Beispiel #1
def traversal_path(path):
    """ Variant of :func:`pyramid.traversal.traversal_path_info` suitable for
    decoding paths that are URL-encoded.

    If this function is passed a Unicode object instead of a sequence of
    bytes as ``path``, that Unicode object *must* directly encodeable to
    ASCII.  For example, u'/foo' will work but u'/<unprintable unicode>' (a
    Unicode object with characters that cannot be encoded to ascii) will
    not. A :exc:`UnicodeEncodeError` will be raised if the Unicode cannot be
    encoded directly to ASCII.
    if isinstance(path, text_type):
        # must not possess characters outside ascii
        path = path.encode("ascii")
    # we unquote this path exactly like a PEP 3333 server would
    path = unquote_bytes_to_wsgi(path)  # result will be a native string
    return traversal_path_info(path)  # result will be a tuple of unicode
Beispiel #2
def traversal_path(path):
    """ Variant of :func:`pyramid.traversal.traversal_path_info` suitable for
    decoding paths that are URL-encoded.

    If this function is passed a Unicode object instead of a sequence of
    bytes as ``path``, that Unicode object *must* directly encodeable to
    ASCII.  For example, u'/foo' will work but u'/<unprintable unicode>' (a
    Unicode object with characters that cannot be encoded to ascii) will
    not. A :exc:`UnicodeEncodeError` will be raised if the Unicode cannot be
    encoded directly to ASCII.
    if isinstance(path, text_type):
        # must not possess characters outside ascii
        path = path.encode('ascii')
    # we unquote this path exactly like a PEP 3333 server would
    path = unquote_bytes_to_wsgi(path) # result will be a native string
    return traversal_path_info(path) # result will be a tuple of unicode
Beispiel #3
def embed(request, *elements, **kw):
    """ as_user=True for current user
    # Should really be more careful about what gets included instead.
    # Cache cut response time from ~800ms to ~420ms.
    as_user = kw.get('as_user')
    path = join(*elements)
    path = unquote_bytes_to_wsgi(native_(path))
    if as_user is not None:
        result, embedded, linked = _embed(request, path, as_user)
        cached = embed_cache.get(path, None)
        if cached is None:
            cached = _embed(request, path)
            embed_cache[path] = cached
        result, embedded, linked = cached
        result = deepcopy(result)
    return result
Beispiel #4
def embed(request, *elements, **kw):
    """ as_user=True for current user
    # Should really be more careful about what gets included instead.
    # Cache cut response time from ~800ms to ~420ms.
    as_user = kw.get('as_user')
    path = join(*elements)
    path = unquote_bytes_to_wsgi(native_(path))
    log.debug('embed: %s', path)
    if as_user is not None:
        result, embedded, linked = _embed(request, path, as_user)
        cached = embed_cache.get(path, None)
        if cached is None:
            cached = _embed(request, path)
            embed_cache[path] = cached
        result, embedded, linked = cached
        result = deepcopy(result)
    return result
Beispiel #5
def embed(request, *elements, **kw):
    Incredibly important function that is central to getting views in snovault.
    Since it is a reified method on Request, you can call it like:
    `request.embed(<elements to be joined in path>)`
    This function handles propogation of important request attrs to subrequests,
    as well as caching of requests and grabbing attrs from the subreq result.

    Check and for details on the embed_cache

        path is formed by joining all positional args
        as_user=True for current user
        Pass in fields_to_embed as a keyword arg

        request: Request calling this method
        *elements: variable length positional args used to make path
        **kw: arbitrary keyword arguments

        result of the invoked request
    # Should really be more careful about what gets included instead.
    # Cache cut response time from ~800ms to ~420ms.
    embed_cache = request.registry[CONNECTION].embed_cache
    as_user = kw.get('as_user')
    index_uuid = kw.get('index_uuid')
    path = join(*elements)
    path = unquote_bytes_to_wsgi(native_(path))
    # as_user controls whether or not the embed_cache is used
    # if request._indexing_view is True, always use the cache
    if as_user is not None and not request._indexing_view:
        cached = _embed(request, path, as_user)
        cached = embed_cache.get(path, None)
        if cached is None:
            # handle common cases of as_user, otherwise use what's given
            subreq_user = '******' if as_user is None else as_user
            cached = _embed(request, path, as_user=subreq_user)
            # caching audits is safe because they don't add to linked_uuids
            embed_cache[path] = cached

    # NOTE: if result was retrieved from ES, the following cached attrs will be
    # empty: _aggregated_items, _linked_uuids, _rev_linked_by_item
    result = deepcopy(cached['result'])

    # aggregated_items may be cached; if so, add them to the request
    # these conditions only fulfilled when using @@embedded and aggregated
    # items have NOT yet been processed (_aggregate_for is removed if so)
    if index_uuid and getattr(request, '_aggregate_for').get('uuid') == index_uuid:
        request._aggregated_items = cached['_aggregated_items']
        request._aggregate_for['uuid'] = None
    # hardcode this because audits can cause serious problems with frame=page
    if '@@audit' not in path:
        # this is required because rev_linked_uuids_by_item is formatted as
        # a dict keyed by item with value of set of uuids rev linking to that item
        for item, rev_links in cached['_rev_linked_by_item'].items():
            if item in request._rev_linked_uuids_by_item:
                request._rev_linked_uuids_by_item[item] = rev_links
    return result