Beispiel #1
def array(space, w_object, w_dtype=None, copy=True, w_order=None, subok=False,
    from pypy.module.micronumpy import strides

    # for anything that isn't already an array, try __array__ method first
    if not isinstance(w_object, W_NDimArray):
        w___array__ = space.lookup(w_object, "__array__")
        if w___array__ is not None:
            if space.is_none(w_dtype):
                w_dtype = space.w_None
            w_array = space.get_and_call_function(w___array__, w_object, w_dtype)
            if isinstance(w_array, W_NDimArray):
                # feed w_array back into array() for other properties
                return array(space, w_array, w_dtype, False, w_order, subok, ndmin)
                raise oefmt(space.w_ValueError,
                            "object __array__ method not producing an array")

    dtype = descriptor.decode_w_dtype(space, w_dtype)

    if space.is_none(w_order):
        order = 'C'
        order = space.str_w(w_order)
        if order == 'K':
            order = 'C'
        if order != 'C':  # or order != 'F':
            raise oefmt(space.w_ValueError, "Unknown order: %s", order)

    # arrays with correct dtype
    if isinstance(w_object, W_NDimArray) and \
            (space.is_none(w_dtype) or w_object.get_dtype() is dtype):
        shape = w_object.get_shape()
        if copy:
            w_ret = w_object.descr_copy(space)
            if ndmin <= len(shape):
                return w_object
            new_impl = w_object.implementation.set_shape(space, w_object, shape)
            w_ret = W_NDimArray(new_impl)
        if ndmin > len(shape):
            shape = [1] * (ndmin - len(shape)) + shape
            w_ret.implementation = w_ret.implementation.set_shape(space,
                                                                  w_ret, shape)
        return w_ret

    # not an array or incorrect dtype
    shape, elems_w = strides.find_shape_and_elems(space, w_object, dtype)
    if dtype is None or (dtype.is_str_or_unicode() and dtype.elsize < 1):
        dtype = strides.find_dtype_for_seq(space, elems_w, dtype)
        if dtype is None:
            dtype = descriptor.get_dtype_cache(space).w_float64dtype
        elif dtype.is_str_or_unicode() and dtype.elsize < 1:
            # promote S0 -> S1, U0 -> U1
            dtype = descriptor.variable_dtype(space, dtype.char + '1')

    if ndmin > len(shape):
        shape = [1] * (ndmin - len(shape)) + shape
    w_arr = W_NDimArray.from_shape(space, shape, dtype, order=order)
    if len(elems_w) == 1:
        w_arr.set_scalar_value(dtype.coerce(space, elems_w[0]))
        loop.assign(space, w_arr, elems_w)
    return w_arr