Beispiel #1
    def get_action_wc(acts):
        """Return a rewrite mask, rewrite HS, and the list of outports from the
        action list `acts` provided. For interpretation of these fields check
        the doctext of create_standard_rule.

        In this function, we assume that the actions correspond to the actions
        of a single-stage table classifier, in addition to other
        restrictions. Specifically:
        - all non-`modify` actions are ignored
        - actions that do not set an output port are ignored
        - if there are multiple actions satisfying the above conditions, they
        may only simply output the packet via a port. i.e., No packet
        modifications. This is an artificial restriction because
        tf.create_standard_rule can only take a single rewrite wildcard for
        packet modification.
        new_acts = filter(lambda x: isinstance(x, modify) and 'port' in,
        outports = []
        '''The current transfer function rule implementation can only take one new
        header space in rewrite rules if there are multiple outports
        involved. If there is only one action, multiple field rewrites are
        possible. A port must be set for rewrites to be active.
        if len(new_acts) > 1:
            hsa_compilable = reduce(lambda acc, a: acc and
                           == ['port'],
                                    new_acts, True)
            outports = map(lambda x:['port'], new_acts)
            if hsa_compilable:
                return (None, None, outports, False)
                raise RuntimeError("actions not HSA-compilable! %s" % acts)
        elif len(new_acts) == 1:
            mod_dict = copy.copy(new_acts[0].map)
            if 'port' in mod_dict:
                outports = [mod_dict['port']]
                del mod_dict['port']
                return (None, None, [], False)
            if len(mod_dict.keys()) > 0:
                ''' There are rewritten packet header fields. '''
                rw_rule = True
                mask = wildcard_create_bit_repeat(hsf["length"], 0x2)
                rewrite = wildcard_create_bit_repeat(hsf["length"], 0x1)
                for (field, val) in mod_dict.iteritems():
                    set_field_val(hsf, mask, field, 0, process_field=False)
                    set_field_val(hsf, rewrite, field, val)
                return (mask, rewrite, outports, True)
                return (None, None, outports, False)
            ''' No modify actions '''
            return (None, None, [], False)
Beispiel #2
def wc_header_to_parsed_string(hs_format, fields, i_wc):
    out_string = ""
    for field in fields:
        offset = hs_format["%s_pos" % field]
        len = hs_format["%s_len" % field]
        w = wildcard_create_bit_repeat(len, 0x1)
        for i in range(0, len):
            w[i] = i_wc[offset + i]
        out_string = "%s%s:%s, " % (out_string, field, w)
    return out_string
Beispiel #3
def wc_header_to_parsed_string(hs_format, fields, i_wc):
    out_string = ""
    for field in fields:
        offset = hs_format["%s_pos"%field]
        len = hs_format["%s_len"%field]
        w = wildcard_create_bit_repeat(len,0x1)
        for i in range(0,len):
            w[i] = i_wc[offset+i]
        out_string = "%s%s:%s, "%(out_string, field, w)
    return out_string
Beispiel #4
def get_match_wc(hsf, mat_map):
    """ Generate a wildcard from a pyretic match dictionary. """
    mat = wildcard_create_bit_repeat(hsf["length"], 3)
    for (field, val) in mat_map.iteritems():
        set_field_val(hsf, mat, field, val)
    return mat