, you can get the current value using the
value() function.""" % (, i ))
                # There are other ways we could get an exception such as
                # evaluating a Param / Var that is not initialized.
                # These exceptions will continue up the call stack.

            # verify that the value is hashable
            if ellipsis is None:
                fixed[i] = val
                fixed[i - len(idx)] = val

        if sliced or ellipsis is not None:
            return _IndexedComponent_slice(self, fixed, sliced, ellipsis)
        elif _found_numeric:
            if len(idx) == 1:
                return fixed[0]
                return tuple( fixed[i] for i in range(len(idx)) )
            raise DeveloperError(
                "Unknown problem encountered when trying to retrieve "
                "index for component %s" % (,) )
Beispiel #3
    def _processUnhashableIndex(self, idx):
        """Process a call to __getitem__ with unhashable elements

        There are three basic ways to get here:
          1) the index contains one or more slices or ellipsis
          2) the index contains an unhashable type (e.g., a Pyomo
          3) the index contains an IndexTemplate
        from pyomo.core.expr import current as EXPR
        # Iterate through the index and look for slices and constant
        # components
        fixed = {}
        sliced = {}
        ellipsis = None
        _found_numeric = False
        # Setup the slice template (in fixed)
        if normalize_index.flatten:
            idx = normalize_index(idx)
        if idx.__class__ is not tuple:
            idx = (idx, )

        for i, val in enumerate(idx):
            if type(val) is slice:
                if val.start is not None or val.stop is not None:
                    raise IndexError(
                        "Indexed components can only be indexed with simple "
                        "slices: start and stop values are not allowed.")
                if val.step is not None:
                        "DEPRECATION WARNING: The special wildcard slice "
                        "(::0) is deprecated.  Please use an ellipsis (...) "
                        "to indicate '0 or more' indices")
                    val = Ellipsis
                    if ellipsis is None:
                        sliced[i] = val
                        sliced[i - len(idx)] = val

            if val is Ellipsis:
                if ellipsis is not None:
                    raise IndexError(
                        "Indexed components can only be indexed with simple "
                        "slices: the Pyomo wildcard slice (Ellipsis; "
                        "e.g., '...') can only appear once")
                ellipsis = i

            if hasattr(val, 'is_expression_type'):
                _num_val = val
                # Attempt to retrieve the numeric value .. if this
                # is a template expression generation, then it
                # should raise a TemplateExpressionError
                    val = EXPR.evaluate_expression(val, constant=True)
                    _found_numeric = True

                except TemplateExpressionError:
                    # The index is a template expression, so return the
                    # templatized expression.
                    from pyomo.core.expr import current as EXPR
                    return EXPR.GetItemExpression(tuple(idx), self)

                except EXPR.NonConstantExpressionError:
                    # The expression contains an unfixed variable
                    raise RuntimeError(
                        """Error retrieving the value of an indexed item %s:
index %s is not a constant value.  This is likely not what you meant to
do, as if you later change the fixed value of the object this lookup
will not change.  If you understand the implications of using
non-constant values, you can get the current value of the object using
the value() function.""" % (, i))

                except EXPR.FixedExpressionError:
                    # The expression contains a fixed variable
                    raise RuntimeError(
                        """Error retrieving the value of an indexed item %s:
index %s is a fixed but not constant value.  This is likely not what you
meant to do, as if you later change the fixed value of the object this
lookup will not change.  If you understand the implications of using
fixed but not constant values, you can get the current value using the
value() function.""" % (, i))
                # There are other ways we could get an exception such as
                # evaluating a Param / Var that is not initialized.
                # These exceptions will continue up the call stack.

            # verify that the value is hashable
            if ellipsis is None:
                fixed[i] = val
                fixed[i - len(idx)] = val

        if sliced or ellipsis is not None:
            return _IndexedComponent_slice(self, fixed, sliced, ellipsis)
        elif _found_numeric:
            if len(idx) == 1:
                return fixed[0]
                return tuple(fixed[i] for i in range(len(idx)))
            raise DeveloperError(
                "Unknown problem encountered when trying to retrieve "
                "index for component %s" % (, ))