Beispiel #1
    def local_skysub_extract(self, sciimg, sciivar, tilts, waveimg, global_sky, rn2img, sobjs,
                             spat_pix=None, maskslits=None, model_noise=True, std = False,
                             show_profile=False, show=False):
        Perform local sky subtraction, profile fitting, and optimal extraction slit by slit

        Wrapper to skysub.local_skysub_extract

        sobjs: object
           Specobjs object containing Specobj objects containing information about objects found.
        waveimg: ndarray, shape (nspec, nspat)
           Wavelength map

        Optional Parameters

            global_sky: (numpy.ndarray) image of the the global sky model

        self.sciimg = sciimg
        self.sciivar = sciivar
        self.tilts = tilts
        self.waveimg = waveimg
        self.global_sky = global_sky
        self.rn2img = rn2img

        # get the good slits and assign self.maskslits
        self.maskslits = self.maskslits if maskslits is None else maskslits
        gdslits = np.where(np.invert(self.maskslits))[0]

        # Allocate the images that are needed
        # Initialize to mask in case no objects were found
        self.outmask = np.copy(self.mask)
        # Initialize to input mask in case no objects were found
        self.extractmask = (self.mask == 0)
        # Initialize to zero in case no objects were found
        self.objmodel = np.zeros_like(self.sciimg)
        # Set initially to global sky in case no objects were found
        self.skymodel  = np.copy(self.global_sky)
        # Set initially to sciivar in case no obects were found.
        self.ivarmodel = np.copy(self.sciivar)

        # Could actually create a model anyway here, but probably
        # overkill since nothing is extracted

        self.sobjs = sobjs.copy()
        # Loop on slits
        for slit in gdslits:
  "Local sky subtraction and extraction for slit: {:d}".format(slit))
            thisobj = (self.sobjs.slitid == slit) # indices of objects for this slit
            if np.any(thisobj):
                thismask = (self.slitmask == slit) # pixels for this slit
                # True  = Good, False = Bad for inmask
                inmask = (self.mask == 0) & thismask
                # Local sky subtraction and extraction
                self.skymodel[thismask], self.objmodel[thismask], self.ivarmodel[thismask], \
                    self.extractmask[thismask] = skysub.local_skysub_extract(
                    self.sciimg, self.sciivar, self.tilts, self.waveimg, self.global_sky, self.rn2img,
                    thismask, self.tslits_dict['slit_left'][:,slit], self.tslits_dict['slit_righ'][:, slit],
                    self.sobjs[thisobj], spat_pix=spat_pix, model_full_slit=self.redux_par['model_full_slit'],
                    model_noise=model_noise, std=std, bsp=self.redux_par['bspline_spacing'],
                    sn_gauss=self.redux_par['sn_gauss'], inmask=inmask, show_profile=show_profile)

        # Set the bit for pixels which were masked by the extraction.
        # For extractmask, True = Good, False = Bad
        iextract = (self.mask == 0) & (self.extractmask == False)
        self.outmask[iextract] = processimages.ProcessImages.bitmask.turn_on(self.outmask[iextract], 'EXTRACT')

        # Step

        if show:
  'local', sobjs = self.sobjs, slits= True)
  'resid', sobjs = self.sobjs, slits= True)

        # Return
        return self.skymodel, self.objmodel, self.ivarmodel, self.outmask, self.sobjs
Beispiel #2
    def local_skysub_extract(self,
        Perform local sky subtraction, profile fitting, and optimal extraction slit by slit

        Wrapper to skysub.local_skysub_extract

            global_sky (np.ndarray):
            sobjs (:class:`pypeit.specobjs.SpecObjs`):
            spat_pix (np.ndarray, optional):
            model_noise (bool, optional):
            show_resids (bool, optional):
            show_profile (bool, optional):
            show (bool, optional):

            tuple: skymodel (np.ndarray), objmodel (np.ndarray), ivarmodel (np.ndarray), outmask (np.ndarray), sobjs

        self.global_sky = global_sky

        # get the good slits
        gdslits = np.where(np.invert(self.reduce_bpm))[0]

        # Allocate the images that are needed
        # Initialize to mask in case no objects were found
        self.outmask = np.copy(self.sciImg.fullmask)
        # Initialize to input mask in case no objects were found
        self.extractmask = (self.sciImg.fullmask == 0)
        # Initialize to zero in case no objects were found
        self.objmodel = np.zeros_like(self.sciImg.image)
        # Set initially to global sky in case no objects were found
        self.skymodel = np.copy(self.global_sky)
        # Set initially to sciivar in case no obects were found.
        self.ivarmodel = np.copy(self.sciImg.ivar)

        # Could actually create a model anyway here, but probably
        # overkill since nothing is extracted
        self.sobjs = sobjs.copy()  # WHY DO WE CREATE A COPY HERE?
        # Loop on slits
        for slit_idx in gdslits:
            slit_spat = self.slits.spat_id[slit_idx]
                "Local sky subtraction and extraction for slit: {:d}".format(
            thisobj = self.sobjs.SLITID == slit_spat  # indices of objects for this slit
            if np.any(thisobj):
                thismask = self.slitmask == slit_spat  # pixels for this slit
                # True  = Good, False = Bad for inmask
                ingpm = (self.sciImg.fullmask == 0) & thismask
                # Local sky subtraction and extraction
                self.skymodel[thismask], self.objmodel[thismask], self.ivarmodel[thismask], \
                    self.extractmask[thismask] = skysub.local_skysub_extract(
                    self.sciImg.image, self.sciImg.ivar, self.tilts, self.waveimg,
                    self.global_sky, self.sciImg.rn2img,
                    thismask, self.slits_left[:,slit_idx], self.slits_right[:, slit_idx],
                    self.sobjs[thisobj], ingpm,
                    model_noise=model_noise, std=self.std_redux,

        # Set the bit for pixels which were masked by the extraction.
        # For extractmask, True = Good, False = Bad
        iextract = (self.sciImg.fullmask == 0) & (self.extractmask == False)
        self.outmask[iextract] = self.sciImg.bitmask.turn_on(
            self.outmask[iextract], 'EXTRACT')

        # Step

        if show:
  'local', sobjs=self.sobjs, slits=True)
  'resid', sobjs=self.sobjs, slits=True)

        # Return
        return self.skymodel, self.objmodel, self.ivarmodel, self.outmask, self.sobjs
Beispiel #3
    def local_skysub_extract(self, global_sky, sobjs, spat_pix=None, model_noise=True,
                             show_resids=False, show_profile=False, show=False):
        Perform local sky subtraction, profile fitting, and optimal extraction
        slit by slit.

        Wrapper to :func:`~pypeit.core.skysub.local_skysub_extract`.

            global_sky (`numpy.ndarray`_):
                Global sky model
            sobjs (:class:`~pypeit.specobjs.SpecObjs`):
                Class containing the information about the objects found
            spat_pix (`numpy.ndarray`_, optional):
                Image containing the spatial location of pixels. If not
                input, it will be computed from ``spat_img =
                np.outer(np.ones(nspec), np.arange(nspat))``.
            model_noise (:obj:`bool`, optional):
                If True, construct and iteratively update a model inverse variance image
                using :func:`~pypeit.core.procimg.variance_model`. If False, a
                variance model will not be created and instead the input sciivar will
                always be taken to be the inverse variance. See
                :func:`~pypeit.core.skysub.local_skysub_extract` for more info.
            show_resids (:obj:`bool`, optional):
                Show the model fits and residuals.
            show_profile (:obj:`bool`, optional):
                Show QA for the object profile fitting to the screen. Note
                that this will show interactive matplotlib plots which will
                block the execution of the code until the window is closed.
            show (:obj:`bool`, optional):
                Show debugging plots

            :obj:`tuple`: Return the model sky flux, object flux, inverse
            variance, and mask as `numpy.ndarray`_ objects, and returns a
            :class:`~pypeit.specobjs.SpecObjs`: instance c containing the
            information about the objects found.
        self.global_sky = global_sky

        # get the good slits
        gdslits = np.where(np.invert(self.extract_bpm))[0]

        # Allocate the images that are needed
        # Initialize to mask in case no objects were found
        # NOTE: fullmask is a bit mask, make sure it's treated as such, not a
        # boolean (e.g., bad pixel) mask.
        self.outmask = np.copy(self.sciImg.fullmask)
        # Initialize to input mask in case no objects were found
        self.extractmask = self.sciImg.select_flag(invert=True)
        # Initialize to zero in case no objects were found
        self.objmodel = np.zeros_like(self.sciImg.image)
        # Set initially to global sky in case no objects were found
        self.skymodel  = np.copy(self.global_sky)
        # Set initially to sciivar in case no obects were found.
        self.ivarmodel = np.copy(self.sciImg.ivar)

        # Could actually create a model anyway here, but probably
        # overkill since nothing is extracted
        self.sobjs = sobjs.copy()  # WHY DO WE CREATE A COPY HERE?

        base_gpm = self.sciImg.select_flag(invert=True)

        # Loop on slits
        for slit_idx in gdslits:
            slit_spat = self.slits.spat_id[slit_idx]
  "Local sky subtraction and extraction for slit: {:d}".format(slit_spat))
            thisobj = self.sobjs.SLITID == slit_spat    # indices of objects for this slit
            if not np.any(thisobj):
            # Setup to run local skysub
            thismask = self.slitmask == slit_spat   # pixels for this slit
            # True  = Good, False = Bad for inmask
            ingpm = base_gpm & thismask

            # ... Just for readability
            model_full_slit = self.par['reduce']['extraction']['model_full_slit']
            sigrej = self.par['reduce']['skysub']['sky_sigrej']
            bsp = self.par['reduce']['skysub']['bspline_spacing']
            force_gauss = self.par['reduce']['extraction']['use_user_fwhm']
            sn_gauss = self.par['reduce']['extraction']['sn_gauss']
            use_2dmodel_mask = self.par['reduce']['extraction']['use_2dmodel_mask']
            no_local_sky = self.par['reduce']['skysub']['no_local_sky']

            # Local sky subtraction and extraction
            self.skymodel[thismask], self.objmodel[thismask], self.ivarmodel[thismask], self.extractmask[thismask] \
                = skysub.local_skysub_extract(self.sciImg.image, self.sciImg.ivar,
                                              self.tilts, self.waveimg, self.global_sky,
                                              thismask, self.slits_left[:,slit_idx],
                                              self.slits_right[:, slit_idx],
                                              self.sobjs[thisobj], ingpm=ingpm,
                                              sigrej=sigrej, model_noise=model_noise,
                                              std=self.std_redux, bsp=bsp,
                                              force_gauss=force_gauss, sn_gauss=sn_gauss,

        # Set the bit for pixels which were masked by the extraction.
        # For extractmask, True = Good, False = Bad
        iextract = base_gpm & np.logical_not(self.extractmask)
        # TODO: Change this to use the update_mask method?
        self.outmask[iextract] = self.sciImg.bitmask.turn_on(self.outmask[iextract], 'EXTRACT')

        # Step

        if show:
  'local', sobjs = self.sobjs, slits= True)
  'resid', sobjs = self.sobjs, slits= True)

        # Return
        return self.skymodel, self.objmodel, self.ivarmodel, self.outmask, self.sobjs