def findPairs(surf, objectKeypoints, objectDescriptors, imageKeypoints, imageDescriptors): ptpairs = [] N = len(objectKeypoints) K = 2 # K as in K nearest neighbors dim = surf.descriptorSize() m_object = cv.asMat(objectDescriptors).reshape(1, N) m_image = cv.asMat(imageDescriptors).reshape(1, len(imageKeypoints)) flann = cv.Index(m_image,cv.KDTreeIndexParams(4)) indices = cv.Mat(N, K, cv.CV_32S) dists = cv.Mat(N, K, cv.CV_32F) flann.knnSearch(m_object, indices, dists, K, cv.SearchParams(250)) indices = indices[:,0].ravel() dists = dists.ndarray for i in xrange(N): if dists[i,0] < 0.6*dists[i,1]: ptpairs.append((objectKeypoints[i].pt, imageKeypoints[int(indices[i])].pt)) return ptpairs
def findPairs(surf, objectKeypoints, objectDescriptors, imageKeypoints, imageDescriptors): ptpairs = [] N = len(objectKeypoints) K = 2 # K as in K nearest neighbors dim = surf.descriptorSize() m_object = cv.asMat(objectDescriptors).reshape(1, N) m_image = cv.asMat(imageDescriptors).reshape(1, len(imageKeypoints)) flann = cv.Index(m_image, cv.KDTreeIndexParams(4)) indices = cv.Mat(N, K, cv.CV_32S) dists = cv.Mat(N, K, cv.CV_32F) flann.knnSearch(m_object, indices, dists, K, cv.SearchParams(250)) indices = indices[:, 0].ravel() dists = dists.ndarray for i in xrange(N): if dists[i, 0] < 0.6 * dists[i, 1]: ptpairs.append( (objectKeypoints[i].pt, imageKeypoints[int(indices[i])].pt)) return ptpairs
def get_polygons(contours, hierarchy, convextest=False, # hole=False, nsides=5, min_area=100, perimeter_smooth_factor=0.001, **kw): ''' ''' polygons = [] brs = [] areas = [] for cont, hi in zip(contours, hierarchy.tolist()): cont = cv.asMat(cont) # for i in [0.01]: m = cv.arcLength(cont, True) result = cv.approxPolyDP_int(cont, m * perimeter_smooth_factor, True) res_mat = cv.asMat(result) area = abs(cv.contourArea(res_mat)) # print 'areas', area # if hole: # hole_flag = hi[3] != -1 # else: # hole_flag = True # if area > min_area: # print 'area', area, # print 'hole', hole_flag # print 'hi', hi # print 'sides', len(result), # print 'convext', cv.isContourConvex(res_mat), # ch = cv.asMat(cv.convexHull_int(cont)) # ch = cv.asMat(ch.ndarray.flatten()) # seq = cv.convexityDefects(cont, ch, cv.createMemStorage(0)) # # if not hole_flag: # continue if not len(result) > nsides: continue if not area > min_area: continue if convextest and not cv.isContourConvex(res_mat): continue polygons.append(result) brs.append(cv.boundingRect(res_mat)) areas.append(area) return polygons, brs, areas
def mouse_call_back(event, x, y, flags, user_data): global seed # 右键松开时,初始化种子图像 if event == cv.CV_EVENT_RBUTTONUP: img2[:] = img[:] markers[:] = 0 seed = 1 cv.imshow("Watershed Demo", img2) if seed == len(marks_color): return # 左键按下时,在种子图像上添加种子 if flags == cv.CV_EVENT_FLAG_LBUTTON: pt = cv.Point(x, y), pt, 5, cv.Scalar(seed, seed, seed, seed), cv.CV_FILLED), pt, 5, marks_color[seed], cv.CV_FILLED) cv.imshow("Watershed Demo", img2) # 左键松开时,使用watershed进行图像分割 if event == cv.CV_EVENT_LBUTTONUP: seed += 1 tmp_markers = markers.clone() cv.watershed(img, tmp_markers) color_map = tmp_markers[:].astype( img3 = img2.clone() img4 = cv.asMat(palette[color_map]) cv.addWeighted(img3, 1.0, img4, mask_opacity, 0, img3) cv.imshow("Watershed Demo", img3)
def redraw(self): M = cv.asMat(self.m, force_single_channel=True) size = cv.Size(int(self.size[0,0]), int(self.size[0,1])) img2 = cv.Mat() if size.width > 0 and size.height > 0: cv.warpAffine(self.img, img2, M, size, borderValue=cv.CV_RGB(255,255,255)) cv.imshow("Affine Demo", img2)
def mouse_call_back(event, x, y, flags, user_data): global seed # 右键松开时,初始化种子图像 if event == cv.CV_EVENT_RBUTTONUP: img2[:] = img[:] markers[:] = 0 seed = 1 cv.imshow("Watershed Demo", img2) if seed == len(marks_color): return # 左键按下时,在种子图像上添加种子 if flags == cv.CV_EVENT_FLAG_LBUTTON: pt = cv.Point(x, y), pt, 5, cv.Scalar(seed,seed,seed,seed), cv.CV_FILLED), pt, 5, marks_color[seed], cv.CV_FILLED) cv.imshow("Watershed Demo", img2) # 左键松开时,使用watershed进行图像分割 if event == cv.CV_EVENT_LBUTTONUP: seed += 1 tmp_markers = markers.clone() cv.watershed(img, tmp_markers) color_map = tmp_markers[:].astype( img3 = img2.clone() img4 = cv.asMat( palette[color_map] ) cv.addWeighted(img3, 1.0, img4, mask_opacity, 0, img3) cv.imshow("Watershed Demo", img3)
def affine(self): self.img2 = cv.Mat() M = cv.asMat(self.m, force_single_channel=True) cv.warpAffine(self.img1, self.img2, M, self.img1.size(), borderValue=cv.CV_RGB(255, 255, 255))
def locatePlanarObject(ptpairs, src_corners, dst_corners): import numpy as _n n = len(ptpairs) if n < 4: return 0 pt1 = cv.asMat(_n.array([cv.asndarray(pair[0]) for pair in ptpairs])) pt2 = cv.asMat(_n.array([cv.asndarray(pair[1]) for pair in ptpairs])) h = cv.findHomography(pt1, pt2, method=cv.RANSAC, ransacReprojThreshold=5)[:] for i in range(4): x = src_corners[i].x y = src_corners[i].y Z = 1./(h[2,0]*x + h[2,1]*y + h[2,2]) X = (h[0,0]*x + h[0,1]*y + h[0,2])*Z Y = (h[1,0]*x + h[1,1]*y + h[1,2])*Z dst_corners[i] = cv.Point(int(X), int(Y)) return 1
def redraw(self): M = cv.asMat(self.m, force_single_channel=True) size = cv.Size(int(self.size[0, 0]), int(self.size[0, 1])) img2 = cv.Mat() if size.width > 0 and size.height > 0: cv.warpAffine(self.img, img2, M, size, borderValue=cv.CV_RGB(255, 255, 255)) cv.imshow("Affine Demo", img2)
def redraw(self): img2 = cv.Mat() element = cv.asMat(self.structing_element, force_single_channel=True) if self.process_type.startswith("MORPH_"): type = getattr(cv, self.process_type) cv.morphologyEx(self.img, img2, type, element, iterations=self.iter) else: func = getattr(cv, self.process_type) func(self.img, img2, element, iterations=self.iter) cv.imshow("Morphology Demo", img2)
def locatePlanarObject(ptpairs, src_corners, dst_corners): import numpy as _n n = len(ptpairs) if n < 4: return 0 pt1 = cv.asMat(_n.array([cv.asndarray(pair[0]) for pair in ptpairs])) pt2 = cv.asMat(_n.array([cv.asndarray(pair[1]) for pair in ptpairs])) h = cv.findHomography(pt1, pt2, method=cv.RANSAC, ransacReprojThreshold=5)[:] for i in range(4): x = src_corners[i].x y = src_corners[i].y Z = 1. / (h[2, 0] * x + h[2, 1] * y + h[2, 2]) X = (h[0, 0] * x + h[0, 1] * y + h[0, 2]) * Z Y = (h[1, 0] * x + h[1, 1] * y + h[1, 2]) * Z dst_corners[i] = cv.Point(int(X), int(Y)) return 1
def get_focus_measure(src, kind): # from numpy import r_ # from scipy import fft # from pylab import plot, show # w = 100 # h = 100 # x = (640 - w) / 2 # y = (480 - h) / 2 # src = crop(src, x, y, w, h) # src = grayspace(src) # d = src.ndarray # # # print d[0] # # print d[-1] # fftsig = fft(d) # d = abs(fftsig) # print d.shape # dst = src.clone() # cv.convertScaleAbs(cv.asMat(d), dst, 1, 0) # return dst # xs = xrange(len(ys)) # plot(xs, ys) # show() # N = len(d) # f = 50000 * r_[0:(N / 2)] / N # n = len(f) # # print f # d = d.transpose() # d = abs(fftsig[:n]) / N # print d # # plot(f, d[0], 'b', f, d[1], 'g', f, d[2], 'r') # plot(f, d) # show() planes = cv.vector_Mat() src = cv.asMat(src) laplace = cv.Mat(src.size(), cv.CV_16SC1) colorlaplace = cv.Mat(src.size(), cv.CV_8UC3) cv.split(src, planes) for plane in planes: cv.Laplacian(plane, laplace, 3) cv.convertScaleAbs(laplace, plane, 1, 0) cv.merge(planes, colorlaplace) f = colorlaplace.ndarray.flatten() # f.sort() # print f[-int(len(f) * 0.1):], int(len(f) * 0.1), len(f) # len(f) return f[-int(len(f) * 0.1):].mean()
def process(self, input_images, connected_outs): if len(input_images) == 0: return FAIL src = input_images['Input'] dist_res = int( self.getParamContent('Distance resolution') ) angle_res = int( self.getParamContent('Angle resolution (degrees)') ) acc_thresh = int( self.getParamContent('Accumulator threshold') ) min_length = int( self.getParamContent('Minimum length') ) max_gap = int( self.getParamContent('Maximum gap') ) choice = self.getParamContent("Type of Hough transform") if src.ndim > 2: print "In '%s': The hough transform takes a binary image (or 8-bit) as input." return FAIL color_dst = numpy.empty( (src.shape[0], src.shape[1], 3),dtype='uint8' ) pycv.cvtColor( pycv.asMat(src), pycv.asMat(color_dst), pycv.CV_GRAY2BGR ) if choice == "Standard": lines = pycv.HoughLines( pycv.asMat(src), dist_res, pycv.CV_PI/angle_res, acc_thresh ) margin = 0.04 n=8 pi = math.pi h,w = src.shape[0:2] for i in range(min(len(lines), int(self.getParamContent("draw # lines")))): l = lines[i] rho = l[0] theta = l[1] if theta > 3*pi/4: theta-=pi if abs(rho)<w/n and abs(theta)<margin: pass elif abs(rho)>w-w/n and abs(theta)<margin: pass elif abs(rho)<h/n and abs(theta-pi/2)<margin: pass elif abs(rho)>h-h/n and abs(theta-pi/2)<margin: pass else: continue a = math.cos(theta) b = math.sin(theta) x0 = a*rho y0 = b*rho pt1 = pycv.Point( int(round(x0 + 2000*(-b))), int(round(y0 + 2000*(a))) ) pt2 = pycv.Point( int(round(x0 - 2000*(-b))), int(round(y0 - 2000*(a))) ) pycv.line( pycv.asMat(color_dst), pt1, pt2, pycv.CV_RGB(random.randint(0,255), random.randint(0,255), random.randint(0,255)), 2, 8 ) else: lines = pycv.HoughLinesP( pycv.asMat(src), dist_res, pycv.CV_PI/angle_res, acc_thresh, min_length, max_gap ) for l in lines: pycv.line( pycv.asMat(color_dst), pycv.Point(int(l[0]), int(l[1])), pycv.Point(int(l[2]), int(l[3])), pycv.CV_RGB(*getRandColor()), 2, 8 ) self.lines = [(item[0],item[1]) for item in lines] return {self.output_names[0] : color_dst, self.output_names[1]:self.lines}
def __init__(self): #读入图像 img = cv.imread("lena_full.jpg") img2 = cv.Mat() cv.cvtColor(img, img2, cv.CV_BGR2GRAY) img = cv.Mat() cv.resize(img2, img, cv.Size(N, N)) self.fimg = fft.fft2(img[:]) # 图像的频域信号 mag_img = np.log10(np.abs(self.fimg)) # 创建计算用图像 filtered_img = np.zeros((N, N), dtype=np.float) self.mask = np.zeros((N, N), dtype=np.float) self.mask_img = cv.asMat(self.mask) # 在self.mask上绘制多边形用的图像 # 创建数据源 = ArrayPlotData(mag_img=fft.fftshift(mag_img), filtered_img=filtered_img, mask_img=self.mask) # 创建三个图像绘制框以及容器 meg_plot, img = self.make_image_plot("mag_img") mask_plot, _ = self.make_image_plot("mask_img") filtered_plot, _ = self.make_image_plot("filtered_img") self.plot = HPlotContainer(meg_plot, mask_plot, filtered_plot) # 创建套索工具 lasso_selection = LassoSelection(component=img) lasso_overlay = LassoOverlay(lasso_selection=lasso_selection, component=img, selection_alpha=0.3) img.overlays.append(lasso_overlay) self.lasso_selection = lasso_selection # 监听套索工具的事件、开启时钟事件 lasso_selection.on_trait_change(self.lasso_updated, "disjoint_selections") self.timer = Timer(50, self.on_timer)
def __init__(self): #读入图像 img = cv.imread("lena_full.jpg") img2 = cv.Mat() cv.cvtColor(img, img2, cv.CV_BGR2GRAY) img = cv.Mat() cv.resize(img2, img, cv.Size(N, N)) self.fimg = fft.fft2(img[:]) # 图像的频域信号 mag_img = np.log10(np.abs(self.fimg)) # 创建计算用图像 filtered_img = np.zeros((N, N), dtype=np.float) self.mask = np.zeros((N, N), dtype=np.float) self.mask_img = cv.asMat(self.mask) # 在self.mask上绘制多边形用的图像 # 创建数据源 = ArrayPlotData( mag_img = fft.fftshift(mag_img), filtered_img = filtered_img, mask_img = self.mask ) # 创建三个图像绘制框以及容器 meg_plot, img = self.make_image_plot("mag_img") mask_plot, _ = self.make_image_plot("mask_img") filtered_plot, _ = self.make_image_plot("filtered_img") self.plot = HPlotContainer(meg_plot, mask_plot, filtered_plot) # 创建套索工具 lasso_selection = LassoSelection(component=img) lasso_overlay = LassoOverlay(lasso_selection = lasso_selection, component=img, selection_alpha=0.3) img.overlays.append(lasso_overlay) self.lasso_selection = lasso_selection # 监听套索工具的事件、开启时钟事件 lasso_selection.on_trait_change(self.lasso_updated, "disjoint_selections") self.timer = Timer(50, self.on_timer)
img2 = cv.imread("fruits.jpg") img_hsv2 = cv.Mat() cv.cvtColor(img2, img_hsv2, cv.CV_BGR2HSV) img_bp = cv.Mat() cv.calcBackProject(cv.vector_Mat([img_hsv2]), channels=channels, hist=result, backProject=img_bp, ranges=ranges) 3 ### img_th = cv.Mat() cv.threshold(img_bp, img_th, 180, 255, cv.THRESH_BINARY) 4 ### struct = np.ones((3, 3), np.uint8) struct_mat = cv.asMat(struct, force_single_channel=True) img_mp = cv.Mat() cv.morphologyEx(img_th, img_mp, cv.MORPH_CLOSE, struct_mat, iterations=5) import pylab as pl import as cm pl.subplot(231) pl.imshow(img[:, :, ::-1]) pl.subplot(232) pl.imshow(img2[:, :, ::-1]) pl.subplot(233) pl.imshow(result[:], cmap=cm.gray) pl.subplot(234) pl.imshow(img_bp[:], cmap=cm.gray)
img2 = cv.imread("fruits.jpg") img_hsv2 = cv.Mat() cv.cvtColor(img2, img_hsv2, cv.CV_BGR2HSV) img_bp = cv.Mat() cv.calcBackProject(cv.vector_Mat([img_hsv2]), channels=channels, hist=result, backProject=img_bp, ranges = ranges) 3### img_th = cv.Mat() cv.threshold(img_bp, img_th, 180, 255, cv.THRESH_BINARY) 4### struct = np.ones((3,3), np.uint8) struct_mat = cv.asMat(struct, force_single_channel=True) img_mp = cv.Mat() cv.morphologyEx(img_th, img_mp, cv.MORPH_CLOSE, struct_mat, iterations=5) import pylab as pl import as cm pl.subplot(231) pl.imshow(img[:,:,::-1]) pl.subplot(232) pl.imshow(img2[:,:,::-1]) pl.subplot(233) pl.imshow(result[:], cmap=cm.gray) pl.subplot(234) pl.imshow(img_bp[:], cmap=cm.gray)
self.tmpbuf[:] = 0 for s in self.slice: self.tmpbuf += self.w1[s] self.tmpbuf /= 4 self.w2[1:-1, 1:-1] *= -1 self.w2[1:-1, 1:-1] += self.tmpbuf self.w2 *= self.damping self.w1, self.w2 = self.w2, self.w1 self.bmp[:, :, 0] = self.w1 + 128 self.bmp[:, :, 1] = self.bmp[:, :, 0] - (self.bmp[:, :, 0] >> 2) self.bmp[:, :, 2] = self.bmp[:, :, 1] return self.bmp WIDTH, HEIGHT = 640, 480 video = cv.VideoWriter()"waterwave.avi", cv.CV_FOURCC(*"DIB "), 30, cv.Size2i(WIDTH, HEIGHT))"waterwave.avi", cv.CV_FOURCC(*"ffds"), 30, cv.Size2i(WIDTH, HEIGHT)) water = WaterWave(WIDTH, HEIGHT, 100, 0.97) import time start = time.clock() for i in range(200): if i % 30 == 0: print(i) r = water.step() mat = cv.asMat(r) video << mat del video print((time.clock() - start))
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import pyopencv as cv import numpy as np y, x = np.ogrid[-1:1:250j,-1:1:250j] z = np.sin(10*np.sqrt(x*x+y*y))*0.5 + 0.5 np.round(z, decimals=1, out=z) img = cv.asMat(z) cv.namedWindow("demo1") cv.imshow("demo1", img) img2 = cv.Mat() cv.Laplacian(img, img2, img.depth(), ksize=3) cv.namedWindow("demo2") cv.imshow("demo2", img2) cv.waitKey(0)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import pyopencv as cv import numpy as np y, x = np.ogrid[-1:1:250j, -1:1:250j] z = np.sin(10 * np.sqrt(x * x + y * y)) * 0.5 + 0.5 np.round(z, decimals=1, out=z) img = cv.asMat(z) cv.namedWindow("demo1") cv.imshow("demo1", img) img2 = cv.Mat() cv.Laplacian(img, img2, img.depth(), ksize=3) cv.namedWindow("demo2") cv.imshow("demo2", img2) cv.waitKey(0)
# 读入图片并缩小为1/2 img0 = cv.imread("lena.jpg") size = img0.size() w, h = size.width, size.height img1 = cv.Mat() cv.resize(img0, img1, cv.Size(w//2, h//2)) # 各种卷积核 kernels = [ (u"低通滤波器",np.array([[1,1,1],[1,2,1],[1,1,1]])*0.1), (u"高通滤波器",np.array([[0,-1,0],[-1,5,-1],[0,-1,0]])), (u"边缘检测",np.array([[-1,-1,-1],[-1,8,-1],[-1,-1,-1]])) ] index = 0 for name, kernel in kernels: plt.subplot(131+index) # 将卷积核转换为Mat对象 kmat = cv.asMat(kernel.astype(np.float), force_single_channel=True) img2 = cv.Mat() cv.filter2D(img1, img2, -1, kmat) # 由于matplotlib的颜色顺序和OpenCV的顺序相反 plt.imshow(img2[:,:,::-1]) plt.title(name) index += 1 plt.gca().set_axis_off() plt.subplots_adjust(0.02, 0, 0.98, 1, 0.02, 0)
def redraw(self): img2 = cv.Mat() kernel = cv.asMat(self.kernel*self.scale, force_single_channel=True) cv.filter2D(self.img, img2, -1, kernel) cv.imshow("Filter Demo", img2)
def affine(self): self.img2 = cv.Mat() M = cv.asMat(self.m, force_single_channel=True) cv.warpAffine(self.img1, self.img2, M, self.img1.size(), borderValue=cv.CV_RGB(255,255,255))
def Dilation(pos, user_data): element = cv.asMat(np.ones((pos*2+1, pos*2+1), 'uint8'), True) cv.dilate(src, dest, element) cv.imshow("Erosion&Dilation window",dest);
def Dilation(pos, user_data): element = cv.asMat(np.ones((pos * 2 + 1, pos * 2 + 1), 'uint8'), True) cv.dilate(src, dest, element) cv.imshow("Erosion&Dilation window", dest)
def redraw(self): img2 = cv.Mat() kernel = cv.asMat(self.kernel * self.scale, force_single_channel=True) cv.filter2D(self.img, img2, -1, kernel) cv.imshow("Filter Demo", img2)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import pyopencv as cv import numpy as np img = cv.imread("lena.jpg") size = img.size() w, h = size img2 = cv.Mat() map1, map2 = np.meshgrid( np.linspace(0,w*2,w).astype(np.float32), np.linspace(0,h*2,h).astype(np.float32), ) map1 = cv.asMat(map1) map2 = cv.asMat(map2) cv.remap(img, img2, map1, map2, cv.INTER_LINEAR) cv.namedWindow( "Remap Resize", cv.CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE ) cv.imshow("Remap Resize", img2) cv.waitKey(0)
def new_dst(width=640, height=480, depth=3, mode='uint8'): dst = cv.asMat(zeros((height, width, depth), mode)) return dst
def _get_morphology_element(v): return cv.asMat(ones((v * 2 + 1, v * 2 + 1), 'uint8'), True)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import pyopencv as cv import numpy as np import time img = cv.asMat(np.random.rand(1000, 1000)) row = cv.getGaussianKernel(7, -1) col = cv.getGaussianKernel(5, -1) kernel = cv.asMat([:], row[:].T), force_single_channel=True) img2 = cv.Mat() img3 = cv.Mat() start = time.clock() cv.filter2D(img, img2, -1, kernel) print(("filter2D:", time.clock() - start)) start = time.clock() cv.sepFilter2D(img, img3, -1, row, col) print(("sepFilter3D:", time.clock() - start)) print(("error=", np.max(np.abs(img2[:] - img3[:]))))
def asMat(src, *args, **kw): return cv.asMat(src, *args, **kw)
def crop(src, x, y, w, h, mat=True): # print y, y + h, x, x + w v = src[y:y + h, x:x + w] if mat: v = cv.asMat(v) return v
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import pyopencv as cv import numpy as np import time img = cv.asMat(np.random.rand(1000,1000)) row = cv.getGaussianKernel(7, -1) col = cv.getGaussianKernel(5, -1) kernel = cv.asMat([:], row[:].T), force_single_channel=True) img2 = cv.Mat() img3 = cv.Mat() start = time.clock() cv.filter2D(img, img2, -1, kernel) print "filter2D:", time.clock() - start start = time.clock() cv.sepFilter2D(img, img3, -1, row, col) print "sepFilter3D:", time.clock() - start print "error=", np.max(np.abs(img2[:] - img3[:]))
def process(self, input_images, connected_outs): if len(input_images) == 0: return FAIL src = input_images['Input'] dist_res = int(self.getParamContent('Distance resolution')) angle_res = int(self.getParamContent('Angle resolution (degrees)')) acc_thresh = int(self.getParamContent('Accumulator threshold')) min_length = int(self.getParamContent('Minimum length')) max_gap = int(self.getParamContent('Maximum gap')) choice = self.getParamContent("Type of Hough transform") if src.ndim > 2: print "In '%s': The hough transform takes a binary image (or 8-bit) as input." % return FAIL color_dst = numpy.empty((src.shape[0], src.shape[1], 3), dtype='uint8') pycv.cvtColor(pycv.asMat(src), pycv.asMat(color_dst), pycv.CV_GRAY2BGR) if choice == "Standard": lines = pycv.HoughLines(pycv.asMat(src), dist_res, pycv.CV_PI / angle_res, acc_thresh) margin = 0.04 n = 8 pi = math.pi h, w = src.shape[0:2] for i in range( min(len(lines), int(self.getParamContent("draw # lines")))): l = lines[i] rho = l[0] theta = l[1] if theta > 3 * pi / 4: theta -= pi if abs(rho) < w / n and abs(theta) < margin: pass elif abs(rho) > w - w / n and abs(theta) < margin: pass elif abs(rho) < h / n and abs(theta - pi / 2) < margin: pass elif abs(rho) > h - h / n and abs(theta - pi / 2) < margin: pass else: continue a = math.cos(theta) b = math.sin(theta) x0 = a * rho y0 = b * rho pt1 = pycv.Point(int(round(x0 + 2000 * (-b))), int(round(y0 + 2000 * (a)))) pt2 = pycv.Point(int(round(x0 - 2000 * (-b))), int(round(y0 - 2000 * (a)))) pycv.line( pycv.asMat(color_dst), pt1, pt2, pycv.CV_RGB(random.randint(0, 255), random.randint(0, 255), random.randint(0, 255)), 2, 8) else: lines = pycv.HoughLinesP(pycv.asMat(src), dist_res, pycv.CV_PI / angle_res, acc_thresh, min_length, max_gap) for l in lines: pycv.line(pycv.asMat(color_dst), pycv.Point(int(l[0]), int(l[1])), pycv.Point(int(l[2]), int(l[3])), pycv.CV_RGB(*getRandColor()), 2, 8) self.lines = [(item[0], item[1]) for item in lines] return { self.output_names[0]: color_dst, self.output_names[1]: self.lines }
def Closing(pos, user_data): element = cv.asMat(np.ones((pos*2+1, pos*2+1), 'uint8'), True) cv.dilate(src, image, element) cv.erode(image, dest, element) cv.imshow("Opening&Closing window",dest);
import pyopencv as cv import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # 读入图片并缩小为1/2 img0 = cv.imread("lena.jpg") size = img0.size() w, h = size.width, size.height img1 = cv.Mat() cv.resize(img0, img1, cv.Size(w // 2, h // 2)) # 各种卷积核 kernels = [("低通滤波器", np.array([[1, 1, 1], [1, 2, 1], [1, 1, 1]]) * 0.1), ("高通滤波器", np.array([[0, -1, 0], [-1, 5, -1], [0, -1, 0]])), ("边缘检测", np.array([[-1, -1, -1], [-1, 8, -1], [-1, -1, -1]]))] index = 0 for name, kernel in kernels: plt.subplot(131 + index) # 将卷积核转换为Mat对象 kmat = cv.asMat(kernel.astype(np.float), force_single_channel=True) img2 = cv.Mat() cv.filter2D(img1, img2, -1, kmat) # 由于matplotlib的颜色顺序和OpenCV的顺序相反 plt.imshow(img2[:, :, ::-1]) plt.title(name) index += 1 plt.gca().set_axis_off() plt.subplots_adjust(0.02, 0, 0.98, 1, 0.02, 0)
def Closing(pos, user_data): element = cv.asMat(np.ones((pos * 2 + 1, pos * 2 + 1), 'uint8'), True) cv.dilate(src, image, element) cv.erode(image, dest, element) cv.imshow("Opening&Closing window", dest)