def makenoiselessimage(self, band, galfile, magz, psffile, save=0, gain=1.0): """ Creates a noiseless convolved image """ assert os.path.exists(psffile), "PSF image %s does not exist." % psffile broot = self.root + '_%s' % band outfile = broot + '_sim.fits' outfile_nonoise = broot + '_sim_noiseless.fits' # print outfile,xmax,ymax,galfile,magz,gain iraf.unlearn('artdata') iraf.unlearn('mkobjects') iraf.artdata.dynrange=1.e5 print "Running iraf.mkobject for %s..." % band iraf.mkobjects(outfile_nonoise, output="", title="", ncols=self.xmax, nlines=self.ymax, header="", background=0.0, objects=galfile, xoffset=0., yoffset=0., star="gaussian", radius=0.1, beta=2.5, ar=1., pa=0., distance=1., exptime=1., magzero=magz, gain=gain, rdnoise=0., poisson=0, seed=2, comments=1) print "Convolving with PSF..." if _hconvolve: imhconvolve(outfile_nonoise, psffile, outfile, overwrite=True) else: print "No hconvolve..." outimage = pyfits.getdata(outfile_nonoise) psfimage = pyfits.getdata(psffile) outimage2 = fftconvolve(outimage, psfimage, mode='same') h =, mode='update') h[0].data = outimage2 h.flush() h.close() self.noiselessimages[band] = outfile os.remove(outfile_nonoise)
def _make_const_image(self, value): """ Creates a constant image """ # unlearn some iraf tasks iraf.unlearn('mkpattern') # get a random filename tmpfile1 = get_random_filename('t', '.fits') iraf.mkpattern(input=tmpfile1, output="", pattern="constant", option="replace", v1=value, v2=0.0, size=1, title="", pixtype="real", ndim=2, ncols=self.dimension[1], nlines=self.dimension[0], n3=1, n4=1, n5=1, n6=1, n7=1, header="") return tmpfile1
def trim_img(img,x1,x2,y1,y2): """ Trim a stacked image based on the coordinates given. The image is trimmed using ``imcopy`` through pyraf, so the x and y pixel ranges should be given in the correct ``imcopy`` format. ``[x1:x2,y1:y2]`` Parameters --------- img : str String containing name of the image currently in use x1 : int Pixel coordinate of x1 x2 : int Pixel coordinate of x2 y1 : int Pixel coordinate of y1 y2 : int Pixel coordinate of y2 Returns ------- img : str The new image is given the extension ``.trim.fits``. """ x1,x2 = x1,x2 y1,y2 = y1,y2 input = img.nofits()+'['+repr(x1)+':'+repr(x2)+','+repr(y1)+':'+repr(y2)+']' output = img.nofits()+'.trim.fits' if not os.path.isfile(output): print 'Trimming image: ' ,img iraf.unlearn(iraf.imcopy) iraf.imcopy(input = input,output = output,verbose='no',mode='h')
def mkbiasINTWFC(filelist, type='median'): """ Creates a master bias from given list of bias frames. Saves each extension to a different FITS file. Reads readnoise and gain from the FITS header, as each WFC chip has different values. :note: This function has been written specifically for INT WFC. :param filelist: :type filelist: :param type: combining parameter (default = median) :type type: string :return: None """ input1 = '' for line in filelist: input1 += line[0] + '[1],' input2 = input1.replace('[1]', '[2]') input3 = input1.replace('[1]', '[3]') input4 = input1.replace('[1]', '[4]') inputs = [input1, input2, input3, input4] #note there are four SCI extensions for ext, input in enumerate(inputs): iraf.unlearn('zerocombine') iraf.zerocombine(input=input[:-1], output='BIAS%i.fits' % (ext+1), combine=type, rdnoise='READNOIS', gain='GAIN')
def execute(self): """Execute pyraf task: gmosaic""" log.debug("GmosaicETI.execute()") # Populate object lists xcldict = copy(self.clparam_dict) for fil in self.file_objs: xcldict.update(fil.get_parameter()) for par in self.param_objs: xcldict.update(par.get_parameter()) iraf.unlearn(iraf.gmos.gmosaic) # Use setParam to list the parameters in the logfile for par in xcldict: #Stderr and Stdout are not recognized by setParam if par != "Stderr" and par != "Stdout": gemini.gmos.gmosaic.setParam(par, xcldict[par]) log.fullinfo("\nGMOSAIC PARAMETERS:\n") iraf.lpar(iraf.gmos.gmosaic, Stderr=xcldict["Stderr"], \ Stdout=xcldict["Stdout"]) # Execute the task using the same dict as setParam # (but this time with Stderr and Stdout) #from pprint import pprint #pprint(xcldict) try: gemini.gmos.gmosaic(**xcldict) except: # catch hard crash raise RuntimeError("The IRAF task gmos.gmosaic failed") if gemini.gmos.gmosaic.status: # catch graceful exit upon error raise RuntimeError("The IRAF task gmos.gmosaic failed") else: log.fullinfo("The IRAF task gmos.gmosaic completed successfully")
def execute(self): """Execute pyraf task: gsappwave""" log.debug("GsappwaveETI.execute()") # Populate object lists xcldict = copy(self.clparam_dict) for fil in self.file_objs: xcldict.update(fil.get_parameter()) for par in self.param_objs: xcldict.update(par.get_parameter()) iraf.unlearn(iraf.gmos.gsappwave) # Use setParam to list the parameters in the logfile for par in xcldict: # Stderr and Stdout are not recognized by setParam if par != "Stderr" and par != "Stdout": gemini.gmos.gsappwave.setParam(par, xcldict[par]) log.fullinfo("\nGSAPPWAVE PARAMETERS:\n") iraf.lpar(iraf.gmos.gsappwave, Stderr=xcldict["Stderr"], Stdout=xcldict["Stdout"]) # Execute the task using the same dict as setParam # (but this time with Stderr and Stdout) # from pprint import pprint # pprint(xcldict) gemini.gmos.gsappwave(**xcldict) if gemini.gmos.gsappwave.status: raise Errors.OutputError("The IRAF task gmos.gsappwave failed") else: log.fullinfo("The IRAF task gmos.gsappwave completed successfully")
def bootstrapZP(image,cat='',refcat='',refzp=1.0): (ra,dec,mag,star)=np.loadtxt(cat,usecols=(0,1,2,3),unpack=True, dtype=np.dtype([('ra','<f10'),('dec','<f10'),('mag','<f10'), ('star','<f10')])) (rra,rdec,rmag,rstar)=np.loadtxt(refcat,usecols=(0,1,2,3),unpack=True, dtype=np.dtype([('rra','<f10'),('rdec','<f10'),('rmag','<f10'), ('rstar','<f10')])) #Grab only stars from the reference catalog refgood=np.where((rstar >= 0.98) & (rmag != 99.0) & (rmag > 17.0) & (rmag < 22.5)) refcat=SkyCoord(ra=rra[refgood]*,dec=rdec[refgood]* #Sort through and remove anything that is not a star and is not isolated #from other sources in the input catalog catgood=np.where((star >= 0.98) & (mag != 99.0)) cat=SkyCoord(ra=ra[catgood]*,dec=dec[catgood]* idx,d2d,_=cat.match_to_catalog_sky(refcat) _,d2d2,_=cat.match_to_catalog_sky(cat,2) final=np.where((d2d.arcsec < 0.5) & (d2d2.arcsec >= 5.0)) diff=rmag[refgood][idx][final]-mag[catgood][final] imgZP=np.mean(diff) print '\n\tUsing '+str(len(diff))+' stars to calculate ZP...' print '\tMean ZP: '+str(round(imgZP,3))+' mag\n' scaleFactor=10.0**(0.4*(refzp-imgZP)) iraf.unlearn('imcalc') iraf.imcalc(image,image[:-5]+'_scaled.fits','im1*'+str(scaleFactor))
def _compute_err_ext(self, sci_ext): """ Compute the error image for a science image For a image in [e], the module computes the associated error image assuming a simple noise model with photon shot noise and readout noise. @param sci_ext: the input image @type sci_extsci_ext: string """ # unlearn some iraf tasks iraf.unlearn('imexpr') # get a random filename tmpfile1 = get_random_filename('t', '.fits') # compute the error array expression = "sqrt(a + b*b)" iraf.imexpr(expr=expression, output=tmpfile1, a=sci_ext, b=self.rdnoise, Stdout=1) return tmpfile1
def wavelength_solution(WORK_DIR, skip_exist=False): print '\n + Finding the wavelength solution\n' # calibrate wavelength # This step will require you to calibrate first arc by hand. The rest will be done automatically. # after l (automatic find other lines) change x and y order to 4 # x - choose plots of the fit (per order, pixel, ...) iraf.unlearn('ecreidentify') iraf.unlearn('ecidentify') if observations[WORK_DIR]['REF_ARC']: try: print 'shutil.copy' shutil.copy(observations[WORK_DIR]['REF_ARC'], 'database/' + observations[WORK_DIR]['REF_ARC'].split('/')[-1]) except: pass for cal in observations[WORK_DIR]['calibs']: print 'iraf.ecreident' iraf.ecreident(images=cal+'.ec', referenc=observations[WORK_DIR]['REF_ARC'].replace('/ec', '/').split('/')[-1], refit='yes', shift=0, cradius=5, thresho=10) pass for cal in observations[WORK_DIR]['calibs']: print 'iraf.ecident' iraf.ecident(images=cal+'.ec', coordli='linelists$thar.dat', match=1, maxfeat=1800, ftype='emission', fwidth=4, cradius=5, thresho=2, minsep=2, functio='chebyshev', xorder=3, yorder=3, niterat=5, lowreje=3, highreje=3, autowri='yes')
def makedark(files, output): """ Make dark image for NIRC2 data. Makes a calib/ directory and stores all output there. All output and temporary files will be created in a darks/ subdirectory. files: integer list of the files. Does not require padded zeros. output: output file name. Include the .fits extension. """ redDir = os.getcwd() + '/' # Reduce directory. curDir = redDir + 'calib/' darkDir = util.trimdir(curDir + 'darks/') rawDir = util.trimdir(os.path.abspath(redDir + '../raw') + '/') util.mkdir(curDir) util.mkdir(darkDir) _out = darkDir + output _outlis = darkDir + 'dark.lis' util.rmall([_out, _outlis]) darks = [rawDir + 'n' + str(i).zfill(4) + '.fits' for i in files] f_on = open(_outlis, 'w') f_on.write('\n'.join(darks) + '\n') f_on.close() ir.unlearn('imcombine') ir.imcombine.combine = 'median' ir.imcombine.reject = 'sigclip' ir.imcombine.nlow = 1 ir.imcombine.nhigh = 1 ir.imcombine('@' + _outlis, _out)
def setup_drizzle(imgsize): """Setup drizzle parameters for NIRC2 data. @param imgsize: The size (in pixels) of the final drizzle image. This assumes that the image will be square. @type imgsize: int @param type: str """ print 'Setting up drizzle' # Setup the drizzle parameters we will use ir.module.load('stsdas', doprint=0, hush=1) ir.module.load('analysis', doprint=0, hush=1) ir.module.load('dither', doprint=0, hush=1) ir.unlearn('drizzle') ir.drizzle.outweig = '' ir.drizzle.in_mask = '' ir.drizzle.wt_scl = 1 ir.drizzle.outnx = imgsize ir.drizzle.outny = imgsize ir.drizzle.pixfrac = 1 ir.drizzle.kernel = 'lanczos3' ir.drizzle.scale = 1 ir.drizzle.coeffs = distCoef ir.drizzle.xgeoim = distXgeoim ir.drizzle.ygeoim = distYgeoim ir.drizzle.shft_un = 'input' ir.drizzle.shft_fr = 'output' ir.drizzle.align = 'center' ir.drizzle.expkey = 'ITIME' ir.drizzle.in_un = 'counts' ir.drizzle.out_un = 'counts'
def rotate_2005_lgsao(): # Need to rotate an image. ir.unlearn('rotate') ir.rotate.boundary = 'constant' ir.rotate.constant = 0 ir.rotate.interpolant = 'spline3' ir.rotate.ncols = 1040 ir.rotate.nlines = 1040 = 528 ir.rotate.xout = 540 ir.rotate.yin = 645 ir.rotate.yout = 410 ir.rotate(workdir + 'mag05jullgs_kp.fits', workdir + 'mag05jullgs_kp_rot.fits', 190) = 535 ir.rotate.xout = 540 ir.rotate.yin = 655 ir.rotate.yout = 410 ir.rotate(workdir + 'mag05jullgs_h.fits', workdir + 'mag05jullgs_h_rot.fits', 190) = 572 ir.rotate.xout = 540 ir.rotate.yin = 694 ir.rotate.yout = 410 ir.rotate(workdir + 'mag05jullgs_lp.fits', workdir + 'mag05jullgs_lp_rot.fits', 190) = 483 ir.rotate.xout = 483 ir.rotate.yin = 612 ir.rotate.yout = 612 ir.rotate(workdir + 'mag04jul.fits', workdir + 'mag04jul_rot.fits', 1)
def stack_images(refimg): from import fits from pyraf import iraf print refimg fitsref = hduref = fitsref[0] objname = hduref.header['object'] filter_name = hduref.header['filter'] sky_med = odi.find_new_bg(refimg, filter_name) # sky_med = hduref.header['skybg'] output = objname+'_'+filter_name+'.fits' output_bpm = objname+'_'+filter_name+'' iraf.unlearn(iraf.immatch.imcombine, iraf.imutil.imarith) iraf.immatch.imcombine(odi.scaledpath+'*'+filter_name+'*.fits', 'temp', combine='average', reject='none', offsets='wcs', masktype='goodvalue', maskval=0, blank=-999, scale='none', zero='none', lthresh=-900, hthresh=60000) # iraf.imutil.imarith.setParam('operand1','temp') # iraf.imutil.imarith.setParam('op','+') # iraf.imutil.imarith.setParam('operand2',sky_med) # iraf.imutil.imarith.setParam('result',output) # iraf.imutil.imarith.setParam('verbose','yes') # iraf.imutil.imarith(mode='h') iraf.imutil.imexpr('(a != -999) ? a + b : -999',output,'temp.fits',sky_med) iraf.imutil.imexpr('a < 0',output_bpm, output) iraf.imutil.imdelete('temp', verify='no') iraf.unlearn(iraf.imutil.hedit) iraf.imutil.hedit.setParam('images',output) iraf.imutil.hedit.setParam('fields','BPM') iraf.imutil.hedit.setParam('value',output_bpm) iraf.imutil.hedit.setParam('add','yes') iraf.imutil.hedit.setParam('addonly','no') iraf.imutil.hedit.setParam('verify','no') iraf.imutil.hedit.setParam('update','yes') iraf.imutil.hedit(show='no', mode='h') # iraf.immatch.imcombine(reprojpath+'*.fits', 'test', expm='', combine='average', reject='none', offsets='wcs', masktype='goodvalue', maskval=0, blank=-999, scale='none', zero='none', lthresh=-900, hthresh=60000) return output
def reproject_ota(img, ota, rad, decd): from pyraf import iraf image = odi.illcorpath+'illcor_'+ota+'.'+str(img[16:]) imout = odi.reprojpath+'reproj_'+ota+'.'+str(img[16:]) iraf.mscred(_doprint=0) iraf.clobber='no' iraf.unlearn(iraf.mscred.mscimage) iraf.mscred.mscimage.format='image' iraf.mscred.mscimage.pixmask='yes' iraf.mscred.mscimage.verbose='yes' iraf.mscred.mscimage.wcssour='parameters' iraf.mscred.mscimage.ref='' iraf.mscred.mscimage.ra=rad iraf.mscred.mscimage.dec=decd iraf.mscred.mscimage.scale=0.11 iraf.mscred.mscimage.rotation=0.0 iraf.mscred.mscimage.blank=-999 iraf.mscred.mscimage.interpo='poly5' iraf.mscred.mscimage.minterp='poly5' iraf.mscred.mscimage.nxbl=4096 iraf.mscred.mscimage.nybl=4096 iraf.mscred.mscimage.fluxcon='yes' iraf.mscred.mscimage(image,imout) return
def do_axecore(filters, basepath, back='yes', extrfwhm=4.0, drzfwhm=0.0, backfwhm=10.0, orient='no', slitless_geom='no', cont_model='gauss', sampling='drizzle', np=5, interp=1): olddir = os.getcwd() os.chdir(basepath) for filter in filters: if filter[0].lower() == 'g': #grism, continue listfile = os.path.join(basepath, filter + '.lis') conffile = "WFC3.IR." + filter + ".V2.5.conf" iraf.unlearn('axecore') iraf.axecore(listfile, conffile, extrfwhm=extrfwhm, drzfwhm=drzfwhm, back=back, backfwhm=backfwhm, orient=orient, slitless_geom=slitless_geom, cont_model=cont_model, sampling=sampling, np=np, interp=interp) os.chdir(olddir)
def trim_img(img, x1, x2, y1, y2): """ Trim a stacked image based on the coordinates given. The image is trimmed using ``imcopy`` through pyraf, so the x and y pixel ranges should be given in the correct ``imcopy`` format. ``[x1:x2,y1:y2]`` Parameters --------- img : str String containing name of the image currently in use x1 : int Pixel coordinate of x1 x2 : int Pixel coordinate of x2 y1 : int Pixel coordinate of y1 y2 : int Pixel coordinate of y2 Returns ------- img : str The new image is given the extension ``.trim.fits``. """ x1, x2 = x1, x2 y1, y2 = y1, y2 input = img.nofits() + '[' + repr(x1) + ':' + repr(x2) + ',' + repr( y1) + ':' + repr(y2) + ']' output = img.nofits() + '.trim.fits' if not os.path.isfile(output): print 'Trimming image: ', img iraf.unlearn(iraf.imcopy) iraf.imcopy(input=input, output=output, verbose='no', mode='h')
def mkflatINTWFC(data, combine='median', reject='avsigclip'): """ Creates a master flat from a given list of flat frames. Reads readnoise and gain from the FITS header, as each WFC chip has different values. :note: ccdproc """ for filter in data: input1 = '' for file in data[filter]: input1 += file + '[1],' input2 = input1.replace('[1]', '[2]') input3 = input1.replace('[1]', '[3]') input4 = input1.replace('[1]', '[4]') inputs = [input1, input2, input3, input4] for ext, input in enumerate(inputs): print input iraf.unlearn('flatcombine') iraf.flatcombine(input=input[:-1], output='FLAT_{0:>s}_{1:d}.fits'.format( filter, ext + 1), combine=combine, reject=reject, rdnoise='READNOIS', gain='GAIN')
def mkflatINTWFC(data, combine='median', reject='avsigclip'): """ Creates a master flat from a given list of flat frames. Reads readnoise and gain from the FITS header, as each WFC chip has different values. :note: ccdproc """ for filter in data: input1 = '' for file in data[filter]: input1 += file + '[1],' input2 = input1.replace('[1]', '[2]') input3 = input1.replace('[1]', '[3]') input4 = input1.replace('[1]', '[4]') inputs = [input1, input2, input3, input4] for ext, input in enumerate(inputs): print input iraf.unlearn('flatcombine') iraf.flatcombine(input=input[:-1], output='FLAT_{0:>s}_{1:d}.fits'.format(filter, ext + 1), combine=combine, reject=reject, rdnoise='READNOIS', gain='GAIN')
def subtract_bias(self): """Subtracting Bias Frame""" iraf.unlearn(iraf.ccdproc) iraf.ccdproc(, ccdtype="", fixpix="no", overscan="no", trim ="no", zerocor="yes", darkcor="no", flatcor ="no", zero=self.bias.iin("Bias"))
def subtract_dark(self): """Subtracting Dark Frame""" iraf.unlearn(iraf.ccdproc) iraf.ccdproc(, ccdtype="", fixpix="no", overscan="no", trim ="no", zerocor="no", darkcor="yes", flatcor ="no", dark=self.dark.iin("Dark"))
def stdsensfunc(fs=None):'work') if fs is None: fs = glob('x1d/sci*x1d*c?.fits') if len(fs) == 0: print "WARNING: No extracted spectra to create sensfuncs from."'..') return if not os.path.exists('std'): os.mkdir('std') for f in fs: # Put the file in the std directory, but last 3 letters of sens outfile = 'std/' + f.split('/')[1] outfile = outfile.replace('x1d', 'sens').replace('sci', 'std') outfile = outfile.replace('.fits', '.dat') # if the object name is in the list of standard stars from pysalt if isstdstar(f): # We use pysalt here because standard requires a # dispersion correction which was already taken care of above # Write out an ascii file that pysalt.specsens can read asciispec = 'std/std.ascii.dat' spectoascii(f, asciispec) # run specsens stdfile = pysaltpath + '/data/standards/spectroscopic/m%s.dat' % pyfits.getval(f, 'OBJECT').lower().replace('-','_') extfile = pysaltpath + '/data/site/suth_extinct.dat' iraf.unlearn(iraf.specsens) iraf.specsens(asciispec, outfile, stdfile, extfile, airmass=pyfits.getval(f, 'AIRMASS'), exptime=pyfits.getval(f, 'EXPTIME'), function='poly', order=11, clobber=True, mode='h', thresh=1e10) # delete the ascii file os.remove(asciispec)'..')
def fixpix(fs=None):'work') if fs is None: fs = glob('nrm/sci*nrm*.fits') if len(fs) == 0: print "WARNING: No rectified images to fix."'..') return if not os.path.exists('fix'): os.mkdir('fix') for f in fs: outname = f.replace('nrm', 'fix') # Copy the file to the fix directory shutil.copy(f, outname) # Set all of the BPM pixels = 0 h =, mode='update') h['SCI'].data[h['BPM'].data == 1] = 0 # Grab the CRM extension from the lax file laxhdu ='nrm', 'lax')) h.append(pyfits.ImageHDU(data=laxhdu['CRM'].data.copy(), header=laxhdu['CRM'].header.copy(), name='CRM')) h.flush() h.close() laxhdu.close() # Run iraf's fixpix on the cosmic rays, not ideal, # but better than nothing because apall doesn't take a bad pixel mask iraf.unlearn(iraf.fixpix) iraf.flpr() iraf.fixpix(outname + '[SCI]', outname + '[CRM]', mode='hl')'..')
def identify2d(fs=None):'work') if fs is None: fs = glob('mos/arc*mos*.fits') if len(fs) == 0: print "WARNING: No mosaiced (2D) specidentify." # Change directories to fail gracefully'..') return arcfs, arcgas = get_ims(fs, 'arc') if not os.path.exists('id2'): os.mkdir('id2') lampfiles = { 'Th Ar': 'ThAr.salt', 'Xe': 'Xe.salt', 'Ne': 'NeAr.salt', 'Cu Ar': 'CuAr.salt', 'Ar': 'Argon_hires.salt', 'Hg Ar': 'HgAr.salt' } for i, f in enumerate(arcfs): ga = arcgas[i] # find lamp and corresponding linelist lamp = pyfits.getval(f, 'LAMPID') lampfn = lampfiles[lamp] if pyfits.getval(f, 'GRATING') == 'PG0300' and lamp == 'Ar': lampfn = 'Argon_lores.swj' ccdsum = int(pyfits.getval(f, 'CCDSUM').split()[1]) # linelistpath is a global variable defined in beginning, path to # where the line lists are. lamplines = pysaltpath + '/data/linelists/' + lampfn print(lamplines) # img num should be right before the .fits imgnum = f[-9:-5] # run pysalt specidentify idfile = 'id2/arc%05.2fid2%04i' % (float(ga), int(imgnum)) + '.db' iraf.unlearn(iraf.specidentify) iraf.flpr() iraf.specidentify( images=f, linelist=lamplines, outfile=idfile, guesstype='rss', inter=True, # automethod='FitXcor', rstep=600 / ccdsum, rstart=200 / ccdsum, startext=1, clobber='yes', #startext=1, clobber='yes', verbose='no', mode='hl', logfile='salt.log', mdiff=2, function='legendre')'..')
def tpv2tan_hdr(img, ota): image = odi.reprojpath+'reproj_'+ota+'.'+img.stem() # change the CTYPENs to be TANs if they aren't already tqdm.write('TPV -> TAN in {:s}'.format(image)) iraf.imutil.hedit.setParam('images',image) iraf.imutil.hedit.setParam('fields','CTYPE1') iraf.imutil.hedit.setParam('value','RA---TAN') iraf.imutil.hedit.setParam('add','yes') iraf.imutil.hedit.setParam('addonly','no') iraf.imutil.hedit.setParam('verify','no') iraf.imutil.hedit.setParam('update','yes') iraf.imutil.hedit(show='no', mode='h') iraf.imutil.hedit.setParam('images',image) iraf.imutil.hedit.setParam('fields','CTYPE2') iraf.imutil.hedit.setParam('value','DEC--TAN') iraf.imutil.hedit.setParam('add','yes') iraf.imutil.hedit.setParam('addonly','no') iraf.imutil.hedit.setParam('verify','no') iraf.imutil.hedit.setParam('update','yes') iraf.imutil.hedit(show='no', mode='h') # delete any PV keywords # leaving them in will give you trouble with the img wcs iraf.unlearn(iraf.imutil.hedit) iraf.imutil.hedit.setParam('images',image) iraf.imutil.hedit.setParam('fields','PV*') iraf.imutil.hedit.setParam('delete','yes') iraf.imutil.hedit.setParam('verify','no') iraf.imutil.hedit.setParam('update','yes') iraf.imutil.hedit(show='no', mode='h')
def make_bpms(images): for i in range(len(images)): for key in OTA_dictionary: mask,masked_array = mask_ota(images[i],OTA_dictionary[key]) hdu = fits.PrimaryHDU(mask.astype(float)) # create string for mask fits name mask_name = bppath+'mask_'+OTA_dictionary[key]+'.'+str(images[i][-27:49]) BPM = mask_name.replace('fits','pl') if not os.path.isfile(mask_name): hdu.writeto(mask_name,clobber=True) if not os.path.isfile(mask_name.replace('fits','pl')): iraf.unlearn(iraf.imutil.imcopy) iraf.imutil.imcopy.setParam('input',mask_name) iraf.imutil.imcopy.setParam('output',mask_name.replace('fits','pl')) iraf.imutil.imcopy.setParam('verbose','no') iraf.imutil.imcopy(mode='h') iraf.unlearn(iraf.imutil.hedit) iraf.imutil.hedit.setParam('images',images[i]+'['+str(key)+']') iraf.imutil.hedit.setParam('fields','BPM') iraf.imutil.hedit.setParam('value',BPM) iraf.imutil.hedit.setParam('add','no') iraf.imutil.hedit.setParam('addonly','no') iraf.imutil.hedit.setParam('verify','no') iraf.imutil.hedit.setParam('update','yes') iraf.imutil.hedit(mode='h') return
def _medFilterMaskedWgtIm(self, imname, medfiltsize=5): """ Method to median filter an image, intended to be the detection weight image. Default filter size is 5 pix. It first makes a mask from the input image so that no input zero pixels (which are specially flagged as having no weight) become nonzero after filtering. """ tmpMed = '_tmpMED.fits' tmpMask = '_tmpMask.fits' iraf.flpr() iraf.flpr(iraf.median) iraf.flpr(iraf.imcalc) iraf.unlearn(iraf.median) iraf.median.input = imname iraf.median.output = tmpMed iraf.median.xwindow = medfiltsize iraf.median.ywindow = medfiltsize iraf.median.mode = 'h' iraf.median() iraf.unlearn(iraf.imcalc) iraf.imcalc(imname, tmpMask, "if im1 .eq. 0 then 0 else 1") _instring = tmpMed+','+tmpMask iraf.imcalc(_instring, tmpMed, "im1 * im2") os.rename(tmpMed,imname) os.remove(tmpMask) iraf.flpr(iraf.median) iraf.flpr(iraf.imcalc) iraf.flpr() return
def execute(self): """Execute pyraf task: gemcombine""" log.debug("GemcombineETI.execute()") # Populate object lists xcldict = copy(self.clparam_dict) for fil in self.file_objs: xcldict.update(fil.get_parameter()) for par in self.param_objs: xcldict.update(par.get_parameter()) iraf.unlearn(iraf.gemcombine) # Use setParam to list the parameters in the logfile for par in xcldict: #Stderr and Stdout are not recognized by setParam if par != "Stderr" and par !="Stdout": gemini.gemcombine.setParam(par,xcldict[par]) log.fullinfo("\nGEMCOMBINE PARAMETERS:\n") iraf.lpar(iraf.gemcombine, Stderr=xcldict["Stderr"], \ Stdout=xcldict["Stdout"]) # Execute the task using the same dict as setParam # (but this time with Stderr and Stdout) try: gemini.gemcombine(**xcldict) except: # catch hard crash of the primitive raise Errors.OutputError("The IRAF task gemcombine failed") if gemini.gemcombine.status: # catch graceful exit on error raise Errors.OutputError("The IRAF task gemcombine failed") else: log.fullinfo("The IRAF task gemcombine completed successfully")
def make_bpms(img, ota): # for i in range(len(images)): # for key in OTA_dictionary: # create string for mask fits name mask_name = odi.bppath+'mask_'+ota+'.'+str(img[16:]) BPM = mask_name.replace('fits','pl') if not os.path.isfile(BPM): mask,gaps = odi.mask_ota(img,ota) hdu = odi.fits.PrimaryHDU(mask.astype(float)) if not os.path.isfile(mask_name): hdu.writeto(mask_name,clobber=True) #if not os.path.isfile(mask_name.replace('fits','pl')): iraf.unlearn(iraf.imutil.imcopy) iraf.imutil.imcopy.setParam('input',mask_name) iraf.imutil.imcopy.setParam('output',mask_name.replace('fits','pl')) iraf.imutil.imcopy.setParam('verbose','no') iraf.imutil.imcopy(mode='h') iraf.unlearn(iraf.imutil.hedit) iraf.imutil.hedit.setParam('images',img+'['+ota+']') iraf.imutil.hedit.setParam('fields','BPM') iraf.imutil.hedit.setParam('value',BPM) iraf.imutil.hedit.setParam('add','yes') iraf.imutil.hedit.setParam('addonly','no') iraf.imutil.hedit.setParam('verify','no') iraf.imutil.hedit.setParam('update','yes') iraf.imutil.hedit(show='no', mode='h') if os.path.isfile(mask_name): os.remove(mask_name) return
def make_bpms(img, ota): # for i in range(len(images)): # for key in OTA_dictionary: # create string for mask fits name mask_name = odi.bppath + 'mask_' + ota + '.' + img.stem() BPM = mask_name.replace('fits', 'pl') if not os.path.isfile(BPM): mask, gaps = odi.mask_ota(img, ota) hdu = odi.fits.PrimaryHDU(mask.astype(float)) if not os.path.isfile(mask_name): hdu.writeto(mask_name, clobber=True) #if not os.path.isfile(mask_name.replace('fits','pl')): iraf.unlearn(iraf.imutil.imcopy) iraf.imutil.imcopy.setParam('input', mask_name) iraf.imutil.imcopy.setParam('output', mask_name.replace('fits', 'pl')) iraf.imutil.imcopy.setParam('verbose', 'no') iraf.imutil.imcopy(mode='h') iraf.unlearn(iraf.imutil.hedit) iraf.imutil.hedit.setParam('images', img.f + '[' + ota + ']') iraf.imutil.hedit.setParam('fields', 'BPM') iraf.imutil.hedit.setParam('value', BPM) iraf.imutil.hedit.setParam('add', 'yes') iraf.imutil.hedit.setParam('addonly', 'no') iraf.imutil.hedit.setParam('verify', 'no') iraf.imutil.hedit.setParam('update', 'yes') iraf.imutil.hedit(show='no', mode='h') if os.path.isfile(mask_name): os.remove(mask_name) return
def mkbiasINTWFC(filelist, type='median'): """ Creates a master bias from given list of bias frames. Saves each extension to a different FITS file. Reads readnoise and gain from the FITS header, as each WFC chip has different values. :note: This function has been written specifically for INT WFC. :param filelist: :type filelist: :param type: combining parameter (default = median) :type type: string :return: None """ input1 = '' for line in filelist: input1 += line[0] + '[1],' input2 = input1.replace('[1]', '[2]') input3 = input1.replace('[1]', '[3]') input4 = input1.replace('[1]', '[4]') inputs = [input1, input2, input3, input4] #note there are four SCI extensions for ext, input in enumerate(inputs): iraf.unlearn('zerocombine') iraf.zerocombine(input=input[:-1], output='BIAS%i.fits' % (ext + 1), combine=type, rdnoise='READNOIS', gain='GAIN')
def makedark(files, output): """ Make dark image for NIRC2 data. Makes a calib/ directory and stores all output there. All output and temporary files will be created in a darks/ subdirectory. files: integer list of the files. Does not require padded zeros. output: output file name. Include the .fits extension. """ redDir = os.getcwd() + "/" # Reduce directory. curDir = redDir + "calib/" darkDir = util.trimdir(curDir + "darks/") rawDir = util.trimdir(os.path.abspath(redDir + "../raw") + "/") util.mkdir(curDir) util.mkdir(darkDir) _out = darkDir + output _outlis = darkDir + "dark.lis" util.rmall([_out, _outlis]) darks = [rawDir + "n" + str(i).zfill(4) + ".fits" for i in files] f_on = open(_outlis, "w") f_on.write("\n".join(darks) + "\n") f_on.close() ir.unlearn("imcombine") ir.imcombine.combine = "median" ir.imcombine.reject = "sigclip" ir.imcombine.nlow = 1 ir.imcombine.nhigh = 1 ir.imcombine("@" + _outlis, _out)
def scireduce(scifiles, rawpath): for f in scifiles: setupname = getsetupname(f) # gsreduce subtracts bias and mosaics detectors iraf.unlearn(iraf.gsreduce) iraf.gsreduce('@' + f, outimages=f[:-4]+'.mef', rawpath=rawpath, bias="bias", fl_over=dooverscan, fl_fixpix='no', fl_flat=False, fl_gmosaic=False, fl_cut=False, fl_gsappwave=False, fl_oversize=False) if is_GS: # Renormalize the chips to remove the discrete jump in the # sensitivity due to differences in the QE for different chips iraf.unlearn(iraf.gqecorr) iraf.gqecorr(f[:-4]+'.mef', outimages=f[:-4]+'.qe.fits', fl_keep=True, fl_correct=True, refimages=setupname + '.arc.arc.fits', corrimages=setupname +'.qe.fits', verbose=True) iraf.unlearn(iraf.gmosaic) iraf.gmosaic(f[:-4]+'.qe.fits', outimages=f[:-4] +'.fits') else: iraf.unlearn(iraf.gmosaic) iraf.gmosaic(f[:-4]+'.mef.fits', outimages=f[:-4] +'.fits') # Flat field the image hdu =[:-4]+'.fits', mode='update') hdu['SCI'].data /= pyfits.getdata(setupname+'.flat.fits', extname='SCI') hdu.flush() hdu.close() # Transform the data based on the arc wavelength solution iraf.unlearn(iraf.gstransform) iraf.gstransform(f[:-4], wavtran=setupname + '.arc')
def fluxcal(stdsfolder='./', fs=None):'work') if fs is None: fs = glob('x1d/sci*x1d*c*.fits') if len(fs) == 0: print "WARNING: No science chip spectra to flux calibrate."'..') return if not os.path.exists('flx'): os.mkdir('flx') extfile = pysaltpath + '/data/site/suth_extinct.dat' stdfiles = glob(stdsfolder + '/std/*sens*c?.dat') print(stdfiles) for f in fs: outfile = f.replace('x1d', 'flx') chip = outfile[-6] hdu = ga = f.split('/')[1][3:8] # Get the standard sensfunc with the same grating angle stdfile = None for stdf in stdfiles: if np.isclose(float(ga), float(stdf.split('/')[stdf.count('/')][3:8]), rtol=1e-2): # Get the right chip number if chip == stdf[-5]: stdfile = stdf break if stdfile is None: print('No standard star with grating-angle %s' % ga) continue # for each extracted aperture for i in range(hdu[0].data.shape[1]): # create an ascii file that pysalt can read asciiname = 'flx/sciflx.dat' outtmpname = 'flx/scical.dat' spectoascii(f, asciiname, i) # Run pysalt.speccal iraf.unlearn(iraf.speccal) iraf.flpr() iraf.speccal(asciiname, outtmpname, stdfile, extfile, airmass=pyfits.getval(f, 'AIRMASS'), exptime=pyfits.getval(f, 'EXPTIME'), clobber=True, mode='h') # read in the flux calibrated ascii file and copy its # contents into a fits file flxcal = np.genfromtxt(outtmpname).transpose() hdu[0].data[0, i] = flxcal[1] hdu[0].data[2, i] = flxcal[2] # delete the ascii file os.remove(asciiname) os.remove(outtmpname) hdu.writeto(outfile, clobber=True)'..')
def mkScaleImage(image):[0].header (mult,add)=(hdr['MSCSCALE'],hdr['MSCZERO']) iraf.unlearn('imcalc') if os.path.exists(image[:-5]+'_scale.fits'): os.remove(image[:-5]+'_scale.fits') iraf.imcalc(image,image[:-5]+'_scale.fits','(im1+'+str(add)+')*'+str(mult))
def divide_flat(self): """Dividing by Flat Frame""" iraf.unlearn(iraf.ccdproc) iraf.ccdproc(,"-Flat"), flat=self.flat.iin("Flat"), ccdtype="", fixpix="no", overscan="no", trim ="no", zerocor="no", flatcor="yes", darkcor ="no")
def __init__(self): """ Initializes the class """ from pyraf import iraf from iraf import stsdas, analysis, dither # unlearn the task iraf.unlearn('drizzle')
def mkWeightMap(image,search=''): if search != '': imname=glob.glob(search)[0] else: imname=image iraf.unlearn('imcalc') iraf.imcalc(imname,'weight.fits','if im1 .eq. 0 then 0.0 else 1.0')
def trim_img(img): x1,x2 = 2508,15798 y1,y2 = 2216,15506 input = img[:-5]+'['+repr(x1)+':'+repr(x2)+','+repr(y1)+':'+repr(y2)+']' output = img[:-5]+'.trim.fits' if not os.path.isfile(output): print 'Trimming image: ' ,img iraf.unlearn(iraf.imcopy) iraf.imcopy(input = input,output = output,verbose='no',mode='h')
def skysub(scifiles, rawpath): for f in scifiles: # sky subtraction # output has an s prefixed on the front # This step is currently quite slow for Gemini-South data iraf.unlearn(iraf.gsskysub) iraf.gsskysub('t' + f[:-4], long_sample='*', fl_inter='no', fl_vardq=dodq, naverage=-10, order=1, low_reject=2.0, high_reject=2.0, niterate=10, mode='h')
def skysub(scifiles, rawpath): for f in scifiles: # sky subtraction # output has an s prefixed on the front # This step is currently quite slow for Gemini-South data iraf.unlearn(iraf.gsskysub) iraf.gsskysub('t' + f[:-4], long_sample='*', fl_inter='no', naverage=-10, order=1, low_reject=2.0, high_reject=2.0, niterate=10, mode='h')
def convolve_images_psf(images_with_headers): print("Convolving images (not implemented yet)") for i in range(0, len(images_with_headers)): original_filename = os.path.basename(images_with_headers[i][2]) original_directory = os.path.dirname(images_with_headers[i][2]) new_directory = original_directory + "/convolved/" #artificial_filename = new_directory + original_filename + "_pixelgrid.fits" #registered_filename = new_directory + original_filename + "_registered.fits" input_directory = original_directory + "/registered/" input_filename = input_directory + original_filename + "_registered.fits" print("Artificial filename: " + artificial_filename) print("Registered filename: " + registered_filename) print("Input filename: " + input_filename) if not os.path.exists(new_directory): os.makedirs(new_directory) #reading the science image: science_image = fits.getdata(input_filename) # if using a kernel image, then we first regrid the kernel to the same as in the science image, and we re-center the kernel: # create a fake image "apixel_kernel.fits" # the original kernel has a grid of 3645*3645 pixels and centered at (1822, 1822) # ncols = nlines = initial_number_of_rows * initial_pixelsize_of_the_kernel / science_image_pixelsize # in the current case: 3645* 0.25 (arcsecs per pixel) / 2 (arcsecs per pixel) = 455.62 artdata.mkpattern(input="apixel_kernel.fits", output="apixel_kernel.fits", pattern="constant", option="replace",v1=0., v2=1., size=1, title="", pixtype="real", ndim=2, ncols=455,nlines=455,n3=1, n4=1, n5=1, n6=1, n7=1, header="") #Then, tag the desired WCS in this fake image: # # unlearn some iraf tasks iraf.unlearn('ccsetwcs') #xref = yref = ncols/2 = nlines/2 #xmag, ymag = pixel scale of science image iraf.ccsetwcs(images="apixel_kernel.fits", database="", solution="", xref=227.5, yref=227.5, xmag=2, ymag=2, xrotati=0.,yrotati=0.,lngref=0, latref=0, lngunit="hours", latunit="degrees", transpo="no", project="tan", coosyst="j2000", update="yes", pixsyst="logical", verbose="yes") # Then, register the fits file of interest to the WCS of the fake fits file # # unlearn some iraf tasks iraf.unlearn('wregister') iraf.wregister(input="Kernel_HiRes_PACS_70_to_SPIRE_500.fits", reference="apixel_kernel.fits", output="Kernel_P70_2_S500.fits", fluxconserve="yes") # then we get the data from the kernel kernel_image = pyfits.getdata('Kernel_P70_2_S500.fits') #several ways to do the convolution, but is best to use number 3 or 4: #3. result3 = astropy.nddata.convolution.convolve.convolve(science_image, kernel_image) # got a segmentation fault - it needs an odd number of columns/rows for the kernel pyfits.writeto('science_image_convolved_3.fits',result3) #4. result4 = astropy.nddata.convolution.convolve.convolve_fft(science_image,kernel_image) # worked OK - was the fastest thus far pyfits.writeto('science_image_convolved_4.fits',result4)
def run_tweakshifts(asn_direct, verbose=False, clean=True): """ run_tweakshifts(asn_direct) asn_direct - filename of ASN table of direct images [...]_asn.fits This routine only uses dither.tweakshifts to compute the relative shifts of the direct images """ from pyraf import iraf from iraf import stsdas, dither no = yes = iraf.yes INDEF = iraf.INDEF root = asn_direct.split('_asn.fits')[0] #.lower() try: os.remove(root + '_tweak.fits') except: pass iraf.flpr() iraf.flpr() iraf.flpr() if clean: clean = iraf.yes else: clean = iraf.unlearn('tweakshifts') status = iraf.tweakshifts(input=asn_direct, shiftfile='', reference=root+'_tweak.fits', output = root+'_shifts.txt', findmode = 'catalog', gencatalog = 'daofind', sextractpars = '', undistort = yes, computesig = yes, idckey = 'idctab', \ clean = clean, verbose = no, catfile = '', xcol = 1, ycol = 2, \ fluxcol = 3, fluxmax = INDEF, fluxmin = INDEF, fluxunits = 'counts', \ nbright = INDEF, refcat = '', refxcol = 1, refycol = 2, rfluxcol = 3, \ rfluxmax = INDEF, rfluxmin = INDEF, rfluxunits = 'counts', \ refnbright = INDEF, minobj = 15, nmatch = 30, matching = 'tolerance', \ xyxin = INDEF, xyyin = INDEF, tolerance = 4.0, fwhmpsf = 1.5, \ sigma = 0.0, datamin = INDEF, datamax = INDEF, threshold = 4.0, \ nsigma = 1.5, fitgeometry = 'shift', function = 'polynomial', \ maxiter = 3, reject = 3.0, crossref = '', margin = 50, tapersz = 50, \ pad = no, fwhm = 7.0, ellip = 0.05, pa = 45.0, fitbox = 7, \ Stdout=1) if verbose: for line in status: print line return status
def run_elli(input, output, xcntr, ycntr, eg, pa, sma):#,radd,background): """The function resposible for fit ellipse""" iraf.stsdas(_doprint=0) iraf.tables(_doprint=0) iraf.stsdas.analysis(_doprint=0) iraf.stsdas.analysis.isophote(_doprint=0) image_exist = 1 # if(str(input)[:3] == 'ima'): # output = 'elli_' + input[6:-4] + 'txt' # if(str(input)[:3] == 'out'): # output = 'out_elli_' + str(input)[4:-7] + 'txt' # else: # output = 'elli_' + input[:-5] + '.txt' #unlearn geompar controlpar samplepar magpar ellipse iraf.unlearn('geompar') iraf.geompar.x0=xcntr iraf.geompar.y0=ycntr iraf.geompar.ellip0=eg iraf.geompar.pa0=pa iraf.geompar.sma0=10 iraf.geompar.minsma=0.1 iraf.geompar.maxsma=sma*5.0 iraf.geompar.step=0.1 iraf.geompar.recente="no" iraf.geompar.xylearn="no" iraf.unlearn('controlpar') iraf.controlpar.conver=0.05 iraf.controlpar.minit=10 iraf.controlpar.maxit=50 iraf.controlpar.hcenter="no" iraf.controlpar.hellip="no" iraf.controlpar.hpa="no" iraf.controlpar.wander="INDEF" iraf.controlpar.maxgerr=0.5 iraf.controlpar.olthres=1 iraf.controlpar.soft="no" iraf.samplepar.integrm="bi-linear" iraf.samplepar.usclip=3 iraf.samplepar.lsclip=3 iraf.samplepar.nclip=0 iraf.samplepar.fflag=0.5 iraf.magpar.mag0=c.mag_zero iraf.magpar.refer=1 iraf.magpar.zerolev=0 iraf.ellipse("".join(input), output="test", interac="no",Stdout="ellip", \ Stderr="err") iraf.tprint("", prparam="no", prdata="yes", pwidth=80, plength=0, \ showrow="no", orig_row="no", showhdr="no", showunits="no", \ columns="SMA, INTENS, INT_ERR, MAG, MAG_LERR, MAG_UERR, \ TFLUX_E", rows="-", \ option="plain", align="yes", sp_col="", lgroup=0, Stdout=output) for myfile in ['ellip','err','']: if os.access(myfile,os.F_OK): os.remove(myfile)
def scale_ota(img, ota, scale): image = odi.bgsubpath + 'bgsub_' + ota + '.' + img.stem() imout = odi.scaledpath + 'scaled_' + ota + '.' + img.stem() iraf.unlearn(iraf.imutil.imarith) iraf.imutil.imarith.setParam('operand1', image) iraf.imutil.imarith.setParam('op', '/') iraf.imutil.imarith.setParam('operand2', scale) iraf.imutil.imarith.setParam('result', imout) iraf.imutil.imarith.setParam('verbose', 'yes') iraf.imutil.imarith(mode='h') return
def calibrate(scifiles, extfile, observatory): for f in scifiles: redorblue = getredorblue(f) iraf.unlearn(iraf.gscalibrate) iraf.gscalibrate('et' + f[:-4] + '.fits', sfunc='sens' + redorblue + '.fits', fl_ext=True, fl_vardq=dodq, extinction=extfile, observatory=observatory) if os.path.exists('cet' + f[:-4] + '.fits'): iraf.unlearn(iraf.splot) iraf.splot('cet' + f.replace('.txt', '.fits') + '[sci]') # just to check
def calibrate(scifiles, extfile, observatory): for f in scifiles: redorblue = getredorblue(f) iraf.unlearn(iraf.gscalibrate) iraf.gscalibrate('et' + f[:-4] + '.fits', sfunc='sens' + redorblue + '.fits', fl_ext=True, extinction=extfile, observatory=observatory) if os.path.exists('cet' + f[:-4] + '.fits'): iraf.unlearn(iraf.splot) iraf.splot('cet' + f.replace('.txt', '.fits') + '[sci]') # just to check
def get_gaps_rep(img, ota): """ Create a numpy array mask of the gaps in a reprojected ota. Parameters ---------- img : str Name of image ota : str Name of OTA Returns ------- gaps_mask : numpy array A numpy array of the gap location on the ota. """ image = odi.reprojpath + 'reproj_' + ota + '.' + img.stem() hdulist = hdu = hdulist[0] # plt.imshow(, origin='lower', cmap='Greys_r', vmin=-10., vmax=500.) # gaps_mask1 = ( < 1.0).astype(int) selem = np.ones((5, 5)) # dilate using a 25x25 box gaps_mask = odi.binary_dilation(gaps_mask1, selem) hdulist.close() # also update the bad pixel mask for the image to make sure the cell gaps are masked # this is necessary for the final imcombine mask_name = odi.bppath + 'reproj_mask_' + ota + '.' + img.stem() BPM = mask_name.replace('fits', 'pl') if not os.path.isfile(BPM): # mask,gaps = mask_ota(img,ota) hdu = odi.fits.PrimaryHDU(gaps_mask.astype(float)) if not os.path.isfile(mask_name): hdu.writeto(mask_name, clobber=True) if not os.path.isfile(mask_name.replace('fits', 'pl')): iraf.unlearn(iraf.imutil.imcopy) iraf.imutil.imcopy.setParam('input', mask_name) iraf.imutil.imcopy.setParam('output', mask_name.replace('fits', 'pl')) iraf.imutil.imcopy.setParam('verbose', 'no') iraf.imutil.imcopy(mode='h') # if os.path.isfile(mask_name): # we don't need to keep the reproj fits mask, it takes up a ton of space # iraf.imutil.imdelete(mask_name, verify='no', mode='h') iraf.unlearn(iraf.imutil.hedit) iraf.imutil.hedit.setParam('images', image) iraf.imutil.hedit.setParam('fields', 'BPM') iraf.imutil.hedit.setParam('value', BPM) iraf.imutil.hedit.setParam('add', 'yes') iraf.imutil.hedit.setParam('addonly', 'no') iraf.imutil.hedit.setParam('verify', 'no') iraf.imutil.hedit.setParam('update', 'yes') iraf.imutil.hedit(mode='h') return gaps_mask
def set_findpars(): iraf.unlearn(iraf.findpars) iraf.findpars.setParam("threshold",5.0,check=1,exact=1) iraf.findpars.setParam("nsigma",2.0,check=1,exact=1) iraf.findpars.setParam("ratio",1.0,check=1,exact=1) iraf.findpars.setParam("theta",0.0,check=1,exact=1) iraf.findpars.setParam("sharplo",0.0,check=1,exact=1) iraf.findpars.setParam("sharphi",1.0,check=1,exact=1) iraf.findpars.setParam("roundlo",-1.0,check=1,exact=1) iraf.findpars.setParam("roundhi",1.0,check=1,exact=1) iraf.findpars.setParam("mkdetections",0,check=1,exact=1)
def mosaic(fs=None):'work') # If the file list is not given, grab the default files if fs is None: fs = glob('flts/*.fits') # Abort if there are no files if len(fs) == 0: print "WARNING: No flat-fielded images to mosaic."'..') return if not os.path.exists('mos'): os.mkdir('mos') # Get the images to work with ims, gas = get_scis_and_arcs(fs) for i, f in enumerate(ims): ga = gas[i] fname = f.split('/')[1] typestr = fname[:3] # by our naming convention, imnum should be the last 4 characters # before the '.fits' imnum = fname[-9:-5] outname = 'mos/' + typestr outname += '%05.2fmos%04i.fits' % (float(ga), int(imnum)) # prepare to run saltmosaic iraf.unlearn(iraf.saltmosaic) iraf.flpr() iraf.saltmosaic(images=f, outimages=outname, outpref='', geomfile=pysaltpath + '/data/rss/RSSgeom.dat', clobber=True, mode='h') # Make a bad pixel mask marking where there is no data. h =, 'update') maskim = h[1].data.copy() maskim[:, :] = 0.0 maskim[abs(h[1].data) < 1e-5] = 1 imhdu = pyfits.ImageHDU(maskim) h.append(imhdu) h[1].header['BPMEXT'] = 2 h[2].header['EXTNAME'] = 'BPM' h[2].header['CD2_2'] = 1 h.flush() h.close()'..')
def speccombine(fs, outfile): nsteps = 8001 lamgrid = np.linspace(3000.0, 11000.0, nsteps) nfs = len(fs) # for each aperture # get all of the science images specs = np.zeros((nfs, nsteps)) specerrs = np.zeros((nfs, nsteps)) for i, f in enumerate(fs): hdu = lam = fitshdr_to_wave(hdu[0].header.copy()) # interpolate each spectrum onto a common wavelength scale specs[i] = np.interp(lamgrid, lam, hdu[0].data, left=0.0, right=0.0) # Also calculate the errors. Right now we assume that the variances # interpolate linearly. This is not strictly correct but it should be # close. Also we don't include terms in the variance for the # uncertainty in the wavelength solution. specerrs[i] = 0.1 * specs[i] # minimize the chi^2 given free parameters are multiplicative factors # We could use linear or quadratic, but for now assume constant # Assume 3 chips for now p0 = np.ones(nfs / 3) results = optimize.minimize(combine_spec_chi2, p0, args=(lamgrid, specs, specerrs), method='Nelder-Mead', options={'maxfev': 1e5, 'maxiter': 1e5, 'ftol':1e-5}) # write the best fit parameters into the headers of the files # Dump the list of spectra into a string that iraf can handle iraf_filelist = str(fs).replace('[', '').replace(']', '').replace("'", '') #.replace(',', '[SCI],') #iraf_filelist += '[SCI]' # write the best fit results into a file lines = [] for p in np.repeat(results['x'], 3): lines.append('%f\n' % (1.0 / p)) f = open('scales.dat', 'w') f.writelines(lines) f.close() # run scombine after multiplying the spectra by the best fit parameters if os.path.exists(outfile): os.remove(outfile) iraf.unlearn(iraf.scombine) iraf.scombine(iraf_filelist, outfile, scale='@scales.dat', reject='avsigclip', lthreshold='INDEF', w1=bluecut)
def background(fs=None):'work') # Get rectified science images if fs is None: fs = glob('nrm/sci*nrm*.fits') if len(fs) == 0: print "WARNING: No rectified images for background-subtraction."'..') return if not os.path.exists('bkg'): os.mkdir('bkg') for f in fs: print("Subtracting background for %s" % f) # Make sure dispaxis is set correctly pyfits.setval(f, 'DISPAXIS', value=1) # the outfile name is very similar, just change folder prefix and # 3-char stage substring outfile = f.replace('nrm','bkg') # We are going to use fit1d instead of the background task # Go look at the code for the background task: it is literally a wrapper for 1D # but it removes the BPM option. Annoying. iraf.unlearn(iraf.fit1d) iraf.fit1d(input=f + '[SCI]', output='tmpbkg.fits', bpm=f + '[BPM]', type='difference', sample='52:949', axis=2, interactive='no', naverage='1', function='legendre', order=5, low_reject=1.0, high_reject=1.0, niterate=5, grow=0.0, mode='hl') # Copy the background subtracted frame into the rectified image # structure. # Save the sky spectrum as extension 3 hdutmp ='tmpbkg.fits') hdu = skydata = hdu[1].data - hdutmp[0].data hdu[1].data[:, :] = hdutmp[0].data[:, :] hdu.append(pyfits.ImageHDU(skydata)) hdu[3].header['EXTNAME'] = 'SKY' hdu[3].data[hdu['BPM'] == 1] = 0.0 # Add back in the median sky level for things like apall and lacosmicx hdu[1].data[:, :] += np.median(skydata) hdu[1].data[hdu['BPM'] == 1] = 0.0 hdutmp.close() hdu.writeto(outfile, clobber=True) # saving the updated file # (data changed) os.remove('tmpbkg.fits')'..')
def makemasterflat(flatfiles, rawpath, plot=True): # normalize the flat fields for f in flatfiles: binning = get_binning(f, rawpath) # Use IRAF to get put the data in the right format and subtract the # bias # This will currently break if multiple flats are used for a single setting iraf.unlearn(iraf.gsreduce) if dobias: biasfile = "bias{binning}".format(binning=binning) else: biasfile = '' iraf.gsreduce('@' + f, outimages = f[:-4]+'.mef.fits',rawpath=rawpath, fl_bias=dobias, bias=biasfile, fl_over=dooverscan, fl_flat=False, fl_gmosaic=False, fl_fixpix=False, fl_gsappwave=False, fl_cut=False, fl_title=False, fl_oversize=False, fl_vardq=dodq) if do_qecorr: # Renormalize the chips to remove the discrete jump in the # sensitivity due to differences in the QE for different chips iraf.unlearn(iraf.gqecorr) iraf.gqecorr(f[:-4]+'.mef', outimages=f[:-4]+'.qe.fits', fl_keep=True, fl_correct=True, refimages=f[:-4].replace('flat', 'arc.arc.fits'), corrimages=f[:-9] +'.qe.fits', verbose=True, fl_vardq=dodq) iraf.unlearn(iraf.gmosaic) iraf.gmosaic(f[:-4]+'.qe.fits', outimages=f[:-4]+'.mos.fits', fl_vardq=dodq, fl_clean=False) else: iraf.unlearn(iraf.gmosaic) iraf.gmosaic(f[:-4]+'.mef.fits', outimages=f[:-4]+'.mos.fits', fl_vardq=dodq, fl_clean=False) flat_hdu =[:-4] + '.mos.fits') data = np.median(flat_hdu['SCI'].data, axis=0) chip_edges = get_chipedges(data) x = np.arange(len(data), dtype=np.float) x /= x.max() y = data / np.median(data) fitme_x = x[chip_edges[0][0]:chip_edges[0][1]] fitme_x = np.append(fitme_x, x[chip_edges[1][0]:chip_edges[1][1]]) fitme_x = np.append(fitme_x, x[chip_edges[2][0]:chip_edges[2][1]]) fitme_y = y[chip_edges[0][0]:chip_edges[0][1]] fitme_y = np.append(fitme_y, y[chip_edges[1][0]:chip_edges[1][1]]) fitme_y = np.append(fitme_y, y[chip_edges[2][0]:chip_edges[2][1]]) fit = pfm.pffit(fitme_x, fitme_y, 21, 7, robust=True, M=sm.robust.norms.AndrewWave()) if plot: pyplot.ion() pyplot.clf() pyplot.plot(x, y) pyplot.plot(x, pfm.pfcalc(fit, x)) _junk = raw_input('Press enter to continue') flat_hdu['SCI'].data /= pfm.pfcalc(fit, x) * np.median(data) flat_hdu.writeto(f[:-4] + '.fits')
def wavelength_calibration(targetdir): """ Does wavelength calibration. Writes every fit to database so make sure it's using the correct one. This needs to be run in object directory for database """ print 'Target directory is ' + targetdir print 'Doing wavelength calibration...' if os.getcwd() != targetdir: print 'Warning: current working directory must be target directory!' return None iraf.noao(_doprint=0) iraf.onedspec(_doprint=0) iraf.unlearn('identify') iraf.identify.setParam('images','aimcomb.fits') iraf.identify.setParam('coordli','/home/lc585/Dropbox/IoA/WHT_Proposal_2015a/argon+xenon.dat') iraf.identify.setParam('niterat',1) iraf.identify.setParam('function','spline3') iraf.identify.setParam('order',3) iraf.identify.setParam('zwidth',200.0) # Zoom graph width in user units iraf.identify.setParam('database','database') iraf.identify() # Update fits header print '\n' '\n' '\n' print 'Updating fits header...' iraf.hedit.setParam('images','') iraf.hedit.setParam('fields','REFSPEC1') iraf.hedit.setParam('value','aimcomb.fits') # should be wavelength calibrated? iraf.hedit.setParam('add','yes') iraf.hedit.setParam('verify','yes') iraf.hedit.setParam('show','yes') iraf.hedit() return None
def run_fitparams(weight=True): if weight: weighting = 'photometric' else: weighting = 'uniform' ir.delete('standards.transParams') ir.digiphot() ir.photcal() ir.unlearn('fitparams') ir.fitparams('standards.instMag', 'photcal_ukirt_faint.dat', 'standards.config', 'standards.transParams', weighting=weighting)