Beispiel #1
    def get_distinct_values(self, restype='', attr_list=None, res_filter=None):
        """Returns a list of distinct values for given resource type and list of attribute names.
        Only supports simple types for the attribute values.
        Returns a sorted list of values or tuples of values.
        if not restype or type(restype) != str:
            raise BadRequest("Illegal value for argument restype")
        if not hasattr(interface.objects, restype):
            raise BadRequest("Given restype is not a resource type")
        if not attr_list or not type(attr_list) in (list, tuple):
            raise BadRequest("Illegal value for argument attr_list")
        type_cls = getattr(interface.objects, restype)
            if not all(type_cls._schema[an]["type"] in {"str", "int", "float"} for an in attr_list):
                raise BadRequest("Attribute in attr_list if invalid type")
        except KeyError:
            raise BadRequest("Attribute in attr_list unknown")
        if res_filter and type(res_filter) not in (list, tuple):
            raise BadRequest("Illegal value for argument res_filter")

        # NOTE: This can alternatively be implemented as a SELECT DISTINCT query, but this is not
        # supported by the underlying datastore interface.
        rq = ResourceQuery()
        if res_filter:
            rq.set_filter(rq.eq(rq.ATT_TYPE, restype), res_filter)
            rq.set_filter(rq.eq(rq.ATT_TYPE, restype))
        res_list = self.clients.resource_registry.find_resources_ext(query=rq.get_query(), id_only=False)

        log.debug("Found %s resources of type %s", len(res_list), restype)
        att_values = sorted({tuple(getattr(res, an) for an in attr_list) for res in res_list})

        log.debug("Found %s distinct vales for attribute(s): %s", len(att_values), attr_list)

        return att_values