def pan(self, dx, dy, dz, relative=False): """ Moves the center (look-at) position while holding the camera in place. If relative=True, then the coordinates are interpreted such that x if in the global xy plane and points to the right side of the view, y is in the global xy plane and orthogonal to x, and z points in the global z direction. Distances are scaled roughly such that a value of 1.0 moves by one pixel on screen. """ if not relative: self.opts['center'] += QtGui.QVector3D(dx, dy, dz) else: azim = self.opts['azimuth']*np.pi/180.0 fov = self.opts['fov']*np.pi/180.0 dist = self.opts['distance'] # How wide in the world's unit of length is the viewport divided by # the pixel width of the viewport. This will become small when the # world is tiny, and big when it is big. scale = 2*dist*np.tan(0.5*fov)/self.width() e_x = -scale*Vector(-np.sin(azim), np.cos(azim), 0) e_y = -scale*Vector( np.cos(azim), np.sin(azim), 0) e_z = scale*Vector( 0, 0, 1) self.opts['center'] += e_x*dx + e_y*dy + e_z*dz self.opts['center'] = Vector(self.opts['center']) self.update()
def pan(self, dx, dy, dz, relative='global'): """ Moves the center (look-at) position while holding the camera in place. ============== ======================================================= **Arguments:** *dx* Distance to pan in x direction *dy* Distance to pan in y direction *dx* Distance to pan in z direction *relative* String that determines the direction of dx,dy,dz. If "global", then the global coordinate system is used. If "view", then the z axis is aligned with the view direction, and x and y axes are inthe plane of the view: +x points right, +y points up. If "view-upright", then x is in the global xy plane and points to the right side of the view, y is in the global xy plane and orthogonal to x, and z points in the global z direction. ============== ======================================================= Distances are scaled roughly such that a value of 1.0 moves by one pixel on screen. Prior to version 0.11, *relative* was expected to be either True (x-aligned) or False (global). These values are deprecated but still recognized. """ # for backward compatibility: relative = {True: "view-upright", False: "global"}.get(relative, relative) if relative == 'global': self.opts['center'] += QtGui.QVector3D(dx, dy, dz) elif relative == 'view-upright': cPos = self.cameraPosition() cVec = self.opts['center'] - cPos dist = cVec.length() ## distance from camera to center xDist = dist * 2. * np.tan(0.5 * self.opts['fov'] * np.pi / 180.) ## approx. width of view at distance of center point xScale = xDist / self.width() zVec = QtGui.QVector3D(0,0,1) xVec = QtGui.QVector3D.crossProduct(zVec, cVec).normalized() yVec = QtGui.QVector3D.crossProduct(xVec, zVec).normalized() self.opts['center'] = self.opts['center'] + xVec * xScale * dx + yVec * xScale * dy + zVec * xScale * dz elif relative == 'view': # pan in plane of camera # obtain basis vectors qc = self.opts['rotation'].conjugated() xv = qc.rotatedVector( Vector(1,0,0) ) yv = qc.rotatedVector( Vector(0,1,0) ) zv = qc.rotatedVector( Vector(0,0,1) ) scale_factor = self.pixelSize( self.opts['center'] ) # apply translation self.opts['center'] += scale_factor * (xv*-dx + yv*dy + zv*dz) else: raise ValueError("relative argument must be global, view, or view-upright") self.update()
def update_quad(self, state): quadrotor_position = np.array([[], [], [state.pd]]) # NED coordinates # attitude of quadrotor as a rotation matrix R from body to inertial R = self._Euler2Rotation(state.phi, state.theta, state.psi) # rotate and translate points defining quadrotor rotated_points = self._rotate_points(self.points, R) translated_points = self._translate_points(rotated_points, quadrotor_position) # convert North-East Down to East-North-Up for rendering R = np.array([[0, 1, 0], [1, 0, 0], [0, 0, -1]]) translated_points = R @ translated_points # convert points to triangular mesh defined as array of three 3D points (Nx3x3) mesh = self._quadrotor_points_to_mesh(translated_points) # initialize the drawing the first time update() is called if not self.plot_initialized: # initialize drawing of triangular mesh. self.body = gl.GLMeshItem(vertexes=mesh, # defines the triangular mesh (Nx3x3) vertexColors=self.meshColors, # defines mesh colors (Nx1) drawEdges=True, # draw edges between mesh elements smooth=False, # speeds up rendering computeNormals=False) # speeds up rendering self.window.addItem(self.body) # add body to plot self.plot_initialized = True # else update drawing on all other calls to update() else: # reset mesh using rotated and translated points self.body.setMeshData(vertexes=mesh, vertexColors=self.meshColors) # update the center of the camera view to the quadrotor location view_location = Vector(,, -state.pd) # defined in ENU coordinates self.window.opts['center'] = view_location # redraw
def __init__(self): self.scale = 4000 # initialize Qt gui application and window = pg.QtGui.QApplication([]) # initialize QT self.window = gl.GLViewWidget() # initialize the view object self.window.setWindowTitle('Path Viewer') self.window.setGeometry( 0, 0, 1500, 1500) # args: upper_left_x, upper_right_y, width, height grid = gl.GLGridItem() # make a grid to represent the ground grid.scale(self.scale / 20, self.scale / 20, self.scale / 20) # set the size of the grid (distance between each line) self.window.addItem(grid) # add grid to viewer self.window.setCameraPosition(distance=self.scale, elevation=90, azimuth=-90) view_location = Vector(2000, 2000, 3000) # defined in ENU coordinates # self.window.setCameraPosition(distance=self.scale, elevation=50, azimuth=-90) # view_location = Vector(2000, 2000, 0) # defined in ENU coordinates self.window.opts['center'] = view_location self.window.setBackgroundColor('k') # set background color to black # display configured window self.window.raise_() # bring window to the front self.plot_initialized = False # has the mav been plotted yet? # get points that define the non-rotated, non-translated mav and the mesh colors self.mav_points, self.mav_meshColors = self.get_mav_points() # dubins path parameters self.dubins_path = dubins_parameters() self.mav_body = []
def updateview_camera(sr): global fire if fire: x = sr.ui.slider_3d_camera_x.value() y = sr.ui.slider_3d_camera_y.value() z = sr.ui.slider_3d_camera_z.value() distance = sr.ui.slider_3d_distance.value() azimute = sr.ui.slider_3d_azimute.value() elevation = sr.ui.slider_3d_elevation.value() sr.scratchReader.options.put("view", "3d", "camera", "position", value=[x, y, z]) sr.scratchReader.options.put("view", "3d", "camera", "azimute", value=azimute) sr.scratchReader.options.put("view", "3d", "camera", "distance", value=distance) sr.scratchReader.options.put("view", "3d", "camera", "elevation", value=elevation) sr.ui.plot3d_pot_widget.opts["center"] = Vector(x, y, z) sr.ui.plot3d_pot_widget.setCameraPosition(distance=distance, elevation=elevation, azimuth=azimute)
def track3D(state): app = QtGui.QApplication([]) w = gl.GLViewWidget() w.setWindowTitle('3d trajectory') w.resize(600, 500) # instance of Custom3DAxis axis = Custom3DAxis(w, color=(0.6, 0.6, 0.2, .6)) w.addItem(axis) w.opts['distance'] = 75 w.opts['center'] = Vector(0, 0, 15) # add xy grid gx = gl.GLGridItem() gx.setSize(x=40, y=40, z=10) gx.setSpacing(x=5, y=5) w.addItem(gx) # trajectory line pos0 = np.array([[0, 0, 0]]) pos, q = np.array(state[:3]), state[3:7] uAxis, angle = q2ua(*q) track0 = np.concatenate((pos0, pos.reshape(1, 3))) plt = gl.GLLinePlotItem(pos=track0, width=2, color=(1, 0, 0, .6)) w.addItem(plt) # orientation arrow sphereData = gl.MeshData.sphere(rows=20, cols=20, radius=0.3) sphereMesh = gl.GLMeshItem(meshdata=sphereData, smooth=True, shader='shaded', glOptions='opaque') w.addItem(sphereMesh) ArrowData = gl.MeshData.cylinder(rows=20, cols=20, radius=[0.2, 0.], length=0.7) ArrowMesh = gl.GLMeshItem(meshdata=ArrowData, smooth=True, color=(1, 0, 0, 0.6), shader='balloon', glOptions='opaque') ArrowMesh.rotate(90, 0, 1, 0) w.addItem(ArrowMesh) i = 1 pts = pos.reshape(1, 3) def update(): '''update position and orientation''' nonlocal i, pts, state pos, q = np.array(state[:3]) * 100, state[3:7] uAxis, angle = q2ua(*q) pt = (pos).reshape(1, 3) if pts.size < 150: pts = np.concatenate((pts, pt)) else: pts = np.concatenate((pts[-50:, :], pt)) plt.setData(pos=pts) ArrowMesh.resetTransform() sphereMesh.resetTransform() ArrowMesh.rotate(angle, uAxis[0], uAxis[1], uAxis[2]) ArrowMesh.translate(*pos) sphereMesh.translate(*pos) i += 1 timer = QtCore.QTimer() timer.timeout.connect(update) timer.start(50) if (sys.flags.interactive != 1) or not hasattr(QtCore, 'PYQT_VERSION'): QtGui.QApplication.instance().exec_()
def update( self, t, R ): #Remember that viewer operates in a ENU frame. May need to adjust this a little bit if it doesn't do what I want #translate and rotate points here trans_pts = R @ self.points trans_pts = trans_pts + t[:, None] R2 = np.array( [[0, 1, 0], [1, 0, 0], [0, 0, -1]] ) #This converts to ENU. The result is the same as using the one to SEU # R2 = np.array([[-1.0, 0.0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, -1]]) trans_pts = R2 @ trans_pts mesh = self.pointsToMesh(trans_pts) if not self.plot_initialize: self.body = gl.GLMeshItem(vertexes=mesh, vertexColors=self.mesh_colors, drawEdges=True, smooth=False, computeNormals=False) self.window.addItem(self.body) self.plot_initialize = True else: self.body.setMeshData(vertexes=mesh, vertexColors=self.mesh_colors) view_location = Vector(t[1], t[0], -t[2]) #in ENU frame # self.window.opts['center'] = view_location self.application.processEvents()
def __init__(self, parent=None): if GLViewWidget.ShareWidget is None: ## create a dummy widget to allow sharing objects (textures, shaders, etc) between views GLViewWidget.ShareWidget = QtOpenGL.QGLWidget() QtOpenGL.QGLWidget.__init__(self, parent, GLViewWidget.ShareWidget) self.setFocusPolicy(QtCore.Qt.ClickFocus) self.opts = { 'center': Vector(0, 0, 0), ## will always appear at the center of the widget 'distance': 10.0, ## distance of camera from center 'fov': 60, ## horizontal field of view in degrees 'elevation': 30, ## camera's angle of elevation in degrees 'azimuth': 45, ## camera's azimuthal angle in degrees ## (rotation around z-axis 0 points along x-axis) 'viewport': None, ## glViewport params; None == whole widget } self.items = [] self.noRepeatKeys = [ QtCore.Qt.Key_Right, QtCore.Qt.Key_Left, QtCore.Qt.Key_Up, QtCore.Qt.Key_Down, QtCore.Qt.Key_PageUp, QtCore.Qt.Key_PageDown ] self.keysPressed = {} self.keyTimer = QtCore.QTimer() self.keyTimer.timeout.connect(self.evalKeyState) self.makeCurrent()
def __init__(self, parent=None, devicePixelRatio=None): global ShareWidget if ShareWidget is None: ## create a dummy widget to allow sharing objects (textures, shaders, etc) between views ShareWidget = QtOpenGL.QGLWidget() QtOpenGL.QGLWidget.__init__(self, parent, ShareWidget) self.setFocusPolicy(QtCore.Qt.ClickFocus) self.opts = { 'center': Vector(0,0,0), ## will always appear at the center of the widget 'rotation' : QtGui.QQuaternion(1,0,0,0), ## camera rotation (quaternion:wxyz) 'distance': 10.0, ## distance of camera from center 'fov': 60, ## horizontal field of view in degrees 'viewport': None, ## glViewport params; None == whole widget 'devicePixelRatio': devicePixelRatio, } self.setBackgroundColor('k') self.items = [] self.noRepeatKeys = [QtCore.Qt.Key_Right, QtCore.Qt.Key_Left, QtCore.Qt.Key_Up, QtCore.Qt.Key_Down, QtCore.Qt.Key_PageUp, QtCore.Qt.Key_PageDown] self.keysPressed = {} self.keyTimer = QtCore.QTimer() self.keyTimer.timeout.connect(self.evalKeyState) self.makeCurrent()
def update(self, state): #This will update the animation mav_position = np.array([[], [], [-state.h]]) R = self.EulerToRotation(state.phi, state.theta, state.psi) rotated_pts = self.rotatePoints(self.points, R) trans_pts = self.translatePoints(rotated_pts, mav_position) R2 = np.array([[0, 1, 0], [1, 0, 0], [0, 0, -1]]) # Convert to ENU coordinates for rendering trans_pts = R2 @ trans_pts mesh = self.pointsToMesh(trans_pts) if not self.plot_initialize: self.body = gl.GLMeshItem( vertexes=mesh, #defines mesh (Nx3x3) vertexColors=self.mesh_colors, drawEdges=True, smooth=False, #speeds up rendering computeNormals=False) # speeds up rendering self.window.addItem(self.body) self.plot_initialize = True else: self.body.setMeshData(vertexes=mesh, vertexColors=self.mesh_colors) view_location = Vector(,, state.h) # in ENU frame self.window.opts['center'] = view_location self.application.processEvents() #redraw
def update(self, path, state): """ Update the drawing of the mav. The input to this function is a (message) class with properties that define the state. The following properties are assumed: # north position # east position state.h # altitude state.phi # roll angle state.theta # pitch angle state.psi # yaw angle """ mav_position = np.array([[], [], [-state.h]]) # NED coordinates # attitude of mav as a rotation matrix R from body to inertial R = Euler2Rotation(state.phi, state.theta, state.psi) # rotate and translate points defining mav rotated_points = self._rotate_points(self.points, R) translated_points = self._translate_points(rotated_points, mav_position) # convert North-East Down to East-North-Up for rendering R = np.array([[0, 1, 0], [1, 0, 0], [0, 0, -1]]) translated_points = R @ translated_points # convert points to triangular mesh defined as array of three 3D points (Nx3x3) mesh = self._points_to_mesh(translated_points) # initialize the drawing the first time update() is called if not self.plot_initialized: if path.flag == 'line': straight_line_object = self.straight_line_plot(path) self.window.addItem( straight_line_object) # add straight line to plot else: # path.flag=='orbit orbit_object = self.orbit_plot(path) self.window.addItem(orbit_object) # initialize drawing of triangular mesh. self.body = gl.GLMeshItem( vertexes=mesh, # defines the triangular mesh (Nx3x3) vertexColors=self.meshColors, # defines mesh colors (Nx1) drawEdges=True, # draw edges between mesh elements smooth=False, # speeds up rendering computeNormals=False) # speeds up rendering self.window.addItem(self.body) # add body to plot self.plot_initialized = True # else update drawing on all other calls to update() else: # reset mesh using rotated and translated points self.body.setMeshData(vertexes=mesh, vertexColors=self.meshColors) # update the center of the camera view to the mav location view_location = Vector(,, state.h) # defined in ENU coordinates self.window.opts['center'] = view_location # redraw
def update(self, state): if not self.plot_initialised: self.uav_plot = DrawUAV(state, self.window) self.plot_initialised = True else: self.uav_plot.update(state) view_location = Vector(, state.px, state.h) self.window.opts['center'] = view_location
def cameraPosition(self): """Return current position of camera based on center, dist, elevation, and azimuth""" center = self.opts['center'] dist = self.opts['distance'] elev = self.opts['elevation'] * np.pi / 180. azim = self.opts['azimuth'] * np.pi / 180. pos = Vector(center.x() + dist * np.cos(elev) * np.cos(azim), center.y() + dist * np.cos(elev) * np.sin(azim), center.z() + dist * np.sin(elev)) return pos
def update(self, state): # initialize the drawing the first time update() is called if not self.plot_initialized: self.mav_plot = DrawMav(state, self.window) self.plot_initialized = True # else update drawing on all other calls to update() else: self.mav_plot.update(state) # update the center of the camera view to the mav location view_location = Vector(state.east, state.north, state.altitude) # defined in ENU coordinates self.window.opts['center'] = view_location # redraw
def update(self, state): # initialize the drawing the first time update() is called if not self.plot_initialized: self.quad_plot = drawQuad(state, self.window, self.arm_length) self.plot_initialized = True # else update drawing on all other calls to update() else: self.quad_plot.update(state) # update the center of the camera view to the mav location view_location = Vector(state.item(1), state.item(0), -state.item(2)) # defined in ENU coordinates self.window.opts['center'] = view_location self.tick()
def update(self, state): # initialize the drawing the first time update() is called if not self.plot_initialized: self.mav_plot = drawMav(state, self.window) self.plot_initialized = True # else update drawing on all other calls to update() else: self.mav_plot.update(state) # update the center of the camera view to the mav location view_location = Vector(,, state.h) # defined in ENU coordinates self.window.opts['center'] = view_location self.window.setCameraPosition( azimuth=-np.degrees(state.psi + state.beta) - 90, elevation=-np.degrees(state.theta) + 10) # redraw
def update(self, waypoints, path, state): # initialize the drawing the first time update() is called if not self.plot_initialized: self.drawMAV(state) self.drawWaypoints(waypoints, path.orbit_radius) self.drawPath(path) self.plot_initialized = True # else update drawing on all other calls to update() else: self.drawMAV(state) if waypoints.flag_waypoints_changed == True: self.drawWaypoints(waypoints, path.orbit_radius) if path.flag_path_changed == True: self.drawPath(path) # update the center of the camera view to the mav location view_location = Vector(,, state.h) # defined in ENU coordinates self.window.opts['center'] = view_location # redraw
def follow(pdf): global prev, i x, y = np.where(pdf == np.amax(pdf)) x = x[0] y = y[0] #print('>>> FOLLOWING', x,y) x = x/pdf.shape[0] y = y/pdf.shape[1] x *= rescale y *= rescale x -= rescale/2 y -= rescale/2 xy = np.array([x,y]) cx = np.array([w.opts['center'].x(), w.opts['center'].y()]) dx = xy - cx #print('>>> FOLLOWING', xy) #ki = .05 # fast follow ki = .01 # medium follow #ki = .005 # slow follow i += ki*(dx) new_xy = i #d = .005*((dx) - prev) #new_xy += d prev = (new_xy).copy() w.opts['center'] = Vector(new_xy[0], new_xy[1], 0)
def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.grid_size = 50 self.pos_reduction = 1e-06 self.default_vol = 0.01 self.vol_sun = 20 self.absolute_vol_sun = 1.412e18 self.setCameraPosition(distance=self.grid_size, pos=Vector(0, 0, -10)) """grid_vector = QVector3D(self.grid_size, self.grid_size, self.grid_size) x_grid = gl.GLGridItem(grid_vector, color=(255, 255, 255, 40)) y_grid = gl.GLGridItem(grid_vector) z_grid = gl.GLGridItem(grid_vector) self.addItem(x_grid) self.addItem(y_grid) self.addItem(z_grid)""" sphere = gl.MeshData.sphere(15, 15, self.vol_sun) sun = gl.GLMeshItem(meshdata=sphere, color=mkColor(250, 250, 0)) sun.translate(*self.get_position(1)) self.addItem(sun)
def run_obstacle_detection(): global qapp if show_point_cloud: # QT app gl_widget = gl.GLViewWidget() gl_grid = gl.GLGridItem() gl_widget.addItem(gl_grid) # initialize some points data pos = np.zeros((1, 3)) sp2 = gl.GLScatterPlotItem(pos=pos) sp2.setGLOptions( 'opaque' ) # Ensures not to allow vertexes located behind other vertexes to be seen. gl_widget.addItem(sp2) if save_frames: try: os.mkdir(saved_dir) except FileExistsError as e: pass for f in os.listdir(saved_dir): os.remove(saved_dir + f) thetas = np.array([]) phis = np.array([]) obstacle_list = [] obstacle_id = 0 for i in range(0, len(os.listdir(frames_dir))): #print(i) depth_frame = np.load(frames_dir + '/%d.npy' % i) h, w = depth_frame.shape[:2] depth_frame[depth_frame > depth_cutoff] = 0 depth_frame[:y_cutoff, ...] = 0 obstacles = np.zeros( depth_frame.shape ) # empty image that will store the locations of detected obstacles img = np.uint8(depth_frame / 4500. * 255.) ground_plane_roi = depth_frame.copy() ground_plane_roi[:y_cutoff + 100, ...] = 0 mask = create_circular_mask(h, w, center=[roi_x, roi_y], radius=100) ground_plane_roi[mask] = 0 xyz_arr = depth_matrix_to_point_cloud( depth_frame) # convert depth data to XYZ coordinates roi_point_cloud = depth_matrix_to_point_cloud(ground_plane_roi) num_points = np.count_nonzero(roi_point_cloud[..., 0]) // 100 center, plane, phi, theta = get_orientation(roi_point_cloud, num_points, 1) thetas = np.append(thetas, theta) phis = np.append(phis, phi) #print(center, plane, np.median(theta), np.median(phis)) CameraPosition['elevation'] = np.median(thetas) CameraPosition['azimuth'] = np.median(phis) if thetas.size > memory: thetas = thetas[1:] if phis.size > memory: phis = phis[1:] center = apply_camera_orientation(center, CameraPosition) plane = apply_camera_orientation(plane, CameraPosition) xyz_arr = apply_camera_matrix_orientation(xyz_arr, CameraPosition) plane_img = np.zeros(img.size) plane_img[xyz_arr[:, 2] > dist_thresh + center[2]] = 1 plane_img = np.uint8( np.reshape(plane_img, (424, 512)) * 255) # reshape to match depth data and convert to uint8 plane_img = np.uint8( (np.ones((424, 512)) * 255) - plane_img ) # invert img so pixel value corresponds to NOT ground plane ret, plane_img = cv2.threshold( plane_img, 0, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY ) # filter points that are probaly not ground plane plane_img = cv2.subtract(img, plane_img) # noise removal kernel = np.ones((3, 3), np.uint8) opening = cv2.morphologyEx( plane_img, cv2.MORPH_OPEN, kernel, iterations=3) # erosion followed by dilation # erosiong opening = cv2.erode(opening, kernel=kernel, iterations=1) color = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR) # BGR image to draw labels on # begin contour detection contours, hierarchy = cv2.findContours(opening, cv2.RETR_TREE, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) color = cv2.drawContours(color, contours, -1, (0, 255, 0), 1) for cntr in contours: try: # calculate diameter of equivalent circle # this measurement is only used for checking if countours fit our bounds area = cv2.contourArea(cntr) equi_diameter = np.sqrt(4 * area / np.pi) # Hardcoded Diameter Range in pixels LOW_DIAMETER_BOUND = 20 HIGH_DIAMETER_BOUND = 150 HIGH_DISTANCE_BOUND = 4500 # Original tolerances were 20 and 150 if (equi_diameter > LOW_DIAMETER_BOUND and equi_diameter < HIGH_DIAMETER_BOUND): mask = np.zeros_like( img ) # mask will contain the fitted and adjusted ellipse of a single obstacle ellipse = cv2.fitEllipse(cntr) x, y, obj_length, obj_height = cv2.boundingRect(cntr) rect = cv2.minAreaRect(cntr) equi_diameter = obj_length # bounding rectangle gives a better approximation of diameter box = cv2.boxPoints(rect) box = np.int0(box) mask = cv2.ellipse(mask, ellipse, (255, 255, 255), -1) # draw the fitted ellipse rows = mask.shape[0] cols = mask.shape[1] M = np.float32([[1, 0, 0], [ 0, 1, equi_diameter / 4 ]]) # shift mask down to match obstacle, not edge mask = cv2.warpAffine(mask, M, (cols, rows)) mask = cv2.erode( mask, kernel, iterations=3 ) # erode the mask to remove background points img_fg = cv2.bitwise_and( depth_frame, depth_frame, mask=mask ) # use the mask to isolate original depth values img_fg = cv2.medianBlur( img_fg, 5) # median blur to further remove noise obstacles = cv2.add(np.float32(img_fg), np.float32(obstacles)) mean_val = np.median( img_fg[img_fg.nonzero()] ) # compute the non-zero average of obstacle depth values moment = cv2.moments( cntr ) # get the centroid of the obstacle using its moment cx = int(moment['m10'] / moment['m00']) cy = int(moment['m01'] / moment['m00']) if mean_val < HIGH_DISTANCE_BOUND: # kinect loses accuracy beyond 4.5m coords = depth_to_point_cloud_pos( cx, cy, mean_val ) # convert obstacle depth to XYZ coordinate mm_diameter = equi_diameter * ( 1.0 / CameraParams['fx'] ) * mean_val # convert pixel diameter to mm if 100 < mm_diameter < 400: new_obstacle = True current_obstacle = None for obstacle in obstacle_list: x_match = abs(obstacle.x - coords[0]) < 0.3 y_match = abs(obstacle.y - coords[1]) < 0.3 z_match = abs(obstacle.z - mean_val) < 0.5 diameter_match = abs(obstacle.diameter - mm_diameter) / 1000. < 0.5 if x_match and y_match: obstacle.x = coords[0] obstacle.y = coords[1] obstacle.z = coords[2] obstacle.diameter = mm_diameter / 1000 new_obstacle = False obstacle.lifetime = obstacle_lifetime current_obstacle = Obstacle(, obstacle.x, obstacle.y, obstacle.z, obstacle.diameter, obstacle_lifetime) if obstacle.lifetime == 0: obstacle_list.remove(obstacle) break if new_obstacle: current_obstacle = Obstacle( obstacle_id, coords[0], coords[1], coords[2], mm_diameter, obstacle_lifetime) obstacle_id += 1 obstacle_list.append(current_obstacle) if visualize: # begin visualization cv2.drawContours(color, [box], 0, (0, 0, 255), 1) cv2.rectangle(color, (x, y), (x + obj_length, y + obj_height), (0, 255, 0), 2) font = cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX cv2.putText(color, 'id = %d' %, (cx, cy + 15), font, 0.4, (255, 0, 255), 1, cv2.LINE_AA) cv2.putText(color, "x = %.2f" % coords[0], (cx, cy + 30), font, 0.4, (0, 0, 255), 1, cv2.LINE_AA) cv2.putText(color, "y = %.2f" % coords[1], (cx, cy + 45), font, 0.4, (0, 255, 0), 1, cv2.LINE_AA) cv2.putText(color, "z = %.2f" % (mean_val / 1000), (cx, cy + 60), font, 0.4, (255, 0, 127), 1, cv2.LINE_AA) cv2.putText( color, "diameter = %.2f" % (mm_diameter / 1000), (cx, cy + 75), font, 0.4, (255, 127, 0), 1, cv2.LINE_AA) except cv2.error as e: print(e) pass if save_frames: plt.imsave(saved_dir + '%d.png' % i, color) if show_point_cloud: # Calculate a dynamic vertex size based on window dimensions and camera's position - To become the "size" input for the scatterplot's setData() function. v_rate = 5.0 # Rate that vertex sizes will increase as zoom level increases (adjust this to any desired value). v_scale = np.float32(v_rate) / gl_widget.opts[ 'distance'] # Vertex size increases as the camera is "zoomed" towards center of view. v_offset = ( gl_widget.geometry().width() / 2000 )**2 # Vertex size is offset based on actual width of the viewport. v_size = v_scale + v_offset set_point_cloud_position(gl_widget, pos=Vector(center[1] + 2, center[2], center[0] - 1)) point_cloud_color = color.copy() _, plane_thresh = cv2.threshold(plane_img, 1, 2, cv2.THRESH_BINARY) point_cloud_color[:, :, 1] *= plane_thresh colors = np.divide(point_cloud_color, 255) # values must be between 0.0 - 1.0 colors = colors.reshape(colors.shape[0] * colors.shape[1], 3) #colors = colors[..., ::-1] # BGR to RGB sp2.setData(pos=xyz_arr, size=v_size, color=colors) if visualize: cv2.imshow('detected_obstacles', color) cv2.imshow('plane', plane_img) cv2.imshow('roi', np.uint8(ground_plane_roi / 4500. * 255.)) for obstacle in obstacle_list: obstacle.lifetime -= 1 if obstacle.lifetime == 0: obstacle_list.remove(obstacle) print(obstacle) print('\n') key = cv2.waitKey(delay=1) if key == ord('q'): break
def pan(self, x, y, z): from pyqtgraph import Vector self.w.opts['center'] = Vector(x, y, z)
def draw_mav(self, state, y_manager): """ Draws the location of the mav at the specified location with the given roll pitch and yaw :param state: The state that the mav should be drawn. [X, Y, Z, Roll, Pitch, Yaw] :return: null """ #pull out the relevant information from the state vector loc = np.array([state[0], -state[1], -state[2]]) phi = state[3] theta = -state[4] psi = -state[5] if not self.init: #create body if not yet initialized self.body = gl.GLMeshItem(vertexes=self.verts, smooth=False, drawEdges=False, vertexColors=self.colors) #create meshes self.w.addItem(self.body) #add meshes to plot path_pos = np.array([[0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0]]) path_color = [0, 255, 0, 1] self.path = gl.GLLinePlotItem(pos=path_pos, color=path_color, width=1, antialias=True, mode='lines') self.w.addItem(self.path) if self.init: # rotate bodies to specified state #precalculate sines and cosines cPhi = np.cos(phi) sPhi = np.sin(phi) cTheta = np.cos(theta) sTheta = np.sin(theta) cPsi = np.cos(psi) sPsi = np.sin(psi) # rotMat = np.array([[cTheta * cPsi, -cTheta*sPsi, sTheta], #Make the rotation matrix # [sPhi * sTheta * cPsi + cPhi * sPsi, -sPhi * sTheta * sPsi + cPhi * cPsi, -sPhi * cTheta], # [-cPhi * sTheta * cPsi + sPhi * sPsi, cPhi * sTheta * sPsi + sPhi * cPsi, cPhi * cTheta]]) # rotMat = np.array([[cPhi * cTheta, cPhi * sTheta * sPsi - sPhi * cPsi, cPhi * sTheta * cPsi + sPhi * sPsi], # [sPhi * cTheta, sPhi * sTheta * sPsi + cPhi * cPsi, sPhi * sTheta * cPsi - cPhi * sPsi], # [-sTheta, cTheta*sPsi, cTheta * cPsi]]) r_roll = np.array([[1, 0, 0], [0, cPhi, -sPhi], [0, sPhi, cPhi]]) r_pitch = np.array([[cTheta, 0, sTheta], [0, 1, 0], [-sTheta, 0, cTheta]]) r_yaw = np.array([[cPsi, -sPsi, 0], [sPsi, cPsi, 0], [0, 0, 1]]) # rotMat = r_yaw * r_pitch * r_roll # rotMat = r_roll * r_pitch * r_yaw # newPoints = np.array([[0]) + loc, #rotate and translate original points #[1]) + loc, #[2]) + loc, #[3]) + loc, #[4]) + loc, #[5]) + loc, #[6]) + loc, #[7]) + loc, #[8]) + loc, #[9]) + loc, #[10]) + loc, #[11]) + loc, #[12]) + loc, #[13]) + loc, #[14]) + loc, #[15]) + loc]) newPoints = np.array([,,, P.points[0]))) + loc,,,, P.points[1]))) + loc,,,, P.points[2]))) + loc,,,, P.points[3]))) + loc,,,, P.points[4]))) + loc,,,, P.points[5]))) + loc,,,, P.points[6]))) + loc,,,, P.points[7]))) + loc,,,, P.points[8]))) + loc,,,, P.points[9]))) + loc,,,, P.points[10]))) + loc,,,, P.points[11]))) + loc,,,, P.points[12]))) + loc,,,, P.points[13]))) + loc,,,, P.points[14]))) + loc,,,, P.points[15]))) + loc]) #convert points to xyz coordinates newVerts = np.array([[newPoints[0], newPoints[1], newPoints[2]], #Make the new verticies of the meshes [newPoints[0], newPoints[1], newPoints[4]], [newPoints[0], newPoints[3], newPoints[4]], [newPoints[0], newPoints[3], newPoints[2]], [newPoints[5], newPoints[2], newPoints[3]], [newPoints[5], newPoints[1], newPoints[2]], [newPoints[5], newPoints[1], newPoints[4]], [newPoints[5], newPoints[3], newPoints[4]], [newPoints[6], newPoints[7], newPoints[9]], [newPoints[7], newPoints[8], newPoints[9]], [newPoints[10], newPoints[11], newPoints[12]], [newPoints[10], newPoints[12], newPoints[13]], [newPoints[5], newPoints[14], newPoints[15]]]) self.body.setMeshData(vertexes=newVerts, vertexColors=self.colors) if y_manager is not None: if y_manager[0] is True: a = y_manager[2] - 500000 * y_manager[3] b = y_manager[2] + 500000 * y_manager[3] path_pos = np.array([[a.item(0), -a.item(1), -a.item(2)], [b.item(0), -b.item(1), -b.item(2)]]) self.path.setData(pos=path_pos) else: c = y_manager[4] rho = y_manager[5] cx = c.item(0) cy = -c.item(1) cz = -c.item(2) theta_circ = np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, 100) theta_circ = theta_circ.reshape((100,1)) x = cx + rho * np.cos(theta_circ) y = cy + rho * np.sin(theta_circ) z = np.linspace(cz, cz, 100) z = z.reshape((100,1)) path_pos = np.hstack((x, y, z)) self.path.setData(pos=path_pos, mode='line_strip') viewLoc = Vector(loc[0], loc[1], loc[2]) #vector to define the new camera view location self.w.opts['center'] = viewLoc #update the camera view location to maintain UAV in the center of the view if self.init is False: #Flip the init flag if it's false self.init = True
def center_camera(self): self.window.opts["center"] = Vector(,, -self.aircraft_state.pd)
def update(self): if self.frame_idx < self.frame_count - 1: self.frame_idx += 1 pts = (self.global_positions[self.frame_idx])[:, [0, 2, 1]] self.points.setData(pos=pts, color=pg.glColor(1.0), size=10) i = 0 for bone_dependency in self.bone_dependencies: if bone_dependency[1] == -1: continue curr_bone_pos = pts[bone_dependency[0]] parent_bone_pos = pts[bone_dependency[1]] line = np.vstack((curr_bone_pos, parent_bone_pos)) self.bone_lines[i].setData(pos=line, color=self.line_color, width=self.line_width, antialias=True) i += 1 xs = self.global_positions[self.frame_idx, :, 0] zs = self.global_positions[self.frame_idx, :, 2] ys = self.global_positions[self.frame_idx, :, 1] max_range = np.array([ xs.max() - xs.min(), ys.max() - ys.min(), zs.max() - zs.min() ]).max() / 2.0 mid_x = (xs.max() + xs.min()) * 0.5 mid_y = (ys.max() + ys.min()) * 0.5 mid_z = (zs.max() + zs.min()) * 0.5 curr_cam_pos = self.window.opts['center'] curr_dist = self.window.opts['distance'] new_dist = curr_dist + 0.05 * (max_range * 7 - curr_dist) new_cam_pos = curr_cam_pos + 0.05 * (Vector(mid_x, mid_z, mid_y) - curr_cam_pos) self.window.setCameraPosition(pos=new_cam_pos, distance=new_dist) if not self.heading_dirs is None: origin = np.mean(pts, axis=0) line, line2, line3 = self.__get_arrow( self.heading_dirs[self.frame_idx], origin, new_dist / 5) self.bone_lines[i].setData(pos=line, color=self.arrow_color, width=self.line_width, antialias=True) self.bone_lines[i + 1].setData(pos=line2, color=self.arrow_color, width=self.line_width, antialias=True) self.bone_lines[i + 2].setData(pos=line3, color=self.arrow_color, width=self.line_width, antialias=True) if self.write_to_file: currQImage = self.window.grabFrameBuffer() cvMat = QImageToCvMat(currQImage) self.out.write(cvMat) else: if self.write_to_file: self.out.release() self.timer.stop() self.window.clear() self.window.reset() print("finished animation")
def update(self, state): """ Update the drawing of the spacecraft. The input to this function is a (message) class with properties that define the state. The following properties are assumed to be: # north position # east position state.h # altitude state.phi # roll angle state.theta # pitch angle state.psi # yaw angle """ spacecraft_position = np.array([[], [], [-state.h]]) # NED coordinates # attitude of spacecraft as a rotation matrix R from body to inertial R = self._Euler2Rotation(state.phi, state.theta, state.psi) # rotate and translate points defining spacecraft rotated_points = self._rotate_points(self.points, R) translated_points = self._translate_points(rotated_points, spacecraft_position) # convert North-East Down to East-North-Up for rendering R_disp = np.array([[0, 1, 0], [1, 0, 0], [0, 0, -1]]) translated_points = np.matmul(R_disp, translated_points) # convert points to triangular mesh defined as array of three 3D points (Nx3x3) mesh = self._points_to_mesh(translated_points) # initialize the drawing the first time update() is called if not self.plot_initialized: # initialize drawing of triangular mesh. self.body = gl.GLMeshItem( vertexes=mesh, # defines the triangular mesh (Nx3x3) vertexColors=self.meshColors, # defines mesh colors (Nx1) drawEdges=False, # draw edges between mesh elements smooth=False, # speeds up rendering computeNormals=False) # speeds up rendering self.window.addItem(self.body) # add body to plot # add all three axis axis_length = 220.0 naxis_pts = np.array([[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, axis_length, 0.0]]) naxis = gl.GLLinePlotItem(pos=naxis_pts, color=pg.glColor('r'), width=3.0) self.window.addItem(naxis) eaxis_pts = np.array([[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [axis_length, 0.0, 0.0]]) eaxis = gl.GLLinePlotItem(pos=eaxis_pts, color=pg.glColor('g'), width=3.0) self.window.addItem(eaxis) daxis_pts = np.array([[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, -axis_length]]) daxis = gl.GLLinePlotItem(pos=daxis_pts, color=pg.glColor('b'), width=3.0) self.window.addItem(daxis) self.plot_initialized = True # else update drawing on all other calls to update() else: # reset mesh using rotated and translated points self.body.setMeshData(vertexes=mesh, vertexColors=self.meshColors) # update the center of the camera view to the spacecraft location view_location = Vector(,, state.h) # defined in ENU coordinates self.window.opts['center'] = view_location # redraw
def cameraPosition(self): """Return current position of camera based on center, dist, elevation, and azimuth""" center = self.opts['center'] dist = self.opts['distance'] pos = center - self.opts['rotation'].rotatedVector( Vector(0,0,dist) ) return pos
def draw_mav(self, state): """ Draws the location of the mav at the specified location with the given roll pitch and yaw :param state: The state that the mav should be drawn. [X, Y, Z, Roll, Pitch, Yaw] :return: null """ #pull out the relevant information from the state vector loc = np.array([state[0], -state[1], -state[2]]) phi = state[3] theta = -state[4] psi = -state[5] if not self.init: #create body if not yet initialized self.body = gl.GLMeshItem(vertexes=self.verts, smooth=False, drawEdges=False, vertexColors=self.colors) #create meshes self.w.addItem(self.body) #add meshes to plot if self.init: # rotate bods to specified state #precalculate sines and cosines cPhi = np.cos(phi) sPhi = np.sin(phi) cTheta = np.cos(theta) sTheta = np.sin(theta) cPsi = np.cos(psi) sPsi = np.sin(psi) rotMat = np.array([ [cTheta * cPsi, -cTheta * sPsi, sTheta], #Make the rotation matrix [ sPhi * sTheta * cPsi + cPhi * sPsi, -sPhi * sTheta * sPsi + cPhi * cPsi, -sPhi * cTheta ], [ -cPhi * sTheta * cPsi + sPhi * sPsi, cPhi * sTheta * sPsi + sPhi * cPsi, cPhi * cTheta ] ]) # rotMat = np.array([[cPhi * cTheta, cPhi * sTheta * sPsi - sPhi * cPsi, cPhi * sTheta * cPsi + sPhi * sPsi], # [sPhi * cTheta, sPhi * sTheta * sPsi + cPhi * cPsi, sPhi * sTheta * cPsi - cPhi * sPsi], # [-sTheta, cTheta*sPsi, cTheta * cPsi]]) r_roll = np.array([[1, 0, 0], [0, cPhi, -sPhi], [0, sPhi, cPhi]]) r_pitch = np.array([[cTheta, 0, sTheta], [0, 1, 0], [-sTheta, 0, cTheta]]) r_yaw = np.array([[cPsi, -sPsi, 0], [sPsi, cPsi, 0], [0, 0, 1]]) # rotMat = r_yaw * r_pitch * r_roll # rotMat = r_roll * r_pitch * r_yaw # newPoints = np.array([[0]) + loc, #rotate and translate original points #[1]) + loc, #[2]) + loc, #[3]) + loc, #[4]) + loc, #[5]) + loc, #[6]) + loc, #[7]) + loc, #[8]) + loc, #[9]) + loc, #[10]) + loc, #[11]) + loc, #[12]) + loc, #[13]) + loc, #[14]) + loc, #[15]) + loc]) newPoints = np.array([,,, P.points[0]))) + loc,,,, P.points[1]))) + loc,,,, P.points[2]))) + loc,,,, P.points[3]))) + loc,,,, P.points[4]))) + loc,,,, P.points[5]))) + loc,,,, P.points[6]))) + loc,,,, P.points[7]))) + loc,,,, P.points[8]))) + loc,,,, P.points[9]))) + loc,,,, P.points[10]))) + loc,,,, P.points[11]))) + loc,,,, P.points[12]))) + loc,,,, P.points[13]))) + loc,,,, P.points[14]))) + loc,,,, P.points[15]))) + loc ]) #convert points to xyz coordinates newVerts = np.array([ [newPoints[0], newPoints[1], newPoints[2]], #Make the new verticies of the meshes [newPoints[0], newPoints[1], newPoints[4]], [newPoints[0], newPoints[3], newPoints[4]], [newPoints[0], newPoints[3], newPoints[2]], [newPoints[5], newPoints[2], newPoints[3]], [newPoints[5], newPoints[1], newPoints[2]], [newPoints[5], newPoints[1], newPoints[4]], [newPoints[5], newPoints[3], newPoints[4]], [newPoints[6], newPoints[7], newPoints[9]], [newPoints[7], newPoints[8], newPoints[9]], [newPoints[10], newPoints[11], newPoints[12]], [newPoints[10], newPoints[12], newPoints[13]], [newPoints[5], newPoints[14], newPoints[15]] ]) self.body.setMeshData(vertexes=newVerts, vertexColors=self.colors) viewLoc = Vector( loc[0], loc[1], loc[2]) #vector to define the new camera view location self.w.opts[ 'center'] = viewLoc #update the camera view location to maintain UAV in the center of the view if self.init is False: #Flip the init flag if it's false self.init = True