Beispiel #1
def filter_median(x, length=10, mask=None, partition=None, out=None):
    Median filtering, O(1) in window length
    from pyoperators.utils import strelapsed
    time0 = time.time()
    if out is None:
        out = x.copy()
    if mask is not None :
        mask = np.ascontiguousarray(mask, np.bool8).view(np.int8)
    elif hasattr(x, 'mask') and x.mask is not None and \
         x.mask is not
        mask = x.mask.view(np.int8)
        mask = np.zeros(x.shape, np.int8)

    n = x.shape[-1]
    if partition is None:
        partition = (n,)
    status = tmf.filter_median(out.reshape((-1,n)).T,
        mask.reshape((-1,n)).T, length,
        np.array(partition, np.int32, ndmin=1))
    if status != 0:
        raise RuntimeError()
    print(strelapsed(time0, 'Median filtering') + ' (length={0})'.format(length))
    return out
Beispiel #2
def filter_median(x, length=10, mask=None, partition=None, out=None):
    Median filtering, O(1) in window length
    from pyoperators.utils import strelapsed
    time0 = time.time()
    if out is None:
        out = x.copy()
    if mask is not None:
        mask = np.ascontiguousarray(mask, np.bool8).view(np.int8)
    elif hasattr(x, 'mask') and x.mask is not None and \
         x.mask is not
        mask = x.mask.view(np.int8)
        mask = np.zeros(x.shape, np.int8)

    n = x.shape[-1]
    if partition is None:
        partition = (n, )
    status = tmf.filter_median(
        out.reshape((-1, n)).T,
        mask.reshape((-1, n)).T, length, np.array(partition, np.int32,
    if status != 0:
        raise RuntimeError()
        strelapsed(time0, 'Median filtering') + ' (length={0})'.format(length))
    return out
Beispiel #3
def _deglitch(tod, projection, nsigma, method):
    time0 = time.time()
    if method not in ('std', 'mad'):
        raise ValueError('Invalid deglitching method.')
    func = {'std': tmf.deglitch_l2b_std, 'mad': tmf.deglitch_l2b_mad}[method]
    if isinstance(projection, ProjectionBaseOperator):
        matrix = projection.matrix
        npixels_per_sample = matrix.shape[-1]
    elif hasattr(projection, 'operands') and \
         all([isinstance(p, ProjectionBaseOperator) for p in projection.operands]):
        ops = projection.operands
        npixels_per_sample = max(p.matrix.shape[-1] for p in ops)
        if tod.shape[-1] != sum(p.matrix.shape[-2] for p in ops):
            raise ValueError('The tod has an incompatible shape.')
        matrix = np.zeros(tod.shape + (npixels_per_sample, ),
        matrix['index'] = -1
        dest = 0
        for p in ops:
            nsamples = p.matrix.shape[-2]
            matrix[..., dest:dest + nsamples, :p.matrix.shape[-1]] = p.matrix
            dest += nsamples
        raise TypeError('The operator is not a projection.')

    ny, nx = projection.shapein
    if tod.mask is None:
        mask = np.zeros(tod.shape, np.bool8)
        mask = tod.mask.copy()
    percent = func(
        matrix.view(int).ravel(), nx, ny, tod.T,
        mask.view(np.int8).T, nsigma, npixels_per_sample)

    # IFORT stores .true. as -1, it conflicts with numpy algebra on booleans
    np.abs(mask, mask)

        strelapsed(time0, 'Deglitching ({0})'.format(method)) +
        ' (flagged samples: {0}%)'.format(percent))

    return mask
Beispiel #4
def _deglitch(tod, projection, nsigma, method):
    time0 = time.time()
    if method not in ('std', 'mad'):
        raise ValueError('Invalid deglitching method.')
    func = {'std':tmf.deglitch_l2b_std, 'mad':tmf.deglitch_l2b_mad}[method]
    if isinstance(projection, ProjectionBaseOperator):
        matrix = projection.matrix
        npixels_per_sample = matrix.shape[-1]
    elif hasattr(projection, 'operands') and \
         all([isinstance(p, ProjectionBaseOperator) for p in projection.operands]):
        ops = projection.operands
        npixels_per_sample = max(p.matrix.shape[-1] for p in ops)
        if tod.shape[-1] != sum(p.matrix.shape[-2] for p in ops):
            raise ValueError('The tod has an incompatible shape.')
        matrix = np.zeros(tod.shape+(npixels_per_sample,), ops[0].matrix.dtype)
        matrix['index'] = -1
        dest = 0
        for p in ops:
            nsamples = p.matrix.shape[-2]
            matrix[...,dest:dest+nsamples,:p.matrix.shape[-1]] = p.matrix
            dest += nsamples
        raise TypeError('The operator is not a projection.')

    ny, nx = projection.shapein
    if tod.mask is None:
        mask = np.zeros(tod.shape, np.bool8)
        mask = tod.mask.copy()
    percent = func(matrix.view(int).ravel(), nx, ny, tod.T,
                   mask.view(np.int8).T, nsigma, npixels_per_sample)

    # IFORT stores .true. as -1, it conflicts with numpy algebra on booleans
    np.abs(mask, mask)

    print(strelapsed(time0, 'Deglitching ({0})'.format(method)) +
          ' (flagged samples: {0}%)'.format(percent))

    return mask