class ResourceRegistryStandalone(object):
    Resource Registry service standalone class

    def __init__(self, sysname=None, orgname=None, config=None):
        self.orgname = orgname or get_safe(config, 'system.root_org', 'ION')
        sysname = sysname or get_default_sysname()
        self.datastore_name = "resources"
        self.datastore = CouchDataStore(self.datastore_name, config=config, scope=sysname)
        except NotFound:

    def close(self):
        self.datastore = None

    def create(self, object=None, actor_id=None, lcstate=None):
        if object is None:
            raise BadRequest("Object not present")
        if not "type_" in object:
            raise BadRequest("Object is not an IonObject")
        cur_time = get_ion_ts()
        object['lcstate'] =  lcstate or "DEPLOYED_AVAILABLE"
        object['ts_created'] = cur_time
        object['ts_updated'] = cur_time
        new_res_id = create_unique_resource_id()
        res_id, rev = self.datastore.create_doc(object, new_res_id)

        if actor_id and actor_id != 'anonymous':
            self.create_association(res_id, "hasOwner", actor_id)

        return res

    def create_mult(self, res_list, lcstate=None):
        cur_time = get_ion_ts()
        for resobj in res_list:
            resobj['lcstate'] = lcstate or "DEPLOYED_AVAILABLE"
            resobj['ts_created'] = cur_time
            resobj['ts_updated'] = cur_time

        id_list = [create_unique_resource_id() for i in xrange(len(res_list))]
        res = self.datastore.create_doc_mult(res_list, id_list)
        res_list = [(rid,rrv) for success,rid,rrv in res]

        return res_list

    def read(self, object_id='', rev_id=''):
        if not object_id:
            raise BadRequest("The object_id parameter is an empty string")

        return self.datastore.read_doc(object_id, rev_id)

    def read_mult(self, object_ids=None):
        if not object_ids:
            raise BadRequest("The object_ids parameter is empty")
        return self.datastore.read_doc_mult(object_ids)

    def create_association(self, subject=None, predicate=None, obj=None, assoc_type='H2H'):
        Create an association between two IonObjects with a given predicate
        if not subject or not predicate or not obj:
            raise BadRequest("Association must have all elements set")
        if type(subject) is str:
            subject_id = subject
            subject =
            if "_id" not in subject or "_rev" not in subject:
                raise BadRequest("Subject id or rev not available")
            subject_id = subject._id
        st = type(subject).__name__

        if type(obj) is str:
            object_id = obj
            obj =
            if "_id" not in obj or "_rev" not in obj:
                raise BadRequest("Object id or rev not available")
            object_id = obj._id
        ot = type(obj).__name__

        assoc_type = assoc_type or 'H2H'
        if not assoc_type in AT:
            raise BadRequest("Unsupported assoc_type: %s" % assoc_type)

        # Check that subject and object type are permitted by association definition
        # Note: Need import here, so that import orders are not screwed up
        from pyon.core.registry import getextends
        from pyon.ion.resource import Predicates
        from pyon.core.bootstrap import IonObject

        assoc = dict(type_="Association",
            s=subject_id, st=st, srv=subject._rev,
            o=object_id, ot=ot, orv=obj._rev,
        return self.datastore.create_doc(assoc, create_unique_association_id())

    def find_by_type(self, restype, id_only=False, **kwargs):
        start_key = [restype]
        end_key = [restype]
        res = self.datastore.find_docs_by_view('resource', 'by_type',
            start_key=start_key, end_key=end_key, id_only=id_only, **kwargs)

        if id_only:
            match = [docid for docid, indexkey, doc in res]
            match = [doc for docid, indexkey, doc in res]
        return match
Beispiel #2
class DirectoryStandalone(object):
    Directory service standalone class

    def __init__(self, sysname=None, orgname=None, config=None):
        self.orgname = orgname or get_safe(config, 'system.root_org', 'ION')
        sysname = sysname or get_default_sysname()
        self.datastore_name = "resources"
        self.datastore = CouchDataStore(self.datastore_name, config=config, scope=sysname)
        except NotFound:

    def close(self):
        self.datastore = None

    def _get_path(self, parent, key):
        Returns the qualified directory path for a directory entry.
        if parent == "/":
            return parent + key
        elif parent.startswith("/"):
            return parent + "/" + key
            raise BadRequest("Illegal parent: %s" % parent)

    def _get_key(self, path):
        Returns the key from a qualified directory path
        parent, key = path.rsplit("/", 1)
        return key

    def _read_by_path(self, path, orgname=None):
        Given a qualified path, find entry in directory and return DirEntry
        document or None if not found
        if path is None:
            raise BadRequest("Illegal arguments")
        orgname = orgname or self.orgname
        parent, key = path.rsplit("/", 1)
        parent = parent or "/"
        find_key = [orgname, key, parent]
        view_res = self.datastore.find_docs_by_view('directory', 'by_key', key=find_key, id_only=True)

        match = [doc for docid, index, doc in view_res]
        if len(match) > 1:
            raise Inconsistent("More than one directory entry found for key %s" % path)
        elif match:
            return match[0]
        return None

    def lookup(self, parent, key=None, return_entry=False):
        Read entry residing in directory at parent node level.
        path = self._get_path(parent, key) if key else parent
        direntry = self._read_by_path(path)
        if return_entry:
            return direntry
            return direntry['attributes'] if direntry else None

    def register(self, parent, key, create_only=False, **kwargs):
        Add/replace an entry within directory, below a parent node or "/".
        Note: Replaces (not merges) the attribute values of the entry if existing
        @retval  DirEntry if previously existing
        if not (parent and key):
            raise BadRequest("Illegal arguments")
        if not type(parent) is str or not parent.startswith("/"):
            raise BadRequest("Illegal arguments: parent")

        dn = self._get_path(parent, key)

        entry_old = None
        direntry = self._read_by_path(dn)
        cur_time = get_ion_ts()

        if direntry and create_only:
            # We only wanted to make sure entry exists. Do not change
            return direntry
        elif direntry:
            # Change existing entry's attributes
            entry_old = direntry.get('attributes')
            direntry['attributes'] = kwargs
            direntry['ts_updated'] = cur_time
            doc = self._create_dir_entry(object_id=create_unique_directory_id(), parent=parent, key=key,

        return entry_old

    def register_mult(self, entries):
        Registers multiple directory entries efficiently in one datastore access.
        Note: this fails of entries are currently existing, so works for create only.
        if type(entries) not in (list, tuple):
            raise BadRequest("Bad entries type")
        de_list = []
        cur_time = get_ion_ts()
        for parent, key, attrs in entries:
            de = self._create_dir_entry(object_id=create_unique_directory_id(), parent=parent, key=key,
                attributes=attrs, ts_created=cur_time, ts_updated=cur_time)

    def _update_dir_entry(self, doc, parent, key, attributes=None, ts_updated=''):
        doc['attributes'] = attributes or {}
        doc['key'] = key
        doc['parent'] = parent
        doc['ts_updated'] = ts_updated or get_ion_ts()
        return doc

    def _create_dir_entry(self, object_id,  parent, key, attributes=None, ts_created='', ts_updated=''):
        doc = {}
        doc['_id'] = object_id
        doc['type_'] = 'DirEntry'
        doc['attributes'] = attributes or {}
        doc['key'] = key
        doc['parent'] = parent
        doc['org'] = self.orgname
        doc['ts_created'] = ts_created or get_ion_ts()
        doc['ts_updated'] = ts_updated or get_ion_ts()
        return doc

    def find_child_entries(self, parent='/', direct_only=True, **kwargs):
        Return all child entries (ordered by path) for the given parent path.
        Does not return the parent itself. Optionally returns child of child entries.
        Additional kwargs are applied to constrain the search results (limit, descending, skip).
        @param parent  Path to parent (must start with "/")
        @param direct_only  If False, includes child of child entries
        @retval  A list of DirEntry objects for the matches
        if not type(parent) is str or not parent.startswith("/"):
            raise BadRequest("Illegal argument parent: %s" % parent)
        if direct_only:
            start_key = [self.orgname, parent, 0]
            end_key = [self.orgname, parent]
            res = self.datastore.find_docs_by_view('directory', 'by_parent',
                start_key=start_key, end_key=end_key, id_only=True, **kwargs)
            path = parent[1:].split("/")
            start_key = [self.orgname, path, 0]
            end_key = [self.orgname, list(path) + ["ZZZZZZ"]]
            res = self.datastore.find_docs_by_view('directory', 'by_path',
                start_key=start_key, end_key=end_key, id_only=True, **kwargs)

        match = [doc for docid, indexkey, doc in res]
        return match
class ResourceRegistryStandalone(object):
    Resource Registry service standalone class
    def __init__(self, sysname=None, orgname=None, config=None):
        self.orgname = orgname or get_safe(config, 'system.root_org', 'ION')
        sysname = sysname or get_default_sysname()
        self.datastore_name = "resources"
        self.datastore = CouchDataStore(self.datastore_name,
        except NotFound:

    def close(self):
        self.datastore = None

    def create(self, object=None, actor_id=None, lcstate=None):
        if object is None:
            raise BadRequest("Object not present")
        if not "type_" in object:
            raise BadRequest("Object is not an IonObject")
        cur_time = get_ion_ts()
        object['lcstate'] = lcstate or "DEPLOYED_AVAILABLE"
        object['ts_created'] = cur_time
        object['ts_updated'] = cur_time
        new_res_id = create_unique_resource_id()
        res_id, rev = self.datastore.create_doc(object, new_res_id)

        if actor_id and actor_id != 'anonymous':
            self.create_association(res_id, "hasOwner", actor_id)

        return res

    def create_mult(self, res_list, lcstate=None):
        cur_time = get_ion_ts()
        for resobj in res_list:
            resobj['lcstate'] = lcstate or "DEPLOYED_AVAILABLE"
            resobj['ts_created'] = cur_time
            resobj['ts_updated'] = cur_time

        id_list = [create_unique_resource_id() for i in xrange(len(res_list))]
        res = self.datastore.create_doc_mult(res_list, id_list)
        res_list = [(rid, rrv) for success, rid, rrv in res]

        return res_list

    def read(self, object_id='', rev_id=''):
        if not object_id:
            raise BadRequest("The object_id parameter is an empty string")

        return self.datastore.read_doc(object_id, rev_id)

    def read_mult(self, object_ids=None):
        if not object_ids:
            raise BadRequest("The object_ids parameter is empty")
        return self.datastore.read_doc_mult(object_ids)

    def create_association(self,
        Create an association between two IonObjects with a given predicate
        if not subject or not predicate or not obj:
            raise BadRequest("Association must have all elements set")
        if type(subject) is str:
            subject_id = subject
            subject =
            if "_id" not in subject or "_rev" not in subject:
                raise BadRequest("Subject id or rev not available")
            subject_id = subject._id
        st = type(subject).__name__

        if type(obj) is str:
            object_id = obj
            obj =
            if "_id" not in obj or "_rev" not in obj:
                raise BadRequest("Object id or rev not available")
            object_id = obj._id
        ot = type(obj).__name__

        assoc_type = assoc_type or 'H2H'
        if not assoc_type in AT:
            raise BadRequest("Unsupported assoc_type: %s" % assoc_type)

        # Check that subject and object type are permitted by association definition
        # Note: Need import here, so that import orders are not screwed up
        from pyon.core.registry import getextends
        from pyon.ion.resource import Predicates
        from pyon.core.bootstrap import IonObject

        assoc = dict(type_="Association",
        return self.datastore.create_doc(assoc, create_unique_association_id())

    def find_by_type(self, restype, id_only=False, **kwargs):
        start_key = [restype]
        end_key = [restype]
        res = self.datastore.find_docs_by_view('resource',

        if id_only:
            match = [docid for docid, indexkey, doc in res]
            match = [doc for docid, indexkey, doc in res]
        return match
Beispiel #4
class DirectoryStandalone(object):
    Directory service standalone class

    def __init__(self, sysname=None, orgname=None, config=None):
        self.orgname = orgname or get_safe(config, 'system.root_org', 'ION')
        sysname = sysname or get_default_sysname()
        self.datastore_name = "resources"
        self.datastore = CouchDataStore(self.datastore_name, config=config, scope=sysname)
        except NotFound:

    def close(self):
        self.datastore = None

    def _get_path(self, parent, key):
        Returns the qualified directory path for a directory entry.
        if parent == "/":
            return parent + key
        elif parent.startswith("/"):
            return parent + "/" + key
            raise BadRequest("Illegal parent: %s" % parent)

    def _get_key(self, path):
        Returns the key from a qualified directory path
        parent, key = path.rsplit("/", 1)
        return key

    def _read_by_path(self, path, orgname=None):
        Given a qualified path, find entry in directory and return DirEntry
        document or None if not found
        if path is None:
            raise BadRequest("Illegal arguments")
        orgname = orgname or self.orgname
        parent, key = path.rsplit("/", 1)
        parent = parent or "/"
        find_key = [orgname, key, parent]
        view_res = self.datastore.find_docs_by_view('directory', 'by_key', key=find_key, id_only=True)

        match = [doc for docid, index, doc in view_res]
        if len(match) > 1:
            raise Inconsistent("More than one directory entry found for key %s" % path)
        elif match:
            return match[0]
        return None

    def lookup(self, parent, key=None, return_entry=False):
        Read entry residing in directory at parent node level.
        path = self._get_path(parent, key) if key else parent
        direntry = self._read_by_path(path)
        if return_entry:
            return direntry
            return direntry['attributes'] if direntry else None

    def register(self, parent, key, create_only=False, **kwargs):
        Add/replace an entry within directory, below a parent node or "/".
        Note: Replaces (not merges) the attribute values of the entry if existing
        @retval  DirEntry if previously existing
        if not (parent and key):
            raise BadRequest("Illegal arguments")
        if not type(parent) is str or not parent.startswith("/"):
            raise BadRequest("Illegal arguments: parent")

        dn = self._get_path(parent, key)

        entry_old = None
        direntry = self._read_by_path(dn)
        cur_time = get_ion_ts()

        if direntry and create_only:
            # We only wanted to make sure entry exists. Do not change
            return direntry
        elif direntry:
            # Change existing entry's attributes
            entry_old = direntry.get('attributes')
            direntry['attributes'] = kwargs
            direntry['ts_updated'] = cur_time
            doc = self._create_dir_entry(object_id=create_unique_directory_id(), parent=parent, key=key,

        return entry_old

    def register_mult(self, entries):
        Registers multiple directory entries efficiently in one datastore access.
        Note: this fails of entries are currently existing, so works for create only.
        if type(entries) not in (list, tuple):
            raise BadRequest("Bad entries type")
        de_list = []
        cur_time = get_ion_ts()
        for parent, key, attrs in entries:
            de = self._create_dir_entry(object_id=create_unique_directory_id(), parent=parent, key=key,
                attributes=attrs, ts_created=cur_time, ts_updated=cur_time)

    def _update_dir_entry(self, doc, parent, key, attributes=None, ts_updated=''):
        doc['attributes'] = attributes or {}
        doc['key'] = key
        doc['parent'] = parent
        doc['ts_updated'] = ts_updated or get_ion_ts()
        return doc

    def _create_dir_entry(self, object_id,  parent, key, attributes=None, ts_created='', ts_updated=''):
        doc = {}
        doc['_id'] = object_id
        doc['type_'] = 'DirEntry'
        doc['attributes'] = attributes or {}
        doc['key'] = key
        doc['parent'] = parent
        doc['org'] = self.orgname
        doc['ts_created'] = ts_created or get_ion_ts()
        doc['ts_updated'] = ts_updated or get_ion_ts()
        return doc

    def find_child_entries(self, parent='/', direct_only=True, **kwargs):
        Return all child entries (ordered by path) for the given parent path.
        Does not return the parent itself. Optionally returns child of child entries.
        Additional kwargs are applied to constrain the search results (limit, descending, skip).
        @param parent  Path to parent (must start with "/")
        @param direct_only  If False, includes child of child entries
        @retval  A list of DirEntry objects for the matches
        if not type(parent) is str or not parent.startswith("/"):
            raise BadRequest("Illegal argument parent: %s" % parent)
        if direct_only:
            start_key = [self.orgname, parent, 0]
            end_key = [self.orgname, parent]
            res = self.datastore.find_docs_by_view('directory', 'by_parent',
                start_key=start_key, end_key=end_key, id_only=True, **kwargs)
            path = parent[1:].split("/")
            start_key = [self.orgname, path, 0]
            end_key = [self.orgname, list(path) + ["ZZZZZZ"]]
            res = self.datastore.find_docs_by_view('directory', 'by_path',
                start_key=start_key, end_key=end_key, id_only=True, **kwargs)

        match = [doc for docid, indexkey, doc in res]
        return match