Beispiel #1
    def get_client(self, service, region, public=True, cached=True,
        Returns the client object for the specified service and region.

        By default the public endpoint is used. If you wish to work with a
        services internal endpoints, specify `public=False`.

        By default, if a client has already been created for the given service,
        region, and public values, that will be returned. To force a new client
        to be created, pass 'cached=False'.
        if not self.authenticated:
            raise exc.NotAuthenticated("You must authenticate before trying "
                    "to create clients.")
        clt = ep = None
        mapped_service = self.service_mapping.get(service) or service
        svc =
        if svc:
            ep = svc.endpoints.get(region)
        if ep:
            clt = ep._get_client(public=public, cached=cached,
        if not clt:
            raise exc.NoSuchClient("There is no client available for the "
                    "service '%s' in the region '%s'." % (service, region))
        return clt
Beispiel #2
    def __getattr__(self, att):
        Magic to allow for specification of client by region/service or by

        If a service is specified, this should return an object whose endpoints
        contain keys for each available region for that service. If a region is
        specified, an object with keys for each service available in that
        region should be returned.
        if not self.authenticated:
            raise exc.NotAuthenticated("Authentication required before "
                    "accessing the context.")
        # First see if it's a service
        att = self.service_mapping.get(att) or att
        svc =
        if svc is not None:
            return svc.endpoints
        # Either invalid service, or a region
        ret = utils.DotDict([(stype, svc.endpoints.get(att))
                for stype, svc in list(
                if svc.endpoints.get(att) is not None])
        if ret:
            return ret
        # Invalid attribute
        raise AttributeError("No such attribute '%s'." % att)