Beispiel #1
 def __init__(self, task, vfunc = None, tol=1e-3):
     self.task = task
     self.num_states = task.get_num_states()
     self.gamma = task.gamma
     self.tol = tol
     if vfunc:
         self.vfunc = vfunc
         self.vfunc = TabularVfunc(self.num_states)
Beispiel #2
class ValueIterationSolver(object):
    Vanilla value iteration for tabular environment
    def __init__(self, task, vfunc = None, tol=1e-3):
        self.task = task
        self.num_states = task.get_num_states()
        self.gamma = task.gamma
        self.tol = tol
        if vfunc:
            self.vfunc = vfunc
            self.vfunc = TabularVfunc(self.num_states)

    def get_action(self, state):
        '''Returns the greedy action with respect to the current policy'''
        poss_actions = self.task.get_allowed_actions(state)

        # compute a^* = \argmax_{a} Q(s, a)
        best_action = None
        best_val = -float('inf')
        for action in poss_actions:
            ns_dist = self.task.next_state_distribution(state, action)

            val = 0.
            for ns, prob in ns_dist:
                val += prob * self.gamma * self.vfunc(ns)

            if val > best_val:
                best_action = action
                best_val = val
            elif val == best_val and random.random() < 0.5:
                best_action = action
                best_val = val

        return best_action

    def learn(self):
        ''' Performs value iteration on the MDP until convergence '''
        while True:
            # repeatedly perform the Bellman backup on each state
            # V_{i+1}(s) = \max_{a} \sum_{s' \in NS} T(s, a, s')[R(s, a, s') + \gamma V(s')]
            max_diff = 0.

            # TODO: Add priority sweeping for state in xrange(self.num_states):
            for state in self.task.env.get_valid_states():
                poss_actions = self.task.get_allowed_actions(state)

                best_val = 0.
                for idx, action in enumerate(poss_actions):
                    val = 0.
                    ns_dist = self.task.next_state_distribution(state, action)
                    for ns, prob in ns_dist:
                        val += prob * (self.task.get_reward(state, action, ns) +
                                       self.gamma * self.vfunc(ns))

                    if(idx == 0 or val > best_val):
                        best_val = val

                diff = abs(self.vfunc(state) - best_val)
                self.vfunc.update(state, best_val)

                if diff > max_diff:
                    max_diff = diff

            if max_diff < self.tol: