Beispiel #1
 def measure(self, particles, y, t):
     """ Return the log-pdf value of the measurement """
     logyprob = numpy.empty(len(particles), dtype=float)
     for k in range(len(particles)):
         logyprob[k] = kalman.lognormpdf(particles[k].reshape(-1, 1) - y,
     return logyprob
 def measure(self, particles, y, t):
     """ Return the log-pdf value of the measurement """
     logyprob = numpy.empty(len(particles), dtype=float)
     for k in range(len(particles)):
         logyprob[k] = kalman.lognormpdf(
             particles[k].reshape(-1, 1) - y, self.R)
     return logyprob
Beispiel #3
    def logp_xnext_full(self, part, past_trajs, pind,
                        future_trajs, find, ut, yt, tt, cur_ind):

        diff = future_trajs[0].pa.part[find] - part

        logpxnext = numpy.empty(len(diff), dtype=float)
        for k in range(len(logpxnext)):
            logpxnext[k] = kalman.lognormpdf(diff[k].reshape(-1, 1), numpy.asarray(self.Q).reshape(1, 1))
        return logpxnext
Beispiel #4
    def logp_xnext_full(self, part, past_trajs, pind,
                        future_trajs, find, ut, yt, tt, cur_ind):

        diff = future_trajs[0].pa.part[find] - part

        logpxnext = numpy.empty(len(diff), dtype=float)
        for k in range(len(logpxnext)):
            logpxnext[k] = kalman.lognormpdf(diff[k].reshape(-1, 1), numpy.asarray(self.Q).reshape(1, 1))
        return logpxnext
    def logp_q(self, particles, next_part, u, y, t):
        logpq = numpy.empty(len(particles), dtype=float)
        err = y - particles
        C = numpy.eye(1)
        P = self.Q
        S = + self.R
        Pn = P -,
        for i in xrange(len(logpq)):
            m = particles[i] +, err[i].reshape((-1, 1)))).ravel()
            logpq[i] = kalman.lognormpdf(m.reshape((-1, 1)) - next_part[i].reshape((-1, 1)), Pn).ravel()

        return logpq
Beispiel #6
    def logp_q(self, particles, next_part, u, y, t):
        logpq = numpy.empty(len(particles), dtype=float)
        err = y - particles
        C = numpy.eye(1)
        P = self.Q
        S = + self.R
        Pn = P -,
        for i in xrange(len(logpq)):
            m = particles[i] +, err[i].reshape((-1, 1)))).ravel()
            logpq[i] = kalman.lognormpdf(m.reshape((-1, 1)) - next_part[i].reshape((-1, 1)), Pn).ravel()

        return logpq
    def measure(self, particles, y, t):
        """ Return the log-pdf value of the measurement """

        N = len(particles)
        # If there isn't any observation, return zero(particles weight don't change)
        if len(y) <= 1:
            return numpy.zeros(len(particles), dtype=float)

        masterEstimation = y[0]
        slaveEstimation = y[1]

        # todo: handle situations that both of master and slave are present(it's so rare)
        coefficient = 1.0
        if masterEstimation[0] == 1:
            guess = numpy.array(masterEstimation[1:])
            print("############# Master")
        elif slaveEstimation[0] == 1:
            coefficient = 4
            guess = numpy.array(slaveEstimation[1:])
            print("############# Slave")

        ### Restart algorithm
        # logyprob = numpy.empty(len(particles), dtype=float)
        # for k in range(len(particles)):
        #     particle = particles[k]
        #     dist = numpy.linalg.norm(particle[:2] - guess) / 100
        #     if self.LastObserveDist > 2.0:
        #         print("self.LastObserveDist:", self.LastObserveDist)
        #         logyprob[k] = kalman.lognormpdf(dist, self.R * 0.1)
        #     else:
        #         logyprob[k] = kalman.lognormpdf(dist, self.R * coefficient)

        ### Normal
        logyprob = numpy.empty(len(particles), dtype=float)
        wights = numpy.empty(len(particles), dtype=float)

        for k in range(len(particles)):
            particle = particles[k]
            if self.cross_wall(particle[:2], guess):
                dist = numpy.linalg.norm(particle[:2] - guess) * 10
                dist = numpy.linalg.norm(particle[:2] - guess)

            # dist = dist ** 3
            # weight = 1 / (dist + 0.0000001) * 1/N
            # wights[k] = weight
            logyprob[k] = kalman.lognormpdf(dist, self.R * coefficient)
            # logyprob[k] = math.log(weight)
        # sumWeight = numpy.sum(wights)
        # logyprob = numpy.log(wights / sumWeight)
        # logyprob = kalman.lognormpdf(logyprob, self.R )

        ### Map constraint in update step (other part is in prediction step):
        # logyprob = numpy.empty(len(particles), dtype=float)
        # for i in range(len(particles[:, :2])):
        #     orgn = self.oldParticles[:, :2][i]
        #     particle = particles[:, :2][i]
        #     if (self.cross_wall(orgn,particle)):
        #         logyprob[i] = -math.inf
        #     else:
        #         dist = numpy.linalg.norm(particle[:2] - guess) / 100
        #         logyprob[i] = kalman.lognormpdf(dist, self.R * coefficient)


        ### Backup
        # logyprob = numpy.empty(len(particles), dtype=float)
        # for k in range(len(particles)):
        #     particle = particles[k]
        #     dist = numpy.linalg.norm(particle[:2] - guess) / 100
        #     # print("#########")
        #     # print(particle)
        #     # print(dist)
        #     # weight = 1/(dist +1)
        #     # print(weight)
        #     # print(kalman.lognormpdf(dist, self.R))
        #     if self.LastObserveDist > 2.0:
        #         print("self.LastObserveDist:", self.LastObserveDist)
        #         logyprob[k] = kalman.lognormpdf(dist, self.R * 0.1)
        #     else:
        #         logyprob[k] = kalman.lognormpdf(dist, self.R * coefficient)
        #     # logyprob[k] = numpy.log(numpy.array([[weight]]))
        #     #
        #     # if[0],p[1]):
        #     #     p_d_val =[0],p[1])
        #     #     p_d = numpy.array([p_d_val])
        #     #     if self.USE_BEACON :
        #     #         logyprob[k] = kalman.lognormpdf(numpy.linalg.norm(particles[k][:2] - y), self.R)
        #     #     else:
        #     #         logyprob[k] = kalman.lognormpdf(numpy.array([0]), self.R)
        #     # else:
        #     #     logyprob[k] = numpy.array([-100])

        return logyprob
Beispiel #8
 def measure_nonlin(self, particles, y, t):
     N = len(particles)
     lpy = numpy.empty((N,))
     for i in xrange(N):
         lpy[i] = kalman.lognormpdf(y[0] - particles[i][0], self.R_xi)
     return lpy
 def logp_xnext(self, particles, next_part, u, t):
     logpxn = numpy.empty(len(particles), dtype=float)
     for k in range(len(particles)):
         logpxn[k] = kalman.lognormpdf(particles[k].reshape(-1, 1) - next_part[k].reshape(-1, 1), self.Q)
     return logpxn
Beispiel #10
 def logp_xnext(self, particles, next_part, u, t):
     logpxn = numpy.empty(len(particles), dtype=float)
     for k in range(len(particles)):
         logpxn[k] = kalman.lognormpdf(particles[k].reshape(-1, 1) - next_part[k].reshape(-1, 1), self.Q)
     return logpxn