Beispiel #1
def validate_passsword(request, password, user=None):
    Validate password properly.

    .. note::

        If no user provided, password is just validated

    :param pyramid.request.Request request: request object
    :param str password: password to be set
    :param pyramid_fullauth.models.User user: user object

    :raises: pyramid_fullauth.exceptions.ValidateError
    password_config = request.registry['config'].fullauth.register.password
    if not password:
        raise EmptyError(
            request._('Please enter your password', domain='pyramid_fullauth'))

    if password_config['length_min'] and\
            len(password) < password_config['length_min']:
        raise ShortPasswordError(
            request._('Password is too short', domain='pyramid_fullauth'))

    # here if password doesn't match
    if password_config['confirm']:
        confirm_password = request.POST.get('confirm_password', u'')
        if password != confirm_password:
            raise PasswordConfirmMismatchError(
                          default='Passwords don\'t match',

    if user:
        user.password = password
Beispiel #2
    def password_validator(self, key, password):
        Validate password.

        Password validator keeps new password hashed.
        Rises Value error on empty password

        :param str key: field key
        :param str password: new password

        :returns: hashed and salted password
        :rtype: str
        :raises: pyramid_fullauth.exceptions.EmptyError

        .. note::

            If you're using this Mixin on your own User object,
            don't forget to add a listener as well, like that:

            .. code-block:: python

                from sqlalchemy.event import listen

                listen(User.password, 'set', User.password_listener, retval=True)

        .. note::

            For more information on Attribute Events in sqlalchemy see:


        if not password:
            raise EmptyError('password-empty')

        # reading default hash_algorithm
        hash_algorithm =[

        # getting currently used hash method
        hash_method = getattr(hashlib, hash_algorithm)

        # generating salt
        salt = hash_method()
        salt_value = salt.hexdigest()

        # storing used hash algorithm
        self._hash_algorithm = hash_algorithm
        self._salt = text_type(salt_value)
        return text_type(
            self.__class__.hash_password(password, salt_value, hash_method))
Beispiel #3
    def validate_email(self, key, address):
        Validate email addresses.

        .. note::

            See pyramid docs about `simple validators <>`_

        :param str key: field key
        :param str address: email address

        :raises EmailValidationError:
        :raises EmptyError:
        if address:
            if pattern_mail.match(address):
                return address
                raise EmailValidationError('Incorrect e-mail format')

        raise EmptyError('E-mail is empty')
Beispiel #4
    def validate_email(self, _, address):  # pylint:disable=no-self-use
        Validate email addresses.

        .. note::

            See pyramid docs about
            `simple validators <>`_

        :param str key: field key
        :param str address: email address

        :raises EmailValidationError:
        :raises EmptyError:
        if address:
            if PATTERN_MAIL.match(address):
                return address

            raise EmailValidationError("Incorrect e-mail format")

        raise EmptyError("E-mail is empty")
Beispiel #5
def validate_passsword(request, password, user=None):
    Validate password properly.

    .. note::

        If no user provided, password is just validated

    :param pyramid.request.Request request: request object
    :param str password: password to be set
    :param pyramid_fullauth.models.User user: user object

    :raises: pyramid_fullauth.exceptions.ValidateError
    password_config = request.registry["fullauth"]["register"]["password"]
    if not password:
        raise EmptyError(
            request._("Please enter your password", domain="pyramid_fullauth"))

    if password_config["length_min"] and len(
            password) < password_config["length_min"]:
        raise ShortPasswordError(
            request._("Password is too short", domain="pyramid_fullauth"))

    # here if password doesn't match
    if password_config["confirm"]:
        confirm_password = request.POST.get("confirm_password", "")
        if password != confirm_password:
            raise PasswordConfirmMismatchError(
                    default="Passwords don't match",

    if user:
        user.password = password