Beispiel #1
def _expand_corrections(ifgs, dm, params, ncoef, offsets):
    Convenience func returns model converted to data points.
    dm: design matrix (do not filter/remove nan cells)
    params: model parameters array from pinv() * dm
    ncoef: number of model coefficients (2 planar, 5 quadratic)
    offsets: True/False to calculate correction with offsets
    # NB: cannot work on singular ifgs due to date ID id/indexing requirement
    date_ids = get_date_ids(ifgs)

    corrections = []
    for ifg in ifgs:
        jbm = date_ids[ifg.master] * ncoef  # starting row index for master
        jbs = date_ids[ifg.slave] * ncoef  # row start for slave
        par = params[jbs:jbs + ncoef] - params[jbm:jbm + ncoef]

        # estimate orbital correction effects
        # corresponds to "fullorb = B*parm + offset" in orbfwd.m
        cor =

        if offsets:
            off = np.ravel(ifg.phase_data - cor)
            # bring all ifgs to same base level
            cor -= nanmedian(off)

    return corrections
Beispiel #2
def _est_ref_phs_method1(phase_data, comp):
    Convenience function for ref phs estimate method 1 parallelisation
    ifgv = np.ravel(phase_data, order='F')
    ifgv[comp == 1] = np.nan
    return nanmedian(ifgv)
Beispiel #3
    def alt_orbital_correction(self, ifg, deg, offset):
        data = ifg.phase_data.reshape(ifg.num_cells)
        dm = get_design_matrix(ifg, deg, offset)[~isnan(data)]
        fd = data[~isnan(data)].reshape((dm.shape[0], 1))

        dmt = dm.T
        invNbb = inv(
        orbparams =
        alt_params = lstsq(dm, fd)[0]
        # FIXME: precision
        assert_array_almost_equal(orbparams, alt_params, decimal=2)

        dm2 = get_design_matrix(ifg, deg, offset)

        if offset:
            fullorb = np.reshape([:, :-1], orbparams[:-1]),
            fullorb = np.reshape(, orbparams), ifg.phase_data.shape)

        offset_removal = nanmedian(
            np.reshape(ifg.phase_data - fullorb, (1, -1)))
        fwd_correction = fullorb - offset_removal
        # ifg.phase_data -= (fullorb - offset_removal)
        return ifg.phase_data - fwd_correction
Beispiel #4
def independent_orbital_correction(ifg, params):
    Calculates and removes an orbital error surface from a single independent

    Warning: This will write orbital error corrected phase_data to the ifg.

    :param Ifg class instance ifg: the interferogram to be corrected
    :param str degree: model to fit (PLANAR / QUADRATIC / PART_CUBIC)
    :param bool offset: True to calculate the model using an offset
    :param dict params: dictionary of configuration parameters

    :return: None - interferogram phase data is updated and saved to disk
    degree = params[cf.ORBITAL_FIT_DEGREE]
    offset = params[cf.ORBFIT_OFFSET]
    orbfit_correction_on_disc = MultiplePaths.orb_error_path(
        ifg.data_path, params)
    if not ifg.is_open:

    shared.nan_and_mm_convert(ifg, params)
    if orbfit_correction_on_disc.exists():
            f'Reusing already computed orbital fit correction for {ifg.data_path}'
        orbital_correction = np.load(file=orbfit_correction_on_disc)
        # vectorise, keeping NODATA
        vphase = reshape(ifg.phase_data, ifg.num_cells)
        dm = get_design_matrix(ifg, degree, offset)

        # filter NaNs out before getting model
        clean_dm = dm[~isnan(vphase)]
        data = vphase[~isnan(vphase)]
        model = lstsq(clean_dm, data)[0]  # first arg is the model params

        # calculate forward model & morph back to 2D
        if offset:
            fullorb = np.reshape([:, :-1], model[:-1]),
            fullorb = np.reshape(, model), ifg.phase_data.shape)

        if not orbfit_correction_on_disc.parent.exists():
        offset_removal = nanmedian(np.ravel(ifg.phase_data - fullorb))
        orbital_correction = fullorb - offset_removal
        # dump to disc, arr=orbital_correction)

    # subtract orbital error from the ifg
    ifg.phase_data -= orbital_correction
    # set orbfit meta tag and save phase to file
Beispiel #5
def _remove_network_orb_error(coefs, dm, ifg, ids, offset):
    remove network orbital error from input interferograms
    orb =[ids[ifg.slave]] - coefs[ids[ifg.master]])
    orb = orb.reshape(ifg.shape)
    # offset estimation
    if offset:
        # bring all ifgs to same base level
        orb -= nanmedian(np.ravel(ifg.phase_data - orb))
    # subtract orbital error from the ifg
    ifg.phase_data -= orb
    # set orbfit meta tag and save phase to file
Beispiel #6
def _est_ref_phs_method2(phase_data, half_chip_size, refpx, refpy, thresh):
    Convenience function for ref phs estimate method 2 parallelisation
    patch = phase_data[refpy - half_chip_size:refpy + half_chip_size + 1,
                       refpx - half_chip_size:refpx + half_chip_size + 1]
    patch = np.reshape(patch, newshape=(-1, 1), order='F')
    nanfrac = np.sum(~np.isnan(patch))
    if nanfrac < thresh:
        raise ReferencePhaseError('The data window at the reference pixel '
                                  'does not have enough valid observations. '
                                  'Actual = {}, Threshold = {}.'.format(
                                      nanfrac, thresh))
    ref_ph = nanmedian(patch)
    return ref_ph
Beispiel #7
def _remove_network_orb_error(coefs, dm, ifg, ids, offset, params):
    remove network orbital error from input interferograms
    saved_orb_err_path = MultiplePaths.orb_error_path(ifg.data_path, params)
    orb =[ids[ifg.second]] - coefs[ids[ifg.first]])
    orb = orb.reshape(ifg.shape)
    # offset estimation
    if offset:
        # bring all ifgs to same base level
        orb -= nanmedian(np.ravel(ifg.phase_data - orb))
    # subtract orbital error from the ifg
    ifg.phase_data -= orb

    # save orb error on disc, arr=orb)
    # set orbfit meta tag and save phase to file
Beispiel #8
def _remove_network_orb_error(coefs, dm, ifg, ids, offset, params):
    remove network orbital error from input interferograms
    saved_orb_err_path = MultiplePaths.orb_error_path(ifg.data_path, params)
    orb =[ids[ifg.second]] - coefs[ids[ifg.first]])
    orb = orb.reshape(ifg.shape)
    # Estimate the offset of the interferogram as the median of ifg minus model
    # Only needed if reference phase correction has already been applied?
    if offset:
        # brings all ifgs to same reference level
        orb -= nanmedian(np.ravel(ifg.phase_data - orb))
    # subtract orbital error from the ifg
    ifg.phase_data -= orb

    # save orb error on disc, arr=orb)
    # set orbfit meta tag and save phase to file
    _save_orbital_error_corrected_phase(ifg, params)
Beispiel #9
def independent_orbital_correction(ifg, degree, offset, params):
    Calculates and removes an orbital error surface from a single independent

    Warning: This will write orbital error corrected phase_data to the ifg.

    :param Ifg class instance ifg: the interferogram to be corrected
    :param str degree: model to fit (PLANAR / QUADRATIC / PART_CUBIC)
    :param bool offset: True to calculate the model using an offset
    :param dict params: dictionary of configuration parameters

    :return: None - interferogram phase data is updated and saved to disk
    ifg = shared.Ifg(ifg) if isinstance(ifg, str) else ifg
    if not ifg.is_open:
    shared.nan_and_mm_convert(ifg, params)
    # vectorise, keeping NODATA
    vphase = reshape(ifg.phase_data, ifg.num_cells)
    dm = get_design_matrix(ifg, degree, offset)

    # filter NaNs out before getting model
    clean_dm = dm[~isnan(vphase)]
    data = vphase[~isnan(vphase)]
    model = lstsq(clean_dm, data)[0]  # first arg is the model params

    # calculate forward model & morph back to 2D
    if offset:
        fullorb = np.reshape([:, :-1], model[:-1]),
        fullorb = np.reshape(, model), ifg.phase_data.shape)
    offset_removal = nanmedian(np.ravel(ifg.phase_data - fullorb))
    # subtract orbital error from the ifg
    ifg.phase_data -= (fullorb - offset_removal)
    # set orbfit meta tag and save phase to file
Beispiel #10
def __orb_correction(fullres_dm,
    Function to perform the inversion to obtain orbital model parameters
    and return the orbital correction as the full resolution forward model.
    # perform inversion using pseudoinverse of DM
    orbparams = __orb_inversion(mlooked_dm, mlooked_phase)

    # compute forward model at full resolution
    fullorb = reshape(dot(fullres_dm, orbparams), fullres_phase.shape)

    # Estimate the offset of the interferogram as the median of ifg minus model
    # Only needed if reference phase correction has already been applied?
    if offset:
        offset_removal = nanmedian(np.ravel(fullres_phase - fullorb))
        offset_removal = 0
    orbital_correction = fullorb - offset_removal
    return orbital_correction