Beispiel #1
    def from_labels(self, bgout=None, exclude=None, binary=True, pbinary=True,
                    inplace=False, neighbors=4, **pmangerkwds):
        """ Get morphological labels from gray or binary image. 

        exclude : 0, 1, 255, 'w', 'b'
            Exclude white, black or specified integer from labels.  For example,
            'b' will prevent black pixels from being labeled.

        bgout : Valid canvas array/color
            Background image of resulting canvas.  If exclude, then there will
            be unlabled regions.  bgout='r' will overlay the labels onto a red
            background.  By default, self.background is used.

        binary : bool
            Use binary image; else use grayimage.  
        pbinary : bool
            Use self.pbinary to generate thresholded image; else, use 
            self.threshfcn (implicit thresholding function) to binarize.
            Only valid if binary = True

        Use binary=False with caution.  Many grayimages would lead to tends of
        thousands of labels due to minute color changes in each pixel.  Whitle
        skimage.label can handle this, pyparty will slow down severaly trying
        to make so many particles from labels.

        if binary:
            if pbinary:
                image = self.pbinary #PBINARY NOT self.binaryimage
                if len(self.particles) == 0:
                    logger.warn('from_labels() recieved "pbinary=True", but '
                        'no particles are stored.  Use "pbinary=False" to '
                        'use implicit thresholding function.')
                image = self.binaryimage
            image = self.grayimage
            logger.warn('Labels from grayimage can be very slow (fix coming)')
        if exclude is None: # scikit api doesn't accept None
            labels = morphology.label(image, neighbors)
            # Parse various cases
            if exclude == 'w' or exclude == 'white':
                if binary:
                    exclude = 1
                    exclude = 255                    
            elif exclude == 'b' or exclude == 'black':
                exclude = 0
            labels = morphology.label(image, neighbors, background=exclude)

        pout = ParticleManager.from_labels(labels, **pmangerkwds)

        if inplace:
            self._particles = pout
            cout = Canvas.copy(self)
            cout.particles = pout
            if bgout is not None:
                cout.background = bgout
            return cout