def __init__(self): self._seed = None self.max_speed = 10.0 self.max_torque = 0.5 self.dt = .2 self.step_counter = 0 self.time_counter = time.time() # Coordinates of the outer link tip in local (homogeneous) coordinates self.outer_tip_local = np.array([[0.0], [0.0], [-0.1], [1.0]]) # The tip of outer_link should go above this height (z coordinate in the global frame) self.threshold = 0.75 pypot.vrep.close_all_connections() self.vrepio = VrepIO(vrep_host=host, vrep_port=port, scene=scene, start=False) #self.vrepio.call_remote_api('simxSynchronous',True) self.vrepio.start_simulation() print('(AcrobotVrepEnv) initialized') obs = np.array([np.inf] * 4) self.action_space = spaces.Box(low=-self.max_torque, high=self.max_torque, shape=(1, )) self.observation_space = spaces.Box(-obs, obs)
def __init__(self, vrep_host='', vrep_port=19997, scene=None, start=False): = VrepIO(vrep_host, vrep_port, scene, start) # vrep.simxFinish(-1) # just in case, close all opened connections # self._clientID = vrep.simxStart('',19997, True, True, 5000, 5) # Connect to V-REP self.robots = [] self.vrep_mode = vrep_mode self.n_robots = 0 self.suffix_to_epuck = {} self.seconds_to_run = 0 self._condition = threading.Condition() self.routine_manager = RoutineManager() self.eatable_objects = [] self.logger = Logger() Observable.__init__(self)
def __init__(self, portnum, objname, height_threshold): """ Initializes the RobotMonitorThread thread :param portnum: Port number on which the VREP remote API is listening on the server (different than the one used to run the main robot simulation) :param objname: Object name which is to be monitored :height_threshold: If the object's height is lower than this value, the robot is considered to have falen """ # Call init of super class Thread.__init__(self) # Create a VrepIO object using a different port number than the one used to run the main robot simulation # Make sure that the VREP remote api on the server is listening on this port number # Additional ports for listening can be set up on the server side by editing the file remoteApiConnections.txt self.vrepio_obj = VrepIO(vrep_port=portnum) # The object to be monitored self.objname = objname # Threshold for falling self.height_threshold = height_threshold # The position of the object self.objpos = None # The x,y,z coordinates of the position self.x = None self.y = None self.z = None # The orientation of the body self.torso_euler_angles = None # The starting time self.start_time = time.time() self.up_time = 0.0 # The average height of the robot self.avg_z = 0.0 # A list to store the height at each second self.z_list = list() # A flag which can stop the thread self.stop_flag = False # A flag to indicate if the robot has fallen self.fallen = False
def _reset(self): self.vrepio.stop_simulation() print 'Reset called ######################' print 'Duration of episode: {}'.format(time.time() - self.time_counter) self.time_counter = time.time() print 'Number of steps in episode: {}'.format(self.step_counter) self.step_counter = 0 # Try self.vrepio.call_remote_api('simxStopSimulation',remote_api.simx_opmode_blocking) pypot.vrep.close_all_connections() self.vrepio = VrepIO(vrep_host=host, vrep_port=port, scene=scene, start=False) # self.vrepio.call_remote_api('simxSynchronous',True) self.vrepio.start_simulation() self._self_observe() return self.observation
def get_epuck(self, use_proximeters=range(8), verbose=False): suffix = self._vrep_epuck_suffix(self.n_robots) epuck = Epuck(pypot_io=VrepIO(, + self.n_robots + 1), simulator=self, robot_id=self.n_robots, use_proximeters=use_proximeters, suffix=suffix) self.suffix_to_epuck[suffix] = epuck self.robots.append(epuck) self.n_robots += 1 if verbose: print self.robots[-1] return self.robots[-1]
def getMapa(resolucion=0.02): try: vrep_host = '' vrep_port = 19997 scene = None start = False print('Obteniendo Mapa...') io = VrepIO(vrep_host, vrep_port, scene, start) io.restart_simulation() gmapa = MapBuilder(io, resolucion) io.stop_simulation() io.close() print('El mapa se ha construido con exito') return gmapa except: print( "Error el la conexion con el simulador, ejecute este fragmento de nuevo" ) print('Error al obtener mapa') return None
def oscillator_nw(kf, GAIN1, GAIN2, GAIN3, GAIN4, GAIN5, GAIN6, BIAS1, BIAS2, BIAS3, BIAS4, max_time=15.0, fitness_option=1): # Try to connect to VREP vrep = None try_counter = 0 try_max = 5 while vrep is None: try: log('Trying to create robot handle (attempt: {0} of {1})'.format( try_counter, try_max)) try_counter += 1 vrep = VrepIO(vrep_host='', vrep_port=19997, scene=None, start=False) except Exception, e: log('Could not connect to VREP') log('Error: {0}'.format(e.message)) time.sleep(1.0) if try_counter > try_max: log('Unable to create robot handle after {0} tries'.format( try_max)) exit(1)
def from_vrep(self, config, vrep_host='', vrep_port=19997, scene=None, tracked_objects=[], tracked_collisions=[]): # This is a copy of the from_vrep function of pypot package # IMHO, it shouldn't be a stand-alone function but a pypot.Robot method # If that was the case, we wouldn't need to copy it here, and maintain it updated... """ Create a robot from a V-REP instance. :param config: robot configuration (either the path to the json or directly the dictionary) :type config: str or dict :param str vrep_host: host of the V-REP server :param int vrep_port: port of the V-REP server :param str scene: path to the V-REP scene to load and start :param list tracked_objects: list of V-REP dummy object to track :param list tracked_collisions: list of V-REP collision to track This function tries to connect to a V-REP instance and expects to find motors with names corresponding as the ones found in the config. .. note:: The :class:`~pypot.robot.robot.Robot` returned will also provide a convenience reset_simulation method which resets the simulation and the robot position to its intial stance. .. note:: Using the same configuration, you should be able to switch from a real to a simulated robot just by switching from :func:`~pypot.robot.config.from_config` to :func:`~pypot.vrep.from_vrep`. For instance:: import json with open('my_config.json') as f: config = json.load(f) from pypot.robot import from_config from pypot.vrep import from_vrep real_robot = from_config(config) simulated_robot = from_vrep(config, '', 19997, 'poppy.ttt') """ vrep_io = VrepIO(vrep_host, vrep_port) vreptime = vrep_time(vrep_io) pypot_time.time = vreptime.get_time pypot_time.sleep = vreptime.sleep if isinstance(config, str): with open(config) as f: config = json.load(f) motors = [ motor_from_confignode(config, name) for name in list(config['motors'].keys()) ] vc = VrepController(vrep_io, scene, motors) vc._init_vrep_streaming() sensor_controllers = [] if tracked_objects: sensors = [ObjectTracker(name) for name in tracked_objects] vot = VrepObjectTracker(vrep_io, sensors) sensor_controllers.append(vot) if tracked_collisions: sensors = [ VrepCollisionDetector(name) for name in tracked_collisions ] vct = VrepCollisionTracker(vrep_io, sensors) sensor_controllers.append(vct) super().__init__(motor_controllers=[vc], sensor_controllers=sensor_controllers) for m in self.motors: m.goto_behavior = 'minjerk' init_pos = {m: m.goal_position for m in self.motors} make_alias(config, self) def start_simu(): vrep_io.start_simulation() for m, p in init_pos.items(): m.goal_position = p vc.start() if tracked_objects: vot.start() if tracked_collisions: vct.start() while vrep_io.get_simulation_current_time() < 1.: sys_time.sleep(0.1) def stop_simu(): if tracked_objects: vot.stop() if tracked_collisions: vct.stop() vc.stop() vrep_io.stop_simulation() def reset_simu(): stop_simu() sys_time.sleep(0.5) start_simu() self.start_simulation = start_simu self.stop_simulation = stop_simu self.reset_simulation = reset_simu def current_simulation_time(robot): return robot._controllers[0].io.get_simulation_current_time() Robot.current_simulation_time = property( lambda robot: current_simulation_time(robot)) def get_object_position(robot, object, relative_to_object=None): return vrep_io.get_object_position(object, relative_to_object) Robot.get_object_position = partial(get_object_position, self) def get_object_orientation(robot, object, relative_to_object=None): return vrep_io.get_object_orientation(object, relative_to_object) Robot.get_object_orientation = partial(get_object_orientation, self)
class Simulator(Observable): def __init__(self, vrep_host='', vrep_port=19997, scene=None, start=False): = VrepIO(vrep_host, vrep_port, scene, start) # vrep.simxFinish(-1) # just in case, close all opened connections # self._clientID = vrep.simxStart('',19997, True, True, 5000, 5) # Connect to V-REP self.robots = [] self.vrep_mode = vrep_mode self.n_robots = 0 self.suffix_to_epuck = {} self.seconds_to_run = 0 self._condition = threading.Condition() self.routine_manager = RoutineManager() self.eatable_objects = [] self.logger = Logger() Observable.__init__(self) def wait(self, seconds): start = while - start < seconds: sleep(0.005) def close(self): self.detach_all_routines() sleep(0.3) def get_object_position(self, object_name): return array( def set_object_position(self, object_name, position): return, position) def add_sphere(self, position, sizes=[0.1, 0.1, 0.1], mass=0.5, eatable=True): name = "Sphere_" + str(len(self.eatable_objects) + 1), position, sizes, mass) if eatable: self.eatable_objects.append(name)"simSetObjectSpecialProperty({}, {})".format(, vrep.sim_objectspecialproperty_detectable_all)) self.n_spheres = len(self.eatable_objects) for robot in self.robots: robot.register_object(name) def start_sphere_apparition(self, period=5., min_pos=[-1., -1., .1], max_pos=[1., 1., 1.]): self.attach_routine(sphere_apparition, freq=1. / period, min_pos=min_pos, max_pos=max_pos) self.attach_routine(eating, freq=4.) self.start_routine(sphere_apparition) self.start_routine(eating) def stop_sphere_apparition(self): self.stop_routine(sphere_apparition) self.stop_routine(eating) def add_log(self, topic, data): self.logger.add(topic, data) def get_log(self, topic): return self.logger.get_log(topic) def _vrep_epuck_suffix(self, num): if num == 0: return "" else: return "#" + str(num - 1) def epuck_from_object_name(self, name): if not name.startswith("ePuck"): return None elif "#" in name: suffix = "#" + name.split("#")[1] else: suffix = "" return self.suffix_to_epuck[suffix] def get_epuck(self, use_proximeters=range(8), verbose=False): suffix = self._vrep_epuck_suffix(self.n_robots) epuck = Epuck(pypot_io=VrepIO(, + self.n_robots + 1), simulator=self, robot_id=self.n_robots, use_proximeters=use_proximeters, suffix=suffix) self.suffix_to_epuck[suffix] = epuck self.robots.append(epuck) self.n_robots += 1 if verbose: print self.robots[-1] return self.robots[-1] def get_epuck_list(self, n_epucks, verbose=False): return [self.get_epuck(verbose=verbose) for _ in range(n_epucks)] def remove_object(self, name):"simxRemoveObject",, sending=True) def attach_routine(self, callback, freq, **kwargs): routine = Routine(self, callback, self._condition, freq, **kwargs) self.routine_manager.attach(routine) def detach_routine(self, callback): self.routine_manager.detach(callback) print "Routine " + callback.__name__ + " detached" def detach_all_routines(self): self.routine_manager.detach_all() def start_routine(self, callback): if self.routine_manager.start(callback): print "Routine " + callback.__name__ + " started" def start_all_routines(self): self.routine_manager.start_all() def stop_routine(self, callback): if self.routine_manager.stop(callback): print "Routine " + callback.__name__ + " stopped" def stop_all_routines(self): self.routine_manager.stop_all() def check_routines(self): self.routine_manager.check()
def __init__(self, portnum, objname, height_threshold, force_threshold=10): """ Initializes the RobotMonitorThread thread :param portnum: Port number on which the VREP remote API is listening on the server (different than the one used to run the main robot simulation) :param objname: Object name which is to be monitored :height_threshold: If the object's height is lower than this value, the robot is considered to have falen """ # Call init of super class Thread.__init__(self) # Setup the log home_dir = os.path.expanduser('~') log('[MON] Monitor started') # Create a VrepIO object using a different port number than the one used to run the main robot simulation # Make sure that the VREP remote api on the server is listening on this port number # Additional ports for listening can be set up on the server side by editing the file remoteApiConnections.txt self.vrepio_obj = VrepIO(vrep_port=portnum) # The object to be monitored self.objname = objname # Threshold for falling self.height_threshold = height_threshold # Threshold for force sensor self.force_threshold = force_threshold # The position of the object self.objpos = None # Initialize the foot sensor forces self.l1 = 0.0 self.l2 = 0.0 self.l3 = 0.0 self.l4 = 0.0 self.l_heel_current = 0.0 self.l_heel_previous = 0.0 self.r1 = 0.0 self.r2 = 0.0 self.r3 = 0.0 self.r4 = 0.0 self.r_heel_current = 0.0 self.r_heel_previous = 0.0 # Lists to hold the foot positions as ('foot type',x,y) tuples self.foot_position = list() # Variable to store average foot step self.avg_footstep = 0.0 # Flag for phase reset self.phase_reset = False # The x,y,z coordinates of the position self.x = None self.y = None self.z = None # The starting time self.start_time = time.time() self.up_time = 0.0 # The average height of the robot self.avg_z = 0.0 # A list to store the height at each second self.z_list = list() # A flag which can stop the thread self.stop_flag = False # Lists to store torso orientations self.torso_orientation_alpha = list() self.torso_orientation_beta = list() self.torso_orientation_gamma = list() # Variables to store the torso orientation variance self.var_torso_orientation_alpha = 0.0 self.var_torso_orientation_beta = 0.0 self.var_torso_orientation_gamma = 0.0 # A flag to indicate if the robot has fallen self.fallen = False
class RobotMonitorThread(Thread): """ Class for monitoring objects in VREP simulator. This class extends the Thread class and will run as in parallel to the main simulation. Only one monitoring thread is enough for monitoring a simulation. """ def __init__(self, portnum, objname, height_threshold, force_threshold=10): """ Initializes the RobotMonitorThread thread :param portnum: Port number on which the VREP remote API is listening on the server (different than the one used to run the main robot simulation) :param objname: Object name which is to be monitored :height_threshold: If the object's height is lower than this value, the robot is considered to have falen """ # Call init of super class Thread.__init__(self) # Setup the log home_dir = os.path.expanduser('~') log('[MON] Monitor started') # Create a VrepIO object using a different port number than the one used to run the main robot simulation # Make sure that the VREP remote api on the server is listening on this port number # Additional ports for listening can be set up on the server side by editing the file remoteApiConnections.txt self.vrepio_obj = VrepIO(vrep_port=portnum) # The object to be monitored self.objname = objname # Threshold for falling self.height_threshold = height_threshold # Threshold for force sensor self.force_threshold = force_threshold # The position of the object self.objpos = None # Initialize the foot sensor forces self.l1 = 0.0 self.l2 = 0.0 self.l3 = 0.0 self.l4 = 0.0 self.l_heel_current = 0.0 self.l_heel_previous = 0.0 self.r1 = 0.0 self.r2 = 0.0 self.r3 = 0.0 self.r4 = 0.0 self.r_heel_current = 0.0 self.r_heel_previous = 0.0 # Lists to hold the foot positions as ('foot type',x,y) tuples self.foot_position = list() # Variable to store average foot step self.avg_footstep = 0.0 # Flag for phase reset self.phase_reset = False # The x,y,z coordinates of the position self.x = None self.y = None self.z = None # The starting time self.start_time = time.time() self.up_time = 0.0 # The average height of the robot self.avg_z = 0.0 # A list to store the height at each second self.z_list = list() # A flag which can stop the thread self.stop_flag = False # Lists to store torso orientations self.torso_orientation_alpha = list() self.torso_orientation_beta = list() self.torso_orientation_gamma = list() # Variables to store the torso orientation variance self.var_torso_orientation_alpha = 0.0 self.var_torso_orientation_beta = 0.0 self.var_torso_orientation_gamma = 0.0 # A flag to indicate if the robot has fallen self.fallen = False # Set up the ROS listener # rospy.init_node('nico_feet_force_listener', anonymous=True) # rospy.Subscriber("/nico_feet_forces", String, force_sensor_callback) def reset_timer(self): self.start_time = time.time() def run(self): """ The monitoring logic is implemented here. The self.objpos is updated at a preset frequency with the latest object positions. :return: None """ while not self.stop_flag: # Update the current position self.objpos = self.vrepio_obj.get_object_position(self.objname) self.x = self.objpos[0] self.y = self.objpos[1] self.z = self.objpos[2] # Update the time self.up_time = time.time() - self.start_time # Append the current height to the height list self.z_list.append(self.z) if self.z < self.height_threshold: # Set the flag which indicates that the robot has fallen self.fallen = True # Calculate the average height self.avg_z = sum(self.z_list) / float(len(self.z_list)) # Update force sensor readings (first index signifies force vector and second index signifies z axis force) self.r1 = self.vrepio_obj.call_remote_api('simxReadForceSensor', self.vrepio_obj.get_object_handle('right_sensor_1'), streaming=True)[1][2] self.r2 = self.vrepio_obj.call_remote_api('simxReadForceSensor', self.vrepio_obj.get_object_handle('right_sensor_2'), streaming=True)[1][2] self.r3 = self.vrepio_obj.call_remote_api('simxReadForceSensor', self.vrepio_obj.get_object_handle('right_sensor_3'), streaming=True)[1][2] self.r4 = self.vrepio_obj.call_remote_api('simxReadForceSensor', self.vrepio_obj.get_object_handle('right_sensor_4'), streaming=True)[1][2] # Average the forces on the right heel self.r_heel_current = (self.r3 + self.r4)/2.0 self.l1 = self.vrepio_obj.call_remote_api('simxReadForceSensor', self.vrepio_obj.get_object_handle('left_sensor_1'), streaming=True)[1][2] self.l2 = self.vrepio_obj.call_remote_api('simxReadForceSensor', self.vrepio_obj.get_object_handle('left_sensor_2'), streaming=True)[1][2] self.l3 = self.vrepio_obj.call_remote_api('simxReadForceSensor', self.vrepio_obj.get_object_handle('left_sensor_3'), streaming=True)[1][2] self.l4 = self.vrepio_obj.call_remote_api('simxReadForceSensor', self.vrepio_obj.get_object_handle('left_sensor_4'), streaming=True)[1][2] # Average the forces on the right heel self.l_heel_current = (self.l3 + self.l4) / 2.0 # Store the foot position if left foot strikes ground if self.l_heel_previous < self.force_threshold <= self.l_heel_current: # Get the position of the left foot left_foot_position = self.vrepio_obj.get_object_position('left_foot_11_respondable') left_foot_position_x = left_foot_position[0] left_foot_position_y = left_foot_position[1] self.foot_position.append(('l', left_foot_position_x, left_foot_position_y)) print('Left foot prev_z_force: {0} curr_z_force: {1}'.format(self.l_heel_previous, self.l_heel_current)) # Store the foot position and do phase reset (if needed) if the right foot strikes the ground if self.r_heel_previous < self.force_threshold <= self.r_heel_current: # Get the position of the left foot right_foot_position = self.vrepio_obj.get_object_position('right_foot_11_respondable') right_foot_position_x = right_foot_position[0] right_foot_position_y = right_foot_position[1] self.foot_position.append(('r', right_foot_position_x, right_foot_position_y)) # Perform phase reset self.phase_reset = True print('**** Resetting phase ****') print('prev_z_force: {0} curr_z_force: {1}'.format(self.r_heel_previous, self.r_heel_current)) else: self.phase_reset = False self.l_heel_previous = self.l_heel_current self.r_heel_previous = self.r_heel_current # Store the current torso orientation self.torso_orientation_alpha.append(self.vrepio_obj.get_object_orientation(self.objname)[0]) self.torso_orientation_beta.append(self.vrepio_obj.get_object_orientation(self.objname)[1]) self.torso_orientation_gamma.append(self.vrepio_obj.get_object_orientation(self.objname)[2]) # Sleep time.sleep(0.1) def calc_var_orientation(self): """ Function to compute the variation in the torso orientations :return: None """ self.var_torso_orientation_alpha = np.var(self.torso_orientation_alpha) self.var_torso_orientation_beta = np.var(self.torso_orientation_beta) self.var_torso_orientation_gamma = np.var(self.torso_orientation_gamma) def calc_avg_footstep(self): # Inspect the foot position list and filter out only alternating types of positions (l,r,l,r,...) # If there are multiple positions of same type (l,l,l,r,l,r,r,r,l,r,l,l,...) consider only the last position of # each type (l1, l2, l3, r1, r2, l4, r3, l5, l6, r3, r4 -> l3, r2, l4, r3, l6, r4) # A list to store the indices of alternating foot positions alternating_indices = list() alternating_indices.append(0) # Find the indices of alternating foot positions for idx in range(len(self.foot_position)): foot_pos = self.foot_position[idx] last_type = self.foot_position[alternating_indices[-1]][0] curr_type = foot_pos[0] if last_type == curr_type: continue else: alternating_indices.append(idx) # This list contains foot positions of alternating feet alternating_foot_positions = [self.foot_position[i] for i in alternating_indices] # Calculate the difference between the alternating foot positions (x-axis) # Each tuple in the list is of the form ('l/r', x-pos, y-pos) foot_step_sizes = [t[1] - s[1] for s, t in zip(alternating_foot_positions, alternating_foot_positions[1:])] # Calculate the average foot step length in the x-direction self.avg_footstep = np.mean([foot for foot in foot_step_sizes]) def stop(self): """ Sets the flag which will stop the thread :return: None """ # Flag to stop the monitoring thread self.stop_flag = True # Close the monitoring vrep connection self.vrepio_obj.close() # Calculate the average foot step size self.calc_avg_footstep() # Calculate the variance of the torso orientation self.calc_var_orientation() # Store the results GaitEvalResult.fallen = self.fallen GaitEvalResult.up_time = self.up_time GaitEvalResult.x = self.x GaitEvalResult.y = abs(self.y) GaitEvalResult.avg_footstep = self.avg_footstep GaitEvalResult.var_torso_orientation_alpha = self.var_torso_orientation_alpha GaitEvalResult.var_torso_orientation_beta = self.var_torso_orientation_beta GaitEvalResult.var_torso_orientation_gamma = self.var_torso_orientation_gamma print 'Fall:{0}, ' \ 'Up_time:{1}, ' \ 'X-distance:{2}, ' \ 'Deviation (mag):{3}, ' \ 'Avg. step length:{4}, ' \ 'Torso orientation variance Alpha-Beta-Gamma:{5}|{6}|{7}'.format(self.fallen, self.up_time, self.x, abs(self.y), self.avg_footstep, self.var_torso_orientation_alpha, self.var_torso_orientation_beta, self.var_torso_orientation_gamma) log('[MON] Monitor finished')
class AcrobotVrepEnv(gym.Env): metadata = {'render.modes': ['human']} def __init__(self): self._seed = None self.max_speed = 10.0 self.max_torque = 0.5 self.dt = .2 self.step_counter = 0 self.time_counter = time.time() # Coordinates of the outer link tip in local (homogeneous) coordinates self.outer_tip_local = np.array([[0.0], [0.0], [-0.1], [1.0]]) # The tip of outer_link should go above this height (z coordinate in the global frame) self.threshold = 0.75 pypot.vrep.close_all_connections() self.vrepio = VrepIO(vrep_host=host, vrep_port=port, scene=scene, start=False) #self.vrepio.call_remote_api('simxSynchronous',True) self.vrepio.start_simulation() print('(AcrobotVrepEnv) initialized') obs = np.array([np.inf] * 4) self.action_space = spaces.Box(low=-self.max_torque, high=self.max_torque, shape=(1, )) self.observation_space = spaces.Box(-obs, obs) def _self_observe(self): self.active_joint_pos = self.vrepio.call_remote_api( 'simxGetJointPosition', self.vrepio.get_object_handle('active_joint'), streaming=True) # VREP Rempte API does not provide a direct function for retrieving joint velocities # Refer to for details self.active_joint_velocity = self.vrepio.call_remote_api( 'simxGetObjectFloatParameter', self.vrepio.get_object_handle('active_joint'), 2012, streaming=True) self.passive_joint_pos = self.vrepio.call_remote_api( 'simxGetJointPosition', self.vrepio.get_object_handle('passive_joint'), streaming=True) # VREP Rempte API does not provide a direct function for retrieving joint velocities # Refer to for details self.passive_joint_velocity = self.vrepio.call_remote_api( 'simxGetObjectFloatParameter', self.vrepio.get_object_handle('passive_joint'), 2012, streaming=True) self.observation = np.array([ self.active_joint_pos, self.active_joint_velocity, self.passive_joint_pos, self.passive_joint_velocity ]).astype('float32') def _render(self, mode='human', close=False): return def _step(self, actions): self.step_counter += 1 # Advance simulation by 1 step #self.vrepio.call_remote_api('simxSynchronousTrigger') actions = np.clip(actions, -self.max_torque, self.max_torque)[0] apply_torque = actions max_vel = 0.0 # If the torque to be applied is negative, change the sign of the max velocity and then apply a positive torque # with the same magnitude if apply_torque < 0.0: max_vel = -self.max_speed apply_torque = -apply_torque else: max_vel = self.max_speed # step # Set the target velocity self.vrepio.call_remote_api( 'simxSetJointTargetVelocity', self.vrepio.get_object_handle('active_joint'), max_vel, sending=True) # Set the torque of active_joint self.vrepio.call_remote_api( 'simxSetJointForce', self.vrepio.get_object_handle('active_joint'), apply_torque, sending=True) # observe again self._self_observe() # cost # If the tip of the outer link is below threshold then reward is -1 else 0 # First get the position of the outer link frame x, y, z = self.vrepio.call_remote_api( 'simxGetObjectPosition', self.vrepio.get_object_handle('outer_link'), -1, streaming=True) # Then calculate the orientation of the outer link frame in Euler angles a, b, g = self.vrepio.call_remote_api( 'simxGetObjectOrientation', self.vrepio.get_object_handle('outer_link'), -1, streaming=True) # Compute the homogeneous rotation matrix rot_mat = euler_matrix(a, b, g) # Insert the position rot_mat[0][3] = x rot_mat[1][3] = y rot_mat[2][3] = z # The outer tip of outer_link is at coordinate (0,0,-0.1) in the local frame # Convert this into a position in the global frame tip_global =, self.outer_tip_local) # Consider the height (z-coordinate) of the tip in the global frame tip_height_global = tip_global[2][0] # If this height is above the threshold then reward is 0 else -1 # If height is above threshold, terminate episode terminal = False if tip_height_global >= self.threshold: terminal = True print '=================================== Reached threshold ===================================' reward = 0 else: reward = -1 time.sleep(self.dt) return self.observation, reward, terminal, {} def _reset(self): self.vrepio.stop_simulation() print 'Reset called ######################' print 'Duration of episode: {}'.format(time.time() - self.time_counter) self.time_counter = time.time() print 'Number of steps in episode: {}'.format(self.step_counter) self.step_counter = 0 # Try self.vrepio.call_remote_api('simxStopSimulation',remote_api.simx_opmode_blocking) pypot.vrep.close_all_connections() self.vrepio = VrepIO(vrep_host=host, vrep_port=port, scene=scene, start=False) # self.vrepio.call_remote_api('simxSynchronous',True) self.vrepio.start_simulation() self._self_observe() return self.observation def _destroy(self): self.vrepio.stop_simulation()
class Simulator(Observable): def __init__(self, vrep_host='', vrep_port=19997, scene=None, start=False): = VrepIO(vrep_host, vrep_port, scene, start) # vrep.simxFinish(-1) # just in case, close all opened connections # self._clientID = vrep.simxStart('',19997, True, True, 5000, 5) # Connect to V-REP self.robots = [] self.vrep_mode = vrep_mode self.n_robots = 0 self.suffix_to_epuck = {} self.seconds_to_run = 0 self._condition = threading.Condition() self.routine_manager = RoutineManager() self.eatable_objects = [] self.logger = Logger() Observable.__init__(self) def wait(self, seconds): start = while - start < seconds: sleep(0.005) def close(self): self.detach_all_routines() sleep(0.3) def get_object_position(self, object_name): return array( def set_object_position(self, object_name, position): return, position) def add_sphere(self, position, sizes=[0.1, 0.1, 0.1], mass=0.5, eatable=True): name = "Sphere_" + str(len(self.eatable_objects) + 1), position, sizes, mass) if eatable: self.eatable_objects.append(name)"simSetObjectSpecialProperty({}, {})".format(, vrep.sim_objectspecialproperty_detectable_all)) self.n_spheres = len(self.eatable_objects) for robot in self.robots: robot.register_object(name) def start_sphere_apparition(self, period=5., min_pos=[-1., -1., .1], max_pos=[1., 1., 1.]): self.attach_routine(sphere_apparition, freq=1./period, min_pos=min_pos, max_pos=max_pos) self.attach_routine(eating, freq=4.) self.start_routine(sphere_apparition) self.start_routine(eating) def stop_sphere_apparition(self): self.stop_routine(sphere_apparition) self.stop_routine(eating) def add_log(self, topic, data): self.logger.add(topic, data) def get_log(self, topic): return self.logger.get_log(topic) def _vrep_epuck_suffix(self, num): if num == 0: return "" else: return "#" + str(num - 1) def epuck_from_object_name(self, name): if not name.startswith("ePuck"): return None elif "#" in name: suffix = "#" + name.split("#")[1] else: suffix = "" return self.suffix_to_epuck[suffix] def get_epuck(self, use_proximeters=range(8), verbose=False): suffix = self._vrep_epuck_suffix(self.n_robots) epuck = Epuck(pypot_io=VrepIO(, + self.n_robots + 1), simulator=self, robot_id=self.n_robots, use_proximeters=use_proximeters, suffix=suffix) self.suffix_to_epuck[suffix] = epuck self.robots.append(epuck) self.n_robots += 1 if verbose: print self.robots[-1] return self.robots[-1] def get_epuck_list(self, n_epucks, verbose=False): return [self.get_epuck(verbose=verbose) for _ in range(n_epucks)] def remove_object(self, name):"simxRemoveObject",, sending=True) def attach_routine(self,callback, freq, **kwargs): routine = Routine(self, callback, self._condition, freq, **kwargs) self.routine_manager.attach(routine) def detach_routine(self, callback): self.routine_manager.detach(callback) print "Routine " + callback.__name__ + " detached" def detach_all_routines(self): self.routine_manager.detach_all() def start_routine(self, callback): if self.routine_manager.start(callback): print "Routine " + callback.__name__ + " started" def start_all_routines(self): self.routine_manager.start_all() def stop_routine(self, callback): if self.routine_manager.stop(callback): print "Routine " + callback.__name__ + " stopped" def stop_all_routines(self): self.routine_manager.stop_all() def check_routines(self): self.routine_manager.check()
class RobotMonitorThread(Thread): """ Class for monitoring objects in VREP simulator. This class extends the Thread class and will run as in parallel to the main simulation. Only one monitoring thread is enough for monitoring a simulation. """ def __init__(self, portnum, objname, height_threshold): """ Initializes the RobotMonitorThread thread :param portnum: Port number on which the VREP remote API is listening on the server (different than the one used to run the main robot simulation) :param objname: Object name which is to be monitored :height_threshold: If the object's height is lower than this value, the robot is considered to have falen """ # Call init of super class Thread.__init__(self) # Create a VrepIO object using a different port number than the one used to run the main robot simulation # Make sure that the VREP remote api on the server is listening on this port number # Additional ports for listening can be set up on the server side by editing the file remoteApiConnections.txt self.vrepio_obj = VrepIO(vrep_port=portnum) # The object to be monitored self.objname = objname # Threshold for falling self.height_threshold = height_threshold # The position of the object self.objpos = None # The x,y,z coordinates of the position self.x = None self.y = None self.z = None # The orientation of the body self.torso_euler_angles = None # The starting time self.start_time = time.time() self.up_time = 0.0 # The average height of the robot self.avg_z = 0.0 # A list to store the height at each second self.z_list = list() # A flag which can stop the thread self.stop_flag = False # A flag to indicate if the robot has fallen self.fallen = False # Set up the ROS listener # rospy.init_node('nico_feet_force_listener', anonymous=True) # rospy.Subscriber("/nico_feet_forces", String, force_sensor_callback) def reset_timer(self): self.start_time = time.time() def run(self): """ The monitoring logic is implemented here. The self.objpos is updated at a preset frequency with the latest object positions. :return: None """ while not self.stop_flag: # Update the current position self.objpos = self.vrepio_obj.get_object_position(self.objname) self.x = self.objpos[0] self.y = self.objpos[1] self.z = self.objpos[2] self.torso_euler_angles = self.vrepio_obj.call_remote_api( 'simxGetObjectOrientation', self.vrepio_obj.get_object_handle('torso_11_respondable'), -1, # Orientation needed with respect to world frame streaming=True) # Update the time self.up_time = time.time() - self.start_time # Append the current height to the height list self.z_list.append(self.z) if self.z < self.height_threshold: # Set the flag which indicates that the robot has fallen self.fallen = True # Calculate the average height self.avg_z = sum(self.z_list) / float(len(self.z_list)) # Sleep time.sleep(0.1) def stop(self): """ Sets the flag which will stop the thread :return: None """ # Flag to stop the monitoring thread self.stop_flag = True # Close the monitoring vrep connection self.vrepio_obj.close()
class RobotMonitorThread(Thread): """ Class for monitoring objects in VREP simulator. This class extends the Thread class and will run as in parallel to the main simulation. Only one monitoring thread is enough for monitoring a simulation. """ def __init__(self, portnum, objname, height_threshold, force_threshold=10): """ Initializes the RobotMonitorThread thread :param portnum: Port number on which the VREP remote API is listening on the server (different than the one used to run the main robot simulation) :param objname: Object name which is to be monitored :height_threshold: If the object's height is lower than this value, the robot is considered to have falen """ # Call init of super class Thread.__init__(self) # Create a VrepIO object using a different port number than the one used to run the main robot simulation # Make sure that the VREP remote api on the server is listening on this port number # Additional ports for listening can be set up on the server side by editing the file remoteApiConnections.txt self.vrepio_obj = VrepIO(vrep_port=portnum) # The object to be monitored self.objname = objname # Threshold for falling self.height_threshold = height_threshold # Threshold for force sensor self.force_threshold = force_threshold # The position of the object self.objpos = None # Initialize the forces self.r1 = 0.0 self.r2 = 0.0 self.r3 = 0.0 self.r4 = 0.0 self.r_heel_current = 0.0 self.r_heel_previous = 0.0 # Flag for phase reset self.phase_reset = False # The x,y,z coordinates of the position self.x = None self.y = None self.z = None # The starting time self.start_time = time.time() self.up_time = 0.0 # The average height of the robot self.avg_z = 0.0 # A list to store the height at each second self.z_list = list() # A flag which can stop the thread self.stop_flag = False # A flag to indicate if the robot has fallen self.fallen = False # Set up the ROS listener # rospy.init_node('nico_feet_force_listener', anonymous=True) # rospy.Subscriber("/nico_feet_forces", String, force_sensor_callback) def reset_timer(self): self.start_time = time.time() def run(self): """ The monitoring logic is implemented here. The self.objpos is updated at a preset frequency with the latest object positions. :return: None """ while not self.stop_flag: # Update the current position self.objpos = self.vrepio_obj.get_object_position(self.objname) self.x = self.objpos[0] self.y = self.objpos[1] self.z = self.objpos[2] # Update the time self.up_time = time.time() - self.start_time # Append the current height to the height list self.z_list.append(self.z) if self.z < self.height_threshold: # Set the flag which indicates that the robot has fallen self.fallen = True # Calculate the average height self.avg_z = sum(self.z_list) / float(len(self.z_list)) # Update force sensor readings (first index signifies force vector and second index signifies z axis force) self.r1 = self.vrepio_obj.call_remote_api( 'simxReadForceSensor', self.vrepio_obj.get_object_handle('right_sensor_1'), streaming=True)[1][2] self.r2 = self.vrepio_obj.call_remote_api( 'simxReadForceSensor', self.vrepio_obj.get_object_handle('right_sensor_2'), streaming=True)[1][2] self.r3 = self.vrepio_obj.call_remote_api( 'simxReadForceSensor', self.vrepio_obj.get_object_handle('right_sensor_3'), streaming=True)[1][2] self.r4 = self.vrepio_obj.call_remote_api( 'simxReadForceSensor', self.vrepio_obj.get_object_handle('right_sensor_4'), streaming=True)[1][2] # Average the forces on the right heel self.r_heel_current = (self.r3 + self.r4) / 2.0 if self.r_heel_previous < self.force_threshold <= self.r_heel_current: self.phase_reset = True print('**** Resetting phase ****') print('prev_z_force: {0} curr_z_force: {1}'.format( self.r_heel_previous, self.r_heel_current)) else: self.phase_reset = False self.r_heel_previous = self.r_heel_current # Sleep time.sleep(0.1) def stop(self): """ Sets the flag which will stop the thread :return: None """ # Flag to stop the monitoring thread self.stop_flag = True # Close the monitoring vrep connection self.vrepio_obj.close()