def parse_string(self, string):
        '''Populate a new object from a string.
        Parsing is hard, so we're going to call out to the pyparsing
        library here.  I hope you installed it!
        FTR: this is hideous.
        from pyparsing import Suppress, Regex, quotedString, restOfLine, Keyword, nestedExpr, Group, OneOrMore, Word, Literal, alphanums, removeQuotes, replaceWith, nums, printables
        gr_eq = Literal('=')
        gr_stripped_string = quotedString.copy().setParseAction( removeQuotes )
        gr_opt_quoted_string = gr_stripped_string | restOfLine
        gr_number = Word(nums)
        gr_yn = Keyword('yes', caseless=True).setParseAction(replaceWith('1')) | Keyword('no', caseless=True).setParseAction(replaceWith('0'))

        def _handle_ip(*x):
            a,b,c =  x[2]
            return '  %s = { %s }' % (a,c[0])

        def _handle_diraddr(*x):
            a,b,c =  x[2]
            self._set(DIRADDRESSES, '  %s' % '\n  '.join(c))

        def np(words, fn = gr_opt_quoted_string, action=None):
            p = Keyword(words[0], caseless=True)
            for w in words[1:]:
                p = p | Keyword(w, caseless=True)
            p = p + gr_eq + fn
            return p
        gr_name = np((NAME,), action=lambda x: self._set_name(x[2]))
        gr_address = np((ADDRESS,), action=self._parse_setter(ADDRESS))
        gr_fd_conn = np(PList('fd connect timeout'), gr_number, self._parse_setter(FD_CONNECT_TIMEOUT, True))
        gr_heart = np(PList('heartbeat interval'), gr_number, self._parse_setter(HEARTBEATINTERVAL, True))
        gr_max_con = np(PList('maximum console connections'),
                        gr_number, self._parse_setter(MAXIMUMCONSOLECONNECTIONS, True))
        gr_max_jobs = np(PList('maximum concurrent jobs'), gr_number, action=self._parse_setter(MAXIMUMCONCURRENTJOBS, True))
        gr_pass = np((PASSWORD,), action=self._parse_setter(PASSWORD))
        gr_pid = np(PList('pid directory'), action=self._parse_setter(PIDDIRECTORY))
        gr_query = np(PList('query file'), action=self._parse_setter(QUERYFILE))
        gr_scripts = np(PList('scripts directory'), action=self._parse_setter(SCRIPTS_DIRECTORY))
        gr_sd_conn = np(PList('sd connect timeout'), gr_number, self._parse_setter(SD_CONNECT_TIMEOUT, True))
        gr_source = np(PList('source address'), action=self._parse_setter(SOURCEADDRESS))
        gr_stats = np(PList('statistics retention'), action=self._parse_setter(STATISTICS_RETENTION))
        gr_verid = np((VERID,), action=self._parse_setter(VERID))
        gr_messages = np((MESSAGES,), action=lambda x:self._parse_setter(MESSAGE_ID, dereference=True))
        gr_work_dir = np(PList('working directory'), action=self._parse_setter(WORKINGDIRECTORY))
        gr_port = np(PList('dir port'), gr_number, self._parse_setter(PORT, True))
        gr_monitor = np((MONITOR,), gr_yn, action=self._parse_setter(MONITOR))

        # This is a complicated one
        da_addr = np(('Addr','Port'), Word(printables), lambda x,y,z: ' '.join(z))
        da_ip = np(('IPv4','IPv6','IP'), nestedExpr('{','}', OneOrMore(da_addr).setParseAction(lambda x,y,z: ' ; '.join(z)))).setParseAction(_handle_ip)
        da_addresses = np(PList('dir addresses'), nestedExpr('{','}', OneOrMore(da_ip)), _handle_diraddr)

        gr_res = OneOrMore(gr_name | gr_address | gr_fd_conn | gr_heart | gr_max_con | gr_max_jobs | gr_pass | gr_pid | gr_query | gr_scripts | gr_sd_conn | gr_source | gr_stats | gr_verid | gr_messages | gr_work_dir | gr_port | gr_monitor | da_addresses)

        result = gr_res.parseString(string, parseAll=True)
        return 'Director: ' + self[NAME]
Beispiel #2
def compile():
    LBRACE, RBRACE, LBRACK, RBRACK, COLON = map(pp.Suppress, '{}[]:')

    value = pp.Forward()

    true = pp.Keyword('true').setParseAction(pp.replaceWith(True))
    false = pp.Keyword('false').setParseAction(pp.replaceWith(False))
    null = pp.Keyword('null').setParseAction(pp.replaceWith(None))
    number = (pp.Regex(
    string = (pp.Regex(
        r'"([ !#-\[\]-\U0010ffff]+'

    items = pp.delimitedList(value)
    array = (pp.Group(LBRACK - pp.Optional(items) +
                      RBRACK).setParseAction(lambda t: t.asList()))

    member = pp.Group(string + COLON + value)
    members = pp.delimitedList(member)
    object = (pp.Dict(LBRACE - pp.Optional(members) +
                      RBRACE).setParseAction(lambda t: t.asDict()))

    value << (object | array | string | number | true | false | null)

    json = value('top') + pp.StringEnd()
    json.setDefaultWhitespaceChars(' \t\n\r')

    return lambda s: json.parseString(s)['top']
 def get_parser_atoms(self):
     """ Function defining the atoms of the grammar """
     atoms = super(LanguageMathematica, self).get_parser_atoms()
     atoms['assign'] = (Literal("=") | Literal(":=") | Literal("=="))
     atoms['consts'] = Keyword("Pi").setParseAction(replaceWith('PI')) |\
     return atoms
 def get_parser_atoms(self):
     """ Function defining the atoms of the grammar """
     atoms = super(LanguageMathematica, self).get_parser_atoms()
     atoms["assign"] = Literal("=") | Literal(":=") | Literal("==")
     atoms["consts"] = Keyword("Pi").setParseAction(
         replaceWith("PI")) | Keyword("E").setParseAction(replaceWith("E"))
     return atoms
Beispiel #5
def jsParse(inStr):
	# This disaster is a context-free grammar parser for parsing javascript object literals.
	# It needs to be able to handle a lot of the definitional messes you find in in-the-wild
	# javascript object literals.
	# Unfortunately, Javascript is /way/ more tolerant then JSON when it comes to object literals
	# so we can't just parse objects using python's `json` library.

	TRUE = pp.Keyword("true").setParseAction( pp.replaceWith(True) )
	FALSE = pp.Keyword("false").setParseAction( pp.replaceWith(False) )
	NULL = pp.Keyword("null").setParseAction( pp.replaceWith(None) )

	jsonString = pp.quotedString.setParseAction( pp.removeQuotes )
	jsonNumber = pp.Combine( pp.Optional('-') + ( '0' | pp.Word('123456789',pp.nums) ) +
											pp.Optional( '.' + pp.Word(pp.nums) ) +
											pp.Optional( pp.Word('eE',exact=1) + pp.Word(pp.nums+'+-',pp.nums) ) )

	jsonObject   = pp.Forward()
	jsonValue    = pp.Forward()
	jsonDict     = pp.Forward()
	jsonArray    = pp.Forward()
	jsonElements = pp.Forward()

	rawText      = pp.Regex('[a-zA-Z_$][0-9a-zA-Z_$]*')

	commaToNull = pp.Word(',,', exact=1).setParseAction(pp.replaceWith(None))
	jsonElements << pp.ZeroOrMore(commaToNull) + pp.Optional(jsonObject) + pp.ZeroOrMore((pp.Suppress(',') + jsonObject) | commaToNull)

	jsonValue << ( jsonString | jsonNumber | TRUE | FALSE | NULL )

	dictMembers = pp.delimitedList( pp.Group( (rawText | jsonString) + pp.Suppress(':') + (jsonValue | jsonDict | jsonArray)))
	jsonDict << ( pp.Dict( pp.Suppress('{') + pp.Optional(dictMembers) + pp.ZeroOrMore(pp.Suppress(',')) + pp.Suppress('}') ) )
	jsonArray << ( pp.Group(pp.Suppress('[') + pp.Optional(jsonElements) + pp.Suppress(']') ) )
	jsonObject << (jsonValue | jsonDict | jsonArray)

	jsonComment = pp.cppStyleComment
	jsonObject.ignore( jsonComment )

	def convertDict(s, l, toks):

		return dict(toks.asList())

	def convertNumbers(s,l,toks):
		n = toks[0]
			return int(n)
		except ValueError:
			return float(n)


	# jsonObject.setDebug()
	return jsonObject.parseString(inStr).pop()
Beispiel #6
    def parse_string(self, string):
        '''Populate a new object from a string.
        Parsing is hard, so we're going to call out to the pyparsing
        library here.  I hope you installed it!
        from pyparsing import Suppress, Regex, quotedString, restOfLine, Keyword, nestedExpr, Group, OneOrMore, Word, Literal, alphanums, removeQuotes, replaceWith
        gr_eq = Literal('=')
        gr_stripped_string = quotedString.copy().setParseAction(removeQuotes)
        gr_opt_quoted_string = gr_stripped_string | restOfLine
        gr_name = Keyword('name', caseless=True) + gr_eq + gr_opt_quoted_string
        gr_name.setParseAction(lambda x, y=self: y._set_name(x[2]))
        gr_yn = Keyword('yes', caseless=True).setParseAction(
            replaceWith('1')) | Keyword('no', caseless=True).setParseAction(
        gr_phrase = Group(
            OneOrMore(gr_stripped_string | Word(alphanums)) + gr_eq +

        def np(words, fn=gr_opt_quoted_string, action=print):
            p = Keyword(words[0], caseless=True)
            for w in words[1:]:
                p = p | Keyword(w, caseless=True)
            p = p + gr_eq + fn
            return p

        gr_ifsc = np(PList('Ignore File Set Changes'),
        gr_evss = np(PList('Enable VSS'),

        gr_i_option = Group(
            Keyword(OPTIONS, caseless=True) +
            nestedExpr('{', '}', Regex('[^\}]+', re.MULTILINE)))
        gr_e_option = gr_i_option.copy()
        gr_i_file = gr_phrase.copy()
        gr_e_file = gr_phrase.copy()

        gr_inc = Keyword('include', caseless=True) + nestedExpr(
            '{', '}', OneOrMore(gr_i_option | gr_i_file))
        gr_exc = Keyword('exclude', caseless=True) + nestedExpr(
            '{', '}', OneOrMore(gr_e_option | gr_e_file))

        gr_res = OneOrMore(gr_name | gr_inc | gr_exc | gr_ifsc | gr_evss)
        result = gr_res.parseString(string, parseAll=True)
        return 'Fileset: ' + self[NAME]
Beispiel #7
    def parse_string(self, string):
        '''Populate a new object from a string.
        Parsing is hard, so we're going to call out to the pyparsing
        library here.  I hope you installed it!
        from pyparsing import Suppress, Regex, quotedString, restOfLine, Keyword, nestedExpr, Group, OneOrMore, Word, Literal, alphanums, removeQuotes, replaceWith, nums
        gr_eq = Literal('=')
        gr_stripped_string = quotedString.copy().setParseAction(removeQuotes)
        gr_opt_quoted_string = gr_stripped_string | restOfLine
        gr_number = Word(nums)
        gr_yn = Keyword('yes', caseless=True).setParseAction(
            replaceWith('1')) | Keyword('no', caseless=True).setParseAction(

        def np(words, fn=gr_opt_quoted_string, action=None):
            p = Keyword(words[0], caseless=True)
            for w in words[1:]:
                p = p | Keyword(w, caseless=True)
            p = p + gr_eq + fn
            return p

        gr_line = np((NAME, ), action=lambda x: self._set_name(x[2]))
        gr_line = gr_line | np(
            PList('sd port'), gr_number, action=self._parse_setter(SDPORT))
        gr_line = gr_line | np((ADDRESS, ), action=self._parse_setter(ADDRESS))
        gr_line = gr_line | np(
            (PASSWORD, ), action=self._parse_setter(PASSWORD))
        gr_line = gr_line | np((DEVICE, ), action=self._parse_setter(DEVICE))
        gr_line = gr_line | np(PList('media type'),
        gr_line = gr_line | np(PList('auto changer'),
        gr_line = gr_line | np(
            PList('maximum concurrent jobs'),
        gr_line = gr_line | np(PList('allow compression'),
        gr_line = gr_line | np(PList('heartbeat interval'),

        gr_res = OneOrMore(gr_line)
        result = gr_res.parseString(string, parseAll=True)
        return 'Storage: ' + self[NAME]
Beispiel #8
def date(name=None, compulsory=False):
    Creates the grammar for a Date (D) field, accepting only numbers in a certain pattern.

    The field can be compulsory, in which case the empty date, composed only of zeros, is disallowed.

    :param name: name for the field
    :param compulsory: indicates if the empty date is disallowed
    :return: grammar for the date field

    if name is None:
        name = 'Date Field'

    # Basic field
    # This regex allows values from 00000101 to 99991231
    field = pp.Regex('[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9](0[1-9]|1[0-2])(0[1-9]|[1-2][0-9]|3[0-1])')

    # Parse action
    field.setParseAction(lambda d: datetime.datetime.strptime(d[0], '%Y%m%d').date())

    # Name

    if not compulsory:
        # If it is not compulsory the empty date is accepted
        optional = pp.Regex('[0]{8}')

        # Name

        # If it is not compulsory the empty date is accepted
        empty = pp.Regex('[ ]{8}')

        # Name

        field = field | optional | empty

        # Name

    # White spaces are not removed

    return field
Beispiel #9
    def wrap_as_optional(self, field, name, columns):
        Adds a wrapper rule to the field to accept empty strings.

        This empty string should be of the same size as the columns parameter.
        One smaller or bigger will be rejected.

        This wrapper will return None if the field is empty.

        :param field: the field to wrap
        :param name: name of the field
        :param columns: number of columns it takes
        :return: the field with an additional rule to allow empty strings
        # Regular expression accepting as many whitespaces as columns
        field_empty = pp.Regex('[ ]{' + str(columns) + '}')


        # Whitespaces are not removed

        # None is returned by this rule

        field_empty = field_empty.setResultsName(field.resultsName)

        field = field | field_empty



        return field
Beispiel #10
def parseString(s):
    goto = CaselessLiteral("goto")
    letters = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPRSTUVZYXWQ0123456789_-."
    lowerLet = letters.lower()
    caps = "ABCSXYZ"
    lowerCaps = caps.lower()
    digits = "0123456789"
    parenthesesL = Suppress("(")
    parenthesesR = Suppress(")")
    dot = "."
    minus = "-"
    comma = Literal(",").setParseAction(replaceWith("."))
    semicolon = Suppress(";")

    element = Word(caps, max=1) | Word(lowerCaps, max=1)
    number = Word(digits)
    integer = Optional(minus) + number
    floa = Combine(integer + Optional(comma + number) + Optional(dot + number))
    elementRef = element + Optional(floa)
    targetName = Word(letters, max=13) | Word(lowerLet, max=13)
    attribute = elementRef | targetName
    #go = Group(goto + parenthesesL + OneOrMore( elementRef + Optional(semicolon)) + parenthesesR)
    go = Group(goto + parenthesesL +
               OneOrMore(attribute + Optional(semicolon)) + parenthesesR)
    command = go + ZeroOrMore(go)
    #command = goto + parenthesesL + OneOrMore( elementRef + Optional(semicolon)) + parenthesesR
    while True:
            formulaData = command.parseString(s)
        except ValueError:
            return "error"
    return formulaData
Beispiel #11
def ipi_name_number(name=None, compulsory=False):
    IPI Name Number field.

    An IPI Name Number is composed of eleven digits.

    So, for example, an IPI Name Number code field can contain 00014107338.

    :param name: name for the field
    :param compulsory: indicates if the empty string is disallowed
    :return: a parser for the IPI Name Number field

    if name is None:
        name = 'IPI Name Number Field'

    field = basic.numeric(11, compulsory=compulsory)

    if not compulsory:
        # If it is not compulsory then it can be set as empty
        empty = pp.Regex('[ ]{11}')

        field = empty | field
        # Name


    return field.setResultsName('ipi_name_n')
Beispiel #12
    def string(allow_private=False):
        if allow_private:  # private functions are restricted!
            identifier = pp.Word(pp.alphas + "_", pp.alphanums + "_")
            identifier = pp.Word(pp.alphas, pp.alphanums + "_")

        template = pp.Forward()

        pool_var = identifier.copy()
        var = _Parsers.builtins | pool_var.setParseAction(
            lambda name: _PoolVar(name)) | template
        special_chars = pp.Keyword('$$').setParseAction(pp.replaceWith('$'))
        template << (pp.Suppress('$') + pp.Suppress('{') + var + pp.ZeroOrMore(
            pp.Suppress('.') + _Parsers.expression(
                allow_private=allow_private)) + pp.Suppress('}'))

        def template_parse_action(toks):
            name = toks[0]
                funcs = toks[1:]
            except IndexError:
                funcs = []
            return _TemplateVar(name, funcs)


        restricted_chars = '$'
        printables = ''.join(
            c for c in (set(pp.printables) - set(restricted_chars)))
        string = pp.ZeroOrMore(special_chars | template
                               | pp.Combine(pp.Word(printables +
                                                    ' ')).leaveWhitespace())

        return string
Beispiel #13
def audio_visual_key(name=None):
    Creates the grammar for an Audio Visual Key code.

    This is a variation on the ISAN (International Standard Audiovisual Number)

    :param name: name for the field
    :return: grammar for an ISRC field

    if name is None:
        name = 'AVI Field'

    society_code = basic.numeric(3)
    society_code = society_code.setName('Society Code') \

    av_number = basic.alphanum(15)
    field_empty = pp.Regex('[ ]{15}')
    av_number = av_number | field_empty
    av_number = av_number.setName('Audio-Visual Number') \

    field = pp.Group(society_code + av_number)

    field.setParseAction(lambda v: _to_avi(v[0]))

    field = field.setName(name)

    return field.setResultsName('audio_visual_key')
Beispiel #14
def audio_visual_key(name=None):
    Creates the grammar for an Audio Visual Key code.

    This is a variation on the ISAN (International Standard Audiovisual Number)

    :param name: name for the field
    :return: grammar for an ISRC field

    if name is None:
        name = 'AVI Field'

    society_code = basic.numeric(3)
    society_code = society_code.setName('Society Code') \

    av_number = basic.alphanum(15)
    field_empty = pp.Regex('[ ]{15}')
    av_number = av_number | field_empty
    av_number = av_number.setName('Audio-Visual Number') \

    field = pp.Group(society_code + av_number)

    field.setParseAction(lambda v: _to_avi(v[0]))

    field = field.setName(name)

    return field.setResultsName('audio_visual_key')
Beispiel #15
    def parse_string(self, string):
        '''Populate a new object from a string.
        Parsing is hard, so we're going to call out to the pyparsing
        library here.  I hope you installed it!
        from pyparsing import Suppress, Regex, quotedString, restOfLine, Keyword, nestedExpr, Group, OneOrMore, Word, Literal, alphanums, removeQuotes, replaceWith, nums
        gr_eq = Literal('=')
        gr_stripped_string = quotedString.copy().setParseAction( removeQuotes )
        gr_opt_quoted_string = gr_stripped_string | restOfLine
        gr_number = Word(nums)
        gr_yn = Keyword('yes', caseless=True).setParseAction(replaceWith('1')) | Keyword('no', caseless=True).setParseAction(replaceWith('0'))

        def np(words, fn = gr_opt_quoted_string, action=None):
            p = Keyword(words[0], caseless=True)
            for w in words[1:]:
                p = p | Keyword(w, caseless=True)
            p = p + gr_eq + fn
            return p

        gr_line = np((NAME,), action=lambda x: self._set_name(x[2]))
        gr_line = gr_line | np(PList('sd port'), gr_number, action=self._parse_setter(SDPORT))
        gr_line = gr_line | np((ADDRESS,), action=self._parse_setter(ADDRESS))
        gr_line = gr_line | np((PASSWORD,), action=self._parse_setter(PASSWORD))
        gr_line = gr_line | np((DEVICE,), action=self._parse_setter(DEVICE))
        gr_line = gr_line | np(PList('media type'), action=self._parse_setter(MEDIATYPE))
        gr_line = gr_line | np(PList('auto changer'), gr_yn, action=self._parse_setter(AUTOCHANGER))
        gr_line = gr_line | np(PList('maximum concurrent jobs'), gr_number, action=self._parse_setter(MAXIMUMCONCURRENTJOBS))
        gr_line = gr_line | np(PList('allow compression'), gr_yn, action=self._parse_setter(ALLOWCOMPRESSION))
        gr_line = gr_line | np(PList('heartbeat interval'), action=self._parse_setter(HEARTBEATINTERVAL))

        gr_res = OneOrMore(gr_line)
        result = gr_res.parseString(string, parseAll=True)
        return 'Storage: ' + self[NAME]
Beispiel #16
def Syntax():
    imp = Literal(u'⇒').setParseAction(replaceWith("Implies"))
    conj = Literal(u'∧').setParseAction(replaceWith("Conjunction"))
    disj = Literal(u'∨').setParseAction(replaceWith("Disjunction"))
    iff = Literal(u'⇔').setParseAction(replaceWith("Disjunction"))

    #op = oneOf(u'⇒ ∧')
    op = imp | conj | disj | iff
    lpar = Literal('(').suppress()
    rpar = Literal(')').suppress()
    neg = Literal(u'¬').setParseAction(replaceWith("Negation"))
    prop = Word(u"pqr")
    expr = Forward()
    atom = prop | Group(lpar + expr + rpar)
    expr << ((atom + ZeroOrMore(op + expr)) | Group(neg + expr))

    return expr
Beispiel #17
def parser(env):
    """Given an environment, return an s-expression parser that resolves
    literals and environment variables.  The defined literals are

    * integer and float numbers
    * true and false to represent Python's True and False
    * null to represent Python's None
    * strings that are not environment keys
    envval = pp.oneOf(env.keys()).setParseAction(lambda t: env[t[0]])
    number = pp.pyparsing_common.number
    true = pp.Keyword("true").setParseAction(pp.replaceWith(True))
    false = pp.Keyword("false").setParseAction(pp.replaceWith(False))
    null = pp.Keyword("null").setParseAction(pp.replaceWith(None))
    char = pp.Word(pp.alphas + "_")
    return pp.nestedExpr(content=pp.OneOrMore(number | true | false | null
                                              | envval | char))
Beispiel #18
def Syntax():
    imp = Literal(u'⇒').setParseAction(replaceWith("Implies"))
    conj = Literal(u'∧').setParseAction(replaceWith("Conjunction"))
    disj = Literal(u'∨').setParseAction(replaceWith("Disjunction"))
    iff = Literal(u'⇔').setParseAction(replaceWith("Disjunction"))

    #op = oneOf(u'⇒ ∧')
    op = imp | conj | disj | iff
    lpar = Literal('(').suppress()
    rpar = Literal(')').suppress()
    neg = Literal(u'¬').setParseAction(replaceWith("Negation"))
    prop = Word(u"pqr")
    expr = Forward()
    atom = prop | Group(lpar + expr + rpar)
    expr << ((atom + ZeroOrMore(op + expr)) | Group(neg + expr))

    return expr
Beispiel #19
    def parse_string(self, string):
        '''Populate a new object from a string.
        Parsing is hard, so we're going to call out to the pyparsing
        library here.  I hope you installed it!
        from pyparsing import quotedString, restOfLine, Keyword, nestedExpr, OneOrMore, Word, Literal, removeQuotes, nums, replaceWith, printables
        gr_eq = Literal('=')
        gr_stripped_string = quotedString.copy().setParseAction( removeQuotes )
        gr_opt_quoted_string = gr_stripped_string | restOfLine
        gr_number = Word(nums)
        gr_yn = Keyword('yes', caseless=True).setParseAction(replaceWith('1')) | Keyword('no', caseless=True).setParseAction(replaceWith('0'))

        def _handle_ip(*x):
            a,b,c =  x[2]
            return '  %s = { %s }' % (a,c[0])

        def _handle_fdaddr(*x):
            a,b,c =  x[2]
            self._set(FDADDRESSES, '  %s' % '\n  '.join(c))

        def np(words, fn = gr_opt_quoted_string, action=None):
            p = Keyword(words[0], caseless=True)
            for w in words[1:]:
                p = p | Keyword(w, caseless=True)
            p = p + gr_eq + fn
            return p

        gr_line = np((NAME,), action=lambda x: self._set_name(x[2]))
        gr_line = gr_line | np((ADDRESS,), action=self._parse_setter(ADDRESS))
        gr_line = gr_line | np((CATALOG,), action=self._parse_setter(CATALOG_ID, dereference=True))
        gr_line = gr_line | np((PASSWORD,), action=self._parse_setter(PASSWORD))
        gr_line = gr_line | np(PList('file retention'), action=self._parse_setter(FILERETENTION))
        gr_line = gr_line | np(PList('job retention'), action=self._parse_setter(JOBRETENTION))
        gr_line = gr_line | np((PRIORITY,), gr_number, action=self._parse_setter(PRIORITY))
        gr_line = gr_line | np(PList('working directory'), action=self._parse_setter(WORKINGDIRECTORY))
        gr_line = gr_line | np(PList('pid directory'), action=self._parse_setter(PIDDIRECTORY))
        gr_line = gr_line | np(PList('heart beat interval'), action=self._parse_setter(HEARTBEATINTERVAL))
        gr_line = gr_line | np(PList('fd address'), action=self._parse_setter(FDADDRESS))
        gr_line = gr_line | np(PList('fd source address'), action=self._parse_setter(FDSOURCEADDRESS))
        gr_line = gr_line | np(PList('pki key pair'), action=self._parse_setter(PKIKEYPAIR))
        gr_line = gr_line | np(PList('pki master key'), action=self._parse_setter(PKIMASTERKEY))
        gr_line = gr_line | np(PList('fd port'), gr_number, action=self._parse_setter(FDPORT))
        gr_line = gr_line | np(PList('auto prune'), gr_yn, action=self._parse_setter(AUTOPRUNE))
        gr_line = gr_line | np(PList('maximum concurrent jobs'), gr_number, action=self._parse_setter(FDPORT))
        gr_line = gr_line | np(PList('pki encryption'), gr_yn, action=self._parse_setter(PKIENCRYPTION))
        gr_line = gr_line | np(PList('pki signatures'), gr_yn, action=self._parse_setter(PKISIGNATURES))

        # This is a complicated one
        da_addr = np(('Addr','Port'), Word(printables), lambda x,y,z: ' '.join(z))
        da_ip = np(('IPv4','IPv6','IP'), nestedExpr('{','}', OneOrMore(da_addr).setParseAction(lambda x,y,z: ' ; '.join(z)))).setParseAction(_handle_ip)
        da_addresses = np(('fd addresses', FDADDRESSES), nestedExpr('{','}', OneOrMore(da_ip)), _handle_fdaddr)

        gr_res = OneOrMore(gr_line|da_addresses)
        result = gr_res.parseString(string, parseAll=True)
        return 'Client: ' + self[NAME]
    def get_parser_atoms(self):
        """ Function defining the atoms of the grammar """
        atoms = super(LanguagePython, self).get_parser_atoms()
        atoms["exp"] = Literal("**").setParseAction(replaceWith("^"))
        atoms["consts"] = Keyword("np.pi").setParseAction(
            replaceWith("PI")) | Keyword("np.e").setParseAction(

        if self.int2float:
            point = Literal(".")
            e = CaselessKeyword("E")
            atoms["float"] = Word("+-" + nums, nums).setParseAction(
                appendString(".")) | Combine(
                    Word("+-" + nums, nums) +
                    Optional(point + Optional(Word(nums))) +
                    Optional(e + Word("+-" + nums, nums)))

        return atoms
    def get_parser_atoms(self):
        """ Function defining the atoms of the grammar """
        atoms = super(LanguagePython, self).get_parser_atoms()
        atoms['exp'] = Literal("**").setParseAction(replaceWith('^'))
        atoms['consts'] = \
                    Keyword('np.pi').setParseAction(replaceWith('PI')) |\
        if self.int2float:
            point = Literal(".")
            e     = CaselessKeyword("E")
            atoms['float'] = \
                Word("+-" + nums, nums).setParseAction(appendString('.')) |\
                Combine(Word("+-" + nums, nums) + 
                    Optional(point + Optional(Word(nums))) +
                    Optional(e + Word("+-" + nums, nums))

        return atoms
Beispiel #22
 def _make_valid_state_name(self, state_name):
     """Transform the input state_name into a valid state in XMLBIF.
     XMLBIF states must start with a letter an only contain letters,
     numbers and underscores.
     s = str(state_name)
     s_fixed = pp.CharsNotIn(pp.alphanums + "_").setParseAction(pp.replaceWith("_")).transformString(s)
     if not s_fixed[0].isalpha():
         s_fixed = "state" + s_fixed
     return s_fixed
Beispiel #23
def iswc(name=None, compulsory=False):
    ISWC field.

    A ISWC code written on a field follows the Pattern TNNNNNNNNNC. This being:
    - T: header, it is always T.
    - N: numeric value.
    - C: control digit.

    So, for example, an ISWC code field can contain T0345246801.

    :param name: name for the field
    :param compulsory: indicates if the empty string is disallowed
    :return: a parser for the ISWC field

    if name is None:
        name = 'ISWC Field'

    # Header is always T
    header = pp.Literal('T').suppress()
    header = header.setName('ISWC Header').setResultsName('header')

    # ID code is composed of 9 numbers
    id_code = basic.numeric(9, compulsory=True)
    id_code = id_code.setName('ID Code').setResultsName('id_code')

    # Check digit is a single number
    check_digit = basic.numeric(1, compulsory=True)
    check_digit = check_digit.setName('Check Digit').setResultsName('check_digit')

    # T followed by 10 numbers
    field = pp.Group(header + id_code + check_digit)

    # Parse action
    field.setParseAction(lambda c: _to_iswccode(c[0]))

    # Name

    if not compulsory:
        # If it is not compulsory then it can be set as empty
        empty = pp.Regex('[ ]{11}')

        field = empty | field
        # Name

    # White spaces are not removed

    return field.setResultsName('iswc')
Beispiel #24
 def __init__(self):
     FALSE = Keyword("false")
     NULL = Keyword("null")
     TRUE = Keyword("true")
     pattern = Forward()
     label = Word(alphas, alphanums + "_").setResultsName("layer_name")
     configurable_param = nestedExpr(content=pattern)
     arg = (NULL ^ FALSE ^ TRUE ^ pyparsing_common.number ^
            (Word(alphanums + "*_") + ~Word("=")) ^ configurable_param)
     args = arg[...].setResultsName("args")
     options = Dict(Group(Word(alphanums + "_") + Suppress("=") +
     pattern <<= label + args + options
     self.pattern = pattern
Beispiel #25
 def F(tokens):
     if 'args' in tokens:           # Fun Prefix Postfix Bifix
         targs = tokens.args
     elif 'arg1' in tokens and 'arg2' in tokens:
         if 'arg3' in tokens:
             targs = targs = tokens.arg1, tokens.arg2, tokens.arg3  # Infix3
             targs = tokens.arg1, tokens.arg2                       # Infix
     exp = rhs
     for arg, targ in zip(args, targs):
         argsub = pp.Literal(arg).setParseAction(pp.replaceWith(targ)) # subsitute the arguments
         exp = argsub.transformString(exp)
     return exp
Beispiel #26
def parser_factory(styler):
    """Builds the S-expression parser."""
    def cond_optional(expr):
        return pp.Optional(expr) if styler else expr

    LPAR, RPAR, SQUO, DQUO = map(pp.Suppress, '()\'"')

    form_first = pp.Forward()
    form = pp.Forward()

    nil = pp.CaselessKeyword('nil').addParseAction(pp.replaceWith([]))
    t = pp.CaselessKeyword('t').addParseAction(pp.replaceWith(True))
    constant = styler('class:constant', nil | t)

    number = styler('class:number', ppc.number).setName('number')

    control_chars = ''.join(map(chr, range(0, 32))) + '\x7f'
    symbol = pp.CharsNotIn(control_chars + '\'"`;,()[]{} ')
    symbol = styler('class:symbol', symbol).setName('symbol')
    symbol.addParseAction(lambda t: Symbol(t[0]))
    call = styler('class:call', symbol)

    string = DQUO + pp.Combine(pp.Optional(
        pp.CharsNotIn('"'))) + cond_optional(DQUO)
    string = styler('class:string', string).setName('string')

    forms = (form_first + pp.ZeroOrMore(form)).setName('one or more forms')
    sexp = (LPAR + pp.Optional(forms) +
    sexp.addParseAction(lambda t: [list(t)])

    quote = (styler('class:quote', SQUO) + form).setName('quoted form')
    quote.addParseAction(lambda t: Quote(t[0]))

    form_first <<= constant | number ^ call | string | sexp | quote
    form <<= constant | number ^ symbol | string | sexp | quote

    return form
Beispiel #27
        def convert_to_literal(tok, val):
            Converts a value to pyparsing caselessliteral

            :param tok: the token we want to find/replace
            :type tok: str
            :param val: the integer the token represented
            :type val: int
            :return: pyparsing caseless literal
            :rtype: pyparsing.CaselessLiteral
            return CaselessLiteral(tok) \
                .setName(tok) \
Beispiel #28
    def make_arithmetic(self, s, l, tokens):
        digits = Word(nums)
        variable = Word(alphas +

        to_dot = lambda t: "."
        decimal_sep = Literal(self._grammar.get_token("decimal_separator"))
        thousands_sep = Suppress(
        thousands = Word(
            nums, max=3) + OneOrMore(thousands_sep + Word(nums, exact=3))
        integers = thousands | digits
        decimals = decimal_sep + digits

        expop = Literal('^')
        signop = oneOf('+ -')
        multop = oneOf('* /')
        plusop = oneOf('+ -')
        modop = Literal('%')
        factop = Literal("!")

        operand = Combine((integers + Optional(decimals)) | variable)

        expr = operatorPrecedence(operand, [
            (Literal("[").setParseAction(replaceWith("(")), 1, opAssoc.RIGHT),
            (Literal("]").setParseAction(replaceWith(")")), 1, opAssoc.LEFT),
            ("!", 1, opAssoc.LEFT),
            (expop, 2, opAssoc.RIGHT),
            (signop, 1, opAssoc.RIGHT),
            (multop, 2, opAssoc.LEFT),
            (modop, 2, opAssoc.LEFT),
            (plusop, 2, opAssoc.LEFT),
        a = expr.parseString(tokens[0], parseAll=True)
        return Arithmetic(a[0], self._namespace,
Beispiel #29
def _get_parser():
    double_escape = pp.Combine(pp.Literal(_DOUBLE_ESCAPE) + pp.MatchFirst([pp.FollowedBy(_REF_OPEN), pp.FollowedBy(_REF_CLOSE),
                               pp.FollowedBy(_INV_OPEN), pp.FollowedBy(_INV_CLOSE)])).setParseAction(pp.replaceWith(_ESCAPE))

    ref_open = pp.Literal(_REF_OPEN).suppress()
    ref_close = pp.Literal(_REF_CLOSE).suppress()
    ref_not_open = ~pp.Literal(_REF_OPEN) + ~pp.Literal(_REF_ESCAPE_OPEN) + ~pp.Literal(_REF_DOUBLE_ESCAPE_OPEN)
    ref_not_close = ~pp.Literal(_REF_CLOSE) + ~pp.Literal(_REF_ESCAPE_CLOSE) + ~pp.Literal(_REF_DOUBLE_ESCAPE_CLOSE)
    ref_escape_open = pp.Literal(_REF_ESCAPE_OPEN).setParseAction(pp.replaceWith(_REF_OPEN))
    ref_escape_close = pp.Literal(_REF_ESCAPE_CLOSE).setParseAction(pp.replaceWith(_REF_CLOSE))
    ref_text = pp.CharsNotIn(_REF_EXCLUDES) | pp.CharsNotIn(_REF_CLOSE_FIRST, exact=1)
    ref_content = pp.Combine(pp.OneOrMore(ref_not_open + ref_not_close + ref_text))
    ref_string = pp.MatchFirst([double_escape, ref_escape_open, ref_escape_close, ref_content]).setParseAction(_string)
    ref_item = pp.Forward()
    ref_items = pp.OneOrMore(ref_item)
    reference = (ref_open + pp.Group(ref_items) + ref_close).setParseAction(_reference)
    ref_item << (reference | ref_string)

    inv_open = pp.Literal(_INV_OPEN).suppress()
    inv_close = pp.Literal(_INV_CLOSE).suppress()
    inv_not_open = ~pp.Literal(_INV_OPEN) + ~pp.Literal(_INV_ESCAPE_OPEN) + ~pp.Literal(_INV_DOUBLE_ESCAPE_OPEN)
    inv_not_close = ~pp.Literal(_INV_CLOSE) + ~pp.Literal(_INV_ESCAPE_CLOSE) + ~pp.Literal(_INV_DOUBLE_ESCAPE_CLOSE)
    inv_escape_open = pp.Literal(_INV_ESCAPE_OPEN).setParseAction(pp.replaceWith(_INV_OPEN))
    inv_escape_close = pp.Literal(_INV_ESCAPE_CLOSE).setParseAction(pp.replaceWith(_INV_CLOSE))
    inv_text = pp.CharsNotIn(_INV_CLOSE_FIRST)
    inv_content = pp.Combine(pp.OneOrMore(inv_not_close + inv_text))
    inv_string = pp.MatchFirst([double_escape, inv_escape_open, inv_escape_close, inv_content]).setParseAction(_string)
    inv_items = pp.OneOrMore(inv_string)
    export = (inv_open + pp.Group(inv_items) + inv_close).setParseAction(_invquery)

    text = pp.CharsNotIn(_EXCLUDES) | pp.CharsNotIn('', exact=1)
    content = pp.Combine(pp.OneOrMore(ref_not_open + inv_not_open + text))
    string = pp.MatchFirst([double_escape, ref_escape_open, inv_escape_open, content]).setParseAction(_string)

    item = reference | export | string
    line = pp.OneOrMore(item) + pp.StringEnd()
    return line
Beispiel #30
def char_code(columns, name=None, compulsory=False):
    Character set code field.

    :param name: name for the field
    :param compulsory: indicates if the empty string is disallowed
    :return: an instance of the Character set code field rules
    if name is None:
        name = 'Char Code Field (' + str(columns) + ' columns)'

    if columns <= 0:
        raise BaseException()

    char_sets = None
    for char_set in _tables.character_sets():
        regex = '[ ]{' + str(15 - len(char_set)) + '}' + char_set
        if char_sets is None:
            char_sets = regex
            char_sets += '|' + regex

    # Accepted sets
    _character_sets = pp.Regex(char_sets)
    _unicode_1_16b = pp.Regex('U\+0[0-8,A-F]{3}[ ]{' + str(columns - 6) + '}')
    _unicode_2_21b = pp.Regex('U\+0[0-8,A-F]{4}[ ]{' + str(columns - 7) + '}')

    # Basic field
    char_code_field = (_character_sets | _unicode_1_16b | _unicode_2_21b)

    # Parse action
    char_code_field = char_code_field.setParseAction(lambda s: s[0].strip())

    # Name

    if not compulsory:
        char_code_field_empty = pp.Regex('[ ]{' + str(columns) + '}')



        char_code_field = char_code_field | char_code_field_empty


    return char_code_field
Beispiel #31
    def __init__(self):

        # codec used for encoding of usermessages
        self.codec = lightpile.codec

        EOL = pp.LineEnd()
        SOL = pp.LineStart().leaveWhitespace()
        blankline = SOL + EOL
        comment = '#' + pp.restOfLine + EOL

        self.comment_stripper = comment.setParseAction(pp.replaceWith("\n"))
        self.blankline_stripper = blankline.setParseAction(pp.replaceWith(""))

        # filegrammar
        ws = ' \t'
        standard_chars = pp.printables.replace('#', '')
        text = pp.OneOrMore(pp.White(ws) |
                            pp.quotedString |
        text.setParseAction(lambda tokens: ''.join(tokens))

        lbracket = pp.Literal("[").suppress()
        rbracket = pp.Literal("]").suppress()
        # identifiers have to start with a unicode-letter and can continue
        # with any number of unicode-letters or any of
        # ':', '%', '+', '-', '_', '.', ','
        self.identifier = pp.Regex(r'[^\W\d]([^\W]|[%:_,\+\-\.])*', re.U)
        sectionhead = (lbracket + self.identifier + rbracket +
        sectionline = ~sectionhead + ~pp.StringEnd() + pp.restOfLine + EOL
        sectionlines = pp.ZeroOrMore(sectionline)
        sectionlines.setParseAction(lambda tokens: ''.join(tokens))

        self.filegrammar = pp.dictOf(sectionhead, sectionlines)

Beispiel #32
 def compiled_sql(self):
     where_op = oneOf('> >= < <= = IN !=') | Literal("NOT IN")
     number = Word(nums)
     string = (QuotedString(quoteChar="'") | QuotedString(
         quoteChar='"')).setParseAction(lambda x: '"' + x[0] + '"')
     where_val = number | string
     lpar = Literal('(')
     rpar = Literal(')')
     tables = Group(
         Word(alphas) + ZeroOrMore(Suppress(Literal('>>>')) + Word(alphas)))
     tbl_col = tables + Suppress(Literal('.')) + Word(alphas)
     where_clause = tbl_col + where_op + where_val
     where_clause.setParseAction(lambda x: self._make_atomic(
         tables=x[0], col_name=x[1], op=x[2], value=x[3]))
     expr = Forward()
     atom = where_clause | (lpar + expr + rpar)
     op = Literal("&").setParseAction(
         replaceWith("INTERSECT")) | Literal("|").setParseAction(
     expr << (atom + ZeroOrMore(op + expr)) | (
         Suppress("(") + atom + ZeroOrMore(op + expr) + Suppress(")"))
     results = expr.parseString(self.pre_query)
     print(' '.join(results))
     return results
Beispiel #33
    def adblock_content(self, lurl):
        url_dom = urlparse(lurl).hostname
        # TODO add option stimeout
        self.browser.load(lurl, load_timeout=120, tries=3)
        # soup = self.browser.soup.encode('utf-8') # при таком парсинге кодировка слетает
        # РЕШЕНИЕ: через QString который превращаем в unicode
        html_str = unicode(self.browser.webframe.toHtml().toUtf8(),
        html_str = self.apply_css_sel(html_str, url_dom)
        removetext = pyparsing.replaceWith("")
        text_str = (pyparsing.htmlComment
                    | pyparsing.commonHTMLEntity).transformString(html_str)

        # text_str = self.apply_css_sel(text_str, url_dom)

        for tag in ["script", "iframe", "style", "noscript"]:
            text_str = self.trans_tag(text_str, tag, removetext)
        anytag = pyparsing.anyOpenTag
        anyclose = pyparsing.anyCloseTag
        # заменяем теги со ccылками
        text_str = self.trans_tag(text_str, "a", self.change_a_tag)
        # теги  h p
        text_str = self.trans_tag(text_str, "h", self.change_ph_tag)
        text_str = self.trans_tag(text_str, "p", self.change_ph_tag)

        text_str = (anytag | anyclose).transformString(text_str)
        repeatednewlines = pyparsing.LineEnd() + pyparsing.OneOrMore(
        text_str = repeatednewlines.transformString(text_str)
        # print("res:", text.encode('utf-8'))
        return text_str
Beispiel #34
    def kw_one_of(*words, replace=None):
        """ Creates an expression of multiple caseless keywords with bitwise
            OR operators.

            If `replace` is specified, a new parse action replacing matched
            keywords with `repl` is added.
        if not words:
            raise TypeError("Arguments must include at least one word.")
        combined = functools.reduce(operator.or_, map(pp.CaselessKeyword,
        if replace is not None:
            combined = combined.setParseAction(pp.replaceWith(replace))

        return combined
Beispiel #35
    def parse_string(self, string):
        '''Populate a new object from a string.
        Parsing is hard, so we're going to call out to the pyparsing
        library here.  I hope you installed it!
        from pyparsing import Suppress, Regex, quotedString, restOfLine, Keyword, nestedExpr, Group, OneOrMore, Word, Literal, alphanums, removeQuotes, replaceWith, nums
        gr_eq = Literal('=')
        gr_stripped_string = quotedString.copy().setParseAction( removeQuotes )
        gr_opt_quoted_string = gr_stripped_string | restOfLine
        gr_number = Word(nums)
        gr_yn = Keyword('yes', caseless=True).setParseAction(replaceWith('1')) | Keyword('no', caseless=True).setParseAction(replaceWith('0'))

        def np(words, fn = gr_opt_quoted_string, action=None):
            p = Keyword(words[0], caseless=True)
            for w in words[1:]:
                p = p | Keyword(w, caseless=True)
            p = p + gr_eq + fn
            return p

        gr_line = np((NAME,), action=lambda x: self._set_name(x[2]))
        gr_line = gr_line | np(PList('pool type'), action=self._parse_setter(POOLTYPE))
        gr_line = gr_line | np(PList('maximum volumes'), action=self._parse_setter(MAXIMUMVOLUMES))
        gr_line = gr_line | np((STORAGE,), action=self._parse_setter(STORAGE))
        gr_line = gr_line | np(PList('use volume once'), gr_yn, action=self._parse_setter(USEVOLUMEONCE))
        gr_line = gr_line | np(PList('catalog files'), gr_yn, action=self._parse_setter(CATALOGFILES))
        gr_line = gr_line | np(PList('auto prune'), gr_yn, action=self._parse_setter(AUTOPRUNE))
        gr_line = gr_line | np((RECYCLE,), gr_yn, action=self._parse_setter(RECYCLE))
        gr_line = gr_line | np(PList('recycle oldest volume'), gr_yn, action=self._parse_setter(RECYCLEOLDESTVOLUME))
        gr_line = gr_line | np(PList('recycle current volume'), gr_yn, action=self._parse_setter(RECYCLECURRENTVOLUME))
        gr_line = gr_line | np(PList('purge oldest volume'), gr_yn, action=self._parse_setter(PURGEOLDESTVOLUME))
        gr_line = gr_line | np(PList('maximum volume jobs'), gr_number, action=self._parse_setter(MAXIMUMVOLUMEJOBS))
        gr_line = gr_line | np(PList('maximum volume files'), gr_number, action=self._parse_setter(MAXIMUMVOLUMEFILES))
        gr_line = gr_line | np(PList('maximum volume bytes'), action=self._parse_setter(MAXIMUMVOLUMEBYTES))
        gr_line = gr_line | np(PList('volume use duration'), action=self._parse_setter(VOLUMEUSEDURATION))
        gr_line = gr_line | np(PList('volume retention'), action=self._parse_setter(VOLUMERETENTION))
        gr_line = gr_line | np(PList('action on purge'), action=self._parse_setter(ACTIONONPURGE))
        gr_line = gr_line | np(PList('scratch pool'), action=self._parse_setter(SCRATCHPOOL))
        gr_line = gr_line | np(PList('recycle pool'), action=self._parse_setter(RECYCLEPOOL))
        gr_line = gr_line | np(PList('file retention'), action=self._parse_setter(FILERETENTION))
        gr_line = gr_line | np(PList('job retention'), action=self._parse_setter(JOBRETENTION))
        gr_line = gr_line | np(PList('cleaning prefix'), action=self._parse_setter(CLEANINGPREFIX))
        gr_line = gr_line | np(PList('label format'), action=self._parse_setter(LABELFORMAT))

        gr_res = OneOrMore(gr_line)
        result = gr_res.parseString(string, parseAll=True)
        return 'Pool: ' + self[NAME]
Beispiel #36
def numeric(columns, name=None, compulsory=False):
    Creates the grammar for a Numeric (N) field, accepting only the specified number of characters.

    This version only allows integers.

    This can be a compulsory field, in which case the zero is disallowed.

    :param columns: number of columns for this field
    :param name: name for the field
    :param compulsory: indicates if the zero is disallowed
    :return: grammar for the integer numeric field

    if name is None:
        name = 'Numeric Field'

    if columns <= 0:
        # Can't be empty or have negative size
        raise BaseException()

    # Only numbers are accepted
    field = pp.Regex('[0-9]{' + str(columns) + '}')

    # Parse action
    field.setParseAction(lambda n: _to_int(n))

    # Name

    if not compulsory:
        empty = pp.Regex('[ ]{' + str(columns) + '}')



        # White spaces are not removed

        field = field | empty

        # Name

    return field
Beispiel #37
def remove_empty_statements(string, seperator=';'):
    """Remove empty statements from the string

        string(str): String to be processed
        seperator(str): Seperater to be checked for duplicates

        result(str): String with empty statements trimmed
    if string == '':
        return string

    empty_statement = seperator + OneOrMore(seperator)
    string = empty_statement.transformString(string)

    return string.lstrip(seperator)
Beispiel #38
def one_of_tags(tags, canonical_tag, name=None):
    """This is a convenience method for defining the tags usable in the :class:`BelParser`. For example,
    statements like g(HGNC:SNCA) can be expressed also as geneAbundance(HGNC:SNCA). The language
    must define multiple different tags that get normalized to the same thing.

    :param list[str] tags: a list of strings that are the tags for a function. For example, ['g', 'geneAbundance'] for the
                    abundance of a gene
    :param str canonical_tag: the preferred tag name. Does not have to be one of the tags. For example, 'GeneAbundance'
                            (note capitalization) is used for the abundance of a gene
    :param str name: this is the key under which the value for this tag is put in the PyParsing framework.
    :rtype: :class:`pyparsing.ParseElement`
    element = oneOf(tags).setParseAction(replaceWith(canonical_tag))

    if name is None:
        return element

    return element.setResultsName(name)
Beispiel #39
def remove_empty_statements(string, seperator=';'):
    """Remove empty statements from the string

        string(str): String to be processed
        seperator(str): Seperater to be checked for duplicates

        result(str): String with empty statements trimmed
    if string == '':
        return string

    empty_statement = seperator + OneOrMore(seperator)
    string = empty_statement.transformString(string)

    return string.lstrip(seperator)
Beispiel #40
def visan(name=None, compulsory=False):
    Creates the grammar for a V-ISAN code.

    This is a variation on the ISAN (International Standard Audiovisual Number)

    :param name: name for the field
    :param compulsory: indicates if the empty string is disallowed
    :return: grammar for an ISRC field

    if name is None:
        name = 'V-ISAN Field'

    version = basic.numeric(8)
    version = version.setName('Version').setResultsName('version')

    isan = basic.numeric(12)
    isan = isan.setName('ISAN').setResultsName('isan')

    episode = basic.numeric(4)
    episode = episode.setName('Episode').setResultsName('episode')

    check_digit = basic.numeric(1)
    check_digit = check_digit.setName('Check Digit').setResultsName('check_digit')

    field = pp.Group(version + isan + episode + check_digit)

    field.setParseAction(lambda v: _to_visan(v[0]))


    if not compulsory:
        # If it is not compulsory then it can be set as empty
        empty = pp.Regex('[ ]{25}')

        field = empty | field

        # Name

    return field.setResultsName('visan')
Beispiel #41
def lookup(values, columns=1, name=None, compulsory=False):
    Creates the grammar for a Lookup (L) field, accepting only values from a list.

    The 'columns' parameter is used only in the case the field is optional. It will be used to indicate the number
    of whitespaces this field can take.

    Like in the Alphanumeric field, the result will be stripped of all heading and trailing whitespaces.

    :param columns: number of columns, for the case this field is left empty
    :param name: name for the field
    :param compulsory: indicates if the empty string is disallowed
    :return: grammar for the lookup field
    if name is None:
        name = 'Lookup Field'

    # Only the specified values are allowed
    lookup_field = pp.oneOf(values)


    lookup_field.setParseAction(lambda s: s[0].strip())


    if not compulsory:
        lookup_field_option = pp.Regex('[ ]{' + str(columns) + '}')




        lookup_field = lookup_field | lookup_field_option



    return lookup_field
Beispiel #42
def isrc(name=None, compulsory=False):
    Creates the grammar for an ISRC code.

    ISRC stands for International Standard Recording Code, which is the standard ISO 3901. This stores information
    identifying a particular recording.

    :param name: name for the field
    :param compulsory: indicates if the empty string is disallowed
    :return: grammar for an ISRC field

    if name is None:
        name = 'ISRC Field'

    separator = pp.Literal('-')
    country = basic.alphanum(2)
    registrant = basic.alphanum(3)
    year = pp.Regex('[0-9]{2}')
    work_id = pp.Regex('[0-9]{2}')

    field = pp.Combine(country + separator + registrant + separator + year + separator + work_id)


    if not compulsory:
        # If it is not compulsory then it can be set as empty
        empty = pp.Regex('[ ]{12}')

        field = empty | field
        # Name

    # TODO: Fix this field
    field = basic.alphanum(12, compulsory=compulsory)
    field = field.setName(name)

    return field.setResultsName('isrc')
Beispiel #43
    def _or(cls, *literals, suppress=False):
        Return a MatchFirst aggregation of CaselessKeyword literals based on the supplied iterable of strings.
        If the supplied iterable is a dictionary, replace the keys with the values as a pyparsing parse action.
        If suppress is True, wrap the output in a Suppress object.

        :param literals:
        :param suppress:
        if isinstance(literals[0], dict):
            keywords = (CaselessKeyword(l).addParseAction(replaceWith(d))
                        for l, d in literals[0].items())
            keywords = (CaselessKeyword(literal) for literal in literals)

        match_first = MatchFirst(keywords)

        if suppress:
            return Suppress(match_first)
            return match_first
Beispiel #44
def one_of_tags(
    tags: List[str],
    canonical_tag: str,
    name: Optional[str] = None,
) -> ParserElement:
    """Define the tags usable in the :class:`BelParser`.

    For example, statements like ``g(HGNC:SNCA)`` can be expressed also as ``geneAbundance(HGNC:SNCA)``. The language
    must define multiple different tags that get normalized to the same thing.

    :param tags: a list of strings that are the tags for a function. For example, ['g', 'geneAbundance'] for the
                    abundance of a gene
    :param canonical_tag: the preferred tag name. Does not have to be one of the tags. For example, 'GeneAbundance'
                            (note capitalization) is used for the abundance of a gene
    :param name: this is the key under which the value for this tag is put in the PyParsing framework.
    element = oneOf(tags).setParseAction(replaceWith(canonical_tag))

    if name is None:
        return element

    return element.setResultsName(name)
Beispiel #45
    def parse_string(self, string):
        '''Populate a new object from a string.
        Parsing is hard, so we're going to call out to the pyparsing
        library here.  I hope you installed it!
        from pyparsing import Suppress, Regex, quotedString, restOfLine, Keyword, nestedExpr, Group, OneOrMore, Word, Literal, alphanums, removeQuotes, replaceWith
        gr_eq = Literal('=')
        gr_stripped_string = quotedString.copy().setParseAction( removeQuotes )
        gr_opt_quoted_string = gr_stripped_string | restOfLine
        gr_name = Keyword('name', caseless=True) + gr_eq + gr_opt_quoted_string
        gr_name.setParseAction(lambda x, y=self: y._set_name(x[2]))
        gr_yn = Keyword('yes', caseless=True).setParseAction(replaceWith('1')) | Keyword('no', caseless=True).setParseAction(replaceWith('0'))
        gr_phrase = Group(OneOrMore(gr_stripped_string | Word(alphanums)) + gr_eq + gr_opt_quoted_string)

        def np(words, fn = gr_opt_quoted_string, action=print):
            p = Keyword(words[0], caseless=True)
            for w in words[1:]:
                p = p | Keyword(w, caseless=True)
            p = p + gr_eq + fn
            return p
        gr_ifsc = np(PList('Ignore File Set Changes'), gr_yn, action=self._parse_setter(IGNORECHANGES))
        gr_evss = np(PList('Enable VSS'), gr_yn, action=self._parse_setter(VSSENABLED))

        gr_i_option = Group(Keyword(OPTIONS, caseless=True) + nestedExpr('{','}', Regex('[^\}]+', re.MULTILINE)))
        gr_e_option = gr_i_option.copy()
        gr_i_file = gr_phrase.copy()
        gr_e_file = gr_phrase.copy()

        gr_inc = Keyword('include', caseless=True) + nestedExpr('{','}', OneOrMore(gr_i_option | gr_i_file))
        gr_exc = Keyword('exclude', caseless=True) + nestedExpr('{','}', OneOrMore(gr_e_option | gr_e_file))

        gr_res = OneOrMore(gr_name | gr_inc | gr_exc | gr_ifsc | gr_evss)
        result = gr_res.parseString(string, parseAll=True)
        return 'Fileset: ' + self[NAME]
Beispiel #46
def audio_visual_key(name=None, compulsory=False):
    Creates the grammar for an Audio Visual Key code.

    This is a variation on the ISAN (International Standard Audiovisual Number)

    :param name: name for the field
    :param compulsory: indicates if the empty string is disallowed
    :return: grammar for an ISRC field

    if name is None:
        name = 'AVI Field'

    society_code = basic.numeric(3)
    society_code = society_code.setName('Society Code').setResultsName('society_code')

    av_number = basic.alphanum(15)
    av_number = av_number.setName('Audio-Visual Number').setResultsName('av_number')

    field = pp.Group(society_code + av_number)

    field.setParseAction(lambda v: _to_avi(v[0]))

    field = field.setName(name)

    if not compulsory:
        # If it is not compulsory then it can be set as empty
        empty = pp.Regex('[ ]{18}')

        field = empty | field
        # Name

    return field.setResultsName('audio_visual_key')
Beispiel #47
    def _wrap_as_optional(self, field, name, columns):
        Adds a wrapper rule to the field to accept empty strings.

        This empty string should be of the same size as the columns parameter.
        One smaller or bigger will be rejected.

        This wrapper will return None if the field is empty.

        :param field: the field to wrap
        :param name: name of the field
        :param columns: number of columns it takes
        :return: the field with an additional rule to allow empty strings
        # Regular expression accepting as many whitespaces as columns
        field_empty = pp.Regex('[ ]{' + str(columns) + '}')

        resultsName = field.resultsName


        # Whitespaces are not removed

        # None is returned by this rule

        field_empty = field_empty.setResultsName(resultsName)

        field = field | field_empty

        field = field.setResultsName(resultsName)


        return field
Beispiel #48
def flag(name=None, compulsory=False):
    Creates the grammar for a Flag (F) field, accepting only 'Y', 'N' or 'U'.

    :param name: name for the field
    :param compulsory: indicates if the empty flag is disallowed
    :return: grammar for the flag field

    if name is None:
        name = 'Flag Field'

    # Basic field
    field = pp.Combine(pp.Word('YNU', exact=1))

    # Parse action
    field.setParseAction(lambda f: _to_flag(f[0]))

    # Name

    if not compulsory:
        # If it is not compulsory the empty date is accepted
        optional = pp.Literal(' ')

        # Name

        field = field | optional

        # Name


    return field
Beispiel #49
    def _wrap_as_optional_numeric(self, field, name, columns):
        # Regular expression accepting as many whitespaces as columns
        field_empty = pp.Regex('[0]{' + str(columns) + '}')

        resultsName = field.resultsName


        # Whitespaces are not removed

        # None is returned by this rule

        field_empty = field_empty.setResultsName(field.resultsName)

        field = field | field_empty

        field = field.setResultsName(resultsName)


        return field
Beispiel #50
    def _wrap_as_optional_numeric(self, field, name, columns):
        # Regular expression accepting as many whitespaces as columns
        field_empty = pp.Regex('[0]{' + str(columns) + '}')

        resultsName = field.resultsName


        # Whitespaces are not removed

        # None is returned by this rule

        field_empty = field_empty.setResultsName(field.resultsName)

        field = field | field_empty

        field = field.setResultsName(resultsName)


        return field
Beispiel #51
def _parse_ios_interfaces(data, acls_as_list=True, auto_cleanup=True):
    Walks through a IOS interface config and returns a dict of parts. Intended
    for use by trigger.cmds.NetACLInfo.ios_parse() but was written to be portable.

    @auto_cleaup: Set to False if you don't want to pass results through
    cleanup_results(). Enabled by default.

    @acls_as_list: Set to False if you want acl names as strings instead of
    list members. (e.g. "ABC123" vs. ['ABC123'])
    import pyparsing as pp

    # Setup
    bang = pp.Literal("!").suppress()
    anychar = pp.Word(pp.printables)
    nonbang = pp.Word(''.join([x for x in pp.printables if x != "!"]) + '\n\r\t ')
    comment = bang + pp.restOfLine.suppress()

    #weird things to ignore in foundries
    aaa_line = pp.Literal("aaa").suppress() + pp.restOfLine.suppress()
    module_line = pp.Literal("module").suppress() + pp.restOfLine.suppress()
    startup_line = pp.Literal("Startup").suppress() + pp.restOfLine.suppress()
    ver_line = pp.Literal("ver") + anychar#+ pp.restOfLine.suppress()
    #using SkipTO instead now

    #foundry example:
    #telnet@olse1-dc5#show  configuration | include ^(interface | ip address | ip access-group | description|!)
    #Startup-config data location is flash memory
    #Startup configuration:
    #ver 07.5.05hT53
    #module 1 bi-0-port-m4-management-module
    #module 2 bi-8-port-gig-module

    #there is a lot more that foundry is including in the output that should be ignored

    interface_keyword = pp.Keyword("interface")
    unwanted = pp.SkipTo(interface_keyword, include=False).suppress()

    #unwanted = pp.ZeroOrMore(bang ^ comment ^ aaa_line ^ module_line ^ startup_line ^ ver_line)

    octet = pp.Word(pp.nums, max=3)
    ipaddr = pp.Combine(octet + "." + octet + "." + octet + "." + octet)
    address = ipaddr
    netmask = ipaddr
    cidr = pp.Literal("/").suppress() + pp.Word(pp.nums, max=2)

    # Description
    desc_keyword = pp.Keyword("description")
    description = pp.Dict( pp.Group(desc_keyword + pp.Group(pp.restOfLine)) )

    # Addresses
    #cisco example:
    # ip address secondary
    #foundry example:
    # ip address

    ipaddr_keyword = pp.Keyword("ip address").suppress()
    secondary = pp.Literal("secondary").suppress()

    #foundry matches on cidr and cisco matches on netmask
    #netmask converted to cidr in cleanup
    ip_tuple = pp.Group(address + (cidr ^ netmask)).setResultsName('addr', listAllMatches=True)
    ip_address = ipaddr_keyword + ip_tuple + pp.Optional(secondary)

    addrs = pp.ZeroOrMore(ip_address)

    # ACLs
    acl_keyword = pp.Keyword("ip access-group").suppress()

    # acl_name to be [''] or '' depending on acls_as_list
    acl_name = pp.Group(anychar) if acls_as_list else anychar
    direction = pp.oneOf('in out').suppress()
    acl_in = acl_keyword + pp.FollowedBy(acl_name + pp.Literal('in'))
    acl_out = acl_keyword + pp.FollowedBy(acl_name + pp.Literal('out'))

    acl = pp.Dict( pp.Group((acl_in ^ acl_out) + acl_name)) + direction
    acls = pp.ZeroOrMore(acl)

    # Interfaces
    iface_keyword = pp.Keyword("interface").suppress()
    foundry_awesome = pp.Literal(" ").suppress() + anychar
    #foundry exmaple:
    #interface ethernet 6/6
    # ip access-group 126 in
    # ip address

    #cisco example:
    #interface Port-channel1
    # description gear1-mtc : AE1 : iwslbfa1-mtc-sw0 :  : 1x1000 : :  :  :
    # ip address

    interface = pp.Combine(anychar + pp.Optional(foundry_awesome))

    iface_body = pp.Optional(description) + pp.Optional(acls) + pp.Optional(addrs) + pp.Optional(acls)
    #foundry's body is acl then ip and cisco's is ip then acl

    iface_info = pp.Optional(unwanted) + iface_keyword +  pp.Dict( pp.Group(interface + iface_body) ) + pp.SkipTo(bang)
    #iface_info = unwanted +  pp.Dict( pp.Group(interface + iface_body) ) + pp.SkipTo(bang)

    interfaces = pp.Dict( pp.ZeroOrMore(iface_info) )

    # And results!
    #this is where the parsing is actually happening

        results = interfaces.parseString(data)
        #print results
    except:  # (ParseException, ParseFatalException, RecursiveGrammarException): #err:
        #print "caught some type of error"
        #print err.line
        #print " "*(err.column-1) + "^"
        #print err

        #sys.stderr.write("parseString threw an exception")
        results = dict()

    return cleanup_interface_results(results) if auto_cleanup else results
Beispiel #52
def make_keyword(kwd_str, kwd_value):
    return pp.Keyword(kwd_str).setParseAction(pp.replaceWith(kwd_value))
Beispiel #53
    def __init__(self, user_message, user_timezone):
        """RemindMe Class Initialization"""

        self.usr_msg = user_message
        self.usr_tz = timezone(user_timezone)
        self.suffix = ''

        # raw regex compilations list
        self.regexes = list()

        # remind me to (take the trash out) (tomorrow) at 5
        regex = {}
        regex['regex'] = r'^([rR]emind me to )?([\s\S]+?) ((([sS]un|[mM]on|([tT](ues|hurs))|[fF]ri)(day|\.)?|[wW]ed(\.|nesday)?|[sS]at(\.|urday)?|[tT]((ue?)|(hu?r?))\.?)( (at )?(\w+)?)?|([tT]omorrow|[tT]oday)( (at )?(\w+)?)?|(\d+|\w+) \w+ from now)$'
        regex['reminder'] = 1
        regex['time'] = 19
        regex['add'] = ''

        # remind me to (take out the trash) in (3 hours)
        regex = {}
        regex['regex'] = r'^([rR]emind me to )?([\s\S]+?) in ([\s\S]+)$'
        regex['reminder'] = 1
        regex['time'] = 2
        regex['add'] = 'from now'

        # (tomorrow) at (5), remind me to (take out the trash)
        regex = {}
        regex['regex'] = r'^((([sS]un|[mM]on|([tT](ues|hurs))|[fF]ri)(day|\.)?|[wW]ed(\.|nesday)?|[sS]at(\.|urday)?|[tT]((ue?)|(hu?r?))\.?)( (at )?(\w+)?)?|([Tt]omorrow|[Tt]oday)( (at )?(\w+)?)?|(\d+|\w+) \w+ from now),? (remind me to )?([\s\S]+?)$'
        regex['reminder'] = 20
        regex['time'] = 17
        regex['add'] = ''

        # In 5 hours remind me to take out the trash
        regex = {}
        regex['regex'] = r'^[iI]n ((\d+|\w+) \w+),? (remind me to )?([\s\S]+?)$'
        regex['reminder'] = 3
        regex['time'] = 0
        regex['add'] = 'from now'

        self.CL = CaselessLiteral

        # grammar definitions, self.tomorrow, self.yesterday, self.noon, self.midnight, = map(self.CL, "today tomorrow yesterday noon midnight now".split())
        self.plural = lambda s: Combine(self.CL(s) + Optional(self.CL("s")))
        self.week,, self.hour, self.minute, self.second = map(self.plural, "week day hour minute second".split()) = self.CL("am") = self.CL("pm")
        self.COLON = Suppress(':')

        # are these actually operators?
        self.in_ = self.CL("in").setParseAction(replaceWith(1))
        self.from_ = self.CL("from").setParseAction(replaceWith(1))
        self.before = self.CL("before").setParseAction(replaceWith(-1))
        self.after = self.CL("after").setParseAction(replaceWith(1))
        self.ago = self.CL("ago").setParseAction(replaceWith(-1))
        self.next_ = self.CL("next").setParseAction(replaceWith(1))
        self.last_ = self.CL("last").setParseAction(replaceWith(-1))

        self.couple = (Optional(self.CL("a")) + self.CL("couple") + Optional(self.CL("of"))).setParseAction(replaceWith(2))
        self.a_qty = self.CL("a").setParseAction(replaceWith(1))
        self.integer = Word(pyparsing.nums).setParseAction(lambda t:int(t[0]))
        self.int4 = Group(Word(pyparsing.nums,exact=4).setParseAction(lambda t: [int(t[0][:2]),int(t[0][2:])] ))
        self.qty = self.integer | self.couple | self.a_qty
        self.dayName = oneOf( list(calendar.day_name) )

        self.dayOffset = (self.qty("qty") + (self.week |"timeunit"))
        self.dayFwdBack = (self.from_ + | self.ago)("dir")
        self.weekdayRef = (Optional(self.next_ | self.last_,1)("dir") + self.dayName("day"))
        self.dayRef = Optional( (self.dayOffset + (self.before | self.after | self.from_)("dir") ).setParseAction(self.convert_to_timedelta) ) + ((self.yesterday | | self.tomorrow)("name") | self.weekdayRef("wkdayRef")).setParseAction(self.convert_to_day)
        self.todayRef = (self.dayOffset + self.dayFwdBack).setParseAction(self.convert_to_timedelta) | (self.in_("dir") + self.qty("qty") +"timeunit")).setParseAction(self.convert_to_timedelta)
        self.dayTimeSpec = self.dayRef | self.todayRef

        self.hourMinuteOrSecond = (self.hour | self.minute | self.second)

        self.timespec = Group(self.int4("miltime") | self.integer("HH") + Optional(self.COLON + self.integer("MM")) + Optional(self.COLON + self.integer("SS")) + ( |"ampm"))
        self.absTimeSpec = ((self.noon | self.midnight | | self.timespec("timeparts"))("timeOfDay") + Optional(self.dayRef)("dayRef"))

        self.relTimeSpec = self.qty("qty") + self.hourMinuteOrSecond("timeunit") + (self.from_ | self.before | self.after)("dir") + self.absTimeSpec("absTime") | self.qty("qty") + self.hourMinuteOrSecond("timeunit") + self.ago("dir") | self.in_ + self.qty("qty") + self.hourMinuteOrSecond("timeunit")
Beispiel #54
    def parse(cls,
        """parse a HOCON content

        :param content: HOCON content to parse
        :type content: basestring
        :param resolve: if true, resolve substitutions
        :type resolve: boolean
        :param unresolved_value: assigned value to unresolved substitution.
        If overriden with a default value, it will replace all unresolved values by the default value.
        If it is set to pyhocon.STR_SUBSTITUTION then it will replace the value by its substitution expression (e.g., ${x})
        :type unresolved_value: boolean
        :return: a ConfigTree or a list

        unescape_pattern = re.compile(r'\\.')

        def replace_escape_sequence(match):
            value =
            return cls.REPLACEMENTS.get(value, value)

        def norm_string(value):
            return unescape_pattern.sub(replace_escape_sequence, value)

        def unescape_string(tokens):
            return ConfigUnquotedString(norm_string(tokens[0]))

        def parse_multi_string(tokens):
            # remove the first and last 3 "
            return tokens[0][3:-3]

        def convert_number(tokens):
            n = tokens[0]
                return int(n, 10)
            except ValueError:
                return float(n)

        def convert_period(tokens):
            period_value = int(tokens.value)
            period_identifier = tokens.unit

            period_unit = next((single_unit for single_unit, values in
                                if period_identifier in values))

            return period(period_value, period_unit)

        # ${path} or ${?path} for optional substitution
        SUBSTITUTION_PATTERN = r"\$\{(?P<optional>\?)?(?P<variable>[^}]+)\}(?P<ws>[ \t]*)"

        def create_substitution(instring, loc, token):
            # remove the ${ and }
            match = re.match(SUBSTITUTION_PATTERN, token[0])
            variable ='variable')
            ws ='ws')
            optional ='optional') == '?'
            substitution = ConfigSubstitution(variable, optional, ws, instring,
            return substitution

        # ${path} or ${?path} for optional substitution
        STRING_PATTERN = '"(?P<value>(?:[^"\\\\]|\\\\.)*)"(?P<ws>[ \t]*)'

        def create_quoted_string(instring, loc, token):
            # remove the ${ and }
            match = re.match(STRING_PATTERN, token[0])
            value = norm_string('value'))
            ws ='ws')
            return ConfigQuotedString(value, ws, instring, loc)

        def include_config(instring, loc, token):
            url = None
            file = None
            required = False

            if token[0] == 'required':
                required = True
                final_tokens = token[1:]
                final_tokens = token

            if len(final_tokens) == 1:  # include "test"
                value = final_tokens[0].value if isinstance(
                    final_tokens[0], ConfigQuotedString) else final_tokens[0]
                if value.startswith("http://") or value.startswith(
                        "https://") or value.startswith("file://"):
                    url = value
                    file = value
            elif len(final_tokens) == 2:  # include url("test") or file("test")
                value = final_tokens[1].value if isinstance(
                    final_tokens[1], ConfigQuotedString) else final_tokens[1]
                if final_tokens[0] == 'url':
                    url = value
                elif final_tokens[0] == 'package':
                    file = cls.resolve_package_path(value)
                    file = value

            if url is not None:
                logger.debug('Loading config from url %s', url)
                obj = ConfigFactory.parse_URL(url,
            elif file is not None:
                path = file if basedir is None else os.path.join(basedir, file)

                def _make_prefix(path):
                    return ('<root>' if path is None else '[%s]' %
                            path).ljust(55).replace('\\', '/')

                _prefix = _make_prefix(path)

                def _load(path):
                    _prefix = _make_prefix(path)
                    logger.debug('%s Loading config from file %r', _prefix,
                    obj = ConfigFactory.parse_file(
                    logger.debug('%s Result: %s', _prefix, obj)
                    return obj

                if '*' in path or '?' in path:
                    paths = glob(path, recursive=True)
                    obj = None

                    def _merge(a, b):
                        if a is None or b is None:
                            return a or b
                        elif isinstance(a, ConfigTree) and isinstance(
                                b, ConfigTree):
                            return ConfigTree.merge_configs(a, b)
                        elif isinstance(a, list) and isinstance(b, list):
                            return a + b
                            raise ConfigException(
                                'Unable to make such include (merging unexpected types: {a} and {b}',

                    logger.debug('%s Loading following configs: %s', _prefix,
                    for p in paths:
                        obj = _merge(obj, _load(p))
                    logger.debug('%s Result: %s', _prefix, obj)

                    logger.debug('%s Loading single config: %s', _prefix, path)
                    obj = _load(path)

                raise ConfigException(
                    'No file or URL specified at: {loc}: {instring}',

            return ConfigInclude(obj if isinstance(obj, list) else obj.items())

        def set_default_white_spaces():
            default = ParserElement.DEFAULT_WHITE_CHARS
            ParserElement.setDefaultWhitespaceChars(' \t')

        with set_default_white_spaces():
            assign_expr = Forward()
            true_expr = Keyword("true", caseless=True).setParseAction(
            false_expr = Keyword("false", caseless=True).setParseAction(
            null_expr = Keyword("null", caseless=True).setParseAction(
            key = QuotedString(
                '"', escChar='\\',
                unquoteResults=False) | Word(alphanums + alphas8bit + '._- /')

            eol = Word('\n\r').suppress()
            eol_comma = Word('\n\r,').suppress()
            comment = (Literal('#') | Literal('//')) - SkipTo(eol
                                                              | StringEnd())
            comment_eol = Suppress(Optional(eol_comma) + comment)
            comment_no_comma_eol = (comment | eol).suppress()
            number_expr = Regex(
                r'[+-]?(\d*\.\d+|\d+(\.\d+)?)([eE][+\-]?\d+)?(?=$|[ \t]*([\$\}\],#\n\r]|//))',

            # Flatten the list of lists with unit strings.
            period_types = list(
            # `Or()` tries to match the longest expression if more expressions
            # are matching. We employ this to match e.g.: 'weeks' so that we
            # don't end up with 'w' and 'eeks'. Note that 'weeks' but also 'w'
            # are valid unit identifiers.
            # Allow only spaces as a valid separator between value and unit.
            # E.g. \t as a separator is invalid: '10<TAB>weeks'.
            period_expr = (
                Word(nums)('value') + ZeroOrMore(White(ws=' ')).suppress() +
                Or(period_types)('unit') +

            # multi line string using """
            # Using fix described in
            multiline_string = Regex(
                re.DOTALL | re.UNICODE).setParseAction(parse_multi_string)
            # single quoted line string
            quoted_string = Regex(
                r'"(?:[^"\\\n]|\\.)*"[ \t]*',
            # unquoted string that takes the rest of the line until an optional comment
            # we support .properties multiline support which is like this:
            # line1  \
            # line2 \
            # so a backslash precedes the \n
            unquoted_string = Regex(
                r'(?:[^^`+?!@*&"\[\{\s\]\}#,=\$\\]|\\.)+[ \t]*',
            substitution_expr = Regex(r'[ \t]*\$\{[^\}]+\}[ \t]*'
            string_expr = multiline_string | quoted_string | unquoted_string

            value_expr = period_expr | number_expr | true_expr | false_expr | null_expr | string_expr

            include_content = (quoted_string | (
                (Keyword('url') | Keyword('file') | Keyword('package')) -
                Literal('(').suppress() - quoted_string -
            include_expr = (Keyword("include", caseless=True).suppress() +
                            (include_content |
                             (Keyword("required") - Literal('(').suppress() -
                              include_content - Literal(')').suppress()))

            root_dict_expr = Forward()
            dict_expr = Forward()
            list_expr = Forward()
            multi_value_expr = ZeroOrMore(comment_eol | include_expr
                                          | substitution_expr | dict_expr
                                          | list_expr | value_expr
                                          | (Literal('\\') - eol).suppress())
            # for a dictionary : or = is optional
            # last zeroOrMore is because we can have t = {a:4} {b: 6} {c: 7} which is dictionary concatenation
            inside_dict_expr = ConfigTreeParser(
                ZeroOrMore(comment_eol | include_expr | assign_expr
                           | eol_comma))
            inside_root_dict_expr = ConfigTreeParser(
                ZeroOrMore(comment_eol | include_expr | assign_expr
                           | eol_comma),
            dict_expr << Suppress('{') - inside_dict_expr - Suppress('}')
            root_dict_expr << Suppress('{') - inside_root_dict_expr - Suppress(
            list_entry = ConcatenatedValueParser(multi_value_expr)
            list_expr << Suppress('[') - ListParser(list_entry - ZeroOrMore(
                eol_comma - list_entry)) - Suppress(']')

            # special case when we have a value assignment where the string can potentially be the remainder of the line
            assign_expr << Group(key - ZeroOrMore(comment_no_comma_eol) - (
                dict_expr | (Literal('=') | Literal(':') | Literal('+=')) -
                ZeroOrMore(comment_no_comma_eol) -

            # the file can be { ... } where {} can be omitted or []
            config_expr = ZeroOrMore(comment_eol | eol) + (
                list_expr | root_dict_expr
                | inside_root_dict_expr) + ZeroOrMore(comment_eol | eol_comma)
            config = config_expr.parseString(content, parseAll=True)[0]

            if resolve:
                allow_unresolved = resolve and unresolved_value is not DEFAULT_SUBSTITUTION and unresolved_value is not MANDATORY_SUBSTITUTION
                has_unresolved = cls.resolve_substitutions(
                    config, allow_unresolved)
                if has_unresolved and unresolved_value is MANDATORY_SUBSTITUTION:
                    raise ConfigSubstitutionException(
                        'resolve cannot be set to True and unresolved_value to MANDATORY_SUBSTITUTION'

            if unresolved_value is not NO_SUBSTITUTION and unresolved_value is not DEFAULT_SUBSTITUTION:
                cls.unresolve_substitutions_to_value(config, unresolved_value)
        return config
Beispiel #55
sha1 = file_hash_word_start + Word(
    hexnums, exact=40).setParseAction(downcaseTokens) + alphanum_word_end
sha256 = file_hash_word_start + Word(
    hexnums, exact=64).setParseAction(downcaseTokens) + alphanum_word_end
authentihash = Combine(
    Or(['authentihash']) + Optional(Word(printables, excludeChars=alphanums)) +
    joinString=' ',
sha512 = file_hash_word_start + Word(
    hexnums, exact=128).setParseAction(downcaseTokens) + alphanum_word_end

year = Word('12') + Word(nums, exact=3)
cve = (alphanum_word_start + Combine(
    Or(['cve', 'CVE']).setParseAction(replaceWith('CVE')) +
    Word('- ').setParseAction(replaceWith('-')) + year('year') + Word('-') +
    Word(nums, min=4)('cve_id')) + alphanum_word_end)

asn = (alphanum_word_start + Combine(
    Or(['as', 'AS']).setParseAction(replaceWith('AS')) +
    Optional(Word('nN ')).setParseAction(replaceWith('N')) +
    Word(nums)('as_number')) + alphanum_word_end)

# todo: implement ipv6 cidr ranges
ipv4_cidr = (alphanum_word_start + Combine(
    ipv4_address('cidr_address') + '/' + Word(nums, max=2)('cidr_bit_range')) +

root_key_list = [
Beispiel #56
# define punctuation as suppressed literals
lparen, rparen, lbrack, rbrack, lbrace, rbrace, colon, comma = map(
    pp.Suppress, "()[]{}:,")

integer = pp.Regex(r"[+-]?\d+").setName("integer").setParseAction(cvtInt)
real = pp.Regex(r"[+-]?\d+\.\d*([Ee][+-]?\d+)?").setName(
tupleStr = pp.Forward()
listStr = pp.Forward()
dictStr = pp.Forward()

unistr = pp.unicodeString().setParseAction(lambda t: t[0][2:-1])
quoted_str = pp.quotedString().setParseAction(lambda t: t[0][1:-1])
boolLiteral = pp.oneOf("True False", asKeyword=True).setParseAction(cvtBool)
noneLiteral = pp.Keyword("None").setParseAction(pp.replaceWith(None))

listItem = (real
            | integer
            | quoted_str
            | unistr
            | boolLiteral
            | noneLiteral
            | pp.Group(listStr)
            | tupleStr
            | dictStr)

tupleStr <<= (lparen + pp.Optional(pp.delimitedList(listItem)) +
              pp.Optional(comma) + rparen)
Beispiel #57
def _parse_ios_interfaces(data,
    Walks through a IOS interface config and returns a dict of parts.

    Intended for use by `~trigger.cmds.NetACLInfo.ios_parse()` but was written
    to be portable.

    :param acls_as_list:
        Whether you want acl names as strings instead of list members, e.g.

    :param auto_cleanup:
        Whether you want to pass results through cleanup_results(). Default: ``True``)
        "ABC123" vs. ['ABC123']. (Default: ``True``)

    :param skip_disabled:
        Whether to skip disabled interfaces. (Default: ``True``)
    import pyparsing as pp

    # Setup
    bang = pp.Literal("!").suppress()
    anychar = pp.Word(pp.printables)
    nonbang = pp.Word(''.join([x for x in pp.printables if x != "!"]) +
                      '\n\r\t ')
    comment = bang + pp.restOfLine.suppress()

    #weird things to ignore in foundries
    aaa_line = pp.Literal("aaa").suppress() + pp.restOfLine.suppress()
    module_line = pp.Literal("module").suppress() + pp.restOfLine.suppress()
    startup_line = pp.Literal("Startup").suppress() + pp.restOfLine.suppress()
    ver_line = pp.Literal("ver") + anychar  #+ pp.restOfLine.suppress()
    #using SkipTO instead now

    #foundry example:
    #telnet@olse1-dc5#show  configuration | include ^(interface | ip address | ip access-group | description|!)
    #Startup-config data location is flash memory
    #Startup configuration:
    #ver 07.5.05hT53
    #module 1 bi-0-port-m4-management-module
    #module 2 bi-8-port-gig-module

    #there is a lot more that foundry is including in the output that should be ignored

    interface_keyword = pp.Keyword("interface")
    unwanted = pp.SkipTo(interface_keyword, include=False).suppress()

    #unwanted = pp.ZeroOrMore(bang ^ comment ^ aaa_line ^ module_line ^ startup_line ^ ver_line)

    octet = pp.Word(pp.nums, max=3)
    ipaddr = pp.Combine(octet + "." + octet + "." + octet + "." + octet)
    address = ipaddr
    netmask = ipaddr
    cidr = pp.Literal("/").suppress() + pp.Word(pp.nums, max=2)

    # Description
    desc_keyword = pp.Keyword("description")
    description = pp.Dict(pp.Group(desc_keyword + pp.Group(pp.restOfLine)))

    # Addresses
    #cisco example:
    # ip address secondary
    #foundry example:
    # ip address

    ipaddr_keyword = pp.Keyword("ip address").suppress()
    secondary = pp.Literal("secondary").suppress()

    #foundry matches on cidr and cisco matches on netmask
    #netmask converted to cidr in cleanup
    ip_tuple = pp.Group(address + (cidr ^ netmask)).setResultsName(
        'addr', listAllMatches=True)
    negotiated = pp.Literal('negotiated')  # Seen on Cisco 886
    ip_address = ipaddr_keyword + (negotiated
                                   ^ ip_tuple) + pp.Optional(secondary)

    addrs = pp.ZeroOrMore(ip_address)

    # ACLs
    acl_keyword = pp.Keyword("ip access-group").suppress()

    # acl_name to be [''] or '' depending on acls_as_list
    acl_name = pp.Group(anychar) if acls_as_list else anychar
    direction = pp.oneOf('in out').suppress()
    acl_in = acl_keyword + pp.FollowedBy(acl_name + pp.Literal('in'))
    acl_out = acl_keyword + pp.FollowedBy(acl_name + pp.Literal('out'))

    acl = pp.Dict(pp.Group((acl_in ^ acl_out) + acl_name)) + direction
    acls = pp.ZeroOrMore(acl)

    # Interfaces
    iface_keyword = pp.Keyword("interface").suppress()
    foundry_awesome = pp.Literal(" ").suppress() + anychar
    #foundry exmaple:
    #interface ethernet 6/6
    # ip access-group 126 in
    # ip address

    #cisco example:
    #interface Port-channel1
    # description gear1-mtc : AE1 : iwslbfa1-mtc-sw0 :  : 1x1000 : :  :  :
    # ip address

    interface = pp.Combine(anychar + pp.Optional(foundry_awesome))

    iface_body = pp.Optional(description) + pp.Optional(acls) + pp.Optional(
        addrs) + pp.Optional(acls)
    #foundry's body is acl then ip and cisco's is ip then acl

    iface_info = pp.Optional(unwanted) + iface_keyword + pp.Dict(
        pp.Group(interface + iface_body)) + pp.Optional(pp.SkipTo(bang))

    interfaces = pp.Dict(pp.ZeroOrMore(iface_info))

    # This is where the parsing is actually happening
        results = interfaces.parseString(data)
    except:  # (ParseException, ParseFatalException, RecursiveGrammarException):
        results = {}

    if auto_cleanup:
        return _cleanup_interface_results(results, skip_disabled=skip_disabled)
    return results
Beispiel #58
def insertResult(v):
    Parser helper function that simply inserts a result in 
    the list of values returned.
    return Empty().setParseAction( replaceWith(v) )
Beispiel #59
def _validate_func_name(str,loc,tokens):

# =========== variable names rules ====================
var_indexer = pp.nestedExpr("[","]", pp.quotedString | pp.nums )
var_name = pp.Word(pp.alphas, pp.alphanums + "." )

# =========== function rules ====================
func_args = pp.Forward()
func_args << ( var_name | pp.Word(pp.alphanums) | pp.quotedString ) + pp.Optional( pp.Literal(",") + func_args )
func_name = var_name + pp.Literal("(") +  pp.Optional(func_args) + pp.Literal(")")

# =========== elementary query rules ====================
bin_oper = pp.oneOf("== != <> <= < >= >")
logic_oper = pp.CaselessLiteral("AND").setParseAction( pp.replaceWith("and") ) | \
                            pp.CaselessLiteral("OR").setParseAction( pp.replaceWith("or") ) | \
                            pp.Literal("&&").setParseAction(pp.replaceWith("and")) | \
query_var = var_name
query_val = pp.Word(pp.alphanums) | pp.quotedString

# =========== query rules ====================
query_expr_elem = query_var + bin_oper + query_val
query_expr_bin = query_expr_elem | pp.nestedExpr(content = query_expr_elem)
query_expr_logic = pp.Forward()
query_expr_logic << query_expr_bin + pp.Optional( logic_oper + query_expr_bin ) + pp.Optional(logic_oper + query_expr_logic)
query_expr_full = query_expr_logic | pp.nestedExpr( content = query_expr_logic )