Beispiel #1
    def request(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Formats the request into a dict representing the headers
        and body that will be used to make the API call.
        kwargs.setdefault("headers", kwargs.get("headers", {}))
        kwargs["headers"]["User-Agent"] = self.user_agent
        kwargs["headers"]["Accept"] = "application/json"
        if "body" in kwargs:
            kwargs["headers"]["Content-Type"] = "application/json"
            kwargs["body"] = json.dumps(kwargs["body"])
        self.http_log_req(args, kwargs)
        resp, body = super(BaseClient, self).request(*args, **kwargs)
        self.http_log_resp(resp, body)

        if body:
                body = json.loads(body)
            except ValueError:
            body = None

        if resp.status >= 400:
            raise exc.from_response(resp, body)

        return resp, body
Beispiel #2
def request(method, uri, *args, **kwargs):
    Handles all the common functionality required for API calls. Returns
    the resulting response object.

    Formats the request into a dict representing the headers
    and body that will be used to make the API call.
    req_method = req_methods[method.upper()]
    raise_exception = kwargs.pop("raise_exception", True)
    kwargs["headers"] = kwargs.get("headers", {})
    http_log_req(method, uri, args, kwargs)
    data = None
    if "data" in kwargs:
        # The 'data' kwarg is used when you don't want json encoding.
        data = kwargs.pop("data")
    elif "body" in kwargs:
        if "Content-Type" not in kwargs["headers"]:
            kwargs["headers"]["Content-Type"] = "application/json"
        data = json.dumps(kwargs.pop("body"))
    if data:
        resp = req_method(uri, data=data, **kwargs)
        resp = req_method(uri, **kwargs)
        body = resp.json()
    except ValueError:
        # No JSON in response
        body = resp.content
    http_log_resp(resp, body)
    if resp.status_code >= 400 and raise_exception:
        raise exc.from_response(resp, body)
    return resp, body
Beispiel #3
    def _extract_service_catalog(self, uri, resp, body, extract_token=True):
        See what the auth service told us and process the response.
        We may get redirected to another site, fail, or actually get
        back a service catalog with a token and our endpoints.
        if resp.status == 200:  # content must always present
                self.auth_url = uri
                self.service_catalog = service_catalog.ServiceCatalog(body)
                if extract_token:
                    self.auth_token = self.service_catalog.get_token()

                management_url = self.service_catalog.url_for(
                self.management_url = management_url.rstrip("/")
                return None
            except exc.AmbiguousEndpoints:
                print "Found more than one valid endpoint. Use a more restrictive filter"
            except KeyError:
                raise exc.AuthorizationFailure()
            except exc.EndpointNotFound:
                print "Could not find any suitable endpoint. Correct region?"

        elif resp.status == 305:
            return resp["location"]
            raise exc.from_response(resp, body)
Beispiel #4
def request(method, uri, *args, **kwargs):
    Handles all the common functionality required for API calls. Returns
    the resulting response object.

    Formats the request into a dict representing the headers
    and body that will be used to make the API call.
    req_method = req_methods[method.upper()]
    raise_exception = kwargs.pop("raise_exception", True)
    kwargs["headers"] = kwargs.get("headers", {})
    http_log_req(method, uri, args, kwargs)
    data = None
    if "data" in kwargs:
        # The 'data' kwarg is used when you don't want json encoding.
        data = kwargs.pop("data")
    elif "body" in kwargs:
        if "Content-Type" not in kwargs["headers"]:
            kwargs["headers"]["Content-Type"] = "application/json"
        data = json.dumps(kwargs.pop("body"))
    if data:
        resp = req_method(uri, data=data, **kwargs)
        resp = req_method(uri, **kwargs)
        body = resp.json()
    except ValueError:
        # No JSON in response
        body = resp.content
    http_log_resp(resp, body)
    if resp.status_code >= 400 and raise_exception:
        raise exc.from_response(resp, body)
    return resp, body
Beispiel #5
    def _v1_auth(self, uri):
        The original auth system for OpenStack. Probably not used anymore.
        if self.proxy_token:
            raise exc.NoTokenLookupException()

        headers = {"X-Auth-User": self.user,
                   "X-Auth-Key": self.password}
        if self.tenant_id:
            headers["X-Auth-Project-Id"] = self.tenant_id

        resp, body = self._time_request(uri, "GET", headers=headers)
        if resp.status in (200, 204):  # in some cases we get No Content
                mgmt_header = "x-server-management-url"
                self.management_url = resp[mgmt_header].rstrip("/")
                self.auth_token = resp["x-auth-token"]
                self.auth_url = uri
            except KeyError:
                raise exc.AuthorizationFailure()
        elif resp.status == 305:
            return resp["location"]
            raise exc.from_response(resp, body)
Beispiel #6
 def test_from_response_with_body(self):
     fake_resp = fakes.FakeResponse()
     fake_resp.status_code = 666
     fake_body = {"error": {"message": "fake_message", "details": "fake_details"}}
     ret = exc.from_response(fake_resp, fake_body)
     self.assertTrue(isinstance(ret, exc.ClientException))
     self.assertEqual(ret.code, fake_resp.status_code)
     self.assertEqual(ret.message, "fake_message")
     self.assertEqual(ret.details, "fake_details")
     self.assertTrue("HTTP 666" in str(ret))
Beispiel #7
 def test_from_response_with_body(self):
     fake_resp = fakes.FakeResponse()
     fake_resp.status = 666
     fake_body = {"error": {
             "message": "fake_message",
             "details": "fake_details"}}
     ret = exc.from_response(fake_resp, fake_body)
     self.assertTrue(isinstance(ret, exc.ClientException))
     self.assertEqual(ret.code, fake_resp.status)
     self.assertEqual(ret.message, "fake_message")
     self.assertEqual(ret.details, "fake_details")
     self.assertTrue("HTTP 666" in str(ret))
Beispiel #8
 def request(self, uri, method, *args, **kwargs):
     Formats the request into a dict representing the headers
     and body that will be used to make the API call.
     if self.timeout:
         kwargs["timeout"] = self.timeout
     kwargs["verify"] = self.verify_ssl
     kwargs.setdefault("headers", kwargs.get("headers", {}))
     kwargs["headers"]["User-Agent"] = self.user_agent
     kwargs["headers"]["Accept"] = "application/json"
     # Allow subclasses to add their own headers
     resp, body = pyrax.http.request(method, uri, *args, **kwargs)
     if resp.status_code >= 400:
         raise exc.from_response(resp, body)
     return resp, body
Beispiel #9
 def request(self, uri, method, *args, **kwargs):
     Formats the request into a dict representing the headers
     and body that will be used to make the API call.
     if self.timeout:
         kwargs["timeout"] = self.timeout
     kwargs["verify"] = self.verify_ssl
     kwargs.setdefault("headers", kwargs.get("headers", {}))
     kwargs["headers"]["User-Agent"] = self.user_agent
     kwargs["headers"]["Accept"] = "application/json"
     # Allow subclasses to add their own headers
     resp, body = pyrax.http.request(method, uri, *args, **kwargs)
     if resp.status_code >= 400:
         raise exc.from_response(resp, body)
     return resp, body
Beispiel #10
 def request(self, uri, method, *args, **kwargs):
     Formats the request into a dict representing the headers
     and body that will be used to make the API call.
     if self.timeout:
         kwargs["timeout"] = self.timeout
     kwargs["verify"] = self.verify_ssl
     kwargs.setdefault("headers", kwargs.get("headers", {}))
     kwargs["headers"]["User-Agent"] = self.user_agent
     kwargs["headers"]["Accept"] = "application/json"
     if "body" in kwargs:
         if "Content-Type" not in kwargs["headers"]:
             kwargs["headers"]["Content-Type"] = "application/json"
         # JSON-encode by default, unless explicitly told not to.
         use_json = kwargs.pop("json_encode", True)
         if use_json:
             kwargs["body"] = json.dumps(kwargs["body"])
     # Allow subclasses to add their own headers
     resp, body = pyrax.http.request(method, uri, *args, **kwargs)
     if resp.status_code >= 400:
         raise exc.from_response(resp, body)
     return resp, body
Beispiel #11
 def test_from_response_no_body(self):
     fake_resp = fakes.FakeResponse()
     fake_resp.status = 666
     ret = exc.from_response(fake_resp, None)
     self.assertTrue(isinstance(ret, exc.ClientException))
     self.assertEqual(ret.code, fake_resp.status)