Beispiel #1
def main():
    from pyphare.cpp import cpp_lib
    cpp = cpp_lib()

    from import Run
    from pyphare.pharesee.hierarchy import flat_finest_field


    if cpp.mpi_rank() == 0:

        vphi, t, phi, a, k = phase_speed(".", 0.01, 1000)

        r = Run(".")
        t = get_times_from_h5("EM_B.h5")
        fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(9, 5), nrows=1)

        B = r.GetB(t[int(len(t) / 2)])
        by, xby = flat_finest_field(B, "By")
        ax.plot(xby, by, label="t = 500", alpha=0.6)

        sorted_patches = sorted(B.patch_levels[1].patches,
                                key=lambda p:[0])

        x0 = sorted_patches[0].patch_datas["By"].x[0]
        x1 = sorted_patches[-1].patch_datas["By"].x[-1]

        B = r.GetB(t[-1])
        by, xby = flat_finest_field(B, "By")
        ax.plot(xby, by, label="t = 1000", alpha=0.6)
                wave(xby, 0.01, 2 * np.pi / 1000., 2 * np.pi / 1000 * 500),
                label="T=500 (theory)")

        B = r.GetB(t[0])
        by, xby = flat_finest_field(B, "By")
        ax.plot(xby, by, label="t = 0", color="k")

        ax.legend(ncol=4, loc="upper center")
        ax.set_ylim((-0.012, 0.013))
        ax.set_title(r"$V_\phi = {:6.4f}$".format(vphi.mean()))

        ax.axvspan(x0, x1, alpha=0.2)

        fig.savefig("alfven_wave.png", dpi=200)

        assert np.mean(np.abs(vphi - 1) < 5e-2)
Beispiel #2
def energies(path, kkind="iso"):
    This loops over all times of a given run
    and return the magnetic and kinetic energy
    as a function of time.
    r = Run(path)
    times = get_times_from_h5(r.path+"/EM_B.h5")
    Bnrj = np.zeros_like(times)
    K = np.zeros_like(times)
    for it,t in enumerate(times):
        B = r.GetB(t)
        protons = r.GetParticles(t, "protons")
        Bnrj[it] = mag_energy(B)
        K[it] = total_kinetic(protons,kind=kkind)
    return r, Bnrj, K, times
Beispiel #3
def growth_b_right_hand(run_path):
    file = os.path.join(run_path, "EM_B.h5")
    times = get_times_from_h5(file)

    r = Run(run_path)
    first_mode = np.array([])

    from scipy.optimize import curve_fit

    for time in times:
        B_hier = r.GetB(time, merged=True, interp="linear")

        by_interpolator, xyz_finest = B_hier["By"]
        bz_interpolator, xyz_finest = B_hier["Bz"]

        # remove the last point so that "x" is periodic wo. last point = first point
        x = xyz_finest[0][:-1]

        by = by_interpolator(x)
        bz = by_interpolator(x)

        # get the mode 1, as it is the most unstable in a box of length 33
        mode1 = np.absolute(np.fft.fft(by-1j*bz)[1])
        first_mode = np.append(first_mode, mode1)

    popt, pcov = curve_fit(yaebx, times, first_mode, p0=[0.08, 0.09])

    # now the signal is stripped from its exponential part
    damped_mode=first_mode*yaebx(times, 1/popt[0], -popt[1])

    # find the omega for which "damped_mode" is the largest :
    # this term is twice the one it should be because "mode1" resulting from
    # an absolute value, this (cosx)^2 = cos(2x) then appears at the 2nd
    # harmonoic (hence the factor 0.5 to get "omega")
    # the factor "+1" is because we remove the DC component, so the value
    # given by argmax has also to miss this value
    omegas = np.fabs(np.fft.fft(damped_mode).real)
    omega = 0.5*(omegas[1:omegas.size//2].argmax()+1)*2*np.pi/times[-1]


    return times, first_mode, popt[0], popt[1], damped_mode, omega
Beispiel #4
def phase_speed(run_path, ampl, xmax):
    from scipy.signal import medfilt
    from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
    import os
    time = get_times_from_h5(os.path.join(run_path, "EM_B.h5"))
    r = Run(run_path)
    phase = np.zeros_like(time)
    amplitude = np.zeros_like(time)
    wave_vec = np.zeros_like(time)

    for it, t in enumerate(time):
        B = r.GetB(t)
        by, xby = finest_field(B, "By")
        a, k, phi = curve_fit(wave, xby, by, p0=(ampl, 2 * np.pi / xmax, 0))[0]
        phase[it] = phi
        amplitude[it] = a
        wave_vec[it] = k

    vphi = medfilt(np.gradient(phase, time) / wave_vec, kernel_size=7)
    return vphi, time, phase, amplitude, wave_vec
Beispiel #5
def make_figure():
    from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
    from pyphare.pharesee.hierarchy import finest_field

    rwT = Run("./withTagging")
    rNoRef = Run("./noRefinement")

    plot_time = 11
    v = 2

    BwT = rwT.GetB(plot_time)
    BNoRef = rNoRef.GetB(plot_time)
    JwT = rwT.GetJ(plot_time)
    JNoRef = rNoRef.GetJ(plot_time)

    bywT, xbywT = finest_field(BwT, "By")
    byNoRef, xbyNoRef = finest_field(BNoRef, "By")
    jzwT, xjzwT = finest_field(JwT, "Jz")
    jzNoRef, xjzNoRef = finest_field(JNoRef, "Jz")

    fig, axarr = plt.subplots(nrows=3, figsize=(8, 8))

    def S(x, x0, l):
        return 0.5 * (1 + np.tanh((x - x0) / l))

    def by(x):
        L = 200
        v1 = -1
        v2 = 1
        return v1 + (v2 - v1) * (S(x, L * 0.25, 1) - S(x, L * 0.75, 1))

    wT0 = 150.
    ax0, ax1, ax2 = axarr
    ax0.plot(xbywT, bywT)
    ax0.plot(xbyNoRef, byNoRef, color="k", alpha=0.6)
    ax0.plot(xbyNoRef, by(xbyNoRef), ls='--')

    ax1.plot(xbywT, bywT)
    ax1.plot(xbyNoRef, byNoRef, color='k')
    ax1.set_xlim((wT0, 195))
    ax1.set_ylim((-1.5, 2))

    ax2.plot(xjzwT, jzwT)
    ax2.plot(xjzNoRef, jzNoRef, color='k')
    ax2.set_xlim((wT0, 195))
    ax2.set_ylim((-1.5, 0.5))

    # draw level patches
    for ilvl, level in BwT.levels().items():
        for patch in level.patches:
            dx = patch.layout.dl[0]
            x0 = patch.origin[0]
            x1 = ([0] + 1) * patch.layout.dl[0]
            for ax in (ax1, ax2, ax0):
                           ymin=ilvl / 4,
                           ymax=(ilvl + 1) / 4)

    from pyphare.pharesee.plotting import zoom_effect
    zoom_effect(ax0, ax1, wT0, 195)

    for ax in (ax0, ax1, ax2):
        ax.axvline(wT0 + plot_time * v, color="r")

    # select data around the rightward TD
    idx = np.where((xbywT > 150) & (xbywT < 190))
    xx = xbywT[idx]
    bby = bywT[idx]

    # now we will fit by_fit to the data
    # and we expect to find x0=172 and L=1
    # or close enough
    def by_fit(x, x0, L):
        v1 = 1
        v2 = -1
        return v1 + (v2 - v1) * S(x, x0, L)

    popt, pcov = curve_fit(by_fit, xx, bby, p0=(150, 1))
    x0, L = popt

    if np.abs(L - 1) > 0.5:
        raise RuntimeError(f"L (={L}) too far from 1.O")
    if np.abs(x0 - (150 + plot_time * v)) > 0.5:
        raise RuntimeError(f"x0 (={x0}) too far from 172")
Beispiel #6
def finest_field_plot(run_path, qty, **kwargs):
    plot the given quantity (qty) at 'run_path' with only the finest data

    * run_path : the path of the run
    * qty : ['Bx', 'By', 'Bz', 'Ex', 'Ey', 'Ez', 'Fx', 'Fy', 'Fz', 'Vx', 'Vy', 'Vz', 'rho']

    * ax : the handle for the fig axes
    * time : time (that should be in the time_stamps of the run)
    * interp : the type of interpolation for the interpolator
    * draw_style : steps-mid ou default... only for 1d
    * title : (str) title of the plot
    * xlabel, ylabel
    * xlim, ylim
    * filename : (str) if exists, save plot to figure under that name

    return value : fig,ax

    import os
    from pyphare.pharesee.hierarchy import get_times_from_h5
    from import Run
    from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import make_axes_locatable
    import pyphare.core.gridlayout as gridlayout

    r = Run(run_path)

    time = kwargs.get("time", None)
    dim = r.GetDl('finest', time).shape[0]
    interp = kwargs.get("interp", "nearest")
    domain = r.GetDomainSize()

    if qty in ['Bx', 'By', 'Bz']:
        file = os.path.join(run_path, "EM_B.h5")
        if time is None:
            times = get_times_from_h5(file)
            time = times[0]
        interpolator, finest_coords = r.GetB(time, merged=True,\
    elif qty in ['Ex', 'Ey', 'Ez']:
        file = os.path.join(run_path, "EM_E.h5")
        if time is None:
            times = get_times_from_h5(file)
            time = times[0]
        interpolator, finest_coords = r.GetE(time, merged=True,\
    elif qty in ['Vx', 'Vy', 'Vz']:
        file = os.path.join(run_path, "ions_bulkVelocity.h5")
        if time is None:
            times = get_times_from_h5(file)
            time = times[0]
        interpolator, finest_coords = r.GetVi(time, merged=True,\
    elif qty == 'rho':
        file = os.path.join(run_path, "ions_density.h5")
        if time is None:
            times = get_times_from_h5(file)
            time = times[0]
        interpolator, finest_coords = r.GetNi(time, merged=True,\
    elif qty in ("Jx", "Jy", "Jz"):
        file = os.path.join(run_path, "EM_B.h5")
        if time is None:
            times = get_times_from_h5(file)
            time = times[0]
        interpolator, finest_coords = r.GetJ(time, merged=True,\
        # ___ TODO : should also include the files for a given population
        raise ValueError(
            "qty should be in ['Bx', 'By', 'Bz', 'Ex', 'Ey', 'Ez', 'Fx', 'Fy', 'Fz', 'Vx', 'Vy', 'Vz', 'rho']"

    if "ax" not in kwargs:
        fig, ax = plt.subplots()
        ax = kwargs["ax"]
        fig = ax.figure

    if dim == 1:
        drawstyle = kwargs.get("drawstyle", "steps-mid")

        ax.plot(finest_coords[0], interpolator(finest_coords[0]),\
    elif dim == 2:

        x = finest_coords[0]
        y = finest_coords[1]
        dx = x[1] - x[0]
        dy = y[1] - y[0]

        # pcolormesh considers DATA_ij to be the center of the pixel
        # and X,Y are the corners so XY need to be made 1 value larger
        # and shifted around DATA_ij
        x -= dx / 2
        x = np.append(x, x[-1] + dx)
        y -= dy / 2
        y = np.append(y, y[-1] + dy)

        X, Y = np.meshgrid(x, y)
        DATA = interpolator(X, Y)

        vmin = kwargs.get("vmin", np.nanmin(DATA))
        vmax = kwargs.get("vmax", np.nanmax(DATA))
        cmap = kwargs.get("cmap", 'Spectral_r')
        im = ax.pcolormesh(x, y, DATA, cmap=cmap, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax)
        divider = make_axes_locatable(ax)
        cax = divider.append_axes("right", size="5%", pad=0.08)
        cb = plt.colorbar(im, ax=ax, cax=cax)
        raise ValueError("finest_field_plot not yet ready for 3d")

    ax.set_title(kwargs.get("title", ""))

    ax.set_xlabel(kwargs.get("xlabel", "$x c / \omega_p$"))
    ax.set_ylabel(kwargs.get("ylabel", "$y c / \omega_p$"))

    if "xlim" in kwargs:
    if "ylim" in kwargs:

    if "filename" in kwargs:

    return fig, ax
Beispiel #7
    def test_restarts(self, dim, interp, simInput):
        print(f"test_restarts dim/interp:{dim}/{interp}")

        simput = copy.deepcopy(simInput)

        for key in ["cells", "dl", "boundary_types"]:
            simput[key] = [simput[key]] * dim

        if "refinement" not in simput:
            b0 = [[10 for i in range(dim)], [19 for i in range(dim)]]
            simput["refinement_boxes"] = {"L0": {"B0": b0}}
        else:  #
            # tagging can handle more than one timestep as it does not
            #  appear subject to regridding issues, so we make more timesteps
            #  to confirm simulations are still equivalent
            simput["time_step_nbr"] = 10

        # if restart time exists it "loads" from restart file
        #  otherwise just saves restart files based on timestamps
        assert "restart_time" not in simput["restart_options"]

        simput["interp_order"] = interp
        time_step = simput["time_step"]
        time_step_nbr = simput["time_step_nbr"]

        restart_idx = 4
        restart_time = time_step * restart_idx
        timestamps = [time_step * restart_idx, time_step * time_step_nbr]

        # first simulation
        local_out = f"{out}/test/{dim}/{interp}/mpi_n/{cpp.mpi_size()}/id{self.ddt_test_id()}"
        simput["restart_options"]["dir"] = local_out
        simput["diag_options"]["options"]["dir"] = local_out
        ph.global_vars.sim = None
        ph.global_vars.sim = ph.Simulation(**simput)
        assert "restart_time" not in ph.global_vars.sim.restart_options
        model = setup_model()
        dump_all_diags(model.populations, timestamps=np.array(timestamps))
        diag_dir0 = local_out

        # second restarted simulation
        local_out = f"{local_out}_n2"
        simput["diag_options"]["options"]["dir"] = local_out
        simput["restart_options"]["restart_time"] = restart_time
        ph.global_vars.sim = None
        ph.global_vars.sim = ph.Simulation(**simput)
        assert "restart_time" in ph.global_vars.sim.restart_options
        model = setup_model()
        dump_all_diags(model.populations, timestamps=np.array(timestamps))
        diag_dir1 = local_out

        def check(qty0, qty1, checker):
            checks = 0
            for ilvl, lvl0 in qty0.patch_levels.items():
                patch_level1 = qty1.patch_levels[ilvl]
                for p_idx, patch0 in enumerate(lvl0):
                    patch1 = patch_level1.patches[p_idx]
                    for pd_key, pd0 in patch0.patch_datas.items():
                        pd1 = patch1.patch_datas[pd_key]
                        self.assertNotEqual(id(pd0), id(pd1))
                        checker(pd0, pd1)
                        checks += 1
            return checks

        def check_particles(qty0, qty1):
            return check(
                qty0, qty1,
                lambda pd0, pd1: self.assertEqual(pd0.dataset, pd1.dataset))

        def check_field(qty0, qty1):
            return check(
                qty0, qty1, lambda pd0, pd1: np.testing.assert_equal(
                    pd0.dataset[:], pd1.dataset[:]))

        def count_levels_and_patches(qty):
            n_levels = len(qty.patch_levels)
            n_patches = 0
            for ilvl, lvl in qty.patch_levels.items():
                n_patches += len(qty.patch_levels[ilvl].patches)
            return n_levels, n_patches

        n_quantities_per_patch = 20
        pops = model.populations
        for time in timestamps:
            checks = 0

            run0 = Run(diag_dir0)
            run1 = Run(diag_dir1)
            checks += check_particles(run0.GetParticles(time, pops),
                                      run1.GetParticles(time, pops))
            checks += check_field(run0.GetB(time), run1.GetB(time))
            checks += check_field(run0.GetE(time), run1.GetE(time))
            checks += check_field(run0.GetNi(time), run1.GetNi(time))
            checks += check_field(run0.GetVi(time), run1.GetVi(time))

            for pop in pops:
                checks += check_field(run0.GetFlux(time, pop),
                                      run1.GetFlux(time, pop))
                checks += check_field(run0.GetN(time, pop),
                                      run1.GetN(time, pop))

            n_levels, n_patches = count_levels_and_patches(run0.GetB(time))
            self.assertEqual(n_levels, 2)  # at least 2 levels
                                    n_levels)  # at least one patch per level
            self.assertEqual(checks, n_quantities_per_patch * n_patches)
Beispiel #8
def main():
    import os
    import subprocess
    import glob
    import shlex
    for interp_order in (1, 2, 3):

        if cpp.mpi_rank() == 0:
            from pyphare.pharein.global_vars import sim
            from import Run
            dt = 10 * sim.time_step
            nt = sim.final_time / dt + 1
            times = dt * np.arange(nt)
            r = Run("shock_{}".format(interp_order))
            for it, t in enumerate(times):
                fig, ax = plt.subplots()
                B = r.GetB(t, merged=True)
                title = "interp order {} - t = {:06.3f}".format(
                    interp_order, t)
                x = B["By"][1][0]
                By = B["By"][0]
                ax.plot(x, By(x), color="k")
                ax.set_ylim((-0.2, 5))
                ax.set_xlim((0, 250))
                    interp_order, interp_order, it))
            cmd = shlex.split(
                "ffmpeg -r 10 -y -pattern_type glob -i 'shock_{}/shock_By_{}_*.png' -c:v libx264 -crf 0 shock_interp{}.mp4"
                .format(interp_order, interp_order, interp_order))

        gv.sim = None
    pngs = glob.glob("shock*/*.png")
    for png in pngs:

    if cpp.mpi_rank() == 0:
        from pyphare.pharein.global_vars import sim
        from import Run
        t = 30
        runs = [Run(f"shock_{i+1}") for i in range(3)]
        fig, ax = plt.subplots()
        colors = ["k", "r", "b"]
        for r, color, interp_order in zip(runs, colors, (1, 2, 3)):
            B = r.GetB(t, merged=True)
            x = B["By"][1][0]
            By = B["By"][0]
                    label=f"interp order {interp_order}")
        title = "interp order {} - t = {:06.3f}".format(interp_order, t)
        ax.set_ylim((-0.2, 5))
        ax.set_xlim((0, 250))