Beispiel #1
def setup_jenkins_server(js, github="sdpython", modules=None,
                         overwrite=False, location=None, prefix="",
                         delete_first=False, disable_schedule=False,
    Sets up many jobs on :epkg:`Jenkins`.

    @param      js                      (JenkinsExt) jenkins server (specially if you need credentials)
    @param      github                  github account if it does not start with *http://*,
                                        the link to git repository of the project otherwise
    @param      modules                 modules for which to generate the :epkg:`Jenkins` job
                                        (see @see fn default_jenkins_jobs which provides the default value
                                        if *modules* is None)
    @param      overwrite               do not create the job if it already exists
    @param      location                None for default or a local folder
    @param      prefix                  add a prefix to the name
    @param      delete_first            remove all jobs first
    @param      disable_schedule        disable schedule for all jobs
    @param      fLOG                    logging function
    @return                             list of created jobs

    *modules* is a list defined as follows:

    * each element can be a string or a tuple (string, schedule time) or a list
    * if it is a list, it contains a list of elements defined as previously
    * the job at position i is not scheduled, it will start after the last
      job at position i-1 whether or not it fails
    platform = js.platform
    if modules is None:
        modules = default_jenkins_jobs(platform=platform)
    r = setup_jenkins_server_yml(js, github=github, modules=modules, get_jenkins_script=None,
                                 overwrite=overwrite, location=location, prefix=prefix,
                                 delete_first=delete_first, disable_schedule=disable_schedule)
    return r
Beispiel #2
def setup_jenkins_server(js, github="sdpython", modules=default_jenkins_jobs(),
                         overwrite=False, location=None, prefix="",
                         delete_first=False, disable_schedule=False, fLOG=noLOG):
    Set up many jobs on Jenkins

    @param      js                      (JenkinsExt) jenkins server (specially if you need credentials)
    @param      github                  github account if it does not start with *http://*,
                                        the link to git repository of the project otherwise
    @param      modules                 modules for which to generate the Jenkins job (see @see fn default_jenkins_jobs)
    @param      get_jenkins_script      see `get_jenkins_script <>`_
                                        (default value if this parameter is None)
    @param      overwrite               do not create the job if it already exists
    @param      location                None for default or a local folder
    @param      prefix                  add a prefix to the name
    @param      delete_first            remove all jobs first
    @param      disable_schedule        disable schedule for all jobs
    @param      fLOG                    logging function
    @return                             list of created jobs

    *modules* is a list defined as follows:

    * each element can be a string or a tuple (string, schedule time) or a list
    * if it is a list, it contains a list of elements defined as previously
    * the job at position i is not scheduled, it will start after the last
      job at position i-1 whether or not it fails
    r = setup_jenkins_server_yml(js, github=github, modules=modules, get_jenkins_script=None,
                                 overwrite=overwrite, location=location, prefix=prefix,
                                 delete_first=delete_first, disable_schedule=disable_schedule)
    return r
def setup_jenkins_server(js, github="sdpython", modules=None,
                         overwrite=False, location=None, prefix="",
                         delete_first=False, disable_schedule=False,
    Sets up many jobs on :epkg:`Jenkins`.

    @param      js                      (JenkinsExt) jenkins server (specially if you need credentials)
    @param      github                  github account if it does not start with *http://*,
                                        the link to git repository of the project otherwise
    @param      modules                 modules for which to generate the :epkg:`Jenkins` job
                                        (see @see fn default_jenkins_jobs which provides the default value
                                        if *modules* is None)
    @param      overwrite               do not create the job if it already exists
    @param      location                None for default or a local folder
    @param      prefix                  add a prefix to the name
    @param      delete_first            remove all jobs first
    @param      disable_schedule        disable schedule for all jobs
    @param      fLOG                    logging function
    @return                             list of created jobs

    *modules* is a list defined as follows:

    * each element can be a string or a tuple (string, schedule time) or a list
    * if it is a list, it contains a list of elements defined as previously
    * the job at position i is not scheduled, it will start after the last
      job at position i-1 whether or not it fails
    platform = js.platform
    if modules is None:
        modules = default_jenkins_jobs(platform=platform)
    r = setup_jenkins_server_yml(js, github=github, modules=modules, get_jenkins_script=None,
                                 overwrite=overwrite, location=location, prefix=prefix,
                                 delete_first=delete_first, disable_schedule=disable_schedule)
    return r
def setup_jenkins_server(js,
    Set up many jobs on Jenkins

    @param      js                      (JenkinsExt) jenkins server (specially if you need credentials)
    @param      github                  github account if it does not start with *http://*,
                                        the link to git repository of the project otherwise
    @param      modules                 modules for which to generate the Jenkins job (see @see fn default_jenkins_jobs)
    @param      get_jenkins_script      see `get_jenkins_script <>`_
                                        (default value if this parameter is None)
    @param      overwrite               do not create the job if it already exists
    @param      location                None for default or a local folder
    @param      prefix                  add a prefix to the name
    @param      delete_first            remove all jobs first
    @param      disable_schedule        disable schedule for all jobs
    @param      fLOG                    logging function
    @return                             list of created jobs

    *modules* is a list defined as follows:

    * each element can be a string or a tuple (string, schedule time) or a list
    * if it is a list, it contains a list of elements defined as previously
    * the job at position i is not scheduled, it will start after the last
      job at position i-1 whether or not it fails
    r = setup_jenkins_server_yml(js,
    return r
Beispiel #5
# Starts the Jenkins server.
js = JenkinsExt('http://localhost:8080/', user,
                pwd, fLOG=fLOG, engines=engines)

# Defines the Jenkins job.
ymls = []
for mod in ["polylearn", "dynd-python"]:
    new_content = content.replace("__MODULE__", mod)
    yml = os.path.join(
        "build", ".local.jenkins.{1}.{0}.yml".format(mod, "lin"))
    with open(yml, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f:
    batch = os.path.join(folder, "windows", "build_{0}.bat".format(mod))
    with open(batch, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f:
        cbat =
    with open(yml, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f:
    toadd = [dict(name="build_{0}.bat".format(mod),
    ymls.append(("yml", yml, dict(scripts=toadd)))

# Update the Jenkins jobs for the given set of modules
fLOG("Update jenkins")
setup_jenkins_server_yml(js, github=None, modules=ymls,
                         overwrite=True, location=location, prefix="",
                         delete_first=False, disable_schedule=False, fLOG=fLOG)
Beispiel #6
# Starts the Jenkins server.
js = JenkinsExt('http://localhost:8080/', user,
                pwd, fLOG=fLOG, engines=engines)

# Defiens the Jenkins job.
ymls = []
for mod in ["polylearn", "dynd-python"]:
    new_content = content.replace("__MODULE__", mod)
    yml = os.path.join("build", "{0}.yml".format(mod))
    with open(yml, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f:
    batch = os.path.join(folder, "windows", "build_{0}.bat".format(mod))
    with open(batch, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f:
        cbat =
    with open(yml, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f:
    toadd = [dict(name="build_{0}.bat".format(mod),
    ymls.append(("yml", yml, dict(scripts=toadd)))

# Update the Jenkins jobs for the given set of modules
fLOG("Update jenkins")
setup_jenkins_server_yml(js, github=None, modules=ymls,
                         overwrite=True, location=location, prefix="",
                         delete_first=False, disable_schedule=False, fLOG=fLOG)