def get_macro_phis(micro_TPM,

        if state_map == None or num_states_per_elem == None:  # have a default state map
            state_map = {
                0: [0, 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10],
                1: [3, 7, 11],
                2: [12, 13, 14],
                3: [15]
            num_states_per_elem = [2, 2]

        macro_TPM = CoarseGrainer.coarse_grain_nonbinary_TPM(
            micro_TPM, state_map, num_states_per_elem)
        network = pyphi.Network(macro_TPM,

        states = Helpers.get_system_states(num_states_per_elem)
        phis = []
        for state in states:
            subsystem = pyphi.Subsystem(network, state)
            sia = pyphi.compute.sia(subsystem)

        if verbose:

        return phis
def json2pyphi(network):
    """Load a network from a json file"""
    tpm = network['tpm']
    current_state = network['currentState']
    cm = network['cm']
    network = pyphi.Network(tpm, connectivity_matrix=cm)
    return (network, current_state)
Beispiel #3
 def pyphi_subsystem(self):
     """Yield a PyPhi subsystem corresponding to the graph in its current
        state. Background elements are frozen in PyPhi. PyPhi node indicies
        match graph node indices."""
     net = pyphi.Network(self.tpm, self.connectivity_matrix)
     foreground_node_indices = self.get_indices(self.foreground_nodes)
     return pyphi.Subsystem(net, self.state, foreground_node_indices)
Beispiel #4
def quantify_network(cm, probs, k):
    TPM, CM = buildTPM(cm,probs, k);
    #check that TPM is valid!
    if (np.sum(transform_tpm(TPM),1)==1).all():
        net = phi.Network(TPM, CM)
        dat = np.zeros([2**8, 2])
        j= 0;
        for state in states:
            state = state[::-1]
            waste = (classical(TPM, team_skill_map, state,costs))
            cmplxs = phi.compute.condensed(net,state);
            phis = []
            for i in range(len(cmplxs)):
            dat[j,:] = np.array([waste, np.sum(phis)])
            #print(j,waste, phis)
        dist = np.real(stat_dist(transform_tpm(TPM)));
def test_blackbox_and_coarse_grain_external():
    # Larger, with external nodes, blackboxed and coarse-grained
    tpm = np.zeros((2**6, 6))
    network = pyphi.Network(tpm)
    state = (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)

    blackbox = macro.Blackbox((
        (1, 4),
        (2, ),
        (3, ),
        (5, ),
    ), (1, 2, 3, 5))
    partition = ((1, ), (2, ), (3, 5))
    grouping = (((0, ), (1, )), ((1, ), (0, )), ((0, ), (1, 2)))
    coarse_grain = macro.CoarseGrain(partition, grouping)
    ms = macro.MacroSubsystem(network,
                              state, (1, 2, 3, 4, 5),
    answer_tpm = np.array([[[[0, 1, 0], [0, 1, 0]], [[0, 1, 0], [0, 1, 0]]],
                           [[[0, 1, 0], [0, 1, 0]], [[0, 1, 0], [0, 1, 0]]]])
    assert np.array_equal(ms.tpm, answer_tpm)
    assert np.array_equal(, np.ones((3, 3)))
    assert ms.node_indices == (0, 1, 2)
    assert ms.size == 3
    assert ms.state == (0, 1, 0)
Beispiel #6
def macro_subsystem():

    tpm = np.zeros((16, 4)) + 0.3
    tpm[12:, 0:2] = 1
    tpm[3, 2:4] = 1
    tpm[7, 2:4] = 1
    tpm[11, 2:4] = 1
    tpm[15, 2:4] = 1

    # fmt: off
    cm = np.array([
        [0, 0, 1, 1],
        [0, 0, 1, 1],
        [1, 1, 0, 0],
        [1, 1, 0, 0],
    # fmt: on

    state = (0, 0, 0, 0)

    network = pyphi.Network(tpm, cm=cm, node_labels="ABCD")

    partition = ((0, 1), (2, 3))
    grouping = (((0, 1), (2, )), ((0, 1), (2, )))
    coarse_grain = macro.CoarseGrain(partition, grouping)

    return macro.MacroSubsystem(network,
Beispiel #7
def calc_mean_phi(J, TPM, spinBin):

    M = np.array(gen_reservoir(J.shape[1]), dtype='uint8')

    templen = T.shape[1]
    print('The number of data points to calculate Phi for is ' + str(templen))

    #tempstart = input('Start from data point: ')
    #tempstart = int(tempstart)
    tempstart = 0

    #tempend = input('End at data point: ')
    #tempend = int(tempend)
    tempend = templen

    #increment = input('Increment every _ data points: ')
    #increment = int(increment)
    increment = 1

    numStates = M.shape[0]

    ind = np.arange(
        tempstart, tempend,
        increment)  # indices of data points that phi will be calculated for
    T2 = T[0, ind]

    looplen = ind.shape[0]  # number of iterations of loop

    # phi = np.zeros([numStates,templen])
    phi = np.zeros([numStates, looplen])
    phiSqr = np.zeros([numStates, looplen])
    count = -1

    for temp in range(tempstart, tempend, increment):
        count += 1
        print(((temp) / (tempend - tempstart)) * 100, "% Complete")
        for state in range(numStates):  #numflips
            if spinBin[state, temp] != 0:
                start = time.time()
                #print("Starting state ", M[state,:], "at temp. ", T[0,temp])
                network = pyphi.Network(TPM[:, :, temp])
                #subsystem = pyphi.Subsystem(network, S[:,state,temp], range(network.size))
                subsystem = pyphi.Subsystem(network, M[state, :],
                phi[state, count] = pyphi.compute.big_phi(subsystem)
                phiSqr[state, count] = phi[state, count] * phi[state, count]
                print("Phi = ", phi[state, count])
                end = time.time()
                #print(end - start, "seconds elapsed")

    phiSum = np.sum(phi * spinBin[:, ind], 0)
    phiSqrSum = np.sum(phiSqr * spinBin[:, ind], 0)

    phiSus = (phiSqrSum - phiSum * phiSum) / (T2 * J.shape[0])

    return phiSum, phiSus, T2
Beispiel #8
def to_calculate_mean_phi(tpm, spin_mean,t):
    N = tpm.shape[-1]

    setting_int = np.linspace(0, np.power(2, N) - 1, num=np.power(2, N)).astype(int)

    M = list(map(lambda x: list(np.binary_repr(x, width=N)), setting_int))
    M = np.flipud(np.fliplr(np.asarray(M).astype(

    num_states = M.shape[0]
    phi_values = []

    network = pyphi.Network(tpm)
    for state in range(num_states):
        if spin_mean[state] != 0:
            phi_values.append(phi(pyphi.Subsystem(network, M[state, :], range(network.size))))
            #phi_values_sum = phi_values*spin_mean[state]

    phi_values_sqr = [phi_ * phi_ for phi_ in phi_values]

    weigth = spin_mean[np.where(spin_mean != 0)]

    phiSum = np.sum(phi_values*weigth)
    phiSus = (np.sum(phi_values_sqr*weigth) - (phiSum * phiSum)) / (N*t)

    return np.mean(phi_values), phiSum, phiSus
Beispiel #9
def phi_compute(tpm):
    # Computes phi
    # Inputs:
    #	tpm = state-by-node matrix (states x nodes)
    # Outputs:

    # Build the network and subsystem
    # We are assuming full connection
    network = pyphi.Network(tpm)
    print("Network built", flush=True)

    # Remember that the data is in the form a matrix
    # Matrix dimensions: sample(2250) x channel(15)

    # Determine number of system states
    n_states = tpm.shape[0]
    nChannels = int(math.log(n_states, 2))  # Assumes binary values

    # Initialise results storage structures
    state_sias = np.empty((n_states), dtype=object)
    state_phis = np.zeros((n_states))

    # sys.exit()

    # Calculate all possible phi values (number of phi values is limited by the number of possible states)
    for state_index in range(0, n_states):
        #print('State ' + str(state_index))
        # Figure out the state
        state = pyphi.convert.le_index2state(state_index, nChannels)

        # As the network is already limited to the channel set, the subsystem would have the same nodes as the full network
        subsystem = pyphi.Subsystem(network, state)


        # Compute phi values for all partitions
        sia = pyphi.compute.sia(subsystem)


        # Store phi and associated MIP
        state_phis[state_index] = sia.phi

        # MATLAB friendly storage format (python saves json as nested dict)
        # Store big_mip
        state_sias[state_index] = pyphi.jsonify.jsonify(sia)

        print('State ' + str(state_index) + ' Phi=' + str(sia.phi), flush=True)

    # Return ###########################################################################

    return state_phis, state_sias

Beispiel #10
    def save_brain(self, TPM, cm, node_labels=[]):
        Function for giving the animat a brain (pyphi network) and a graph object
                TPM: a transition probability matrix readable for pyPhi
                cm: a connectivity matrix readable for pyPhi
                node_labels: list of labels for nodes (if empty, standard labels are used)
                no output, just an update of the animat object
        if not len(node_labels) == self.n_nodes:
            node_labels = []
            # standard labels for up to 10 nodes of each kind
            sensor_labels = [
                'S1', 'S2', 'S3', 'S4', 'S5', 'S6', 'S7', 'S8', 'S9', 'S10'
            motor_labels = [
                'M1', 'M2', 'M3', 'M4', 'M5', 'M6', 'M7', 'M8', 'M9', 'M10'
            hidden_labels = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J']

            # defining labels for each node type
            s = [sensor_labels[i] for i in list(range(self.n_sensors))]
            m = [motor_labels[i] for i in list(range(self.n_motors))]
            h = [hidden_labels[i] for i in list(range(self.n_hidden))]

            # combining the labels

        # defining the network using pyphi
        network = pyphi.Network(TPM, cm, node_labels=node_labels)
        self.brain = network
        self.TPM = TPM = cm
        self.connected_nodes = sum(np.sum(cm, 0) * np.sum(cm, 1) > 0)

        # defining a graph object based on the connectivity using networkx
        G = nx.from_numpy_matrix(cm, create_using=nx.DiGraph())
        mapping = {key: x for key, x in zip(range(self.n_nodes), node_labels)}
        G = nx.relabel_nodes(G, mapping)
        self.brain_graph = G

        # saving the labels and indices of sensors, motors, and hidden to animats
        self.node_labels = node_labels
        self.sensor_ixs = list(range(self.n_sensors))
        self.sensor_labels = [node_labels[i] for i in self.sensor_ixs]
        self.motor_ixs = list(
            range(self.n_sensors, self.n_sensors + self.n_motors))
        self.motor_labels = [node_labels[i] for i in self.motor_ixs]
        self.hidden_ixs = list(
            range(self.n_sensors + self.n_motors,
                  self.n_sensors + self.n_motors + self.n_hidden))
        self.hidden_labels = [node_labels[i] for i in self.hidden_ixs]
def get_micro_average_phi(TPM):
    network = pyphi.Network((TPM), num_states_per_node=[4, 4])
    phis = []
    states = reversed(get_nary_states(2, 4))
    for state in states:
        subsystem = pyphi.Subsystem(network, state)
        sia = pyphi.compute.sia(subsystem)
    return phis, sum(phis) / len(phis)
Beispiel #12
def getphi(tpm):
    network = pyphi.Network(tpm, node_labels=labels)
    phis = []
    for i in range(2):
        for j in range(2):
            for k in range(2):
                state = (i, j, k)
                node_indices = (0, 1, 2)
                if is_in(list(state), tpm):
                    subsystem = pyphi.Subsystem(network, state, node_indices)
                    phis += [pyphi.compute.phi(subsystem)]
    return phis
Beispiel #13
def nchannel_phi(matrix_array, n_channels):
	For each combination of n_channels (n_channels <= number of rows/channels in each matrix), calculates
	the TPM across all trials using all samples, then calculates phi at each transitioning sample

	Assumes that all channels are connected
		matrix_array - array of 2D matrices, all with the same number of elements in the first dimension
		n_channels - how many channels to calculate phi over
	combo_phis = dict()
	# Get the combinations of channels
	channels = np.arange(matrix_array[0].shape[0]) # Get list of channels
	channel_combos = [list(combination) for combination in itertools.combinations(channels, n_channels)] # Get combos of channels
	for combo in channel_combos:
		# Extract relevant channels (i.e. channels specificed by the combo) across all trials
		samples_all = matrix_array[0][combo, :]
		for matrix_counter in range(1, matrix_array.size):
			np.concatenate((samples_all, matrix_array[matrix_counter][combo, :]), axis=1)
		# Build the TPM from those channels
		tpm_input = np.empty((1), dtype=object)
		tpm_input[0] = samples_all
		tpm = tpm_window(tpm_input, -1, 0) # We place the concatenated matrix into an array as input for tpm_window(), which takes an array of matrices
		print("computing phi")
		# Compute phi at each trial sample
		network = pyphi.Network(tpm)
		phis = np.empty((matrix_array.size), dtype=object)
		for trial_counter in range(matrix_array.size):
			phis[trial_counter] = np.empty(matrix_array[trial_counter].shape[1])
			trial = matrix_array[trial_counter]
			for sample_counter in range(matrix_array[trial].shape[1]):
				print("trial" + str(trial_counter) + " sample" + str(sample_counter))
				sample = trial[combo, sample_counter]
				state = tuple(np.ndarray.tolist(sample))
				print("state done")
				subsystem = pyphi.Subsystem(network, state, range(network.size))
				print("subsystem done")
				phis[trial_counter][sample_counter] = pyphi.compute.big_phi(subsystem)
				print("phi = " + str(phis[trial_counter][sample_counter]))
		# Add combo results to dictionary
		combo_phis[combo] = phis
	return combo_phis
Beispiel #14
def test_pyphi_integration(fig4_graph):
    current_state = (1, 0, 0)  # holi format

    computed_net = pyphi.Network(fig4_graph.tpm,
    computed_sub = pyphi.Subsystem(computed_net, current_state,

    true_net = pyphi.examples.fig4()
    true_sub = pyphi.Subsystem(true_net, current_state, range(true_net.size))

    assert computed_net == true_net
    assert computed_sub == true_sub
Beispiel #15
def func(x,state =(0,0,0), n = 3):
    if len(x)==n*2**n:
        tpm = np.reshape(x, (2**n,n));
        net = pyphi.Network(tpm);
        subsystem = pyphi.Subsystem(net, state,range(net.size))
        phi = pyphi.compute.big_phi(subsystem);
        #print(how_close_to_int(x), phi)
        return phi
        print("Invalide input, not of the correct size to change into a TPM");
Beispiel #16
    def saveBrain(self, TPM, cm):
        if self.n_nodes == 8 and self.n_sensors == 2:
            node_labels = ['S1', 'S2', 'M1', 'M2', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D']
        elif self.n_nodes == 7 and self.n_sensors == 1:
            node_labels = ['S1', 'M1', 'M2', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D']
            print('Problem saving brain.')

        network = pyphi.Network(TPM, cm, node_labels=node_labels)
        self.brain = network

        G = nx.from_numpy_matrix(cm, create_using=nx.DiGraph())
        mapping = {key: x for key, x in zip(range(self.n_nodes), node_labels)}
        G = nx.relabel_nodes(G, mapping)
        self.brain_graph = G
Beispiel #17
def ocx_net():
    tpm = np.array([[0, 0, 0],
                    [0, 0, 1],
                    [1, 0, 1],
                    [1, 0, 0],
                    [1, 1, 0],
                    [1, 1, 1],
                    [1, 1, 1],
                    [1, 1, 0]])

    cm = np.array([[0, 0, 1],
                   [1, 0, 1],
                   [1, 1, 0]])

    node_labels = ('P', 'Q', 'R')
    return pyphi.Network(tpm, cm, node_labels)
Beispiel #18
def test_list_all_partitions():
    empty_net = pyphi.Network(np.array([]), (), ())
    net = pyphi.examples.macro_network()
    assert macro.list_all_partitions(empty_net) == []
    assert macro.list_all_partitions(net) == [
        [[0, 1, 2], [3]],
        [[0, 1, 3], [2]],
        [[0, 1], [2, 3]],
        [[0, 1], [2], [3]],
        [[0, 2, 3], [1]],
        [[0, 2], [1, 3]],
        [[0, 2], [1], [3]],
        [[0, 3], [1, 2]],
        [[0], [1, 2, 3]],
        [[0], [1, 2], [3]],
        [[0, 3], [1], [2]],
        [[0], [1, 3], [2]],
        [[0], [1], [2, 3]],
        [[0, 1, 2, 3]]
    def get_micro_phis(TPM, verbose=True):
        Gets the state phis for a TPM with 2 elements, each 4 states.
        network = pyphi.Network((TPM), num_states_per_node=[4, 4])
        phis = []
        states = Helpers.get_nary_states(2, 4)  # not the TPM order!
        for state in states:
            subsystem = pyphi.Subsystem(network, state)
            sia = pyphi.compute.sia(subsystem)
            if state == (0, 1):
                if verbose:
        if verbose:

        return phis
Beispiel #20
def to_calculate_mean_phi(tpm, spin_mean, eps=None):
    import numpy as np
    import pyphi
    from pyphi.compute import phi

    rows, columns = tpm.shape

    setting_int = np.linspace(0, rows - 1, num=rows).astype(int)

    M = list(map(lambda x: list(np.binary_repr(x, width=columns)),
    #M = np.flipud(np.fliplr(np.asarray(M).astype(
    M = np.asarray(M).astype(

    #num_states = np.log2(N)
    phi_values = []

    network = pyphi.Network(tpm)
    for state in range(rows):
        if eps == None:
            if spin_mean[state] != 0:
                        pyphi.Subsystem(network, M[state, :],
            if spin_mean[state] < eps:
                        pyphi.Subsystem(network, M[state, :],

    weigth = spin_mean[np.where(spin_mean != 0)]

    phiSum = np.sum(phi_values * weigth)

    return np.mean(phi_values), phiSum
def get_macro_average_phi(micro_TPM):

    num_states_per_elem = [2, 2]
    state_map = {
        0: [0, 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10],
        1: [3, 7, 11],
        2: [12, 13, 14],
        3: [15]
    macro_TPM = coarse_grain_nonbinary_TPM(micro_TPM, state_map,
    # Macro analysis where bursting is one state, and everything else is another
    network = pyphi.Network(macro_TPM, num_states_per_node=[2, 2])

    states = reversed(get_nary_states(2, 2))
    phis = []
    for state in states:
        subsystem = pyphi.Subsystem(network, state)
        sia = pyphi.compute.sia(subsystem)
    return phis, sum(phis) / len(phis)
Beispiel #22
    print(cms[i], a, b)

dat = np.array(dat)

TPM, CM = buildTPM(cms[1005], probs, k)
net = phi.Network(TPM, CM);
dat = np.zeros([2**8, 2])

j= 0;
for state in states:
    state = state[::-1]
    waste = (classical(TPM, team_skill_map, state,costs))
    cmplxs = phi.compute.condensed(net,state);
    phis = []
    for i in range(len(cmplxs)):
    dat[j,:] = np.array([waste, np.sum(phis)])
    print(waste, phis)
Beispiel #23
from import loadmat
from import savemat

data = loadmat(
tpm = np.array(data['TPM'])
state00 = (0, 0)
state10 = (1, 0)
state01 = (0, 1)
state11 = (1, 1)
phi_by_state = np.zeros([6, 4])
phi = np.zeros(6)
for num1 in range(0, 6):
    network = pyphi.Network(tpm[0, num1])
    subsystem = pyphi.Subsystem(network, state00)
    phi00 = pyphi.compute.phi(subsystem)
    subsystem = pyphi.Subsystem(network, state10)
    phi10 = pyphi.compute.phi(subsystem)
    subsystem = pyphi.Subsystem(network, state01)
    phi01 = pyphi.compute.phi(subsystem)
    subsystem = pyphi.Subsystem(network, state11)
    phi11 = pyphi.compute.phi(subsystem)
    phiarray = np.array([phi00, phi10, phi01, phi11])
    phi_by_state[num1] = np.array(phiarray)
    phibs_fre = phi_by_state[num1] * tpm[2, num1]
    phi[num1] = sum(sum(phibs_fre))
# savemat('tmWL_phicell',{'phiTMWLcell':phiTMWLcell})
looplen = ind.shape[0]  # number of iterations of loop

# phi = np.zeros([numStates,templen])
phi = np.zeros([numStates, looplen])
phiSqr = np.zeros([numStates, looplen])
count = 0

for temp in range(tempstart, tempend, increment):
    print(((temp) / (tempend - tempstart)) * 100, "% Complete")
    for state in range(numStates):  #numflips
        if spinBin[state, temp] != 0:
            start = time.time()
            #print("Starting state ", M[state,:], "at temp. ", T[0,temp])
            network = pyphi.Network(TPM[:, :, temp], connectivity_matrix=J)
            #subsystem = pyphi.Subsystem(network, S[:,state,temp], range(network.size))
            subsystem = pyphi.Subsystem(network, M[state, :],
            phi[state, count] = pyphi.compute.big_phi(subsystem)
            phiSqr[state, count] = phi[state, count] * phi[state, count]
            print("Phi = ", phi[state, count])
            end = time.time()
            #print(end - start, "seconds elapsed")
    count += 1

phiSum = np.sum(phi * spinBin[:, ind], 0)
phiSqrSum = np.sum(phiSqr * spinBin[:, ind], 0)
Beispiel #25
import pyphi
import numpy as np
from pprint import pprint
import as sio

mm_state = (1,1,1,1)
m_state = (1,1)

tpm_mm = sio.loadmat('./MM2_TemporalExample_Noisy_Ors_Micro.mat')
tpm_m = sio.loadmat('./Noisy_Ors_1timestep_micro.mat')

# ============================================================================
if __name__ == "__main__":
    # micro results
    net_m = pyphi.Network(tpm_m['tpm'])
    mc_m = pyphi.compute.major_complex(net_m, m_state)

    # Macro results
    net_mm = pyphi.Network(tpm_mm['tpm'])
    #M = pyphi.macro.emergence(net_mm, mm_state) #This does not work here, as there are many spatial coarse grainings that are not allowed temporally

    grains = list(pyphi.macro.all_coarse_grains(net_mm.node_indices))


    coarse_grain = grains[41]
    print(coarse_grain.macro_tpm(net_mm.tpm).reshape([4]+[2], order = 'F'))

    macro_subsystem = pyphi.macro.MacroSubsystem(net_mm, mm_state, coarse_grain=coarse_grain)
Beispiel #26
        #print(inpt,'\n',sw,'\n',swN, '\n''------''\n')
        V = 0
        for v in range(0, nN):
            V = V + istate[v] * 2**v
        tpm[int(V)] = tuple(swN)

    # Create the connectivity matrix
    cm = np.abs(np.where(weights != 0, 1, 0))

    # Transpose our (receiving, sending) CM to use the PyPhi convention of (sending, recieving)
    cm = np.transpose(cm)

    # Create the network
    subsystem_labels = ('A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K',
                        'L', 'M', 'N', 'O', 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T')
    network = pyphi.Network(tpm, cm, subsystem_labels)

    # In[5]:

    # Set state and create subsystem
    #A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T#
    state = (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
    subsystem = pyphi.Subsystem(network, state, range(network.size))
    A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T = subsystem.node_indices

    pyphi.config.REPR_VERBOSITY = 1

    experiment = Experiment('largepyr', '2.1', network, state)
Beispiel #27
import numpy as np
import pyphi
from import loadmat
from import savemat
pyphi.config.PARALLEL_CUT_EVALUATION = False
tpmcell = loadmat('file path')
tpm = np.array(tpmcell['TPM'])
frecell = loadmat('file path')
fre = np.array(frecell['fre'])
phi = np.zeros([63, 63])
for num1 in range(0, 62):
    for num2 in range(num1 + 1, 63):
        network = pyphi.Network(tpm[num1, num2])
        subsystem = pyphi.Subsystem(network, (0, 0))
        phi00 = pyphi.compute.phi(subsystem)
        subsystem = pyphi.Subsystem(network, (1, 0))
        phi10 = pyphi.compute.phi(subsystem)
        subsystem = pyphi.Subsystem(network, (0, 1))
        phi01 = pyphi.compute.phi(subsystem)
        subsystem = pyphi.Subsystem(network, (1, 1))
        phi11 = pyphi.compute.phi(subsystem)
        phiarray = np.array([phi00, phi10, phi01, phi11])
        phi_by_state = np.array(phiarray)
        phibs_fre = phi_by_state * np.transpose(fre[num1][num2])
        phi[num1][num2] = sum(sum(phibs_fre))

savemat('phi', {'phi': phi})
def phi_compute(tpm, state_counters, nValues, out_dir, out_file):
    # Assumes tpm is state-by-node
    # Intputs:
    #	tpm = state-by-node TPM
    #	state_counters = vector of state counts
    #	nValues = number of states each element can take
    #	out_dir = string; directory to output results file
    #	out_name = string; name of output files

    # Build pyphi network
    network = pyphi.Network(tpm)

    # Determine number of system elements
    nChannels = np.shape(tpm)[-1]

    # Determine number of system states
    n_states = nValues**nChannels

    # Results structure
    phi = dict()

    # Initialise results storage structures
    phi_value = 0
    # Doesn't need initialisation
    mips = np.empty((n_states), dtype=tuple)
    big_mips = np.empty((n_states), dtype=object)
    state_phis = np.zeros((n_states))

    # sys.exit()

    # Calculate all possible phi values (number of phi values is limited by the number of possible states)
    for state_index in range(0, n_states):
        #print('State ' + str(state_index))
        # Figure out the state
        state = pyphi.convert.loli_index2state(state_index, nChannels)

        # As the network is already limited to the channel set, the subsystem would have the same nodes as the full network
        subsystem = pyphi.Subsystem(network, state, network.node_indices)


        # Compute phi values for all partitions
        big_mip = pyphi.compute.big_mip(subsystem)

        # Store phi and associated MIP
        state_phis[state_index] = big_mip.phi
        mips[state_index] = big_mip.cut

        # MATLAB friendly storage format (python saves json as nested dict)
        big_mip_json = big_mip.to_json()
        # Sort each constellation by their mechanisms
            'partitioned_constellation'] = sort_constellation_by_mechanism(
            'unpartitioned_constellation'] = sort_constellation_by_mechanism(
        # Store big_mip
        big_mips[state_index] = big_mip_json

        print('State ' + str(state_index) + ' Phi=' + str(big_mip.phi))

    phi_total = 0
    for state_index in range(0, n_states):
        if state_counters[state_index] > 0:
            # Add phi to total, weighted by the number of times the state occurred
            phi_total += state_phis[state_index] * state_counters[state_index]
    phi_value = phi_total / np.sum(state_counters)

    phi['phi'] = phi_value
    phi['state_counters'] = state_counters
    phi['big_mips'] = big_mips
    phi['state_phis'] = state_phis
    phi['tpm'] = tpm
    phi['mips'] = mips

    # Save
    save_mat(out_dir + out_file, {'phi': phi})
    print('saved ' + out_dir + out_file)

    return out_file
Beispiel #29
def independent_joint_tpm(lfp_air_binarised, 0):

f, (p1) = plt.subplots(1, facecolor="white")
plot1 = p1.imshow(tpm, interpolation="none", aspect="auto")
plot1_cbar = f.colorbar(plot1)
plt.rcParams.update({'font.size': 22})

# Calculate PHI for one trial
trial = lfp_air_binarised[1]
network = pyphi.Network(tpm)
phis = np.zeros((1, trial.shape[1]))
for sample_counter in range(trial.shape[1]):
	sample = trial[:, sample_counter]
	state = tuple(np.ndarray.tolist(sample))
	subsystem = pyphi.Subsystem(network, state, range(network.size))
	#phis[sample_counter] = pyphi.compute.big_phi(subsystem)

def nchannel_phi(matrix_array, n_channels):
	For each combination of n_channels (n_channels <= number of rows/channels in each matrix), calculates
	the TPM across all trials using all samples, then calculates phi at each transitioning sample

	Assumes that all channels are connected
		matrix_array - array of 2D matrices, all with the same number of elements in the first dimension
		n_channels - how many channels to calculate phi over
	combo_phis = dict()
	# Get the combinations of channels
	channels = np.arange(matrix_array[0].shape[0]) # Get list of channels
	channel_combos = [list(combination) for combination in itertools.combinations(channels, n_channels)] # Get combos of channels
	for combo in channel_combos:
		# Extract relevant channels (i.e. channels specificed by the combo) across all trials
		samples_all = matrix_array[0][combo, :]
		for matrix_counter in range(1, matrix_array.size):
			np.concatenate((samples_all, matrix_array[matrix_counter][combo, :]), axis=1)
		# Build the TPM from those channels
		tpm_input = np.empty((1), dtype=object)
		tpm_input[0] = samples_all
		tpm = tpm_window(tpm_input, -1, 0) # We place the concatenated matrix into an array as input for tpm_window(), which takes an array of matrices
		print("computing phi")
		# Compute phi at each trial sample
		network = pyphi.Network(tpm)
		phis = np.empty((matrix_array.size), dtype=object)
		for trial_counter in range(matrix_array.size):
			phis[trial_counter] = np.empty(matrix_array[trial_counter].shape[1])
			trial = matrix_array[trial_counter]
			for sample_counter in range(matrix_array[trial].shape[1]):
				print("trial" + str(trial_counter) + " sample" + str(sample_counter))
				sample = trial[combo, sample_counter]
				state = tuple(np.ndarray.tolist(sample))
				print("state done")
				subsystem = pyphi.Subsystem(network, state, range(network.size))
				print("subsystem done")
				phis[trial_counter][sample_counter] = pyphi.compute.big_phi(subsystem)
				print("phi = " + str(phis[trial_counter][sample_counter]))
		# Add combo results to dictionary
		combo_phis[combo] = phis
	return combo_phis

Conditions at which to compute phi:
View all time and trials consecutively as a line graph - one matrix
View all time and trials as an image/matrix, trim as required before viewing - one matrix per trial
	If using this, then you can reconstruct the first option
Average across trials (time is the length of a trial, trim as required before averaging) - one matrix per trial


def recursive_phi(max_channels):
	Computes phi over the power set of channels, from using 2 channels to up to max_channels
	return 1

# phis = nchannel_phi(lfp_air_binarised, 2)

def plot_mean(matrix):
	Calculates the mean and standard deviation across the first dimension (axis 0), and plots across the second dimension (axis 1)
	Inputs: numpy 2D array
	if len(matrix.shape) > 2:
	if len(matrix.shape) == 2: # two dimensions provided
		x_values = np.arange(0, matrix.shape[1])
		mean_values = matrix.mean(axis=0)
		std_values = matrix.std(axis=0)
	else: # only one dimension was provided
		x_values = np.arange(0, matrix.shape[0])
		mean_values = matrix
		std_values = matrix
	plt.plot(x_values, mean_values)
	if len(matrix.shape) == 2: # two dimensions provided
		plt.fill_between(x_values, mean_values - std_values, mean_values + std_values, alpha=0.5, linewidth=0)
	plt.autoscale(enable=True, axis='x', tight=True)

def main():
	print("main() running")
	lfp = fly_data["LFP"][0, 0][0, :]
	print("main() finished")

if __name__ == '__main__':
Beispiel #30
# tau_step = tau

# # Binarise by median split
# fly_data, n_values, medians = binarise_trial_median(fly_data[:, :, None, None, None])
# fly_data = fly_data[:, :, 0, 0, 0] # Get rid of those appended singleton dimensions

# # Build TPM
# tpm = build_tpm(fly_data[:, :, None], tau_step, n_values)
# tpm_formatted = pyphi.convert.state_by_state2state_by_node(tpm)
# #tpm = build_tpm(np.flip(fly_data[:, :, None], 0), tau_step, n_values)
# #tpm, tmp = build_tpm_sbn_normalise(fly_data[:, :, None], tau_step, n_values, 9000)
# print("TPM built")

# Build the network and subsystem
# We are assuming full connection
network = pyphi.Network(tpm_formatted)
print("Network built")

# Remember that the data is in the form a matrix
# Matrix dimensions: sample(2250) x channel(15)

# Determine number of system states
n_states = n_values**len(channel_set)

# Results structure
phi = dict()
phi['nChannels'] = nChannels
phi['channel_set'] = channel_set + 1  # Save 1-indexed values
phi['tau'] = tau