Beispiel #1
def granule_example(nsdict):
    from examples.granule import granule_example

    tx, g, rdt, rdt2... etc, are now local variables in your shell!

    #Define a taxonomy and add sets. add_taxonomy_set takes one or more names and assigns them to one handle
    tx = TaxyTool()
    tx.add_taxonomy_set('temp', 'long_temp_name')
    tx.add_taxonomy_set('cond', 'long_cond_name')
    tx.add_taxonomy_set('pres', 'long_pres_name')
    # map is {<local name>: <granule name or path>}

    #Use RecordDictionaryTool to create a record dictionary. Send in the taxonomy so the Tool knows what to expect
    rdt = RecordDictionaryTool(taxonomy=tx)

    #Create some arrays and fill them with random values
    temp_array = numpy.random.standard_normal(100)
    cond_array = numpy.random.standard_normal(100)
    pres_array = numpy.random.standard_normal(100)

    #Use the RecordDictionaryTool to add the values. This also would work if you used long_temp_name, etc.
    rdt['temp'] = temp_array
    rdt['cond'] = cond_array
    rdt['pres'] = pres_array

    #You can also add in another RecordDictionaryTool, providing the taxonomies are the same.
    rdt2 = RecordDictionaryTool(taxonomy=tx)
    rdt2['temp'] = temp_array
    rdt['rdt'] = rdt2

    #you can get a string representation of the RecordDictionaryTool
    print rdt
    print rdt.pretty_print()

    #Determine the length of the RecordDictionary using the len function
    print len(rdt)

    #Delete an item in the RecordDictionary
    del rdt['temp']

    g = build_granule(data_producer_id='john', taxonomy=tx, record_dictionary=rdt)

Beispiel #2
    def _trigger_func(self, stream_id):

        #@todo - add lots of comments in here
        while True:

            length = 10

            #Explicitly make these numpy arrays...
            c = numpy.array([random.uniform(0.0,75.0)  for i in xrange(length)])

            t = numpy.array([random.uniform(-1.7, 21.0) for i in xrange(length)])

            p = numpy.array([random.lognormvariate(1,2) for i in xrange(length)])

            lat = numpy.array([random.uniform(-90.0, 90.0) for i in xrange(length)])

            lon = numpy.array([random.uniform(0.0, 360.0) for i in xrange(length)])

            tvar = numpy.array([self.last_time + i for i in xrange(1,length+1)])

            self.last_time = max(tvar)

            rdt = RecordDictionaryTool(taxonomy=tx)

            # This is an example of using groups it is not a normative statement about how to use groups

            rdt0 = RecordDictionaryTool(taxonomy=tx)

            rdt0['temp'] = t
            rdt0['cond'] = c
            rdt0['pres'] = p

            #add a value sequence of raw bytes - not sure the type below is correct?
            with open('/dev/urandom','r') as rand:
                rdt0['raw_fixed'] = numpy.array([ for i in xrange(length)], dtype='a32')

            #add a value sequence of raw bytes - not sure the type below is correct?
            with open('/dev/urandom','r') as rand:
                rdt0['raw_blob'] = numpy.array([,40)) for i in xrange(length)], dtype=object)

            rdt1 = RecordDictionaryTool(taxonomy=tx)

            rdt1['time'] = tvar
            rdt1['lat'] = lat
            rdt1['lon'] = lon

            rdt['group1'] = rdt1
            rdt['group0'] = rdt0

  "logging published Record Dictionary:\n %s", rdt.pretty_print())

            g = build_granule(data_producer_id='Bobs Potatoes', taxonomy=tx, record_dictionary=rdt)

  'Sending %d values!' % length)

    def _trigger_func(self, stream_id):

        self.last_time = 0

        #@todo - add lots of comments in here
        while True:

            length = 10

            #Explicitly make these numpy arrays...
            c = numpy.array([random.uniform(0.0,75.0)  for i in xrange(length)])

            t = numpy.array([random.uniform(-1.7, 21.0) for i in xrange(length)])

            p = numpy.array([random.lognormvariate(1,2) for i in xrange(length)])

            lat = numpy.array([random.uniform(-90.0, 90.0) for i in xrange(length)])

            lon = numpy.array([random.uniform(0.0, 360.0) for i in xrange(length)])

            tvar = numpy.array([self.last_time + i for i in xrange(1,length+1)])

            self.last_time = max(tvar)

            rdt = RecordDictionaryTool(taxonomy=self._tx)

            rdt['temp'] = ExampleDataProducer_algorithm.execute(t)
            rdt['cond'] = ExampleDataProducer_algorithm.execute(c)
            rdt['pres'] = ExampleDataProducer_algorithm.execute(p)
            rdt['time'] = tvar
            rdt['lat'] = lat
            rdt['lon'] = lon

  "logging published Record Dictionary:\n %s", rdt.pretty_print())

            g = build_granule(data_producer_id=stream_id, taxonomy=self._tx, record_dictionary=rdt)

  'Sending %d values!' % length)
            if(isinstance(g, Granule)):
                self.publish(g, stream_id)

class RecordDictionaryToolTestCase(unittest.TestCase):

    def setUp(self):

        self._tx = TaxyTool()
        self._tx.add_taxonomy_set('temp', 'long_temp_name')
        self._tx.add_taxonomy_set('cond', 'long_cond_name')
        self._tx.add_taxonomy_set('pres', 'long_pres_name')
        # map is {<local name>: <granule name or path>}

        self._rdt = RecordDictionaryTool(taxonomy=self._tx)

    def test_init(self):

        # initialize with a taxonomy tool
        rdt = RecordDictionaryTool(taxonomy=self._tx)
        self.assertIsInstance(rdt._tx, TaxyTool)

        # initialize with a taxonomy object
        rdt = RecordDictionaryTool(taxonomy=self._tx._t)
        self.assertIsInstance(rdt._tx, TaxyTool)

        # initialize with pooo
        self.assertRaises(TypeError, RecordDictionaryTool, ['foo', 'barr'])

        # initialize with a valid shape
        rdt = RecordDictionaryTool(taxonomy=self._tx, shape=(5,2))
        self.assertEquals(rdt._shp, (5,2))

        rdt = RecordDictionaryTool(taxonomy=self._tx, shape=(5,))
        self.assertEquals(rdt._shp, (5,))

        rdt = RecordDictionaryTool(taxonomy=self._tx, shape=5)
        self.assertEquals(rdt._shp, (5,))

        # initialize with no length
        rdt = RecordDictionaryTool(taxonomy=self._tx)
        self.assertEquals(rdt._shp, None)

        # initialize with pooo
        self.assertRaises(TypeError, RecordDictionaryTool, self._tx, 'not an int')

    def test_set_and_get(self):
        #make sure you can set and get items in the granule by name in the taxonomy

        temp_array = numpy.random.standard_normal(100)
        cond_array = numpy.random.standard_normal(100)
        pres_array = numpy.random.standard_normal(100)

        self.assertRaises(KeyError, self._rdt.__setitem__, 'long_temp_name',temp_array)
        self.assertRaises(KeyError, self._rdt.__setitem__, 'nonsense',temp_array)

        self._rdt['temp'] = temp_array
        self._rdt['cond'] = cond_array
        self._rdt['pres'] = pres_array

        self.assertTrue(numpy.allclose(self._rdt['temp'], temp_array))
        self.assertTrue(numpy.allclose(self._rdt['cond'], cond_array))
        self.assertTrue(numpy.allclose(self._rdt['pres'], pres_array))

        #want to check to make sure a KeyError is raised when a non-nickname key is used, but it's not working correctly
        self.assertRaises(KeyError, self._rdt.__getitem__, 'long_temp_name')
        self.assertRaises(KeyError, self._rdt.__getitem__,'nonsense!')

        taxy_tool_obj =self._tx
        rdt = RecordDictionaryTool(taxonomy=taxy_tool_obj)
        rdt['temp'] = temp_array
        self._rdt['rdt'] = rdt

        # Now test when the Record Dictionary Tool is created with the Taxonomy object rather than the TaxyTool
        # This can fail if the == method for TaxyTool is implemented incorrectly

        taxonomy_ion_obj = self._tx._t
        rdt2 = RecordDictionaryTool(taxonomy=taxonomy_ion_obj)
        rdt2['temp'] = temp_array
        self._rdt['rdt2'] = rdt2

        # Now test bad values... list not numpy array...
        with self.assertRaises(TypeError) as te:
            rdt2['temp'] = [1,2,3]

            '''Invalid type "<type 'list'>" in Record Dictionary Tool setitem with name "temp". Valid types are numpy.ndarray and RecordDictionaryTool'''

        # Now test numpy scalar array...
        with self.assertRaises(TypeError) as te:
            rdt2['temp'] = numpy.float32(3.14159)

            '''Invalid type "<type 'numpy.float32'>" in Record Dictionary Tool setitem with name "temp". Valid types are numpy.ndarray and RecordDictionaryTool'''

        # Now test rank zero array...
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as te:
            rdt2['temp'] = numpy.array(22.5)

            '''The rank of a value sequence array in a record dictionary must be greater than zero. Got name "temp" with rank "0"'''

        # Test set invalid shape
        pres_array = numpy.random.standard_normal(90)
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as te:
            rdt2['pres'] = pres_array

            '''Invalid array shape "(90,)" for name "pres"; Record dictionary defined shape is "(100,)"'''

        # make a new RDT for testing higher rank objects...
        taxy_tool_obj =self._tx
        rdt = RecordDictionaryTool(taxonomy=taxy_tool_obj)

        # Now test rank 2 array...
        rdt['temp'] = numpy.array([[22.5,],])
        self.assertTrue((rdt['temp'] == numpy.array([[22.5,],])).all())

        # Now test rank 2 array...
        rdt['cond'] = numpy.array([[28.5,],])
        self.assertTrue((rdt['cond'] == numpy.array([[28.5,],])).all())

    def test_iteration(self):
        #Test all four iteration methods for items in the granule

        temp_array = numpy.random.standard_normal(100)
        cond_array = numpy.random.standard_normal(100)
        pres_array = numpy.random.standard_normal(100)

        self._rdt['temp'] = temp_array
        self._rdt['cond'] = cond_array
        self._rdt['pres'] = pres_array

        for k, v in self._rdt.iteritems():
            if k == 'temp':
                self.assertTrue(numpy.allclose(temp_array, v))
            elif k == 'cond':
                self.assertTrue(numpy.allclose(cond_array, v))
            elif k == 'pres':
                self.assertTrue(numpy.allclose(pres_array, v))

        for k in self._rdt.iterkeys():
            self.assertTrue(k == 'temp' or k == 'cond' or k == 'pres')

        for v in self._rdt.itervalues():
            self.assertTrue(numpy.allclose(temp_array, v) or numpy.allclose(cond_array, v) or numpy.allclose(pres_array, v))

        for k in self._rdt:
            self.assertTrue(k == 'temp' or k == 'cond' or k == 'pres')

    def test_update(self):
        # Update this granule with the content of another. Assert that the taxonomies are the same...

        pres_array = numpy.random.standard_normal(100)
        self._rdt['pres'] = pres_array

        rdt2 = RecordDictionaryTool(taxonomy=self._tx)
        temp_array = numpy.random.standard_normal(100)
        cond_array = numpy.random.standard_normal(100)

        rdt2['temp'] = temp_array
        rdt2['cond'] = cond_array


        self.assertIn('pres', self._rdt)
        self.assertIn('temp', self._rdt)
        self.assertIn('cond', self._rdt)

        self.assertTrue((self._rdt['pres'] == pres_array).all())
        self.assertTrue((self._rdt['cond'] == cond_array).all())
        self.assertTrue((self._rdt['temp'] == temp_array).all())

        self.assertEquals(len(self._rdt), 3)

    def test_len(self):
        temp_array = numpy.random.standard_normal(100)
        cond_array = numpy.random.standard_normal(100)
        pres_array = numpy.random.standard_normal(100)

        self._rdt['temp'] = temp_array
        self._rdt['cond'] = cond_array
        self._rdt['pres'] = pres_array

        self.assertEquals(len(self._rdt), 3)

    def test_repr(self):
        # Come up with a reasonable string representation of the granule for debug purposes only

        temp_array = numpy.random.standard_normal(100)
        cond_array = numpy.random.standard_normal(100)
        pres_array = numpy.random.standard_normal(100)

        self._rdt['temp'] = temp_array
        self._rdt['cond'] = cond_array
        self._rdt['pres'] = pres_array
        self.assertTrue(len(repr(self._rdt)) > 0)

    def test_delete(self):
        temp_array = numpy.random.standard_normal(100)
        cond_array = numpy.random.standard_normal(100)
        pres_array = numpy.random.standard_normal(100)

        self._rdt['temp'] = temp_array
        self._rdt['cond'] = cond_array
        self._rdt['pres'] = pres_array

        self.assertIn('pres', self._rdt)
        self.assertIn('temp', self._rdt)
        self.assertIn('cond', self._rdt)

        del self._rdt['pres']

        self.assertNotIn('pres', self._rdt)
        self.assertIn('temp', self._rdt)
        self.assertIn('cond', self._rdt)

    def test_contains(self):

        # foobar isn't even in the taxonomy!
        self.assertNotIn('foobar', self._rdt)

        # Temp is in the taxonomy but not the record dictionary
        self.assertNotIn('temp', self._rdt)

        # Now put in some data and make sure it works...
        temp_array = numpy.random.standard_normal(100)
        self._rdt['temp'] = temp_array

        self.assertIn('temp', self._rdt)

    def test_pretty_print(self):
        temp_array = numpy.random.standard_normal(100)
        cond_array = numpy.random.standard_normal(100)
        pres_array = numpy.random.standard_normal(100)

        self._rdt['temp'] = temp_array
        self._rdt['cond'] = cond_array
        self._rdt['pres'] = pres_array

        rdt = RecordDictionaryTool(taxonomy=self._tx)
        rdt['rdt'] = temp_array
        self._rdt['rdt'] = rdt

        self.assertGreater(len(self._rdt.pretty_print()), 0)