def test_section_collection(self):

        s_collection = SectionCollection()

        # 20 sections
        for x in xrange(0,20):

            day = 1
            hour = 0
            sc = Section()
            dt = None

            # 10 profiles per section
            for x in xrange(0,10):
                lat = random.randint(40,44)
                lon = random.randint(-74,-70)
                loc = sPoint(lon,lat,0)
                minute = 0
                dt = datetime(2012, 4, day, hour, minute)
                hour += 1

                prof = Profile()
                prof.location = loc
                prof.time = dt

                # Each with 20 depths
                for y in xrange(0,20):
                    p = Point()
                    p.time = dt
                    p.location = sPoint(loc.x, loc.y, y)
                    m1 = Member(value=random.uniform(30,40), unit='°C', name='Water Temperatire', description='water temperature', standard='sea_water_temperature')
                    m2 = Member(value=random.uniform(80,100), unit='PSU', name='Salinity', description='salinity', standard='salinity')
                    # Next depth is 2 minutes from now
                    dt = dt + timedelta(minutes=2)



        assert s_collection.depth_range[0] == 0
        assert s_collection.depth_range[-1] == 19
        assert s_collection.time_range[0] == datetime(2012, 4, 1, 0)

        for section in s_collection:
            assert section.type == "Section"
            for profile in section:
                assert profile.type == "Profile"
                for point in profile:
                    assert point.type == "Point"

        for point in s_collection.flatten():
            assert point.type == "Point"
Beispiel #2
    def test_section(self):

        day = 1
        hour = 0
        sc = Section()
        dt = None

        # 10 profiles
        for x in xrange(0,10):
            lat = random.randint(40,44)
            lon = random.randint(-74,-70)
            loc = sPoint(lon,lat,0)
            minute = 0
            dt = datetime(2012, 4, day, hour, minute)
            hour += 1

            prof = Profile()
            prof.location = loc
            prof.time = dt

            # Each with 20 depths
            for y in xrange(0,20):
                p = Point()
                p.time = dt
                p.location = sPoint(loc.x, loc.y, y)
                m1 = Member(value=random.uniform(30,40), unit='°C', name='Water Temperatire', description='water temperature', standard='sea_water_temperature')
                m2 = Member(value=random.uniform(80,100), unit='PSU', name='Salinity', description='salinity', standard='salinity')
                # Next depth is 2 minutes from now
                dt = dt + timedelta(minutes=2)



        assert len(sc.get_path()) == 10

        assert sc.size == 10
        assert sc.point_size == 200
        assert sc.type == "Section"

        assert len(sc.time_range) == 200
        assert sc.time_range[0] == datetime(2012, 4, 1, 0, 0)
        assert sc.time_range[-1] == dt - timedelta(minutes=2)

        assert len(sc.depth_range) == 200
        assert sc.depth_range[0] == 0
        assert sc.depth_range[-1] == 19