Beispiel #1
    def get_jacobian(self):
        """Calculates the Jacobian.

        :return: the row-major Jacobian matix.
                            [j.get_handle() for j in self.joints])
        jacobian, (rows, cols) = sim.simGetIkGroupMatrix(self._ik_group, 0)
        jacobian = np.array(jacobian).reshape((rows, cols), order='F')
        return jacobian
Beispiel #2
    def solve_ik(
            position: Union[List[float], np.ndarray],
            euler: Union[List[float], np.ndarray] = None,
            quaternion: Union[List[float], np.ndarray] = None) -> List[float]:
        """Solves an IK group and returns the calculated joint values.

        Must specify either rotation in euler or quaternions, but not both!

        :param position: The x, y, z position of the target.
        :param euler: The x, y, z orientation of the target (in radians).
        :param quaternion: A list containing the quaternion (x,y,z,w).
        :return: A list containing the calculated joint values.
        if euler is not None:
        elif quaternion is not None:

        ik_result, joint_values = sim.simCheckIkGroup(
            self._ik_group, [j.get_handle() for j in self.joints])
        if ik_result == sim.sim_ikresult_fail:
            raise IKError(
                'IK failed. Perhaps the distance was between the tip '
                ' and target was too large.')
        elif ik_result == sim.sim_ikresult_not_performed:
            raise IKError('IK not performed.')
        return joint_values
Beispiel #3
    def solve_ik_via_jacobian(self,
                              position: Union[List[float], np.ndarray],
                              euler: Union[List[float], np.ndarray] = None,
                              quaternion: Union[List[float],
                                                np.ndarray] = None,
                              relative_to: Object = None) -> List[float]:
        """Solves an IK group and returns the calculated joint values.

        This IK method performs a linearisation around the current robot
        configuration via the Jacobian. The linearisation is valid when the
        start and goal pose are not too far away, but after a certain point,
        linearisation will no longer be valid. In that case, the user is better
        off using 'solve_ik_via_sampling'.

        Must specify either rotation in euler or quaternions, but not both!

        :param position: The x, y, z position of the target.
        :param euler: The x, y, z orientation of the target (in radians).
        :param quaternion: A list containing the quaternion (x,y,z,w).
        :param relative_to: Indicates relative to which reference frame we want
        the target pose. Specify None to retrieve the absolute pose,
        or an Object relative to whose reference frame we want the pose.
        :return: A list containing the calculated joint values.
        self._ik_target.set_position(position, relative_to)
        if euler is not None:
            self._ik_target.set_orientation(euler, relative_to)
        elif quaternion is not None:
            self._ik_target.set_quaternion(quaternion, relative_to)

        ik_result, joint_values = sim.simCheckIkGroup(
            self._ik_group, [j.get_handle() for j in self.joints])
        if ik_result == sim.sim_ikresult_fail:
            raise IKError(
                'IK failed. Perhaps the distance was between the tip '
                ' and target was too large.')
        elif ik_result == sim.sim_ikresult_not_performed:
            raise IKError('IK not performed.')
        return joint_values