def selectNull(self):
         toSend = apdu.CommandAPDU("00", "A4", "00", "00", "", "", "FF")
         return binToHexRep(self._comm.transmit(toSend, "Select File"))
     except Iso7816Exception, msg:
         return "SW1:{} SW2:{}".format(msg[1], msg[2])
 def sendGetChallengeNull(self):
         toSend = apdu.CommandAPDU("00", "84", "00", "00", "", "", "01")
         return (True,
                 binToHexRep(self._comm.transmit(toSend, "Get Challenge")))
     except Iso7816Exception, msg:
         (data, sw1, sw2) = msg
         return (False, "SW1:{} SW2:{}".format(sw1, sw2))
    def _sendCmdData(self, cmd_data):
        @note: Code fragment from the pyPassport.doc9303.bac.BAC class
        data = binToHexRep(cmd_data)
        lc = hexToHexRep(len(data)/2)
        toSend = apdu.CommandAPDU("00", "82", "00", "00", lc, data, "28")

        return self._iso7816.transmit(toSend, "Mutual Authentication")
 def getErrorsMessage(self):
     test = ["44", "82", "84", "88", "A4", "B0", "B1"]
     errors = dict()
     for ins in test:
             toSend = apdu.CommandAPDU("00", ins, "00", "00", "", "", "00")
             self._comm.transmit(toSend, "Select File")
             errors[ins] = "SW1:{} SW2:{}".format(144, 0)
         except Iso7816Exception, msg:
             (data, sw1, sw2) = msg
             errors[ins] = "SW1:{} SW2:{}".format(sw1, sw2)
Beispiel #5
    def sendCustom(self, cla="00", ins="00", p1="00", p2="00", lc="", data="", le="00"):
        Send custom APDU in order to trigger errors.

        @param cla, ins, p1, p2, lc, data, le: APDU value
        @type cla, ins, p1, p2, lc, data, le: String of 2hex (from 00 to FF) except lc and date that may be an empty String

        @return: A set composed of boolean (True=Succeed, False=Error) and a passport answer

        toSend = apdu.CommandAPDU(cla, ins, p1, p2, lc, data, le)

            self.log("Send APDU: {0}:{1}:{2}:{3}:{4}:{5}:{6}".format(cla, ins, p1, p2, lc, data, le))
            ans = self._iso7816.transmit(toSend, "Custom APDU")
            return (True, binToHexRep(ans))
        except Iso7816Exception, msg:
            return (False, msg)
    def _sendPair(self, cmd_data="\x55" * 40):
        """Send a message/MAC.
        If the cmd_data is not set, it sends a random pair in order to make sure the MAC check fails
        If set, a wrong message is sent together with a valid MAC in order to pass the MAC check

        @param cmd_data: pair to send
        @type cmd_data: a string of the raw data to send

        @return: The response time together with error message

        data = binToHexRep(cmd_data)
        self.log("Send a message with a wrong MAC")
        self.log("Message/MAC:" + data)
        lc = hexToHexRep(len(data) / 2)
        toSend = apdu.CommandAPDU("00", "82", "00", "00", lc, data, "28")
        starttime = time.time()
            response = self._iso7816.transmit(toSend, "Wrong MAC")
        except Iso7816Exception, msg:
            response = msg
Beispiel #7
    def send(self):

            cla = self.customCLAForm.get()
            ins = self.customINSForm.get()
            p1 = self.customP1Form.get()
            p2 = self.customP2Form.get()
            lc = self.customLCForm.get()
            data = self.customDATAForm.get()
            le = self.customLEForm.get()

            if not lc:
                if data:
                    lc = hexToHexRep(len(data) / 2)

            toSend = apdu.CommandAPDU(cla, ins, p1, p2, lc, data, le)

            ans = self._iso7816.transmitRaw(toSend)
            rep = binToHexRep(ans.res)
            sw1 = ans.sw1
            sw2 = ans.sw2
                "REQUEST:\n  APDU: CLA:{0} INS:{1} P1:{2} P2:{3} LC:{4} DATA:{5} LE:{6}"
                .format(cla, ins, p1, p2, lc, data, le))
                "RESPONSE:\n  APDU:\n    Data:{0}\n    SW1:{1}\n    SW2:{2}".
                format(rep, hex(sw1), hex(sw2)))

            self.customRespDataForm.delete(0, END)
            self.customRespDataForm.insert(0, rep)
            self.customSW1Form.delete(0, END)
            self.customSW1Form.insert(0, sw1)
            self.customSW2Form.delete(0, END)
            self.customSW2Form.insert(0, sw2)

        except Exception, msg:
            tkMessageBox.showerror("Error: Send", str(msg))
Beispiel #8
    def _mutualAuthentication(self, cmd_data):
        data = binToHexRep(cmd_data)
        lc = hexToHexRep(len(data) / 2)
        toSend = apdu.CommandAPDU("00", "82", "00", "00", lc, data, "28")

        return self._iso7816.transmit(toSend, "Mutual Authentication")
Beispiel #9
 def internalAuthentication(self, rnd_ifd):
     data = binToHexRep(rnd_ifd)
     lc = hexToHexRep(int(len(data) / 2))
     toSend = apdu.CommandAPDU("00", "88", "00", "00", lc, data, "00")
     res = self.transmit(toSend, "Internal Authentication")
     return res
Beispiel #10
 def getChallenge(self):
     toSend = apdu.CommandAPDU("00", "84", "00", "00", "", "", "08")
     return self.transmit(toSend, "Get Challenge")
Beispiel #11
 def updateBinary(self, offset, data, cla="00", ins="D6"):
     os = "%04x" % int(offset)
     data = binToHexRep(data)
     lc = hexToHexRep(len(data) / 2)
     toSend = apdu.CommandAPDU(cla, ins, os[0:2], os[2:4], lc, data, "")
     return self.transmit(toSend, "Update Binary")
Beispiel #12
 def readBinary(self, offset, nbOfByte):
     os = "%04x" % int(offset)
     toSend = apdu.CommandAPDU("00", "B0", os[0:2], os[2:4], "", "",
     return self.transmit(toSend, "Read Binary")
Beispiel #13
 def selectFile(self, p1, p2, file="", cla="00", ins="A4"):
     lc = hexToHexRep(int(len(file) / 2))
     toSend = apdu.CommandAPDU(cla, ins, p1, p2, lc, file, "")
     return self.transmit(toSend, "Select File")
Beispiel #14
 def getUID(self):
     toSend = apdu.CommandAPDU("FF", "CA", "00", "00", "", "", "00")
     return self.transmit(toSend, "Get UID")