Beispiel #1
def main():
    """py_pRF_mapping entry point."""
    # Get list of input arguments (without first one, which is the path to the
    # function that is called):  --NOTE: This is another way of accessing
    # input arguments, but since we use 'argparse' it is redundant.
    # lstArgs = sys.argv[1:]
    strWelcome = 'PyPRF ' + __version__
    strDec = '=' * len(strWelcome)
    print(strDec + '\n' + strWelcome + '\n' + strDec)

    # Create parser object:
    objParser = argparse.ArgumentParser()

    # Add argument to namespace - config file path:
                           help='Absolute file path of config file with \
                                 parameters for pRF analysis. Ignored if in \
                                 testing mode.')

    # # Add argument to namespace - test flag:
    # objParser.add_argument('-test',
    #                        action='store_true',
    #                        help='Whether to run a test with pytest.'
    #                        )

    # Namespace object containign arguments and values:
    objNspc = objParser.parse_args()

    # # Get test flag from argument parser ('True' if the '-test' flag is
    # # provided, otherwise 'False'):
    # lgcTest = objNspc.test

    # if lgcTest:

    #     print('Test mode initiated...')

    #     # Path of config file for tests:
    #     strCsvCnfg = (strDir + '/testing/config_testing.csv')

    #     # Signal test mode to lower functions:
    #     lgcTest = True

    # else:

    # Get path of config file from argument parser:
    strCsvCnfg = objNspc.config

    # Print info if no config argument is provided.
    if strCsvCnfg is None:
        print('Please provide the file path to a config file, e.g.:')
        print('   pyprf -config /path/to/my_config_file.csv')


        # Signal non-test mode to lower functions (needed for pytest):
        lgcTest = False

        # Call to main function, to invoke pRF analysis:
        pyprf(strCsvCnfg, lgcTest)
Beispiel #2
def test_main():
    """Run main pyprf function and compare results with template."""
    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # *** Preparations

    # Decimal places to round before comparing template and test results:
    varRnd = 3

    # Load template result:
    aryTmplR2, _, _ = util.load_nii((strDir + '/exmpl_data_results_R2.nii.gz'))

    # Round template reults:
    aryTmplR2 = np.around(aryTmplR2.astype(np.float32), decimals=varRnd)
    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # *** Test numpy version

    # Path of config file for tests:
    strCsvCnfgNp = (strDir + '/config_testing_numpy.csv')

    # Call main pyprf function:
    pyprf_main.pyprf(strCsvCnfgNp, lgcTest=True)

    # Load result:
    aryTestNpR2, _, _ = util.load_nii(
        (strDir + '/result/' + 'pRF_test_results_np_R2.nii.gz'))

    # Round test results:
    aryTestNpR2 = np.around(aryTestNpR2.astype(np.float32), decimals=varRnd)

    # Test whether the template and test results correspond:
    lgcTestNp = np.all(np.equal(aryTmplR2, aryTestNpR2))
    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # *** Test cython version

    # Path of config file for tests:
    strCsvCnfgCy = (strDir + '/config_testing_cython.csv')

    # Call main pyprf function:
    pyprf_main.pyprf(strCsvCnfgCy, lgcTest=True)

    # Load result:
    aryTestCyR2, _, _ = util.load_nii(
        (strDir + '/result/' + 'pRF_test_results_cy_R2.nii.gz'))

    # Round test results:
    aryTestCyR2 = np.around(aryTestCyR2.astype(np.float32), decimals=varRnd)

    # Test whether the template and test results correspond:
    lgcTestCy = np.all(np.equal(aryTmplR2, aryTestCyR2))
    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # *** Test tensorflow version

    # Path of config file for tests:
    strCsvCnfgTf = (strDir + '/config_testing_tensorflow.csv')

    # Call main pyprf function:
    pyprf_main.pyprf(strCsvCnfgTf, lgcTest=True)

    # Load result:
    aryTestTfR2, _, _ = util.load_nii(
        (strDir + '/result/' + 'pRF_test_results_tf_R2.nii.gz'))

    # Round test results:
    aryTestTfR2 = np.around(aryTestTfR2.astype(np.float32), decimals=varRnd)

    # Test whether the template and test results correspond:
    lgcTestTf = np.all(np.equal(aryTmplR2, aryTestTfR2))
    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------

    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # *** Clean up

    # Path of directory with results:
    strDirRes = strDir + '/result/'

    # Get list of files in results directory:
    lstFls = [f for f in os.listdir(strDirRes) if isfile(join(strDirRes, f))]

    # Delete results of test:
    for strTmp in lstFls:
        if '.nii' in strTmp:
            # print(strTmp)
            os.remove((strDirRes + '/' + strTmp))
        elif '.npy' in strTmp:
            # print(strTmp)
            os.remove((strDirRes + '/' + strTmp))
    # --------------------------------------------------------------------------

    assert (lgcTestNp and lgcTestCy and lgcTestTf)
Beispiel #3
def test_main():
    """Run main pyprf function and compare results with template."""
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # *** Preparations

    # Decimal places to round before comparing template and test results:
    varRnd = 3

    # Load template result - R2:
    aryTmplR2, _, _ = util.load_nii((strDir + '/exmpl_data_results_R2.nii.gz'))

    # Load template result - eccentricity:
    aryTmplEcc, _, _ = util.load_nii(
        (strDir + '/exmpl_data_results_eccentricity.nii.gz'))

    # Load template result - polar angle:
    aryTmplPol, _, _ = util.load_nii(
        (strDir + '/exmpl_data_results_polar_angle.nii.gz'))

    # Load template result - SD:
    aryTmplSd, _, _ = util.load_nii((strDir + '/exmpl_data_results_SD.nii.gz'))

    # Load template result - parameter estimate condition 1:
    aryTmplPe01, _, _ = util.load_nii(
        (strDir + '/exmpl_data_results_PE_01.nii.gz'))

    # Load template result - parameter estimate condition 2:
    aryTmplPe02, _, _ = util.load_nii(
        (strDir + '/exmpl_data_results_PE_02.nii.gz'))

    # Round template reults:
    aryTmplR2 = np.around(aryTmplR2, decimals=varRnd).astype(np.float32)
    aryTmplEcc = np.around(aryTmplEcc, decimals=varRnd).astype(np.float32)
    aryTmplPol = np.around(aryTmplPol, decimals=varRnd).astype(np.float32)
    aryTmplSd = np.around(aryTmplSd, decimals=varRnd).astype(np.float32)
    aryTmplPe01 = np.around(aryTmplPe01, decimals=varRnd).astype(np.float32)
    aryTmplPe02 = np.around(aryTmplPe02, decimals=varRnd).astype(np.float32)

    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # *** Test pyprf main pipeline

    # Test numpy, cython, and tensorflow version. List with version
    # abbreviations:
    lstVrsn = ['np', 'cy', 'cy_hdf5']  # 'np_hdf5'

    # Path of config file for tests (version abbreviation left open):
    strCsvCnfg = (strDir + '/config_testing_{}.csv')

    for strVrsn in lstVrsn:

        # Call main pyprf function:
        pyprf_main.pyprf(strCsvCnfg.format(strVrsn), lgcTest=True)

        # Load result - R2:
        aryTestR2, _, _ = util.load_nii(
            (strDir + '/result/' +

        # Load result - eccentricity:
        aryTestEcc, _, _ = util.load_nii(
            (strDir + '/result/' +

        # Load result - polar angle:
        aryTestPol, _, _ = util.load_nii(
            (strDir + '/result/' +

        # Load result - SD:
        aryTestSd, _, _ = util.load_nii(
            (strDir + '/result/' +

        # Load result - parameter estimate condition 1:
        aryTestlPe01, _, _ = util.load_nii(
            (strDir + '/result/' +

        # Load result - parameter estimate condition 2:
        aryTestlPe02, _, _ = util.load_nii(
            (strDir + '/result/' +

        # Round test results:
        aryTestR2 = np.around(aryTestR2, decimals=varRnd).astype(np.float32)
        aryTestEcc = np.around(aryTestEcc, decimals=varRnd).astype(np.float32)
        aryTestPol = np.around(aryTestPol, decimals=varRnd).astype(np.float32)
        aryTestSd = np.around(aryTestSd, decimals=varRnd).astype(np.float32)
        aryTestlPe01 = np.around(aryTestlPe01,
        aryTestlPe02 = np.around(aryTestlPe02,

        # Test whether the template and test results correspond:
        # print('np.max(np.abs(np.subtract(aryTmplR2, aryTestR2)))')
        # print(np.max(np.abs(np.subtract(aryTmplR2, aryTestR2))))
        lgcTestR2 = np.all(np.equal(aryTmplR2, aryTestR2))
        lgcTestEcc = np.all(np.equal(aryTmplEcc, aryTestEcc))
        lgcTestPol = np.all(np.equal(aryTmplPol, aryTestPol))
        lgcTestSd = np.all(np.equal(aryTmplSd, aryTestSd))
        lgcTestPe01 = np.all(np.equal(aryTmplPe01, aryTestlPe01))
        lgcTestPe02 = np.all(np.equal(aryTmplPe02, aryTestlPe02))

        # Did version pass the test?
        assert lgcTestR2
        assert lgcTestEcc
        assert lgcTestPol
        assert lgcTestSd
        assert lgcTestPe01
        assert lgcTestPe02

    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # *** Clean up testing results

    # Path of directory with results:
    strDirRes = strDir + '/result/'

    # Get list of files in results directory:
    lstFls = [f for f in os.listdir(strDirRes) if isfile(join(strDirRes, f))]

    # Delete results of test:
    for strTmp in lstFls:
        if '.nii' in strTmp:
            # print(strTmp)
            os.remove((strDirRes + '/' + strTmp))
        elif '.npy' in strTmp:
            # print(strTmp)
            os.remove((strDirRes + '/' + strTmp))
        elif '.hdf5' in strTmp:
            # print(strTmp)
            os.remove((strDirRes + '/' + strTmp))

    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # *** Clean up intermediate results (hdf5 files)

    # Path of directory with time courses converted to hdf5:
    strDirRes = strDir + '/'

    # Get list of files in results directory:
    lstFls = [f for f in os.listdir(strDirRes) if isfile(join(strDirRes, f))]

    # Delete results of test:
    for strTmp in lstFls:
        if '.hdf5' in strTmp:
            # print(strTmp)
            os.remove((strDirRes + '/' + strTmp))