def inifile_BNF():
    global inibnf
    if not inibnf:

        # punctuation
        lbrack = Literal("[").suppress()
        rbrack = Literal("]").suppress()
        equals = Literal("=").suppress()
        semi   = Literal(";")
        comment = semi + Optional( restOfLine )
        nonrbrack = "".join( [ c for c in printables if c != "]" ] ) + " \t"
        nonequals = "".join( [ c for c in printables if c != "=" ] ) + " \t"
        sectionDef = lbrack + Word( nonrbrack ) + rbrack
        keyDef = ~lbrack + Word( nonequals ) + equals + empty + restOfLine
        # strip any leading or trailing blanks from key
        def stripKey(tokens):
            tokens[0] = tokens[0].strip()
        # using Dict will allow retrieval of named data fields as attributes of the parsed results
        inibnf = Dict( ZeroOrMore( Group( sectionDef + Dict( ZeroOrMore( Group( keyDef ) ) ) ) ) )
        inibnf.ignore( comment )
    return inibnf
Beispiel #2
def __antlrAlternativeConverter(pyparsingRules, antlrAlternative):
    elementList = []
    for element in antlrAlternative.elements:
        rule = None
        if hasattr(element.atom, 'c1') and element.atom.c1 != '':
            regex = r'['+str(element.atom.c1[0])+'-'+str(element.atom.c2[0]+']')
            rule = Regex(regex)("anonymous_regex")
        elif hasattr(element, 'block') and element.block != '':
            rule = __antlrAlternativesConverter(pyparsingRules, element.block)        
            ruleRef = element.atom
            assert ruleRef in pyparsingRules
            rule = pyparsingRules[element.atom](element.atom)
        if hasattr(element, 'op') and element.op != '':
            if element.op == '+':
                rule = Group(OneOrMore(rule))("anonymous_one_or_more")
            elif element.op == '*':
                rule = Group(ZeroOrMore(rule))("anonymous_zero_or_more")
            elif element.op == '?':
                rule = Optional(rule)
                raise Exception('rule operator not yet implemented : ' + element.op)
        rule = rule
    if len(elementList) > 1:
        rule = Group(And(elementList))("anonymous_and")
        rule = elementList[0]
    assert rule != None        
    return rule
Beispiel #3
# The name types with their digiteyness
not_dig_lower = not_digname.copy().setParseAction(lambda t: t[0].lower())
macro_def = not_dig_lower.copy()
macro_ref = not_dig_lower.copy().setParseAction(lambda t: Macro(t[0].lower()))
field_name = not_dig_lower.copy()
# Spaces in names mean they cannot clash with field names
entry_type = not_dig_lower('entry_type')
cite_key = any_name('cite_key')
# Number has to be before macro name
string = (number | macro_ref | quoted_string | curly_string)

# There can be hash concatenation
field_value = string + ZeroOrMore(HASH + string)
field_def = Group(field_name + EQUALS + field_value)
entry_contents = Dict(ZeroOrMore(field_def + COMMA) + Optional(field_def))

# Entry is surrounded either by parentheses or curlies
entry = (AT + entry_type + bracketed(cite_key + COMMA + entry_contents))

# Preamble is a macro-like thing with no name
preamble = AT + CaselessLiteral('preamble') + bracketed(field_value)

# Macros (aka strings)
macro_contents = macro_def + EQUALS + field_value
macro = AT + CaselessLiteral('string') + bracketed(macro_contents)

# Implicit comments
icomment = SkipTo('@').setParseAction(lambda t: t.insert(0, 'icomment'))

# entries are last in the list (other than the fallback) because they have
Beispiel #4
        parsedval = tokens[0]
        if not inRangeFn(parsedval):
            raise ParseException(string, loc, outOfRangeMessage % parsedval)

    return rangeCheckParseAction

# define the expressions for a date of the form YYYY/MM/DD or YYYY/MM (assumes YYYY/MM/01)
integer = Word(nums).setName("integer")
integer.setParseAction(lambda t:int(t[0]))

month = integer.copy().addParseAction(rangeCheck(1,12))
day = integer.copy().addParseAction(rangeCheck(1,31))
year = integer.copy().addParseAction(rangeCheck(2000, None))

SLASH = Suppress('/')
dateExpr = year("year") + SLASH + month("month") + Optional(SLASH + day("day"))

# convert date fields to datetime (also validates dates as truly valid dates)
dateExpr.setParseAction(lambda t: datetime(t.year, t.month, or 1).date())

# add range checking on dates
mindate = datetime(2002,1,1).date()
maxdate =
dateExpr.addParseAction(rangeCheck(mindate, maxdate))

tests = """
Beispiel #5
def _pushFirst( str, loc, toks ):
    if debug_flag: print("pushing ", toks[0], "str is ", str)
    exprStack.append( toks[0] )

def _assignVar( str, loc, toks ):
    global targetvar
    targetvar =  toks[0]

# The following statements define the grammar for the parser.

point = Literal('.')
e = CaselessLiteral('E')
plusorminus = Literal('+') | Literal('-')
number = Word(nums) 
integer = Combine( Optional(plusorminus) + number )
floatnumber = Combine( integer +
                       Optional( point + Optional(number) ) +
                       Optional( e + integer )

lbracket = Literal("[")
rbracket = Literal("]")
ident = Forward()
## The definition below treats array accesses as identifiers. This means your expressions
## can include references to array elements, rows and columns, e.g., a = b[i] + 5.
## Expressions within []'s are not presently supported, so a = b[i+1] will raise
## a ParseException.
ident = Combine(Word(alphas + '-',alphanums + '_') + \
                ZeroOrMore(lbracket + (Word(alphas + '-',alphanums + '_')|integer) + rbracket) \
OK,NOT_OK = map(Literal,['ok','not ok'])
testStatus = (OK | NOT_OK)

description = Regex("[^#\n]+")
description.setParseAction(lambda t:t[0].lstrip('- '))

TODO,SKIP = map(CaselessLiteral,'TODO SKIP'.split())
directive = Group(Suppress('#') + (TODO + restOfLine | 
    FollowedBy(SKIP) + 
        restOfLine.copy().setParseAction(lambda t:['SKIP',t[0]]) ))

commentLine = Suppress("#") + empty + restOfLine

testLine = Group(
    Optional(OneOrMore(commentLine + NL))("comments") +
    testStatus("passed") +
    Optional(integer)("testNumber") + 
    Optional(description)("description") + 
bailLine = Group(Literal("Bail out!")("BAIL") + 
                    empty + Optional(restOfLine)("reason"))

tapOutputParser = Optional(Group(plan)("plan") + NL) & \
            Group(OneOrMore((testLine|bailLine) + NL))("tests")

class TAPTest(object):
    def __init__(self,results):
        self.num = results.testNumber
        self.passed = (results.passed=="ok")
ident = Word(alphas, alphanums + "_$").setName("identifier")
columnName = Upcase(delimitedList(ident, ".", combine=True))
columnNameList = Group(delimitedList(columnName))
tableName = Upcase(delimitedList(ident, ".", combine=True))
tableNameList = Group(delimitedList(tableName))

whereExpression = Forward()
and_ = Keyword("and", caseless=True)
or_ = Keyword("or", caseless=True)
in_ = Keyword("in", caseless=True)

E = CaselessLiteral("E")
binop = oneOf("= != < > >= <= eq ne lt le gt ge", caseless=True)
arithSign = Word("+-", exact=1)
realNum = Combine(
    Optional(arithSign) +
    (Word(nums) + "." + Optional(Word(nums)) | ("." + Word(nums))) +
    Optional(E + Optional(arithSign) + Word(nums)))
intNum = Combine(
    Optional(arithSign) + Word(nums) +
    Optional(E + Optional("+") + Word(nums)))

columnRval = realNum | intNum | quotedString | columnName  # need to add support for alg expressions
whereCondition = Group((columnName + binop + columnRval)
                       | (columnName + in_ + "(" + delimitedList(columnRval) +
                          ")") | (columnName + in_ + "(" + selectStmt + ")")
                       | ("(" + whereExpression + ")"))
whereExpression << whereCondition + ZeroOrMore((and_ | or_) + whereExpression)

# define the grammar
selectStmt << (selectToken + ('*' | columnNameList).setResultsName("columns") +
expression = Forward()

valid_word = Regex(r'([a-zA-Z0-9*_+.-]|\\[!(){}\[\]^"~*?\\:])+').setName("word")
    lambda t : t[0].replace('\\\\',chr(127)).replace('\\','').replace(chr(127),'\\')

string = QuotedString('"')

required_modifier = Literal("+")("required")
prohibit_modifier = Literal("-")("prohibit")
integer = Regex(r"\d+").setParseAction(lambda t:int(t[0]))
proximity_modifier = Group(TILDE + integer("proximity"))
number = Regex(r'\d+(\.\d+)?').setParseAction(lambda t:float(t[0]))
fuzzy_modifier = TILDE + Optional(number, default=0.5)("fuzzy")

term = Forward()
field_name = valid_word.copy().setName("fieldname")
incl_range_search = Group(LBRACK + term("lower") + to_ + term("upper") + RBRACK)
excl_range_search = Group(LBRACE + term("lower") + to_ + term("upper") + RBRACE)
range_search = incl_range_search("incl_range") | excl_range_search("excl_range")
boost = (CARAT + number("boost"))

string_expr = Group(string + proximity_modifier) | string
word_expr = Group(valid_word + fuzzy_modifier) | valid_word
term << (Optional(field_name("field") + COLON) + 
         (word_expr | string_expr | range_search | Group(LPAR + expression + RPAR)) +
term.setParseAction(lambda t:[t] if 'field' in t or 'boost' in t else None)
Beispiel #9
# define pgn grammar

tag = Suppress("[") + Word(alphanums) + Combine(quotedString) + Suppress("]")
comment = Suppress("{") + Word(alphanums + " ") + Suppress("}")

dot = Literal(".")
piece = oneOf("K Q B N R")
file_coord = oneOf("a b c d e f g h")
rank_coord = oneOf("1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8")
capture = oneOf("x :")
promote = Literal("=")
castle_queenside = Literal("O-O-O") | Literal("0-0-0") | Literal("o-o-o")
castle_kingside = Literal("O-O") | Literal("0-0") | Literal("o-o")

move_number = Optional(comment) + Word(nums) + dot
m1 = file_coord + rank_coord  # pawn move e.g. d4
m2 = file_coord + capture + file_coord + rank_coord  # pawn capture move e.g. dxe5
m3 = file_coord + "8" + promote + piece  # pawn promotion e.g. e8=Q
m4 = piece + file_coord + rank_coord  # piece move e.g. Be6
m5 = piece + file_coord + file_coord + rank_coord  # piece move e.g. Nbd2
m6 = piece + rank_coord + file_coord + rank_coord  # piece move e.g. R4a7
m7 = piece + capture + file_coord + rank_coord  # piece capture move e.g. Bxh7
m8 = castle_queenside | castle_kingside  # castling e.g. o-o

check = oneOf("+ ++")
mate = Literal("#")
annotation = Word("!?", max=2)
nag = " $" + Word(nums)
decoration = check | mate | annotation | nag
Beispiel #10
ESC = Literal('\\') + (oneOf(list(r'nrtbf\">'+"'")) | ('u' + Word(hexnums, exact=4)) | Word(printables, exact=1))
LITERAL_CHAR = ESC | ~(Literal("'") | Literal('\\')) + Word(printables, exact=1)
CHAR_LITERAL = Suppress("'") + LITERAL_CHAR + Suppress("'")
STRING_LITERAL = Suppress("'") + Combine(OneOrMore(LITERAL_CHAR)) + Suppress("'") 
DOUBLE_ANGLE_STRING_LITERAL = '<<' + ZeroOrMore(Word(printables, exact=1)) + '>>'
TOKEN_REF = Word(alphas.upper(), alphanums+'_')
RULE_REF = Word(alphas.lower(), alphanums+'_')
ACTION_ESC = (Suppress("\\") + Suppress("'")) | Suppress('\\"') | Suppress('\\') + (~(Literal("'") | Literal('"')) + Word(printables, exact=1))
ACTION_CHAR_LITERAL = Suppress("'") + (ACTION_ESC | ~(Literal('\\') | Literal("'")) + Word(printables, exact=1)) + Suppress("'")
ACTION_STRING_LITERAL = Suppress('"') + ZeroOrMore(ACTION_ESC | ~(Literal('\\') | Literal('"')) + Word(printables, exact=1)) + Suppress('"') 
SRC = Suppress('src') + ACTION_STRING_LITERAL("file") + INT("line")
SL_COMMENT = Suppress('//') + Suppress('$ANTLR') + SRC | ZeroOrMore(~EOL + Word(printables)) + EOL
ML_COMMENT = cStyleComment
WS = OneOrMore(Suppress(' ') | Suppress('\t') | (Optional(Suppress('\r')) + Literal('\n')))
ACTION = NESTED_ACTION + Optional('?')
SCOPE = Suppress('scope')
OPTIONS = Suppress('options') + Suppress('{') # + WS_LOOP + Suppress('{')
TOKENS = Suppress('tokens') + Suppress('{') # + WS_LOOP + Suppress('{')
FRAGMENT = 'fragment';
TREE_BEGIN = Suppress('^(')
ROOT = Suppress('^')
BANG = Suppress('!')
RANGE = Suppress('..')
# extensionsDefn ::= 'extensions' integer 'to' integer ';'
extensionsDefn = EXTENSIONS_ - integer + TO_ + integer + SEMI

# messageExtension ::= 'extend' ident '{' messageBody '}'
messageExtension = EXTEND_ - ident + LBRACE + messageBody + RBRACE

# messageBody ::= { fieldDefn | enumDefn | messageDefn | extensionsDefn | messageExtension }*
messageBody << Group(
        Group(fieldDefn | enumDefn | messageDefn | extensionsDefn
              | messageExtension)))

# methodDefn ::= 'rpc' ident '(' [ ident ] ')' 'returns' '(' [ ident ] ')' ';'
methodDefn = (RPC_ - ident("methodName") + LPAR +
              Optional(ident("methodParam")) + RPAR + RETURNS_ + LPAR +
              Optional(ident("methodReturn")) + RPAR)

# serviceDefn ::= 'service' ident '{' methodDefn* '}'
serviceDefn = SERVICE_ - ident("serviceName") + LBRACE + ZeroOrMore(
    Group(methodDefn)) + RBRACE

# packageDirective ::= 'package' ident [ '.' ident]* ';'
packageDirective = Group(PACKAGE_ - delimitedList(ident, '.', combine=True) +

comment = '//' + restOfLine

importDirective = IMPORT_ - quotedString("importFileSpec") + SEMI

optionDirective = OPTION_ - ident("optionName") + EQ + quotedString(
Beispiel #12
        if fn != None:
            print(fn( bnf.parseString( strg ) ))

digits = "0123456789"

# Version 1
element = Regex("A[cglmrstu]|B[aehikr]?|C[adeflmorsu]?|D[bsy]|"

element = Word( alphas.upper(), alphas.lower(), max=2)
elementRef = Group( element + Optional( Word( digits ), default="1" ) )
formula = OneOrMore( elementRef )

fn = lambda elemList : sum( [ atomicWeight[elem]*int(qty) for elem,qty in elemList ] )
test( formula, "H2O", fn )
test( formula, "C6H5OH", fn )
test( formula, "NaCl", fn )

# Version 2 - access parsed items by field name
elementRef = Group( element("symbol") + Optional( Word( digits ), default="1" )("qty") )
formula = OneOrMore( elementRef )

fn = lambda elemList : sum( [ atomicWeight[elem.symbol]*int(elem.qty) for elem in elemList ] )
test( formula, "H2O", fn )
test( formula, "C6H5OH", fn )
Beispiel #13
    (even binary content) inside the structure. This is done by pre-
    sizing the data with the NUMBER similar to Dan Bernstein's netstrings 
SPACE White space is basically ignored. This is interesting because since 
    Stackish is serialized consistently this means you can use \n as the 
    separation character and perform reasonable diffs on two structures. 

from pyparsingOD import Suppress,Word,nums,alphas,alphanums,Combine,oneOf,\

MARK, UNMARK, AT, COLON, QUOTE = map(Suppress, "[]@:'")

NUMBER = Word(nums)
NUMBER.setParseAction(lambda t: int(t[0]))
FLOAT = Combine(oneOf("+ -") + Word(nums) + "." + Optional(Word(nums)))
FLOAT.setParseAction(lambda t: float(t[0]))
STRING = QuotedString('"', multiline=True)
WORD = Word(alphas, alphanums + "_:")

strBody = Forward()

def setBodyLength(tokens):
    strBody << Word(srange(r'[\0x00-\0xffff]'), exact=int(tokens[0]))
    return ""

BLOB = Combine(QUOTE + Word(nums).setParseAction(setBodyLength) + COLON +
               strBody + QUOTE)
Beispiel #14
# Copyright 2010, Paul McGuire
# A partial implementation of a parser of Excel formula expressions.
from pyparsingOD import (CaselessKeyword, Suppress, Word, alphas,
    alphanums, nums, Optional, Group, oneOf, Forward, Regex, 
    operatorPrecedence, opAssoc, dblQuotedString, delimitedList, 
    Combine, Literal, QuotedString)

EQ,EXCL,LPAR,RPAR,COLON,COMMA = map(Suppress, '=!():,')
EXCL, DOLLAR = map(Literal,"!$")
sheetRef = Word(alphas, alphanums) | QuotedString("'",escQuote="''")
colRef = Optional(DOLLAR) + Word(alphas,max=2)
rowRef = Optional(DOLLAR) + Word(nums)
cellRef = Combine(Group(Optional(sheetRef + EXCL)("sheet") + colRef("col") + 

cellRange = (Group(cellRef("start") + COLON + cellRef("end"))("range") 
                | cellRef | Word(alphas,alphanums))

expr = Forward()

COMPARISON_OP = oneOf("< = > >= <= != <>")
condExpr = expr + COMPARISON_OP + expr

ifFunc = (CaselessKeyword("if") + 
          LPAR + 
          Group(condExpr)("condition") + 
          COMMA + expr("if_true") + 
def Verilog_BNF():
    global verilogbnf

    if verilogbnf is None:

        # compiler directives
        compilerDirective = Combine( "`" + \
            oneOf("define undef ifdef else endif default_nettype "
                  "include resetall timescale unconnected_drive "
                  "nounconnected_drive celldefine endcelldefine") + \
            restOfLine ).setName("compilerDirective")

        # primitives

        identLead = alphas+"$_"
        identBody = alphanums+"$_"
        identifier1 = Regex( r"\.?["+identLead+"]["+identBody+"]*(\.["+identLead+"]["+identBody+"]*)*"
        identifier2 = Regex(r"\\\S+").setParseAction(lambda t:t[0][1:]).setName("escapedIdent")#.setDebug()
        identifier = identifier1 | identifier2
        assert(identifier2 == r'\abc')
        hexnums = nums + "abcdefABCDEF" + "_?"
        base = Regex("'[bBoOdDhH]").setName("base")
        basedNumber = Combine( Optional( Word(nums + "_") ) + base + Word(hexnums+"xXzZ"),
                               joinString=" ", adjacent=False ).setName("basedNumber")
        #~ number = ( basedNumber | Combine( Word( "+-"+spacedNums, spacedNums ) +
                           #~ Optional( DOT + Optional( Word( spacedNums ) ) ) +
                           #~ Optional( e + Word( "+-"+spacedNums, spacedNums ) ) ).setName("numeric") )
        number = ( basedNumber | \
                   Regex(r"[+-]?[0-9_]+(\.[0-9_]*)?([Ee][+-]?[0-9_]+)?") \
        #~ decnums = nums + "_"
        #~ octnums = "01234567" + "_"
        expr = Forward().setName("expr")
        concat = Group( LBRACE + delimitedList( expr ) + RBRACE )
        multiConcat = Group("{" + expr + concat + "}").setName("multiConcat")
        funcCall = Group(identifier + LPAR + Optional( delimitedList( expr ) ) + RPAR).setName("funcCall")

        subscrRef = Group(LBRACK + delimitedList( expr, COLON ) + RBRACK)
        subscrIdentifier = Group( identifier + Optional( subscrRef ) )
        #~ scalarConst = "0" | (( FollowedBy('1') + oneOf("1'b0 1'b1 1'bx 1'bX 1'B0 1'B1 1'Bx 1'BX 1") ))
        scalarConst = Regex("0|1('[Bb][01xX])?")
        mintypmaxExpr = Group( expr + COLON + expr + COLON + expr ).setName("mintypmax")
        primary = (
                  number |
                  (LPAR + mintypmaxExpr + RPAR ) |
                  ( LPAR + Group(expr) + RPAR ).setName("nestedExpr") |
                  multiConcat |
                  concat |
                  dblQuotedString |
                  funcCall |

        unop  = oneOf( "+  -  !  ~  &  ~&  |  ^|  ^  ~^" ).setName("unop")
        binop = oneOf( "+  -  *  /  %  ==  !=  ===  !==  &&  "
                       "||  <  <=  >  >=  &  |  ^  ^~  >>  << ** <<< >>>" ).setName("binop")

        expr << (
                ( unop + expr ) |  # must be first!
                ( primary + "?" + expr + COLON + expr ) |
                ( primary + Optional( binop + expr ) )

        lvalue = subscrIdentifier | concat

        # keywords
        if_        = Keyword("if")
        else_      = Keyword("else")
        edge       = Keyword("edge")
        posedge    = Keyword("posedge")
        negedge    = Keyword("negedge")
        specify    = Keyword("specify")
        endspecify = Keyword("endspecify")
        fork       = Keyword("fork")
        join       = Keyword("join")
        begin      = Keyword("begin")
        end        = Keyword("end")
        default    = Keyword("default")
        forever    = Keyword("forever")
        repeat     = Keyword("repeat")
        while_     = Keyword("while")
        for_       = Keyword("for")
        case       = oneOf( "case casez casex" )
        endcase    = Keyword("endcase")
        wait       = Keyword("wait")
        disable    = Keyword("disable")
        deassign   = Keyword("deassign")
        force      = Keyword("force")
        release    = Keyword("release")
        assign     = Keyword("assign")

        eventExpr = Forward()
        eventTerm = ( posedge + expr ) | ( negedge + expr ) | expr | ( LPAR + eventExpr + RPAR )
        eventExpr << (
            Group( delimitedList( eventTerm, Keyword("or") ) )
        eventControl = Group( "@" + ( ( LPAR + eventExpr + RPAR ) | identifier | "*" ) ).setName("eventCtrl")

        delayArg = ( number |
                     Word(alphanums+"$_") | #identifier |
                     ( LPAR + Group( delimitedList( mintypmaxExpr | expr ) ) + RPAR )
        delay = Group( "#" + delayArg ).setName("delay")#.setDebug()
        delayOrEventControl = delay | eventControl

        assgnmt   = Group( lvalue + EQ + Optional( delayOrEventControl ) + expr ).setName( "assgnmt" )
        nbAssgnmt = Group(( lvalue + "<=" + Optional( delay ) + expr ) |
                     ( lvalue + "<=" + Optional( eventControl ) + expr )).setName( "nbassgnmt" )

        range = LBRACK + expr + COLON + expr + RBRACK

        paramAssgnmt = Group( identifier + EQ + expr ).setName("paramAssgnmt")
        parameterDecl = Group( "parameter" + Optional( range ) + delimitedList( paramAssgnmt ) + SEMI).setName("paramDecl")

        inputDecl = Group( "input" + Optional( range ) + delimitedList( identifier ) + SEMI )
        outputDecl = Group( "output" + Optional( range ) + delimitedList( identifier ) + SEMI )
        inoutDecl = Group( "inout" + Optional( range ) + delimitedList( identifier ) + SEMI )

        regIdentifier = Group( identifier + Optional( LBRACK + expr + COLON + expr + RBRACK ) )
        regDecl = Group( "reg" + Optional("signed") + Optional( range ) + delimitedList( regIdentifier ) + SEMI ).setName("regDecl")
        timeDecl = Group( "time" + delimitedList( regIdentifier ) + SEMI )
        integerDecl = Group( "integer" + delimitedList( regIdentifier ) + SEMI )

        strength0 = oneOf("supply0  strong0  pull0  weak0  highz0")
        strength1 = oneOf("supply1  strong1  pull1  weak1  highz1")
        driveStrength = Group( LPAR + ( ( strength0 + COMMA + strength1 ) |
                                       ( strength1 + COMMA + strength0 ) ) + RPAR ).setName("driveStrength")
        nettype = oneOf("wire  tri  tri1  supply0  wand  triand  tri0  supply1  wor  trior  trireg")
        expandRange = Optional( oneOf("scalared vectored") ) + range
        realDecl = Group( "real" + delimitedList( identifier ) + SEMI )

        eventDecl = Group( "event" + delimitedList( identifier ) + SEMI )

        blockDecl = (
            parameterDecl |
            regDecl |
            integerDecl |
            realDecl |
            timeDecl |

        stmt = Forward().setName("stmt")#.setDebug()
        stmtOrNull = stmt | SEMI
        caseItem = ( delimitedList( expr ) + COLON + stmtOrNull ) | \
                   ( default + Optional(":") + stmtOrNull )
        stmt << Group(
            ( begin + Group( ZeroOrMore( stmt ) ) + end ).setName("begin-end") |
            ( if_ + Group(LPAR + expr + RPAR) + stmtOrNull + Optional( else_ + stmtOrNull ) ).setName("if") |
            ( delayOrEventControl + stmtOrNull ) |
            ( case + LPAR + expr + RPAR + OneOrMore( caseItem ) + endcase ) |
            ( forever + stmt ) |
            ( repeat + LPAR + expr + RPAR + stmt ) |
            ( while_ + LPAR + expr + RPAR + stmt ) |
            ( for_ + LPAR + assgnmt + SEMI + Group( expr ) + SEMI + assgnmt + RPAR + stmt ) |
            ( fork + ZeroOrMore( stmt ) + join ) |
            ( fork + COLON + identifier + ZeroOrMore( blockDecl ) + ZeroOrMore( stmt ) + end ) |
            ( wait + LPAR + expr + RPAR + stmtOrNull ) |
            ( "->" + identifier + SEMI ) |
            ( disable + identifier + SEMI ) |
            ( assign + assgnmt + SEMI ) |
            ( deassign + lvalue + SEMI ) |
            ( force + assgnmt + SEMI ) |
            ( release + lvalue + SEMI ) |
            ( begin + COLON + identifier + ZeroOrMore( blockDecl ) + ZeroOrMore( stmt ) + end ).setName("begin:label-end") |
            # these  *have* to go at the end of the list!!!
            ( assgnmt + SEMI ) |
            ( nbAssgnmt + SEMI ) |
            ( Combine( Optional("$") + identifier ) + Optional( LPAR + delimitedList(expr|empty) + RPAR ) + SEMI )
        x::=<blocking_assignment> ;
        x||= <non_blocking_assignment> ;
        x||= if ( <expression> ) <statement_or_null>
        x||= if ( <expression> ) <statement_or_null> else <statement_or_null>
        x||= case ( <expression> ) <case_item>+ endcase
        x||= casez ( <expression> ) <case_item>+ endcase
        x||= casex ( <expression> ) <case_item>+ endcase
        x||= forever <statement>
        x||= repeat ( <expression> ) <statement>
        x||= while ( <expression> ) <statement>
        x||= for ( <assignment> ; <expression> ; <assignment> ) <statement>
        x||= <delay_or_event_control> <statement_or_null>
        x||= wait ( <expression> ) <statement_or_null>
        x||= -> <name_of_event> ;
        x||= <seq_block>
        x||= <par_block>
        x||= <task_enable>
        x||= <system_task_enable>
        x||= disable <name_of_task> ;
        x||= disable <name_of_block> ;
        x||= assign <assignment> ;
        x||= deassign <lvalue> ;
        x||= force <assignment> ;
        x||= release <lvalue> ;
        alwaysStmt = Group( "always" + Optional(eventControl) + stmt ).setName("alwaysStmt")
        initialStmt = Group( "initial" + stmt ).setName("initialStmt")

        chargeStrength = Group( LPAR + oneOf( "small medium large" ) + RPAR ).setName("chargeStrength")

        continuousAssign = Group(
            assign + Optional( driveStrength ) + Optional( delay ) + delimitedList( assgnmt ) + SEMI

        tfDecl = (
            parameterDecl |
            inputDecl |
            outputDecl |
            inoutDecl |
            regDecl |
            timeDecl |
            integerDecl |

        functionDecl = Group(
            "function" + Optional( range | "integer" | "real" ) + identifier + SEMI +
            Group( OneOrMore( tfDecl ) ) +
            Group( ZeroOrMore( stmt ) ) +

        inputOutput = oneOf("input output")
        netDecl1Arg = ( nettype +
            Optional( expandRange ) +
            Optional( delay ) +
            Group( delimitedList( ~inputOutput + identifier ) ) )
        netDecl2Arg = ( "trireg" +
            Optional( chargeStrength ) +
            Optional( expandRange ) +
            Optional( delay ) +
            Group( delimitedList( ~inputOutput + identifier ) ) )
        netDecl3Arg = ( nettype +
            Optional( driveStrength ) +
            Optional( expandRange ) +
            Optional( delay ) +
            Group( delimitedList( assgnmt ) ) )
        netDecl1 = Group(netDecl1Arg + SEMI).setName("netDecl1")
        netDecl2 = Group(netDecl2Arg + SEMI).setName("netDecl2")
        netDecl3 = Group(netDecl3Arg + SEMI).setName("netDecl3")

        gateType = oneOf("and  nand  or  nor xor  xnor buf  bufif0 bufif1 "
                         "not  notif0 notif1  pulldown pullup nmos  rnmos "
                         "pmos rpmos cmos rcmos   tran rtran  tranif0  "
                         "rtranif0  tranif1 rtranif1"  )
        gateInstance = Optional( Group( identifier + Optional( range ) ) ) + \
                        LPAR + Group( delimitedList( expr ) ) + RPAR
        gateDecl = Group( gateType +
            Optional( driveStrength ) +
            Optional( delay ) +
            delimitedList( gateInstance) +
            SEMI )

        udpInstance = Group( Group( identifier + Optional(range | subscrRef) ) +
            LPAR + Group( delimitedList( expr ) ) + RPAR )
        udpInstantiation = Group( identifier -
            Optional( driveStrength ) +
            Optional( delay ) +
            delimitedList( udpInstance ) +
            SEMI ).setName("udpInstantiation")

        parameterValueAssignment = Group( Literal("#") + LPAR + Group( delimitedList( expr ) ) + RPAR )
        namedPortConnection = Group( DOT + identifier + LPAR + expr + RPAR ).setName("namedPortConnection")#.setDebug()
        assert(r'.\abc (abc )' == namedPortConnection)
        modulePortConnection = expr | empty
        #~ moduleInstance = Group( Group ( identifier + Optional(range) ) +
            #~ ( delimitedList( modulePortConnection ) |
              #~ delimitedList( namedPortConnection ) ) )
        inst_args = Group( LPAR + (delimitedList( namedPortConnection ) |
                    delimitedList( modulePortConnection )) + RPAR).setName("inst_args")
        moduleInstance = Group( Group ( identifier + Optional(range) ) + inst_args ).setName("moduleInstance")#.setDebug()

        moduleInstantiation = Group( identifier +
            Optional( parameterValueAssignment ) +
            delimitedList( moduleInstance ).setName("moduleInstanceList") +
            SEMI ).setName("moduleInstantiation")

        parameterOverride = Group( "defparam" + delimitedList( paramAssgnmt ) + SEMI )
        task = Group( "task" + identifier + SEMI +
            ZeroOrMore( tfDecl ) +
            stmtOrNull +
            "endtask" )

        specparamDecl = Group( "specparam" + delimitedList( paramAssgnmt ) + SEMI )

        pathDescr1 = Group( LPAR + subscrIdentifier + "=>" + subscrIdentifier + RPAR )
        pathDescr2 = Group( LPAR + Group( delimitedList( subscrIdentifier ) ) + "*>" +
                                  Group( delimitedList( subscrIdentifier ) ) + RPAR )
        pathDescr3 = Group( LPAR + Group( delimitedList( subscrIdentifier ) ) + "=>" +
                                  Group( delimitedList( subscrIdentifier ) ) + RPAR )
        pathDelayValue = Group( ( LPAR + Group( delimitedList( mintypmaxExpr | expr ) ) + RPAR ) |
                                 mintypmaxExpr |
                                 expr )
        pathDecl = Group( ( pathDescr1 | pathDescr2 | pathDescr3 ) + EQ + pathDelayValue + SEMI ).setName("pathDecl")

        portConditionExpr = Forward()
        portConditionTerm = Optional(unop) + subscrIdentifier
        portConditionExpr << portConditionTerm + Optional( binop + portConditionExpr )
        polarityOp = oneOf("+ -")
        levelSensitivePathDecl1 = Group(
            if_ + Group(LPAR + portConditionExpr + RPAR) +
            subscrIdentifier + Optional( polarityOp ) + "=>" + subscrIdentifier + EQ +
            pathDelayValue +
            SEMI )
        levelSensitivePathDecl2 = Group(
            if_ + Group(LPAR + portConditionExpr + RPAR) +
            LPAR + Group( delimitedList( subscrIdentifier ) ) + Optional( polarityOp ) + "*>" +
                Group( delimitedList( subscrIdentifier ) ) + RPAR + EQ +
            pathDelayValue +
            SEMI )
        levelSensitivePathDecl = levelSensitivePathDecl1 | levelSensitivePathDecl2

        edgeIdentifier = posedge | negedge
        edgeSensitivePathDecl1 = Group(
            Optional( if_ + Group(LPAR + expr + RPAR) ) +
            LPAR + Optional( edgeIdentifier ) +
            subscrIdentifier + "=>" +
            LPAR + subscrIdentifier + Optional( polarityOp ) + COLON + expr + RPAR + RPAR +
            EQ +
            pathDelayValue +
            SEMI )
        edgeSensitivePathDecl2 = Group(
            Optional( if_ + Group(LPAR + expr + RPAR) ) +
            LPAR + Optional( edgeIdentifier ) +
            subscrIdentifier + "*>" +
            LPAR + delimitedList( subscrIdentifier ) + Optional( polarityOp ) + COLON + expr + RPAR + RPAR +
            EQ +
            pathDelayValue +
            SEMI )
        edgeSensitivePathDecl = edgeSensitivePathDecl1 | edgeSensitivePathDecl2

        edgeDescr = oneOf("01 10 0x x1 1x x0").setName("edgeDescr")

        timCheckEventControl = Group( posedge | negedge | (edge + LBRACK + delimitedList( edgeDescr ) + RBRACK ))
        timCheckCond = Forward()
        timCondBinop = oneOf("== === != !==")
        timCheckCondTerm = ( expr + timCondBinop + scalarConst ) | ( Optional("~") + expr )
        timCheckCond << ( ( LPAR + timCheckCond + RPAR ) | timCheckCondTerm )
        timCheckEvent = Group( Optional( timCheckEventControl ) +
                                subscrIdentifier +
                                Optional( "&&&" + timCheckCond ) )
        timCheckLimit = expr
        controlledTimingCheckEvent = Group( timCheckEventControl + subscrIdentifier +
                                            Optional( "&&&" + timCheckCond ) )
        notifyRegister = identifier

        systemTimingCheck1 = Group( "$setup" +
            LPAR + timCheckEvent + COMMA + timCheckEvent + COMMA + timCheckLimit +
            Optional( COMMA + notifyRegister ) + RPAR +
            SEMI )
        systemTimingCheck2 = Group( "$hold" +
            LPAR + timCheckEvent + COMMA + timCheckEvent + COMMA + timCheckLimit +
            Optional( COMMA + notifyRegister ) + RPAR +
            SEMI )
        systemTimingCheck3 = Group( "$period" +
            LPAR + controlledTimingCheckEvent + COMMA + timCheckLimit +
            Optional( COMMA + notifyRegister ) + RPAR +
            SEMI )
        systemTimingCheck4 = Group( "$width" +
            LPAR + controlledTimingCheckEvent + COMMA + timCheckLimit +
            Optional( COMMA + expr + COMMA + notifyRegister ) + RPAR +
            SEMI )
        systemTimingCheck5 = Group( "$skew" +
            LPAR + timCheckEvent + COMMA + timCheckEvent + COMMA + timCheckLimit +
            Optional( COMMA + notifyRegister ) + RPAR +
            SEMI )
        systemTimingCheck6 = Group( "$recovery" +
            LPAR + controlledTimingCheckEvent + COMMA + timCheckEvent + COMMA + timCheckLimit +
            Optional( COMMA + notifyRegister ) + RPAR +
            SEMI )
        systemTimingCheck7 = Group( "$setuphold" +
            LPAR + timCheckEvent + COMMA + timCheckEvent + COMMA + timCheckLimit + COMMA + timCheckLimit +
            Optional( COMMA + notifyRegister ) + RPAR +
            SEMI )
        systemTimingCheck = (FollowedBy('$') + ( systemTimingCheck1 | systemTimingCheck2 | systemTimingCheck3 |
            systemTimingCheck4 | systemTimingCheck5 | systemTimingCheck6 | systemTimingCheck7 )).setName("systemTimingCheck")
        sdpd = if_ + Group(LPAR + expr + RPAR) + \
            ( pathDescr1 | pathDescr2 ) + EQ + pathDelayValue + SEMI

        specifyItem = ~Keyword("endspecify") +(
            specparamDecl |
            pathDecl |
            levelSensitivePathDecl |
            edgeSensitivePathDecl |
            systemTimingCheck |
        x::= <specparam_declaration>
        x||= <path_declaration>
        x||= <level_sensitive_path_declaration>
        x||= <edge_sensitive_path_declaration>
        x||= <system_timing_check>
        x||= <sdpd>
        specifyBlock = Group( "specify" + ZeroOrMore( specifyItem ) + "endspecify" ).setName("specifyBlock")

        moduleItem = ~Keyword("endmodule") + (
            parameterDecl |
            inputDecl |
            outputDecl |
            inoutDecl |
            regDecl |
            netDecl3 |
            netDecl1 |
            netDecl2 |
            timeDecl |
            integerDecl |
            realDecl |
            eventDecl |
            gateDecl |
            parameterOverride |
            continuousAssign |
            specifyBlock |
            initialStmt |
            alwaysStmt |
            task |
            functionDecl |
            # these have to be at the end - they start with identifiers
            moduleInstantiation |
        """  All possible moduleItems, from Verilog grammar spec
        x::= <parameter_declaration>
        x||= <input_declaration>
        x||= <output_declaration>
        x||= <inout_declaration>
        ?||= <net_declaration>  (spec does not seem consistent for this item)
        x||= <reg_declaration>
        x||= <time_declaration>
        x||= <integer_declaration>
        x||= <real_declaration>
        x||= <event_declaration>
        x||= <gate_declaration>
        x||= <UDP_instantiation>
        x||= <module_instantiation>
        x||= <parameter_override>
        x||= <continuous_assign>
        x||= <specify_block>
        x||= <initial_statement>
        x||= <always_statement>
        x||= <task>
        x||= <function>
        portRef = subscrIdentifier
        portExpr = portRef | Group( LBRACE + delimitedList( portRef ) + RBRACE )
        port = portExpr | Group( ( DOT + identifier + LPAR + portExpr + RPAR ) )

        moduleHdr = Group ( oneOf("module macromodule") + identifier +
                 Optional( LPAR + Group( Optional( delimitedList( 
                                    Group(oneOf("input output") + 
                                            (netDecl1Arg | netDecl2Arg | netDecl3Arg) ) |
                                    port ) ) ) + 
                            RPAR ) + SEMI ).setName("moduleHdr")

        module = Group(  moduleHdr +
                 Group( ZeroOrMore( moduleItem ) ) +
                 "endmodule" ).setName("module")#.setDebug()

        udpDecl = outputDecl | inputDecl | regDecl
        #~ udpInitVal = oneOf("1'b0 1'b1 1'bx 1'bX 1'B0 1'B1 1'Bx 1'BX 1 0 x X")
        udpInitVal = (Regex("1'[bB][01xX]") | Regex("[01xX]")).setName("udpInitVal")
        udpInitialStmt = Group( "initial" +
            identifier + EQ + udpInitVal + SEMI ).setName("udpInitialStmt")

        levelSymbol = oneOf("0   1   x   X   ?   b   B")
        levelInputList = Group( OneOrMore( levelSymbol ).setName("levelInpList") )
        outputSymbol = oneOf("0   1   x   X")
        combEntry = Group( levelInputList + COLON + outputSymbol + SEMI )
        edgeSymbol = oneOf("r   R   f   F   p   P   n   N   *")
        edge = Group( LPAR + levelSymbol + levelSymbol + RPAR ) | \
               Group( edgeSymbol )
        edgeInputList = Group( ZeroOrMore( levelSymbol ) + edge + ZeroOrMore( levelSymbol ) )
        inputList = levelInputList | edgeInputList
        seqEntry = Group( inputList + COLON + levelSymbol + COLON + ( outputSymbol | "-" ) + SEMI ).setName("seqEntry")
        udpTableDefn = Group( "table" +
            OneOrMore( combEntry | seqEntry ) +
            "endtable" ).setName("table")

        ::= primitive <name_of_UDP> ( <name_of_variable> <,<name_of_variable>>* ) ;
        udp = Group( "primitive" + identifier +
            LPAR + Group( delimitedList( identifier ) ) + RPAR + SEMI +
            OneOrMore( udpDecl ) +
            Optional( udpInitialStmt ) +
            udpTableDefn +
            "endprimitive" )

        verilogbnf = OneOrMore( module | udp ) + StringEnd()

        verilogbnf.ignore( cppStyleComment )
        verilogbnf.ignore( compilerDirective )

    return verilogbnf
Beispiel #16
    global bnf
    if not bnf:

        # punctuation
        colon  = Literal(":")
        lbrace = Literal("{")
        rbrace = Literal("}")
        lbrack = Literal("[")
        rbrack = Literal("]")
        lparen = Literal("(")
        rparen = Literal(")")
        equals = Literal("=")
        comma  = Literal(",")
        dot    = Literal(".")
        slash  = Literal("/")
        bslash = Literal("\\")
        star   = Literal("*")
        semi   = Literal(";")
        langle = Literal("<")
        rangle = Literal(">")
        # keywords
        any_       = Keyword("any")
        attribute_ = Keyword("attribute")
        boolean_   = Keyword("boolean")
        case_      = Keyword("case")
        char_      = Keyword("char")
        const_     = Keyword("const")
        context_   = Keyword("context")
        default_   = Keyword("default")
        double_    = Keyword("double")
        enum_      = Keyword("enum")
        exception_ = Keyword("exception")
        false_     = Keyword("FALSE")
        fixed_     = Keyword("fixed")
        float_     = Keyword("float")
        inout_     = Keyword("inout")
        interface_ = Keyword("interface")
        in_        = Keyword("in")
        long_      = Keyword("long")
        module_    = Keyword("module")
        object_    = Keyword("Object")
        octet_     = Keyword("octet")
        oneway_    = Keyword("oneway")
        out_       = Keyword("out")
        raises_    = Keyword("raises")
        readonly_  = Keyword("readonly")
        sequence_  = Keyword("sequence")
        short_     = Keyword("short")
        string_    = Keyword("string")
        struct_    = Keyword("struct")
        switch_    = Keyword("switch")
        true_      = Keyword("TRUE")
        typedef_   = Keyword("typedef")
        unsigned_  = Keyword("unsigned")
        union_     = Keyword("union")
        void_      = Keyword("void")
        wchar_     = Keyword("wchar")
        wstring_   = Keyword("wstring")
        identifier = Word( alphas, alphanums + "_" ).setName("identifier")
        #~ real = Combine( Word(nums+"+-", nums) + dot + Optional( Word(nums) ) 
                        #~ + Optional( CaselessLiteral("E") + Word(nums+"+-",nums) ) )
        real = Regex(r"[+-]?\d+\.\d*([Ee][+-]?\d+)?").setName("real")
        #~ integer = ( Combine( CaselessLiteral("0x") + Word( nums+"abcdefABCDEF" ) ) |
                    #~ Word( nums+"+-", nums ) ).setName("int")
        integer = Regex(r"0x[0-9a-fA-F]+|[+-]?\d+").setName("int")

        udTypeName = delimitedList( identifier, "::", combine=True ).setName("udType")
        # have to use longest match for type, in case a user-defined type name starts with a keyword type, like "stringSeq" or "longArray"
        typeName = ( any_ ^ boolean_ ^ char_ ^ double_ ^ fixed_ ^ 
                    float_ ^ long_ ^ octet_ ^ short_ ^ string_ ^ 
                    wchar_ ^ wstring_ ^ udTypeName ).setName("type")
        sequenceDef = Forward().setName("seq")
        sequenceDef << Group( sequence_ + langle + ( sequenceDef | typeName ) + rangle )
        typeDef = sequenceDef | ( typeName + Optional( lbrack + integer + rbrack ) )
        typedefDef = Group( typedef_ + typeDef + identifier + semi ).setName("typedef")

        moduleDef = Forward()
        constDef = Group( const_ + typeDef + identifier + equals + ( real | integer | quotedString ) + semi ) #| quotedString )
        exceptionItem = Group( typeDef + identifier + semi )
        exceptionDef = ( exception_ + identifier + lbrace + ZeroOrMore( exceptionItem ) + rbrace + semi )
        attributeDef = Optional( readonly_ ) + attribute_ + typeDef + identifier + semi
        paramlist = delimitedList( Group( ( inout_ | in_ | out_ ) + typeName + identifier ) ).setName( "paramlist" )
        operationDef = ( ( void_ ^ typeDef ) + identifier + lparen + Optional( paramlist ) + rparen + \
                        Optional( raises_ + lparen + Group( delimitedList( typeName ) ) + rparen ) + semi )
        interfaceItem = ( constDef | exceptionDef | attributeDef | operationDef )
        interfaceDef = Group( interface_ + identifier  + Optional( colon + delimitedList( typeName ) ) + lbrace + \
                        ZeroOrMore( interfaceItem ) + rbrace + semi ).setName("opnDef")
        moduleItem = ( interfaceDef | exceptionDef | constDef | typedefDef | moduleDef )
        moduleDef << module_ + identifier + lbrace + ZeroOrMore( moduleItem ) + rbrace + semi

        bnf = ( moduleDef | OneOrMore( moduleItem ) )
        singleLineComment = "//" + restOfLine
        bnf.ignore( singleLineComment )
        bnf.ignore( cStyleComment )
    return bnf
Beispiel #17
   | "CLASS" + COLON + propval.setResultsName("class") \
   | "DESCRIPTION" + COLON + propval.setResultsName("description") \
   | "DTSTART" + proptype + COLON + propval.setResultsName("begin") \
   | "DTEND" + proptype + COLON + propval.setResultsName("end") \
   | "LOCATION" + COLON + propval.setResultsName("location") \
   | "PRIORITY" + COLON + propval.setResultsName("priority") \
   | "STATUS" + COLON + propval.setResultsName("status") \
   | "SUMMARY" + COLON + propval.setResultsName("summary") \
   | "URL" + COLON + propval.setResultsName("url") \

calprops = Group(OneOrMore(calprop)).suppress()
evtprops = Group(OneOrMore(evtprop))
almprops = Group(OneOrMore(almprop)).suppress()

alarm      = BEGIN + ALARM + almprops + END + ALARM
event      = BEGIN + EVENT + evtprops + Optional(alarm) + END + EVENT
events     = Group(OneOrMore(event))
calendar   = BEGIN + CALENDAR + calprops + ZeroOrMore(event) + END + CALENDAR
calendars  =   OneOrMore(calendar)


def gotEvent(s,loc,toks):
   for event in toks:
      print (event['summary'], "from", event["begin"], "to", event["end"])


Beispiel #18
# A simple parser to extract API doc info from a C header file
# Copyright, 2012 - Paul McGuire

from pyparsingOD import Word, alphas, alphanums, Combine, oneOf, Optional, delimitedList, Group, Keyword

testdata = """
  int func1(float *vec, int len, double arg1);
  int func2(float **arr, float *vec, int len, double arg1, double arg2);

ident = Word(alphas, alphanums + "_")
vartype = Combine(oneOf("float double int char") + Optional(Word("*")),
arglist = delimitedList(Group(vartype("type") + ident("name")))

functionCall = Keyword("int") + ident("name") + "(" + arglist(
    "args") + ")" + ";"

for fn, s, e in functionCall.scanString(testdata):
    for a in fn.args:
        print(" - %(name)s (%(type)s)" % a)
END = CaselessLiteral("end").suppress()
FONT = CaselessLiteral("font").suppress()
HINT = CaselessLiteral("hint").suppress()
ITEM = CaselessLiteral("item").suppress()
OBJECT = CaselessLiteral("object").suppress()

attribute_value_pair = Forward()  # this is recursed in item_list_entry

simple_identifier = Word(alphas, alphanums + "_")
identifier = Combine(simple_identifier +
                     ZeroOrMore(Literal(".") + simple_identifier))
object_name = identifier
object_type = identifier

# Integer and floating point values are converted to Python longs and floats, respectively.
int_value = Combine(Optional("-") +
                    Word(nums)).setParseAction(lambda s, l, t: [int(t[0])])
float_value = Combine(Optional("-") + Optional(Word(nums)) + "." +
                      Word(nums)).setParseAction(lambda s, l, t: [float(t[0])])
number_value = float_value | int_value

# Base16 constants are left in string form, including the surrounding braces.
base16_value = Combine(
    Literal("{") + OneOrMore(Word("0123456789ABCDEFabcdef")) + Literal("}"),

# This is the first part of a hack to convert the various delphi partial sglQuotedStrings
#     into a single sglQuotedString equivalent.  The gist of it is to combine
#     all sglQuotedStrings (with their surrounding quotes removed (suppressed))
#     with sequences of #xyz character constants, with "strings" concatenated
#     with a '+' sign.