def run_fxcor(lstl, lstu, tpl, tpu, chip): if chip == 'l': templ = tpl lst = lstl else: templ = tpu lst = lstu lista = '@' + lst chip_par = 'rvout_' + chip iraf.noao() iraf.rv() iraf.fxcor(lista, templ, output=chip_par, verbose='txtonly', interac='no', observa='paranal') rv = [] rvlist = open(chip_par + '.txt', "r") for cols in (raw.strip().split() for raw in rvlist): vobs_index = len(cols) - 3 if cols[0][0] != '#': rv.append(float(cols[vobs_index])) rvlist.close() return rv
def ImportPackages(): iraf.noao(_doprint=0) iraf.rv(_doprint=0) iraf.imred(_doprint=0) iraf.kpnoslit(_doprint=0) iraf.ccdred(_doprint=0) iraf.astutil(_doprint=0) iraf.keywpars.setParam('ra','CAT-RA') iraf.keywpars.setParam('dec','CAT-DEC') iraf.keywpars.setParam('ut','UT') iraf.keywpars.setParam('utmiddl','UT-M_E') iraf.keywpars.setParam('exptime','EXPTIME') iraf.keywpars.setParam('epoch','CAT-EPOC') iraf.keywpars.setParam('date_ob','DATE-OBS') iraf.keywpars.setParam('hjd','HJD') iraf.keywpars.setParam('mjd_obs','MJD-OBS') iraf.keywpars.setParam('vobs','VOBS') iraf.keywpars.setParam('vrel','VREL') iraf.keywpars.setParam('vhelio','VHELIO') iraf.keywpars.setParam('vlsr','VLSR') iraf.keywpars.setParam('vsun','VSUN') iraf.keywpars.setParam('mode','ql') iraf.fxcor.setParam('continu','both') iraf.fxcor.setParam('filter','none') iraf.fxcor.setParam('rebin','smallest') iraf.fxcor.setParam('pixcorr','no') iraf.fxcor.setParam('apodize','0.2') iraf.fxcor.setParam('function','gaussian') iraf.fxcor.setParam('width','INDEF') iraf.fxcor.setParam('height','0.') iraf.fxcor.setParam('peak','no') iraf.fxcor.setParam('minwidt','3.') iraf.fxcor.setParam('maxwidt','21.') iraf.fxcor.setParam('weights','1.') iraf.fxcor.setParam('backgro','0.') iraf.fxcor.setParam('window','INDEF') iraf.fxcor.setParam('wincent','INDEF') iraf.fxcor.setParam('verbose','long') iraf.fxcor.setParam('imupdat','no') iraf.fxcor.setParam('graphic','stdgraph') iraf.fxcor.setParam('interac','yes') iraf.fxcor.setParam('autowri','yes') iraf.fxcor.setParam('autodra','yes') iraf.fxcor.setParam('ccftype','image') iraf.fxcor.setParam('observa','lapalma') iraf.fxcor.setParam('mode','ql') return 0
def fxcor(spec, task, template_spec, spec_list_file, fxcor_output_file, fxcor_range="4173-5447", interactive='no'): """ Run fxcor on the binned spectra to determine the relative velocity (with respect to the template spectra) INPUT: BIN_SCI, FXCOR_TEMPLATE OUTPUT: FXCOR_BIN_LIST, FXCOR_FILE(s) Note: make sure you select the parameters for your desired use. Refer to the IRAF rv package help for description of what each parameter is/does """ if os.path.exists(fxcor_output_file + '.txt'): print('File {} already exists'.format(fxcor_output_file + '.txt')) return assert task == "abs" or task == "ems", "'task' is neight 'ab' or 'ems'" spec_list = [] for i in range(len(glob.glob(spec.format('*')))): spec_list.append(spec.format(i)) assert len(spec_list) > 0, 'Input files {} do not exist'.format(spec.format('*')) np.array(spec_list).tofile(spec_list_file, sep='\n') from pyraf import iraf iraf.noao() iraf.rv() if task == 'ems': iraf.fxcor('@{}'.format(spec_list_file), spec.format(template_spec), output=fxcor_output_file, continuum="both", interactive=interactive, order=1, high_rej=2, low_rej=2, osample=fxcor_range, rsample=fxcor_range, rebin="smallest", imupdate="no", pixcorr="no", filter="both", f_type="welch", cuton=20, cutoff=1000, fullon=30, fulloff=800, ra="RA", dec="DEC", ut="UTSTART", epoch="EQUINOX", verbose="txtonly") elif task == 'abs': # Run interactively to make sure not fitting noise features, adapet osample/rsample to avoid such noise iraf.fxcor('@{}'.format(spec_list_file), spec.format(template_spec), output=fxcor_output_file, continuum="both", interactive=interactive, order=1, high_rej=2, low_rej=2, osample=fxcor_range, rsample=fxcor_range, rebin="smallest", imupdate="no", pixcorr="no", filter="both", f_type="welch", cuton=20, cutoff=800, fullon=30, fulloff=800, ra="RA", dec="DEC", ut="UTSTART", epoch="EQUINOX", verbose="txtonly") assert os.path.exists(fxcor_output_file + '.txt'), 'Error in iraf.fxcor: File {} was not created'.format( fxcor_output_file + '.txt')
def run_fxcor(st_names, templ, setup): arq = open(setup + '/' + 'speclist', 'w') for i in range(len(st_names)): arq.write(st_names[i] + '.fits\n') arq.close() lista = '@' + setup + '/' + 'speclist' clean_cr(lista) outname = setup + '/' + 'rvout_' + setup iraf.noao() iraf.rv() iraf.fxcor(lista, templ, output=outname, verbose='txtonly', interac='no', observa='paranal') rv = [] rvlist = open(outname + '.txt', "r") for cols in (raw.strip().split() for raw in rvlist): vobs_index = len(cols) - 3 if cols[0][0] != '#': rv.append(float(cols[vobs_index])) rvlist.close() return rv
def ImportPackages(): iraf.noao(_doprint=0) iraf.rv(_doprint=0) iraf.keywpars.setParam("ra", "CAT-RA") iraf.keywpars.setParam("dec", "CAT-DEC") # must use UT as UT mid exposure for RV correct or it # messes up the HJD values by a lot iraf.keywpars.setParam("ut", "UT-M_E") iraf.keywpars.setParam("utmiddl", "") iraf.keywpars.setParam("exptime", "EXPTIME") iraf.keywpars.setParam("epoch", "CAT-EPOC") iraf.keywpars.setParam("date_ob", "DATE-OBS") iraf.keywpars.setParam("hjd", "HJD") iraf.keywpars.setParam("mjd_obs", "MJD-OBS") iraf.keywpars.setParam("vobs", "VOBS") iraf.keywpars.setParam("vrel", "VREL") iraf.keywpars.setParam("vhelio", "VHELIO") iraf.keywpars.setParam("vlsr", "VLSR") iraf.keywpars.setParam("vsun", "VSUN") iraf.keywpars.setParam("mode", "ql") iraf.rvcorrect.setParam("imupdat", "yes") iraf.rvcorrect.setParam("observa", "lapalma") return 0
import glob import pyfits from pyraf import iraf import shutil import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from datetime import date import operator import time import traceback from lmfit import minimize, Parameters, report_fit #import cosmics iraf.noao(_doprint=0,Stdout="/dev/null") iraf.rv(_doprint=0,Stdout="/dev/null") iraf.imred(_doprint=0,Stdout="/dev/null") iraf.ccdred(_doprint=0,Stdout="/dev/null") iraf.images(_doprint=0,Stdout="/dev/null") iraf.immatch(_doprint=0,Stdout="/dev/null") iraf.onedspec(_doprint=0,Stdout="/dev/null") iraf.twodspec(_doprint=0,Stdout="/dev/null") iraf.apextract(_doprint=0,Stdout="/dev/null") iraf.imutil(_doprint=0,Stdout="/dev/null") iraf.echelle(_doprint=0,Stdout="/dev/null") iraf.astutil(_doprint=0,Stdout="/dev/null") iraf.apextract.dispaxi=1 iraf.echelle.dispaxi=1 #fixes a bug with latest versions of iraf iraf.ccdred.instrum='blank.txt'
Created on 25/03/16 @author: Carlos Eduardo Barbosa Using pyraf to calculate VHELIO correction """ import os import pyfits as pf from pyraf import iraf from config import * iraf.rv(_doprint=0) if __name__ == "__main__": os.chdir(data_dir) fits = sorted([x for x in os.listdir(".") if x.endswith(".fits")]) table = "VHELIO" for img in fits: h = pf.getheader(img) print img, if "VHELIO" not in h.keys(): print continue # try: # iraf.hedit (images=img, fields="EPOCH", value=2000., add=True, # delete=False, verify=False, show=False, # update=True)
from import fits import numpy as np from import ascii from astroplan import Observer import astropy.coordinates from pytz import timezone from astropy.time import Time from astropy import units as u from pyraf import iraf from astropy.table import Table import time import pandas as pd iraf.noao() iraf.rv() iraf.oned() LaSilla=Observer.at_site("lasilla", timezone="America/Santiago") def info_s1d(s1d): with as image: t_MJD=Time(image[0].header['MJD-OBS'], format='mjd') info = pd.DataFrame({"NAME_S1D":[s1d[s1d.find('untar/')+6:len(s1d)]], "MJD":[image[0].header['MJD-OBS']], "EXPTIME":[image[0].header['EXPTIME']], "RA":[image[0].header['RA']], "DEC":[image[0].header['DEC']], "RADVEL":[image[0].header['HIERARCH ESO TEL TARG RADVEL']], "NAME":[image[0].header['HIERARCH ESO OBS TARG NAME']], "PROG_ID":[image[0].header['HIERARCH ESO OBS PROG ID']],
def fxcor(spectrum, template, wl_start, wl_end): try: # [TODO] Destroy IRAF from pyraf import iraf except NameError: iraf.noao() iraf.noao.onedspec() iraf.rv() if not os.path.exists(spectrum): raise IOError('Spectrum file "%s" does not exist.' % (spectrum, )) if not os.path.exists(template): raise IOError('Template file "%s" does not exist.' % (template, )) # Check whether the spectrum and template are ASCII files. If they are we # need them into FITS to continue. to_remove = [] # for cleaning up later spectrum_base, spectrum_ext = os.path.splitext(spectrum) spectrum_ext = spectrum_ext[1:] if spectrum_ext not in ('txt', 'ascii', 'fits'): logging.warn("Don't know what format the spectrum provided is in. Assuming ASCII..") if spectrum_ext != 'fits': wave = np.loadtxt(spectrum, usecols=(0, )) spectrum_fits = '.'.join([spectrum_base, '_tmp.fits']) iraf.onedspec.rspectext(input = spectrum, output = spectrum_fits, dtype = 'linear', crval1 = np.min(wave), cdelt1 = np.median(np.diff(wave))) to_remove.append(spectrum_fits) else: spectrum_fits = spectrum template_base, template_ext = os.path.splitext(template) template_ext = template_ext[1:] if template_ext not in ('txt', 'ascii', 'fits'): logging.warn("Don't know what format the template provided is in. Assuming ASCII..") if template_ext != 'fits': wave = np.loadtxt(spectrum, usecols=(0, )) template_fits = '.'.join([template_base, '_tmp.fits']) iraf.onedspec.rspectext(input = template, output = template_fits, dtype = 'linear', crval1 = np.min(wave), cdelt1 = np.median(np.diff(wave))) to_remove.append(template_fits) else: template_fits = template sample = ':'.join(map(str, [wl_start, wl_end])) output_filename = 'fxcor' try: iraf.rv.fxcor(objects=spectrum_fits, templates=template_fits, rebin='template', osample=sample, rsample=sample, output=output_filename, verbose='long', interactive=0, Stdout=1) except: raise else: fxcor_log = [] with open(output_filename + '.log', 'r') as output: fxcor_log.extend(output.readlines()) fxcor_out = [] with open(output_filename + '.txt', 'r') as output: fxcor_out.extend(output.readlines()) fxcor_log = ''.join(fxcor_log) fxcor_out = ''.join(fxcor_out) fxcor_output = np.loadtxt(output_filename + '.txt', comments='#', dtype=str) fxcor_hght, fxcor_fwhm, fxcor_tdr, fxcor_obs, fxcor_rel, fxcor_helio, fxcor_err = fxcor_output[-7::] # Translate if 'INDEF' in [fxcor_hght, fxcor_rel, fxcor_err]: v_rad = fxcor_rel.replace('INDEF', '0') correlation = fxcor_hght.replace('INDEF', '0') v_err = fxcor_rel.replace('INDEF', '-999') v_rad, correlation, v_err = map(float, [fxcor_rel, fxcor_hght, fxcor_err]) os.system('rm -f %s fxcor.txt fxcor.log fxcor.gki' % (' '.join(to_remove), )) return (v_rad, v_err, correlation, )
import sys import os import string from numpy import * import functions import spectype_functions import spectype_numerical_functions import matplotlib import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import pyfits from pyraf import iraf from scipy import interpolate iraf.kpnoslit() iraf.noao() iraf.rv() ################### ### Description ### ################### ### Take input spectrum ### Find chisq in logg - teff space for every reddenining ### Add over reddening ### Find min chisq ### usage: python file_path file_name ### Takes input params from config_file #################