Beispiel #1
 def __init__(self, numberProvider, constr, on_corner_change, sizeProvider, corner=RectAnchors.LeftTop, style=None):
     NumberItem.__init__(self, numberProvider, constr, style)
     self.corner = corner
     self._change_trigger_ = on_corner_change
     self.scaleFactor = 1.0
     self.sizeProvider = sizeProvider
     self.dragCount = QPointF()
Beispiel #2
    def setRect(self, x, y, w, h):
        # if self.x == x and self.y == y and self.width == w and self.height == h:
        #     return
        if w <= 0 or h <= 0:

        min = self.constr(QPointF(x, y))
        max = self.constr(QPointF(x + w, y + h))

        self.size = QSizeF(max.x() - min.x(), max.y() - min.y())

        self.arrows[0].setPos(0, self.height / 2)
        self.arrows[1].setPos(self.width, self.height / 2)
        self.arrows[2].setPos(self.width / 2, 0)
        self.arrows[3].setPos(self.width / 2, self.height)

        self.posHandle.setPos(self.size.width() / 2, self.size.height() / 2)

        x = min.x()
        y = min.y()

        # #force redraw by chaning position
        # if self.x == x and self.y == y:
        #     self.setPos(x-1, y-1)
        #     self.setPos(x, y)
        # else:
        self.setPos(x, y)

Beispiel #3
 def applyDrag(self, items):
     if self.dragging and self.dir:
         bigDelta = self.pos - self.start
         delta = self.pos - self.posPrev
         delta = QPointF(delta.x(), 0) if self.dir == 1 else QPointF(
             0, delta.y())
         for item in self.dragging:
             item.dragMove(delta, bigDelta)
Beispiel #4
    def dragMove(self, delta, totalDelta):
        d = delta

        if self.dragCount.x() == self.dragCount.y():
            horizontal = abs(d.x()) > abs(d.y())
            horizontal = abs(self.dragCount.x()) > abs(self.dragCount.y())

        self.dragCount = self.dragCount + d
        drag = self.dragCount.x() if horizontal else self.dragCount.y()
        corner = None

        # treshhold = AnchoredNumberItem.dragStrength * self.scaleFactor #abs(totalDelta.x()) if horizontal else abs(totalDelta.y()) #
        # treshhold = treshhold * AnchoredNumberItem.dragStrength

        treshold = self.sizeProvider().width()/2 if horizontal else self.sizeProvider().height()/2
        # print drag, treshold

        if horizontal and drag > treshold:
            corner = RectAnchors.toRight(self.corner)
            self.dragCount = QPointF()
        elif horizontal and drag < -treshold:
            corner = RectAnchors.toLeft(self.corner)
            self.dragCount = QPointF()
        elif not horizontal and drag > treshold:
            corner = RectAnchors.toBottom(self.corner)
            self.dragCount = QPointF()
        elif not horizontal and drag < -treshold:
            corner = RectAnchors.toUp(self.corner)
            self.dragCount = QPointF()

        if corner is not None:
            self.corner = corner
            # print "Corner changed", corner
Beispiel #5
    def __init__(self, imageUrl=None):
        self.imgItem = None
        self.gridLines = []
        self.gridXShift = 0
        self.gridYShift = 0

        self.posConstraint = PosConstraint(0)

        self.pressPos = None
        self.draggingItems = dict()
        self.recentPos = QPointF()

        if imageUrl:

        self.userItems = []

        self.dragStyles = [DefaultDrag(), DuplicateDrag(self)]

        self.activeDragStyle = None

        self.dragItems = []

        self._is_pick_enabled_ = True

        self.editedItem = None

        self.pressEvent = False
        self.dragStarted = False
Beispiel #6
 def __init__(self, numberProvider, constr, style=None):
     ItemBase.__init__(self, style if style else makeStyle())
     self.setFlag(QGraphicsItem.ItemIsSelectable, True)
     self.setFlag(QGraphicsItem.ItemSendsGeometryChanges, True)
     self.number = numberProvider.nextNumber()
     self.numberProvider = numberProvider
     self.size = 30
     self.fontSize = 14
     self.margin = 0
     self.constr = constr
     self.startPoint = QPointF()
Beispiel #7
    def __init__(self, initialPointProvider, on_drag, w=12, h=12, style=None):
        ItemBase.__init__(self, style if style else makeHandleStyle())
        self.w = w
        self.h = h
        self.initProvider = initialPointProvider
        self.on_drag = on_drag
        self.setFlag(QGraphicsItem.ItemIsSelectable, True)
        # self.setFlag(QGraphicsItem.ITem)
        self.startPoint = QPointF()

        self.translation = QTransform()
        self.scale = QTransform()
Beispiel #8
class AnchoredNumberItem(NumberItem):

    dragStrength = 3

    def __init__(self, numberProvider, constr, on_corner_change, sizeProvider, corner=RectAnchors.LeftTop, style=None):
        NumberItem.__init__(self, numberProvider, constr, style)
        self.corner = corner
        self._change_trigger_ = on_corner_change
        self.scaleFactor = 1.0
        self.sizeProvider = sizeProvider
        self.dragCount = QPointF()

    def setSizeScale(self, scale):
        self.scaleFactor = 1.0 * scale

    def dragStart(self, startPoint):
        print 'clearing drag value'
        self.dragCount = QPointF()

    def dragMove(self, delta, totalDelta):
        d = delta

        if self.dragCount.x() == self.dragCount.y():
            horizontal = abs(d.x()) > abs(d.y())
            horizontal = abs(self.dragCount.x()) > abs(self.dragCount.y())

        self.dragCount = self.dragCount + d
        drag = self.dragCount.x() if horizontal else self.dragCount.y()
        corner = None

        # treshhold = AnchoredNumberItem.dragStrength * self.scaleFactor #abs(totalDelta.x()) if horizontal else abs(totalDelta.y()) #
        # treshhold = treshhold * AnchoredNumberItem.dragStrength

        treshold = self.sizeProvider().width()/2 if horizontal else self.sizeProvider().height()/2
        # print drag, treshold

        if horizontal and drag > treshold:
            corner = RectAnchors.toRight(self.corner)
            self.dragCount = QPointF()
        elif horizontal and drag < -treshold:
            corner = RectAnchors.toLeft(self.corner)
            self.dragCount = QPointF()
        elif not horizontal and drag > treshold:
            corner = RectAnchors.toBottom(self.corner)
            self.dragCount = QPointF()
        elif not horizontal and drag < -treshold:
            corner = RectAnchors.toUp(self.corner)
            self.dragCount = QPointF()

        if corner is not None:
            self.corner = corner
            # print "Corner changed", corner
Beispiel #9
    def positionOnRect(rect, anchor):
        if anchor == RectAnchors.LeftTop:
            return QPointF(rect.x(), rect.y())
        elif anchor == RectAnchors.CenterTop:
            return QPointF(rect.x()+rect.width()/2, rect.y())
        elif anchor == RectAnchors.RightTop:
            return QPointF(rect.x()+rect.width(), rect.y())
        elif anchor == RectAnchors.RightCenter:
            return QPointF(rect.x()+rect.width(), rect.y()+rect.height()/2)
        elif anchor == RectAnchors.RightBottom:
            return QPointF(rect.x()+rect.width(), rect.y()+rect.height())
        elif anchor == RectAnchors.CenterBottom:
            return QPointF(rect.x()+rect.width()/2, rect.y()+rect.height())
        elif anchor == RectAnchors.LeftBottom:
            return QPointF(rect.x(), rect.y()+rect.height())
        elif anchor == RectAnchors.LeftCenter:
            return QPointF(rect.x(), rect.y()+rect.height()/2)

        raise Exception('Anchor value should be 0-7')
Beispiel #10
    def outDir(anchor):
        import numpy as np

        if anchor == RectAnchors.LeftTop:
            return QPointF(-np.sqrt(2)/2, -np.sqrt(2)/2)
        elif anchor == RectAnchors.CenterTop:
            return QPointF(0, -1)
        elif anchor == RectAnchors.RightTop:
            return QPointF(np.sqrt(2)/2, -np.sqrt(2)/2)
        elif anchor == RectAnchors.RightCenter:
            return QPointF(1, 0)
        elif anchor == RectAnchors.RightBottom:
            return QPointF(np.sqrt(2)/2, np.sqrt(2)/2)
        elif anchor == RectAnchors.CenterBottom:
            return QPointF(0, 1)
        elif anchor == RectAnchors.LeftBottom:
            return QPointF(-np.sqrt(2)/2, np.sqrt(2)/2)
        elif anchor == RectAnchors.LeftCenter:
            return QPointF(-1, 0)

        raise Exception('Anchor value should be 0-7')
Beispiel #11
 def dragStart(self, startPoint):
     print 'clearing drag value'
     self.dragCount = QPointF()
Beispiel #12
 def __init__(self):
     self.start = QPointF()
     self.pos = QPointF()
     self.posPrev = QPointF()
     self.startItemsPosition = dict()
Beispiel #13
 def __call__(self, pnt):
     if self.spacing == 0:
         return pnt
     return QPointF(self.round(pnt.x(), self.xShift),
                    self.round(pnt.y(), self.yShift))