def dbUri(user='******',
    DB_URI = 'mysql+pymysql://{user}:{password}@{host}:{port}/{db}'  # FIXME db => pyontutils refactor
    if socket.gethostname() in config.dev_remote_hosts:
        db_cfg_kwargs = mysql_conn_helper('localhost', database, user,
                                          33060)  # see .ssh/config
        db_cfg_kwargs = mysql_conn_helper(host, database, user, port)

    return DB_URI.format(**db_cfg_kwargs)
def get_records(field_mapping=_field_mapping):
    DB_URI = 'mysql+mysqlconnector://{user}:{password}@{host}:{port}/{db}'
    #config = mysql_conn_helper('', 'nif_eelg', 'nif_eelg_secure')
    config = mysql_conn_helper('', 'nif_eelg',
    engine = create_engine(DB_URI.format(**config))
    config = None  # all weakrefs should be gone by now?
    del (config
         )  # i wonder whether this actually cleans it up when using **config
    insp = inspect(engine)
    #names = [c['name'] for c in insp.get_columns('registry')]
    #resource_columns = [c['name'] for c in insp.get_columns('resource_columns')]
    #resource_data = [c['name'] for c in insp.get_columns('resource_data')]
    #resource_fields = [c['name'] for c in insp.get_columns('resource_fields')]
    #resources = [c['name'] for c in insp.get_columns('resources')]
    #conn.execute('SELECT * from registry;')
    if 1:  # this if for indentation purposes only
        #with engine.connect() as conn:
        conn = engine
        tables = ('resource_columns', 'resource_data', 'resource_fields',
        data = {
            t: ([c['name'] for c in insp.get_columns(t)],
                conn.execute('SELECT * from %s limit 20;' % t).fetchall())
            for t in tables
        all_fields = [
            n[0] for n in conn.execute(
                'SELECT distinct(name) FROM resource_fields;').fetchall()

        #query = conn.execute('SELECT r.rid, r.original_id, r.type,, rc.value from resources as r JOIN'
        #' resource_columns as rc ON'
        #' WHERE IN %s limit 1000;' % str(tuple([n for n in field_mapping if n != 'MULTI'])))  # XXX DANGER THIS QUERY IS O(x^n) :x
        #' ORDER BY r.rid limit 2000;'

        #query = conn.execute('SELECT r.rid, r.original_id, r.type,, rc.value from resource_columns as rc JOIN'
        #' resources as r ON'
        #' WHERE IN %s;' % str(tuple([n for n in field_mapping if n != 'MULTI'])))  # XXX DANGER why does > 2000 limit break stuff?

        #join = query.fetchall()

        #print('running join')
        print('running 1')
        r_query = conn.execute(
            'SELECT id, rid, original_id, type, status FROM resources WHERE id < 16000;'
        )  # avoid the various test entries :(
        print('fetching 1 ')
        r = r_query.fetchall()
        print('running 2')
        rc_query = conn.execute(
            'SELECT rid, name, value, version FROM resource_columns as rc WHERE rc.rid < 16000 AND IN %s;'
            % str(tuple([n for n in field_mapping if n != 'MULTI'])))
        print('fetching 2')
        rc = rc_query.fetchall()

    fixesForResourcesAndColumns(r, rc)
    records = make_records(r, rc, field_mapping)
    print('Fetching and data prep done.')
    return records
Beispiel #3
def main():
    DB_URI = 'mysql+mysqlconnector://{user}:{password}@{host}:{port}/{db}'
    if socket.gethostname() != 'orpheus':
        config = mysql_conn_helper('localhost', 'nif_eelg', 'nif_eelg_secure', 33060)  # see .ssh/config
        config = mysql_conn_helper('', 'nif_eelg', 'nif_eelg_secure')
    engine = create_engine(DB_URI.format(**config), echo=True)
    config = None

    insp = inspect(engine)
    terms = [c['name'] for c in insp.get_columns('terms')]
    term_existing_ids = [c['name'] for c in insp.get_columns('term_existing_ids')]

    query = engine.execute('SELECT * FROM term_existing_ids as teid JOIN terms as t ON = teid.tid WHERE t.type != "cde"')
    header = term_existing_ids + terms

    data = query.fetchall()
    cdata = list(zip(*data))

    def datal(head):
        return cdata[header.index(head)]

    ilx_labels = {ilxb[ilx_fragment]:label for ilx_fragment, label in zip(datal('ilx'), datal('label'))}

    mapping_no_sao = [p for p in zip(datal('iri'), datal('ilx')) if 'neuinfo' in p[0]]  # 9446
    mapping = [p for p in zip(datal('iri'), datal('ilx')) if 'neuinfo' in p[0] or '/sao' in p[0]]  # 9883
    done = [ilx for iri, ilx in mapping]
    obo_mapping = [p for p in zip(datal('iri'), datal('ilx')) if 'obolibrary' in p[0] and p[1] not in done]
    done = done + [ilx for iri, ilx in obo_mapping]
    db_mapping = [p for p in zip(datal('iri'), datal('ilx')) if 'drugbank' in p[0] and p[1] not in done]
    done = done + [ilx for iri, ilx in db_mapping]
    t3db_mapping = [p for p in zip(datal('iri'), datal('ilx')) if 't3db' in p[0] and p[1] not in done]
    done = done + [ilx for iri, ilx in t3db_mapping]

    wiki_mapping = [p for p in zip(datal('iri'), datal('ilx')) if 'neurolex' in p[0] and p[1] not in done]

    sao_mapping = {o.toPython():s for s, o in Graph().parse((gitf / 'nlxeol/sao-nlxwiki-fixes.ttl').as_posix(), format='ttl').subject_objects(oboInOwl.hasAlternativeId)}

    scr = Graph().parse((gitf / 'NIF-Ontology/scicrunch-registry.ttl').as_posix(), format='turtle')
    moved_to_scr = {}
    #PROBLEM = set()
    for s, o in scr.subject_objects(oboInOwl.hasDbXref):
        if 'SCR_' in o:
            print(f'WARNING Registry identifier listed as alt id! {s} hasDbXref {o}')
        uri = NIFSTD[o]
        assert uri not in moved_to_scr, f'utoh {uri} was mapped to more than one registry entry! {s} {moved_to_scr[uri]}'
        #except AssertionError:

        moved_to_scr[uri] = s

    to_scr = [(k, v) for k, v in moved_to_scr.items()
           if noneMembers(k, 'SciEx_', 'OMICS_', 'rid_', 'SciRes_',
                          'biodbcore-', 'C0085410', '', 'C43960',
                          'doi:10.', 'GAZ:',
                          # 'birnlex_', 'nlx_', 'nif-'

    replacement_graph = createOntology(filename='NIFSTD-ILX-mapping',
                        name='NLX* to ILX equivalents',

    scr_rep_graph = createOntology(filename='NIFSTD-SCR-mapping',
                                   name='NLX* to SCR equivalents',

    _existing = {}
    def dupes(this, other, set_, dupes_):
        if this not in set_:
            _existing[this] = other
        elif _existing[this] != other:

    iri_done = set()
    ilx_done = set()
    iri_dupes = defaultdict(set)
    ilx_dupes = defaultdict(set)
    def check_dupes(iri, ilx):
        dupes(iri, ilx, iri_done, iri_dupes)
        dupes(ilx, iri, ilx_done, ilx_dupes)

    trouble = [  # some are _2 issues :/
               BIRNLEX['1006'],  # this one appears to be entirely novel despite a note that it was created in 2006...
               BIRNLEX['1152'],  # this was used in uberon ;_;
               BIRNLEX['2476'],  # can be owl:sameAs ed -> _2 version
               BIRNLEX['2477'],  # can be owl:sameAs ed -> _2 version
               BIRNLEX['2478'],  # can be owl:sameAs ed -> _2 version
               BIRNLEX['2479'],  # can be owl:sameAs ed -> _2 version
               BIRNLEX['2480'],  # can be owl:sameAs ed -> _2 version
               BIRNLEX['2533'],  # This is in interlex as a wiki id since never used in the ontology, we could add it to the list of 'same as' for cosmetic purposes which will probably happen...
               BIRNLEX['3074'],  # -> CHEBI:26848  # add to slim and bridge...
               BIRNLEX['3076'],  # -> CHEBI:26195  # XXX when we go to load chebi make sure we don't dupe this...

    aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa = [t + '_2' for t in trouble]  # _never_ do this

    # TODO check for cases where there is an ilx and scr for the same id >_<

    sao_help = set()
    for iri, ilx_fragment in chain(mapping, to_scr):  # XXX core loop
        if iri in sao_mapping:
            uri = sao_mapping[iri]
            uri = URIRef(iri)

        if uri in trouble:
            #print('TROUBLE', iri, ilxb[ilx_fragment])
            print('TROUBLE', ilxb[ilx_fragment])

        if uri in moved_to_scr:  # TODO I think we need to have _all_ the SCR redirects here...
            s, p, o = uri, ilxtr.hasScrId, moved_to_scr[uri]
            scr_rep_graph.g.add((s, p, o))
            s, p, o = uri, ilxtr.hasIlxId, ilxb[ilx_fragment]
            #s, p, o = o, ilxtr.ilxIdFor, s
            replacement_graph.g.add((s, p, o))

        check_dupes(s, o)

    dupes = {k:v for k, v in iri_dupes.items()}
    idupes = {k:v for k, v in ilx_dupes.items()}
    assert not dupes, f'there are duplicate mappings for an external id {dupes}'
    #print(ilx_dupes)  # there are none yet

    ng = cull_prefixes(replacement_graph.g, prefixes=uPREFIXES)
    ng.filename = replacement_graph.filename

    sng = cull_prefixes(scr_rep_graph.g, prefixes=uPREFIXES)
    sng.filename = scr_rep_graph.filename

    _ = [print(k.toPython(), ' '.join(sorted(ng.qname(_.toPython()) for _ in v))) for k, v in idupes.items()]

    # run `resolver_uris = sorted(set(e for t in graph for e in t if '' in e))` on a graph with everything loaded to get this file...
    resources = Path(__file__).resolve().absolute().parent / 'resources'
    with open((resources / '').as_posix(), 'rb') as f:
        all_uris = pickle.load(f)  # come in as URIRefs...
    with open((resources / '').as_posix(), 'rb') as f:
        all_uris_old = pickle.load(f)  # come in as URIRefs...
    with open((resources / '').as_posix(), 'rb') as f:
        all_uris_old2 = pickle.load(f)  # come in as URIRefs...

    resolver_uris = set(e for t in chain(ng.g, sng.g) for e in t if '' in e)
    ilx_only = resolver_uris - all_uris  # aka nlxonly
    resolver_not_ilx_only = resolver_uris - ilx_only
    problem_uris = all_uris - resolver_uris
    old_uris = all_uris_old - all_uris
    old_uris2 = all_uris_old2 - all_uris
    dold_uris = all_uris_old - all_uris_old2

    #idold_uris = all_uris_old2 - all_uris_old  # empty as expected
    #nxrefs = Graph().parse((gitf / 'NIF-Ontology/ttl/generated/nlx-xrefs.ttl').as_posix(), format='turtle')
    nxrefs = Graph().parse((gitf / 'nlxeol/nlx-xrefs.ttl').as_posix(), format='turtle')
    xrefs_uris = set(e for t in nxrefs for e in t if '' in e)
    test_old_uris = old_uris2 - xrefs_uris

    diff_uris = test_old_uris - ilx_only
    #diff_uris.remove(URIRef(''))  # ORNL was included in an old bad version of the xrefs file and was pulled in in the old all-uris  # now dealt with by the scr mapping
    diff_uris.remove(URIRef(',birnlex_1731'))  # one of the doubled neurolex ids
    diff_uris.remove(URIRef(''))  # i have zero idea how this snuck in
    assert not diff_uris, 'old uris and problem uris should be identical'

    _ilx = set(e for t in ng.g for e in t)
    _scr = set(e for t in sng.g for e in t)
    for uri in ilx_only:
        if uri in _ilx and uri in _scr:
            raise BaseException('AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA')
        elif uri in _ilx:
            g = ng.g
        elif uri in _scr:
            g = sng.g
            raise BaseException('????????????')
        g.add((uri, ilxtr.isDefinedBy, URIRef('')))

    # XXX write the graphs

    nsuris = set(uri for uri, ilx in mapping_no_sao)
    auris = set(_.toPython() for _ in all_uris)
    iuris = set(_.toPython() for _ in resolver_uris)
    #sao_missing = iuris - nsuris  # now fixed and cannot run due to addition of scr ids to resolver_uris
    #assert not sao_missing, f'whoops {sao_missing}'
    ilx_missing = auris - iuris
    all_missing = iuris - auris
    #assert not all_missing, f'all is not all! {all_missing}'  # XXX have to deal with ilx_only separately as NLX-ILX or something

    # fixed
    #sao_add = {o.toPython():s.toPython() for s, p, o in ng.g if s.toPython() in sao_missing}
    #assert len(sao_add) == len(sao_missing), 'EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE'
    #with open('/tmp/please-add-these-sao-ids-as-existing-ids-to-the-listed-interlex-record.json', 'wt') as f:
        #json.dump(sao_add, f, indent=2)

    to_review = sorted(ilx_missing)

    # not relevant anymore
    #with open('thought-to-be-missing.json', 'rt') as f:
        #thought_to_be_missing = json.load(f)

    # from troy has issues
    #with open('nifext-duplicates-and-new.json', 'rt') as f:
        #nifext_data = json.load(f)

    #nifext_dupes = {v['current_nifext_id']:v['dropped_nifext_ids'][-1] if v['dropped_nifext_ids'] else None for v in nifext_data.values()}

    sgv = Vocabulary(cache=True)
    trts = [(v, (sgv.findById(v)['labels'][0]
                 if sgv.findById(v)['labels']
                 else '<--NO-LABEL-->')
             if sgv.findById(v)
             else '<------>')
            for v in to_review]

    sgg = sGraph(cache=True)
    SGG = Namespace(sgg._basePath.rstrip('/') + '/graph/')
    rg = Graph().parse((gitf / 'NIF-Ontology/ttl/unused/NIF-Retired.ttl').as_posix(), format='turtle')
    retired = set(e.toPython() for t in rg for e in t if '' in e)
    retfile = '<ttl/unused/NIF-Retired.ttl>'
    help_graph = createOntology(filename='NIFSTD-BLACKHOLE-mapping',
    def make_rt(to_review_tuples, retired=retired):
        def inner(u, l, retired=retired):
            ne = sgg.getNeighbors(u, relationshipType="isDefinedBy", depth=1)
            if ne:
                curie = help_graph.qname(u)
                help_graph.g.add((URIRef(u), ilxtr.SciGraphLookup, URIRef(f'{curie}')))
            if ne and ne['edges']:
                src = ' '.join([f'<{e["obj"]}>' for e in ne["edges"]])
            elif u in retired:
                src = retfile
                src = '<>'
            return f'{u:<70} {l:<50} {src}'
        out = Async(rate=3000)(deferred(inner)(u, l) for u, l in sorted(to_review_tuples, key=lambda a:a[-1]))
        return '\n'.join(out)

    review_text = make_rt(trts)
    trts2 = [(u, l) for u, l in trts if 'nifext' not in u]
    not_nifext = make_rt(trts2)

    hng = cull_prefixes(help_graph.g, prefixes=uPREFIXES)
    hng.filename = help_graph.filename

    #   Accounting of ids that do not resolve

    not_in_interlex = set(s for s, o in hng.g.subject_objects(ilxtr.SciGraphLookup))
    bh_deprecated = set(s for s in hng.g.subjects() if sgv.findById(s) and sgv.findById(s)['deprecated'])
    bh_not_deprecated = set(s for s in hng.g.subjects() if sgv.findById(s) and not sgv.findById(s)['deprecated'])
    bh_nifexts = set(s for s in bh_not_deprecated if 'nifext' in s)
    bh_readable = set(s for s in bh_not_deprecated if 'readable' in s)
    unaccounted = not_in_interlex - bh_readable - bh_nifexts - bh_deprecated
    namedinds = set(s for s in unaccounted
                    if sgv.findById(s) and
                    sgg.getNode(s)['nodes'][0]['meta']['types'] and
                    sgg.getNode(s)['nodes'][0]['meta']['types'][0] == 'NamedIndividual')
    unaccounted = unaccounted - namedinds
    ual = sorted(o for s in unaccounted for o in hng.g.objects(s, ilxtr.SciGraphLookup))
    report = (
        f'Total       {len(not_in_interlex)}\n'
        f'deprecated  {len(bh_deprecated)}\n'
        f'nd nifext   {len(bh_nifexts)}\n'
        f'nd readable {len(bh_readable)}\n'
        f'nd namedind {len(namedinds)}\n'
        f'unaccounted {len(unaccounted)}\n'

    def reverse_report():
        ilx = Graph()
        ilx.parse('/tmp/interlex.ttl', format='turtle')
        not_in_ontology = set()
        annotations = set()
        relations = set()
        drugbank = set()
        t3db = set()
        for subject in ilx.subjects(rdf.type, owl.Class):
            ok = False
            for object in ilx.objects(subject, oboInOwl.hasDbXref):
                if anyMembers(object, '', 'GO_', 'CHEBI_', 'PR_',
                              'PATO_', 'HP_', 'OBI_', 'DOID_', 'COGPO_', 'CAO_',
                              'UBERON_', 'NCBITaxon_', 'SO_', 'IAO_'):
                    # FIXME doe we areally import HP?
                    ok = True

                if (subject, rdf.type, owl.AnnotationProperty) in ilx:  # FIXME for troy these need to be cleared up
                elif (subject, rdf.type, owl.ObjectProperty) in ilx:
                elif 'drugbank' in object:
                elif '' in object:

            if not ok:

        drugbank = drugbank & not_in_ontology
        t3db = t3db & not_in_ontology
        annotations = annotations & not_in_ontology
        relations = relations & not_in_ontology
        unaccounted = not_in_ontology - drugbank - t3db - annotations - relations
        report = (
            f'Total       {len(not_in_ontology)}\n'
            f'annotations {len(annotations)}\n'
            f'relations   {len(relations)}\n'
            f'drugbank    {len(drugbank)}\n'
            f't3db        {len(t3db)}\n'
            f'unaccounted {len(unaccounted)}\n'
        return (not_in_ontology, drugbank, unaccounted)

    _, _, un = reverse_report()

    h_uris = set(e for t in hng.g for e in t if '' in e)
    real_problems = problem_uris - h_uris

    #   Missing neurons

    with open((gitf / 'nlxeol/neuron_data_curated.csv').as_posix()) as f:
        r = csv.reader(f)
        nheader = next(r)
        rows = list(r)

    ndata = list(zip(*rows))

    def datan(head):
        return ndata[nheader.index(head)]

    if __name__ == '__main__':