def _refresh_editor_and_scrollbars(self):
        Refrehes editor content and scollbars.

        We generate a fake resize event to refresh scroll bar.

        We have the same problem as described here: and we apply the same solution
        (don't worry, there is no visual effect, the editor does not grow up
        at all, even with a value = 500)
        s = self.editor.size()
        s.setWidth(s.width() + 1)
        self.editor.resizeEvent(QtGui.QResizeEvent(self.editor.size(), s))
    def focusInEvent(self, event):
        Overrides focusInEvent to emits the focused_in signal

        :param event: QFocusEvent
        # fix a visual bug if the editor was resized while being hidden (
        # e.g. a dock # widget has been resized and some editors were in a
        # tab widget. Non visible editor have a visual bug where horizontal
        # scroll bar range
        s = self.size()
        s.setWidth(s.width() + 1)
        self.resizeEvent(QtGui.QResizeEvent(self.size(), s))

        super(CodeEdit, self).focusInEvent(event)